The Wingham Times, 1911-01-26, Page 520. Per Cent, DISCOUNT On Men's ands Boys' Suits and Over - Coats, Pea Jackets, Odd Pants and Knickers. What it means to you. $5,00 Garments for $7.50 Garmenis for $lo.00 Garments for $15 0o Garments for $2o.00 Garments for 4.00 - $6.00 - $8.00 $I2.00 $16.00 We are giving an extra special price on Boys 3 -piece School Suits, regular $4.5o and $5.00 for $3.00. Penman's wool Underwear, regular 75c for 55c. Special prices on Gloves and on other Winter Goods, worth your while to come and see. McGee & Cam »el MEN'S CLOTHIERS •••m•••••••••••••••♦♦•••••• •••••••••••N••••••••••••• DON'T YOU THINK IT IS WISE TO BUY THE • FOLLOWING GOODS AT HANNA & CO.'S • • • • • 20 Per Cent. off this List for January Ladies' stylish mantles in black, green and blue, sizes 32 to 44.. Children's Coats in all colors, very stylish and good fitting garments, sizes 3 to 18 years. FURS Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats, with extra good shells, ;:a black with Sable Collar. 'Ladies' •Quilted Lined Coats, with black Beaver -.4 Shells. • ,Caliadian Sable and Isabelle Fox Collars a bargain • -4 for the one who buys. • All Fur Sets andother small Furs, Children's Grey 3 TRW tfyr.N'xt Abl TIMES, JANUARY 26, ia'i;< CULROSS. Mise PaulivaM. Sohumaoher, daught tor 0f Mr. and Mre. Peter Schumacher. oon, 3 Calrose, wee married in Moose Jaw, Seek., to Mr, Beei1 E ()Porte on Weduesday, January 114h. They will make their borne at Aiktow, Seek, Mr. Qberle ie a brother of Freak 0 berle, the gouts' merchant of Formosa. SALEM, Mist Ellen Longley bar gone to Toren- to to spend a couple of months This leaves poor Bort onoe more to share the burdens of the batohelor. We are pleased to report that Mr, John Willits ie home from the hospital tin is doing as well ae oan be Expected. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weir scent a few days this week with their daughter, Mrs, J Hartley of Clinton. Mr, Geo. Baker, who hes had blood poisoning in his aria, is getting better. ee snF}. EAST WAWANO dR. A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane on the evening of the 17th inet, The gathering was held in honor of Mr. Wm, Powell, brother of Mrs Ooohrano. Mr Powell's home ie at Seattle, Wash. and he has been away from these parte some thirty-four years. The hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane was enjoyed by about twenty five greets. A fowl sup- per was served which was enjoyed by all preeent. Tho evening was momently spent in music, games and social chat. Mr. Powell leaves thle week for his hone in the West. RULLETT, Elizabeth A. Fraser, beloved wife of James Wella, died at ber home in Hnl- tett on Saturday morning, Jan. 7th, aged 49 years 9 months and 28 days. The late Mrs. Welle was a daughter of Dan - old Fraser. She was born in Morrie township in 1861 where the family lived for 24 years, and then in Blyth for a year. Over 24 years ago she was mar• ried to Jae. Wells and settled on the 14 th concession of Hallett, where she lived until her death. She had foar brothers and two sisters, Daniel, John end Alex. Fraser, of Edmonton, Alta; Mrs. David- son, also of Edmonton; Mre. MoGill, who has been dead for' a number of years, and William of Winnipeg, Man. When the family lived at home they all took an interesting part in the Cis aroh work and singing. She was a member of the Preebyterian Ohuroh and was a cheerful, kind chrietien woman,a tender wife and loving mother. She is surviv- ed by her husband, three danghtere and three sons. WRITEOm Z,,[LCH. The annual report of the Pres. byterian Church for 1910 has been issued and shows the year to have been prosperous, and all claims fully met. Tho ordinary revenue , was $1655 48. For schemes of the Church $293 39 was raised; for Dominion Alliance, $37.60; Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, $71 71; Sabbath Sohool, $54.74; the Guild, 855.85; building account, $201 85 The Board of Mauagement coneiste of J. Gillespie, chairman; F. Henry, trea- surer; H. D. Henderson, secretary. The congregational interests are faith• folly looked after by the paetor, Rev. R MoEechern. Mr. Everett Everett has been seriously 111 for some time. Mr. and Mre. Robert Thomson will have the sincere sympathy of a Iarge circle of friends in the lose they have sustained in the death of their son, John ♦ Nelson Thompson in his 22nd year. The young man had always enjoyed good health but at the holiday time contract- ed aheavy oold wblob developed iat c pneumonia. He wasa young man held in high esteem in the community and a large circle of friends will hear of his death with regret. The funeral took plane on Monday afternoon to the Wing ham cemetery. • • 2 FORCED SALE Snap in Far4t and Outfit • • A snap in a farm nd a complete out. • fit, ooneieting of 10 oreee seven of which are mares; 3 head t cattle, seed drill, gang plow, mower rake, set bob sleighs, •binder, disc harro and all email tools; also the farm, o ntaining 160 acres 4 • miles south east Vermilion, 85 mores • ♦ cultivated and r ady for spring crop, • abundance of fir •olase water. • An for $4000, 3,000 cash, balance on ♦ easy terms, • We have had iine above placed in our hands and same most be disposed of within 30 days. Write or wire. CRAIG & FALKINS Vermillion, Alta. • • • REFERENCES ' Lamb Sets, Fur Caps, Fur Collars. = A. Ross, Wingbam; Bank of • _ . meroe, Vermilion. Ar Men's Fancy Overcoats, Plain Black and Fancy : Tweeds with Military Collar and without doubt the best a Coats for the money we ever had, sizes 36 to 44, prices i I $8.00to$16.5o. i Boys' Overcoats with and without Military Collar, : good value in Plain Black and Fancy Cloth, will give ex- 2 = cellent wear $3.5o to .$7..5o, i ;. Men's and Boys' Mitts and Gloves, good and heavy 2 ; for winter wear, 20 per cent. discount for cash within one • '; week. Z Don't miss this looney saving opportunity for this month. Come early and get the choice. • We want all the trade you have at highest prices_ paid 2S Z t PHONE 70 • 4*tt•kt+.4±•b_+.14ttS4.'+/+,R+++ 111.t t41a+1.'!"1i il, t Com. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANYperson who is the solo head of a family or any male over 18 years • old, may home- stead a quarter section of a_vailnble Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatellowen or Alberni. The applicant must appear ih person at tho Dominion Lands Agency or Sills -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy, may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or slsto: of intending Homesteader. Duties.. -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 nares solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In curtain districts e. horn stealer in good standing may preempt a quarter•soetion alongside his hom bBad. Priem $3 00 tier acre. Duties. -Must r' ade upon the homestead or pre-emption six m nths in eaeh of six years from the date of honiestend entry (including they'time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate city acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $8.00 per nore. Mlles. -Must reeido six menthe in each of three years. euitl• vete fifty acres and erect a house worth $800.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. H. -Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertleement will not be paid for. ON THE VERGE * !' OF A BREAKDOWN Or. Williams' Pink. Pills the Only Hope for weakened Nerves People. This warning will be read by thou• sands of people who only just succeed in getting through the day's work with- out a hreakdowp. It you feel always tired o"tt, have but little appetite, and a poor digestiou, cannot eleep well, Buff r from headaches, baokaohee and norvouo• noes, it may moan that you are on the verge of a serious breakdown. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mare weak, nervone, troubled men and women be• mance of their direst notion on the blood. Every dose of these Pills beipe to make new, rich blood, which tones the vital organs, strengthens the nerves and brings renewed health and strength. Mr. Geo. Johnston, of L-gaiile, N. S.. suffered for some years as a result of overwork and strain, but found no help for his oondition until he began the use of Dr. Will ams' Pink Pi11s, Mr. John- ston says: -"While working on a rail. way handling heavy ties, I hurt my back and had to give up work. Later I was able to do light work, but for about six years I suffered from 'dreadful pine in the baok and down my lege. This condition became aggravated by indiges. tion and chrome oonetipstion, and my life was ono of constant misery. Dar- ing those years I was treated by differ- ent dootors, bat did not get any help, Oue day a friend urged me to try D:, Williams' Pink Pills, and proved hie faith in them by presenting me with a box. It was more to please him than from any belief that they would be of service to me that I began taking the Pills. Before the box was finished, however, they seemed to be helping me; the paiue in my -bank and lege grew lees intense and the bloating in my stomach, caused by the indigestion, disappeared I continued taking the Pilla until I hnd used over a dozen boxes, when I found myself fully restored to my former health. I am now able to do heavy farm work, and for the past year have not lost n day, or had the (east symp- tom of my former troubles, and I attri• bate it entirely to the nee of Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills Dr. Williams' Pink Pilie aro sold by all medioiue dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' medioiue Co., Brookville, Ont. TURNBERRY. The Session for Eadios' oonrregation consists of Rev, W. J. West, pastor, and Elders Francis Lewis, Thos. Aitken, Joe, Gray and Frank Lewis. The Biard of Management -C. Mitchell, D. For tune, T. Gilmour; secretary•troaeurer, Frank Lewis. The ordinary receipts were 8527 52; Schemes of the Church, $151 30; to Dominion Alliance, $36 10; W. F. M. 5., $32 44; total to Schemes, $228.69; Sabbath School, $63 45. The present membership is 106, families 40, notwithstanding deaths and removals, the membership shows an inorease of three, for the year. GREY. Albert Carter, a well known former resident, is here on a holiday visit from the Weet. He and his family are get- ting along nicely out there and bad a good crop in 1910. His home is at Innis fail, Alberta.. Mrs. Harriet Fletcher Cox, 12th con- cession, who bas been a resident of the same farm for the past 64 years, cele• bratcd her 92nd birthday on December 16th. She was the first school teacher in S. S. No, 10. She has retained her vigor in a most astonishing manner and her eyesight and hearing have been no usually good, although her memory shows lapses lately. Mrs. Cox was born and married in Queen's Co., Ireland, and she and Mr. Cox came to America 66 years ago. They lived at Pittsburg, Penn., and Hullett township before mom• inset.) Grey township Mr. Cox died in 1882 aged 70 years. The children are Mrs. R. A, Bain, of Petrolia; Mre. R C. Ennis, of Saskatchewan; George, of Vancouver, E. C.; Harry, deceased ; Richard and Miss Harriet, of Grey. Mre. Cox has been a bright, active is dnetrione woman who enjoys the esteem of a wide oirole of friende who would like to indulge in the hope that this fine old lady would live to reaoh the century. MORRIS M. D. Shedden h le bought back the old home, 4th line, from Jas. Shedden. Neil Black, 4111 line, has leased the Mrs. Kellingtou farm near by for a term of 3 years and will utilize it as a run for stook It ehon:d suit him all right. We are sorry to state that Lula Ames, wife of H. C Cava, Milestone, Sask., youngest daughter of Wm. Ames', for- merly of 53orri.s towaship, dted on Dao. let, aged 22 years. 10 montbe and 13 days. Deceased was only ill four days from pneumonia She was married 4 years ago and leaves a little son 2 years old. Mrs Cave was a flue young] wo• man and dearly beloved whose sudden demise will be deeply regretted both at home and abroad. She was a neioe of Mrs. D. e. Rosi, of Brussels. At the Township Connell meeting the officiary of the pact year was reappoint• ed at the same salaries. The list as fol. lows:-Asesesor, John Watson; Collect- or, Riohatd Proctor; Auditors, R John- ston and P. McNabb; Beard of Health, Robt, Taylor, D:ivid Lstdiawand Henry Johneoe, Dr. Stewart, Medical Health officer. Township printing for 1911 goes to The Past, Breese's. Next Oonnoil meeting will be held on February 13th Of oonrse A McEwen is township Clerk and A. Shaw oontinnee as custodian of the oaeh. Luo tKNO tv, At the home of Mrs. Thomas Ander- son, H•evelook street, A, pretty wedding was celebrated -Wednesday. January 18th, when, at eleven o'clock, her grand- daughter, Mary Lindsay Glrvid, became the bride of Mr, Herbert E. E;iber, eon of Kr. H Eilber, Crediton, M P. P for South Huron. Rev. W. J. Jolliffe officiated, in the presence of a small oompany of immediate relatives of the bride and and groom. The bride war liven away by her brother, Mr, T, A, tl 1 1 A 111111•111M11■•Me A ROUSING STQCK-T , AI 1NG SALE AT ISA RD'S Down go the prices on Ladies' Coats Skirts, Fur -Lined Coats, Fur Collared Coats. , Right now is the best time to get a new Coat, Skirt or Dress. You know what styles are best and Prices have reached the lowest limit. Don't delay. Come at once and get your pick of the season's smartest styles at prices far b ztlow ordina,y. REMEMBER THIS IS A BIG STORE AND A BIG STOCK COMPRIS- ING NEARLY EVERYTHING MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN WEAR, This Great Stock -Taking Sale OPENS SATURDAY, JANUARY 7th AND GONTINUES TO THE END OF THE MONTH We are overstocked, but we don't intend to be very long. We are deter- mined to do triple the ordinary amount of business this month and Prices have been made with that idea in mind. $9,00 for your choice of any $12.00 Garment in our store. Those great values. so many of our customer have said are not equalled elsewhere, $1,25 Underskirt, perfect in every way. only 98c. Big snap in Girl's Coats, 18 only to sell. Value up to $4.50, for $2.98. 811.25 nowhere else can you get such excel- lent values in 815.00 Coats as here; compare them with any you see elsewhere at that price. Your choice now 811 25. Silk Skirts, good ‘ alue at $5,00, now $3 95. A lot of Coats to clear, not this season's, all prices. Your pick for $1.98„ FUR COATS. -One Persian Lamb Coat 20 per cent. off regular prices of Top Skirts, worth $75 00 for $59.00. One Coon Coats worth 860.00, now $48,00. lots to choose from. NOTICE All Accounts must be settled by cash or note by January 18th. MEN! MEN! Go where you will and when you will you cannot find bet- ter Clothing values than we offer at our regular prices. Here is your chance to save 20 per cent of our very low prices. If you want to wear better clothes than ordinary without paying as much as usually asked for the common • kind you want to attend this sale. Remember this sale includes every Ready to -Wear Garment. None are reserved. come first served. First H. E. ISARD & CO. • Girvin, of Saskatoon, Sask. She wore white satin, veiled with silk chiffon, a tulle veil, and carried a beantiful show- er baguet, Miss Helen Johnston, of r London, made a pretty flower girl, and was the only attendant. Mr. and Mre. Eilber left by the two o'clock train for a trip to Toronto and Hamiltan, On their return they will take up house at Crediton where they will be "at home" after Feb. 15. WEST WAWANOSR. The annual meeting of the West Wawancsh Mutual fire Insnrance Co. was held in the Agricultural Hall, Dun- gannon, on Wednesday of last week. A goodly number of those interested in the affairs of the company were in at- tendance. Alex. Stuart, president, took the chair, after which the minutes of the last annual meeting were read and approved. The reports of the direotors and the auditors were presented and adopted. The meeting was then turned over to the policyholders. W. Baillie was appointed chairman and T. G Allen secretary. The following nominations were made for direotors:-M. Luoxhart, Joe. A. Mallough, W P. Reed, John W. Webster and Robt MoIlwatn. Jos. A. Mallough withdrew his name and Mesers R^ed, Lockhart and Mo• Iiwain were elected directors for 1911 W A. Wilson and John Wilson were re elected auditors for another year. The fivanoiel statement, was presented and showed the tidy balance on hand of $9,200. The losses for the year ha,1 been gaits numerous, bat the paymente made had been small amonuts. At a brief meeting of the direotors following the anneal meeting, Alex Stnnrt was re-elected president and John H Kaake vice. president. Whooping. Cough CROUP ASTHMA COUG1-I3 , BRONCHITIS CATARRH CE.LL`S GSTABI.I`Nnn Iva A rimpin, el.', and effective trc^ trreh t for tton- c ildtrolmun, avoid iugd L t \aferi ,11 i i .0- lean at,po tho parocr^ns o1 V. hoop, 't Core h n1:1 relicvn eroup it once It a. a Luca to,,.,- fercrs frme Asthma. T, e a r ri n crc 1strongly nntlsopue, inspir d with cvoey tr s t n c. T hi lthmg easy eoOth. tt io h.e C nit rnit cto- 9 the eh • h, aca n `` '-ttu b , .'II 1sn'. , 1 Ciro to motheee with younr eh,ld:cn Sand us postal for deccnptivo beoal-t, ALL D'iUCCISTS W Try r•rae0lono Antl- ft° __`. e5 ries ad ptin L uroata' b• . CIIS 011 .• lots for tho Irritated ,.,,t throat. They are nunpin, .`,il1,i of o.etive and anti ?optic. Y 11 - Of your dru;;gi It or Y from es, 10a. in stamps. Vapo Cresolene Co. Leeming•Miles Bldg. MONTREAL Sir James Whitney will represent On- tario at the coronation of King George. Sir Wilfrid Laurier explained his ao- aeptanoe of a Farmer's Bank bill, show- ing by the correspondence that it was the first twenty -five -dollar bill ever issued by a Canadian bank, and was sent him as a souvenir. i AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAISAAAA ( ( Great s c t ( to c c i 50 t< Per cent Off A Mexloan General, who just died in Mexico City, leaves forty-two sons and daughters. While ranniag to catch a train at Tavistock, S. S. Frost of that village fell and expired in the coach. Ho was 70 years old. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAMlMt ■ tock Reducing Sale for Next2O Days at Koox's 20 20( 101 50 1 Per cent 1 OA Our large stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewel- lery, Silverware, China- ware, Fancy Goods, Leather Goods, etc. Wall Paper and Win- dow Shades. Special bargains in all left over of Christmas Goods. }Jl R. KNOX Phone 65. Opposite Brudawick Hotel, One Door North of Ring's. -..-.. _ ww.W-V