The Wingham Times, 1910-07-28, Page 541 711 W4NurJiA it TIMES, JULY 2$ 4,0% fa 25 Per Cent. DISCOUNT ON MEN'S SUITS What does it mean? It means that you get one of our $10 Suits for $7.50 or one 'of our $20.00 high-grade ' 20th Cen- tury Tailored Suits for $15.00 a 1 cGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. Saturday, July 30, at 3 o'clock will be the last unveiling of the clock, when $3 to the nearest and $2 to the next, will be given away. Don't forget to ask for time cards. ••r•+*•44••••♦4••••••••••• ••••••••••+•++•••••••••••• ; PHON• E All kinds • • 70 HANNA CO. Wanted 41•• + • •• ;2, REPPS-For Ladies' Summer Suite, colors Tan, Mauve, White, Old t Rose and Sky Blue. Reg 20o and 25o, for per yard • - 14c • 14, GINGHAMS-Fanoy and Black and White Checks, reg. iso, for . ale 1 ,+ OHILDREN'S SOOKS-In small sizes, Tan, White and other colon, regular 20o, for per pair • - - - 10e S 4' We have a large assortment of Ladies' Fanoy Elastic Beits, also Jabots • `a • Datoh and Embroidered collars. Barrettes and Turban Pins. • + LADIES' FANOY SILK AND NET WAISTS-Blaok, Cream, Ecru • ♦ and White and Black Checks • $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 .a MEN'S AND BOYS' STRAW HATS -Regular 25o and 35o, for 19e; • O Regular 50o, for 35e. • • 4 • 4 X.,: • 4 • • 4 se • 4 • • •2 • 2 • • I ••• w • t•.. = Fancy (Meths in Stripes and Tweeds for Men's Tailor -Made Suite. jt I We are making a epeofalty of turning ont Stylish Suits at low ee prices • • $18.00, $19.00, $20.00 and. $22.00 • z iHANNA Age, r A : coi 4,,++++++++++++++4++++++4+ *****4547E0140:44-#.44:0014. Alt kinds of 'rodtlee taken as Cash, PHONE E ' O. oo tittle, Mrs, Wm. Benuett,er, died at her home in f:}orrie on Tuesday, Jnly 19tH, aged 71 years. The deceased had two perelytio strokes over n. year ago and two more a few weette no, and it was not expected she would recover. Mrs. $pnnett's maiden name was Maria Reinhart, and wqs one pf the pioneer. of Howiek, hav- ing settled with her huabapd on the Howiok•Grey boundary, where their KM. Thomas R. Bennett, now lives. Per the past few years, the old couple have re, sided in Qorrie, The father, one son and one daaghter, M .Jobe P'lnlay, survives, Mrs, Bennett was a fine wo- man, being a good neighbor, a loving mother and a faithful wife. vtrESTEIF.,LD. Mrs. Porter, of Simone, is visiting her cousin Mrs, John Chamuey, whom she had not seen for nearly a quarter of a century, Master Wilfred Daw, of Heneail, has been spending the past two weeks viol• ting his grandfather, J, B, Jefferson. The Goderioh Rural Telephone Com- pany have their poles strewn along the road as far as Wesley Farrow's, which appears to be as far north as they par, pose building the line at present. We are pleased to know that Herbert Bamford was successful in his musical examinations recently, Mies Grace Wightman was his instructor. Congrat- ulations to both teacher and pupil! witcoCETER. Messrs. Thomas Brown and J. R. Wendt attended the anneal meeting of the Masonio Grand Lodge at Belleville last week. Mies F, Bittle, of Hespler, is the guest of Mre. W. M. Robinson. Mrs. James Haziowood, of Clifford, is visiting her son, Mr. W. 0. Hazlewood. Mr. Jos. Barton and sister, Mies Jessie Barton, of Toronto, are enjoying a few weeks' vacation with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley, of Olin• ton, are spending the summer vacation with the latter', parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Weir, of Rowiok. Mrs. W. Sevington and Mrs. MoIn. tyre, of Cleveland, are guests of their sisters, the Misses Allan, and other relatives here. oRE'Y. Alex. Buchanan and others are asking for a Municipal drain and the Engineer will be put on to report. Miss Graoe Hoover, 9th con:, is visit- ing relatives at Hamilton. Mies Lizzie returned last week from a holiday at Fordwioh and locality. The latest word from Granton, is that Wilber Baker, who is til with typhoid fever, is no better. His father, J. K. Baker, left for Granton on Wednes- day. Contract for open section of the 6th oon. drain has been let to Messrs. Con- nolly & Nioholson at $1,430. Richard Jaoklin has the Hanna drama, his tender being $998.50. Harold Hogg has been engaged as principal of the Fordwich Public School for the ensuing year at the salary of $600. He is a good teacher and will prove his worth in Fordwich. Mrs. Hooter McQuarrie, 4th Con., is recovering nioely after a recent illness. Her daughter, Mise Emylene, who has bean visiting her uncle, Albert Arm• strong, in Bette, Montana. is home at- tending her mother., Mr. Armstrong accompanied her. MORRIS. Miss Marion Forrest is home from a visit with friends at Oollingwood and other points. Thos. Dark, who is filling a position in the Wilson Drug Store, Seaforth, is home for a holiday. Miss Georgia Rosa; of Listowel, has been renewing Old friendships in this township. She was a former snocess• fel teacher in Button's school and is Well remembered. Dan. McLean, of the 7th oon., has built a fine two storey cottage whioh adds greatly to the appearanoe of bis Wm, The work was done by li. R. Elliott of Brussels. Miss Jenkins, of Hallett, has been engaged as teacher in the Gosman school for the coming year: Mise Onward, who has been teaohing there, will go to the Normal. John'Yonng, 7th eon., has ereoted a neat storey and a half house on his farm Id replace the one burned down last winter and has moved tato it, H, R. Elliott did the week. Robert Sonoh, 3rd line, who has been an invalid for the paet six yenta, is not ds well as usual we are sorry to state, and is confined to his room nearly all the time Ur. Sonoh is 81 years of age and has lost his eyesight but beats all with great resignation, W. 1. tihisholm has trade arrangements u all the school i his ing eo ar top t al a s n p t ate of East Brabe, in tanning order before he tetires, which will be on the ltrt at September, There aro any change* this year and the work of filling theca in will be heavi', 0113.1toils. Mr. Harry MoDurney, who bat a barbering baldness in Pardow, Soak,, iii paying a short visit to Townies and. Oalross friends. While handling n hayfork rope one (fay last week, dies, ,°hat. Button, of the 8th lane, had her right hand drawn into a pulley and very badly iaoereted. Though of a palatal character the !ajar. les are not thought to be 8erigas as pp bone* or tendons are broken, A quiet wadding was soleinutzed at the home of Mr, sad Mrs, Joseph Swit- zer at it o'clock Tuesday of last ,week when their daughter, 8, Emily, became the bride of Mr. Andrew W, Murray of Swift Qurrent, Seek Rev. M. MoEaoh- ern of Langeide, ofboiated, Only near relations and a few intimate friends were present, The young oeuple left from Teeswater by the .afternoon train for their hems in the West. The marriage took piece ha Montreal on Tuesday, July 12, of Mise Mary White, second daughter of Mr, and Mre. Thomas White, St. Antoine street., to Mr. Thomas Elliott of Oalraes. Rev. Dr„,Gates, Baptist mipiator, offtoiated The bride was accompanied by her sisters, Misses Jane and Elizabeth White, and the groom was supported by bis friend Mr. John McNeil. After the enjoyment of a wedding supper Mr, and Mrs. Elliott left for their home near Teeswater, 'BRUSSELS The sad news was reoeived here W ed- needay evening of last week that Mr, Aberhardt,.of Seafortli, father of. Mre. Woodley, of Brussels, had met his death under sad oironmstanoee. He went in- to his son's drug store and drank out of a bottle which unfortunately turned out to be carbolic acid. Despite all that could be done death shortly ensued, Many old time friends will regret to hear that Dr. and Mrs. Graham purpose removing from Brussels with the intent of locating in Toronto where they have purohased a residence. Dr. Graham did a good share in adding to the material progress of Brussels and in mpnioipal, social and church interests always took an active interest as the years have gone by. Mrs, Graham was also an enthus. laetio church worker. We are sorry to lose snob residents although the dootor still holds considerable property here which will necessarily tie him somewhat to the town. Following are the officers of St. John's Lodge,•No. 284 G.R.O., A. F. and A, M. for the ensuing year: -I. P. M., S. Jack- son; W. M., H. Duncan; 8.• W., W. W. Harris; J. W., 0. A. Toole; Treae., J. Fox; See., S. Wilton; Ohap., L C. Rich- ards; 5 D., Geo. McFarlane; J D., Wm. Gillespie; S. 5. Geo Keys; J. S., R. A. MoDonald;.I. G., A. Thompson; Tyler, Jno, Wright. Representative to Grand Lodge in Belleville, Harry Minoan. H. James, S. Wilton and P. Bishop also attended Grand Lodge. BLYTB. Mies Myra Hood, daughter of Alex. Hood, of Saginaw, Minh., is a visitor with her grandmother, Mre. George Hood, and her aunt, Mrs. W. Jackson, of town, Mre. Trewin has been quite poorly of late at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Dexter, North of Blyth. The old Iady is about 92 years of age, so, of coarse, does not poems the old• time vigor. Mr. and Mrs, Besse have arrived home from a pleasure trip to Kansas, where they have relatives and friends. They have seen considerable of the North Amerioan Continent in the past year or eo. Bert Stewart, the well known deputy in Mr. MoMurohie's Bank is away on a well-deserved holiday down the St. Law. renes. He will take in Toronto, King- ston, Montreal and other points of interest. He accompanied Mr. Glennie, of the Bank of Hamilton, on the out- ing. The sad, but not altogether unexpeot ed news came to hand to Mrs. Floods, of town, that her daughter, Feline., of Winnipeg, had answered the great roll call of the skies on Monday, aged 43 years. Deceased was born in the township of Cartright, County of Carle- ton, Oat., and was married to her now bereft partner, George Sherlock, .18 years ago last month. For nearly a year she had been 111 failing health, being ooufned to bed a gond share of the time siuce lett Christmas, a ntediont operation failing to accomplish the desired result.. Mies Maggie bloody, tire. Sherlook't sister, of Blyth, went to Winnipeg fast April to nurse the Mak woman. In addition to the has. band, two sons and` a daughter Survive to hold in loving remembrance wife and mother. Nine municipalities in the county of Welland have decided 10 Vote on local option next *Tannery. The chartoea of taving part of the crop have 'boon greatlq Wrongedd by the soak. ing thin of frdW1 four to sit moble whioh fell' all over Manitoba and parte of Sas. katohewan Saturday morning. the pasture had been burned 'bars. It it .,stststn.MIAAIIsWAllstetAsvourMNn+sN • SUMMER MONTHS FATAI. TQ SMALL. I HII.PB N. • . Every mother .,mast know how fatal the sunnier months are 10 small cbfldren, Oboiera Tatou. tum, diarrhoea, dytentry' and stomach trembles areell common et this time and many it preoioae life is muffed out after gals a few boars illness. Asa safeguard mgtlters should keep Baby's 0 W Tablets in the house. An 000as• Mind dose of the Teblsis will pre. vent etoWuaoh and bowel troubles, c or if the troeble acmes on seddea• ly, will bring the little one c through safely, Mrs. R E, San. ford, Inverary, Out., writes.-- "Mv baby was eiokly for over a week with stoipaoh and bowel troubles and pried night and day, nothing helped her till I began Riving her Baby's Own '.i`ablete, but they helped her right moray 1 and now elle isa big healthy obiid with fine rosy cheeks, The Tablets are oertainly a wonderful Z medicine and I recommend them C to all ray friends who have little i children," Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Dente it C box from The Dr. Williams Medi- = cine Oa., Brookville, Oat. Q } vwVVWVVWWWWVV'WYWYto nonunion. Benjamin Nott, a retired minister, dropped dead Sunday night while eat ing supper at his home on Newgate street. He was in fairly good health up to the time of his death, lie leaves e, wife, but no family. A horse belonging to J. W, Moyes, of the Huron Construction, did some ex- traordinary stoats in a runaway Mon- day morning. After breaking the buggy it ran up to the square and fell in front of the Sterling Bank, and after getting up walked into J. H. Colborne's dry goods store, up to the bargain counter, One of the olerks led it outside. No damage was done. CLINTON. Samuel and Mrs. Jones and Wails, of Victoria City, B. C., are visiting with relatives and friends in and around Clinton, It is 15 years since Mr. Jones has been east. George Rice, lately' connected with the Doherty Plano and Organ Company, has 'secured a good position with the Otto Higel Company, Toronto. The hoepital reopened this week, and already are busy with patients. Two operations have taken plate, one was performed on Mr, Hovey, of Wingham, and the other on Martin Charlesworth, of town. • Five rinks of Goderioh bowlers drove to Clinton, Thursday, to play a friendly matoh, but were defeated by 38 pointe. The Clinton bowlers are patting in over- time to get in shape for the old country bowlers. Rev. Mr. Oharlesworth, Baptist minis- ter, has resigned, and will close his pastorate on Sunday. July 31, Monday, August 1, is Clinton's civic holiday. The ohief attraction will be the Nebraska Indian baseball team, The public school board have secured Misses E. 01'idby and E. Tiplady to take the positions of Mise McPherson and Mies E. Ohidby, who recently re- signed. BELG.1n V'.E. The North Huron Telephone Co. has installed a telephone intoe station. Agent Carlisle is away acting as Con- dnotor and Mra. Oadisle is visiting with her parents in Wingham. The people of this section were shock- ed on Saturday morning last when the news spread of the very sadden death of Mr. William Wray, one of Belgrave's highly esteemed residents. Mr. Wray was et the home of bis son-in-law, Mr. J. A. Brandon, in East Wawanoeh, and was assisting in the placing of a tele• phone pole, when he was suddenly aesz- ed with a fainting spell and was deed in a short time. He had been troubled for tome little time with his heart and heart trouble was the cause of his very sudden death. Deceased was born in the Township of Ohinguaconey, Peel county and when it young man of 22 he came to Morris townehtp, i,ettling on the third line. Here he remained until a few years ago when he sold hie term and moved to this village where he has lived retired, Mr. Wray had taken an active interest in pnblio affairs and was for a number of years Reeve of Morris' Township. In politics he was a Oooser• votive and in religion a Methodist, hav- ing for many years been a member of the Belgrave Methodist Church. He was a man who had a very large circle Of friends and was held in the hL, hest es, teem by the people of the oommanity, Mr. Wray is survived by his widow and one eon, Mr. 0, B, Wray, of 'South Dakota, and one daaghter, tars. J, A. Brandon, of East Wawanosh. Three bietere; Mrs. • Geo. Dbley, Balgrave; Mrs. Homer, Miehtgan; Mrs. Meringue, Becton, also survive. The bereaved re- nsympathyy lativee will have the ei cexe Of the oonitnuoity in their sadden be- reavement, The tottered oh Tuesday afternoon was latgely attended by the old friends of ilii. Wray. Servide, wa* held in the Methodist Chttroh and the thought the htt crop, looked nit air a 1 remains were interred in the Bratiddn failure, may revive aotbeivhbt. cemetery. H. E. ISARD & CO. THE JULY SALE Embraces every department in the store and cards great MONEY. SAVING ONEY- SAVING opportunities, Come in and 'inspect the July offerings and we feet sure the resaa►t will be MUTUALLY SA I.'ISF ALTO tiY, WASH SUITS, -Plenty to choose from. Yon can pick out a stylish suit at small cost, and have no trouble about the making. These suits are tailor.made and will give satisfaction. Prices begin at $4.00. LADIES' PRINCESS DRESSES. -Very pretty styles, made of fine Mull, trimmed with Cluny Insertion, Ask to see then, prices are reduced. FINE LAWN WAISTS.-BIg stock, all new styles, clearing prices. WASH GOODS. -Comprising Pongee, Linen in plain or stripe, Scotch Ginghams, Muslins, Lace Grenadine, Fancy Stripe Linens, etc., at cut prices. UNDERSKIRTS. --Lots of pretty White Skirts to choose from. Well made and full wide width ; see our special at Si.O0. SILK WAISTS. -Stylish White Silk Waists, some made with over Lace and. Net. Regular value up to five dollars, on sale your choice for $2.75. CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES, -Alt sizes from 6 months to 14 years. All must be sold, prices range from $1.00 to $3.00 PARASOLS. -Big stock of Summer Parasols, white embroidered and fancy colored, July Sale twenty per cent. ,discount off all prices. CH. E. ISARD GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM I.0. 0. F. LXGURSION - ON Saturday, Aiiig. 13 Minerva Encampment, No. 47, 1. 0, 0. F., Wingham, have completed. arrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway ,System to run a big Excursion to ;Ifibtonlatn rstiomonbotbmoopiKno(n +ot+o(roMc' *Iii o(rrnomototWpoll** +ob *iunto(uatn ertentotftibeavalo ntrtbilinto n** ** P% rit i RI A , A . 4i aa i rgi eeeettV1Valluttteettreettc1 tweettsMeaetet 40WQAttgagtta taktsitettsaat ISettate lettSt Via HYDE PARK Front the following places, on Saturday, August 13tli returning Monday, Aug. 15, at the following, Tow fa, tense Time Fare Leave Irincardine 5.40 tam. $2.30 ! Belgrave Ripley 5.55 2.20 Blyth 1 Londesboro 7. 6.10 2.05 Clinton............ ...... 7. 6,23 2.00 1 $rucefietd 4,12 6.40 1.0(1 1 Irippen 8.23 Lucknow \Vhitec' utreit ,,., Wingham . are 1.60 1X;0 1,00 1.'35 1.35 Children over ncl undee 12 years Half Fare . Returning. special"' train will leave Sarnia Monday, Attg. 15, at 10 lti.nt. Arrangements have also been made with the White Star Steamship Line to convey passengers from SAR1VIA to DETROIT per nutgnifieeut Steatites "'rashtttoo," on Saturday, leaving Sarnia at 4.50 p.m., at the low return fare of 75e. `.Tickets good returning on any White stir Line boat tut to and. including 2.3+) p,m„ Monday, August 15, This will afford an excellent 'outing aid an opportunity for - excursionists to spend Sunday in Detroit Everyone Come and Enjoy a Pleasant Outing! COMMITTEE Xi, 11. ELLIOTT, W, DODD,