The Wingham Times, 1911-03-09, Page 61► `V1N 1).4M 'IMES MAECR 0, 1911 '" ice - Loeal History of the early 80s Items from the "gin es" Pyles 1TENTY VEARS ACO, :(From tied TL E5 of March 6, 1821) The centennial of Methodism was celebrated in all kt:ettrodist churches last SuMlay. Tne itev. John Scott, M. A preached apinuariate sermons in the Methodist Church here. Mr. Hiram L,mmex, who parried on the blaoksmithing and carriage making in town for many years, has purchased b brothe.'s farm in East Wawanosh, add intends to remove shortly. Mr. John Kerr, W M. of L. O. L has been appointed as a delegate to the an• Waal meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of.. Ontario West whioh wi'.1 be bald in St. Thotras on the 24th inst. vieesrs Battu r & Feesant, of the ohair fa..sery, in addition to their ohair mak- ing business, are now turning out large quantities cf maple rollers which they are shipping to Pie Old Country. 1�T . Alex. Dey, of East Wawanosh, having disposes of his farm, hal moved into town to reside. 1141. John Elder, wh^ has been oonfin• ed to his home for some time with la grip!.', is able to ba around again. The saw milia of 4r. Arch Fisher, of P.isioy, formerly of this town, were burned a few rays ago, entailing a loss of upwards of $4,000. Mr. Geo. Payne has disposed of the British Hotel, formerly owned by Mr. El P. Simmons, to Mr. Alex. Orr, of Delmore, who took possession Wednes- day. Mr. John Pattetson, who has occupied the hotel for the past year or so, we understand, intends living pri- vately in town for a time at least. Amongst the former Wingbamites who were in town to vote, were: Messrs. Walter Scott, Samuel. Smith, Wm. Scott, E Smith of Toronto; Jos. Youbill, of Winnipeg : Richard Coad i and Robt. Young, Hensall; J. L. Coutts, St, Thomas, and A. Bitechy, Oarlsrnhe. Miss E. Mnrphy was in Toronto this weak purchasing her spring stock of millinery, &c. Mita Maggie Paterson, of Glenmorr:s, has been visiting friends in town for some time. Miss M. Dever, of Teeswater, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. But- ton, has returned to her home. DIED. Spence --In Morris, on the 27th fob., Mary A. Spence, aged 36 years. KERNELS FC IHE AtiC1UM M1LL I interesting ParegrarIls from our Exchnegs• Several years ago Wm. 11. Faxen, of Owosso, sang some of his favorite hymns into a phonograph, and these songs were repeated from the phono- graph when Fsxen's funeral service took place last week. Caught a Cold Which Ended_in a The Grand Trunk Railway 'authori- ties have issued a ciroular to their pas- senger conductors instructing them to watch with more care the conduct of passengers on their trains, with a view to putting a stop to Gambling. Many complaints have reached the company about card -playing and people being fleeced out of their money, and it seems the oonductore, or at least some of them, have not made any Effort to stop the practice of gambling on their trains. Playing cards for amusement will not be interfered with, but gambling of any kind will not be tolerated, and condno- tors must be more watchful or look for now positions. ) REST AHD HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD.. Severe Attack of rxRS.WYNSLOw'S SOOTTUNO SYRCP bas been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHarsE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS It Pneumonia. Too much stress cannot be laid on the .fact that when a person catches cold it must bo attended to immediately; or aerioua results are liable to follow. Bronchitis, Pneumonia and O'onermap- tion aro all caged by neglecting to cure the simple cold. Mrs, G. W. Bowman, Patttillo, Ont., writes: --u Three years ago I caught is cold which ended in a severe attack of Pneumonia. Since that time at the beginning of each winter I seem to catch cold very easily. I have been se hoarse I teas unable to speak loud enough to be beard across the room. Last wintery However, a friend advised me to try Dr. Wood's Isiorway fine Syrup, saying it had helped her. I bought a bottle and before it was half used I was completely cured. 1 also find it a good medicine for the ehildren when they have cnida.' Beware of the many imitations of Dr. W'ood's Norway fine Syrup, Ask for "Dr, Wood's" and insist on getting what yen was for. it is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine treee the trade mark; the price; 25 mite. Manufactitred Only by The '!r.'4Tilburti Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat, 1 SOOTHES tine CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, anti is the best remedy for DIARRHO:A. It is ab. solutely harmless. Ee sure and ask for "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no otker kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle, Thos who aro afflicted with pimples would do well to keep in mind that if the skin performs its luootions properly, throwing off the waste matter actively, there will bo a doeided improvement in the complexion. Hard water will rain the complexion, and should never be used. 'Keep the body °lean as welt as the fade. Ten additional ohergee have been laid against M. T. Buchanan, ex - Warden of Oxford county. Rev. Father McCabe of Maidstone de. fended Bishop Fallon from the attacks of the French-Canadian section of the Church. When yon have rheumatism in your foot or instep epply Ohamherlain'a Lin- iment and you will get quick relief. It costs but a quarter. Why snffet? For Bale by all dealers. The Austrian River Polk drops into a big bole and disappears entirely into the interior of the earth. In 1902 the mileage of wires used for telephones wai four times as great as that of Telegraph wires, but Bove years later it was eight times as great. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER 5c. is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and. permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 25c. blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Edmanson, Bates & do., Toronto. HAVE YQU•HAD IT? From the following drscriptton, our readers willhave no difficulty in reoog. nizing a visitor to many home', and it you feel like singing) a. very familmar tune will suggest itOelf From northern ley mountain' To 'Gotham (oral atrande, Where gulling geyser fonutains Boil up through golden land; Frain many an eastern river To many a western plain, The people groan and shiver With lefluer:ze's pain, What though delightful breezes Blow soft o'er every mile, It every per3on sneezes With iz f1uenzavile; In vain with lavish kindness The doctor givesns pills, Which, heathen like in blindness, We take and pay his bills. A brutal murder occurred at Minni. taki, 70 miles from Senora, when a Galician track Iaborei on the 0. P. R., was struck on the back with an axe by an Italian. It you have trouble in getting' rid of your coldyou may know that you are not treating it ptoperly. There is no need that a cold should bar g on for weeks and it will sot if fen take Chemberlain's Cough Remedy. Fcr tale by all dealers, The Oliver Plow Works Company which has let the contract for a $200,- 000 assembly building announces that it will spend six hundrei thousand dollars this yearenlarging its rlantat Hamilton. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R i A While at work in the bottling depart- ment of the Welker villa Brewing Co., John Hessler was seriously burned by a stream of boiling pitch running over him. He will probably be disfigured for life. Do you know that of all the minor ailments colds aro by far the most dang• erons? It is not the oold itself that you need to fear, but the serious diseases that it often leads to. Most of are known as germ diseases. Pneumonia and consump- tion are among them. Why not take Ohamberlain's Cough Remedy and cure your cold while you can? For sale by all dealers. JLhn W Sio eelsunith, Greensboro.jPa., has three children, and like most ohild- • ren they fregnently talo cold "We have tried oeveral kinds of oongh medieine," Ire says, 'but never f:rund guy yet that did them as much good as Ohamberlein's Clough Remedy." For sale by all dealers. Local buyers have beeu notified by the wheletalo dealers that the percentage of fat hogs is so large in proportion to the number of hogs beteg marketed, that they find it impossible to dispose of their I product excepta serious lose, . Con. Stridently nt i they aro now paying at netts. try pointe a quarter of a dent per pound lees than itraight price for Hogs- weigh• ing from 220 to 24.0 pon ids and half a cent per pound rete on all hogs over 240 pounds. Local buyers tell ns that far• niers have been holding bank their bogs and fattening thxm for the high prices, ar a result the heavyweights have bee dome a drug on the market. D.EAENESS CANNOT BE CUSSED by loosl applioations, as they oanpot reach the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by oonetitional remediee. Deefnesa is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Etta. tacnian Tube. When this tube is in, flamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, heariug will be destroyed for- ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, whioh is nothing but an in- fiammed condition of the mucous sur. !noes. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be oured by Hall's Catarrh Onre. Send for oironlars free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. A Good Receipt. Tho following is a good receipt for scandal: Take a grain of falsehood, a handful of runabout, the same quantity' of nimble tongue, a sprig of the herb baokbite, teaspoonfulof don't you.tell-it, six drops of malice, two drachms of envy and two ounces of ingratitude. Add a little discontent and jealousy, and strain through a bag of mieoonstruotion, cork it up in a bag of malovolenoe and hang it up on a skein of street yarn; keep it in a hot atmosphere, shake it oocassionaly for a few days, then it will be fit for use. Let a few drops bo taken before going out, and the desired result will be sure to follow. One family not a hundred miles from here keeps a wholesale supply of all the above ingredients except the don't -you -tell -it constantly on band and deals them out its much larger quantities than is given in above receipt, regardless of the consequences. A resolution providing for an eleotive - Senate was introduced In the Commons Monday by M. Y. McLean. This form of reform was not generally approved. The premier suggested that at least some of the Senators might be (+boson by the Provinoee. Ile asked the Rouse to tip• proaoh the gneetion in a non partisan spirit, with a view of effecting a real re- form. NowCured of Rheumatism Cost him $10O.00for medicines which failed—Curedby DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS. Mr. James Clark, Maidstone, Sask., writes: "I suffered for four years with rheumatisns in my shoulders and could not lift my arms above the head, x tried pearly all the advertised rem'-' dies but none of them gave me re• lief. It most me at least $100.00 for medicines before I used Dr. Cha'o's I{idney-Liber "With the use of this medicine, I soon fauna relief. I followed tip this treatment for six months and was then quite free from rheumatism. While using Dr. Ohne as kidney -Liver Pills T also used Dr, Chase's aekaeke Plaster when so stiff that 1 could acarccl 'bend. Theyl w s found the weak spot and gavalways relief while the internal treatment Was bringing about a thorough ettre,"' The sweetie of Dr. Chase's Itidney. Liver Pills hat been phenomenal, Dim pill a dose, 21 eoonts a box, at all dr, dere or Velar eon, Pates dr Co•, 'tor• onto. Dr, Chase's Recipes will be sent free on request. Revilion Freres,— ESTABLISHED 1729 The largest dealers in Furs and Skins in the world. We pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICF, for all kinds of Raw Furs and Skins Honest assortment, Quick returns Ask for our r'P.ICE LIST IT'S FREE OFFIcE ANO STOREROOMS . 134 and 136 Meolll St. Montreal, WE PAY EXPRESS CRARGES, SKUNK WANTED Husbands and Wives. Married (maples 'Mould learn to con• trot their tempera. Giving way to Ira - patience and basty words ha' destroyed the peace of many a home, A husband. Always likes to see hie wife looking not, fresh and tidy. Nothing jars upona man more than to observe that his wire is gettiug into slovenly habits. A, has blind maitre a wife unhappy when she thinks he is getting oareless in the little dernopsii'atiens of affection that were so familiar in the courting day', Let him keep them up by all means, and he should remember that hie wife likes to be consulted on mattere of interest to himself A wife will do well to study her husband's moods. It he is moody or depressed let her cheer him up; if he is irritable, he must be soothed; if he is impatient he must be borne with, not crossed, "Answering hank" is not the way that makes for domestic heppineas. It is harmony, love, sympathy and mu- tual forbearance that brings joy into a home. IN ANY QUANTITY AT BEST MARKET PRICES I pay best in prices for Mink, Coon, Muskrat, Weasel, Lynx, Bear, eto. I pay all express charges, charge no commission. I hold furs separate on request. Write for ns latest price list. J. YAFFE, 72 Colborne St., Toronto, Ont. The most common cause of insom- nia is disorders of the stomach, Obamb erlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets oar• rent these disorders and enable you to sleep, For sale by all dealers, The Average Horse. Everybody knows says a writer in the March issue of MaoLeane Magazine, that this world's rewards are not even equitably distributed. That is why the world has invented Heaven and Hall. The people that don't get what they think they ought to get in this world figure—or at least some of them do— that things will be evened np in the next world and that the fellow who possesses everything in,thls life will be according- ly deprived of everything in the world hereafter, except Heat and Company. But the Average Horse has not even this sort of thing to even things up. He has no religion, no domestic interests, no friends, no hopes, no trade union, no propaganda. He has not even the pleas- ure of a varied diet, snoh as men have, or of the varied diseases to whioh men incline. When a man dies it is from one of a thousand causes. When shortie diens it one of a few, Heaves or gland - ere, or overwork, Even when he is blind they drive him. When he is too far gone to drag the cart any further, they shoot him in the street, and when he is dead he is re -incarnated into boots and glue. A horse's work is never done and he hasn't even the fun of sinning. WANTED NOW For Wingham and anrrounding die• trict for Fall end Winter menthe an en emetic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stook, Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free Exclusive Territory. 600 ACRES Under cultivation. -w e n raan ten to deliver stook in good dondion and tip to eontraot grade. We an show that there it good money in representing a well known reliable firm at this time, Eitdbllahed over 80 years, Write for partlonlare, 'Children O, ry` PETAIAM ISURSl�R1� Clo. FOR FLETCHER'S Toronto, Ontario. G A S T t R I A CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of��� Starting Out Easily. Farmer Jeames was in a towering pas- sion. He had received a letter—An insult- ing letter—Ea outrageous letter By gosh I. but what a reply he'd send to it. Red with rage, he burst into the ofhtce of the village solicitar: "Look at that!" he roared; :and oast the :cffentive epistle on the table. The solioitor glanced at it, "Well?" replied the solicitor, "Well?" shouted Jeamee. "I want you to write to him and tell him this tomfoolery has got to, stop. I know what I want ter say, but 1 ain't got the learnin ter put it justright," "Well wbataml to say?" The Bolioit- or took up his pen. For a minute or two Jeames stood speechless. "Waal" he blurted out at last, "begin by tellin' him he's the durndest, lyniest tbeivenest, low•doundeetskunk on earth an' then—then work up." Makes Hair Grow. h11111.11111.11111,1111111111111111111111,11111111,11101111111111,11111111111womm We l Igeml Ir - , ee ' ,kregetablePrep ratiouforA,s- sliniialing theFoollandllegula- titlg the Stomachs andBod': pis of MriangirrF PromotesDigestion,Civ r•I'ul- nessand Rest.Contains r ill's 0 tum,Morphine nor i its,ru1. Np0'rN 7aO®TIC, RtFPe vii.Xlr-iWIdW1":iis'ai:g lain l.•in Soil s dtx.Sennn Asiana Scar - Anire Secci iinpeinunt - let Gtrdone2SO4, t 191v9 J'eed - ('ledhed Jitgar . War,' pow Nunn A perfect Iterriedy 'or Constipa- tion, Sour Stomaetl,Dsdrltwee, Worms ,Cc ilk'utsions ,.e t',r;sil• - tress anti Loss Or Sump. racSinlile Signature of Iti EW '‘.(011K. STORIA For Infants and. Children, The KIid You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use ForOver Thirty Years ORIA EXACT copy OF WRAPPER. "A return laid on the Oommone table this week shows the cost of the Govern- ment's section of the Transcontinental to date to be $91,000,000, and that nearly $56,000,000 will be required to finish the road. That makes the total $147,000,- 000. The trackage laid amounts to 1,296 miles, and the expenditure already in- curred figures out at nearly $76,000 per mile for that. The O. P. R. short line to Sudbury was built for a little over $40,000. P. J. Hindhas an invigorator that will grow hair or money back. The time to take care of your hair is when you have hair to take (are of. If your hair is getting thin, gradually falling out, it cannot be long before the spot appears, The greatest remedy to atop the hair from falling is Salvia the great Americ- an Hair Grower first didoovered in Eng- land. SALVIA fnrnishetnonriehment to the hair roots and aots so quickly that people are amazed, And remember it deatoys the Dandruff, the little 'germ that saps the lite that should go to the hair from the roote. SALVIA is sold by F, J, Hind under a positive guarantee 10 cure dandruff, stop falling hair and itching Scalp in ten days Or money bank, A large bottle post 60o. The word "Salvia" (Latin for sage) is on every bottle. "When I order poultry from you again," said the man tvho quarrels with his grocer, "I don't want you to tend meas opn of those ler lane ohidkene. " "What kind do you mean?" "The sort that are all Wings and machinery and no meat.' NEW TORR CITY. The upper part of a room heated by a furnace is always hotter than the floor. The difference is not a uniform amount, but varies with the temperature outside, the colder weather making a greater dif. ferenoe between the fl Jur and ceiling temperature. Yon may have five, ten or even twenty degrees dsfferenoe be- tween the floor and the ceiling. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA PRINTING AND STATION ERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in • WRITING PADS ENVELO PES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. • Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTEHEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times •ffice STONE BLOCK � Win-.. hams Ont