The Wingham Times, 1910-07-28, Page 44 TUN' WVINGISAlit 'i'i iES, JURY 28, 3.91Q ,rr THE Dominion Bank HEAP ori b4E: Tolson° Capital Stools (ail mild up) $41,00,000 00 Reserve Fund and Un- divided Profits $5 600,000.00 Deposita by the public, ,, $46 000,000 00 Total A.esete, over $00 500,000.00 Bttaxcatee t w aoaxrs throughout Can - oda and tae United States, A t ENERAI. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Savings Department. Current Rises of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $1.00 and upwards, Farmers' este Notes Collected, and advances made on them et lowest rate of interest. WINOELM $RANCIi—Oorner John and Josephine Streets. W. R, GEI£KtE, MANAGER R. VATSToss, Solicitor. trenepartaelen, So with other with, - able foodstuffs, Pooh as cheese, eggs and h n t shier, d he a immediate losses are likely to he heavy. Grein -growers Mee will be sufferer's. O"houseedsof them oanuot afford to hold their prodaoa and peedto getit at opoe be market, but they =BA await the settlement;; of this dispute, an event that may be far off, Altogether, the strike will be snore die- aetrooe for the prodnoiog and eolisutn- ing public than# for the prinoipale in the struggle. The risen have a fat etrihe fund and oen bold out fora long time, Mid therailway alae, while a large loser, can afford to stand it indefinitely— Windsor Record. Why le it that the oountry wheels open after the summer holidays earlier thanthe pity eohoole? This year the country schools open on August 15th, three weeks before the city child relit°• tautly returns to the studies of the sohoolroone. Although this hoe been the established custom for many 'years, we cannot recollect ever having heard any reason advanced for the difference in the length of vacation, It cannot be that the educational 'authorities think the country student needs the extra time in school; for experience shows that the country scholar ie quite the equal of the city -bred ohiid, Ori the other hand, iv seems strange that the schools should open in the very middle of the harvest time when the farmer needs the assistance of Me boyo more than at any time in the year. It would appear more reasonable if the country schools did not open until a few weeks aftei the time that the city mills of learning resumed operations. There may be a good reason for this custom but it is difficult to find it. --Guelph Masonry. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of ohangee must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening: Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Er,STABLISHPD 187'4 THE WINfinAM TIMES. H. B.ELLIOTT, FIIBnISHSR ANAPROPRIBTOP THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1910 NOTES AND COMMENTS The new edition of L'oyd's Register Book contains statistical tables showing the total ocean tonnage of the world to have risen from 21 608,000 in 1886 to 41,916,000 in the =rent year. Of the 1886 tonnage 10,291,000 Was steam and 11,217,000 sail, The present tonnage is: Steam, 37,291,000, and sail, 4,624,000. Oanadian trade figures for June show an increase of about eleven million dol - tare over the same month last year, while for the past three months the in- crease is upwards of thirty-five millions. June imports were $39;705,437, and the exports of domestic prodnots $24 798 824. For the first quarter of, the year the aggregate trade was $171,173,690, as compared with $135,567,791, for the same period of 1909. Imports were $106,384,187 as against $82,102,190 in the first three monthe of last year. The ex- ports for the quarter were °61,7&9,503, as agairvt $53,4655,601 for the first quar- ter 1r:a /ear. The re-count in Russell, held at Minnedosa, revealed the slickest piece of ballot -spoiling ever known in Mani' soba, resulting in the rejection of thir- teen ballots marked for Mr. Valens, the Conservative, by a majority of eight. All the spoiled ballots were in one poll at Olha, a foreign settlement. All thir- teen were spoiled in the same way with a tiny "X" in pencil inside the "o" or "0" in Mr. Bonnyoastle's name on the ballot, The Judge declared his convic- tion that the marks were In a different pencil from that need by the voters, bat under the law he had to throw out the ballots thus marked. The wretched mismanagement which has marked the Ontario Department of Education since it fell ander Whitney's control is disgusting even the meet slavish of its supporters. The Toronto Telegram, which was one of the greatest touters for Wbitney, and which was ex- ceediogiy unjust to Hon. George W. Ross, has apparently abnoladeal that nothing is to be made by blinking the situation. A careful survey of the situ - mien leads it to declare; "Ontario when saw the,day there was lees oonirnon sense die la ed in the mann . p y e g inept of her pubilc school system than there has been *Woe Hon. R. A. Pyne took the hemi iu the Education Depart. anent.—Hamilton Times, The Potonto Globe in publishing a cries of letters b t dealing with the orop conditions in Ontario and in introdneing the first letter says :—This is the first of a brief Reties of letters dealing with Orap conditions and the adenoid), position of the farmerb of Ontario. It is important to the business men of the towns to known how the mart On the farm fares, especially at a time When the falling Off in the purchasing power Of the west ib likely to be Oonsldereble. There le iia doubt that Ontario this year will reap one of the finest and Moet profitable crops of nereais in bel history, While In dabying, live stook and other depart. menta there will be a big ootpet et 'vert, profitable prioes Ontario thio fair will have the money for all the neoebaarfett of liter and most of its In:arieb. Cies of the first to Baiter by the strike Will be the small trait tndnetry, and the reedit sestet be disebter to snob growers ata depend oft the Grand Trnnlr for A POSTAGE STAMP. A postage stamp is an- expression of civilization's progress. It annihilates the distance between you and your friend. It carries your letter over the mountain which you oonld not scale, and across the river you could not ford, Young man, look a second time on the face of that postage stamp, On it may be found the image and superscription of our lamented King, Edward VII. The finest trait in the character of Ed- ward was his regard for his mother. Telt me, young man, have you written to your mother recently? What joy a postage stamp would bring her. An American preacher says: '•I remember reading in the auto- biography of John G. Paton of a mother in Sootland whose boy had gone away from home, John G. Paton says that every morning the inother climbed the hill and looked in the direation, hoping to see him Dome home. When the day was dying out of the sky she olimbed the same hill again, and stretching forth her hand, Dried ant, as only a mother would ory: 'Oh, Walter 1 Wal- ter 1 your mother wearies so.' " PLEA FOR THE HELLO GIRL. • When the girlie at Central says "Busy," don't work yourself into a fret and a sweat; don't tell her in language all freckled with fire that yon think she's quite near approach to a liar. Don't paw at the carpet nor ohew at the rag; don't roar as a bull when it sees e red flag, nor tell her in voicing that paints the air red that you'll have her tincanned ere the sun goes to bed; bat murmur in sugary, marehmellow words —'twill tali on her ear as the carol of birds—to please ring you. up when the line is at rest, and she raises the party Of whom you're in quest. And when she replies she will do so, jest hang the re• delver np gently and not with a bang. You scolding old old fellow, if Yon had to bear but half of the Hello Girl's burden of care, that temper of yours would explode with a boom, and scatter oath fragments all over the room. They often are cussed at and growled at by man, when trying to do the best that they can to keep service moving with nary a Mich, when soreheads believe them asleep at the switch; And some- times the harsh words that fall on their ears fill their throats full of lumps and their eyes tall of tears. r just do u nto them as you'd have others do onto a sister of yours were she one of the drew; and you'll find your servioe far better will be than if by your crossness yon rattle theta, see?—Jameb Adams, in Denver Times. Looal option campaigns will this year be waged in 100 munloipelttiee to Ont. alio. The city of Guelph is included in the list. A campaign fend of $300 has already been raised there. J f CONSUMPTION In the cure of consumption! nourishment is necessary. For 35 ylhaurs Scolt's Emulsion has been the standard* world-wide treatment for consum . britt. Alt Dares sts NEWS NATES. Bountiful swine arereported front Manitoba and parts of Saekatohewaa, John McDevitt and Jahn Hunter were killed at the Oanadien Northern station at Beaverton. Hon. W. It. Motherwell estimates a crop of six million bushels of wheat for Saskatobewap, A party of Mtohigen Oentrel oflleials made a trip through the tunnel from De- troit to Windsor, The corner-etoue of Beeverton.'s new Town Hall was laid by Mrs, MoTeggert end Cot, 13enderegn. W. A. Sonderson's jewellery store at Peterboro' was robbed of $3,500 worth of watohes, rings and diamonds, Henry (look was Killed at Montreal by the oollepse of a shed at the gae works, and eleven other men were hurt, Westbrook & Hooker's brewery at Brantford was burned and the Empire Hotel at Brandou was badly damaged by fire, Mrs. Thomas J, Millward of Hamilton started off from the Beach in a rowboat with two ohildren and has not been heard of since. Mrs, T, Columbus, who died at Pone tangnishene at the age of 100 years, olaimed to be a descendant of Ohris- topher Columbus. - 1t 18 reported that the Proviuoial Gov- ernment overnment has granted a charter for a railway into the Porcupine district to Mr. Shiliington, M. P. P„ and some associates. Richard Soott Cowan of Palmerston was committed for trial charged with abducting his own child from its moth- er's custody. Thomas Conics, a Toron- to yonth was committed for aiding him. Fire at Owen Sound destroyed Davis. Smith & Malone's coal yards, the Domin- ion Transportation Company's ware house, Bud Godfrey .& Sibbald's grain storehouse, besides a number of smaller buildings. Mr. Elford, near Carman, Man,, •has out 28 aures of Hungarian red wheat that yielded eighteen bushels to the acre, The new wheat stands the dry weather better than the red Fyfe and is said to mature earlier. Immigration into Western Canada during the past four months has been the largest in the history of the country. From Great Britain, 35,000; from Eu- rope, 10,900; from the United States, 46,500. Total, 92,400. The post of living in the United States, according to an official calculation, last March, was 38.8 percent higher than the average for the ten years, 1890-1899. The pride of meat, batter, Sour and milk has been gradually increased. . Five employees of the International Harvester Company, charged with vio- lating the Lord's Day aot M London, pleaded that they were helping the far - mere out with the harvest rush. The Magistrate accepted the plea, Mr. John E. Kennedy, a former Brookville resident, has been engaged by a Chicago advertising firm to write their advertisements. His salary is $40,- 000 a year, And yet there are people in business who ask the question "Does advertising pay?" The wharf on the east side of Yonge street slip, directly opposite the pier of the Niagara Navigation Company, was completely destroyed by fire on Satur- day evening. The damage is estimated at between $15,000 and $20,000, whioh is fully oovered by insurance. Hale end hearty, possessed of all bis faculties and enjoying life, John Barton, an inmate of the home for aged and in- firm people at Kingston, has just cele- brated his 101st birthday. He VMS 101 years of age on July 11, and for a man of such age he is remarkably smart. Mr, Barton was born in Ireland. Contractors for the building of the Grand Trunk Peoifio need 8,000 more men than they have now. As one means of relief the Government has de- cided .to allow Scandinavians, Italians and other Europeans, who have been employed on• Amerfoan railway build- ing, but are now idle, to come in. This means a snapension not only of that part of the lass which oalIe fore ., oontinuons journey" on the part of immigrants from the home country 50 Canada, but apparently of the prohibition against bringing in labor under conttact as Well. A Beef Tea that wilt Last. If one Wishes ter make ouffiefent beef tea to last for acme Little time the 'best method is ab follows: —Get 2 1bb. or 8 lbs. of Shin of beef, remove all the skin and marrow from the bone, bat the treat into small places, and have the bone broken np. Take also a knuckle of vett' --that it, fast the knuokte bone --have it broken up, and pat all tato o strong earthen jar. Place She jar 100 a large saucepan of boiling water and tie the Cover down with a piece off stotit brown paper", titins neither Batt Dor pepper Let it boll slowly all day. When dbne, the jar Will he filled with meat gravy; strain this, and when cold it wilt be a strong jelly. In bummer this may be served old, and in winter 'pour hot WStOr over a portion, and you have beet tea, This will keep a week in summer in a 0001 place, and mach longer in trine ter. .ir Say a G000 Word tea* ft is wise to say a good word for yourself or your business, whether your stock in trade be merch- andise or tabor, Want Ads. are the most direct line of communication to the best buyers., Cann,b,, ,.. b Y .9 Y.rno, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of George Alexan- der McIntosh, late of the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S 0 189?, Chap. 120, Sec, 38, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said George Alexander McIntosh, who died on or about the Twelfth day of Juno, A D. 1010, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Van - stone, Solicitor for the .Executors of the said de- ceased, on or before the Twenty-fourth day of .August, A D. 1010, their names, addresses and descriptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly - certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claitus of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of July, A. D. 1910. R. VANSTONE. ' • Wingham P. O., Solicitor for Executors. Fall Fair Dates. Wingham, .,, Sept. 29 30 Atwood Oct. 2.3 Blyth .... ............ . . Oct. 4- 5 Brussels , . , _Oct..6.7 Dungannon ...................005. 6-7 Fordwioh Oct. 1 Goderioh Sept. 19 20-21 Harriston, . Sept. 29 30 Kincardine Sept. 21.22 Listowel ... Sept. 20-21 London , .. , Sept. 9.17 Luoknow ,Sept. 22-23 Mildmay Sept. 26.27 Ripley ..Sept. 27-28 Seaforth .................... Sept. 22-23 Teoswater Oot, 5.6 Tiverton Oot. 4 Walkerton Sept. 15.16 a,ive Stock Miurkete. Toronto, Jaiy 25.—The opening day at the Union Stock Yards of the week's trade was a very poor one. Despite the hindranoe caused by the stagnation of freight on the Grand Trunk, there was a heavy run of stock -162 oars, contain- ing 3,400 cattle, 66 calves, 491 hogs and 617 sheep. Praotioally all this game to the yards by the Canadian Pacific Reit- way. Most of it Deme from points tonohed by that line, though a certain amount had been driven c n the roads to R. from , the C. P. om placeso rdinaril y serv- ed by erv-edby the Grand Trunk. These drives in instances reached fifteen and even twenty miles in length. The dealers stated that the bad effects shown by the cattle Se a result of the strain were hardly noticeable, With snob a large amaunt of stook at the yards, a good day'b businebs might have been looked for under normal con - dittoing. Added to the hot weather stamp in demand, however, Word game that a snbetantlat drop had taken place A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAAI, ONTARIO, Farmers who want money to buy horses. cattle, or hogs to feed for market oen have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER uMoAoQdy Insurance Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. in the prioes paid for export cattle in England. A feeling of uncertainty got abroad, and dealers bought vary oiroum- speotly. Up till eleven o'clock there was practically no business of any con- siderable volume transaoted,' Prides for cattle, of course, fell. One dealer plaoed the drop in fine export stuff at 40 dents per hundredweight. Others estimated it at from 25 cents up. It is probable that the decline was, on an average, between 30 and 35 Dents per hundredweight. Butoher cattle came downward, too. An average for the fall in them was about 20 -cents. Even with the induoements offered by Iow prioes, however, conditions were 1me, tolerably dull. Calves were alightly easier. Sheep and lambs remained at last week's figures, with a tendency to be- come easier. The following are the quotations: Exporters' (tattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice $6 50 $6 80 Medium 6 15 6 85 Bulls 5 25 5 65 Light 6 25 6 35 Cows 5 30 5 65 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards 3 00 3 50 Stockers oholoe 8 00 4 00 bulls 1 60 2 00 Butchers'— Picked 6 30 Medium—. ............ 5 55 Cows........... , ..... 4 80' Bulls... . 4 40 Hogs -- Best .... . . 9 75 Lights 9 25 Sheep -- Export Mires 4 00 Bucks , 8 00 Mille.. , . 3 00 Spring Lambs each.. 7 50 Calves, eaoh. 3 00 6 55 6 90 4 30 5 15 4 25 8 25 8 40 7 00 WINGRAIit MARI4ET REPORTS Wingham, Juty 27th, 1950, Piot rper 1001bb .,,,,, 2 75 to 8 25 Fall Wheat :....... 1 05 to 1 05 Oats,.. .., . .,, 0 85 to 0 35 Barley , .. . 0 45 to 0 48 Peas .... 0 os to 0 68 Batter dairy .:. 0 17 to 0 18 Eggs- per dos ....,........ 0 16 to 0 17 Wood per cord; 2 50 to 2 50 Bay, per ton, .......11 00 50 11 00 Potatoes, per bnahel, .,., 0 30 to 0 85 Lard .. . ,. 0 20 to 0 20 Live Hoge, per ow*. � � , J 25 to 0 25 Ayer9s %- war Vigor ingredients: Sul ahur. Glycerin. eiloid, Strdiuln Chlartd. r;ap cum, Siigt. Aimee, Witte. I4e f, mi. Anything injurious here Ask your doctor.. Anything of merit here? Ask your doctor. Will it stop failing hair? Ask your doctor. Will it destroy dandruff? Ask your doctor. Does not Color the Illair a. 0 Atli 0o'Ai PAitl, iow611,?.rug. KERR tt. BIR11 "THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STARE" NOW IS THE TIME FOR HARVEST OVERALLS Here we will describe a few extra good ones: Our Big Overalls, no bib, 3 pockets, riveted buttons, a splendid, well tailored and a guaranteed Overall at . - - - - - $ r.00 Our Big Overall, pant style, double seats and knees, price - $ r ,00 Our special with bib, ; pockets, elastic braces $i.00 See our range of Men's Working Shirts, dark colors, large sizes, double breast, double shoulders, at $i.00 Special 25 per cent, discount on all White Waists for a limited time, a chance for any bargain hunter. WHY eat meat and greasy foods—they are great heat producers. We are in the Pure Food business for your good as well as our own. The Real Secret of Com- fort is in PROPER FOODS. Notice these specials, Grape -Nuts, Postum Cereal, Gusto, Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, and other cereals. Pure Canned Meats and Vegetables. Pure Pickles, Peanut Butter, Jellies, etc. In fact everything that is wholesome and nutritious. We aim -to please all with our large selection of Summer Eatables. 14 Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 121h, 1910 Improved Grounds, New Buildings, International Live Stock Show, Exhibits by all the Provinces, Magnificent Art Loan Exhibit. BY PERMISSION OF HIS MAJESTY BAND OF THE GRENADIER GUARDS KING GEORGE'S HOUSEHOLD BAND Model Military Camp. Tattoo every night. Everything new in attractions. Wonderful Firework Spectacles. THE NAVAL REVIEW AT. SPITHEAD BATTLE BETWEEN DREADNOUGHT AND AiRSHIP WATCH FOR REDUCED RATES AND EXCURSIONS, For all information write Manager, J. 0. ORR, City Hall, Toronto. 400 MUSIOIANS 1,000 PERFORMERS +++++++++++++-++++++44444++ 3pd'+-p k+4.3!3'3'3'3t' t'3"!»ii+3t9'+3-d'3''H WESTERN e• FAIR LONDON, CANADA Sept. 9th to 17th, 1910 $25,000.00 IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS ACTIONS . i OPEN TO ALL, tt The Great Live StockExh>tibx. . t>lan SPEED +'VENTS Evll1ti" DAY. Doo. $ROW, CAT Snow, ATgrAiTio DAY MONDAY. 4 '1.4.4ethltdeta++sl.4ii Musk by the 91st Highlanders and 7th ers Fus`su.. Attractions Better Than Ever, Fireworks Each Night, nolq'p sass IT t ' REDUCED RATES OVER- ALL ROADS Visit London's Exhi'iti0,n Prize tists,'Entry retina, lend alt information from J, U ID, President, A, M, itilN'[', Secretary, EKi�F;MMiLTON TIIRIP1' iii rightly described as "Economical Management," , shrewd business man is spokes of as thrifty* taecause he saves. p"rhaps snore—but the real secret of his &ueoess lies in the principle of{7 001, iii liii t iQ < / - -- ;•- w A' saving, . Ono dollar will start au account t! with the Bank of I-Iamilton. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. Smith -, Agent. , I1J 1 a - .ir Say a G000 Word tea* ft is wise to say a good word for yourself or your business, whether your stock in trade be merch- andise or tabor, Want Ads. are the most direct line of communication to the best buyers., Cann,b,, ,.. b Y .9 Y.rno, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of George Alexan- der McIntosh, late of the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S 0 189?, Chap. 120, Sec, 38, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said George Alexander McIntosh, who died on or about the Twelfth day of Juno, A D. 1010, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Van - stone, Solicitor for the .Executors of the said de- ceased, on or before the Twenty-fourth day of .August, A D. 1010, their names, addresses and descriptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly - certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claitus of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of July, A. D. 1910. R. VANSTONE. ' • Wingham P. O., Solicitor for Executors. Fall Fair Dates. Wingham, .,, Sept. 29 30 Atwood Oct. 2.3 Blyth .... ............ . . Oct. 4- 5 Brussels , . , _Oct..6.7 Dungannon ...................005. 6-7 Fordwioh Oct. 1 Goderioh Sept. 19 20-21 Harriston, . Sept. 29 30 Kincardine Sept. 21.22 Listowel ... Sept. 20-21 London , .. , Sept. 9.17 Luoknow ,Sept. 22-23 Mildmay Sept. 26.27 Ripley ..Sept. 27-28 Seaforth .................... Sept. 22-23 Teoswater Oot, 5.6 Tiverton Oot. 4 Walkerton Sept. 15.16 a,ive Stock Miurkete. Toronto, Jaiy 25.—The opening day at the Union Stock Yards of the week's trade was a very poor one. Despite the hindranoe caused by the stagnation of freight on the Grand Trunk, there was a heavy run of stock -162 oars, contain- ing 3,400 cattle, 66 calves, 491 hogs and 617 sheep. Praotioally all this game to the yards by the Canadian Pacific Reit- way. Most of it Deme from points tonohed by that line, though a certain amount had been driven c n the roads to R. from , the C. P. om placeso rdinaril y serv- ed by erv-edby the Grand Trunk. These drives in instances reached fifteen and even twenty miles in length. The dealers stated that the bad effects shown by the cattle Se a result of the strain were hardly noticeable, With snob a large amaunt of stook at the yards, a good day'b businebs might have been looked for under normal con - dittoing. Added to the hot weather stamp in demand, however, Word game that a snbetantlat drop had taken place A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAAI, ONTARIO, Farmers who want money to buy horses. cattle, or hogs to feed for market oen have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER uMoAoQdy Insurance Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. in the prioes paid for export cattle in England. A feeling of uncertainty got abroad, and dealers bought vary oiroum- speotly. Up till eleven o'clock there was practically no business of any con- siderable volume transaoted,' Prides for cattle, of course, fell. One dealer plaoed the drop in fine export stuff at 40 dents per hundredweight. Others estimated it at from 25 cents up. It is probable that the decline was, on an average, between 30 and 35 Dents per hundredweight. Butoher cattle came downward, too. An average for the fall in them was about 20 -cents. Even with the induoements offered by Iow prioes, however, conditions were 1me, tolerably dull. Calves were alightly easier. Sheep and lambs remained at last week's figures, with a tendency to be- come easier. The following are the quotations: Exporters' (tattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice $6 50 $6 80 Medium 6 15 6 85 Bulls 5 25 5 65 Light 6 25 6 35 Cows 5 30 5 65 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards 3 00 3 50 Stockers oholoe 8 00 4 00 bulls 1 60 2 00 Butchers'— Picked 6 30 Medium—. ............ 5 55 Cows........... , ..... 4 80' Bulls... . 4 40 Hogs -- Best .... . . 9 75 Lights 9 25 Sheep -- Export Mires 4 00 Bucks , 8 00 Mille.. , . 3 00 Spring Lambs each.. 7 50 Calves, eaoh. 3 00 6 55 6 90 4 30 5 15 4 25 8 25 8 40 7 00 WINGRAIit MARI4ET REPORTS Wingham, Juty 27th, 1950, Piot rper 1001bb .,,,,, 2 75 to 8 25 Fall Wheat :....... 1 05 to 1 05 Oats,.. .., . .,, 0 85 to 0 35 Barley , .. . 0 45 to 0 48 Peas .... 0 os to 0 68 Batter dairy .:. 0 17 to 0 18 Eggs- per dos ....,........ 0 16 to 0 17 Wood per cord; 2 50 to 2 50 Bay, per ton, .......11 00 50 11 00 Potatoes, per bnahel, .,., 0 30 to 0 85 Lard .. . ,. 0 20 to 0 20 Live Hoge, per ow*. � � , J 25 to 0 25 Ayer9s %- war Vigor ingredients: Sul ahur. Glycerin. eiloid, Strdiuln Chlartd. r;ap cum, Siigt. Aimee, Witte. I4e f, mi. Anything injurious here Ask your doctor.. Anything of merit here? Ask your doctor. Will it stop failing hair? Ask your doctor. Will it destroy dandruff? Ask your doctor. Does not Color the Illair a. 0 Atli 0o'Ai PAitl, iow611,?.rug. KERR tt. BIR11 "THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STARE" NOW IS THE TIME FOR HARVEST OVERALLS Here we will describe a few extra good ones: Our Big Overalls, no bib, 3 pockets, riveted buttons, a splendid, well tailored and a guaranteed Overall at . - - - - - $ r.00 Our Big Overall, pant style, double seats and knees, price - $ r ,00 Our special with bib, ; pockets, elastic braces $i.00 See our range of Men's Working Shirts, dark colors, large sizes, double breast, double shoulders, at $i.00 Special 25 per cent, discount on all White Waists for a limited time, a chance for any bargain hunter. WHY eat meat and greasy foods—they are great heat producers. We are in the Pure Food business for your good as well as our own. The Real Secret of Com- fort is in PROPER FOODS. Notice these specials, Grape -Nuts, Postum Cereal, Gusto, Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, and other cereals. Pure Canned Meats and Vegetables. Pure Pickles, Peanut Butter, Jellies, etc. In fact everything that is wholesome and nutritious. We aim -to please all with our large selection of Summer Eatables. 14 Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 121h, 1910 Improved Grounds, New Buildings, International Live Stock Show, Exhibits by all the Provinces, Magnificent Art Loan Exhibit. BY PERMISSION OF HIS MAJESTY BAND OF THE GRENADIER GUARDS KING GEORGE'S HOUSEHOLD BAND Model Military Camp. Tattoo every night. Everything new in attractions. Wonderful Firework Spectacles. THE NAVAL REVIEW AT. SPITHEAD BATTLE BETWEEN DREADNOUGHT AND AiRSHIP WATCH FOR REDUCED RATES AND EXCURSIONS, For all information write Manager, J. 0. ORR, City Hall, Toronto. 400 MUSIOIANS 1,000 PERFORMERS +++++++++++++-++++++44444++ 3pd'+-p k+4.3!3'3'3'3t' t'3"!»ii+3t9'+3-d'3''H WESTERN e• FAIR LONDON, CANADA Sept. 9th to 17th, 1910 $25,000.00 IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS ACTIONS . i OPEN TO ALL, tt The Great Live StockExh>tibx. . t>lan SPEED +'VENTS Evll1ti" DAY. Doo. $ROW, CAT Snow, ATgrAiTio DAY MONDAY. 4 '1.4.4ethltdeta++sl.4ii Musk by the 91st Highlanders and 7th ers Fus`su.. Attractions Better Than Ever, Fireworks Each Night, nolq'p sass IT t ' REDUCED RATES OVER- ALL ROADS Visit London's Exhi'iti0,n Prize tists,'Entry retina, lend alt information from J, U ID, President, A, M, itilN'[', Secretary,