The Wingham Advance, 1912-04-11, Page 5THMISDAY, APRIL 11, 1912
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Will you give your order for a Spring
Suit without seeing the 20th Century
Brand models—the styles that set the
pace for them all ?
You are welcome to inspect them at
any time whether you buy or not. If
:your tailor knows that you have seen
the new 20th Century Brand garments
he will do his best to equal them and
that will be to your advantage.
.�l AJ 1 .'1 .. 11L.11 .1 �Y 11,44110 I,S.O. 1110101Y I, W;.. 11. J. ,.. 1.114,1•. I.,, II 1 1. li 11111 J. 1111. /-IIIiI.I. Aug .V., 1.111.1111a.•1••1 III... .Y*YISnli am Y. J'.I',IJI,4LL.2:Y 1-.-%I
I,��al 1 1 11 r .4.1.. i 4.11 1 11.. ...I.I.. 11.1 1 I 11 - 1 . ...I.. I .► 1J. LI . I LLlrf
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Over 40,000 sold in 1911
Parties interested should call and
consult me before purchasing, and
inspect the "danders 20" now on
exhibition at my garage, opposite
the skating rink
d ell
Sole Age►t For EMC -F
Farm anZ
Tho Why and the How of It Explained
Clearly by an Expert.
Writing on "Some Dry Farming
Problems," A. M. Ten Eye's, superiu,
tentlent of the western Kansas esperi•
ment station, Fort Hays, Ilan., says:
Experts have lost many a convert to
dry farming by clouding the issue,
They put in just a little too much sci-
ence and not quite enough common
sense. What a farmer wants is plain
English in short sentences and not
malty to a parngraph. You can't make
it too plain for the man who struggles
with dry, hot winds.
So far as cultivation Is concerned,
there are exactly three principal steps
in this dry farming business, and dry
farming. it should be understood, is
conserving the moisture, nothing wore.
Here they nre:
First, --The soil must be loosened to
a considerable depth in order to pre-
pare a reservoir to receive the rain and
[Photograph by the montane Farmers' in-
carry the water downward into the
soil. Tbis may be a►cc-owplished by
deep plowing, by listiug or by disking
unplowed lands.
Second.—The water which is carried
down into the subsoil must be brought
back again into the surface soil, where
the seed is germinating and the young
roots are growing, and to accomplish
this a good connection Lust be twtde
between the furrow slice and the sub
soil, and Ibis is the purpose in the use
of the subsurface packer imanediatelc
after plowing.
Third.—lr'inally in order that the wa
ter which Is drawn up again toward
the surface may not reach the air and
be wasted by evaporation they upper
two or three inches of the soil tnust be
kept mellow in the form of a soil
rnul(h, and this is accotnplished in the
growing of crops by frequent cnitiva-
tiy.u, which is not so practicable with
wheat and other small grains as with
corn and other intertilled crops.
Farmers Buying More Machinery.
"Departmental reports from our field
men show that during the past year
more up to date and modern machin-
ery has been purchased and installed
on the farm than during any previous
ten years." So declared Secretary XVII -
son recently in discussing the results
of a recent investigation as to the ex-
tent the farmers were following ad-
vice concerning the use of modern
tools and machinery for farm equip-
ment. The department has been urg-
ing the use of the latest tools and ma-
chinery for agricultural purposes, es-
pecially in recent years. Reports shote
that not only such improved imple-
ments as disk plows. two horse culti-
vators, disk harrows, twenty foot drag
harrows and two horse steel beam
plows, but the latest improved gasoline
plows, are being used.
How to Mat.+m Sausage.
To every twelve pounds of meat take
three tablespoonfuls of salt, three of
black pepper, six of powdered sage and
one teaspoonful of red pepper. Urind
the meat through the mill, then mix
in the seasoning thoroughly. Let stand
half an hour. then grind again. stuff
and hang up in a dry. cool place. After
they hang a week or ten days, or until
the skins are dry. take down, rub well
with corn meal and place in a wooden
box with brown paper between each
layer. Sausage may also be kept fresh
if fried, placed in Jars and covered
With the drippings. If not sufficient.
make up the deficiency with melted
lard. Keep the jar svPII Covered in a
cool place, --Farm a and Ranch.
+fF+� N��r,�144♦ 444 44 44 4/ 44 44.L4 41+44444+144 44+414444. 44
•t Of course ft: one hasn't the
. neV0M1ry knowledge and Ambi -
al_ than to suecre'd at filming there
is no (lisgr:la'. In moving to town
3. to study Inw or medicine or be-
. come a policeman. — f'''arm and
X Ranch.
44Aii i r*94%i41:4444+4:4 441 444++4 41:14,4 4:444:44:0•,1 ,
Cointnitted Suicide.
Carrie ''Graham, aged nineteen, a
typsetter in the employ of The Gods.
rich Signal, died suddenly Maro'h 289h,
from a self administered dose of
st,ryohnine+ No reason whatever den
be ttddut:ed for the rash act, And the
unfortunate affair has caused cieP
regret in Grate ie i. Deer -aped lived
toith her father. John Graharm, a cath.
penteir on the Huron read, and corneae
of a highly respected faintly',
Our Reputation And Money Are
Sack Of This Offer.
We pay for all the medicine used
during the trial, if our remedy fails to
completely relieve you of constipation.
We take all the risk, You are not
obligated to us in any way whatever,
if you accept our offer. Could any-
thing be more fair to you? Is there
any reason why you should hesitate to
put our claims to a practical testi'
A most scientific, common-sense
treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which
are eaten like candy, They are very
pronounced, gentle and pleasant in
action, and particularly agreeable in
every way. They do not cause diar-
rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping, 01'
other inconvenience. Rexall Orderlies
are particularly good for children,
aged and delicate persons.
We urge you to try Rexall Orderlies
at our risk. Three sizes, 10c, 25c, and
aloc. Remember, you can get Rexall
Remedies in this community only at
our store—The Rexall Store. J. W.
New Things In Cement.
A cement house put together with a
screw -driver is a novelty which has
been recently introduced. The sys-
teu, is designed for houses of a more
or less temporary character, or far
houses that are liable to be moved
from point to point such as a tempor-
ary work -shop or a private garage.
The system consists of blocks of con-
crete in which has been buried a wire
spiral with an opening in the cement
to take a small bolt. These slabs are
bolted in position over a metal or
V%. ?S‘Cl°\*S334§d
wooden frame, and when ib is desired
to move the structure the bolts may
he readily removed with a screw-driv
er, and the whole structure transpor-
ed without any damage to any desired
point. 'rhea again cement lumber' i.
a new form of making use of cemenl
which dispenses with the necessity
and uncertainty of mixing the materi-
al. The lumber consists of slabs made
in suitable lengths, and this mater►
takes the place of wood on the out-
side of a house, The framework is
erected, in the ordinary manner and a
metal tie is nailed on the Studding..
The latter is galvanized and has a
slotted edge. The ends of the slab
come up to this and are held in place
by bending the edge of the ties, first
to one side and then the other, over
the ends of the slabs. Subsequently
the whole surface is fitibhed by a c )st-
ing of cement which fills alt the cre-
vices and covers the exposed pot tior s
of the tie. The metal tie costs two
cents a foot.
Liver Spots, . Pimples, Bark --
Circles Under The Eyes.
are all signs of the system being clog-
ged. The Liver and bowels are in-
active and the stomach is weak from
undigested foods and foul gases,
the great fruit remedy, will rnake you
feel like a new person.
Winnipeg, June 29, 1911,
After taking three boxes of your
Fag Pills for stomach and liver trou-
bles I feel strong and well and able to
do my own works—Mrs. A. 4H.
Sold at all dealers in 25 and 50 cent
boa's or mailed by The Fig Pill Co.,
St, Thomas, Ont.
D. & H.'s Canadian
Yes we want you as a customer. Ask us to
send you our 1912 Catalogue. It's brim full of
all that is good in Flowers, Vegetables, Field
Roots, Grains, Plants, Small Fruits, Implements,
Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, etc,
Valuable information is what we have aimed to give the
Farmer, (lardener and Pr'vate Planter. All it will cost you
is one moment of time and a two -cent stamp.
'Write us to -day, the day you are reading this.
Dept. 75 London, Canada. 13
Gem Swede Turnip --Acknowledged as the best feeder, the best
cooker, the best shipper. TRY IT.
. •,•�� r I .�iiJl�icar.�;�
Head Office
rll��,l■I� Ie` .m Immo.
• -L��� II % U ,I
CAPITAL PAID UP 5 2,870,000 -
Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,500,000
Total Assets 44,000,000 -
rpmf incentive to thrift that a savings ac- • .
count given you is even more valuable than =
time actual interest that accumulates upon ti e
deposit„ The habit of having._ -assuring comfort
in old nue---is as easily acquired as the habit -
of spending.
Banking service in the Savings Department
of the Bank of Hamilton is as sincerely offered
to the roan who deposits a few dollars a month
as to those who depot -it thousands,
0. P. SMITE[
111. eel 1
FX111 f, yf[klnI®1.1.
MEN Our spring showing of
Suitings and Over -
coatings is now ready for you.
Your Suit or Overcoat the way you like it—made-
to-me asure
t--made-to-measure -at $15.00; guaranteed satisfactory.
We invite you to call on Saturday or during next we( k
and examine these goods, whether you come to order or
not. We want you to snake comparison with what other
taiiozing houses offer, for we know you will find ours to
be positively the best values in Winghatn. We have bent
our energies to secure the newest, most exclnsivo fabrics,
and make there up to measure in the best English and
American styles at prices so attractive that they will readily
Opposite tete Presbyterian Church.
Farm anD
Wages Last Year Higher Than For the
Last Forty-five Years.
Higher wageswere paid to Ameri-
can farm laborers in 1910 than at any
time in the last forty-five years, ac-
cording, to statistics just made public
by the department of agriculture. The
average wage for the country was
$27.$0 per month in 1010, while twen-
ty years ago it was only $18.33, With
board the average wage was $10.21.
In some parts of the country the
rate of wages of farm laborers was
higher than in others. The highest
was in Nevada, where the rate was
$54, while in Montana and Washing-
ton it was $50, South Carolina paid
the lowest rate, $16.50 per mouth.
In the Nev England and north At-
lantic states the average was $33.19,
with Massachusetts paying the high-
est, $37.20. With board the average
Vas $21.65.
In the south :Atlantic states the av-
erage was $19.75, with West 'Virginia
paying the highest, $29. With board
the average was $13.77.
In the northern central states east
of the Mississippi the average was
$31.81, with Wisconsin paying the
highest, $37.25. With board the aver-
age was $22.94.
In the northern central states west
of the Mississippi the average was
$35.45, with North Dakota paying the
highest, $42. With board the average
was $25.10.
In' the southern central states the
average was $21.90, with Oklahoma
paying the highest, $28.10. With board
the average was $15.28.
In the far western states the aver-
age was $46.48, with Nevada paying
the highest, $54. With board the av-
erage was $32.69.
New Remedy to Kill the Pests Is Ceased
on Arsenate and Wool Fat.
The radish fly is bound. to make its
appearance in early spring, says Farm
and Fireside, and to lay its eggs on
or near the roots of the radish plants
it happens to find, and the eggs will
hatch, and the young maggots will
bore into the radishes. No method of
manuring, whether with stable manure,
old compost or chemical fertilizers, will
protect the plants. Bolling water will,
of course, kill the maggots or eggs it
touches, but it cannot be applied free -
ly enough to kill those already inside
the root without also killing the plant.
It is not st complete nor a safe rem-
The free application of tobacco dust,
with or without bonemeal, next to the
rows of plants, will tend to keep the
fly away and prevent in some meas-
ure the deposition of eggs. Many
sprays. especially tobacco tea, kerosene
emulsion and probably lime sulphur
solution will also kill the worms touch-
ed by them, but the applications should
be made repeatedly at short intervals
so as to catch the maggots before they
find a safe retreat inside of the root.
This year we leave a new compound
remedy in a combination of lime and
sulphur solution with lead arsenate
and wool fat.
'Double Your Milk Supply.
Think of what a chance the dairy
farmers of the United States are miss-
ing to male double the profit they now
do. A few years ago the average
product per cow in Denmark was 3,000
pounds of milk. Simply by following
the advice of the Danish dairy stu-
dents the production of mill: has been
brought up to 6,000 pounds per cow.
The Danish farmers have been willing
to learn, willing to appreciate good ad-
vice when they got it and are making
double the profit they once did. Amer-
ican farmers can do the salve thing if
they will follow the saute good dairy
After more than 6,000 years of
production in the older coun-
tries of Europe the yields of
crops are large and increasing
from their more intelligent
methods of intensive culture.
Ti++V-• ✓�°+♦ • ♦+Ov4^`+,Ila,.♦ • s +
We have just passed into stock a shipment of the BEST
STYLES for Spring Wear of New Coats and Suits.
These Garments are well made by expert tailors, and
our ' selling prices are considerably below the cost of
made-to-order Clothing. See our display of Ready-to-
wear Garments for Women in our show room on
second floor.
Fine range of New Top Skirts in all the Best Cloths, com-
prising Voiles, Serges, Lusters, Panamas and Broad Cloths.
Our prices begin at $2.50. See our Special Skirt, a bargain
at $5.00.
LADIES' COATS, any length, from the Short to the Long.
Plain Serges or Fancy Tweed Effects. Special prices on all
styles. Finely tailored and fit perfectly. See our leader
at $10.00
TAILORED SUITS. --Made of Imported Tweed. Coats are
nicely Iineii and finished in the best style ; fit guaranteed.
Prices are moderate, and begin at $13.75.
NEW WAISTS.—Just received a large shipment of the best
makes in Tailored Waists, a choice assortment of Plain or
Fancy Designs. See our Guipure Lace Trimmed Waist at
cut price—$1..25.
Our sale of Silks will be continued, as the stock must be
further reduced. Spring stock of all colors in yard wide and
40 inch Silks are now in stock, also Fancy Stripes, Checks
and plaids.
BARGAINOne Hundred and Twenty Yards of
Fancy Shot Silk in Stripes. Regular
value, 650 --Sale Price, 43c.
1. 119. I. . n I
WANTED. --Large quantities of all kinds of
" The Style Stores for Men, and Women."
His rather IInew.
"My dad knows nxore'n that George
Washington did," said the small boy,
"flow's that t" queried the grocer,
"Last night," continued the snratlil
boy, "when I told dad I hadn't been
ekatin' he sod he knew'd better, an' t-"-
gimme a lickin' fere lyln'. George
Washington couldn't tell a lie but dad
wring Lots in a 4"rapidly Gr : ?w
ing City, will Make ones Faster
than y Other Safe and Sound
I vestment in the orldo9f
o.Li Jf: Vie, 44)10,14.'2V,. r 1' ,tis+-.fel«r.'y' . °f$.t 44.e.t
West have
cities there
short time.
that enormous pro-
fits are made in
Real Estate.
Nowhere on earth
can Real Estate be
bought with such
certain assurance
of immediate rise
in values, as in
have never been
no idea how the
spring up in a
It is in such places
known rule of normal growth and bas
attracted far-seeing capitalists from all
over this continent and tb a l3ritish Isles.
SASKATOON invited the citizen
and the investor be-
cause SHE H A D
cause she showed
inereaso of 500% in
building, 300% in
population rein-
forced by a yearly
stream of perman-
ent settlers who are
still pouring into her tributary territory
by the thousand. And this wonderful
percentage of increase is going to con-
tinue right along until you will
hardly recognize ten years hence, the
SASKATOON' of 1911.
The Central City of the
The Fastest Growing City
of the Day
In 1903, SASKATOON was
nothing but a camp. To -day it is
the commercial Heart of Saskatche-
wan with 20,000 progressive citizens.
In live years it has broken every
ow is the Time to d uy Lots in
Street car Hue under construction, will come within
half a mile of our property. PRICES ARE LOW, '1`III:
OUR GUARANTEE—WE guarantee to refund all monies to any purchaser
of Lots in Tuxedo Park, Saskatoon, who is not perfectly satisfied with his
investment after six months.
WRITE TODAY for full particulars, maps and other printed literature, and
join those who aro making money in Saskatoon REAL ESTATE, write at
once as prices are advancing,
Dealers in Western Farm Lands, Town Lots and Properties
339 Confederation Life Bldg'., Toronto
Bola office : WINNIPEG Telephoto: lip: 5390
O. A. BOGER General Manager
Capital paid up
Reserve pund
Total Assets
• ■ . $4,700,000
• r .70, 000, 000
A. Necessity When Travelling
Travellers Checks and Letters of Credit, issued by this
bank, are cashed In any part of the world.
They are self -identifying, and make it an easy matter to
procure ready money at any stage of the journey, if lost
or stolen, they are of no value to finder or thief.
Full information regarding these conveniences of travel,
may big obtained at any branch of Tun boMixtou l3Aint.
kin tell one the minute he hears it,"
•_rr 11111
N. BVANS, Managot.
I,.. 1 1�1 I. ..1..1.11 L-