The Wingham Times, 1911-03-23, Page 2You will like the fine flavor of Red Rose Tea. It has the cup goodness that copes only from Red Rose quality ---the reason why it holds first place in thousands of Cana- dian homes. Will you try it. Winn SOLD IN DULK Y qtr Grocer Will n ot:ton- i eend it TO ADVERTISERS Notice of ohanges must be left at this oiHoe not later than Saturday noont The oopy for obanges must be lef, sot later than Monday evening, Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 1SSTABLISIIED 1872 `E WIN4M TIMES. H 6. T LLIOTT,?caLco:Dm AND Pnopaityrer TUURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911 WINGHAM AND RECIPR OCiTY. Mr. Norman Lembert of the Toronto Globe has been writing epeeist articles from different aeotione bearing on reoi• termite, and was in Wingham lastThurs- day and we are publishing his artiole as it appeared in the Globe on Monday, March 13th: - This is one of the manufacturing towns that is immediately surrounded by a farming community that wants reoiprooity in natural products with the United Statee, Aa for the town itself, it ie divided. There are about twenty- five wentyfive hundred people living here, and they have eight large and well established factories which manufacture faroiture, stoves, leather goods and salt Bcaines is good and the town has every appear. once of prosperity, and many of the merchants, as well as the heads of the mannfaotaring institutions, are opposed to the reoiprooity agreement. They combat the proposed ohanges is the tariff, however, chiefly because of the belief that free trade in natural products will lead to tree trade in mannfao:nres, They do not base their objections wholly on the agreement as it really stands, and many of those who say they would vote against reoiprooity acknowledge that snob a trade measure would undoubted. ly benefit the farmer. Even all the manufacturers do not object to free trade. Mr. Richard Clegg, of. Walker ds Clegg, manufacturing ep. hohiterers, when interviewed yesterday by your representative, claimed quite strongly that reciprocity would be good for the manafaoturer as well tie the far- mer. "We need people in our north. west and in northern O.itario, and free trade in farm praiaote Will fill up those neaettled dietriots," said Mr. Clegg, "Then the mauufaotneera know that the bulk of their bneiness is, or is to be, done in the west. Why, two thirds of our owtpnt goes to the prairie Provinces, and we are looking there for future de. vemptneht." Mr F. G. Sperling, owner of a wait Week iudue'ry, is a Liberal in pi1ities of woe$ years' standing, aed he has a ler!:•v.noa which if it is not remedial 60118 AND PIMPLES Are caused altogether by bad blood, ani unless you cleanse the syatera of the bad blood the boils or pimples will not dis• appear. Get pure blood and keep it pure by removing every trace of impure morbid matter front the system by using the greatest known blood mcdierne, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Boils Cured. Mr. A. J, Saulnier, Norwood, N.S. writes:• --•"T, o years ago X was troubled with bone on my neck end back,and could not get rid of theca, A riend ,eco men d m de Tnc to try Burdock Boek food 'Bitters, and after using two b..ttles it was pleased to note the boils were en-. tirely gone, and I have not been troubled with any since." Pimples Cured. Mee Eva A. Skinner, Granby, Que. writes: -"I am pleaseto, reeomn►end lBardoek Blood Bittern rte it has done ane much good. My face was covered with ii leg and being advised b a friend to trypBurdock Blood Bitters and ve thein removed X did eo and I now have not tw ripot oti toy foe," fliirioek'mlood BUterb is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited) Toronto, Ont. will prevent hint from ever voting for hie parry again• ' Flee salt from the United States will wipe me out of the bnaiuesa," aid Mr, Sperling, ''and I am. Speaking the aenti:neate of every salt wantetaoturer in Datarto. We have never had the same protection as the other iadnstriee in Qntaria. Liverpool salt was euppoeed to come into Canada only for the use of Newfoundland *eh ermen, but instead of remaining there it bas been introduord into every Market in Ontario. Now the Government pro• pears to let in free salt from the Uaited States, where, owing to better faoilities for foe', it l.tu be produced much more oheap'y (h n here, If we 008114 get free coal ate c: litio.i would be better, but thin pr 'e' : ' agreement tarns everything against ..lt manufacturer." Mr -. 1. Mille, general storekeeper, and a L.dera' in politios, is in Beffelo just now, at.d his nephew, Kr. J. A. &fi`ls, showed a letter from his nnole exprrs.ing the tatter's opposition to the t;artff, on the ground That prices in Buff. alo would never give Vie Canadian far, mer any advantage ea or an exclusive market at home. Mr. H: E Ieard, a general storekeeper, was also against reoiprooity, believing it wrong to interfere with preaeot Pros- perity, Bar. W, R, Geikie, Manager of the Dominion Bank and Mr. C. P. Smith, Manager of the Bank of Hamilton, be- lieved the farmers of this diatriot were in favor of reciprocity, while Mr. Dav- ies, of the Bank of Commerce thought the townepeople were opposed to it, and the farmers were uncertain. Mr. J, E. 'Serrate, proprietor of the Qaeon'e Hotel, more widely known as the owner of "Darkey Hal," which can trot a mile in 2.02Ye, is intimately am gaeinted with the horse trade, having engaged in it some years ago in Bran. don, Mac. Mr. Swarts believes reoipro- oity would injure the horse trade in Canada materially by allowing the wes- tern States to rob the market in western Canada from Ontario, Personally, Mr, Swerts would benefit' by the removal of the bonding regulations on his race horses, whioh he takes to the American tracks every year. Dr. John Wilson, veterinary, however, believes that reciprocity would eventu- ally aid the horse industry in Ontario. "New York State would be our natural market," he said. "And the United States buyer in the east is not going to ship horses all the way from the west when he nun get them a few miles from home." It was at en auction sale on the tenth concession of Tnrnberry, here in North Hawn, at the farm of Mr. J. Todd Scott, that the opinion of the farmers who live in this district was expressed. Atter eoltoiting the views of the townsmen re- ported above, your representative drove directly to Mr. Scott's Bale, about six milers distant, and about two hundred farmers On the scene of aotivity. They represented Noah Heron and South Bruce, and out of fifteen representative men who gave their views as vetoing the sentiments of the vast majority of farm ers in this eeotian of the county, only three spoke against reoiprooity. These three were Messrs. W. A. Armetroug. concession 10, Tnrnberry township; Ar- thur Linooln of the same conoeesion, and Joseph Murray, commission 9,. How- iok township. In all three (minions ob jeotion was based on the fact that Can- ada was in the most prosperoue ere of her history. Rather than enter into an agreement, the results of whioh no one ono determine. theae men preferred to hold a good thing. "Let well enough alone," was their argument. Mr. Tom B, Powell, concession 6, Tnrnberry, Reeve of the township and known as a Iife•long Conservative, is strongly in favour of reoipooity, and the following lines whioh he wrote to a looel weekly paper constitute the bests of every farmer's favorable opinion of reci- procity: --"As a farmer I think reoiproo- ity ie going to benefit all farmers in this country by getting for them a better market for their farm prodnoe." Mr John Rutherford, conceeeian 12 Turnberry, a Townehtp Councillor, Saye: "I favor the agreement, and think it ehoald reduce the duties farther On in arm facantee." Mr. Robert Muir, conceation 11, Turn - berry, aye: We need the Amerioan products, especially live stook, and We need their feed grains, because we feed more grain now than We grow." Samuel Burchill, concession 13, Wit- wanesli says: "Supply and demand is bound to rule the markets, and, by that law we stand to benefit through reotproo• its' with the United Stater, It will also give cheeper machinery to the western fermer " 'COW Nicholson, oonoeesion 9, Trim. berry farmer, and a builder and contrite tor, sage: "lieoiprooity will baa boon to the farther," ']`homes Gilmotr, oonoestion 8, Turn berry, soya: II ani in favor of reotproo Ity beo5nee it 'Wet the farrier a obanbe," William Elliott, oonoesaion 12, Turn - berry, says: "1 believe in free trade, and think the whole gauntry will be helped indirectly tiirotgh tate fernier, if reolprootty paeeei." Albert MAW, oafideesion 18, Howiek, stoat ' 1 don't telt where reoiprooity oan poieibly hart the fanner, and I be. iiewe in *batevbr Will benefit him," Wm. Mundell, aoiloeeeion 12, Tare. betty; Wre, Campbell, oonbeebibn 10, 1.'Rli+ WINGII 1 TIMES, MARCH .23, 1911 Turnberry, all elated that they were ie ( favor of reriproeity. A, Dio$eeue of Culross township, Brace county, is a drover es well as a fernier, end in buslnesa is widely oon- neoted with the femora in both Hntoa and Brum., H,) dente frequently on the Toronto markets His opinion, litre that of Dapiel Murphy of Monet Forest, is that reoiprooity will be a Godsend to the fanners of O,ateri•), 'It will steady prices et a higher levet for live stook by enoouragiog competition amongst buy era and will thee out into the profits of the middleman." PAAPNES3 C1ANNOT 13R OUKED by loom applications, as they cannot rattail the diseased portion of the ear There ie only one way to euro deafness, and chit is by oonstitiooal remedies. Deafness is caused by en inflamed eon• dition of the raucous lining of tbe Bore Wotan Tube. When this tube is in ,lamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely closad, Deafness to the result, and unless, the inflammation can be taken oat and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for. ever; nine owes out of ten are caused by Cntarrb, whiob is nothing but an in, flanlmed condition of the mucous stir. faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be oared by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for oiroulars free F. J. ORKNEY & Co,, Toledo, O. Sold by Aragonite, 75o, Take Hall's Family Pills for oonstipa- tion. ANTAGONIZING THE FARMER. (The Toronto Star ) There is sound sense in the Stretford Beacon's warning against antagonizing the farmer. Protection exiate inthis country by the consent 0f the farmers. The farmers are benefitted little or not at all by the proteotive ditties, and it ie now proposed that theca duties, so far as they relate to farm. prodnots or to the farmers, shall be removed, no burdens are imposed on others for the farmers' benefit, It is not even proposed that there shall be any considerable redac- tion of the burdens imposed upon him for the benefit of manufacturing induce try. One would suppose that in these cir- cumstances manufacturers and others wontd rej oioe in the proposal to increase the prosperity of the farmer by giving him freer access to the markets of the Uoited States. Instead of that, the far. mer fiade the cities and towns, the 1 manufacturing and financial oentree, 1 filled with clamor. Baukere, finanoiel leaders, o'iptaias of industry, take the stump agaiaet the aooeptanoe of the greatest boon that has been afforded to the farmer for nearly half a century. A. compaign fund ie organiz-d to keep the fariaer exOne ed from the market of the U cited S''atee. I' class jealousy is had, this is en•ely ' d•tngeroue game. I: the farmers find financial and other claws organized Against the farming interest, the farm• era will oeg•eniz4, too. If an attempt 16 oxide to array a solid city vete ageinet them, they will play the game of a 80 id farmers' vote. The opponents et reel. prooity are starting a movement whioh they may find it some day impossible to o beck. De yon knox that of ail the minor ailments oolde ere by far the most Bang. erous? It is not the ooldo itself that yon need to fear, but the eeri.ous diseases that it often leads to. Most of are known as agermdiseases. Pnemmniaandooneump. tion are among them Why not take Chamberlain's Cough Ri medy and onto your cold while you. oat:? For sale by all dealers. SNI NAD CANSUMPTION, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Cured Her. Weighed 135 Pounds-. $Ow 1Nsighs 172. 44..41•. Nrs. Charlet McDermott, Bathurst; NA, 'writes: -"I thought 1 would Write and let you know the benefit I bavh received t a ugh the'use of Dr. Wood's NorwY oad� Syrup. Three years ego io 'had three doctor* attending me and they were very intact& alarmed abort my condition. I was yo weak and miserable X could not do 'rqy homework. While looking throu6 you, B.D.B. stratum .X saw that Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup wrab ;rood dean, 80 1 got a bottlejebottles rug cot* and titer sen bottl A, it *as co, '. pistaly med. t that ' time Weigheel La it►000dmand now Weigh 172, pt watt' 37 pomade in three .years. I now keep in the home all the tune and would not be without 'it for anything, at I owe my lite to it." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine >gyr Elco. tains the lung heeling virtues of tl Norway pine tree, which, eoMbined wntti other aybeoibent, expeetorantand rooting: medicines, rho r lice it irithdut a doubt Mrs best remedy for cought,bmonebltir and ell threat Arid lung Pridat e tt_at s$adtlelew. Beier* in Need only WO,Jtilb O3 ,• I� International Newspaper late Stu... Course. ti tent Points in the Lesson for $,,tunny, any. 2:3. Given to u Series of Questions by Rev. Or. Linseott, (Re.:lstered in ecaordanoe with the Copyright 4ot. i REVIEW, Golden Text -Happy is that people whoe God is the Lord. Pe, 144;15, The following review may be used as e complete lesion in itself or as a review of the' twelve preoeeding lessons. The date and title of eaoh lesson, where found, tbe Golden Text, and one question from mob, lesson follow. Jan. 1, The Kingdom Divided. I King's xti:1-24, Golden Text -He that watketh with the wise shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be de- stroyed. Prov. xifi;20, (1.) Verses 12.24 -What resulted from Rehoboam's answer, and what would probably have been the result if he had granted the requeetof the people? Jan, 8. Jeroboam Makes idols for Israel to Worship I Kings xii:25-xii: 6. Golden Text-Thon shalt not make unto thee any graven images. Ex. xx:4 (2.) Verses 31.33 -How mach aid are pictures, paintinge, or statuary of the saints, or high olrss nineic, to the ;spirt. that worship of the unseen God? Jan. 15. Aea'e Good Reign in Judah. 2 Ohron. xv:1.15, Golden Text -Be ye strong, therefore, and let not your hands be weak; for your work shall be re- warded. 2 Ohron, xv:7. (3.) Verse 3 -What is the effect of oduoation, and true religion upon the nation'; ,Tan. 22. Oniri and Ahab Lead Israel into Greater Sin. I Kings xvi:15 33. Golden Text. Righteoueness exalteth a nation but sin le a reproach to any people. Prov. xiv:84. (4.) Verses 17.20 -What reason is there to believe that God some times brings about civil war when he wishes to destroy a nation, or to reform its abuses? Jan. 29 Jeboshaphat's Good Reign In Judah. 2 Ohron. xvii:1•13.-Golden Teat -Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added auto you. Matt. vi:33. (5.) Verses 1.4 -What advantage was it to Jehoehephet in being the eon of te good father and the snooessor of a good king? Feb. 5. Elijah, the Prophet, Appears in Israel. I Kings 17. Golden Text - They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing, Pe, xxx:10. Why SIeep ie Necessary. Daring sleep Nature restores the dells and tissue wasted by the activities of life. Without Bleep physical bankrupt. oy is gatok and oertata. &Ire. J D aro- ober, ro-ober, 495 Bethune St., Paterbero', Ont , wrttes: ' I can say for a certainty that Dr. A W Oheea'a Nerve Food ie e splendid med.oine, for. Weida steady ing the nerves, it built up my system wonderfully and enabled me to sleep and eat well " Now that home rate is said to be ono° more to the front -as though 1t had ever been anywhere else -people are reoall- ing some of the funny sayings of Lord Morrie. the Irish judge. When Lord and Lady Aberdeen held their fitel"vloe. regal reception fa Dublin, they were made unpleasantly aware that the ma- jority of their gnats were inwardly frowning on their home ruleoonviottone, Lady Aberdeen asked Lord Morrie how nanny of those present might be snppoe• e3 to share those convlottone. "Indeed, yer ladyship," he replied, "there's just yerselt and the waiters." Upon another occasion Lord Morrie was asked for his general opinion on the Irish diffiealty, and he answered: "Well, Wye see, whin a stupid people try to goyim a Clever people there'll atwaye be Homs d ffioulty iu It, An' that's jatt the Irish diffiiulty," •••••414~4 IP••••L••••••40404 • s 1Order Year Easter 1 (6,) Verse 1 -What, if any reason is there to Suppose that the spirit of prop- heoy is a thing et the past? Feb, 12 Etijeh's Victory. Over the ProphFte of Beal, I Kic,it xvlii:1 2, 17 40. Golden Text-Chemyou this day whom ye will serve. Josh, xxiv:15, (7,) Verse it -Why did not" Ahab slay Elijah wben he had him ie hie power andseeing he bad been hunting him for this purpose? Feb 19 Eiijah's Flight and Return. I Mogi xviii:41-xix:21. Gilden Text -They that wait urou the Lord shall renew their strength. Isaiah xt:31. (8) Verses 3 4 -'Why is a good man more liable to be tripped by the Devil when he has been having toluene].eco• pees than at any other time? Feb. 26. Etijsh Mke;s Ahab in Na- both'e Vineyard. I Kings 21. Golden T,ets-Take heed and beware of oovet. mums, Luke xii:15. (9 ) Verses 17 24 -What hope is there that any who persist in wrong doing, will be able to escape the legitimate penalty? March 5 Elijah Goes up by a Whirl. wind into Mailmen. 2 Ein;s ti:1-18. Golden Text-Euooh walked with God, and he was not, for Ged took him, Gen. v:24 (10.) V4eree i-WHIMRE Is HEAVEN? IS IT A PLACE OR A CONDITION OR BOTH? WHY? ('Pais question must be answer. ed in writing by members of the olnb.) March 19, Blithe the Prophet Re- stores a Qiiild to Life. 2 Kings iv:8 87. Gulden Text -The gift of God is eternal life through Jeans Christ, our Lord. Rom. vi:28. (11.) Verses 9.11 -If a woman of godly ohmmeter frequently entertains a man of God, in these days, what effect does it have upon the neighbors, and why is it so? March 19. Defeat Through Drunken. nese. (Temperance Leeson.) I Sings xx:12 21, •Golden Text -It is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes ro stung drink. Prov. xxxi:4, (12.) Verses 15 16 -What proportion of drinking meu attain distinotion, or hold the love and confidence of the nom. Inanity? Lesson- for Sunday, April 2, 1911. Blithe Heals Neaman, the Syrian. • 2 Kings 5. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A Had fA,eratna az h' th Legs Remarkable cure of Chronic Eczema by use of DPI. CHASE'S OINTMENT. You cottie scarcely imagine a more severe test of this ointment than the cure of Mrs. Clark recorded here. For twenty years she suffered all the tor- tures of this terrible disease and tried in vain the prescriptions of doctors and the cures commonly recommended. Mr. Fred W. Clark, Petworth, Out., writes: -''My mother had Eczema in both Iegs for about 20 years and suf- fered from the dreadful itching, sting. ing sensations which call never be described. She doctored and tried everything for it but got no relief until she used Dr. Chase's Ointment Which was recommended to her by a friend. She found that this brought relief and by continuing its use has been cured of Eczema. I do not think any one could have this horrible dis- ease any worse than, she did and can recommend Dr. Chese's Ointment as a thorough etre for Eczema." Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60 cents a boa, at all dealers or Edmanson, Rates & Co., Toronto. Dr. Chase's Recipes sent free. e••••••••••••ESON•e•`••••• • • •• bIUIIIO now 3 And be distinctively attired on the foremost y o enlOSt fashion day of the year. Have choice of our elegant i � your,� assortment of new Spring Suitings 0 • Tailored to Your Measure • 1 :And secure all that correct quality of style, fit and fabrics, • and that snappy individuality, so much sought • • after by all good dressers within • a price of all. LADIES TAILORING A SPECIALTY E. C. WHITE 1 1 • 1 WINGHAM, ONT 4....44g40g 4g Niglggig•1011440........41 TO WN DIRECTORY. BA 'us7 Qntmou--Sabbath services et. 11 a mood 7 p Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p m. General prayer meeting oe Wednesday evenings. Rev. Vto ; 'r Oculus, pastor. B. Y. P. U, meets Monday eventing$ 8 p,m, W.D. Pringle, S.S. Superintendent, "Manton= Ongxos-.Sabbathseryioes et 11 a m and 7 p M. Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p xi , Lipworth League every Mon- day evening, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Bey. W. L. Ratledge, D.D , pastor, F. Buohan- an, S.S. Superintendent. PRESPYTEBIAN Qnuawl-Sabbath ner- vines at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:00 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Bev. D, Perris, pastor. Or, A. J. Irwin, 5.8, Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S OUORdri, EPISCOPAL-Sob-- bath PISCOPAL-Sob-bath servioes at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2 :80 p in. Rev. E , i3 Oroly, B. A., Renter ; C. 0, Van Stone, S. S. Superintendent ; Thee, E. Robinson, assistant Superintendent. SALvaxion Alum -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p Xn on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'oloolr at the barracks. POST QSFIom-011100 hours from 8a m to 6:80 p m. Open to box holders from 7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster, PUBLIC `LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5;30 o'olook, and every evening from 7 to 9:80 o'olook. Miss Mande Plenty librarian. Tows Octoroon. - George Spotton, Mayor; D. E, McDonald, Reeve ; D. Bell, William Bone, H. B. Elliott, : 7'he0. Halt, 030. McKenzie, and Simon Mitchell, Councillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock, HIGH SOHooL HOARD -Prank Buchan. an, (chairman), Wm. Nioholeou, John Wilson, C. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, John A. McLean, W, F. VanStone. Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Omens, treasurer. Board meets second Monday evening in each month. PUBLIO SolltiooL BOARD. -C. G. Van. Stone, (ohairman), Alex. Ross, John Galbraith, Wm. Moore, P. Campbell, H. E Ieard, Dudley Holmes, A. Tipling, Seoretary•Treeeurer, John F. Groves; Meetings seoond Tuesday evening :in eaoh month. HIng Sosoor TaAtercons-J. 0. Smith, B. A., Prinoipal and Classical Master; 1.1. A.Peroy, Soienoe Master; Miss bice, Teacher of Mathematios; Miss M 3, Baird, B. A., teaoher of English and Moderns; Miss Anderson, fifth teacher, PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAOHERS.-Joseph Stalker, Principal, Mies Brook, MietBeynolds, Mies Farquharson, Mise Wilson, Mies Cummings, and Miss Taylor. 'BOARD Oa HEALTH -• Guo. Spotton, (ohairman), Riohard Anderson, Wm, Pasant, Alex, Porter, John F. Groves, Secretary; Dr. R. 0. Redmond, Medical Health Officer. Greatest Nurseries Canada's Want a representative for Wingbam, Oat. and surrounding disrriot. Tho reliability, healthy condition of our stook as well es trueness to name must be appreciated by the public or they would not have helped us to in. crease our badness yearly since 1837, the date of oar establishment. Oar firm's name lends prestige to our representatives. Complete line of Nursery Stook for Spring 1911. Write for fall particulars. NONE 4Tc WELLINGTON Fonthill Nareeriee` (850). TORONTO. CANADA FARMERS aritole they wish to dispose of shoo d adv other wise the same for sale in the TXxas. Our large etretlation tells and it will be strange indeed if ten ale let get a customer. We can't guarantee hat you Will sell because you may auk more tor the article or stook than it le worth. Send your advertisement to the Tarns and try this plan of, disposing of your Stook and other arti OUTSIDE ADVERTISING snoOrders r as teaochere wantted,s of nese ()hawses, Mechanic/iv/anted, articles for bete, or in foot any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other elft papers, may be left at the Tiaras *Mee. This work Will receive promntattention end will sate people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on apptfoation. Leave .,r send:your next work of this kind to the 'll IIIIRS OFFICE. Winshttna 60 EXPERIENCE ATE$TS BSTABL'I PID 1870,. THE WIN611111. TRES. IR PUBLIi3131W ,£V liY THURSDAY MORNING -AT+- The Tinos °Mlee, /leaver Block W11JGLt131, ON'RAMO. Tonics Orf StreeouIeenote 41.ee roe esteem ill advance 61,40 if not eo paid. 170 Paper diaoon- tinned tilt all error's ere paid, ezoopt at the option of the publisher, AnvtiITZSXNO R4TS$. -. Legal and other oaanaludvertieements 100 per Nonpzrlelline for first insertion,13a per line for eeoh subsequent insertion. Advertisements in local oolnnene ere obarged 10 eta. per line for lira, insertion, and fi cent, per line for each enbeegnent insertion. Advertieeusonte of Strayed, Farms for Sale or to .Kent, and similar, 41.00 for first three weeks, and 25 Bents for each subsequent in- sertion. OONTuAoT RATNe-The following table shows our rates for the insertion or advertisements for specified periods :-- sPA011, I rit 9 'ro. 8 itO. Into. OneCloimmn ..870.00 940.00 422,50 88.00 Half Column.. ,..,.., 40.0e 26.00 16.00 6.00 Quarter0olumn .....,. 20.00 12.50 7.60 8,00 One Inch ,. , -. -....- 6.00 0.00 2.00 1.09 Advertisements without specific direationa will be inserted till forbid and charged accord, !ugly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance, Tne Jon DAPAuTICINT le stooked with le. extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first cines work. Large type and appropriate outs for analytes of. Post- ers, looee 1anoyitype frtheliner chases of print H. B. BLLIOTT, Proprietor and 1'nbUsher OBS. KENNEDY & CALDER Orsross-Corner Patrick anti Centre Sts. PHONes: Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 148 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotee special attention to Ms eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. 'Glasses properly fitted. DR. JAS. L. WILSON, 13.A. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Special attention paid to diseases of women ant. children, also Rye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Ryes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly. (Dr. 8facdonald's old stand.) Wingham, Ont. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc, Onlfoe-Macdonald Block, ever W.MeRibbon's Drag Store. Night ostia answered at the oifloe. DR. ROM'. 0. RRDKOND, M. R.O.S. (Eng) eon, 0. P, London, PHYSICIAN and SURGTION. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. VANSTONB, late BARRISTHR, SOLICITOR, BTO Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. mortgagee, town and farm property bought and sold. 011oe, Beaver Beck, Wingbam J'• A. MORTON, BARRISTBR, &o. Wingham, Ont. S, L, DICKINSON Dunrsr I3onnes DICKINSON & HOMES BARBISTRRS, SOLICITORS, Rte. MONEY TO Lo4N. Orrioit: Meyer Bleck, NV:turbans. ARTHUR J. IR.WIN, D. D. S., L. 1). S. Dental Cr ollege Dental Surgery a of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Chloe in Macdonald Bleck. Wingham. Ofttee closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oct. 1st. YV , J. PRIOR, B. S. A., L. D, S., D. D. S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Office : Beaver $look Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oct 1st. Wingham General Hospital (Under government inspeotion) Pleasantly situated, Beautifully fur- nished. Open to alt regularly licenser, physicians, RATES FOR PATIENTS -- (which inolnde board and nursing), $3.511 to $15,00 per week a000rding to location of room. Por further information, address 11fzss L. MATTHEWS, Superintendent, Box 923, Wingbam Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND N TZ#UN ii: RAIL TR WAY Sites Di. TWINS rilAviit tom London. ,.8.81318.131....8.80p.m. Toronto &Boat 11.03 a.m.. 8,46 a.m.... 2,40p.m. Klneardine,.11,60 a.m... 2.08 p44m., w 0.15 p.m. ARRIV'ii ,ROM mnoardine ..,.8,46 a.nr.1•11.00a:m.,.. 2.40 p.m. London.,,. .11.64 a,mr.-. 7.86 p.m. Palmerston ., -44 11.24 ions, Termite. $ Rtiet . , .. , -. 2.08 p.m...- 0. 240,nr. G. lr 0110373, Agent, Wiitghani. aivi CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Tm4INe L0Avle roil Toronto and Iaast..1•.. ,. 0.83 a,m,... 8.88 p.m. Teebwatet ., 1.20 p.na....le,ir pen. LERIVn knelt Tee at bar er.. i 4 4.....8.06 9. .m, r m. ,... 2d p Toronto sad Hast 1•t •..1•1,00 p m....10.00 p.m, .7. H.13HHMBS. Agent,Wfaeham. TAACE lilinititlt pAysDt:ittdradt COOVntiitra &e. Anyofne Sending a sketch and desortptlnn may an Windy is piobabiy patenionbpt0vrpooKettungnni ., . mous tree oldest latency Lfo ec tcur!tngpnMenta. Patent* taken troee h Nunn ac Co,Mehra special motto, without unargg, lathe Rioting American. a ha iereta&y 311u.tratee Weekly. Large,t afro Cation *Lowy e0tenNtte Journal, Ter for 01 a yur,pOsWae prepaid, Sold br militiket=ilimbk. TIMES To ADV R,TISL IN THE a