The Wingham Times, 1910-04-28, Page 8TOMS,. APRIL 28 i;ti MINQR 'LOCALS._ -Thursday, April 28, •-••I:iiettlwel will hold a. eelebratipu en Ote May 24th,. Division Court will be heldin Wings int ou Thursday or next week. — Visaing cards ttrid wedding station, tlry neatly peat:tea at the `i setae, afiioe The regular monthly, meeting of the. "(]nada viii] be held to gt gelfttv ettveniatai "*-a'tdrlih'errss Township Centtoil will irieet to the Olerx'a cilias in Bineyale next Monday. —The High School entrance esalnin, Atiolta for 1910 will begin ou Wedues- day, June 22ud, --Mr. Won Dore, of the •Wingham +carriage works, delivered five buggies in Gerrie last weeks. —114x. Walter Paterson ie improving Ilio residence on Diagonal Road by the addition of a verandab.. —R. J Milner, V. S •, arrived in town hitt week and will assist Dr. John Wil. on in his veterinary practice. --The regular meeting of Curt Malt- land, Oanathan Oder of Foresters, will be held on Friday evening of thin week. --Members of the Board of Trade who have not Yet paid their membership fee are requested to make payment to the Treasurer; Mr. A, E. Smith. —Mr. T. B Cummings, one of Whig - ham's highly teepeoted residents, hes been seriously ill for some days, having 'been stricken with paralysis. --Wng. McKenzie, 4th concession of '$inlosa,had pear trees in bloom in his or• .chard on April 15th—a sight not often seen in this section of Ontario. —Dominion Day oelebrationa will be held at Teeewater and Wroxeter. The Wingham Citizens' Band bas been en- gaged for the Wroxeter celebration. —Dr. Solomon Seoord, one of the oldest medical practrtionere in the Pro- viaoe, having practiced in Kincardine for about forty-five yearn, died Suuday morning. -Isar. H. Havis baa been appointed boat agent for the Canadian Northern Steamship Line. Thia company's steamers run from Montreal to Bristol, England. —Miss Matte A. McLean received word this week of the death at Owen Sound on. Wednesday of last week of icer friend, Miss Belle Zean, daughter of Mr. J, W. Zeas. —Mr. Adair, H. Simpson, of Culross who Underwent an cperatlon at the Wingham Hospital on Tuesday, which `was performed by Drs. Gillies and Ken• siedy, is doing as well as can be expect- ed, —The total assessment of Clinton is $766,011, an inorease of 812 913 over last year. The population is 2300 whioh is lower than last year. The number of dogs for 1910 is 63, compared with 139 in 1909. —J. S. Larke, for some years Canadi• an Trade Commissioner in Australia, died at Sydney, N, S. W.. on Saturday. Mr. Larke was 70 years of age, and waa formerly proprietor of the Oshawa Vindicator. --Court Lansdowne, C. 0. F.of At- wood will run an exonrsion t,oOwen Sound on Friday, June Brd. taking in all the stations between Kincardine and Palmerston. Postern will be issued giv- ing full particulars. —Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller, of Fargo, North Dakota, former reeidenta of Wingham, recently celebrated their golden wedding. Arany old friends. here will wish Mr. and Mrs Miller Many more years of happy wedded life. —The Canadian bank statement for March shows a very heavy inorease in note circulation and commercial loans, indioating a general broadening in busi- ness. Deposits also show a considerable inoreaee. The total deposits in Canada now amount to $762,000,000. —The sharp advance in the price of cement over what it was a year ago is being commented upon A year ago it was selling at $1.25 per bbl.; and it is even said that some mills sold it at that time for 80o. Now it is up to $1, 60 to $1 70 per bbl. in large quantities and $2 in small quantities, —That interesting leotnre, "The story of Jean Val Jean," will be given, in the Wroxeter Town Hall. on Wednesday evening, May 4th, by Rev. S. Cleaver, D. D. under the empirical of the Library Board. The admiasiou is 25 °ante and the proeeeda wilt be used in the opening of a reading room in Wroxeter. BABY'S OWN TABLETS KEEP CHILDREN WELL. In thousands of home throughout Canada there are brigh halving child, ren who have been m e well and are kept wellb the ' se + Baby's p y by s 0 w Tab. lets. This me io - e mires all stomach andbowel •.. b we t .See, masse teething easy, and destroys worms. It is guaran- teed absolutely safe and free of opiates. Mrs John Laplane, Bon-Counseil, Que., says:—"I consider B'aby's Own Tablets worth their weight in gold and advise all mothers of young children to keep the always wa s all hand f, Sold byall "11 medicine sealers or by mail at 2G rents St hot frcrn The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PERSONAL Mrs. Alta, Orr Ieft on Monday for her new hunt) in Toronto. Rev. D. Perris was in Stratford this week attending a meeting of Synod. Mr. and Airs. Jesse I3oiton, of Lnok. now, were visiting With Wingham friends for oder Sttnday. Mr. T.1. Materna returned home on Priday last after spending the past keen months travelling in the Welt for the Winnipeg Oil Co. Miss Lanita A. Ansley Diet etiooersfoi in her. recent examination at the Stint. ford Norma Bohol mad soared hot per• menarlt second oleos certificate, 0,040 BARRE!. F1.OVR MIL,iL FOR -MAPLE LEAF MILLING CO'Y Rest Located- Rig .Fint#r MM In Canada. The, incorporation of to Maple beret Milting Company siod the addition . i'f capital is to be marked by erecting* $t,004,QGti Lai3r find elevator at Pott. Colborne. `,aha rp at will include ah, elevator capable of storing 1,000,000 buShele of wheat—milling machinery with a we- oity of 6,.00 barrel° of .hour a dav—aud storage capacity for" 250,000 bags of flour. The entire equipment will the most tnvdern of its hind in Cana. , and fully equal to that of any °the mill iu the world. The site, expert: say, will make the Maple Leaf .Millin sempany a most important °actor n t : oonntry'e flour trade from the , . +• :nt the mills are in operation. It's '•graphical position is ouch that the new Company will be able to lay down it's aonr at all Atiantio sea• ports, and ou the British and Foreign markets considerably cheaper than can be done by any other milling company, The completion of the Port Oolborne Mill give the Maple Leaf Milling 000113. any a total daily capacity from their Silt. mine of 12,8000 barrels of flour and ,to supply the wheat they will have, by next fall, 50 elevators in operation 1n Western Canada. We nnderet Ind that a block of stook is to he placed ou the market, announce - anent of the flotation of which is made elsewhere in this week's issue. WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE? As illustrating the modern tendency of workmen to shirk all responsibility except that pertaining to their own par- tionlar sphere of duty, a good story is told by James 0. Eagan in the °aurae of an article on "Indivtdual Responsibility in Railroad Life" in May Busy Man's. On Thanksgiving eve last, at a point a few miles out of Boston, a tree fell on railroad tracks. and blocked all traffic. In the nick of time a policeman discov- ered the obstruo`•ioa. The following day the enormous proportions of the tree were described in the newspapers, in foot, it was said to be a log over four feet in diameter. Anyway, the passen- ger trains immediately began to line up east and west of the tree until probably two thousand passengers were assembled in this way and sat there in the coaches patiently. waiting and wondering. The curious among the trainmen turned up their coat collars—it was rain- ing—and ran up the tracks a short die tanoa, But the enormous obstruction was only too evident, god they were soon under Dover again. Meanwhile an hoar had passed, and there was no relief from any quarter, 01 course, it is the business of section men and wreaking ore as to remove enormous obstructions from the railroad tracks. So, in course of time, three or four section men, pretty tired fellows at that, after a hard day's work shovelling snow and slush, were rooted out of their homes between eight nod nine in the evening, and hurried to the scene. They carried axes and other tools with them, although emergenoy arae were to be found in the coaches, but there was no one to think of them or the possibility of their being used. Well, the tired section men cleared the tracks in about fifteen minutes, but the total delay to the trains was a little over two hours, which, as you know, on Thanksgiving eve is precious time. The following day I looked over the ground. I found the stamp of the tree twenty feet from the track, measured fourteen inches. while the stick where it crossed the rails was just eight inches in diameter. The branches, of course, gave it a very for- midable appearance. The section men informed me that four or five men could easily have dragged the trey to one side, while with area it was the easiest kind of a job for a few willing hands, that is to -say, in fine weather. Brantford license commissioners ant off Seven hotels and one shop lioense,. Sir William Van Horne announoee his retirement from the Chairmanship of Board of C. P.R. Directors. Indians on the Sarnia reserve have voted against selling six thoneand acres of their land to the town. If V titin. Severson.—In Wingham, on April 21str to Dir, and Mrs. Chas. Swanson; a son. TAltn.—In Wingham, en April 24th, to Mr, and Mrs. Jas. S. Isard; a daughter. C0incwaia ,—In Wroxeter, on .April 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Cornwall; a son, PENN/Norox.—in Cranbrook, on April 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Pennington: a son. DrARrtrED MOALLISiven -{Worm.—On April 18th, at the Kinloss manse by Bev. r. A, McLennan, Case Allan McAllister to Miss Elizabeth Ward, both of Vest Wawanosh. WEI.) SAnT an. --In 'gingham, on April 2411i, Jane Coriiyn, relict of the Iate William Sadler, in her 80tii year. Naxnon.-1n Sandpoint, Idaho, on April 21st, bbuntain Naylor, formerly' of East Wawa - nosh, aged 90 years. Dow. --In East "w•awanosb, on April 25th, Brien Lcishnian, wife of Dlr.:faines Dow, ir, aged 00 0 . g d years, s, months and 25 days: I1ararorr,--At Bettie, on April 14th, Wm. C. Baiuton, aged 57 years. t'onnu1r —1n Lurknow, on April 18th, Tim. ally Corbett, aged 44 yearn. EAv°sora,—in 1lrnasels onApril 20th, hii7a• both King, relict of the late John EayerOft,jn her 91st year, MOCArrtmr.--In Morris, en April lOtlr, tail• bort Mc6ailnm,Aged 87yen,rs,IImonths- and 7 days. herr nr —In Morris, 'on April 12th, Andrew 312. tlnilth, aged 00 years. Knrttt.-0n April 2itd. at the residence flip son, Henry Kerr, 770 Waterier) street, Londen, Jeines Kerr, fornierlg of London Township and lather of Mr. John 1Cerr, of win hem inhis r b r B fit gets . TINSMITHS WANTED. rata.wages i*4,KnsmUthperstday O f g dy' t /dire. Correspond H. C. Sheat Metal Works,,ti245 Barnard Va800aver, B. O. A. Pr Stewart, malinger," TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the under - giggled up to rite- 9tlt of May for raising, brioaing, shingling, putting in founda- tion and basement and probably moving school ]*outs in $, 8 No. ,,. Culross. Plans and epeolfoatione and full parti- culars con be bad by applying to JOS,. WBLiW00O, Secretary. W1pgbxm P 0, Iaot23., Oen, 0, QuiroOa NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to it 8 Q. 1807, Chap 149. Sec 28, that ail pi.rsoLs haying claims against the estate of 1seorgo L'asemore, late of the Township of Morris, Farmer, df - ceased, who died on or about the 10th day of Margit. A D, 1010, aro required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to h y anstone, Sol odor for the Executor of the said deceased, on or be - #ore the 37th day of May A D.1010, their navies, addresses, and .deseriotionaand a fall state• ment of particulars el their claims and tlt0 nature of the security (if any held by thorn duly certified, and that miter the st ld day the Executor will liroeoed to ,#letill:Atte the assets of the deceased among* the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shalt then have notice. Dated this 18th day of April A. D. 1010 R. VA N STo1` E Wingha P. 0 , Solicitor for Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice le hereby given pursuant to R 8 0, 1807, Chap. 129, Sec, 88, that all persons having claims against the estate of Arthur %o+ffer, late of the Township of Turn berry in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of March, A, D., 1910, are required to send by post pre• paid or to deliver to K. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Administrator of the said deceased, on or before the 17th day of May, A. D. 1910, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full stolement of particulars of their oiatms and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Administrator will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of April. A. D. 1910. R. V.ANS1ONE. Wingham P, 0., Solicitor for Administrator. • ‹5 4Wv R.tOUTAR,DSON 1LAE Agents - SVin ;]talo W!NOHAM MACHINE SHOP Baby Carriages and Go Carts re -tired and repaired. General repair work of all kinds. 4 See our new Combination Stook Rack Bargains in Bicycles aud sundries. Plow Points sharpened. and made good as new at loo each. ars Anotion and store room in Kent block. See me if you have anything to sell by auction. W. A. CURRIE Phone 21. PROPRIETOR• CE THAL 'T, RATFORD, ONT.aase- The great practical training school of Ontario. Three departments, Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. ' We assist graduates to positions. The demand upon us for trained help greatly exceeds the supply. The Three most recently placed are re- ceiving $40 00, 850.00 and $100,00 per month respectively. Business' men state our graduates are the best. Enter Our classes now. Get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MGIACHLAN PRINCIPALS. arommanosionrismimegoieroloceso CANADIAN IFIC GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW OPEN irregular Sailings ag follotrai M011hAY ... S. S. ""ATKAIIASCA" TUESDAY.... S. S. "XtEwATIiV"" WEDNESDAY . S. S. "ALBERTA" x''Ilt1D8DAY .. S, S. "'MANITOBA" SATURDAY .. S. S, ,"lt8SINII10IA"' The ntost tsteaeant and cheapest route to innipeg and West. fXCURSIOHRS May e7 Through Train to Winnipeg and West from Toronto'„ CO ii m, on above date. if. tittle ell, Afont, S ieghatt►. 1 p 1 1 $ING'S FOR, BARQAINS 1 W4 WANT TOUR TRADE KING'S PAPPLMON.P.O....4 110USI-6LtAN1NO TIME? This is the busiest season in house,kef ping and with it come the necessary replenishing of the Home Furnishings, '„We have a complete range of the necessary articles for the purpose. CURTAINS --.Madras Curtaining all colors, Fancy Drap- eries, etc., etc. CARPETS.—Ingrains, Tapestries, Brussels, Unions, etc. in a fine range of colors and designs. RUGS AND SQUARES, --Velvets, Axminster, Tapestry and Unions. LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR OILS.—The largest and most superb range shown. Come in and let us show you the goods. TO CLEAR 12co yards Flannelette—Ends 2 to 10 yards, reg. 12%c and 15c, to dear 7c per yard, 25 dozen Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, regular 15c per pair, to clear at ioc. VIIIIIIMMINIMMOMPEOM BUTTER 25c, EGGS 22c (20c CASH) (GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. CHEAP PRICES 1 ►•.u•*••s••• ...........•.. •••••••••.••..•...••••••• • rin DressGoodsi •e e Hardly el, er bas a Spring season produced such a wealth of ve • beautiful colorings and weaves as this, and for no former ••• • season have we made such preparations with the very • •• choicest shades and effects. And what's most in our favor •• • is that we're earned the verdict we most desire—that every • • piece in the display is thoroughly practieal and desirable. •e a• Newest weaves in Wool, Linen and Cotton Suitings. • • .0.. • •• •• SHIRT• WAISTS r�'•• We have one of the finest ranges of Shirt Waists that we • • have shown for some years—all styles and prices. o• CURTAINS •AND MAIDRASSES • • Curtains from 25e up to $8.00 per pair, all newest designs e •• •and patterns. :o • • Madras—White, ecru and colors, in the popular stained glass effects. 4. e • • e • • • e • • ••N•••••••••.•••'••••••••• •••••••••••••+•••••4,4•••fr I D. M. GORDON. We take Butter and Eggs in exchange for these new goods. Dr, Rudd of Woodstock was tossed by a bull and severely injured. Twenty-five men were overwhelmed by a landslide on the National Trans- continental at Ce0000caohe, Qno., and killed, tSY# A LW i AN;U TRUNK 11S T dN Toronto and Returo $3.65 I; 'tom V91NIGBAM with/40 added for admission to Canadian National Horse Show. Tickets good going 1 April 26th. Return limit May 2nd. VIONNWoismaeleolallor HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Winnipeg and return $82;00 Bdmons .bli and return $42,50 Via Ohioago or Serails and > 'ort ern Navigation O6inpany+, tor tickets and further lnformetib'n call On W. 13 nr W" a Depot Agent or , y p r# address , . D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. VIMMINIEROR Spring is here and with * it has come the same old story, "Want something $ to eat that we never 1 +I+ heard tell of. Come in It to Malcolm's and you'll 4find something to tempt e • every appetite. Try our • ASPARAGUS TIPS , they're delicious or a can e it of ROAST BEEF, VEAL $ or TONGUE. Have . you had a bottle of our . Mustard Pickles also • sweet and soot' All kinds of Canned' Vegetables, Coffee s. Teas and Fresh Grocer- 4.j. rocer- .j.r Malcolm Phone G4. Prodtio Wanted. W' anted. ', > HI NK of a factory ,iroducing10,000 , "alis e of "Queen Quality" shoes a day.Yet it• isn't enough to meet the demand. New additions %lave just been comPeted that will mare the daily caliacity 18,000 15airs. What a tremendous at- test to the ficeularity of "Queen Quality," shoes. Low cuts $3.00 and $3.50. Samples New "Queen duality" Shoes North Window. • in WILLIS & C THE SHOE STORE, Sole Agents for Sole Agents for the ',`Astoria „ Shoes for Men. vrirMILVVVIIWW,vvvvww'v n,Sa .7.W'tl VVY._ F°7!5M3Jr!/:7W3CY .311!. 4 4 e' House Furnishings 1 .42 House Cleaning Means ' Waren spring days suggest house cleaning and house cleaning means a new Carpet for a certain room, a certain room needs new Curtains and a certain room needs a new Linoleum or Oil Cloth Japanese Matting, Floor Oily, Scotch. Linoleums1 Rugs. CARPET SQUARES IN TAPESTRY BRUSSELS AND VELVET. You will realize substantial savings if you buy your Spring House Furnishings from us. CARPET SQUARES $0.00 tO $30,00 A NUMBER OF SMALLENOS CARPET CHEAP See our line of Ladies' Suitings in latest colors, our, Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Waists. 1 4 4 Also 1, No. t Stilt a 5 „ .. , per cwt uC �3J� cash. ALL 1010)S tar PItb»)UCE IVANTBD. A. M1LLS P ONE 89. NGI1AIY.RS ONT. ► Ii' h .t iorili X/1Y 4ATA` AAIdkAa 1,-0.11.1(At tid,Ahli4A 44171 4Ali ";