The Wingham Times, 1910-07-28, Page 6G SAVED FROM T E KNIFE Apendicitis Cured By "Fruit -a -fives" • NIMBI -War, On., Feb. Nth. r9to. *Just. about a year ago, our daughter Ella, (fourteen years),was taken with terrible pains itt the right side. The pain svas so severe that we had to carry her to bed, Wig e at once put her under the care of a first-class doctor, who pronounced it a case of Appendicitis and advised an operation. We tool: her to a hospital in Kingston where site was again examined lateleu eminent specialist, He said, she Thad Appendicitis and varest be operated ori.rat once rf zoh wanted to save her difc', As we had taken her to Kingston to have ' this done, we were ready, but our daughter was afraid and cried and begged so pitifully, that we postponed it for that day. Luckily for us and for her an uncle cattle in with some 'Fruit-a-tives' and insisted ou Ella taking them. Good results were apparent, almost from the first dose, and the continuous treatment cured her. 'Fruit-a-tives' savecl our daughter from the surgeon's knife and to -day she is enjoying the best of health." J. W. 1 OX, (rather). LILLIAN FOX, (Mother). Words cannot express the gratitude of Mr. and Mrs. Fox. And Miss E1Ia will always remember "Fruit-a- tives"—the discovery of an eminent physician, and the only medicine in the world made of fruit. Sec. a box, 6 for $2.5o, or trial box, es. At dealers, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price byFrnit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa. KEflNCLS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. f Salt and pepper are always in season. When a man does things he hasn't much time to talk about them. She is Young, at Fifty. This is said of the women whose blood is rich and red and whose complexion has the natural heathful glow, You can restore the healthful color of the skin by -ague Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food, because it actually forma new, red blood The form is rounded out by firm, heal- thy flesh, wrinkles disappear, and the glow of health returns to the cheeks, "The Kahn," himself a farmer, says the yellow peril is mustard: An oculist can do nothing for a man who ie blind to hie own interests. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necess- ary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more then natural and then pastor oil to cleanse the system. It is safe and sure. Sold by all druggiats, The best part of the Kimberly dia- mond field oovere nine acres only. A man feels as ill at ease in a drygoods Store as a woman does in a tobacco store. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER C® is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 26c. blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers a or Cdsiaason, Bat & Co., Toronto. The speed of otter til under water is atnazitig. letien'aivs io ch'noe against tlielti. In some Pleoet1 in India otters are iikpt by the nati'res to fish for them. Vim fa:Miami that hal/ proved accep- table for summer fire the skirt with a deep het, band, tke• sleeve out in one with bodice, and a ong colors for gowns and hats. aweFits of Year rutin st a: atoll DH. A.W. CHASE'S NERVE F D—Cure complete, - a d lasting '1rr. J, D. I'. Inner, :'8 I'ark St., Anr- sseidum, N. •.., writes; "When sift nbegan r< boy vt ,t age m r ,a ofb as . o have fits. Vt VO tb They came on in the night. IIo would mate strange noises, stiffen out, froth y' at mouth, faeo would twitelt and sotne- tinum turned purple. After the fit he teal not tali.. "Tito fancily physician said all he could do WAS to keep them down some. what. The second physician pronounced trouble Jefferennian t'pilepey, but could not erre Mini lie suffered r i d fur ..i• . years anti before beginning ts e use ofD r. A. W. Ctume's Nerve Food had three fits in about five days. Our druggist recom- mended Dr. A. W. C'hase's Nerve. Pood. ile has taken seven boxes and has not had the symptom of a fit. sinee. Inc color has greatly improved; he is not nervous and irritable litre he used to be, and we consider bis euro eomplote." Such results are only obtained by the, tote of the; genuine Dr, A. W. 'Chase's Nerve root ---not frota imitations or ;..,r t e". i;o e.'nts r,, 1.11s, all Heal'i'a or Ildt i.tu:lon, I;ate.t 'i Co., Toronto. A beginning has been made with a s eheme for the afforestation of Dartmoor, Infante' foods form a considerable item of importation, 841,000 worth in 1908. It is better to wipe off meat with a wet cloth than to let water run over any vessel in the Paotfio trade. Some of the newest hats are large and fist, with a rolling brim held in place with a novel thistledown pompon. The world's most euoceesfnl medicine for bowel complaints is Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re- medy. It has relieved more pain and suffering and saved more lives than any other medicine in use. Invariably for children and adults. Sold by' all drug• giete. It is always desirable to reason with difficult people, but the trouble is that most of the sort never have their reason with them. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS`TO R I A It's no use singing about rising in the arms of faith so long as you forget that faith has feet, too. In many German factories the female employees are forbidden to wear corsets during working hours. Try glycerine for removing stains of tea and coffee from linen. Procure a good quality, rub well in, and then wash in the ordinary way. Fifty Years' Experience of an Old Nurse, MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP is the prescription of one of the beat fe- male physicians and nurses in the United States,and has been used for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain, cares diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child, it rests the mother, Twenty-five dents a bottle, Not for many years have gophers been so numerous on the prairies. Farmers are setting poison at every hole in order to get rid of the pests, and one Southern Manitoba resident killed 140 in one day. A man who once had occasion to stop his paper wrote se follows: "I think folks otton too spell then =inlay Per psi- pers mi daddy dident and everyboddy sed he was the mos intelligenteat in tier konntry an had the smartest family of bets that ever dug titters," Should the knob come off the lid of a pan or kettle, a screw should be Slipped through the bele, With the head to the inside of the lid, and a pork screwed on the protruding end.mak prot ngThiswill ea knob that will not get hot, and that can be easily removed when dirty, The penalty 'Toronto hat paid to sup. prase rabies was indicated in the ggutee showing the number of doge destroyed, From March ittnn'ttl Jaly Oth, 2,012 dogs were killed, Of this number 881 were oaptttred by the polite, and 1,27d were brought to tho police stations by the eines, Y mn dY . .'•"'M1'•.yY Y 'xis$ W7NUJI If TIMI''Si JUL)' 28, In. the English "black country" there ate 80.000 wrote .toren, ot whiolt 14,000 Might be preiltably a fforeated, ,Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S A TO R.IA It is est rust.., Chet the oral wines al. ready developed odntefn euetigh coal to. supply the world for it thousand years. Mont' a preacher fails because while. be guards the seed of truth sedulously he knows nothing of the sail in which be lettuce 15 Very attractive, indeed, are the coats Of woollen p:oplin. While white is the favorite dolor, the material may be ob- tained in a wide range of colors Chamberlain's Stonleole nus Liver Tablets gently stimulate the flyer arid bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleenie, the system, ours constipation and sink headache. Sold by all druggists, In Paris women are seen with rings slipped ou over their gloves. Whether this will be a popular fad or not remains to -be seen. in course of its 189 miles the Tchn- antepee National Reilway orosses 862 waterways, 211 of whiolt ri game steel truss bridges, o When the etomaoh fails to perform Ute functions, tha bowels become deranged, tae liver end Kidneys. eougested .oans- ing numerous diseases. The etomaoh and liver most be restored to a senilis condition and Chamberlain's Stomach The Government has iesaed invitations Ito Canadian and British shipbuilders to otlneider the gaeetion of oonstruetiug vessels for the Oanadion navy. Very dainty -are the coat collars of linen with the buttonholed scalloped edge The collars with insets of baby Irish are especially attractive. The Ladies of Windom May How Have Beautiful Hair. Mr, Walley Has the Article And Guarantees it to Grow Hair. Mr. Walley, banked up by the mann lecturers of SALVIA, the Great Hair Grower, guarantees it to grow hair. SALVIA. destroys Dandruff in tan day?. The roots of the hair are so nourish- ished and fed that a new crop of hair springs tip to the amazement and delight of the user. The hair is made soft`and fluffy. Like all American preparations SALVIA is daintily perfumed, It is hard to find an actress who does not use SALVIA oonlinually. Ladies of society and irflaenoe use no other, SALVIA is a non -sticky preparation and is the ladies' favorite. A large generous bottle, 50c. The Scobell Drag Co,, St. Catharines, Canadian distribu- tors. -------o--- As a result, it is said, of the increased spirit duties ander the British budget the police have noticed in remote districts of Ireland indications et a revival of illicit distillation of liquor, At Rockwood, Australia, is the largest cemetery in the world. It covers 2,000 acres, Only a plot of 200 acres has been used thus far, in which 100,000 persons of all nationalities have been buried. --an Watched for 25 Years, Mr. D. M. Waters, the popular drugg- ist, Belleville, Ont., sold his first box of Dr. Chase's ]'Sidney and Liver Pills quar- ter of a century ago, and has since then noted many remarkable cures, as this medioine grew in popularity, The latest case coming 'to his attention is that of Mrs. Mark Owes', Bay Side, Ont., who was oured of serious and torturing kid- ney and bladder trouble by use of this great medicine. Industrial accidents occurring to 415 individual work people in Canada dar- ing the month of June, 1910, were re- ported to the department of labor. 02 these, 163 were fatal, and 147 resulted in serious injury. In addition, one fatal accident was reported as having taken place prior to the beginning of the month, information not having been re- ceived by the department before Jane, 1910. Suffered from Heart Trouble and Nervousness for Six Years Lost All Desire To Live. WAS FINALLY CURED BY THE USE OF MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS, Mr. Regis Lavallee, Sorel, Que, writes: "For six years, at least, I suffered from heart trouble and nervousness which took f rem me all,desi re to work and even to live, "When I found myself in this condition and getting worse I took the medicine the doctor prescribed for me but without any result. "One evening Iwas reading the paper when I saw your advt., so cut it oOt and the next day went to the druggist and ur ,roc ed a box and ' t ice that t' nervous slhas systemeen in perfectt eenditton, "Be assnrnd, gentlemen, that I will never be without Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for they gave me strength to work and support my mother, who is an infirm widow and ofrvhom I am the only support." Milburn's Heart and Verve Pills are Mc per box, or 3 boxes for $l.25,,at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. ;Milburn Co,, Limited,. Toronto, Ont. DANGEROUS DANDRUFF Will Make Canada a Baldheaded Nation if Not Checked-- M. Paatt'ur, the great Freneh Phy- s pian at PAIN, 0000 Said; "I believe we shall one day rid the world of all dine ices causedby germs " Dandruff is, nauead by germs, a fact aoceptt'd by ell physicians, Dt udrotf is the root of all hair, evils. I1 it were not for the little destructive germs working with a persistency worthy or a better canoe, there would be no baldness, Parisian Sege will kill the dandruff germs and remove dendraii in two wecrlte or money beek, Watton McKibben guarantees it. It will stop itehieg scalp, falling heir and ineke the bair grow tbllok and abun- dant. It pule life and lustre into the hair and prevents it from turning gray. It is the bair dressing per exoeilenoo, daintily perfumers and free from grease and stickiness. It is the fevoritei with women of taste and onitare who know the social value of fasoineting hair. A. large bottle coats only 50 cents at leading druggists everywhere, and iu Wingham by Walton MtICibbon. The girl with the auburn hair is on every pa'kago. A settlement of ,the differences bet- ween the Canadian Paoifio Railway and its trniemen end yardtuen bas been reached at Montreal, both afles seeming to be salitfied. Soreness of the muscles, whether in• dneed by violent exercise or iujai'y, is quiekly relieved by the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment, This lin- iment is equally valuable for musonlar rheumatism, and always -affords quick relief. Sold by all druggists, Don't pour tea on foe. If you do its doliolons flavor will be dissipated. Don't fail Unmake your ioed tea two hours before it to to be served, so as to give it time to cool gradually. (plo1whworo N/GH-e /li) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold aitd guaranteed by WALTON McKIBBON. The idea this season is to face the under side of the brim of the hat out to within one-half of the edge, in- stead of applying a band several inches in length, es was done last year. A comma is a very little thing; but if misplaced, they very much alter the sense, and sometimes spoil it &together, as the following sentence will show:— "Lord Palmerston then entered upon his head, ' a white bat upon his feet, large, but well polished boots upon his brow, re dark cloud in his hand, his faithful walking stick in his eye, a dark menacing glare saying nothing." Some of our public school pupils might re- write this sentence, properly planing the commas. CASTOR I A For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of If a workingman while intoxicated suffers injury in a workshop in France he Luny not reoover damages from his employer. The Freneh courts hold that drunkenness is inexcusable and consti- tutes contributory negligence. You should deal at home, patronize home, and above all support your own home where you earn and receive your bread and butter. There are merchants in every town who are protected year in and year out from the oity sharks, and they send their miserable ten, Dent printing to some outside city offioe or a "blacksmith." The local press could fill their columns to overflow with out- side advertising. Children Cry. FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The recently -married young couple had been very happy, but at length the inevitable rift in the lute occurred, "George," she said reproachfully, so - cross the breakfast table, "it was after twelve when you got home last night." "Women." exclaimed George, with a fine assumption of astonishment, "are meet inoomprehehsive oreatnree. Why, my dear, before we were married you didn't care how late I got home.,, A judge in Monroe Canty, Wiseonein, haehanded down a decision of more than parsing interest. An angler in pursuit of trout waded a stream through private property. Theowner brought suit allege ing tr e 98t. The OOn! tielsti that l arid OWaer nee 110 right Or title to ft ilti'8am passing through hie laude Or to the 11th. in that stream; that the streams and the fish in them belong to the commonwealth; rind that the public has a right to navi• gate these streitms, either fti boats or by wading It was further held that 'to long at a person following the Strobl re- trained from setting hoot on the Mal, no charge of trespass obuid tie.—,Dred and Stream, Staying at Home. I'm tired of moving pictures, and other Oaring shows.; I'm tired of hear- ing lectureB' delivered through t', a nose,. I'm tiredof stately shtiekera who for an ofliee yell, and weary of the spealrern who'd bind tae with a spell. A boon by Doyle or Dtote epreed oat upon my knee, and my old one horse shinty is goad ouough, for me 1 uatd to spend the gloaming arts sometimes half the night, in idle bugrhoaao roaming, in search ot cheap delight; I liked the noise and ginusoor, the greeting and the aterea, the rushing and the glamour of pity thoroughfares; but now I'm old and wiser, I like my vine and trey; my sllaelt aucl Jan Elizer are gond enough for me, I love niy pea green cottage; I love eaoh briok and board; for such a mese of pottage as hallo and streets. afford, I rarely would not trade it at any man's behest; my frau and I have made it the place we love the best. The streets ars always orawliug with packed humanity; "dome home," Elizer'a asil- Ung — that's good enough for me!— Walt Mason. 83100 ltE WARD, slop. The readers of this paper will he pleas- ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that soienoe has been able to ours in all ire stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu- tional disease, regcires a oonstitional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aotiog directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the aye. tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimon- ials, Addres F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all drugeiste. 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constitute tion. There is yet no limit to the amount of braiding put on gowns and snits. Heathen nations have different legends as to the origin of women. The Japan- ese believe that she.grew on a tree; the Laplanders that she was onoe a rabbit; the Persians that she fell from the heav- ens, and the Australian natives that she was once a toad. Are You uptured I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without op8ration or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. J. J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St, STRATFORD, ONT Name Address Age Time Rup Single or double . . Satisfaction guaranteed, GIVING AND GAINING, iS. 0, Kiser.] We reap in return for oar sowing, And pot for mere dreaming of gains; The wwdA Unit are fitfully hiowiog Aorosa the wide, billowy plalos Will bring us up shiploads of treasure, Unless We been ships to return; The world gives ns measure for treasure, And hope for the hopes that vl'o Darn. The worst gives.,us jay for enjoy meat That we have`the grape to impart; The heart is soon out of etuiAoyrnt'nt, That ceases to gladden some heart; The pleasure and profit of living? Are sweetened by t ant; and zeal; Tho world gives us Kiane for our living, And not for the empty appeal. Judgment Vag heuded down int the ease of the Robert Bell Engine Co. ve Lowery. The ease was tried before His Honor Judge Bolt, cu Juno 28th, and was an action entered by the plain- tiffs, manufacturers of Ssaforth, against Robert Loyyery, a thresher and farmer in the township of Hnrou, Bruce county, It was alleged that the defendant, after agreeing to purchase a 22 -horse -power traction engine from the Company, re- fused to give the notes and settlement for the engine. The plaintiffs resold the engine and by so doifig lost $452. Jadg' meat was entered for the plaintiffs for 8265 and costs. R S Hays (Seaforth), solicitor for plaintiffs; 0. ', Locke (Lucknow) for detendaut. in tea must be dis. tinctive, pleasing and unvarying to merit continuous use . The ' flavor of Rec( Rose yea is all its own; and it never fails to win and hold ap proval because it never fails in quality. Try it. NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It 82 ksc— NETV YEARS AO1 Local tams fHistory to the "Times"yfyles. (From the nuns of July 25, 1890.) LOCAL NEWS. Fred Korman killed a steer one day this week, which dressed 7S3 pounde. It Lutist have been a big one. Mr, Geo. Thomson bas sold SO of his cattle to Smith & McLean, buyers. They were a good lot, Ono oar ie to be shipped this month and three next month, A little son of Mr. John Menzies, Wawanosh, had the misfortune to fall from a cherrie tree and break both bis arms above the wrists. He was plaoed under medical oare and is doing nicely. Mr: M. Walker of Abe 12th oonoession of East Wawanosh, left in our office, on Friday last, a sample of wheat of the Michigan Ambler variety. All the grains in the heads were large and plump, and Mr. Walker has 31 ncres of it, which be expects will yield from 30 to 35 bushels per more. Real estate agents will be able to breathe freely again since the rain. The stomachs of our citizens is not the best plaoe for real estate. On Sunday, Mr. Murray, grandfather of Mr. David Pringle, of this town, passed quietly away to his last long home at the old ago of 84. Mr. A. Ross has a very pretty garden this year. Beans, potatoes and tonta- toes are further advanced than we have seen in town., Both Mr. and. Mrs. Ross are good gardeners and it does not hin- der sales in the store. On Sunday, July 20th, Thos, H. Kins- man, who has been ill for it long time, passed from time into eternity. Mr., • Kinsman was a Canadian Forester and. • was followed to the grave by a large. number of the brethren belonging to the' looal court. Mr. lt, McKay is hEndling the paint brush at 0. Knechtel'a ship, and adding to its freshness. Mr• 3. A. MoEwen* returned from the. west last week. He gave us a friendly pall, and told us he had called on Mr. J. J. Anderson, late of Wingham, and found that he had over 200 acres of'. crop. BIRTHS, Reid.—In Wingbam; on the 19th inst.,. the wife of Mr. S. J. Raid; a son. Welsh.—In Wingham, on tha 19th•- inst., the wife of Mr. John Welsh, fire- • man; a daughter. DEATHS. • Murray.—In Turnberry, on the 20th inst., David Murray, aged 83 years and' 10 months. Kinsman.—In Wingham, on the 201h inst., Thomas H. Kinsman, aged 29' yearn, 2 months and 3 days. POPULAR STALLIONS. "Gold Link," the imported CIydesdale Stal- lion, son of the great Baron of Buchlyvie, will make the season of 1010 as follows :— Monday at noon, leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Ourrie's hOtel stables, wroxeter, for night; Tuesday, to And. Geminill's, con. 0, Turnberry, for noon, and to Bluevale for night, and remain until the following Monday noon, W. H, HEWITT, J. W. KING, Groom. Proprietor. 'The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, " Mascot" will snake the season of 1010 as follows:— Monday—Leave his owner's stable Biu folex. Moffatt's, 2t, miles east of Bluevale, for noon; north to Kirton Bros.,' con. 5, Turn - berry, for night. Tuesday—Alex. McPherson's, con. 7, Turnberry, noon; and to Bluevale for night, Wednesday— To Wm. Elston's, con. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday—Jos. J. Kerr's eon. 18, East Wawanosh, noon; and to Dennis' feed stables, opp. Cement Works Wingham, and remain until Saturday morning. Satur- day—To his owner's stable,' Bluevale, and re- main until Monday morning. J. W. KIND, Proprietor. • „ umburle 0hief , the imported Ci des - dale Stallion,,will make the season of 1910 ae follows :— Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for And, Douglas'. gravel road, neon; and to Andrew Ireland's for night.'Tuesday—,ler- Mee Paynes, Con. 2, Grey, noon; and G. Me- Farlane's, gravel road, night. Wednesday., To Jas. BMWs, Con. 0, Morris,noon; and .Tat Nichols'. Con. 6, night. Thursday—TO Jas, Phedden'd, Von. 4, Morris, for noon; and to Hill's Hotel. stables, Belgrave, . for night Friday—Todos. Miller's Con. 8, Mortis, and remain until Saturday morning, Saturday— Tb Robert Warwick's,Con.8, Morris, for noon; then to his owner's stable, Bluevale, and re- main until Monday morning. 1t, JIDA r, ,T. W. Ktxo, Manager. Proprietor. The Right Kind of PrintinA The kind that is neat, attractive and up-to-date, costs you no- more money here than the inferior article does elsewhere. Quality Counts in hinting as in other things, and the TIMES is in a position to turn out first- class work • at very reasonable prices. Try this office with your next order. The Times WINGHAM ONTARIO