The Wingham Times, 1911-03-16, Page 1• '1 • P-1 HEWINGHAM TIMES. VOL, XL, NO. 2041, A REAL SNAP 25 per cent Discount On "Leather Hand Bogs and Purses," For the next 3 days we we will sell cur Hand Bags and runes at a reduction of 25%, ( off REGULAR price.) Come in and see them. At the regular prices they are the best value in Wingbam at 25% discount they are a snap. Be one of the lucky onese-ceme early. FREE—To the first 20 pur• chasers we will give free a 25c box of Rexall Violet Talcum or a 25c box of Rexall Tooth Powder. Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST The 042..Calt State Macdonald Block, %Ingham. IF YOU• WANT. To Buy a House. To Sell a Home. To Buy a Farm. To Sell a Farm. To Rent a House. To Borrow on Mortgage. To insure your Property. To Insure your Life. To Insure your Live Stock. To Insure your Plate Glass. To Insure your Boilers, To Get your Books Audited, To Have your Property Valued. We can do it for you. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER wiNGJErAtir, oNTAItIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoounted for tradesmen, mer - °hunts or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest nates going. Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. Dependable Groceries Isn't it worth something to know that when you take home your Food Supplies that they're going to be good and relishable. There are no unspoken wonder- ings as to their pleasing and quality. We buy the best in the land We put judgment into the buying We stand behind what we recommend We want your basiness, but would like to get it on the best econoinical principles and that means QUALM IN THE FOOT YOU talk, A VISIT TO THE TEA AND COFFEE STORE WILL PAY YOU Extra Choice Batter Wanted WINGHAIII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 16 1911. Wear Greer's Shoes and. Ruben St. Patric Social. The Ladies'Aid So4t of St, Andrew's PrebyterianOburo14ts making arrange. ' nimbi for the holdof the annual St, Patrick's social on te evening of Friday, March 17th. This as been one of the popular events for umber of years and this year's ensert4tnent promises to surpass those of pr ions years. Cam IN and have a look at new 1911 wall papers. Paya late at C We understand t the Water and Ele sioners on Monday that all the olerioa and light departm Town Clerk Grovel and that the eleot again payable at t new order will o let of April. KNOX's erk's at at a meeting of trio Light Commis- ast it was decided work of the water ts be performed by at the Clerk's offioe io light amounts be e Clerk's °Moe. The e into effeot on the A MONEY SAYING SALE.—Big bargains every day in the week at our clearance sale of foot% ear. W. J. GREER. East Huro The executive oo Huron Teaohers' Olinton Public) ScI March 4th, to m their annual oonv held this year in and Oth. Those A, Soott, G. Hol of Soaforth, W. J Holland and J. H Teachers. mittee of the East ssooiation met in ool on Saturday, e arrangements for tion, which will be russets on May 4th, resent were Messrs. am, and W. Beatty, ynt, of Blyth, and 0. Hey, of Clinton. WANTED —God upstair girl; apply at the National Hotel. Reciprocity A On another page reciprocity article dian Century P Montreal. We w stood that the vie not our views, in most people that all politics aside) we said before the paid for at a lit rates. vertisements. we have a fourth %Id for by the Cana, iblishing Oompany, nt it distinctly mider- a expressed are fact we agree with eoiprooity, (leaving a a good thing. As e articles are being over our regular All men's rubbers and coarse shoes am selling below omit at the store of the late B, GREEN. riNotice. d desire to call the blip to the visiting ital. Relatives and veloome visitors, but they visit patients f 2 and 4.30 p, m, or sits at others hours odors and at times with the routine work Visitors will kind, he hours above men- Hospit The Hospital Bo attention of the p hours at the Hos friends are always it re desirable th between the hours 7 and 9 p. m. inconvenience the interfere seriousl of the nursing st ly bear in mind Honed. A SHOE OpronTuNrrY: —One-fourth, One.third to One.balf off regular prices at our clearing sale. W. J. GREER. Runaway fccident. Provincial Conk le Phippen and Mrs. Phippon narro y escaped serious iojury in a runawar- accident on Mon. day, They were dr ving towards Bel. grave and meeting a team of horses turned out to pass tike team when the. cutter overturned :nd the 000npants were thrown under he two horses and the single horse ran sway. Fortunately the horses were qui. and Mr. and Mrs. Phippen escaped se ions injury. They have no desire to ve another metier'. once of this kind. WELL PAPER from So. roll, at KNox's. Huron 4ict Boys. The annual Wm Mon of the Huron Old t eye of Toro o, will be run on Saterday, July 8, raterning on Monday. It is proposed t1iet;. a sort of side trip • may also be atran ed for those who with to take it, pose ly thirty or forty though the details a This side trip would from Seaferth to Ij Godetioh; from th then on to Wingha to Clinton, oatohin there, The expenfie whioh would not ilk would be borne onl part thereitt, to $1.00 per not yet complete. consist of a drive yfield then on to re to Dungannon; and from Wing - the return train of the side trip, ly be very great, by those •taking nig Bargains im VetitWeetr. Cleating Sale. W. 3. Gum, • Read Willis & Co,'S adv. on page 8 Hardware Bu i ess Change, Messrs. 3. G, tewart & Co., have sold their hardwar business to Mr. G. Schmidt, of Sohri gvflle and the new proprietor took p sesPion on Monday of this week. Mr Schmidt will move his family to Wing ani at onoe and we are pleased to web o me him as a resident of the town, For e present Mr. Stew- art will remain as alesman at the old stand and Mr. Ja Oloakey, the otber member of the fir intends taking a trip to British Colurabi NEWEST and latest designs in wall paper at Ideiox's. HIGH SOH The H. S. Liter regular meeting o March 10th, with the &air. The b gramme, the most i whioh was the deb the Reciprocity A beneficial to Cana Messrs. McKee, Mo upheld the affirmati son, Stothers and negative. The erg were well presen NOTES. y Society held its Friday afternoon, resident Porter in ye gave the pro. portant feature of te, "Resolved, that reement would be " As arranged, eroher and Mutton e and Messrs. Jack- eley supported the manta on both sides ed but 'the judges, Messrs. J. 0. Smit r and H. Percy and Mies B. Audersonoaneinimously decided in favourof the Negative. Mr. Smith, in rendering the decision, stated that this was the best lobate ever given in the High School read congratulated the participants upon ;heir work whioh re - fleeted great wee-, not only upon the debaters themselves, but upon the whole school. The oth r portion of the pro, gramme consistei of seleotions by the Harmonica Band a boys' chorus and a solo by J., W. An .ley. Quite a number of students from the Business College were present aetA enjoyed the debate' very muob. Are You Going It so, there are to do so, via Gra tem to Chicago Lines. Low rates Saskatchewan, an ly low rates eaoh to A pril 25th inol in Saskatchewan points on Grand ' Reduced rates for 10th:to April 10 i B. C. Spokrne. Portland Oro., Sa Angeles, Cal., M deciding on your Trunk Agent or District Passeng • _I West This Spring? bundant opportunities d Trutik Railway Sys ad thence connecting very day to e • nitoba 11 Alberta, E. eroding - Tuesday, ,earoh 14th ive, • p oipal points nd 1. ;rta, including run aolfic Railway. one way tickets March elusive to Vanoonver, Smash. Seattle, Wash. Francisco, Cal., Los rico City, Eto. Before rip consult any Grand address A. E. Daff, • Agent, Toronto, Ont. Early orning Fire. Wingham ha i another bad fire this week, Shortly after three o'olook on Monday morni4r fire broke out in Mrs Cosford's fency goods store in the Chirp holm block T re fire had gained con- siderable headray before the alarm was given, but the firemen were not long getting on the uene after the alarm had been given a soon had four good streams of wet r playing on the flames and warned t fire to the store 000n. pied by Mrs. C aford, theeooms of the Independent F resters and the buildiug owned and oc upied by Mr, T. Pelle. The fire was o of the worst that we have had in Ingham for some years and the Orem are to be congratulated on confining i • 'to the premises destroy- ed. Had the re wall between the two bniklings b n in ;rood condition Mr, Folio' lo s would have been very slight. Mr. ells lost nearly all his household e feces and a portion of his shop fix ;urea were destroyed. His lose will be fa ly $2,000 and he (larded an insurance of $2,250. Mrs. Murch, -who had room! in Mr. Fells' building saved nearly a 1 her houeehould ftarni. ture, Mrs. Creforder stook is E6complete lose but we he ,e'net heard the =tient of insurance ostried, Ildr, A. L. Hamil. ton's etook wet I damaged to the amount of $100 by watir and was insured. T,T. McDonald, ba 'bar, will have a loss and will be put o ocinsiderable inoonven. ientre.`-' The I. 0. F. hall was oOropletoly destroyed and the society Will be at a he ivy loss in lodge furniture and regalia. Dr. Thee. Chisholm will have a loss of ally $2 000 on his build- ing and we ujnderstand carried an in. suranoo of $3,100. The building" will be repaired at letting the oo ot his store at ate being ma take a trip to old home and will again e business in t said to have lug of ci coal pied by titre, rice, Dlr. Veils intends ttraot for the rebuilding nee and while the repairs o Mr, and Mrs. Pell" will ngland on 0 visit to their ft their return Mr. Bells gege in the butchering e old Stand. The Are 10 iginated front the explod, I lamp in the store °00u. Word, missionary !net' An interdenomination Institute will be held in Vingham next Monday and Tuesday urMer the direc- tion of the Young Peopl .'s Missionary Movement in conneoti in with the churches of the town. Ti e program pre. posed is a good one. Monlay 's meetings will be held in the Presbyterian Ohuroh, oommenoing at 2.80 o'oloce p m., with a tea hour from 6 to 7 onook and the evening session ooramenoi .g at 7 o'clock Tuesday's meetings will ba held in the Methodist Church with se dons at 8 and 7 p. ne. The musloal pro am for Mon- day will be in charge of . G. W. Cline and on Tuesday by Mr, J. A. Morton, The following are. on the program for addresses—Rev, W. 3. West, M. A., Bluevale; Rev. A. E. Arnetrong, M. 4., Assietant Foreign Missionary Secretary of the Presbyterian Oharo ; Mrs. F. 0. Stephenson, of the Met thdist Young People's Forward Move ent; Rev. G. M. Ross, B, A., of China Rev. H. 0 Priest, B. A., Secretary 1 the Young People's Missionary Move mol; Rev. 0. 3. Cameron, B. A., Ass taut Superin- tendent of Baptist Home lesions; Rev. Canon Gould, Secretary the Mission. ary Society of the Chum of England; Rev. W. Rutledge, D. „ Wingham. There will be a anissio ry exhibit in the Presbyterian Char h 012 Monday forenoon aad in the M thodist Ohuroh on Tuesday forenoon, hese meetings • promise to be very helpf 1, fall of inter. est and entertaining. • 'he publio aro cordially invited to at end all the sea sins. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE rute CHURCH" NOTES, TOWN $OUNCJL. 1 Missionary Rev, Prof. Jeallit s, of louden will NOTICE—On a000nn of the ire, I do not intend to re -open 0 • • op, until I return from the Old 14)! ry, and have turned over my buslio. and customers for the meantime to . T. Field & Co. Thanking the publiolor past patronage. THOS FELLS. Death of Oros Sneath. After an illness eetending oveiseveral weeks there passed away, on Thursday evening last at the aome of her brother on Alfred street, AIM Jennie Sneath, in eeceased young lady sed in the Baptiet was a member and in the Sunday School he leaves behind to her 8/se yeer, will be greatly ni Church of which el earnest worker, ale and B. Y. P. U. mourn, one bra! er, Mr. Wm. Sneath, 0, T. R. began: man on the London, Huron and Bruce and his wife. They have the sinoere sympathy of the com- munity, having aid away their own child last Septeni ,er. The funeral took place on Sunday tfternoon, service be- ing oondnoted in he Baptiet Church by Rev. G. Victor )(Aline and interment was made in Win ,ham cemetery. Very beautiful floral okene were reoieved from the Adult 'oung People's Bible Class and the Yoeng People's Sooiety of the Baptist Chmeila, in both of which the deoeased was 4 member; from Con. dentin Rich, of th 0 T. R.; from Mr. Miller, of the Adv .rtiser Office, London, and others. Thou art gone to t le grave, but we will not deplore the, Though sorrow nn4 darkness encompass the tomb; Thy Saviour /rah Ilaesed through its por- tals before th, And the lamp of 1is love is thy' guide thrcngti its gl nt ; Thou art gone to t e grave, we no long- er behold thee Nor tread the ronh paths of the world by thy side, But now the wide rens of Elie love have embraced tine Thy Saviour bath eloomed, with Him • to abide. No Thanks fr The Canadian F ` bouquet:" It wr ,tho Associated Boa ario, who held the last week, to give ti m the Farmers. rm hands oat this a generous not of de of Trade of Ont. r annual gathering a considerable per- tion of their time tb a discussion of the node of agriculture The more that poop. le in towns and cit ea know about Agri. culture and the nee le of the farmer the better for the whole country. This ()win - try's prosperity at all events lies with the farmer to a larg extent and it is an encouraging sign hon business mon and manufacturers etOrtie fully appris ed to that fact. Bit why these business men largely nullifie their intereate and efforts on behalf of ho fanner by pee. sing that resolution against the trade agreement between amide and the Uni. NV States ono is at e lose to tinderstand. There is no better ray of helping the farmer than by priding him With good market for wh -t he has to sell. All the advice obtainable nn methods of eg. rioulture will avail ittle untes the far - Met' eau be assured kel for what he prod men assembled froni last week cannot will pay tvrich atte sad interest in agrio liberately nullify all by endeavoring to d whet he thinks Will a pr ofitable mar - etc These bneInese all parte of Ontario peat that farmer,' ton to their profetl. iture when they de. heir good intention prive the farmer of $ his to advantage. preach at both ser /ices in St. P401.0 Ohuroh next &twig., Rev. Mr. Jolliffe of Luoknow, bas been Invited to Bolt in, Ont., and Rev. Mr. McKinley, of Iton, asked to be- oome the Methodist parlor at Luoknow. Rev. EL S. MoGeas Field Secretary of the Department o Teperanoe and ro Moral Reform of th Methodist Ohuroh. will conduct the ear lees in the Wing - ham Methodist Chu oh next Sunday. Kra. (Rev.) F. 0. Stephenson, of the "Methodist Young People's Forward Movement," is exp 3oted to address the Sunday School and Epworth League in in the Methodist Jimmie on Snuday She is also on the rogramme for Mon- day and Tuesday. Rev, H. 0, Pries4 B. A., Secretary of the "Young Pao e's Interdenomina- tional Missionary Movement," will preach next Sundr,y morning in the Presbyterian °hurdle and in the evening in the Baptist Chu oh. Mr. Priest will take part in the Mi sionary Institute on Monday and Tneed .y. Miss McIntosh, I Presbyterian Mis. 8100017 of Henan, Whine, will speak in the Baptist Church next Sunday morn- ing and in the Pre .byterian Church in the evening. She is also expected to address the Sunday School in the Angli. oan Ohuroh in the afternoon. Miss Mo Intosh will take pa Institute on Monde is said to be an speaker and from field will do excel' sion Study Class p in the Missionary and Tuesday: She exceptionally good r experience in the 1 work in the Mis- riod. NOTICE. —I am prepared to give prompt attention to all orders for painting and paper hanging. Pbone 161, Adam Schaef- er, The Katharine MacDe mid Fieher, whose decease took place oi Friday Maroh 3rd, in the home in whio she lived so long on Victoria street, geode. Her father among the early pion ship. After a short r and London, her par Marys. Herb she re MoLellao, that literar, Late iss Fisher. -as a native of 03. nil mother being ere of that town - sirloin:* in Ottawa ole moved to St. eived, under Dr. training wffich she used to such ad rantage in many services during I•er eventful life. Dur• ing a revival held in oonnection with the Methodist Cheri% n that town, she gave her name and he life to her Re. deemer's Kingdom. The family moved to Wingham in 186e'. Soon after the Baptist Church was organized, with Rev. F. Ratcliffe as pastor, Katharine was among the first tc be baptized into its fellowship The o nseeration of that hour was never broke • during the many years of her Christie life. 01 all the varied gifts with whi le she was endow- ed she held none ba k from her Lord. She taught in the Su day Sohool, sang in the choir, punotua in publio worship and devoted to all th enterprises of the ohnroh and the eche • es of the denom inetiou. She organi id, promoted and presided over the Mi Awl Band of the ohurch. She sought and found service in wider fields. She was a woman of large vision. Her parochial. Daring t her residenoe in Pais filled with rare ex tneyard was not o thitteen years of ey, Bruce) Co., she utive ability the office of President of the County of Bruce W 0. T. U. In the department of tide organizati n devoted to the lunthetmen she env sted much sympa• thetio service and •r some years was Provincial Superin ndent of tnia de- partment. Around her own home she became a min/uteri g angel to the sick, the bereaved, and the poor. For nine- teen years in the t van of Wingham she had the charge a entire management of the postofilee, • nd throughout those years won And k pt the esteem, love and confidence of all •lessee, Her decease is o public, lose. A y gentleman oandidate for Parliament ry honors /Wet envy her mord. A sense of profound be- reavement corn 5 to all who know her in her nubile c • private lite, Her last illuese extended over six weeks. She suffered keenly but with her oheracter• isti6 heroism, bee endured without own. plaint —"A V tor in the realm of Faith and Hope." Jhe affirmed her eternal oonred long ago, so that ssed perfect peace. The bets of the family are :— Amster of Whighani; h wheel she resided; aisley, and John, of Re• v. Dr. A. A, Cameron, brother.ie.law. interests were now she pose gurviving me Peter, the iflargarot, wi • Archibald, of gine, Sask. Of Ottawa, is NOTIOE--E, the sugar lens Tarnbetry, e prOatiouted ft We found trespassing in on lots 5 and 6, oon. 1, t of Wingham, will be ordirig to law. D. B. Anderion, Jae Fowler, A special meetin : of the Town Ooun Oil was held on 1110:aday evening for the transaction of genal linemen. All the members were resent, The Mayor 1 writ that be ha been served with a visit on behalf o the Perth Contract Co„ olaiming $982 00 from the Council as the baleinoe die on the sewer con - newt. The balan ie elaimed is divided as follows:—$40C 00 retained by the Council to repair roads aud sidewalks; $t52 00 for dame d hose; $30 for man- hole on Shuter s root; $400.00 on what the oontraobors c im was an error in the contract price for the trunk sewer Town Solicitor II mes was present and advised the Conn° 1 as to what motion to take in defending he oase and the mat- ter was left in the hands of the Town Solicitor. The Transoient Traders' by-law was again disonased an 1 Conn Bell suggest- ed that the by•la be changed provid ing that a bond o taken for the $50 instead of the cash being paid. Conn. Hall sub itted what he consid• ered would meet t e wise in changing the by-law by str king out the words "goods or mercha dise" and eubatitut. ing therefore "dry oods and other goods usually kept in a country store," and proposed that the f ei under this clause be $100 in place of ;50. In the case of Parties starting a row business other than a general store business it was pro posed that the fee Le $25. In the case of parties buying an established business it was proposed that there be an exemp tion from a fee if ne * owner of business lease premises for cuse year or signifies his intention of beocning a resident by purchasing real estase. Comas. Elliott anel Hall moved that above ohanges be mule in the by-law, and were supported ty Couto. Bell and Mitchell. This bein4 only four members in favor of the charge the motion was deolnred lost. Town Solicitor H Imes reported that the sewer by-law wrje legal and that the Council of last ye4r had acted within its righte in assessin corner lots in the manner in which as momenta had been made. In answer o Coen. Mitchell Mr. Holmes stated t at the Connell had noted within its rigjhts in assessing the coat of building se ere on street inter. notions and in fro/b of exempt property to the general tax f the towo. Messrs. W. J. 3oyce, A. Young and R. R. Mooney ware present and suggest• ed a number of essanges in the plumbing by law and on m 'tion of Crms, Elliott and Bone, the y.law was referred to the Sewer Comniittee to make the neces. sary changes an report at regular meet. ing of Council. • Hon. Fmk migration rets showed a total of over 300,000 GIRL WANT ant girl wautt Rintoul, Lem) The charge in connection 1 graft oases ha Oro wn. The Manitob mined to retail the aot respect Provincial co 'ver presented the im• s to the Commons and mrnigration for the year D --A good general sere Arply to Mrs W. H. Id Street. Must Mr. James Vance ith the Oxford cuunty been abandoned by the Government has deter- te on Ontario regarding ng the licensing of extra penies. "lf my p or voice could be heard throughout t -: length and breadth of this country, nd if, without any pre- sumption, it ca uld be heard also beyond the frontier, I.would say to our Anted, win neighbors •hat, flattering as it may be to their price, the idea that the ter- ritory of the Republio should extend over the wholei continent, from the writ. ere of the Gulf of Mexico to the waters of the Arcitio Ocean, is an impraotical dream. Remo nber that we Canadians were born and, r the same flag as your ancestors, a fie,. under which, perhaps, they may have suffered some oppression, but Which to s has been, and is now more than ever the emblem of freedom. Remember the if you have founded a nation upon . separation from the motherland, weellianadians have net our hearts upon building up a nation with- out separation; that in thie task we are already far adeenced, with our inesitre tions, with o r national entity as a people, and wi u everything that cotton, wen a nation, lo whom we are just as devoted as yOtt are 10 yours, Remora. bar that the blo -cl white), flow a In our veins asgooi,just s goodots your own, and that if yon are proud people, though wo hey° not yo r number", we aro just as proud at; y n ale, and that rather than part with ur national existence we would part wi out lives."—The Prime Minister in th Muss of dointoono last Weak. THIS WAY The road to goOd Shoes, Sir, is always through our door. It makes no difference w bleb way you start, you'll wind up bete, if you're looking for the 11 st Slues. The Best Shoemakers have rent us the best they could do. Best leathers, best shoe building, best styles and best efforts alt around. When we say Men's Shoes at $2 50, $3 00, $4.O� or $5,00, you'll not be greatly impressed for you've heard these prices before but, when you see the Shoes, you'll be greatly impressed with their L400dness. We've a "best" Shoe to fill any . Shoe want any Man may have! Seeing is the proof and vra're ready to show. Where quality counts we win. W. J. GREER THE SHOER —East Wawano h Council minute re crowded out of th,.` inane. FOR RENT — 5 Lite 0 me over Greer's shoe store. App to Dr, A 3, Irwin. —Another ono etorm on Wednesday. Better to have te bad weather now than in April. 0811 at liNox's nd look at the best wall paper values ver shown in Wing - ham. —In two days MoNevin, of tow from one field to Rae, of the Gth last week Mr. Alex, , moved a barn, 25x40, another for Mr. John uoession of Turnberry. Bring along our Shoes! We do re. pairing and we do it right. W. J. GREER. RITCEEN OA, for the ladies useful article f get them at paying $30, $3 can get one f convinoed as GRACEY'S fur INEYS—Gri at time savers They certainly aro a r the kitchen. Yon oan 'Om $7 to $23 No need or $10 for one, when you far leas, Call and be 10 what I say at. S. tare store. A syndicat: headed by Mr. David Fasken of To-orito has purchased the Nipissing Oen ral Reliever. Miss Cumweings, a HamWou girl, need a hat pin on a highway man with suoh good eieot that he Link to hie heels. Eyes Tested Free All This Week BY THE NEW SHADOW TEST at HIND'S DRUG STORE. No -drops or drugs neces. sary. No tedious trying on lens'. F• L Hind, Phm, Be DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN Orders TaTten WINGHAM by Mail