The Wingham Advance, 1912-02-15, Page 4PRE E IN G,
isT r, , D V A NW E.
ebruary Cash Nur Sale
r'•A, i1Cl:C '• f +"girai. •na.-.u.'yea rp
Discounts from 15 to 25 er
cent off---
ff -wLadies Fur, Fur Lined and Quilted Lined Coats -all sizes
and best qualities at the above saving.
Sets, odd Muffs Stoles, ranging in price from $5.00 to
$50.00, to clear at big saving prices.
Men's Fur and Fur Lined Coats greatly reduced, also Fur
Caps and Buffalo Robes.
PRODUCE W NTED Butter, Eggs, Fowl, Beans and Feathers. Highest cash
rices for RAW F
P URS. Butter 30e.
'teepee ir .e to ,re �telt Satiates 1 Ir 1 • J. 6117'
Great Stock 'educing Sale
,., at Knox's ...
Frsrn February 1st to 29th.
Our large stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewel- .
lery, Silverware, China-
ware, Fancy Goods,
Leather Goods, Etc.
Wall Paper and
Window Shades
Special Bargains in
all left over of Christ-
. mas Goods.
I was born In Italy, and since I
have been in this country 1 have
been an ardent reader of your news-
paper.' In it I have observed the
most correct and classical .language
that helped me to tack English. In
other words, your paper has been
my teacher.
' Ilit; above compliment which
a metropolitan newspaper
printed recently is only
Oil' E OF THOUSANDS of in.,
> 1 stances in which foreigners com-
=- l ing to our shores have fitted them-
: selves for American citizenship
11hli i 1. I. 11111 iilid i. Il9i�ilC�i A
Opposite Brunswick Hotel. Phone 65, One Door North of Kings.
• '17."1L' 7k,•. a-nr�,.F r.7f't m vt, tr*Itt.' fit.,�zi.•,,...y;.. r: r17 4.t -. r^..;,Tf1,5%;* qr
rsa•� ¢ war .a »,y c rs�c ...: 1
Vie 7l l'f4.3 K'i'r•,la a. ry e�. .k! ./.)>•r17>'IVLa•ri+...,Ofd401.9/r'.ANATRVP--
iw .dr•r�r i' : tK *sr v t1v53 x�arc. sir lag's i. rt r .r^syr.:�rxrr.�r,.rrxRc!rz >r�saE• +x[sor
'- S s. .n . •v .. c _._ �= ti
dapitte Pala ttp , . • • . W $ 2;870,00
Reser+re and Undivided Profits . 3„00,000
Total Aesete . . . , . . • 44,000,eoe
Manny a fortune can be traced
.btlrk to
the day its owner deposited the first dollar
in a Savings Account.
The one dollar affords an incentive to
deposit more---atul, as interest is added to
principal, the small Rare grown more and
rapidly, until it finally becomes a oompet•
One Lollar will start an a000tant with
the Battik of I/am ltorl,
v vv
-.y r r^ .I
Head O Tice
Ai4r,; tie~
Some Bargains in
Town. Property
Frame Cottage --parlor, dining room,
kitchen, three bedrooms, pantry, closets,
hard and soft water, good garden, stone
cellar, fine location. Price reasonable.
Half Story Frame House, with large
barn -will be sold right.
Small Cottage.. Owner wants to leave
town. A bargain.
Brick House, with conveniences --well
situated. A choice home, for sale
Small Farm, 35 to 40 acres, near town.
The above are only a few of the pro-
perties we have on our list. Others will
be advertised in this space weekly.
Properties in Town Plot, Whitechuroh,
Belgrave and Bluevale. Farms in sur-
rounding Townships.
N,B.-We have a buyer for a suitable
100 acre farm near Wingham.
Ritchie & Cosecs
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar-
ket can have it on reasonable terms.
Money transmitted and payable at
par at any Hank in the Dominion.
1tAT1 S.-$5.00 and under 3 Cts.
$10 to $30, 10 eta. $&i to *50, 15 pts.
Same rates charged on _principal
banking points in the U. S.
OP'xoxe -"- Coriiele Patrick and Centro streets
Peeilonce, 1)r. 1 ennetly 143
Residence, Dr. Calder 151
Dr. /Conned, specializes in Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotee epreolal attention to
Meows of the Ere, Ear, Nose and Throat.
h yea thoroughly' tested. 4alattselis properly
Issuer s � of Marriage L1Cens�6.
Vire, Lite, A.ceidront, Plate Glass
and Weather Tnuurance,, oonpled Anstxaxia will send a detaolanren
With a Real Ustate fwd. limey cadet* to participate in military c
Loaning l uoineso. petition in dan&d‘
The whole empire will join with,
the people, of Great Dritalra in weir
corning back Ding George and S' user
Marpr, awl on congratulating. Elis.
Majesty on the successful actroniplish-
welit of a greaat. miesiorl, It has been
an historic event which will render his
name memorable in the annals of the
Empire, Not only was it a great
diplomatic achievement, but there
was element of personal risk in it that
makes its success all the more grati-
-The legislative machinery of the
Province is once again in motion, the
Legislature having opened on the 7th
inet,, with the usual formalities. This
is the 13th parliament of Ontario, and
we trust no superstition as to "13"
will cause any disaster to the in-
dividual members or the Government,
The election of December 11th last,
leaves the standing in the Howse -
Conservatives, 83 ; Liberals, 22 ; L e,bor
1. In the previous House the Con-
servatives bad 87 seats, the Liberals
18, and Labor 1.
* .* r
---One of ,the most serious blunders
made by any Goveenment in recent
years was made by the Laurier Gov-
errtxnent in an agreement made with
the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co.
By the insertion of one word, that
•ibould not have been there, the Do-
minion of Canada is obliged to pay
ten million dollars more than it should
have. paid. When the matter came
up in the House last week, and pro-
vision waernade to pay the ten million
dollars, neither Sir Wilfrid Laurier
nor one of his supporters had a, single
word to say in defence of the trans-'
action. As the Courts and the Privy
Council have decided it must be paid,
there is no other way out of the
blunder, but it was a costly one for
Oanada. It certainly was time for
a change.
-At the annual meeting of the
Shorthorn Breeders Association, last
week, President Peter White, K. 0„
predicted that the price of meat would
steadily increase, and that the beef
supply of the future would be the
product of mixed farming. Yet
neither to the butcher nor the pro-
ducer would there be increased profit.
A few years ago beef could be pro-
duced on the Western prairies practi-
cally at the cost of herding. Under
such conditions the Eastern farmer,
on high-priced land, could not com-
pete with cheaply -produced Western
beef. But, under new conditions, the
beef supply must come from sections
where mixed farming is practised.
Mr. White said --"It will cost as much
to produce a pound of prime beef as
it will a pound of prime butter."
-If we were to believe the Liberal
press, at least part of it, we should
he led to look for the downfall of the
Borden Government at any time.
According to Grit reports, the Gov-
ernment is a failure already, afe
disunited ; some are packing their
grips, etc. As it happens, the Gov-
ernment is united, capable and busi-
ness -like, and has done more real
work already, than was accomplished
in many weeks in previous sessions.
During the comparatively short time
that the Government has been in
power, scarcely a week has gone by
that some special subject has not been
dealt with by a member on the Gov-
ernment side of the house, and has
been sympathetically received and led
to debates in which both sides have
joined with evident Interest, and
with profit to the welfare of the
* * *
--Farmers should keep records of
their crops. The Canadian Farm gives
the record for 1911 of Roberts Bros.,
Sparta, Ont., on 185 acres, and it will
be hard to beat. Here it is -25 acres
of wheat, 600 bushels 31 acres of oats,
1,198 bushels ; 24 acres of barley and
oats, 931 bushels ; 10 acres of beans,
325 bushels, or 90 acres of grain yield-
ed 3,057 bushels. Besides, they filled
a silo 11 by 40 feet out of a 12 acre
field, and husked 500 bushels of corn
out of what was left. Another ten
acres of corn yielded 1,125 bushels of
ears. Five acres of peas harvesttyd by
hogs, estimated yield, 100 bushels ; 12
acres of corny ditto 1,000 bushels ; l
acres of mangolds gave a yield of
about 1,200 bushels, 1 acres of pota-
toes 150 bushels, 47 acres of hay 90
tons, and .5 acres of alfalfa, cut three
times, yielded 16 loads. Only the
beans were sold off the farm ; the rest
were used on the farms.
-A change is soon to be invade in
the Health Act of Ontario, and if the
editor of this paper knows anything
oe municipal matters, a change is
desirable. In many places the Health
Act has
been a dead letter and ]bards
of Health in many instances have been
practically a sham. It is reported
that the bill which the Provincial
Secretary and the Provincial Medical
Health officer of the Province are
now preparing, aims to divide the
province into a dozen districts, The
proposition is to place a doctor in
complete oharge of all medical health
Work in each district. The doctors
will submit weekly reports to theY
chief reed cal officer, who thus will be
in touch with the entire ?amines,
Each doctor will have supreme power
in his district, and anything he orders
In the way of bettor sanitary convertive
mites, cleaning up of towno and
disteictet pollution of etreatite, etc,,
trust be carried out.
4n Offer That Involves No Toney
Risk If You Accept It,
We are so poe tine our remedy will
completely relieve constipation, no
matter how chronic it may be, that we
offer to furrgibh it free of all coot if it
Constipation is commonly caused by
weakness of the nerves and muscles
of the large intestine. To expect a
sure you must therefore tone up and
strengthen those organs and restore
therm to healthieractivity,
We want you to try Rrexall Order-
lies on our guat'antee, They are eaten
like eaudy, and are particularly good
for children. They seem to act direct-
ly on the nerves and muscles of the
bowels, They apparently have a
neutral action 'on the other organs.
They do not purge or cause other
inconvenience. We will refund your
money if they do not overcorns
(hronic or habitual constipation and
thus aid 'to relieve the myriads of
associate or dependent chronic ail-
inentsr • Try Rexall Orderlies at our
risk. Three sizes, 10c, 25c and 50c
Sold only at our store -The Rexe,ll
Store, J. W. MoKibbon.
Real Estate Investment.
''4'Vith ag9ts soliciting investment
in Western lands, the Ontario buyer
requires the utmost caution, and on
this point The Financial Post utters
a warning :-
There is, perhaps, no business in
Canada which apt eats so much to in-
vestors and speculators alike as traf-
ficing in real estate or land. The
tertp real estate or realty has corse
to be understood as meaning land sub-
divided, or to be subdivided, into
building tote. Land, on the other
hand, means real estate for farm or
other purpcees. The growth of urban
life has brought much farm land into
the sub -divisional arena, sometirnes
making the owners wealthy beyond
their fondest dreams, Thousands of
building lots have likewise been dis-
posed of, each holding out promise or
hope of phenomenal gain, but eventu-
ally to revert back to the farm, minus
the profit and plus a serious lose, with
a sad but valuable experience thrown
in. There are good lots and bad lots,
just as there are good and bad real
estate dealers, and the pity of it ie
that there are enough stupid investors
or unwise speculators to keep the
bad dealers busy selling bad lots. An
honest dealer may, by chance, sell a
bad lot, but not by deliberate mis-
representation. Infallibility ie. not
one of the endowtxzents of either sell-
er or buyer, and things do not always
go as they are planned or expected to
develop. When element of risk is re-
moved, profits, actual or prospective,
usually shrink in like ratio. It may
sometimes be possible to get some-
thing for nothing, but the other fel-
low does not know it. To get nothing
for something is easier, and much
more frequent, especially if the buyEr
happens to reside 1,000 miles away
and is easily impressed by a hand-
some blue print. The bigger the blue
print, the bigger the impression --
sometimes. As an additional bait, the
intended victim may be told that it is
a ground -floor proposition, offered
only to a favored. few, It is thea time
to enquire about the cellar, and for
excavation under that again. Ten to
one that dealer wants your money
more than you need hie lots.
There are plenty of reliable dealers,
and there are plenty of attractive and
reasonably safe dfferings, for the two
go hand in hand. First of all, see the
property that is. offered. If this is
impossible, make inquiries as to the
standing of the dealer -not so rue le
his :financial worth as his aboral re-
sponsibility. Some of the biggest
rogues are very rich, Ask about the
property through your banker or your
lawyer, A $5 fee may save you the
price of the lot. Learn something
of the town in which you intend to
invest., Ask all sorts of questions,
Be a doubter until you are shown.
Be as careful as when you are buying
a pair of boots, The risk of a pinch
will then be minimized.
If You Have Scalp Or Flair
Trouble, Accept This Offer.
When we promise your money back
for the mere asking if Reran "O8" klaie
Tonic does not do as vye claim it will,
you certainly have no reason for even
hesitating to try it. We do not ask
you to obligate yourself in any way.
We could not afford to so strongly
endorse Rex all "93" .Hair Tonic and
continue to sell it as we do, If it did
not do all we claim, Should our en-
thusiasm calory us away, and Itexall
"03" Hair Tonic not give entire satfs-
faetion to the Users, they would lose
faith in tis and our statements, and its
consequence our business prestige
would suffer.
Therefore, when we assure you that
I`texall "03" .fair Tonic will promptly
eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair
growth and prevent premature µ`bald•
nese, you may rest assured we kno w
What we are talking about,
We honestly believe that Ee*ttll
,"03" flair Tonic will do more than
yg y toward re.
storing t er human agency .
hair growth and hair health.
It is not greasy and will not gulp the
scalp c
or hair p a or ctruae permanent
stain. It is as pletisant to use as pure
cold water. It comes in twar sizes,
prices 50o. and $1,00. Remember, you
ono obtain it only at our ,stem --.The
Xrexail,' Store, 1 W3 Moltibbou,
121(YIEksI D3
• 40/1.1!C>r'gi
41.1"1' .,. *' ,
(These articles and Illustrations must not
be reprinted withqut epeeist! permis-
Why do some dressed fowls lose that
bright color, sweet fresh flavor and
collapse so quick
Because of a torn, broken, rubbed
or scalded skin. A per'feet dry skin Is
protection against bacteria, but once
broken the flesh beneath is at the
mercy of its environment and soon
A 'well bled, dry picked, whole skin+
ned, air ebilled bird in sic months'
cold storage changes but slightly, but
a scalded fowl, with its destroyed skin
structure, quickly gets slippery and de-
It pays to dry pick. The fowl looks,
keeps, tastes and sells better and is so
Photo by C. M. farnitz.
much more healthful for food'that all
ought to pick this style, and it is so
easy that after practice on a few adult
fowls tender broilers mny be picked
quickly without tearing.
Provide a barrel for feathers, a buck-
et for blood and a regular killing or
pocket knife.
[fang bird as In picture, take head
in left hand, stretch neck, open mouth
wide, insert knife and sever blood ves-
sels on either side of neck. cutting to-
ward base of brain, \Vhen bird bleeds
freely press point of knife quickly into
brain. 'L'ae fowl at once draws wings
close and as tremor passes through
body pica fast, as feathers are then
With head in one hand grasp large
wing feathers firmly with other and
Photo by C. M. 13arnitz.
A DRY teeter) 13ttort r%
withdraw; nett tall feathers, then
tender portions of body, such as breast,
abdomen, back, wine, tL1;lis and, last,
Grasp a small handful at a time
from "one section and pull in direction
of least resist€ttice.
Many do not singe. A small quantity
of 'alcohol ablaze in a dish Is best for
this, care being taker not to char or
beat stein.
Cold air is best for cooling, Water
soaks the skin, adds weight matt has•
tens decay.•.
Jas. Walker St Soo
Wlt iftAM
We are eeeofally qualified %alder.
tekeee red Entbaltraera, and those
ont it be beteg Dwell done. Nig bytolls 's
reoeivod rib resideneo.
Otf tee Phone 1OOtl XICItIne Phone lod
44▪ .4,4
`.▪ _
TIWRSDAY, FEDRVAlky li. , 19
Are all Bargains genuine? Ifert^'ci a few we will
glaarautee, as to price and duality, too.
Fresh. QaakErc Corn Flakes --3
Drit d 'l'ab's %%leinto, r. xceilent
PrisEea 1a'igs--200 lb. for 15o,
12 ties Salmon,- only ... , , , .
Oanned Paas --only
Daisy Toilet Paper, 0 for
pkga ....,.,,.,.250
fruit, In clusters, 25c -clow .., .20o
and 15a lb. now .................100
... 100
. .. * ♦ . . . , . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . ,. 250
HERE'S A SNAP IN NOTE PAPER.. -•45n boxes, 28c; 83c and
See boxes, 25o; 25o and 30o boxes, 19o. Only a very few left;
Dome early and get your piok,
HOUSE SLIPPER.S,---Red, Green and Brown ---reg. $1 25 now 85a.
TOQUES -50o3 Wool Toques, 135o; 25o Toques, 190.
UNDERWEAI --First elate Fleeoe Lind Underwear at 40c a
garment. my a small quantity left; shop early.
WHAT ABOUT ]'URS. --This the tiate to get therci cheap, We
haven't many, but what we have are ridicnlously oheap-
oif any Fur,
Pure Clover ]Money in Imperial pint gems, complete, 30e.
Rednetiorls on all Winter Goode, Gloves, Mitts. Rubbers, Hosiery
and Underwear, &o. Genuine Bargaias, We do exactly as
we say, and our goods are the best to be had for the money.
But You Must See Any Qarment To Know The Value
Tho $15 kind reduced to $9 80 ; the $18 kind reduced to $11.80;
the $20 kind reduced to $12 80.
MEN'S VELVET. DOLLAR OVERCOATS. ---Black and fancy. The
$9 kind reduced to x'5.90 ; the 110 kind reduced to $6 90 ; the -
$15 kind reduced to $7.90.
MEN'S SUITS. -Every style and pattern. the $10 kind reduced to
$5 80; the $15 kind reduced to $9.80; $20 kind reduced to $11.80.
FURNISHINGS at a big out also. Here are a few. 25c Boys' lined
Leather Mitts, 15o ; 50o Men's Fleeced :Underwear, 37o ; $1.00
Men's Fancy Shirts, 05o ; $1.00 Wool Ribbed Underwear, 490 ;
35o Neckwear, 193 ; $2.00 Black Stiff Hats, 980.
We'll buy them back if not satisfactory,
- _-_ "moor _._
R.:Il4culla 0.,i.o-+Wir, d•iA,V.. Y I i. Il,., 1 it va'de.,,,: _. .:,,.i.lal r. 111Ym 1,16.
A.14414444.11niirirWs9Wr••Cu,l ...,...Wsi•..i 3101.14 . r. i i..,w
ffY n,
��0. i;
1�A aie
Seeing is believing and trying is confirming.
Every article advertised is sold at cost and some
below, and we guarantee satisfaction. Take a
look at these prices.
Men's and Young Men's Suits to clear before
our new ones arrive.
$ G.00 Suits,
off, cost you
tc cc
cc cc
if Cc
it ti
It tc
It it
it ct
I( tc
4 . , • • ,
$ 4.50
5 63
We still have a few Meri's and Boy's Overcoats
at the salve reduction.
Also three Men's Calf Coats left -was $35, now
$25, to clear.
New spring goods arriving daily and p g ga,� n we must
have the room aswell as the money.
Produce of all kinds taken. Potatoes wanted ilii large
quantities aiiy time.
1..1 i1..Y.a
(Successor to T. A. MILLS)
'PXION*14.1 89
ALL L.1 Oi. .i