The Wingham Times, 1910-07-21, Page 6M T WiNt�1HA1I TIMES, JULY 21, 1 W r.4 KEflNELs IROM THE SANCTUM MILL interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Some men feel more at home it their I Wives gra away, The umbrella thief believes in laying tep something for a rainy day. You can see It work, The beauty of Dr. Chase's Ointment a9 a healer of the skin in eczema, salt rheum, itching skin disease and old Bores is that you oan see from day to day exaotly what it is doing. There is no gne''e work, no experimenting. It etmply hoale the skin and makes it soft, smooth and natural It Beals as if by magic Prove able to your own satin- acttoa by tr_ning it. Closely -trimmed turbane are designed to wear with tailored smite, in oolonred fanoy straw. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA No man is worthy to command who is not better than three who are to obey. Cyrus. In the 40 years, 1868 to 1908, Japan's yearly foreign tra5e increased from. $13,000,000 to $107,000,000. The world's most enooeesfnl medicine for bowel complaints is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re- medy. It has relieved more pain and suffering and saved more lives than any other medicine in use. Invariably for children and adults. Sold by all drug. giete. ' Dorothy Hnstie, aged eight years, of Ottawa, was run over and and decapit- ated by a radionl oar onElamilton Beach. Some of the newest hats are of coarse straw cleverly veiled with Belt coloured chiffon,sometimes daintily painted in a smudgy design. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S How important some little things seem to a small man! The world has a mania for favoring those whom fortune favors. Don't expect too ranch of a friend. Even friendship has a limit. When the stomach fails to perform its functions, the bowels become deranged, the liver and Kidneys congested cane• ing numerous; diseases. The stomach and liver must be restored to a healthy condition and Chamberlain's Stomach air. W. A. Dewier bought The Fort William Herald for $37,800. An electric maohine has been made to wash and purify the air in any room. White wash ribbons are fast replacing the coloured : one for lingerie. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The soul of all culture is the culture of the soul. Baehnell. Many a stingy man will give, yon a piece of his mind for nothing. Perhaps more men would be honest if they were not ashamed of being poor. 0 (pp„difooAw N/CN-O Mf) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, 'Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed by WALTON McKIBBON. The bride who finds a spider on her wedding dress may consider herself blew ,sed. Some men don't know enough to get married, and some others know too much. • Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which oan be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, All that Is necess- ary is t0 give the prescribed dose after eaoh operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is safe and sure. Sold by all druggists. A Bit of Advice First --Don't Delay. Second --Don't Experiment. If you eater from Wilmette; headache or dizzy spelle; it you rest poorly and are languid in the the morning; it the kidney secretions are irregular and nn• nataral iu appearance, do not de,ay The kidneys are (selling for help. Slight sytnptomeof kidney trouble are but fore- men we of some serious disease, They should be given attention before it is too late. Booth's Kidney Pills core kidney troubles. They are reoommended by thousands. Oen Wingham residents ds. sire more convincing proof than the statement of a Wingham envoi, Wm Dore of Shnter St•, Wingham, Ont„ says:-.' 1 have 'Infrared with attacks of lumbago across my back for many years. It would come on me at - ter taking gold or being in the damp to any extent, settling in the small of my beck in the regions of my kidneys and extending into my sides. I was unable to stoop over or lift anything and could scarcely straighten myself np. The ur- ine highly colored and would pdntain an amount of and like sediment, highly colored and odorous I had been using different remedies for yearn but bad not found the desired resnits until on advice of our druggist, Mr, MoKibboo, I used Booth's' Kidney Pills. They quiokly re. Bayed me. My back strengthened and the dull heavy pains soon had gone. The urine cleared to its natural Dolor. I am strong and better in every way and ncuid not, heel tate to recommend Booth's Kidney Pills." . Sold by dealers. Prints 50 cents, The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. Do not get mad when. you fall ever a harrow or a hoe pe it rake that you have oarelessly left where you last used it As you nurse, your bruised and paining shank, quietly resolve that you will not be careless again, CASTORIA Do not believe all you see, for if tomb. stones told the truth the horned gentle- man from the hot plaoo would have to go out of business. As automobiles go down in price horse flesh advances, and there never was a a time when a good sound horse, either for road or draft purposes, was worth more than he is today. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, eleause the system, cure constipation and sick headache. Sold by all druggists. Two drykilne in the Keenan wooden - ware factory at Owen Sound were bur- ned and the chief of the fire brigade was overcome by the intense heat. William Ward was fined $100 at St. Catharines for selling an alleged temper- ance beer. A witneer swore that he be- came intoxicated from drinking the mix- ture. Soreness of the muscles, whether in- daoed by violent exercise or injury, is qniokly relieved by the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. This lin- iment is equally valuable for muscular rheumatism, and always affords quick relief. Sold by all druggists. Emancipated women have a great future ahead of them in the way of in- vention. Let them turn their brain force in the direction of household in. vention. The grumbler at the weather is ever with us. He is complaining of the in- tense heat now, and it is only a few weeks since he was growling about the cold, backward season. If the groom parry a miniature horse- shoe in his pocket he will always have good look. Some people are so extravagant that they seem to talk merely for the purpose of wasting words. The Berlin pplice department is pro- vided with an etppeave typewriting telegraph syste.tu: CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always 'Bought he Bears t Signature of The adamantine ohains of habit are seldom heavy enough to be felt till they are too strong to be broken. Samuel Johnton. HAD LAME BACK Was Almost Unable To Move: Two Boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills Cured Her. Fifty-two per cent, of the candidates for the entrance examinatione at Brant- ford were plucked on the arithmetic paper. Hon. Chas Stewart Rolle, the hero of the donbleflightacross the English Chan• nal was killed by the failing of his aero- plane at Bournemouth. Mr, Wm Thompson of 8inloss met with. a painful accident. - He was assist- ing in the treatment of a splint on a' horse when the Animal reared and on coming down crushed Mr, Thowpson a- gainst a wall. The result was a broken altar bons wbiolt will lay Mr. Thomp. eau up for some time, Hon, Charles Stewart Rolls, one of the foremost English aviators, a million- aire and a member of the gentry, who recently flew from Dover to Franoe and returnin a Wright biplane, .was killed on Tuesday by a fall of forty feet from his aeroplane at the Bournemouth avia- tion meeting. Men of science are general:y agreed that birds are nature's great chock on the excess of insects, and that they maintain the balance between plant and insect life, Ten thousand caterpillars, it has been estimated, could destroy every blade of grass in an sore of culti- vated land, lame Back, Painful Stitches Cured in Ten Days, or Your Money Back The moment you suspect any kidney or urinary disorder, or feel rheumatic pains begin taking To Cure A Headache. The experience of Mr, O. Barber, Sim- coe, Ont., is of interest to all who suffer from headaohee. He writes: "For a long time I was troubled with head- aches, which camp on about once a week with such violenoe that I could not eat or do my work. Headache powders and quick onset did no good. I then used six boxes of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food and have not been troubled with headache canoe, That was eight months ago." If you can say a good word say it like a prince. If you are fall of bile and dis- posed to say something mean keep your month closed. To soften the skin of a fur rug, rub a little vaseline into the hands, and then work the skin till it softens. This will take some time. Four thousand people are homeless at Oampbellton, N. B., and the Govern- ment is sending military tents and blankets to shelter them. The fire lose placed at two and a half millions. Fifty Years' Experience of an Old Nurse. MRS.'WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP ie the prescription of one of the best fe- male physicians and nurses in the United States,and has beenused for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers -:for their 9bild;en. It relieves the child from pain, 00161 diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the ohiid, it rests the mother, Twenty-five Dente a bottle. The marine department in the last year has paid $115,000 in fishing boon- tles. The claimants numbered 14,000. . The author of "Home Sweet Home" was born on June 9, 1795, in New York. This was James Howard Payne, by pro- fession an actor. He died in Tunis in 1852, where lie was the United States consul, Mrs. M,11. Cairns, Upham, N.B., writes: "I feel it my duty to drop you a few lines to let you know what Doan's Kidney fills did for me. I had such a Larne Back that I was almost unable to move, and my kidneys were in an awful con- dition. "After 'boxes Doan's takingtwo b x s o f Doa o Pills I was completely cured and feel as well as I ever did." Doan's Kidney are a espeeifrc for all /Kidney Troubles, They begin by expelling all the poisonous matter from the kidneys, and then heal the delicate membranes and make their Action regular and natural. moan's Kidney Pills are entirely vege- table, and may be safely taken by young and old. Price 506r box,or a boxes for a1.25, at ell dealers, omailed direct on receipt of prier by Tiro T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct, specify "Doan's." Edmonton has voted $75,000 for an Ex. hibition Association, $175,000 in ad- dition to the $50,000 already voted for an hospital, and $25,000 for a library site all of which goes to show that the West fe growing, -Globe. It . was pointed ont last evening, in connection with the presentation, that the feats of flying over Montreal and Toronto are practically unparalleled in the history of aviation in America, there being nd possibility of alighting in an open epaoe in ease of accident. Startling are the reports of the con. dition on Jnly 1 of spring wheat in the United States by the Drop reporting board of the department of agrionitnre' The average condition of spring wheat in North Dakota, Sotith Dakota, Minae. Iota and '9Vaebington, the font states which oontatn more than 86 per oent, of the total Spring Wheat aoreege in the United Stator, was only 62.5, ae can - pared with 02,3 a year ago, and a ten- year average of 87.8. The average con. dition of spring wheat throughout the e at the beginning nein of the States g Milted S g U ne present month was 61.6, while a year ago it was '92.7, and the ten'year aver, age was 81,1. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleas• ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu- tional disease, requires a constitional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys- tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building np the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so ranch faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimon- ials. Addres F. J. °HENEY & Co•, Toledo, Ohio. TM ever mooed by draught, Sold by all druggists, 75o. A pretty ingenious method of getting pike Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. FIG PILLS FIG PILLS aro sold with a guarantee to cure all kidney bladder or liver trouble indiw'stinn and ell stomaoh disorders. FIG PILLS are void at all leading drag stores at 25o. a box or five for $1.00. The Cunard Company is said to con- template building a large 'Atlantic liner whioh will nae oil as fuel. It is said that by utilizing this form of fuel there will be a saving of $60,000 on eaoh round trip. A good deal of saving will be caused by reducing the numbers of stokers and leaving more space avail- able for cargo and passengers. PILES. You will ind relief inZnr6H ukt It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease.. Perseverance with Zorn - Bak, means cure. Why not prove this ? 411. Itrnpgw :mores.— a m- B u FOR ALL LiMMER son" AGRICULTURE STiLL LEADS, Canadian Failures.. Insolvencies in the Dominion during the first half of 1910, according to eta - Matto compiled by R & Den & Oo,, aggregate 659 in number with defaulted indebtedness amounting to $9 752,541, The number 15 considered less than in 1909, but the liabilities are above the $7,629,259 of the oorreepond,ng period last year, The met iavozable exhibit is made by Ontario, ell olateee making marked improvement, fa. manufacturing for $556 430, oomparicg with 94 last year for $1.0300,726, and 6 in Other Cam meroial for $10,986 agsluet 10 last year far ,$873,600, a total of 198, involving $1,355,659, against 279 for 53,153 471 a year ago. There was also marked im- provement in the returns from Manitoba and New Brunswick. In the other pro: vinces the showing is more or less on - favorable, especially in Qaebeo, New- foundland and Alberta, In Qnebeo 322 failures $4,733,880 compare with 801 last year for $3,236,554; in Newfoundland 6 for $705,300, against 1 for $5,000, and in Alberta 25 for $2,125,071 against 32 for $269,735. During tiro past six months, however, the returns from Qarbeo were much distorted by 7 failures for over $1,000,000; from Newfoundland by two for $700,000 and from Alberta by 1 for about $2,000,000. Eliminating these large defaults, the number and amount of whioh is very unusual, the compari- son of the last six months with previous oorresponding periods becomes quite satisfactory, especially when the de- orease in number is taken into oonsidera• tioo. A bulletin recently issued by the census brauoh of the department of agrionitnre plants the number of people in Canada between the ages of fifteen and sixty five at 3,213,663, of whom 1,652 990 are males and 1,660,637 females- The bulletin deals with the occupations of 1 615 521 malas and 260, 698 females, or 1,866,129 persons, and shows thetotal number to be engaged in agricuiture pursuits to be 716,937. Of these 707,997 are mules, only 72,696 of whom are working for wages, The great majority of the remainder, 635 301, own their farms as well • as work them. The peroeutage of females in agrionitnr. al pursuits in receipt of wages is very small, only 93 out of 8,940 being so classified. The average yearly wage of farm help, according to this bulletin is a little more thau $206, but in the majori- ty of eases the farmhand is employed only a portion of the year. The total amount of wages paid is plaoed at $15,- 101,976 In the meohanioal and manufacturing industrials are 389,873 persons, being half as many as are engaged in farming. The earnings of these 389 873 persons last year totalled $100,708,217. Only 275,663 are given as earners, so that the average yearly wage, taking men, women, and children together, is a little more than $365. A report from St. Louis says that the inoorporation of the Universal Aerial Navigation Co. has revealed plans for a commercial pas eager airship, called the gyroplane, which will carry up to one hundred passengers in a. 60 mile wind, at a speed of 100 miles an hour. a The increasing scarcity and value of wood in the United States has driven the farmer and others to the use of con- crete for fenoe posts. It appears from a report upon the subject recently iesned by the Department of Agriculture, that the initial cost of fence poste of the ma- terial is not mnoh greater than wood, and that their durability counterbal- ance this initial Dost. Christian Johann has an half sore strawberry patoh that is paying him well this year. We learn that he is real- izing an average of $30 to $35 per day from the patch, and there is a big dem. and for his fruit too. The patch is well kept and cared for, and the fruit is con- sequently of first quality. Assuming that the strawberry season will last two weeks, Mr. Johann should make $400 out of his strawberries this year. Here is an item from a professional source for the benefit of those who are afraid of "e draft" of fresh air. In London recently, Dr. Sir Frederiok Treves astonished the public by deolar- ing that "the idea that colds are caused by draughts is absurd. No oold ever had such an origin. Colds are the origin not of draughts, but o1 stuffy rooms," Other famous London physicians back up Sir Frederiok in holding that no cold The Montreal man who had lost trace of his sweetheart certainly adopted a novel plan to locate her. He advertised that the lady was heir :to a large for- tune, and then sat down and waited, while the lady's relatives put forth some strenous efforts to find her whereabouts, efforts which were at last enooeesfnl. When Shakespeare -was it7-said "Love finds a way" he most have had in mind some similiarly nervy gentleman.---Ot. taws Journal. Children Had Eczema In tonoh with a man's pocket was told at San Francisco the other day when a woman named Lily Adams was charged with stealing $115 from H. D. Brown- field, said that he was walking in 0' Farrell street in the small hours of Mon- day morning when the Adams woman fainted directly in front of him. He caught her as she fell and while he was talking with her and trying to restore her to consoionsnese she robbed him of the money he carried in his vest pooket. The fainting fit was a "feint." Treatment prer,cribed had no effect-. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT made thorough cure. Mrs. Oscar 'Vaneott, St. Antoine, gack,, writes:—"I have found Dr. Chase's Ointment to bo a permanent cure for Eczema and other skin dis' cases, One son, while nursing, broke out with running watery sores all over his head and around tho ears. Many salves were prescribed to no effect. The child's head became a mass of scabs and ho suffered agony untold. Ito became weak and frail and would not- u would thought wo and we o cat h g logo him. "Providentially we heard of Dr, Chase's Ointment and it soon tiler• oughly cured him. Ile is seven years old now and strong and well, An older boy was also cured of eczema by this Ointment and we hope more people will learn about it 60 that their little ones may be saved Prem suffering.'' As a euro for eczema and itching skin disease there is no treatment to be cor toDr. A. W. Cba 9e e rn aed Ointment 60 emits a box, at all deal, ars of T'.crlmanson, .tats & C'o., Tor. onto, Dr. Chase's Xteelpes sent fent. Are You Ruptured I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. J. J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St. STRATFORD, ONT. Name IAddress Age The township of Red Bank, N. J., was the soene of a rather unusual occurrence. recently, While Mr. and Mrs. L H. Adlem were chatting with friends on their porch in Broad Street, they were startled by the Sapping of a large weak- fish, which seemed to drop out of a clear sky on the green lawn. Then they heard the cawing of fiehhawke and a large fishhawk chasing a timelier one whioh had presumably caught the fish the Shrewsbury River. The weakfish made a dinner for the: Adlom's that even. ing. The total area of the western pro. vinoes of Canada is 834,894,320 scree, of which the surveyed area is now 145,- 249,985 acres. There ate itill but 44,• 027000 t a entry, acres under hbmes ad and the total area under grain 000 last year was 11,960,000 acres. These figural reveal the tremendous margin of growth remaining, however rapid the develop. went may be. It is not improbable that the filling up of the weiltetn country Will create questions and problems Whichare now bit dimly perceived, but no .ate oan be in' doubt that in ebonbmib power Canada i1 deitined td stand among the fotemost nations of the earth. ` '.rime Rap Single or double Satisfaction guaranteed., WORLD'S DEBT TO CANADA AWonderful Achievement Discovery of Fro it-a-tive$" has meant health for all Canada's fame does not rest solely on. her furs and wheat fields, Her rise in the esteem of the 'world is not due to. her Cobalt mines, It is the work of her great men that leas made her great. A graduate of McGill University has won lasting renown for his original researches in the realms of Physics. Everyone knows that fruit is )4/hole- some, when eaten judiciously, Physicians generally recognize the fact that fruit juices have a beneficial effect on the various.orgaus of the body. ' It remained for a Canadian physi- cian to discover aeprocess whereby the medicinal action of fruit could be soy increased as to make the intensified juices a wonderful cure. "Fruit-a-tives" is this combination of fruit tuices and tonics. Since its introduction to the public, " Fruit -a- tives " has met with a success accorded to no other medicine in the world. The• reason is plain. "Fruit-a-tivcs" is the one remedy that is actually made of fruit, and is the only remedy that naturally cures Constipation, Bi'ious- ness, Indigestion, Headaches, Rheu- matism, Neuralgia, Backache, Isiduey and Skin Troubles. At all dealers at sc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 2gc.,, or from Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. t POPULAR STALLIONS. TWENTY YEARS M01 ItLocal History the early s. , Items from thea "Times" tyleles. (From the Trans of only 18, 1890.) LOOAL NEWS. Mr. F. Paterson has exchanged hie property in Bluevale for property on Vic- toria street, this town, with Mr. Dunn. Mr. John Linklater brought to the market the first load of bay for 1890, on the 10th inst. The teachers and officers of the Pres- byterian Sabbath Sohool went out to the picnic grounds at Strathdee Island, on Tuesday. ,The picnic is said to date from 1802, but none enjoyed themselves so well as last Tuesday. At a meeting held on Wednesday, evening, the tcwn band was re -organized with the following officers: Dr. Tamiyn, Honorary President: A. Sebastian, Presi- dent: C. E. Williams, Seorotary and Manager: Robt. Molndoo, Treasurer; D. Kincaid, Leader. The officers of Minerva Encampment, No. 47, I. O. O. F., were installed on Monday evening, as follows: R. Elliott, O. P; Jas. Ooohrane, S. W; J. H. His - cooks, H. P; A. G. MoGregor, Soribe; "Gold Link," the imported Clydesdale Stal- lion, son of the great Baron of Buchlyvie, will make the season of 1910 as followa:- Monday at noon, leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Currie's hotel stables, Wroxeter, for night; Tuesday. to And. Gemmill's, con. 0, Turnberry, for noon, and to Bluevale for night, and remain until the following Monday noon, W. H. HE Groom. T. WProopNi ietor. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion," Mascot" will maks the season of 1910 as follows: - Monday -Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Alex. Moffatt's, 2', miles east of Binovale, for noon; north to trton Bros.,' con. 6, Tnrn- berry. for night. Tuesday -Alex. McPherson's, con. 7, Turnberry, noon: and to Bluevale for night. Wednesday To Wm. Elston's, can. 2, Morris, for night, Thursday -Jos. J. Serr'e con. 18 East Wawanosh, noon ; and to Dennis' feed stables, opp. Cemont Works Wingham, and remain unlit Saturday morning. Satnr- day -To his owner's stable, Bluevale, and re- main until Monday rnJ. VGg. KING, Proprietor. W. F. Brookenehire, Treasurer; T. J. Elliott, J. W. The Orangemen of the town, accom- panied by Bell's Factory Band, went to Harriston by special train on the Grand. Trunk Railway, on the 12th. Mr. H. Clark took from the wall or Mr. Wm. Anderson, Wawanoeh, the root of a gaint poplar tree, which. measured twenty-four feet in length. The fibres almost filled the well. "Decoration Day" will be observed by the Oddfellows, Foresters and Orange- men of the town. . ,itsr BIRTHS. Kinsman -On the 10th Inst, the wile' of Mr. Thos. Kinsman; a daughter. Goble -In Culross, on the 10th Inst„ the wile of Mr. Albert Goble; a son. . - Mowbray -On the 12th inst, in White -- aunt the hiteohnrothe wife of Mr. Geo. Mowbray;, a den ter. . DEATHS. Slemin-In Wingham, on the 16th' Inst, Fannie Ellen, wife of Mr. James' Slemin, aged 38 years. 1 "Drumitdrle Chief,"the Imported Clydes- clale Stallion will make the season of 1910 as follows: - Monday -Leave his owner's stable, BInovalo, for And, boughs', gravel road, noon' and to Andrew Ireland's for night. Tuesday-Ber- nioe Payne's, Con. 2, Grey, noon; and G, Mc- Farlane s, gravelroad, night. Wednesday -To oes.S air's, Con. 0, Morris, noel,; and Jae Nichols', Con. 0, night. Thureday--T0 Jas. Pheddeu'e,Con.4, Morris, for noon; and to Rill's Rotel. Stables, BelgraVO, for night Friday --To Zits. Miller's Con. 8. Morris, and remain -anal Saturday morning. Saturday.. To Robert Warwick's,Cen,9 Morrie, for noon; then to his ownor's stable, 1'iluel ale, and rob main nt1 0nday mornifi . It, dmnp �fwitINo aager, Prolrte br, The Right Kind of Printing The kind that 'is neat, attractive and up-to-date, costs you no more money herethan the inferior article does elsewhere. Quality Counts in printing as in other things, and the TIMES is in a position to turn out first- class work at very reasonable prices. Try this office with your. next order. y The Tirnes WINGHAIVM ' ONTARIO