The Wingham Times, 1911-02-16, Page 6. r
(From the TIMES of Feb. 18, 1891.)
Mr. John Dinsley, of the Dinsley
House, hae had several incadesoent
electric lights put in his house this week.
Mr. J. W. Bengongh, Grip'e cartoon-
ist, will give an entertainment in Wing -
ham during the month of March.
Messrs, T. Bell, Henry Kerr and Wm.
Kerr went to Toronto on Wednesday to
look at a number of Anglican churches
in that city and to secure plans for the
new churchlo he built here this coming
Mr, E. L. Dickinson, barrister, of
this town, has been appointed Returning
Officer for this Riding.
Dr. Tamlyn received a letter from Mr.
E. F. Rlaok, of Nebraska, the other day,
in which Mr. Bleats states that his
stables on his ranoh were reoently des-
troyed by fire, causing a loss of over
$4,000 and that there was no insurance.
The plans of the new Bank of Henan -
ton blinding, to be erected in Wingham
during the coming summer, have been
prepared, and we had the pleasure of
inspeoting them a few days ago.
Rev. Dr. Crawford, pastor of the Bap -
Local History of the early 80s
Items from the "Times" fyles
tilt church, we are sorry to learn is in-
Mrs. Jac Winter, of Monteith, Mani-
toba, "is visiting her sister, Mrs. R.
Mr. A. H. Musgrove, of this town,
was nominated at the Conservative Con-
vention held at Brussels, on Tuesday
last, to conteat this Riding against Dr.
Macdonald, the old member. After a
couple of days, it is now announced that
Mr. Musgrove has planed his resignation
in the hands of the president of the Con-
servation Association of the Riding.
Crows ton—Showers.—At the reeidence
of the bride's brother, Turnberry, on the
Ilth inst., by the Rev, John Scott, M.
A., Mr. Isaac: N. Crowston, of Kinloss,
to Hannah, youngest daughter of Chan-
cy Showers, Esq.
MoCutcheoe—Hayden.,— At Wiug-
ham, on the Ilth inst., by the Rev. H,
IlloQaarrie, Mr. Samuel MoOatoheon,
Grey, to Miss Jane Hayden, Tarnberry.
Sproal.—In Outset's, on the 2nd inst.,
Alexander Sproal, aged 17 years, 4
months and 16 days.
I1Interesting Paragraphs from our E xclInegs.
For every birth ocouring at sea there
are about sixteen deaths.
There's no use in getting angry; yet a
man seems to get spent deal of satisfac-
tion oat of it.
As a general rule there are more police
on duty in London during the night than
in the day.
There is no man so vile but may be
remediable. There is no man fallen so
low but he may win upward again to the
light. —Edwin Platte
A great many velvet bags have come
in and satin ones outnumber those which
appeared lett spring.
Me. George Hiles, Grimsby, Ont.,
writs:--"Justa, few lines to let you
keolv whet Milburn's Heart and Nerve
tells have done for me. I suffered
greatly with my nerves and became so
nervous and weal: at tittles I could not
worla A friend of mine advised me to
try a box of your pills, which I did, and
coon found great relief, They are the
Leet medicine I have ever taken for the
heart and nerves. I recommend them
eny one suffering from heart or nerve
t rote ,le.
Milburti's Heart and Nerve Pills make
the week heart strong and the shaky
nervee firm by imparting a strengthening
and restorative influent° to every organ
and tissu1/40 of the body and curing pal-
pitation of the heart, dizziness, sleeplese.
nese, anaemia, twitehing of the muscles,
general debility, lack of vitality, etc.
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.25,
at all &Mom oranailed direet on receipt
f ptica, by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
'Toronto, Ont.
Rod and Gun.
Some of the many joys of the Canad-
ian winter form the predominating feat -
tare of the February issue of Rod and
Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Tay-
lor, Limited, Woodstock, Ont. A snow-
shoe tramp isnt only enjoyable but health
giving and as recreation cannot be env
palmed. When sash a tramp can be tak-
en in winter woodswhich have charms
and glories all their own the fascinations
of the outing are unequalled and he who
has failed to indulge in such pastime has
missed much that goes to make life worth
living. Beyond the winter joys there is
so much worthy of attention. Hunting in
the Land of the Caribou—Newfoundland
—well desoribes tbe attraction of that
island to the big game henter; while the
advantages of Quebec, of Nova Scotia,
of British Colombia and both Old and
New Ontario for game and game fieh are
recorded by those who have had expel'.
lenoe and reoonnt their experiences for
the pleasure and profit of their fellow
sportsmen. An illustrated description of
of d portion of the mountain section of
the Grand Trunk Paoiflo goes to show
that in emit beauties Canada's new
transcontinental is going to rival any
other route. There is also a wealth of
further articles on sporting matters and
the large army of trapshooters will be
partionlerly interested in an illustrated
account Of the Hamilton Winter Town.
ament. Altogether this number has only
to be seen to recommend itself, as the
finest exponent of Canadian outdoor life
in its many phraaea now publiehed.
Irkutsk, the mining and lumbering
oapital Of Siberia, is said to he the wick.
edest and fastest oily in the World.
The first complete edition Of the N'eW
Testament translated WO the Chinese
language was nuttily isitted,
rine Frenoh serge is being muola used
for indoor gowna.
The Sau Francisco labor couriell'a
legislative agent will be allowed $0 a
day and mileage.
S. lialetead, auother Organ Oompany
employee had four tiogers oevored wbile
operating a eve at the faotory.
Children Cry
In making love or playing oar is,
much depends upon the bends you held.
The Turkish Government hes estab-
Relied wireless telegraphy on 11 warships
and bat installed a land etatiou.
$Wben her child is in danger a woman
will risk her lifo to protect it. No great
act of hercism or risk of life lo necessary
to protect a obild from croup. Give
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and all
danger is avoided *Punta by all dation,
Spider s are met with in the foreste of
Java whose webs are so strong that it
requires a knife to out through them.
The Chinese army advisory board is
planning a complete survey of the entire
empire for general as well as military
Children Cry
Dates staffed with marshmallows,
arranged in a circle upon a dessert
platter, and served with whipped cream
make another uico dessert.
In some parts of Africa children will
at salt in preference to sugar. Oa the
Gold Coast a heedful of salt will pule
ohase two slaves.
How to cure a cold is a question in
which many are interested just now
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won
its great reputation and immense sale
by its remarkable cane of colds. 11 can
be depended upon. For sale by all dealers
Khaki is thought now to have served
its day as a field service dress, and the
war office authorities are said to be con-
sidering the best color as a eubstitute.
There are annually killed in Africa a
mtnimam of 65 000 e'ephants, yielding
a quantity of raw ivory, the selling prioe
of which is $4,250,000.
Sedentary habits, leek of outdoorex--
ercise, insufficient mastication of food
constipation, a torpid liver, worry and
anxiety, are the most common causes of
stomach troubles Correct your habits
and take Chamberlain's Stomaoh and
Liver Tablets and you will soon be wel
again. For sale by all dealers.
One of the very "timeliest tips" is
one on the end of your rubber. Few
people realize that rubbers may be
mended as well as shoes.
Children Cry
During the past year the Oigarmaker's
International Union paid in mak benefits
$181,000; death benefits, $230,800. It
gained 4,250 in membership.
A widower, aged 70, and a widow a
year his senior, both of whom have been
inmates of the Willesden Workhouse for
some time, have claimed their pensious
and become engaged to be married.
A pteoe of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on
to the affeoted parts is superior to any
plaster. When troubled with lame back
or pains in the side or chest give it a trial
and yoh are certain to be more than
pleased with the prompt relief whioh it
affords. Sold by all dealers.
The Springfield Republican says that
one of he big Atlantic liners will take
on at New York as much as $60,000
worth of food and other provisions for a
voyage across the Atlantic.
Dr. Chase's Oin:.
rant is a Certain
an d guaranteed
cnrefor each and
every. f or m of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
Piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
your neighbors about it. You can use it tied
letyour money back if not satistlecL_60c, at all
EMIANSON• BATES ifO CO., eterento.
In a oruelty to children oase, at Perth
the other day, it emerged that the
yOungsters concerned had always had
some money, with which they purchased
"lucky bags" and lived on their con-
Was Terribly Afflicted
With Lame Back,
Could Not Swoop The Floor.
It is hard to do house work with a
weak and aching back.
Backache comes from sick kidneys, and
what a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause.
But they can't help it. If more work
is put on deem than they can stand it is
not to be wondered that they get out of
Doan's Kidney Pills are a specific for
lame, weak or aching backs and for e.11
kidney .troubles.
Mrs. Napoleon Lamour Smith's Falls,
Ont., writes: --"I take pleasure in writ-
ing you stating the benefit I have received
by using Doan's Kidney Pilla. About a
year ago I was terribly afflicted with lame
back, and was so bad I could not even
sweep rny own floor. I was advised to
try Doan's Kidney Pills, which I did, and
with the greatest benefit, 1 only used
three boxes and I am as well as ever. I
highly •recommend these pillto any
stlfferer from lame back and kidney
Doan's Kidney Pills are BO tents per
box or 8 for $1.26, at all dealers or mailed
direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil.
bare Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont.
When orcloriag direct specify "Doett'e."
VANCOUVRR, B.C., Feb. zst, 1910.
"I mu well acquainted with a man,
known to thousands in Vancouver,
Victoria and New 'Westminster, who for
nearly a year was practically a cripple
front Rheumatism. He was so troubled
with the disease that he found it difficult
to even turn over in bed. His heart
appeared so weak that he could hardly
walk up stairs.
Last June, be received a sample of ,
"Fruit-a-tives". He used them and
dates his recovery from that time.
To -day, there is no man in Vancouver
enjoying better health.
He was building a bouse this fall and
shingled a good part of the roof in a
driving rain, without suffering any bad
effects". JOHN B. LACY.
Mr. E. E. Mills, (assistant postmaster
at Knowlton, Que.,) also writes :
"I honestly believe that "Fruit -a -fives"
is the greatest Rheumatism cure in the
world". Try it yourself.
soc. a box, 6 for 82.50, trial size, 250,
At dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives Limited,
The Vanished Flies.
The flies are dead. We used to say
upon the long bot summer day, that we
would gaily do our toil, if only Mee
were boiled in ell, Yon all remember
how we roared, and fauned the insecte
with a board, and set our traps and laid
out slieets of sticky, dope to catch tin i
feet°, and pawed and howled, and wish•
ed the flies were in their graves, dad
bing their eyes. Ani now the flies er
dead and gone; and as the winter des s
roll on does any pilgrim stop to say how
sweet lite is since they're away? Fleas
out of sight are out of mind; we go
about the daily grind, and never think
how fine it is that they do no more
around us whiz. The pilgrim has some
other °area, and over them he sweats
and swears, and says if only they'd be-
gone, true happiness would have a dawn
It they skedaddled like the flies, he'd
drip some briny from his eyes, and dig
up other kinds of woes, and rant and
paw and chew his toes. So when you
think your griefs will fill your life and
all your pleasures kill, 0 try to shake
your discontent—you'd never miss them
if they went. —Welt Mason.
How's This? °
WARD for any ease of catarrh that oan.
not be cured by HALL'S CATARRH OIME,
F. J. CHENEY ,C; Co., Toledo, Ohio.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
leive him perfeotly honorable in all bust,
nese transaotione and financially able to
may out any obligations made by his
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hama's OATARREI (JURE ie taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per
bottle. Sold by all druggists_.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constip.
10, 191,1
WHIlls1 a politician starts to mend.
Ing his fences be frequently finds
that matertal comes high.
There is always room at the top, but
the top never has elevator service, •
In the interest of - realism breakfast
food people should have Excelsior for
their motto.
A bachelor is a lonely man. Ho has
no children to take to the circus nor
wife for whom to gather gossip,
There are tricks In all trades except
your own. Tbat's why your own
doesn't pay.
Get the saving ha- bit. The results
will come handy to your relatives.
The ability to forget unpleasane
things is more comforting to the sout
than an ice cream soda on a hot day.
Some persons believe firmly in the
power of the stars over their deste
nies. It offers such a soothing explae
nation of their own failures.
Put not your faith in kings. Your
opponent may hold aces.
Opportunity often goes unrecognized
because it wears the guise of hard
Many a woman prides herself open
her charity because she believes only
part of the gossip about her dearest
Some Reasons.
A. fancy feeling, indistinct,
About my head is floating—
It seems to me I heard a word
Or two concerning voting.
And that reminds me, I must take
My rifle and go gunning
For several special candidates
'Who fancy they are running.
Ah, when we amble to the polls
To drop our solemn ballot
For pen with which to make the merle
We often use a mallet!
Instead of striving for the best
And for pur country planning'.
We look 'Jr names we do not like
And, only think of canning.
Some man who didn't ask our wife
• When his wife gave a partY
We will remember, you can bet,
And scratch him good and hearty,
And any one who kicked our dog
Or said our verse was rotten
Will know when listening to ratans
His acts were not forgotten.
The good that men can do may cut
A figure in the voting,
But other things may enter in,
As I just here am noting.
Upon the noble and the great
We may delight in gazing,
But still we never can forget
Our enemies need hazing.
The Best of It.
"My dad's a rich man," boasted the
freckled faced -boy.
"Is that so?" gibed the redheaded
little girl.
"You bet."
"Mine is richer than that."
"How could he be?"
"'Cause he's as rich as a hundred
rich men."
Bow Park Farm, near Brantford, onoe
owned by Hon. George Brown, has beetfee
sold to a ooropany known as the Ontario
Seed. Co., and will be used for seed
growing purposes. Oannerse Ltd., are
behind the new concern, and it is said
that Government assistance will be
Bought to make Bow Park a model and
experimental farm 011 a big Boole.
The cat needs a good meal twice or
three times a day. The cat needs to
have fresh water where she oan always
get at it, fresh milk at least once a day,
and a good, clean, warm, dry bed.
No child can practioe cruelty toward
any living thing without doing himself
far greater harm, yet in many homes
we hear, "Don't hurt the oat, she will
scratch you," "Don't hurt the oat, for
she feels the pain as you would."
Cats are endowed with the proverbial
"nine lives," but are very seneitive,
delicate oreatures, depending 'wholly
upon a good home and care for their
comfort and health.
A soft answer invites impidenoe.
It's a drouthy road that has nae inn.
A soft halm' aft hides a heart o' flint.
A kilt and a Glengarry dinna mak' a
It's an ill job tae pit a latiohin' gab bn
a toom p000h,
An honest man is a poet's dream—or
a Sootemen.
The coOf that's ashamed 6' hie mither
tongue desalts neither speeoh nor hear.
A fuel wi' a grid appetite is happier
then a lettered genius wi' the Indiges-
I see they're gum tae hae a Menlo.
tem In Toronto. /WI richt—It's a
oily o' deid nes,
A tattle an' a herrins by your air
fireside Is malt tasty than a the dila.
ties that siller oan buy where naebody
Irons ye.—Montreal Herald.
Sure Thing.
"Beauty adorned"—
"Ob, I know all about that."
"Do you?"
"Yes; is adorned the most."
"Not on your life!"
"No; is due to run a large monthly
Too Fat.
"Why didn't
Jack propose?"
"Some one point-
ed out that I will
look like Mamma
some day."
et et
And He Could Do It.
"She married a count."
"Mercyt I wonder how she could do
"Oh, she wanted some one to Count
her dad's millions."
Couldn't Penetrate It.
"Del that hired girl I sent up reach
you?" telephoned the employment
"Yes; she got here some time ago."
"She is an angel in disguise."
"Oh, What a perfect disguise!"
"There Is a foolish streak in all oft
"Not all."
"No. In some it is just a streak
that isn't foolish."
Like a Prizefighter.
"Lightning never strikes twice in the
Same place."
"Why not?"
"Maybe it ean't come back.'
Qulit Way.
There iseet. any scandal,
Good people 00 not frown
Or can it isimply awful
. :Wheleellieeletiee9nte the 4`eted
• 1!i4iIl 1i
GO NfSteet_TAF.a,ON. .„ , tkiCtifra ta
ONE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS. Every case submitted to us receives the personal
attention of ourMedicalStatr, who consider the symptoms, complications and chronicity,
and then decide as to the disease and curability, Specific remedies are then prescribed
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appropriate treatment cannot fail to cure, as specific medicines are selected to euro the
symptoms that trouble you. We have no cure.all medicineslike most specialists use who
send the same medicines to all patients alike aud cure pone. We have treated patients
throughout Canada for over twenty years and can refer to any bank as to our responsibility.
We Guarantee Cures or No Pay. Wo Treat all Diseases of Man and Women.
If Unable to Call, Write for a Question List for Home Treatment,
Cor Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
N OTICE All letters from Canada must be addres eed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
ee Merit in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows :
Write for our private address.
kaa./e 10. 4004.,M 1 1 11 1 1 I16 1 5.. Infallak 111 104
A new horseshoe has lately been ex-
perimented with at Lyone, In Franoe.
The shoe is made entirely of sheep's
horn, and is found partioulerly adapted
to horses employed in towns and known
not to have a steady foot on the pave-
Yon are probably aware thee pneatmon -
in always restate from a Ocid, but you
never beard of a cold resulting in pneu-
monia when Chamberlain's Oough
Remedy was used. Wby take the tisk
when this remedy may be had for a
trifle? For sale by all dealers.
Only citizens who aro able to read and
write have the power to vote in Bolivia.
Football is popular in Burma. The nat-
ives play the game with baro feet,
A man obargad with begging told
Scarborough magistrates recently that
during the 22 years he had been in Eng-
land ha had never worked, but existed.
by wandering about. He had visited.,
every town in the country.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of 444
Newfoundland's Government has de-
cided to est abl ish fin mediately an old -age
pension tysiem.
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times lffice
Wingharn, Ont.