The Wingham Times, 1910-02-10, Page 20 MOP T.Elh t' WXI IAM "�'J MES, FEBRUARY 10, 1910 if Heart Trouble Cured Through one cause or another a large Majority of the people are troubled with some form of heart trouble. The system, becomes run down, the heart palpitates.. You helm weak and dizzy spells, a smothering feeling, cold clammy heeds and feet, shortness of breath, sensation of pins and needles, rush of blood to the head, etc. Wherever there are sickly people with weak hearts 'Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be found an effectual medicine, Mrs. Wnh. Elliott, ♦ Angus, Out., writes:-- 13eartTronble•�. "It is with the great, Curro, +. est. of pleasure I write you stating, the bene- fit I have received by using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I suffered greatly from heart trainee, weakness and smothering spells. 1 used a great deal of doctor's medicines but received no benefit. A friend advised me to buy a box of your pills, whish I did, and soon found great relief. I highlyrecommend these pills to anyone suffering from heart trouble." Price :50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receiet of price by The T, Milburn Co.,. Limited, Toronto, Ont. of these iastitetione, and apked for liberal iIEPport iron► the eonuty Conn• oil. Among reiolutionareferred to: Copp. petites. was one by Menne. Geiger and Reid, "diet the iia of $25 be granted to. the Huron Poultry A9sooiatton for this year, to be held in the town of Goderioh; that the place be then roved yearly, or every two years, to differed* localities- in the oonnty to terve the best interests end welfare of snoh Association" TO ADVERTISERS Notice of ohanges must be left at this otilee not later than Saturday neon. The oopy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements aooepted up to noon Wednesdayof each week. l5STal3bttlif5L 1b72 THE H. B .ELLIOTT. PuaLtBAER AiwornoPn1RT01' On Thursday afternoon T. E. 1?or- uin, at Daogennon, appeared before the 9ounoil and attempted, to show that Iaspeotor Tom had been partial in grantingextepstons of oertifioatee to oertaiu teachers in hie inspectorate. Air. Tom was heard iu his defence and the followeng day, on motion of liitsars. Reid. and Watson, the follow, ing resolution was passed; "That having heard the complaint of Mr. T. E Derain ooaoeruing Inepeoter J, E. Tom and after explanations of Inepeo. tors Tow and Robb, this oounoii desires to plaoe oa record our opinion.that the natters complained of by Mr, Derain are without foundation, and thea Ia- speotor Tom steeply complied with the regutattoaa in the renewal of the ver• tifioa$ei o; teseherse', It was moved by Messrs Glen and Livingstone, and carried, that the Warden and Messrs. Lamont and Shearer be a committee to confer with Dr. R. W. Bynoe Smith, Pro- vincial Inspector of prisons and char- ities, with a view of seleotiog a enit- able looation in the county of Huron for a tuberculosis sanitarium. The intermission thus a loured will be laid before the counsel at its Jane meet- ing. The report of the education oommit- tee contained a recommendation that the following amounts be paid to the several Coilegiate Institutes and the Wingham high eohool,with the amount of the fees oolleoted from the oonnty pupils deducted therefrom: Goderioh, $2,806 72; Seaforth, $2,986,- 95; Clinton, $2,476 65; Wingham, $2, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1910 HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The standing committees of the coun- sel were struck as follows: Esi:CtlTlvE: A'leaere. John Leckie, Wm. Anderson, P. Lamont, Jos. Hain - stook, R. W. Livingston.. SPECIAL: Mesere. T. K. Powell, Thos- Strothers, J. M. Govenlook, •John Moir, Jas, Watson. ri tzzon: Messrs. Wm. Bawden, W. G. Smyth, S. Sweitzer, S. Sturdy, Jas. MoFadgeen, EDUCATION: Messrs. T. G. Shearer, B 0. Manning, J. N. Iternighau, Alex. Munro, Dr. Snaith. ROA1 AND BRIDGE:" Messrs. 0. Geiger, S. Medd, N. A. Taylor, H. Hill, RRobt. McKay. 00uNTr PROPERTY: 0. A. Reid, J. Gillespie, L. Hill, Wm. Glenn, Win. Hunter. EQUALIZATION: The whole council. WARDEN'S COMMITTEE: William Hauser, Wm. Glenn, H. Hill, S. Sturdy, Wm. Bawden. HovsE or Ra 'uaz: Jae. Watson, John Moir, J. M. Govenlook, Thos. St -rashers. Among communications received was one from Dr. it. W. Brune Smith, show- ing that the Looai Government would Resist the oonnty in building a oounty hoeti$at for she care of ooneumptivea to the extent of $4,000 for bnildiug and $3 per week for each patient, Other com- munications were received and sent to the several committees for considera- tion. Reeve Leokie (Brussels) and W. Lane, county, clerk, were appointed on the board of criminal audit. Appointmente to the Collegiate In- stitute boards were made as follows: Dr. Burrows to the Seaforth board, Rev: C. R. Gonne, to the Clinton board, Mal- colm Nicholson to the Goderioh board, Wm. Nicholson to the 'Wingham high eohool board. On Wednesday afternoon a deputa- tion waited on the council to ask that the county increase the amounts here- tofore paid for the maintenance of col- legiate institutes end high Sohoole in this county. The council was addressed by- Rev. O. R. Gnnne and Prinoipal Gundry, of Clinton; Mayor Cameron, of Goderioh; D. D. Wilson and R. S. Hays of Seaforth. His honor Judge Holt, Jae. Soott and B J Gibbinge, of Clinton, addressed the council on behalf of the hospitals of the county. They showed how difficult it es to pay the expense of maintenance His Friend Said They Doai't Help or Cure You 1 Will Stand The Price." $ 4 4-+ ♦+ ante Mr. J. B. Rusk, t Liver, + Orangeville, Ont., t- + writes: "" I had been C eined fit ♦ troubled with Dye- ♦ pepsia and Liver Complaint and tried many different re- nte.dirlbut obtained little or no benefit. A friend advised me to tient your Lasa -Liver Pills a trial, but I told him I had tried ao many"cure elle" that 1 was tired paying out more for things giving -e no>renes2t. He said, 'If they don't :help, or cure you, I will stand the price.' So sifting his faith in the Pitts, I bought two vials, and I was not deceived, for they -were the best 1 ever used. They gave relief whish has had a more lasting effect than any medicine I have ever used, and the beauty about then is, they are small end . eY to take. ems'` I believe theta to be the beat medicine for Liver Trouble there is to be found." Price 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1.00, et alt dealers, or will be sent direct ley mag on receipt of pies. The T. Milburn Co., limited,'Terontn Ont. International Newspaper Bible Study Course. 191R11ie1Rt Foluts iia. the. t estiotp for' $lila litlfry; Feb. 13. Giyen lite at Series of question* by • Revs Or, LinstoOtt. (itesistered in accordance with the Copyright Aot.l WOULALINSS AND TRUST Mont. 6; 19 84 Golden Text. Seep ye firer the king• dem Of God, aud hie righteousness and all tpeee thipgs chill be added unto you, Blatt 6:38 Verse 19, -Whet would Jesse have every man to consider hie chief "tress are"? (See Mett 6:33 ) What is the teat es to what a man's ' treasure is, or that which he values most highly? If Jesus here does not' forbid a elan to provide is the present, for the nature temporal needs of himself and iseedly, what is ithe does forbid? Vase 20. --What is implied in laying np' treaeures in heaven, ani how is it done-? Vane 21. -Sow would you demon - Orate that "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also"? Verses 22, 23. -.The "eye" is what the body .sees with and dietingnishes One thing from another, what is the faoulty of the roll whichi answers to the eye of the body? It the judgement le instead, and the consoienge perverted, how would that effect the views which a man may have of moral and spiritual questions? Verse 24 -What does the word "MM. mon" stand for here? Why is it impossible for a man to "serve" both God and "mammon"? When a man's ohiet dependenoe Is upon money what God does he worship? Verses 25.27. -Why is our temporal welfare assured if we depend wholly upon God? What are the natural effects of an - :ions oare neon a man's ability to make 097 C8 Other reoommendations were that W. B. Weidenhammer, principal of the Exeter school, be appointed on the high school entranoe board; that Rsv. D. W. Collins, of Exeter, be ap- pointed to the senate of Western Uni- versity; that the examiners for the public school and oontinuatiou class graduation examinations be as follows for this year: East Haron-D. Robb, I. P. S., Brussels; A. P. Gundry, Olin - son; J. H. Oameron, Brussels.. West Huron -J. E. Tom, I. P. S., Goderiohe J. M, Field, Goderioh; W. Bittett, Orediton. In reference to a oom- munioation from Joseph eMaGiynn, re- garding the formation of a new union school amnion to include portions of Turnberry and Onlross, the commit. tee recommended that, as the pets- tionere had not complied with seotion 23 of the Public) Schools Act of 1909, no action be taken. The report was adopted. , Inspector Tom in his report upon the schools of West Enron stated that trustees find is difficult to get compe- tent teaohere. Two school boards were unable to eeoure a qualified teaoher for 1910, and the schools were opened by persona without profile/done! training. In this inspectorate there were in 1909 Shirty -seven Wale teachers and ninety. five female teaohere. The average salary for the men was $528 and for the women $418. Ten years before (in 1899) the average salary of men teach- ers was $871 and of women $267. The oonttant change of teaohere continues. No fewer than seventy teachers of 1900 have left their positions. Some have entered neon other work, and sone are teaching elsewhere. The .discipline and management of the wheels are general- ly setisfaotory. Inspector Robb, of East Huron, also reported a scarcity of teethes", stating that for the first time in twenty years entrained teaohere taught in the in - 'pectorals last year. There were four of these. Trustees are finding it almost imposdlble to obtain duly qualified teaohere at reasonable "slatted. Ln ruraleohoolein 1909 the average sear - les were $384 for men and $416 for women; in urban Sohoole, $891 for. men and $442 for Women. Oar sohoole vary' little from year to year, says Inspector' Robb, and change only whit is neon - miry be keep up with the progreed made in other departments et human aot(ve sties; andwhile the Department is try- ing to make teaching a permanent call- ing the lure of the West will be too great an attraction for the men, and ledy teaohere should and Will marry, D. Patterson, oonnty road and bridge Commissioner, submitted et detailed repot1 of the Order' Petted in hie depart- hent sines hie last report 'id December. The largest amounts Were $800 to Thee.I Sandy as first a went for r $ y p y e satinet Bnokley's rad Boyd'. bridge', lit Ash- field township; $1,018 #e W. J. BliWWWI' as payment in full, ter sheeting *but- Three hundred dollars have been paid menti for the Glen bridge; $600 Eo Tho'. into the credit of the oounty during the Sandy it deoold payment for erecting year, for the care of an tiitlitate, of which Ilnokleyr's tiny Boyrd'ti bridges; $3,180.60 no a000nnt has been tatted in the above. t 31 Witherspoon as O. 't+lr meat in trillh n nl Dr.hr Dian fthe ho _ spoon pair Shit*, p 1~ o fide of ter emoting abutments and piers for refuge, reported that the WW1 of death ifolmesiltlrbridge, latnong the inmates daring the year The read And brides Mutilates re. were: Gyanoer. 8; apoplexy, I; pneu. ported the 'following reoorm andatione: monis, 2; anemia, 2; Old eget !t; epll• In regard to the letter froth triddleeex epsy,1; pernicious anemia, 1-a tonal of oonnty, with refetenbe to the bniitdil( thirteen, The average age at death Wal-; • proper provisioner for the tatnre, and upon his present peace of mind? What is the only effectual onre for the eorugion malady of anxione oare? What are the chief evils of anxiety? Why is dependenoe upon Gad impos- sible, whale we are filled with muttons oars about our temporal needs? Verses 28 31. -In oonatdering the W- iles. their freedom from toil, their growth and their .beauty, what lessons may we learn of, personal and perfeot trust in God for our raiment? What is the tendency of ported trust in God, upon oar habits of salt help and general industry t' It a person traits wholly in God, as Jesus commanded and practised, why is he as sure to be ae perfect in his sphere as a lily is in its sphere? Seeing that God ie to all of fie ,what the most loving father is to his children, what effect should that fact have upon our peace of mind oonioerniog future temporal needs? ' What is the root of all anxione care? Verse 32. -Whitt it the fundamental difference between •a saint and a einnet? Verses 83, 84.-,W S A T REASON CAN YOU GIVE"FOR THE ACOUR • AOY OF TSE STATEMENT O F JESUS, THAT IF WE MAKE THE KINGDOM. OF GfiD AND ITS RIGHT• EOUSNESS 0 U R FIRST 0 A R E. THAT ALL OUR TEMPORAL WANTS WILL THEREBY BE PRO. VIDED FOR? (This question mast be answered in writinit by members of the (3lub), Lesson for Sunday, Feb, 20th, 1910. The Golden Rale -Temperance Lee son. Matt, 7:1.12. of a bridge at the southwest corner of McGillivray township, over the Bauble River, between Middlesex, Huron and Lambton counties, that as part of olanse 8 in the Deoember report of this coon mittee is fulfilled between McGillivray and Stephen townships (this is a require- ment that the roads approaohing this plane be put in propey condition), the engineer, olerk and chairman net jointly with Middlesex and Lambton counties; . that the • tender of Thos. Sandy be accepted for the rebuilding of Graham's bridge, Ashfield township, Mr. Sandy's tender was $4 95 per oubio yard for the oonorete, for the steel work $244, for the floor 250, per square foot. The report was adopted. The report of 3. Torrance, inepector of the hoose of refuge, gave the follow- ing information: Total number of inmates admitted since opening of home, 884; number of inmates on lst of December, 1908, 94; number admitted for first time during the year 1909, 17; number of deaths (luring the year, 18; number absconded during the year, 2; num- ber dieoharged during the year, 7; number of inmates in house on let of. Deoember, 1909, 88. -males 68, fe- males, 20. Admitted during the year from the several municipalities, as follows:- Townehipe,-Goderioh, 1; Colborne, 1; Howlett, 1; West Wtewanosb, 1; Grey, Morris, 2; Ashfield, 1; McKillop, 2; Stephen, 2. Towne and Vilieges,- Clinton, 1; Wingham, 1; Exeter, 1; Blyth, 1; Brussels, 1, Nationality of inmates admitted dur- ing the year:-Sootlarid, Si Ireland, 6; England, 2; Canada, 8; Germany, 8; France, 1. Cause of pauperism: -Ill-health, 4; old age, 6; intemperance, 1; imbecility 3; inability, 3. • The net amount expended for support of inmates during :the year, after de. ducting $768 received from paying patients, wet $4,855 38. The average ei'tpenee per inmate per day le flgmed out at thirteen and one-quarter cents. The erpendithre , on hoes° and farm a000unts for the year, totalling $6,480.- 851 from which which matt be dedaoted the valve of prodnne Mold et0,, to Wake she net amount of expendttnre ae stated above), viae made up as follows: Per manent improvements, $182 61; capital account. $89.44; hired help, honee and Wm, $196 h0; btook and implements, $i57 00; salaries, inspector, keeper and matron, 11,227 05; ;phyeiolen's salary and epptiancer, $817'09; repairs to betid- ing and furniture, 1848 46; provleiOha and clothing, $2,718'87; fuel and light, $670 67; book', postage add. stationery, $12 35; taking ineztates home, etc., $30 60, in i enisi ex ensee 16 05; sundry aoeonfits for farm, $847.48; totet, $4,480 8f, seventy-eight, From the report '01 Wm. Coats, reg- istrar, the following ie taken: Total number of instruments registered daring the year, 8,735; total fees therefore, $4,188 90. Fees earned and not re- oeived, $572.50' Grose amount of fees for the yea $5,245.85. Amounts paid offloe help, oto., $1,795 25. Amounts paid to co ty treasurer, $1,046 23. Net amount re, eived by the registrar, $2,- 404.37. The special committee reported in regard to a oommunioatiort trout- T..E+ Robson, oonnty Clerk of Middlesex, in respect to a proposed reedjuitment of grants from the Provincial Govern- ment to she various universities of the Province, reoommipending that the conn - oil co-operate with the. county council of Middlesex in the matter. ' The object is to ensure a Larger grant for the West- ern University at London. The report was adopted. ' The county property committee re- ported that they had exatnined the goal and found everything neat and Olean and in good order. Fourteen inmates were oonftned there; eleven for va- grancy, one for false pretenoe, one for incest, one for laroeny, The -registry office had been examined and everything fouled neat and tidy. The sent house also was found neat and clean and well kept. Certain repairs and refurnishing" at the goal and court honee were re- commended. The report was adopted. The exeontive commit ee recommend- ed that the tender of The Seatorth Ex- positor for the oeunty printing be ac- cepted; that the usual grant of $25 be made to the Agricultural and Hortionl- taral Societies holding exhibitions this year, and also a grant of $26 to each Farmers' Institute in the oonnty; in reference to the several motions for grants to poultry aeeooiattone, that the matter be left over to the June meeting, in order that the several parties may settle the looat(on of the show, ae only one grant oonld be made in the county; that $10 be granted for the planting of flower" around the cont house; that $25 be granted so each of the public libraries (Continued on page 3.) NowCured °t Rheumatism TOWN DIRECTO ,Y, BenneeT OHUBgH Sabbath .ervicea M 11 AM and 7 p m,. Sunday School at 2:80p fie. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. .W. L. Ss, a, B. Y. P. U. meed Dfondateey7eeveningspstor8 p.m, W.D Pringle, S.S. Superintendent. M tT000IBT Onuaau Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p M. Sunday School et 2:80 p ale, Epworth League every' Mon- day evening, •General prayer meeting Lon. RatWednestedgo, Dday,I)e•, vepasning,tor. . RBaoev. hanW. . '. • an, S,8. Superintendent. PBssentenau►N QHuxon-Sabbath ear - views at 11 a m and 7 p In. Sunday School at 2:80 p aa. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, 8,8, Superintendent. ST, Passe% Oninton, Erzeoopere -Sab- bath servioes at 11 a m and 7 p ni, Sunday School at 2:80 p m. Rev. E .13 (holy, B. A., Rentor ; O. G. Van- Stone, 8.. 8, Superintendent ; ',L'hoe. E. Robinson, assistant Superintendent. SALVATION Amit' --Service at 7 and 11 am and $ and 7 p . m, on Sunday, and every evening dating the week at 8 o'clock at the baarrra�cks. Pose Orrion-0Moe hours from 80. m t0 6:80 p in, Open to box holders fro 7 a m, *09 p m. P. Fisher, postmastemr. Peseta LrnaAneh-Library and free leading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:80 o'olook, and every evening from 7 to 9:80 o'olook. Miss Lizzie Attridge• librarian. Town QouNolL-+•'Wiliam Holmes, 'Mavor; Dr. A. J, Irwin, Reeve J, W. MoKibbon, R; B.Elliott, William Bone, Dr. Robert 0. Redmond, Thomas Gregory and D. E. McDonald. Oonnoillors; John F. Groves, Olerk and Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Assentor. Board meets first Monday evening in eaoh month at 8 o'olook. . HIGH Bosom. BOARD.-- W. F. Van - Stone (chairman), J A. Morton, John Wilson, O. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, John A. McLean, Frank Buchanan, Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Cosecs, treasurer. Board meets second Monday o e evening in eaoh month. PUBLIC ,SCHOOL BOAan.-Alex. ROse, (ohafrman), G. O. Manners, S.E. Ieard, W.J.Howson, W D.Pringle, Wm. Moore, 0.G.Van$tone, P. Oatnpbell, Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, 3, B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in eaoh month, HIGH SOIi00L TBAOHERS—J.G.Work. man, B.A., prinoipal; J. 0. Smith, B.A., olaesicai master; Mr. Forbes, B. A., mathematical master ; Mies M. J. Baird, B. A., teaoher of English and Moderns; Miss Anderson, fifth teacher PUBI,r3 Seneca, TBAcrentns.-Joseph Stalker, Prinoipal.: Miss Brook, MiseReynolds, Mise Farquharson; Miss Wilson, Miss Qiunmings, and Miss Hawkins. BOARD os HnALTn--Thos. Gregory, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Abner Omens, Wm, Fessant. J. B. Ferguson Secretary; Dr. J. R Macdonald, Medioal.Health Milner. Cost h I m $lOC.00 for medict nMt whloh felled --Cured by 013. CI-jASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS. Mr. James Clark, Maidstone, Sask., Writes; "rI suffered for four years with, rheumatisin in my shoulders and could not lift my arms above the Lead. tried nearly all the advertised tame dies but none of them gave me re- lief. It cost inc at least $100.00 for =canines before I used lir. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. "With the use of, i` this maiden T soon toned relief. r followed up •tine treatment for six months and was then quite free from rheumatism. `While tieing Dr. Chase Jia Kidney -Liver Pills I oleo used I)r. Chase's Badkaeke Plaster when so stiff that I Coula. scarcely bend. They always fount the Weak Spot . an gave 3 ve relief iIetthe internal treatment woe bringing about a thorough cure.30 The enecess of Dr. Chase's Kidney. LiverPills has been phenomenal. One pill a dose, 28 Cents a to; atI, ,all dealers or Edmandon, Wee & Co.,, Tore onto, Dr. Chase's Recipes will be tient free en request. STEADY EMPLOYMENT for to reliable Lent Salesman repre- senting "Canada's Oldest and' Greatest Nurseries" in Wingham and adjoining country. You will find there is a good demand for nursery Stook on amount of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this season. Oar salesmen are turning in big busi- ness to as this year: Be one of them and earn good wages; through the winter months. Territory reserved. Pay weekly. Free sample outfit, eto. Write for particulars. • STONE & . WELTAINGTON Foothill Nnreeries (850). Tosoiro, CANADA. FARMERS and anyone having Iles stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver. flee the same for sale in the Times. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if Ton do not get a customer. We can't guarantee thatou will sell because you may teak more for the article or stook than it is worth. Send plan ofvdisposing to your �stoaok androther articles. OUTSIDE ADVERI1SING Orders for the insertion of edvertisemente such RR teachers wanted, business chances, mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or is fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the TIRES office.. This Bork will receive prem $ attention and will save people the trouble o remitting ?Or and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or sendyonr next work of this kind to the TIERS OFFUJE. Wing haler BO YEARS, ' EXPERIENCE ' PATENTS Tesabc Went . DESIGNS i COPYRIONTS site Anyone Bea • ler a aketbh and description way meaty Yeertain our openio la whether ittn lnventlon probablli, Communist• tions riptylconfdan a on Patents aent.reea.Oldest maw arse nts. e,, 07 n' novae n faith LhlD" h n P w tin co.�greset* t},�� without CU GKtted t to en fmerlon. rA somelr illustrated y dib. taany lealso m * 75 O1, ew.isrubPottage pr pslp, d 511 etatirtite""Y:NeWhill, E4TAi?)FI$HZP 1.812 THE WIN011111c TIME& IS kU 8bIS1dtP VgFY THURSDAY MQRNING -,AT— TAO Tinea (Meet Beater Block WYNG$AM ONTARIO, WHIMS, or 8t+nsga;Pn;px-$1.00 per annum in advance, 81,60 it not so paid. No Paper OMR* tinned till all arreare ore paid, except at the option of the publisher.. Al3VIOMBItIG B4T11s, -• Legal and other osenaladvertleementel0o per l.tunpparieiline for first insertion, 89 per linefor each.Abeo4nent. insertion, Advertisements is local ooimmrie are charged. 'Oats. per line for first insertion, and 5 cente per line for eaoh enbaequen$ insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Karma for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1,00 for first three weeks, and 26 Conte for *eon subsequent in. aertton, CONTRACT RATas•-The following table Showa our rates for the insertion of advertisements for apeoified periods.- 8PAOC. 1 TB, 9 M0, 8 NO. ilio One0olmmn.- .-„..$70.00 $40.00 $02,50 $8.00 Half Column,. 40.00 25.00 15.00 0,00 QuarterQolmmn_..,..- 20,00 12.50 7,60 ;1.00 One Inch 5.00 8.00 2.00 1.26 Advertisements without a eoifio direotione will be inserted till forbid and charged a000rd- ingly. Transient advertisemense meet be paid for in advance. Tns Jos DALARTMEDIT 1. etooked with an ezteneive assortment of all requisites for print• ing, affording faolltiesl not equalled in the ooan$ytor turning out first clava work. Large type and appropriate outs for an styles of Post• era, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest stylett of aholee fanny type for the finer *lasses of print ing, iY A. B. IILLIOTT, Proplrietor and Publisher P HENNBDT, M. D., M.O.P. 8. 0. • Member of the British Medical Assooia• Hies, Gotd Medallist, in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child. ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m, ; 7 to 9 p. m, DR. MACDONALD; Centro Street Wingham, Ontario, DR. AGNEW, Physician, Sirgeon, oto, Otnee-Meodonald Moo*, over W.MoKibbon's Drug Store. Night cane answered at the office. DR. ROBT.O. REDMOND, M. RM. S. (Eng) L. B. O. P. London PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. DR. MARGARET 0, CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throt., Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasse* properly Iissed.. Otrtos-With. Dr. Kennedy. Mice $ours -3 to 5, 7, to 8 p.m. R VANSTONB; BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, BTO Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest, mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Offioe, Beaver Block. Wingham J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, ,ko. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DIOttiersole DUDLnY Rousxs DICKINSON & HOMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. Mola>.Y Tei Lome Orricr: Meyer Block, Wingham. GOOD FEEDING RACK. gine Convenient Q Ow t emesis. by an Stetter% iereeder. The copetructiop of ,ha; and grain racks for feeditig sheep Is a i;uestieo of vital importance that confronts the 8tteepwan, espocinily at this period of the tear. For a rads that le simple and cheap to fraise and very convenes lent and practical an Meer sheep feeds er makes the following suggestion; First the lumber should be or light stuff, sawed in 1'by 6, 1 by 8 and 1 by fin 3 pieces. The rack from the ground forty-five inches high. The first' thing to make is the ends. To do this take two sls.incb planks and Due eight- lucb plank; place these three together, having them even at one end; the out side six inch plank mark forty-five inches long; the next one marl; thirty* five inches long, drawing a mark tat the outside top corner, making a slope, as can be seen in photo . No, 1, Lail ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Motor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Macdonald BIook, Wingham. W J. PRICE, B. S. Ale L. D. S., D. D. S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Office ; Beaver Block.' . Wingham General Hospital (Under Gobernment inepeotion) Pleasantly !duetted. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all <regu1afly licensed physicians, RATES FOR PATIENTS- (whioh include board and nursing), $8.50 to $15.00 per week aobording to location of room. For furither information, address Miss J. E. Wntsn, Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY S'4STEM, TRAINS neon von C London 6.40 a m_. 8,80p.m, Toronto gannet 11,08 sae6.45 a fn.... 2.40p.m. Kincardine -11.578.80... 2.08 p -m.. - 9.16p,m, soRlvi -Bolt Kincardine ..8.40 am_11.00a.m...- 2.40 p.m. ndon......... _ 11.54 San 7.85 p.m. Palmerston. . .... 10.80 a.m. Toronto dt East 2.08 p.m... 9.15 p.m. se, enmity, agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. equates have wore Toronto0.87 a.m.,.. 8.18 p.in. TeeeWater 1.00 p.m -.-.10.24 p,m. AERrvft snots Teeewater... ...8.87 e,1n... ,. m8..18 p.m. '1'orontJ.H.IBRID1MSli-, A4entWitiehari. p•m, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN ME TIMESL L.'BONT AND !MMMAR VtFW or sB12VICEA8LD SIIEEI' VACS. aside the long elldia that you bane ea wed and you have 4h,' correct slope for the next t'a1(1. SOO' Heli the thi'•c'e pines together and you hoar else end twenty inches at the top uttd *lily six ebes at rho bottom. but you tnlist Join to' titin ibe foot four the food trough to rest ou, which can be seen plainly from photo No. 1. This should be nine inehes wide and ten inches high, joined to the six inches, making. the foot fifteen inches wide. After you bave got two ends made fasten them together with two 1 by 3 slats. • one at the top and the other six inciies from the foot. These stats• can be plainly seen from photo No. 1. Nait . the front slats to these. leaving a crack of about three incbes between each pair of slats. Now place an • eight inch plank on the feet for the feed trough. The front is about completed now, so we will go to the back. First observe photo No, 2. Now, an the back edges of the two ends. twenty-one inches from the ground, nail nn eight inch plank. This plank you see from photo No.2. From within an inch of the top of this plank slope a fourteen inch plank, made of half inch stuff, down to within sit Inches of the edge of tbe plank on the feet, _leaving the six inches for the feed trough. The edge of this sloped plank can be seen in photo No. 1 just under the lower , crosspiece. For this I used two seven-inch planks instead of a fourteen inch plank. This plank should be planed, for it carries the grain into the trough from the back of the rack. Notice how the back of the rack is made for this purpose. This Is a strong point about the rack. Spaying of Heifers. Airline most ranebmen do riot regard the spaying of heifers as the most profitable method in the long run, still there are some wbo believe in -spay- Ing their young sbe stock. Stockmen believe that they can realize a larger profit out of tbe calces than they would from any additional premium received for stock that has been put under the knife. Tender Shoulders. Horses tvith tender shoulders should have sweat pads used upon them. THE SHEPHERD Colic In Sheep. • One dram of powdered ginger and one dram of laudanum will relieve colic lit sheep. Chalk and Charcoal. Chalk and charcoal will relieve lambs suffering from acidity or the stomach and kindred troubles. ' Scrub Rants. The shortsighted policy nI using nettle rani is the cause of the inferlor- It o th f � s 'average gook o flc fidfaring." alt Barbed Wire. The sheep lot slioti1d not be fenced with barbed faire. the barbs catch the wool and snake the sheep appear ragged. root Rot in *8iesp. Blue vitriol, fit. lead d andire trio add, tired in equal pasta by weight, in laid to be en 0ffeetive dressing fbr foot tot in sheep. 1t Old Cot, • 'Get rid of the old girlie tilt *eon an they are fat, It to a. Witte of Snit rind money tie keep thele 400 old foe:, Wool.