The Wingham Times, 1911-02-09, Page 6• 6 The first pound yon use will win your lasting favor TILE WING 114/%1 TIMES, FalltUARY 9, 1911 "taler" tiMIITOBt HMO V' estaterS k - TWENTY YEARS AGO. (From the Teems of Feb, 6, 1891.) LOOAL NEWS, Messrs. Button & Fessant, of the chair factory, have their nail yards filled with loop, and cannot, therefore, purohase any more this eeason. Mrs. Wm. Kyle, of this town, mother of Mr. James Loutitt, has a pooket knife whittle she prirohased in Sootlaud over sixty years ago. Mr. John Coutte, formerly of East Wawanosh, is down hero from Neepewa, Manitoba, visiting relatives and friends. Mr, Waiter Green, of the firm of Messrs. Gilchrist, Green & Co, and Chief Pettypieoe, were in Brantford, on Mon- day last, and succeeded in getting a aettlement with young Soarfe for the 150 draft which Messrs. Gilchrist, Green & Co., endorsed for him last fall. The basket" social given by Maitland Lodge, No. 119, L 0. 0. F., on Wednes- day evening, was well attended, Mr, J. A. Morton occupied the ohair and the programme, which was composed of instrumental music by the Methodist Church orchestra, a couple of readings by Mr. S. Gracey, a natation by Mr. E. J. Green, a quartette by Misses Pat- terson and Messrs. Duffield and Steven- son, a solo by Mise Watson, a solo by Mise Lilly Field, a quartette by Misses Duffield and Patterson and Metiers. Duf- field, and a solo by Mr. 3. H. Stevenson, was well carried out. At the meeting of Court Maitland, No. 25, Canadian Order of Foresters, on Fri- day last, whioh was very largely attend. ed, Bro. James Shaw, in recognition of the kindness of the members to him during his long illness,• presented the Court with a beautiful large oil painting. The presentation was made by Messrs, John Neelande and R. Elliott, in short appropriate addresses, whioh were re. plied to by the Chief Ranger, Mr. Wm. Smyth. The annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge of North Huron, was held at Belgrave, on Tuesday last, in 1 Local History of the early 80s Items from the "Times" fyles. the Forestere' Hall. After considerable business of a private nature had been conoluded, the eleotiou of citftoore for the current year was proceeded with, and resulted as follows: W. EL Clegg, 0. M., Gorrie; John Mooney, D. M., Brussels; B. Gerry, Chap., Brussels; John Kerr, R, S., Wingham; Jas. Stew- art, F. S., Belgrave; Wm, McGill, Treas., Belgrave; Jos. Mallough, D of C., Dangannou ; T. E. Cornyn, Wing - ham, and Jos. Curtis, Bluevale, Lectur- ers. A match was played in the rink here, on Tuesday last, in the Ontario Tankard competition, between Wingham and Brussels clubs, which, after a closely contested game, resulted in favor of Wingham by 7 shots. Below is the wore: Wingham. J. Duffield, J. Neelands, W. Paterson, J. Dlneley, skip, 22 B. Wilson, A. Mitchell, F. Paterson, S Kent, skip, 16 Brussels. P. Soott F. S. Scott, Jae. T. Rose, S. W. Laird, ek, 14 W. F. Soott, H. Dennis, D. Rose, A. Carrie, skip, 17 88 81 Majority for Wingham, 7 shote. BORN. Everitt—In Morrie, on Jan. 29th, the wife of James Everitt; a son. r• King—In Wingham, on Jan. 30th, the wife of J. A. Kiog; a daughter. MARRIED. Johns—Westmnn—In Wingham, on the 4th inet, at the residence of Thomas Gregory, Beq., by the RSV. John Scott, M, A., Mr. William A. Johns, to Mies Annie R. Westman, all of Wingham. DIED. Yeo—In the Township of Turnberry, on the 2nd of February, Elizabeth Teo, beloved wife of Robert Yeo, aged 64 years, 7 months and 12 days. KERNELS FROM THE SMiCiliM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchnegs• The Montreel Board of Trade passed h resolution against the trade arrangement with the United States by a surprisingly small- mejority, 60 voting aye and 44 nay. Had Severe Pains In Each. Felt As If It Must Break. Mr. Alfred E. Davis, Gorrie, Ont., writes: —"For some years I suffered from, peyote pains in my back, and could hardly work at all, and when I stooped I &an to pick up attything felt as if my back nest break. I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Mlle and after taking two boxes was entirely cured, and I feel that I cannot epeak too highly in their favor. "This wee needy four years ago and I still remain eared!' For 13ackache, Laine Deck, Weak 13ack, there is no remedy equal to Dosa's Kidney Pills for taking out the stitches, twitches and twines, limbering up the stiff back and giving perfect comfort. Dean's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box or;) boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed timet on ree,oipt of price by The T. ttlilletin roe Limited, Toronto, Oat. In urdeli.te; diteet specify "Doan's." Strikes in 1910 cost the Bakers' and Confectioners' Intornationat Union $67,- 781. In Spain wireless telegraph apparatus ie used to detect the approach of thunder storms. Yon are probably aware that pneumon- ia always results from a cold, bet you never heard of a oold resulting in mien. monia when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle? For sale by all dealers, Over 90,000,000 gallons of oils are an- nually produoed from ebale in England, About 4,400 stage are killed annually on the moors`of Scotland. CASTOR IA l'or Infants and Waren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of' The establishing of a direct steamehip eervioe between Canada and Mexico re- sulted in a big increado in trade between the two 00tIntries. Actoording to the etatement of the Mexico Oonsol•Gener. al, the export e from Canada In 1910 show an increase of over a million dol. Ionia and the importof $710,500. Geo. Murray of St. Catharines was flu - ed $50 for personating an electorand vet. ing at the mecieipal eleotion in Thorold towuahip. When her ohi'd it in danger a women will risk her life to prott et it. No great not of heroism or flak of WO is aeoeesary to protect a child from croup , Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and all danger is avoid, d, For snle by ell dealers. Offtoial sanction has now been given to the London Scottieh to have a =rob in Scotland this year as they did 6 mire ago, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA In commemoration of the 101st anni• versary of Mr, Gladstone's birth his sta- tue in the strand, Londov, was deoorated with wreathe. Plans are well en ler way, and options are being aquired for a 200,000 dry dock 'at Anterstburg, with possibly a shipyard in addition. A. Woman Made tlappys I could namely get about the house to attend to my work end felt miserable nearly all the time." writes Mee Alex, Buchanan, Island Brook, Que. "After using Dr A. W. Chase's Nerve Food my system is wonderfnlly built up. There is no further tronble frcm dizzy spells and stomach weakness; and with health and strength restored, life has a new plenums for me," • From 500 to 1,000 unemployed are to be Wined continuous work throughout ihe winter in constructing alake at Hea- ton Park, iklanobeeter. An electric lamp with 3 degrees of brilliancy that a Penrsylvania man has invented has three sets of filaments con. trolled separately by a switch. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Mas.Worsiow's Soon:ono Swettp has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT &Teens% It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all FAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, awl is the best remedy for DIARRHCEA. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. The tunnel under the Seine for the Metropolitan reilway of Paris when oom pleted will be the largest sub -river tuu- nel in the world. The work is being done by American engineere. The Deleware and Hudson train from Montreal for New York ran through an open switch at L'Aoadie, Quebec, and ten persons were hurt. The engineer and fireman, only were seriously injured. Row' S This? We offer ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE WARD for any case of catarrh that can- not be cured by Heaa's OATARRH CURE, F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- leive him perfeotly honorable in all busi. nese transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING,KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. HALL'S CATARRH CURE is taken in- ternally, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free, Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for oonstip. Mien. The Canadian Nettle raid Northern Navigation steamers will be equipped with wireless during the winter, and when in aervloe next summer will be in oonetaut touch with the Port Arthur station established recently. A pieoe of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affeoted parts ie superior to any plaster. When tronbled with lame back or pains in the side or chest give it a trial and yoh are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief whioh it affords. Sold by all dealere. A freshly cut potato makes a good polarity indioator. Of two current carry. ing wires ineerted into it tho positive wire will tense a green stain, while if Statile serround eaeh wire it shows that the current is alternating. Rhode Island has a farm on whioh are located all her etato institutions, inolud- ing the state prieon, statewinkhonee and Providence jail. The workhouse prisOn erit have done Much in reclaiming and cultivating laud, removing atones, lea. proving the stream and building Wails, A patent heti Leen granted on a roaht ing pau for Meat, which automatically bastes ite coaten to by collecting tbej eleee through n percolator ant delivering them in the fern of spray. W L. Edmonds, General Manager of the Maclean Publishing Co., has severed his couneetion with that firm, and with D. O. McKinnon will form the Canadian Merchants' Publishing Co„ which will Shettly briug out two new publioations. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST'ORIA .4» Old Postal Rates. The high postal rates thet prevailed in tbe surliest years of last century made the transmission of a letter or parol a matter of a serious moment. "A peoket weighing 32 cullers was once sent from Mail to London," writes Mrs. Eleanoo Smyth in her life of Sir Rowland Hill, "The postage was over being. . few times as much to tbe charge for an Made place by the oonoh. Agaio, e parcel of cffieba papers small enough to slip inside an or dinary pooh et, was sent from Dublin at another Irith town addressed to Sir John Burgoyne. By mistake it was °barged as a letter instead of as a parcel and coet 14. Per the whole male coach plying between the tome with places for seven passengers and their Inggygo might have hired." DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER - is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Beals the uleers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 26c. blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Edrnasson, Bates & co., Toronto. c. Artistic Homes. Planning, building, decorating a home is a most fascinating occupation. Every home builder grasps at every suggestion that may give new ideas or better ways To those and to all who appreciate the charm of well arranged houses, the Feb rimy number of Canadian Home Jour- nal will give the greatest pleasure, With wide experieuce and exact know- ledge Mr. Paul Fitzpatriok, the asso- ciate editor for thin isms, oombinee a very attractive manner of writing. The special headings are suggestive, "Houses that Fit", the surroundings for different stylee; "The Heart of the House", all about fireplaces; "Building a Home", suggestions from experience. There is "Making the Home Decoration Indivi- dual" and "Household Decoration", containing suggestions for selection of harmonious curtains, shades, hanging and wall papers, with stencilling designs for the home makers who enjoy tho per- sonal work in their homes. The regular household departments are good as usual, and there are well written short stories, and a fine page for the young. eters, In color woik,February number of this Toronto magazine probably surpass. es any previous number. Each new tame of the Journal brings fresh proof of the very high standard of excellence that the publishers have set for themseres. They deserve our heartiest support in building for Canadians a Olean attractive magazine of the very best type. To any of our readers who are looking for a home magazine, we suggest they write to the publishers for a wimple copy. How to oure a cold is a question in which many are interested jest now Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great reputation and immense sale by its remarkable cure of colds. It can be depended upon. For sale by all dealers. USEFUL HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES. Pat a teaspoonful of ammonia in a quart of water, wash your brushes and combs in it, and all grease and dirt will disappear. Dry crumble absorbs far more moist- ure than them made from fresh bread, When a recipe calls for a cup of crutnbs to bo waked in milk, use only three- quarters of the amount if the crumbs are dry and fine. The best way to thread a needle easily is to oat the thread on the bias. This does away with the aggraiating small fuzzy strand whioh one has to oontend with evhen the thread is broken or bit- ten. Put all left over pieces of soap in an old bowl or jar, and when 11 18 full pour boiling water over them, In a short time you will have an excellent cleaning mit soap, Take a hair brnen having firtn bristles rather far apart and brush it full of eh- sorbent cotton, then brudh the hair. The cotton will not oome away, but will remove the dust and oil from the hair. When making lemon pito out the lemone in a food chopper. This time time, the unpleasant teak of washing a grater, also wretched fingers. Matting whioh has been washed ft great deal may be made to 10011 quite freeh by painting it with a mixture of ahellao thinned With turpentine 10 the' conaiatenoy of varnish, One timid paint Only due breadth at a time. Snoh a mixture w 111 dry slowly and will,darkexi the matting slightly. 4•11•,.. A CHEERFUL LIAR. [Chicago Hoard Herald ] I like to hear the wild waves roar When all the scene is drew y. Wheu ioy waves dash on the eitore Where all was twee so cheery; My heart is glad when grandpa drawl Up near the dying fir - 1 ay thesQ things to y ea because I'm Such a alieerful liar, I thank the gods that 1 meet etrlve Among the telloi e deil3 ; 'Tie toil that kocps my hones shin And spurs me forward eaily ; My state is one of oouttant glee. I plaint no vete cleeire— seY these thinge to it t s on see That I'm a cheerful liar, I would not if I oould have wealth, To me 'tee oall be dietressing; More dear to me than gold is health, A7Phirli ever is u blessing; I toil within a narrow groove And scorn those that are higher — I merely tell yen this to prove That lin a chetrful liar. , With what 1 have I'm satisflei ; I have no foolish 3 taming To put my daily tasks aside, To be from labor turning; Each morniag geefully I go To earn what I require— I say these things to let you know That I'm a cheerful liar. Burn Caused Open Sore. Zam. Buk Worked a Wonderful Cure Sometimes a bad bard, a deep out, or some similar injury Bete up a more per- manent injury in the form of an open discharging sore. In each a me Zam Belt will be found of nnequal value. Mr. J. Nixon, of 901 William Ave., Winnipeg, a blacksmith at the C. P. R. shops, had his foot badly burnt by some molten metal falling upon it. He says: "The burn wan a bad one, and after the first few day§ it left an open sire whiob showed marked signs of blood poisoning It disoharged freely and, caused me ter- rible aeony. For three weeks I suffered acutely and could get no ewe. At last I obtained a preparation from the doctor whioh seemed to stop the discharging and made rue quite hopeful but finally the wound became as bad as ever. "I was then advised to use Zam•Buk and from the first application the balm gave me relief. The inflammation was thoroughly checked and the poisonous matter cleared away in a very short time after beginning with Zam. Buk. Healing then began and in less than two weeks the wound was thoroughly healed." One of the main lessons of this case iies right bere—try Zam-Buk first for any injury, sore, skin disease or wound, It is equally good for piles, blood-poieoning festering wounds, chape,cold sores, ail- drens eruptions, eoalp soiree, varicose ul- cers, chilblains, eta. All druggists and stores sell at 50o a box or post free from &um Bnk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. Yon aro warned against harmful substitutes and inferior preparations, which yield a bigger margin of profit and are sometimes pushed as being just ite good." Nothing ie just as good. Mr. W. II. Cargill, of Greenock, is plannieg the construction of a lino of narrow gage railway from his mills to the timbered portions or hie property. The timber within easy reach of the mill was long ago cleared away and the haul is now so long that ho thinks it more economical to use steam than horse pow. er in bringing in the loge. Dumas' Scheme, Alexandre Dumas, sr., was once vis- iting his son, who at that time lived in a villa near Paris. They sat in a tiny !Scrap of a garden behind the house under the one small tree it con- tained. It was a broiling hot day, and Dumas, who was very stout, said to his son: "I am suffering with the intense heat." "What shall I do, father?" "Suppose you open your chamber window and let a little air into the garden," replied old Alexandre, with gravity. The Word Alp. In Switzerland the word alp does not mean a mountain, but is used to indicate the little valleys in the high- er altitudes, where peasants take their cows in summer and where in small huts and stables the attendants and animals remain for several months in the year. The cows thrive on the ten- der grass, and their milk is converted on the spot into cheese and butter. Politely Put. • "Jinks told Bangs ne was a harp struck by lightning." "Whero's the point?" "It took quite a using up of gray matter for Bangs to discover that Jinks liad called him a blasted liar.' WANTED NOW For Wingham and surrounding die. triot for Fall and Winter months au en. ergetio reliable agent to take orders for nursery atook. Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free. ".2 Exclusive 'Territory, 600 ACRES Under oultivation. We guarantee to deliver Mode n geed condition and up to contract grade. We can show that there is good money M representing a well known reliable firm at this time. Established over 30 yearn, Write for partioulare. PELHAM NURSERY Oo, Torente, Ontario, • HELPLESS CRIPPLE FROM RHEUMATISM Five Boxes Of "Fruit -a -fives" Cured Her • 4 Henug PaaCa, TottOeTTO, Ditc. Istla Igoe. "I was a terrible sufferer from Rheumatism for nearly a year, and my right' arm was swollen and the pain was fearful. All down the right side, the pain was dreadful, and I could hardly move for the agony. I was treated by two physicians but their medicine did um no good, and I tried numerous other remedies but received no benefit. I was simply a helpless cripple and suffered from Rheumatism all during last winter. I saw "Pruit-a-tives" advertised in "The Telegram"and decided to try this iemedy. After I had taken one box, I was much better and the pain less, and I continued the treatment with good hopes, When I had taken three boxes, I was so well that I could use my arm again and the pain was practically gone, After I had taken five boxes, I was entirely well again—no pain—no suffering—and now I am as WELL as I ever was. The cure of my case by "Pruit-a-tives" was indeed splendid because all the doctors failed to even relieve me of my sufferings. . Poa the sake of others who may suffer from this terrible disease, Rheuma— tism, I give you permissiou to publish this statement." Mite, LIZZIE BAXTER: "Pruit-a-tives" is the only remedy that actually cures Rheumatism, and Sciatica because "Pruit-a-tives' is the only medicine that actually prevents Uric Acid being formed in any quantity in the body. If there is no excess of uric acid in the blood, there can be no Rheumatism. "Pruit-a-tives" keeps the stomach clean—the liver active—the b twels rPgular —the kidney strong and the skin healthy. These are the organs that rid tin? hody of all waste, When "Pruit-a-tives" so regulates the system that all wake is elhninated, then there can be no waste or "urea" to be changed into uric acid. Thus, there can be no uric acid in the blood, to inflame nerves and cause the paha which we know by the names of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia. "Pruit-a-tives" will cure every trace of Rheumatism, Pain In The Back, Swollen Hands and Feet, and other troubles due to the blood being poisoned by uric acid. If you are subject to Rheumatism, cure yourself now with "Fruit-a-tives", and be free of pain this winter. soc. a box, 6 for $2,5o, trial size 25c. At atl dealere, or sent postpaid ma receipt of price by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa', Ont. • And people who be as they please seem to get along just about as well as these who are always trying to please others. The production of 1824 tons of tungs- ten in the United States lett year was the greateet anneal output ever made by any country. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Mrs Oatie Chapman Oett says that the immediate aim of the woman (tuff. rage party is the enrollment of 100,000 members this year nod the attainment of woman suffrage in NevaYork within the next five years. The largest and haavht projtotile in. the world is the huge 5 feet armor.- piereing shell fired from the United Stat. es Governmeat's 10 inoh rifle. This) huge shell of steel San be hurled a die- tanosaof 20 Entice or more, aid weighs 240 lbs the cost of fining one shot le near- ly $1,900 The Indiana railroad commission is. carefully irrvo3 tigatin g the arguments. for and against powerful electrio headr lights for l000motivee. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoorex.— anise, ineufficient mastication of food. oouatipatiou, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, are the most common causes of stomach troubles Correct your habits and take Cehemberiain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be wel again. For sale by all &Mars. PRINTING AND STATIONERY . We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS ,BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and alt orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont.