The Wingham Times, 1911-08-31, Page 8it 8 MINOR LOCALS. —Wingham fnl .fair on September 28th and (39th, Hd ea at KNoq ar a for High School bodice —The regular monthly meetingofthe Town Council will be held next Monday evening. GIi11.s WA'NTI;D, D S. Perrin 4- Company, Limited, London, Otlt, —A number of Winglu mites and peo- ple of the surrounding district are at- tending the Fair in Toronto, TRUNKS AND VALISES.— The kind you want at money saving prices, W. J. GREER,. —Patrick McAvoy is dead at Kincar- dine in his 87th year. He bad resided in Kincardine district for i0 years. -Don't forget Wingham's fall fair on September 28th and 29th, You can get a copy of the prize list at the TIMESoffice. The Public School will reopen on Tuesday next and Principal Stalker is anxiousto see every students in atten- dance on opening day. -The G. T. R, car shops and road department storehouse at Palmerston ware completely destroyed by fire on Thursday morning. The loss Will be $7.000. —The contract for constructing the sewers on Shuter, Alfred and Centre streets has been awarded to Messrs. Wm. Guest and Thos. Groves. They will commence the work at once. —The Ripley Express staff is holiday- ing this week and no paper will be issued. Mr. Geo. H. Mooney, the pub- lisher, accompanied by Mrs. Mooney are away on a holiday trip to Chicago and Winnipeg. —Mr. Jas. Adams, who left Wingham. for the West on the 12th inst. was taken seriously ill at Portage la Prairie, Man. last week and is in the hospital. Latest word from the West reports Mr. Adams ithproving. —The Boy Scouts of Wingham, some thirty in number, under the manage- ment of Scout Master Barron, are hav- ing a ten day outing on the lake shore at Kincardine. The boys are having a good time and will benefit a great deal from their holiday. —On Wednesday of last week Mr. Sam. McBurney, of East Wawanosh, delivered a dandy four-year-old colt in Wingham for Mr. E. Watchborn, who has shipped the horse to Brandon. The colt tipped the scales at 1690 pounds and brought a handsome price. ---Mr. F. McConnell, the auctioneer, will hold an auction sale in Gregory block on Saturday evening, Sept. 2nd, at 7 o'clock, of up-to-date tailored suits and pants. These suits are tailored and got up in the very latest styles and sell regularly at $25 and $30 each. - —Miss Lizzie Lamont, sister of Mrs. A. L. Hamilton, of this town, and well- known to many of our readers, is now having an enjoyable holiday in the Old Land. She is one of a party of forty nurses and they are visiting all the points of interest in England,' Scotland, Ireland and France. NOT A TREATY. The anti -reciprocity press every- where in Ontario keeps re -iterating the assertion that the pact is a treaty or in effect a treaty. One alight as well keep asserting that a business part- nership between a man and a woman is in effect a marriage. Nothing in- deed could be more distinct and ex- plicit than the understanding arrived at by the Canadian and American negotiators. Voters should read the agreement and not the false descrip- tions of it or its "effect" given by anti -reciprocity journals. The entire:. agreement consists of two letters, one from Hon. Messrs. Fielding and Paterson, and the reply by United States Secretary Knox. Here is the communication addressed by Messrs. Fielding and Paterson to Secretary. Knox: "We desire to set f olthh w at we 'understand to be the contemplated-4r- rangement, and to ask you to confirm it. It is agreed that the desired tariff changes shall not take the formal shape of a treaty, but that the Govern- ments of the two countries will use their uttnost efforts to bring about midi changes by concurrent legislation at Washington and Ottawa, "The Governments of the two Coun- tries having made this agreement from. the conviction that, if confirmed by the necessary legislative authorities, it will benefit the people on both sides of the border line we may reasonably hope and expect that the arrange- ments, if so confirmed, will remain in operation for a considerable period, Only 'this expectation on the part of both Governments n would justify the time and labor that have been employ- ed in the maturing of the proposed measures. Nevertheless, it is distinct- ly understood that we do not attempt to bind for the future the action of the United States Congress or the Parlia- ment of Canada, but that each of these authorities shall be absolutely free to inlxke any change of tariff policy or of any other matter covered by the pres- ent arrangement that may be deemed expedient. We look for the continu- 7'HE WINGITAI TIMES ATJGUST 3L 1911 ante of the arrangement, not because either party is bound to it, blit because of our conviction that the more liberal trade policy thus to be established will be viewed by the people of the United States and Canada as one which will strengthen the friendly relations now happily Prevailing, and promote the commercial interests of both coun- tries," Mr. Knox's reply: "I take great pleasure in replying that your statement of the proposed agreement isentirely in accord with my understanding of.it," CHURCH NOTES. Rev. G. Victor Collins has returned from his vacation and conducted the services in the Baptist Church on Sun- day last. Col. and Mrs, Chandler, of London, conducted the services in the Salvation army hall last Sunday afternoon and evening. HORN. DEANS. --In Wingham, on Augus 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Deans a son, SPARLING. Howiek, on August 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sperling; a son. ROBERTSON.—In East Wawanosh, to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Robertson; a daughter, GILLIE$.—In Teeswater, on August 22nd, to Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Gillies; a daughter. t MARRIED FERGUSON—STEWART—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on Aug. 30th, by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Mr. Arthur Ferguson, of Wingham to Miss. Carrie Stewart, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, G. Stewart, of Wingham. STONE—TAYLOR—At Detroit, on 16th August, by Rev. David H, Cooper, Ed- ward C. Stone, of Toronto, to Edna Hannah Taylor, second daughter of Arch. Taylor, formerly of Belgrave and Wingham. TAYLOR--MCNAUGHTON.—At 'Lake- side Farm', Sask., on Aug. 8th, by Rev Mr. Leech, of Yorkton, Sask., Mr. Adrian Taylor, of Rhine Sask., to Miss Elizabeth McNaughton, daughter of the late Robert McNaughton, Brussels, Ont. DIED. MCLEAN. —In Wingham, on August 24th, Lachlan McLean, in his 74th year. ELLIOTT.—In Wingham Town Plot, on August 26th, Thomas G. Elliott, in his 83rd year. FINLEY.—In Lower Wingham, on August 24th, Maggie Anderson, wife of Mr. John Finley, aged 33 years.. JOHNSTON. —In Morris, on August 17th, Thomas Johnston, aged 81 years, 4 months and 8 days. 24/4"W.,010, Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalogue Free. Forest . City S College J. W. WESTERVELT, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, Principal. Vic. Principal. 16 NOTIGI, RE VOTERS' LIST Take notice t:iat a '"our ill be held, pursuant to the Ontari• Voters' List Act, by his Honour t; Judge of the County of Huro , a . :lyth,'in Industry Hall, on Wedn - :y, the 13th day of September, 191 , at the hour of two o'clock p m., to hear and determine the several- complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of East Wawanosh for 1911. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the, said time and place. ALEX. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. ConEast WawanoshtAugust 8 h, ed Clerk of 191durt. NOTICE RE VOTERS' LIST Take notice the a Court will beheld, pursuant to the ntario Voters' List Act, b H the his ono t e Judge of the County of Huron, t Bluevale, in the Township Clerk's ce, on Monday, the 4th day of Septem er, 1911, et the hour of two o'clock p.m , to hear and deter- mine the several c mplaints of errors and omissions in th Voters' List of the Municipality of T rnberry for 1911. All per. ons havin business at the Court ail. required attend at the said time and place. JOHN URGESS, Clerk, Constituted Jerk of the Court. Turnherry, August th, 1911. Sale byTender of Property in Whitechurchr Sealed tenders will b received by the undersigned u to a 21st Septem- ber, Al), 1011, a 4 'clock p.m. for the purehase of property in the Village of Whiteehurch known as the Kew Property and being parts of the $outh half of lot 11 in the 1st conces- sion of the Township of Kinloss, con- taining about 3-4 acre of land. There are on the property the follow- ing buildings, vizi—a frame house 18 x 24 and 10 x 24, with kitchen 10 x 20 and shed 12 x 18; also a stable, hen house ppiorchard. pnpen , A and drive shed and a geed h portion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage at on il reas a ls � interest. st. The highest or no tender necessarily aece Ited, R. VA.NSTONE, Wingham, P. O. Notice to Contractors.. The Council of the Townshi of Mor- ris are asking for tenders f the con- struction n of the Blyth eek Drain. Tenders will be opened a the Council Chamber, Monday,/40t. 18th, at 2 o'clock pan, Plan,aide and specifi- cations at the Clerk s residence. En- close a marked cheque for $100 with tender. A. MAOEWEN, Clerk.. Bluevale, August 28th, 1311, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Robert Docket of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Insolvent. Notice is hereby given that the above named Robert l)oeketcarrying on business at the said Township of Grey as a farmer has trade an a.stgment under R. S. O. LOT, Chap 14T of all his estate, credits and effects to'.John Leckie cf the pillage of tfrussels in the 'Jouuty of Huron, Gentleman, for the gen 1 benefit of his creditors. .5. nteetlug of Itis creditors ;11 be held at the office of the said John clue in the said Villege of Brussels on Mo a the Ilth day of September A.D., 1911, at o'clock p in. to re- ceive a statement of nil rs, toappoint inspect- ors and fix their re nueratlou and for the ordering of thea of the estate generally reditors are re rested to file their claims with the assignee, with the proofs and parti- culars thereof regnir•d by the swirl Act un or before the day of such meeting. And notice is further given that after the 2Fth dar of September A.D. 1911, the .Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the Debtor amongst the parties entitled therto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall th..r have been given and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part theref, so distributed so any person or venous of whose claim he shall not then have notice. Dated this SOth day of August, A. D. 1911. R. VANS'I'ONE, JOHN* LACRIE, Solicitor for .Assignee. Assignee. SYNOPSIS OE CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. �i Ng person who is the sole head of a family f1 or any 'Male over 18 years old, may home- stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear iii person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entryby proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, ley father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. liishomesteader omestead on aifarmiofin nine at least 8 nacrof es solely owned and occupied by- him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his homestead. Price $5.00per acre. Duties.—Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months III each of six years from the date of homestead entry (including the"time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate Sty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter fora purchased homestead in certain disgraces. Priee $8.00 per acre. Duties.—Must reside six months in each of three years. culti- vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $800.00. Deputy of the Minister ofRthe Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement till not be paid for.I FOR SALE I have some first-class farms for sale (on easy terms) in central Alberta. Soil—Black loam. Subsoil Clay in a well settled district with good water. For information and terms apply to C. N. GRIFFIN Real Estate and Insurance. Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Com Any LOW RATES, Toronto to 1000 Islands and return $12.50 Montreal 24.50 Quebec " 33.50 Saguenay - " 40.50 Including meals and berth TOURIST STEADIERS "TORONTO" AND "KINGSTON" Leaves Toronto 3.00 p.m. daily, connecting with steamers "Running the Rapids" STEAMER "BELLEVILLE" Leaves Hamilton 12.00 noon and Toronto 7.30 p.tn. every Tuesday for Bay of Quinte, Montreal and inter- mediate ports. For ti ke c is rates, folders and further information write to , FOSTER CHAFFEE, A, G. P. A., Toronto, Ont. C A ADILt,. P C1F-1il.1C HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Malacia, Osistchwas, Alberta '.ly.cia T.aksL,s Urge 2.OG as APlui.s fur h . fe IVH I3,1i JULY lien LUL b El SEPT. d, i$ far.$ diel tw�Ii a 0 tr *haw LOW dU R Nd 1 I+ RATES CARS TURI.,iO�,$T' Litetstt1! .10 airtvi risttatJon rim 'movie , Altafaliglir lit aiMIMEO 1000.0 itWig 'Iwai, OMLV'iriildfT iINI NO CMA W OT .1 H. f3EEMER, Age Wingbam. e�_ =voce � RING BROS. Splendid Assorttnent of 'Sweater Coats DUNNVILLE, S?THOMAS Cr S?CA11 RINE8, CANADA. BUFFALO, NEW YORK. J i ",ry E c CMaab LwNgUA � 5. , NES, YOWL} I This season we are showing a grand display of KNIT- TED NITTED GOODS and would. advise all intending purchasers to inspect our stock before buying. Ladies' 3-4 length Sweater Coat made of fine Llama Yarn, nicely finished, good fitting, colors plain grey and white at $5.00. Ladies' Short Sweater Coats, Norfolk Style, colors white, navy, . cardinaI, grey and black, in all sizes, a spec- ial number, at $2.50. Childress' and Misses Sweater Coats Children's and M i saes Sweater Coats in Norfolk Style and adjustable collar effect, sizes from 20 to 32, colors white, navy, cardinal, grey and fancy weave effect, _prices ranging from $1.25 to $2.50 according to style and quality. EGGS 20c KING DROS. PRODUCE WANTED 1 WE WANT YOUR TRADE HE TIMES TILL JANUARY lst, 1912 FOR 25c P <rn Mar-1Et N tial .1.1 a it grew 'VIM INS Vr_ . e„P m'— :. �l l. auYldnv • :vae,■ . gime. wa i B te tewtiq Do You Own a "PARKYTE" or are you a Slave to III -Health — AP .t " ARICYTE" SANITARY CHEMICAL CLOSET in your home as the strongest kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It is a preventative against epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an absolute necessity th l y e year roans. Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of your home; coats Tess shan a CENT a day, and Lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the leading Physicians; and Health Officials t Speeified by the, moot prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities. . - Over 15,0O0 have been installed in Canadian homes in less than one year. Ask your dealer for prices. The r'Parkytett Sanitary Cbetnieal Closet is made in Canada by PARKER -WHITE LIMITED WINNIPEG, MAN. PIIANoirls:—Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Yaneolrter,'and is sold by AL1 X.. YOUNG, WINGIIAM, ONT. 1 kommummiuminum Monday Next is a Holiday LABOR DAY, SEPT. 4th, 1911 STORE CLOSED ALL DAY Perhaps you will be going away If so a Suit Case is an. absolute necessity. Our selection is the the largest we have ever shown. Something new in "Rexine" and "Keratol" Suit Cases ---very reasonable prices. WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. ismismommosamozzamoss P. S.—We are prepared to match the price of any shoe as advertised in any Canadian Catalogue, and we sew rips free on all shoes bought from us. illisminnnommissumin Sole Agents yJ� smog! for Ladies. vvILTYPEFIMICCIFIVIrktririxtIMFALL CLOTHING t►�!I�rGt[����r�r�� Iii AND BOYS A FOR We have just passed into stock a full range, of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats from one of best factories in Canada. Men and Boys who like stylish Clothes without .fads, who insist on the best quality in materials as well as -tailoring and who appreciate the fact that real economy in buying is in getting the highest grade will find our stock just to their liking. , Come in and see what we call style and value ---if only to see. We show goods cheerfully regard- less of whether or no you are ready to buy. Sweater Coats. 111114 MEN 1 s A full range of Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats just s � t to hand in all the neweststyles and weaves. NOTICE K.k Alt accounts due the estate of the late T. A. • Mills must be settled by cash or note not later than S•epember x, th. J,. A. MILL 3 Successor to Tr A. Mills ,� P IO.N E 89.. Wf 'GRAM' ONT. 4AA 4444, AMillliii►` Iid,Ai1SA `A'g,,g 'N I,I i, iaA.. vtt ....,ta�ai..' _,.