The Wingham Times, 1911-02-09, Page 1• - "•••••11.' •
VOL. XL -NO. 2036,
Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
One of the famous Rexall Remed•
ies of whieh there is one for
each ailment,
Coughs, Hoarseness and Sore
Throat. Agreeable to the taste,
• Prompt in action,
Contains no ophim or morphine
but never fails to relive that •tick-
• ling sensation in the throat, We
gnarentee this to give yon satis-
• faction or we will cheerfully re-
fund your money.
Walton McKibbon
Maodonald Blook, Wingham.
If you have money you would
like to invest in Wingham pro•
perty to make You the above
rate of interest. call on ns and we
will tell you where to place it.
Wingham is
- All Right
Eriver in the history of the
town was the pay roll of our fez-
. tories so targe as at present, and
never were our farmers So pros-
Ritchie tob Cosens
Wear Greer'S Shoes and Ruben
Card of T anks,
I when to Convey 4y thanks to the
kind friends of tielgt ve and neighbor-
hood, and likewise to the ftelgrave
Court of the Oanadi4i Order of Fores-
ters, for their kincln se to me 81000 my
reoent ecndeot, audj for their generous
gift to me.
MRS. Wm. Wan, Belgrave.
Farmers who want money to buy
heroes, cattle, or hogs to feed for market
oan have it on reasonable terms.
Notes diem:anted for tradesmen; mer-
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going.
Christie's Grocery
Have You Tried
The Following
Pork & Beans
A most nutritious food. One of
the good things that will tempt
the pallet,
HeinZ Kidney, per tin • 10c
Heinz Baked, per tin • 15e
Clarks in Cheili, per • 121
Canned Haddie
At a Bette011 Of the "ear when
weather 19 changeable 110.V}Itlaa
niwra tt1118. Per tin 121e.
e MottOree Kippered lierring in
Tomiatee Saue, Per tin 1St
The ha and Coffee Store
Read Willis & Co.'s gdv. on paite 8
New Place o Business.
5, C. o Baldwin, near To-
ronto, has lamed th vacant store in the
MacDonald blot* e d intends moving to
Wingham in a few eeks when be will
open a jewellery et awed UM Mew -
on will open a milli ery store.
• WANTED- Fifty cor
er wood, Apply at t
A god driving horse for sale. Apply dry,
et TIMES office,
Stricken WitJ Paralysis.
Shortly after goln4 to press hat week
the Tune heard wit regret ot the end.
den Innen of our es earned townsman,
Mr. D. M. Gordon, who was stricken
with paralysis on nesday evening ot
last week. Since tljan Mr. Gordon has
been doing as well as oould be expected,
He has a large oirol of friends who will
wish for him a epee y and complete re.
Bring along your Shoes! We do re-
pairing and we do it right.
Algonquin kletional Park.
Many people are enaware of t fact
that in the Algon :nin Netion. Park,
1600 ft above sea level, at gonqain
Park station, a c -arming h MI known
as the "Highlaud no" is en during
the winter months for th reception of
guests whit nesire en o• the pleasures
of outdoor life. TJie rity of the sir
and the many win r amusements that
•oan be enjoyed a e just the thing to
recuperate e rna.df,wn constitution and
build the physio 1 over.worked body.
Address, "Hight d Inn", Algonquin
Park Station, On , for further mutton -
LOST -OR Fride
or between there a
and it two dollar b'
by leaving same at
evening Est post offioe
d my office, a five
. Finder rewarded
r. Jae, L. 'Wilson's
A New Ev orator.
Messrs Browv&W ford, of the Wing•
here apple evaporat r have purchased
the two lots south o W. A. Currie's
machine shop and t e coming summer
intend building a oe ent building 40x50
feet which will be u ed as an apple (reap.
orator. The firm w 11 have a mull bet.
ter stand for their b isiness and with the
new factory will be able to run the face
tory longer eaoh 86841011. We wish the
firm every moms Ip their new premises.
Evangel i
The Evangelist
by Mr. and Mrs,
in the Metbodist
well attended d
night to night,
bade:tattoo of sue
their desire td
Thursday aftern
give the last of
Subject: "The
have One." TIJ
for four otolook
ere and the pup
Song service fr
ic Services.
o services conducted
•es Gordon of Ottawa,
Ohnroh, have been
ring the week from
here has been every
ess-many expressing
lead a new life. On
n, Mrs, Gordon will
her special addresses.
deal Horne. on may
e hone has been fixed
to accommodate teach,
of the High ;echoer
four to four. fteen.
every day in the w
Bale of footwear.
-Big barge" ins
e at our olearanoe
/income Ou1NaTS -Great time savers
for the ladies. They certainly are a
useful &Mole for the kitchen. You can
get them at from $7 to $23. No need
paying $30, 135 or $40 for one, when you
oan get one for far less. Cell
and be oonvinoed es to what I say at • S.
GRAGEY'S furniture store,
good drtnoed.
Man Foun-
Stock and Implement Sale.
Martin O'Connor, of lot 2$, oonoeesion
13, East Wawanoth will hold an nnre•
ser ved auction sale of !arra stole and
impliments on Wednesday, February
22nd. There is e good list of horees, oat.
tle and impliments. John Purvis, aud-
io neer, R. Vanetone, vendor's solicitor.
Death of qhester Davis.
Mr. H. Davis r oeived ei telegram on
Monday monde informing him that
his son, Chester j. Davis was seriously
ill et his hOme i :Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.
Davis left on thj first train for Toronto,
but the young 4ten passed away before
the parents had 4ohed the city. The de,
mad had beo4 itt with soarlet fever
and was Deakin a good recovery, but
last week ho hetota relapse and with his
weakened ocateti mtion the disease prov.
ed fatal. Mr, D vit wag a bright young
man and was torn in this toWn and
spent his early ife here. fie learned
the dry geode bn Mess with Mr. M. 11,
Ildokdo0 and oo tented in this calling
and early this ear accepted a good
position as pave er with Gordon, Mo.
Kay Sc Co. lie was in his 27th year
end was reoently arried and leaves e
widow and one oh ld at well as his par.
enti, Mr. and Mrs. fit, Dols; one broth.
er, Mr. T Z. Davis, Cleveland; three As.
ten, Mrs, C. N". make, Toronto and
MUMS Mande and rene, at home, The
bereaved will hate the sincere sympathy
of largo drat, of fluids in their very
*ridden affliction The funeral took
plate Tuesday ternooll to NotatraY
Oernetery In Toreato,
All accountsme ust be paid by
Maroh let or they be placed in other
hands for collectio ,
Stock and Implement Sale.
Mr. Wm. RoberIeme, of lots 35 and 36
concession 1, Mame, half mile east of
Bluevale, will hol an auction sale of
farm stock and implements on Friday,
Feby 17th, at 2 o' look. In the list are
seven horses, 25 ead of cattle and 18
hogs. Everythi g is to be sold as the
proprietmahas re ted his farm and is
going West, Jo(n Purvis is the aunt.
save money on
does are down in
Come quick and
every purchase.
Hocke Friday Night.
The next ho e game of league hockey
will be played o the Wingham rink on
Friday evening etween the local team
and the team fr in Palmerston. The via.
store ere good payers and have already
won from Mou4
t Forest so a good game
may be looked or. Game called for 8
o'clock. Band akill be in attendance and
there will be skaeing after the game. If
yon want to see a good game of bookey
go to the Winghtm rink on Friday even-
ing. .
Big Bargains
The An
Ex -Mayor Hol
trouble, secure
cheque to cover
in oouneotion w
excursion wbiol
ing to the strik
a meeting on Ti
sed the.account
hold this year's
the date to be
of the committ
a Footwear. Clearing
ual Excursion.
ea, after oonsiderable
from the a T, R a
the expenses incurred
th the Sunday School
had to be called off ow.
The committee held
Way evening and pas -
and also decided to
•xonrsion to Kincardine,
ed at a future meeting
Mr. J. 11. 11, Elliot
Standard was in town o
Mr. jas. D. McKinley
visiting with bis parent
D. MoKioley,
Mr. John Grin of Goo
for a few deys with tette
in Wingham and Calm
Mr. and Mrr. John
ed to their home in Tor
ing the past month vi
Wee in Wingham and
Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
turned home after ape
with relatives and fri
We are pleased to re
ling's health is inapr
Won the Jackets
The final gent 3 in the marling comma
tition was playeal on the Winghatn rink
on Tuesday °vying which resulted as
Rev. E. H. Orel f W. J. Henderson
L. F. Binkley A. E. Celina
0. Megnire E. Armour
A.31, Creveforclsk. 26 R. Vanstonesk. 13
Mr. Orawforc's players win the curl.
Mg jackets d ated by Mr. Davies.
The ''famous saond player" of the tvin-
ning rink is no challenging the rink in
town to take et ound out of the success-
fal pleyers.
Th e We
Thie coutpan
sing in the Oper
day evening,
lovers of the to
a care treat.
ing American
have a 'teplen
are blended'
are ()Optimal
balanced bean
gregation of s
are never on
drilled as to
sing with fin
h Ladies Choir.
of Wetted soloists will
House,Winghenn, Tues.
areh 7th, and the music,
n end district will ebjoy
hang of the choir a lead.
usical oritio says -"They
d ensemble, the sections
ell, the power and nerve
y manifest and the pints
Rutty, it is a poWerful ag-
pranos, and yet the altos
done. The choir is well
ooent and precielen. They
Fon SA
route bUsi
ham. Iri
of milk pe
as1 am go
.-I offer for tale my milk
Oes in the Town 01 Wing.
nOW selling about 165 gaunt
day, Magnetite must be cold
g Welt. W. J. Kama
Miss Jean Wilson
from Grace Hospit
she has been Ante
of nurses aim* oo
in that Hospital i
Mr. and Mrs.
Bluevale road ar
in Toronto and
Dr, 3,N, L Drown, Superintendent of
the Toronto General Hospital for over
five years, ms reelgnecl as his salary of
$5.500 1/1 S?ought to he inadequate for
his ser vide/
of the Blyth
of Winnipeg is
, Mr. and Mrs.
ph was visiting
ives and friends
ay bave rehire-
nto atter spend -
ting with rola-
arling bave rs.
ding three weeks
nds in Toronto.
tt that Mr. Spar-
as returned home
, Toronto, where
nt Superintendent
toting her training
October lest.
m. Maxwell, of the
spending it few days
/Ale in Toronto Mr.
Maxwell is atte ding the annual meet-
ing of the Ontar o Fairs Assoctiation.
Mr, and Mrs. Themes Bell of South
ampton were vie ting for a few days with
Mr. and Mrs, R Vanstone and on Mon-
day morning in company with Mr, and
Mrs. Andrew. aloolm of Kinoardine,
left for Florida where they will spend
the next few we ks.
Capt. Riches h
main as head of
another month a
will not be held
The new Angl
ton, erected at
formally bone
Willtanis was
the dedioation �e
s been requested to re.
e Salvation Army for
d the farewel services
n Sunday our.
oan Churola at Walker.
a coat of $11,000 was
on Sunday. Bishop
resent and conducted
Six Persons Killedin Railway Accident
.a. terrible cateetrophe was Added to
the Canadian aha eter of railway aooi
•dente on Saturday night last, when the
weet•bound •pas nger train on the
Buffalo and Gods oh line of the Grand
Trunk Railway ollided With a light
mogul engine, ,r •'ening from Stretford
to Fort Erie. Si : lives were lost, int
eluding one passe Igor, and several peo.
ple were injared.
The oatastroph 000nrred just three
and one.half utile west of Patio, In the
County of Oxfoed, at 9 20 Saturday
night. Tho train when leaving Brant-
ford for Stratford was seventeen minu-
tes late and only -larded a few Paulen.
gers, It consists 1 of three concha,
including the ba gage oar, mail and
smoker combine , and one regular
coach. So great as the momentum of
the big mogul eng lee that the baggage
oar was oompletel telescoped, the mail
apartment et th end eeoond
ooaoh smashed in and one of its own•
pants killed ontrt ht. Seven occupants
of the smoking o were saved only by
the mail end of e oar. Immediately
following the ores , fire broke out from
the coal oil lamps n the debris, and it
was with difficult that several passen-
gers In tbe emo log oar were able to
extricate thentee' os in time from the
rapidly spreadini flames.
The fire swept to the rear end of the
train, and evert, coach was dettroyed,
the trucks and vheels only being left.
Several lady pageengers in the rear
ooaoh were bad y thaken up, but were
Next Sunday er
in St. Andrew's oh
a aeries of sermons
Armour." These
of partionlar inte
ing Rev. D. Perri
role will commence
n "The Christian
rrnoes will be made
est to the young
The annual me ing of the Howiok
Mutual Fire Inset noe Co, was held in
the Township Hal , Gerrie, on the 27th
;Tang. There wa a fair attendanoe of
the members of tl e company The Pre
eident called the eating to order. Af-
ter disposing of t e minutes of the last
annual meeting, the directors' report
was read and a opted. The auditors'
report woe read b Mr. A, A Graham
and after due tin e allowed for discus.
cion it was reoeiv d and adopted by tbe
meeting, The 1 :esident then vacated
the chair and r. • John Stewart was
duly elected ohai man for the remainder
of the meeting. After a brief speech
from the chairman nears A A. Gra-
hem and T. G. Staarer were duly elect
ed auditors for th mining year.
• From the repo to eubmitted to the
meeting the loitering etatistict may be
taken: -Number ef policies leaned clap
ing the year, 15_5, untaber in force,
1309, increase for year, 172, insurance
written, $2,856,521 00,, amount in force
$9,46C,980.00, incrattee, $475,085,00, total
108568 for the yeat 110,814.55, cash ou
hand and invested in debentures,' $17,-
able to get out
The dead
messenger, W
Goderioh; Rio
D. Smith, fire
DI. Crozier, of
the train. Mr,
on this train fo
man MoFarlau
flintier 85 yeare
e: -Peter McFarlane,
ohn Whitelaw, express
. Tye, mail olerk, all of
rd Turner, engineer, J
an, Stratford, and R
flambe, a passenger 01
ye, had been mail clerk
25 years and Baggage
had been on the am
The February nee
Connell was held
with all the tnewb
Conn. Bell Minute
lag were lead and a
From A. E Donov
vine, re •ohauging
date from January t
November, Februar
From the Sick
'asking for a grant.
Frora the Free Ilo
Urea at Muskoka, as
From the Salvatio
a grant in aid of th
From E. Lewis as
of $5.00 per month
From F. H.
Mitohell, claimini
retained from the
which 'Mould hav
pany.-No notion
From Riolund Anderson, tendering
his reeignation as a member of the Board
of Health. -No aetion.
W. J. Boyce tddreosed the Council
with reference to the working out of the
by-law passed ast April relating to
plumbers under • hide he oonsidered the
licensed plumbe a were not getting a fair
Mr. A. H. ilford, of the firm of
Brown and W lford, addressed the
Council and said the firm intended to
erect a two.stor cement evaporating
factory, 40x50 f et and would employ
a number of han s for four months (mob
year and would ike tbe Oonuoil to give
them a fixed rite of assessment on their
building. Mat er was deferred until a
future meeting
Mr. 0. N 0. ffin thanked the Council
for his appoi tment as Assam and
Collector and • e would endeavor to do
the work in a satifaotory manner. He
thought the ea ary for collecting taxes
should be raise as extra duties had been
imposed in coil oting dog tax and street
watering rates.
. Moved by 0 nu. Elliott and Reeve
MoDonald, the a grant of $5 eaoh be
made made to t e Siok Children's Hos.
pital, the Mus Mut Hospital for Con-
sumptives and e Salvation Army Res.
one Work.
Tbe yeas an nays weie taken on this
resolution as follows: For Elliott.
MoDonald, He 1 and McKenzie. Against
-Mitchell, Bo e and Spotton.
On motion o Conn. Elliott and Reeve
McDonald, the atter of an increase of
salary to Night-' atohman Lewis was re.
tarred to the • name Committee with
instructions to agoertain the cost of a
time clock for 'se by the Watchman.
The Finance dem:antes recommend-
ed payment of .he following aocounte:
Arthur Haines, work $ 1.50
Robt. Leggett " 1,20
Thos. tamingDeans, 2.75
Geo. Allen, salary 32.50
le Rankin " 7 50
E Lewis " eO.00
Mand Fluety, tepewriting 5 00
A. Sanderson, s rowplowing, etc, • 12,80
60 00
• BEEP WANTED -Ladies wishing to
work at home making mitts and gloves
oan secure the game from the Wingham
Tannery and Glove Works. We send a
lady to give instructions.
W. D. i311INGLE.
The junior hookee team of the High
School played a grace in Gorrie with
the Gorrie hockey .sts last Thursday
in winning s hard -
e more of 4 2. The
ested, Geddes, John -
ng the Bootleg. The
night and succeede
fought contest by t
game was well oon
eton and Reddy d
W. H. S. line -n t-Gloal, V. Haines;
point, F. Sandy; cover, G. McLean;
rover, N Geddes.; right, Day; caltre,
Johnston; left, Pander.
The senior Hig i School team played
their return gave with Teeswater on
the rink here ot Eatday night. The
Teeswater boys mine over filled with a
°attain degree of Joufidenoe owing to the Tho. goamtvet %as
Light ilary
fact that they hat. setz out a victory ..1
Pell Tele. do , 1 -re alarm cervica .
by a narrow marlin in the former game, John F. Groves eatery & postage.
But our boys wpre determined to hold " aeg. B. M and D.
win the game. They
by half.
e game and
time had a lea of three gals to nil
ting of the Town
Monday evening
re present except
of prevtous meet,
ere read as fol.
n, 31. P.P„ Brook-
unloipal election
a date in October,
or Maroh. - No
hildren's Hospital
pital for Consurap-
ing for a grant.
i Army asking for
it resone work.
tug for an inoreaee
n salary as night
hempen, barrister,
that $950 had been
Perth Contract Co.,
been paid to the cone -
them in cheek an
L. W. Hanson, ;Jaeal to tramp..,.
Theo, Hall, prihting...... ....... 5,50
began early in
W. J. Boyce, e pplies.
On motion of
The Teamster boys came baok strong the report of
is the mooed hal for a few moments,
was adopted.
scoring two, but oon faded before the On motion of
determined own -night of the students Kenzie, the Baler
and when the reanee, 11.. McLean, final 1910 and 1911 ras placed at $75 per
ly rang them of t the score stood 11 2. Year.
The game was well -attended and the On motion 01 ermine. Hall and Bone,
/ 41
Startling News
The very remarkable Shoe Values,
which distinguish our ' regular
Winter Shoe Clearance Sale
this SeaS013, are enough reason for
anybody, who knows or has heard
of our splendid Shoes, to pnrehase
from one to half a dozen pairs for
future use.
Early callers will have an ad•
vantage over belated • buyers.
There will be no more Shoes at such
prices this season.
ones. Hall arid Elliott,
e Finance Committee
ouns. Elliott and Mo-
ot ,the Collector for
-811.74. band gave must in generous measure the andttors, Mears. A. a Musgrove
The notuinatiot for directors were
Thom present etauld feel Mutt the High and John Ritchie were paid $35 eaoh and
Sohool has a te .m worthy of support. the Clerk instruated to render an ac -
The line.up w Teeswater -Goal, count of 135 to
Frietedship; poi t, Feigttson ; cover, Dr, cover the oat of
Feagneon; ro r, Mallongh; rig h t, The Mayor rep
Keith; Centre, Rivera; left, Hiecooke. oongulting menthe
Wingham H. S, -Goal, P. MoEwen; with the Perth Co
point, R. Gall
right, 0. MeL
S. Molkercher
Meagre. Jno. Tacks n, Wm. Mc/lent:ler,
and W. H. Greg . Mr, Grego with.
dtew his name and Messrs. Jackson and
letolleroher were d clued °looted. Tho
matter of the use 0 gasoline engines for
power in farm Mai dings WAS, taken up
aud discussed and motion paged that
the Company adopt nd use the Permit
for the u03 of Gas ine &glues as ye.
ported to the Motu 1 Fire lIndertvritets'
Association of On arid in 1910, The
matter 01 1110 inve menta ot the Omni
Petty Wm brought •efore the meeting by
One of the meranters present and the
Writhing who sprue seemed to favonr
the investing of a portion of the Ootn.
riftny's footle in faun mortgagee. A
motion was em1° 1 to pay Mrs, Jessie
Wright (100 In ad lition to the amount
already paid for Ica' of barn last X0VOTO•
bet, A hearty vo e of thanks was then
tended to the elidi man and the meeting
adjourned The f .11dwieg are the dire.
tore of the Comps fo: the year 1011:
Sao. R. Millet, Prisident ; Edward ry.
ane, Vioe Presideta ; Jab, Edgar, jell. T.
Wylie, Jena Jackson and Wra. Mti
Keroher. The °fibers dre:-.W. 5, Mci-
SecoTriain; A. A. Graham,
T. G. Shearer, _milieu; W. M. Sin -
°lair, Solieltor, Banks, Traders') Stall,
data, and Bank r4 Hamilton,
the Commissioners to
ne auditor.
ted thet he had, after
s of Connell, settled
traot Co., at $2008.68.
ined $400.00 to have
e put in good shape;
one and $30 on the
Elliott and 13one,
One-third to One -her! Mayor and Clerk
at our clearing stilej-e' W. J. GREER, in settling with the IlerIb Coutraot Co.
be confirmed by this ouncia-Cartied.
On motion of Connie. Bone end Elliott
January H alth Report. 0, N, Griffin's salary a $75 as Collector
The weekly rep ts of Iooal Boards of ;and 12.20 of overpaid taxes wee ordered
Health to the Pro •ncial health Office es ' to be paid,
10 Mentegioes dis that tbo &MOD
show that in 541
were 1,331 oases
marked deerease a
nary of last year.
is most noliceahl
thertte amino
and the deaths fr
phoid fever are
gher; oover, 11. Mutton; There had been ret
an; centre, H. Day; left, streets gala sidewal
rover, 0. Pander, $1,52 for damaged
Shnter street Wan h
Moved by Cones.
nilar et that the action of th
ses ndiodirvianigitieJ:intuhr,. isTehaeofidtaaraylotrte7phoftrate
andootnolate1d dlevniuthliss 0•14eivepro%itwiohno oifiasciceito
The &Jerom) it ent. ve proper impurity
10 eretallOox, 'ph le position for it yea The Committee
d whooping .iio teeoinmended t1at att eleotrio light
nt diphtheria at, " • t placed at the east end of the G. T. R.
nob fewer. The to midge ttext fall.
parent decrease fil attributed larm 'it to By-Isaw NO. 680 t. provide for the is.
the incomplete r orris of local to r s 'long of debenture . to pay for sewers
of Health, and it is impossible to huow plit in ,under Ideal improvement plan
hew tottly 088611 fexieb 5111511 11051110, w is giVen three reel ingti.
Is made oomptlIJIdY. I Cain. IdoIdonzieJdiU not approve of
terviewed Thos,
muted to accept
tiger and would
hat he would fill
the manner in whio
been made and did
money would be c
fixed and that enott
aseesements had
ot thiuk enffilient
Heated at the rate
er plan ehould be
adopted in assessing corner iota
On motion of Conae. Bone and Elliott,
the bylaw was ref nred to the Sewer
Committee to brin ; in a report at a
errata' meeting to be called by the
On 'notion of CI nes. 'Elliott and Bone,
the Executive Co mittee W68 instruot-
ed to confer wit the Commissioners
in reference to t e working of the
plumbers by-law p seed by the Council
test spring
Moved by Conn. Elliott, seconded by
Conn. Bone, that t e Sewer Conmittee
look into the plumb ng bylaw passed last
Deoembor and see if any Manages are
needed in the best ' tenets of the rate-
payers and report t next regular meet-
ing of Council -0 rried.
On motion of C ns. Bone and Reeve
McDonald, the r port of the auditors
was referred to t s Finance Committee
with instructions o get the required
number of copies Jriut ed
On motion of 0 inn. Bone and Reeve
McDonald, the en n of $350 was placed
to the credit of 14 Public Sohool Board.
Council then acbtI )arned.
Sine the jan
Counoil, Oonu.
Chairman of t
and Conn Elba
Street Oommitt
tea have not yet
first meeting of the
one has been elected as
e Finance Committee
as Chairman of the
i, The other commit -
o r ionized
Ilasing takli, up an instructive
course cf
Shadow Testing
with PROF. GRAHAM which
together with our other courses
and experience enables us to give
you the very best satisfaction in
refraction. We guarantee satis-
faction we test the eye absolutely
free and you are. under to obli-
gation to buy glasses.
We have one of the best and
most tip to date assorted stock in
optical goods in Ontario, and our
prices are right. Come m and
Our latest styles gold ap?c
frames with lens $5.
Then we have our geld rimless
apex frame e5.
The latest styles itt nose pl?ces
with lens $5.
Our guarantee not to enish
AlUtnininin frames all styles ii5O
A large assortment of cases for
eye glasses or speetaeles itt25e.
'Shoo 1, no need of ming high fan for
tneelorworie we OM do it riglo; bpro mei
bave your glasses gtOuacl to suit the ole
at small exponno.
Fe je Hind Phm, B.
by Mail