The Wingham Advance, 1905-12-28, Page 8., 62 IlY • • . ear , - COUNTY SOARS • 0 , • * A tueetliur ot th.o Conuty Beard of- , Examinert, for the County. -ok tinan . wae „Uhl: in the 14 bile $tibeeol, Seer '; forth. on keeturclayt ,Ne, Nerd, „to finish . the Work of tin) Model selOhni aXanil• nations. TUve wee again a Urge at- teudimee at the Iliodel-eclieml, Clinton having 83' and Goderich a. - In midi- tion tothe above there,eritt 1$ writ took stavAntage of the putrilege grant. eci by the Bo.ard, to telite an .the final examination -of the lit oda. school. On, passing this eX41.11,, they will receive S. Renewal for 4tbreft Yea.P.s. Tho total imbiber a marke was 1250r - The Pam mark Oil% wealed, tinflthe honer mark 888 ii7;'.. • ... , Ort . , At '' 'On, the ,t.8, • • •e, tbirel. daeghter of T; • ' was united NV IVATeter. , ' ' . - , . . . Henry is, holidaying 0,71.- le' 0 04" wi'dhs-r- 03,11rfihe '''' Beltotor4i D. r visited relatives bey., en Xmas , y. • '---:- , - W114114111 flosillOss' College . 13t- A Xish.grasis Llomuctrobil Seheol. ..... Lu )44•1'111040 to - 11''. ht., 0'01014 1 • - to . . La 1 .74 12 T„ 11,1.1r3Q1 tint" 'Itas"sileGyrier. LasT e t bittlivation for Counoll,--nor 4 Sehi101 in s. - - 411044 ri. to,i; L ot tjse otutiatral mill 3,s. hs,s,.. .. anointed A J.tintide qf 18144,004,- •911 , • - . j ' ' , Sat* tete. Marie, lifr..and 1,44st4 Mulvey end ehildren spent Xtues L'n logigi=elth . Apia,. Chriattnito With Veletteeeletlillern 0- . , Tbeee coursoe : stew • literiography . TalsamPbY• ' Write CIAO. SPQTION. Principal rae,e,iiiss s, No, 1, . , , .., meade„ is v.bisthetd elide in the tel. lager Airs. . Royatul,,Ide Wendell). spent Oloiste Mita On the Otti.....Nr. anti Mrs. Robte McGuire a ent XMAS with the ItittOr'S a'n'y 0.01$`11. 0,11 , _ . . Mesere. 01114100- and Jams Robert. son. of Iiialseprillin$ Nan., lora has retoensti, 'lengthy v it to her .agn At. • 4. laicise. .' -....., Farm For 5ale. paXonts. a and Afro.- Sosoutn....Mr. anti Ws. ?'111. Rabb ate spending' the Xmas hol ye lg. Tottenhtun, ...Miss „Attgla Meguire, 'has- returned ,.11'01110, a ''e ePeutling *sevaPal fitontb's to *le West, atconipanied „by, leor .0onebri, Nara. feleGnito of Elgin,..... %renew on a vieit to -their parents, Me. - end .Mrs. ' Ilolin. Robertson.. •rela .. • Gaviii Davidson Made a; -buifin so t ,i to 43 it last ceek,, ana wo aro yo... 11 P di a'., t: i t ti ki - hi a .'41,1.1° l',.fiekel.11P,..,?,1„,'''''. l' „N'X'4P "014ene0,1euel'e• 10 t'eve./1°11-1' g'unre• Miss 0, Dayton and feieed from To- , t• • -41 • f ibl.v 4,4 th, 0 4140 *41011 00..a ew 4 8 ' ' former's honstrieere, ' ' - ' ' -'' • ' . • Ge.orge. mid elabel,.$1eXels -attended ,, the Wending of their conein. at Ate weed. en, Xtnite day.. • - • .. One hundred .aores, in good Mete of cultivation. within -three miles of the ..n• .....e. -0 •terie,.h.." - f'v''''$h W. '.."45""" ***'".'."."' '''''''". Jugs ; priee reasonable. APplY 330-x 16, ADVOToe Orrxon. W1,4114131. •, , r e_ 1005 now out an:411er.: .110teu , ncl begin to lirite it 1000. - our resoltitions or the- New Year, , • on buying your Footwear Jaen, , - LO uo so: oue.o. a I'leS9111- , . ' • . - , . iii§t wea,,rwg poor. shoes . . 3•0-01311$11i. ts . of everk kind. - al -e ready to do. o!..ir share' ,to Make the ...., . . - . . . . - • ., . ew - Year s happy . one by., fOrnishing, you with , -., . • . eorafortable Shoes -at pleasin.g. Tricee. . • . I . or • yin: Renowas tho tuteo uuut wa4' 570, mi the, enhdAds,tes ' both foe Certiiicetee end gemewals; made oveiethe nuinbee ot marks re e , Tiiiir)egetapilasu'is; Mss Lizzie oNeerActirtitituatQr tlis granted a ,certilleate for three 'aim, inetead of a. RenPival. ' - uorrons. . Armstrong, Flora 'Finglaud,.1k:Lai*.#• Conteloo, Jeen M, Vergnsen* `marY Clark,. Alm „Sae''t (3'. 1.0ilto* A-111-,..1 -Prot „.. Carneroe, •eitbel . Mezweb., Aleargar4- • , Carlieg, Jean . . Male* Jean' - - . ,(.41wolii. J,esai.e. .• Roes, Tena ., itIA,'. -'.. "Ttahert00113.. pougsk,Aue0leetberfoiel,...1Y. ' ie Mi :. ..• : ielster, °stilttie -- D.Dalv;e, Irene SteWa oan, nnM.' •,rle• Dunlop,.1ilvii 0.- • . ' „Aloe ft, I, , .• ,,..:. , Futleteli,:xleeeei --porn . ward . , ...am. rt , ;._,..mblieee.-4,c1,01,,r,s's'giffir.11107`thaxl-git."bial,',Walastiro yerghsem, ti-,jel. , :_iktis_re,,y, Ik..1','', ,„ Griffin, Lerfittft-U- 0.6.(1.99tr (1-vt'arcl. Garrick, Mantelon* „Mr. and - Mee, Jas. Ereberteee heve ,retnetittcl born Whitewater to spend'the -winter Withlrlende in MOreis ta, he 'Pres- , ViTiii.,:perrin has returned feceu the Model; sellool, leincerdine, ape, -ins vele, reternian is spenumg ma ' xinee Mid New Year. holidels with ..1,. . ,•• . in FOR SALE. :and .:0.111.ta"t.aultt,ithpeaCeisOltittse),z. Wedding pf.M. r4 Rob. .. . .... , • , , A Veit pleasant event took -Tinge -on the,tist, when Will. Larne Brandon or ikableheri, Sask.,. Wee.. united in marriage.'to• Je,,sid,,'Mitude Cole: '.-At Alin ..„3"(itaqvgirslt,:14.11.,1:ittivvr,nfroF„rg. ..,e,,, been exigaged for next year to teitelein .Skun„ eennIsio. le, llowidic, at a ' ettlary of , . ' " , , . , . . . Mr; are, : our ...Inoness•Maker, hes ;removed. his -steek to the old -drug store In the "Central. bloek', 'where lie:, will. 'Pow • he -4'00,11d' by lire numeroue: etison-oill..••••• - . . ' • -1 .• :‘ , .. .--- . -, I. l'ePle, ril'AluerA.Lcm' , • • Mr, Sherwood and his sistere tr.oin 'tVawanosb. Visited:- their cousin, J.' Abr. ahem. ,, foe ,seew.ssys Jag, weok,.. -,„-Misfr Bile,-Mitivo„Y- of Chietiget paid, a litrttr, visit to town last Monday, . She retitened Teesaity,te Chicago, , . , . , , ,.. - p,. T.retritt of Walkerton lied Annie . ---- to d io American Herd ilook. need - e---' — "-- - ' ' • ' '' - h ,vres:;ver°eililehleyla'alsiedeevil.eIn:11:firgedt!'::.anir.13,0nIell;11;:ip.o.;tgli. James or Tilos, Gaunt, Lot 80, von.. OF Einlose. • ' " . 17t$ ' ..TAMES,,liAltWE . i --"„-Vvtives-' (0.7.eii7714-ii,17,,,, ,,,-;,..',.,14,71ceir,-„-',,,-4 11,17,4,- ;0-eie',..litit lire -0-." v.T.-it' itTlillidai 'co -xi -pie e'..O...: ter .O the' p 4 tile the' tr 'n'• ' f‘ .11arry • pritWii. of Cranclaili Man,-,, gave- his ‘ pereute' a pleeettut ' eurprise b.SruneX-119t44:4,13'iv44. °4-34---14"-. 140; lin'pnrpO,ses berilg',01-'91Ag.0 "Pi' taw ',-Of-Wiegiutni, spent Christmit'e, wit,le thpie parentsrillr. nqd Mrs. Ter-- .. ._... WI . FIRE ,TNSTJRANCE .. men( dois.•-tiona.a..°11!talra'olog, lo:ror. 4w'as9 , b' ' - 1 d, b L -1•I' Or ' a. eo.eing- .iteel..... ,a0. oil, tstn. of tso..,gr,opp.,Aftet a siltnt• tuoueelionee, tlit. bealeanc grpoia hat 13137t4114 'the '$.0. 'Pr- 11h ttlf.41. fat _A -benaltiful, ..gold ,;ijra.teli and „eludeand. Icw fewAWeeks,..„, . - . .• • • ' ' • . '' ' ' ' '. 'la • - ' '''' - ' , - i '''' .1 Iss: 'Mary Miller 'of 1,ittnioss .eft for Ratnilton an Saturds,Y, to • be Present at..the xuarriage, oiePltristines, clay, of 'her friend)liss .$dritir Bray:, .f0r110ti .9!,..,,,,tW's 'vl.:1040`.;„.„,-.. .,..: ' - ..... . . ' , :vein. Permod, late of -Tinulierry, , IV Breinn- ' his beenIll'ff . 4'6; ' — • °V• ' 4 ' • a't (1 wc'1.1''f6r s°"-tlut' 'e(nis-0. Pr- i'll'11 lib:lg./elf)* lute- his .foot, inflicting' a ,SerloUS wound.. '.- . - -,. - -' .. - - . '• ,.. fo*Zsilill,s4t1w-.-:keleot ift,i,i't j:P',.,,,pl!,:yr :g(6,,tio,iig• owned...by *Et; ,,Terrift, Ir.; they, baye. been ,.fivius.,,wite,his- brother lezra in --,,,,,--. LoWeet 'rates consistent with ab et te security " All ' (deities .,:11 1,1,. ' - - • . . . te - proroptly settled . .. Abner. co,siits '-f, AC.616'Efti: T . PLATE CLASS; . to the. organist:a-pearl orescent: '', • - . • , , • .1in tliq'. afternoon ,•ktf. Tlin'iday, -ripe 2Ist, a .ablie- examinflit,fien „ and enter, taleulien,13-e•i.,.w,,,,,,-4...',e,,ciaine„0„.--.,$;;,,eve, ,5, :,„The soli001.•,w4-4.'We'll.: filled i 'shOWing ' the' .4-ekt .1../,,toest., .i.,,,hich.,,the:,,i4opti4,ers, .t„tke....fn..,:ohool iivvr;;,....,The,fir4. hour' ,w'a's" Spe-1.1'..t":1.11.,- teat- .:.;,i.liho teohets.- . .neesent• wei,e,-Ivf.ise ireeielind,mesers, . -a, Airilar'!.and. 0..-J3ochatroa. After "„exorbi,s04...t.y. the p!,,,,pitsr; it. .1phr:ifo, htunidtc)sto b.,.3.101!„.bwei,81.74,*.-,tiitobeix.v.it:. Who *iteted na.chitirnattri,..Aintii Bev f.. 1.- Ilastie • of Belgrave- arrived', :The i- , . - * ' • ' : program. was very enjoyable, and. at ter the ..1.04 • oritirber,-":tbe - ellaitrildu ei.,iled-on'Lirdt,li Proctor .who .-r6id h ' • ' " ' ` • kindiV.:Waitled: dildiees to:the teacher, ',Inlylin"-(1'0,-Rtiirealiot;:zincltn,•:titntiOnite il'Ilv.- ..°f. Pilob...Alcnniq•:' 4#0....••:- ArItted.' here -on Thtireatir night - We believe he intends taking ft'shipniestdi of lioreeS' Ni,i,th „win no Lis return,- •, , • ,'., ., . ., -, . . - . ' , - , .. --- . . -, - ':% :,- ..,, •.. • ;.,e ,I, Mess 6...Pe er Smith ... , feeezingtee ' ' t ''. t '''' • ' at • ' ' and Aleg4nde.r Smith Of Owen•nouliq,, Alen. Mises ' latitr' Davidson :and,Elsie ,A,Itcni :ltr,i,..iitecii.on s'Aturdill:to...spoint thel-r- Ofiristoeag-,:brOlidari•Af .4P0,ir ro•-' speetive bomes.../, . • , . ' The- flrkt :ileCkeY,.inittelf ot-'the.See;-. Sell 'Woe. pleyea'•11tree-•_-•on Christman aft'obee11; : h-etweell--,'wrbseter , Old •Gorria• toxins. ' After ii...line dna well co4test,0 :game,: the keine team were .-- • • *•••! • • - • . . • • • .. winners -by two goals.... = • ,. • ' Tit' •-•'"t'...'";t''.. '" .- -' ' * ' ' . . e en..ei ambient in the rdit town 7.7 77.-- hill.' o i Christi • as- ' lit -und .- he. ' ` rd 1 ' -0.., z.1 - irlf; -..glei' ..Trin,*•!).',Ysan'Ing th0 0,11111,111e1'•• - ig: : --'• ti., ,m - ' • - • ". - - A 411 ' vs' Ekl"ileYi'ot 111°A13vi°11' were the Sueste .af,'W. M.'Edtfarcie a conple Of •ae,ye last .week. Air, Dow. ' ' . 1 - . " i, leer .goroaot. y taught set 00. hare ali 4 zwo.,...„:#r,e pleased to learn that lie has been- appointed; principal' of one of the inil4.ic soli:eels,. in the city Of :Witedstir '44"...nxt. Tea, • .'• ....' .- , .-... . `-` ,.. : -- .-, _ .... . . On 'Priddy forendon, Dec. 2nd, life 04.11.Vecillins. held !ft. public extiouto tion at Wliicit.4 nunibei. Orthe parents were 'PreSent at the, school here and listened': With 'Interest • to the admire- biewal. in `iVhieli. the pupils were ex-,' • - = • • '• - . • - anlind A•11d - the prOlnptness - With 'ivtlich theynnswerea. l'ii•the evening 'IVd 0 .t aril X n - t • -held , it . gn e.' • '.. 1. " ' 100 -was, t Whieb, 84,,1 ier„).........,....,......e.e.,-..........e.e.e.e.....- Do you. Want .11 POSIII00 ? - ' "' . • . All molioOls are. Not alike, Sod. egKe* lay iu helping. students. to, positions. Do not overt t Oak 1.1j1. point. - • ETAIOTT Ai /// , • • • , ,:// '.. ' ' 4‘11 I / . • ToRoNixo, .:.9Nr. 0,,,-,a,et „„,..,,e,. - JIFc;rIta-t'.flir:sd-o:nvv'S(?tglliPe'g'tIdlt;Zt:.:'thwi,otllt:Et':j:)iinl! Winter term opens..ran. 2nd. Oatitlog free - : -- - • - • .• 'W. I.. EtAIOTT,..Prinslinii • ' - Woe rovee -awl Ale -Vander Ste.) . • , Fresh- Supply 'ni 'Trunks aiid Valises. ,.., .• la': , . .. . .. . . , reer Tixe Slio ' . .11- , . '. . „e. .. ‘: . . wesseeimenelftelegimineninelnoiliseenefesieselaelneeisellesewillenelele . Jessie - Lorne Hartieib, Thee, -1, VhishOlm, Ade:tip tionteti.nale - • • • ' X0Yev 'Gen; P*--` •- I- Jenkins,. Edith s * Lieklater, W, il':•••.', McLennan,. 1114.17 Little,' Olivep.; , = McLean, 14-illauL,-- MeGavini- Arehne- ,• Ale,Arter, Marre. .MoKentie•-'''Aidln.'• ' Murdie,"Vi.ne . : .eetteeialc1,-Lr, A,i„.--- Petrie, Etta • . XeGregor, -VA.% .. y;,.,....ei,:listhen;e• somerville,..T3e.4sie. , pileb, ,,. as 01100„0, Spark, Edith- ::--.-Iteemond,- R. • ' • • • -,, :Smirks; IfelentL. • Somerville; La-. .. TUrner,‘, J. W., • . NOTICE OP :DISSOLIITION. •Tottf.'.'.411:1,11:::•• 3/ AL 1. , • r,;- '• ' • !Leh 1. ''t - - -.. . Orne, .. •'. lux,''s ItzLe - Ilive lirou -Tried . - Blittentit- .13-te-id 11 . . They 'all like it and .. SOULId. its praises, , Try It anti be cenvinced„, - „.- .:, -,.. - T........ron.maltqat......., , ' -., '.... - ' NOTIC14 is Itereby given- Pit the fiartner- .windSor, Atity „ti.-• . ialtili .heretpfore subsisting betw.een ..ua the 1:iidweraluigghnatainl.al:14451,11%14tresti. iditiotholeveTdotirey,von j. 0ek- ,..phleen,nliitcP..w.at.h,,,,ma-,b.0,1 . .., X nova nnAent ' All debts' oWinr to ' he said i vi---. -- •• • - *s - m. b i 0 w.11.„. LT, . . it -• Perpierehiparetcoe poid by Brysonooehrane at the, Town of Wingnem- aforesaid and all, Xerr, ginme D• •• . - Dryans....Pred,1 .T. -, claims agosse the eelg, partnership are to be litusgr.•pire;gthel . Linirent„ •-,$firn.. ,B.- presented' to the. said. Brysee , Creehreee, by . . , whoro-the same win be sottied,2. • • Selitter, Clara . • .,....)stewo.g.t:.:.$41vard. • Dated'at WItigbani this 33rd•dar Of ,Deeeni. Se.ed,'e‘y.1V.ht. : • . ''' ,' •-...• =,_. - '.: •.. 't lier, 1905, . • ,,. : . - - . - - -• :-.. - .- .. Geo. -Ptilid,'See'y, :-- . 'allitifnigM.anarld'f... Al- intereeting. • Prograln was L',.7.e-at.;sAhMa eansaelitomlet:daarn:ss,ohthreri-titn„ ,. • 1,14A.81oPo'?°.';',..,-,,:as''.',-,a, te,,• tghlyaiMse.•ebtyiotith, . • . ._ -ne a 011. e = 0 e c op . , Norgb•-gu..,-a,ecount of ...Xmas.. riisn, ond.:90.1, r.j • -of'•space we are obliged ...ttr' er.eit.the addreee.-.4The'Eeitor. : -,, ' I ' "-• . . . ` • - ••••• ' • - . . 1. ..- . • • ... , -. . .. b ' - .. - r alSo• - r-- •0 neen . leac 1.- highly pleas:eat:proceeds; it Mit $30: , • .' .•..... .....,.1 • . lir, .... , _al,. ..., more, „w 0.• o . Out new new seho0 , a °Wed by colepe--- Siton to 'express- ms 'regret at leaving t.O. .t.itidgern-...he'quic:of, the h..x.x.c.St.;,,tn"o-r, aU'd.9f,s.aying.a. f.43.*.••Wpids or--fdrovelt roomed .sohoola Au. the:province, will •,,to . his many friends, here, The tree be occupied ext January Srd. and Will. Was Well loaded ' . -- CENTRAL' ,i // . r . . We have the nanit tits' footb. some Oakes, 'Why sweat, ba It013/fRZ 4941`r8TON ' . . . .. . „ . .. 131tTSolV:009,a4SB, .-. ., . . .. , . :„: .. - . . -, . , .,.... . ' - . areY':„.. . ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' -' ' .'' 'Mei'. Robb"; Tenreon, le ' visiting her daughter, MIA -Wesley aeon of Hat- i elt--•:' ' ---`- . - -- .... - • • • ' °. ._,•`:,,,-, -- -,,, - --.... ' . :', - • . - .. . . .. .. lug ip..op 'tile, sica ion Ems *-ej-elc.'1'2.WIre .tv-is-li'--11:11:'• 'EL.:4; e'eld'y''''..'re.-- :• ,, '•,7- .. „ . .. 13 - , _ -, covery.• ' ••'. . - . . • '...1.ack•SOn•-•:if 'charge With pfesente, among be or Ifithe-inspectionot the public them being a 'large .celleloid, box of . . On ., ridaY,:atid -§atutdaY nsftPrfloone WrfPing: Xnateria,1 frolnlbe pupils to . . 'next,•:-- - ,.• , -. • ••_•' . .- •. .. ... . : ., , .• '.,,• then' -tettcher•,•Mr.' C011itis, thus show ' ' . . . 11.1; . ' . ' ' 'n,..' ' ' ' ..i .r.... ' ' VI(' 1.... '' ' ing•the• high esteem --in which '11d la :.'.-W0,1',•• , DebsOn, sork-of -t-ev,-.4Ta, ..-,0,-'...).„--ya-.. , - , ., . . . sOn otr 44::::ibp,:a9a.).1); .p.eisza,:eydi a,: , ,,,,1 Pri dirt -1'0.: -Or •sehool --Re'has. been ' ' ..ft, very sad and. udde.11 -death oc- n." - 9 - • ; -- : ' • ' - -- " . assistant'V.. C- ...--.1.:1'• 1. the.M'''''. 'It 11 ' 6 • 'ed lost eek, 'Which ,,e44.•40•Poi.o. ., Continuation _school ' for , eome 'time, 'ever, the .,oh,ristinositestivitios in this and" conic% with,:phe very . isheet, ree vicinity.- On'Thursday last,• Mr..101in •000loi- endotioos.,,- ,. . , -..• , . - _ ,,Doig, of chrrlok pose. a .to -his- .etertuo. .4.1.1e, ' / Cf<6;• • jeifferh ' STRATFORD, ONT,. , ... '. ..: ,Thiii re one et the 'best •Cornmercial and shorthand schools in' the Dominion. .,00. courseware. thorough and twacticel. 'Colleges employ' .our /47; a:dfYit 10 ag ut aeS: • a 8 tea -client, All our grade - atgot good 'positions.; ...Write for free , • . , ' • • - ,' ,Ettierre 84 lifeteifOrtun,lerineipals nE this . hot 'weather. aust osa on .us -we ,tili Dotal- itotnits:W.ItnesS.:4, ' - : . • , • .. ., : - Ja• ,.....C:-. LACKIB . . ' Grip ' QIIICkly ,kho'Ciceil Gilt.; • win. am, PublicSchool ExeminfitiM.3s• . ,,s,,,„ „,„ din,i„ .the. , . - - .. --e weeks" ---...-g,. -4eve'8 _ .1,101kTfl 11101D SAICEIlit •• . — . winter Nittitlier' .1)9t11110:irt ?Ife.-ana:rnr,, Examinations .for . December. Su -h- spl:e (lei? stn_ tax: ev. eit-Business eOdpe:a8. aPirito';e'thte°41'greivitlilinc•Idi! jects,Cotereo'sitinn,- Geonietry, Algc, • - i •1 - ,-•t) e.; . -0 . a -t .., • --- •bi. • • 0 a •-gil p i a i s.,.misera 0 .wi . •tl.ra a.h. dl?hY, ais ;•14, alctliiCuil' 4°D'' : .' ' -s-Yinntonia;"-eays.ap.1.'S.:EgleStonef--..' • .FOnit Iit. - ' ---,.., Maple, Lendingi. ,Itiera.' eTenees13o, ., 33- en Ethel,- took t, this..... , . .. . .1,,,‘,. , . t_ . , , wee ni.il.'t,.i.cip.,Ti . nominations i,.reWard. Ife. was, ..engard i,n conver.- , - . -,•_-, - ,• NOTI.C. Attnie'LaW . .. . . . . „.. '.. .• • 7• •j•ointe, • aching, museles.- sore; ' '.liearl.. Pearl McPherson. ........ : $29 . at?pped.,,up',-,,. eyes' and,' nese r.unning,,. Wintie SteWart ;:„ :,...:32A alterna.te sPellse. 'et' Orala:' 1 h, 1,. t, -1,,... ciPa•.,. el'lv-1P.,. ;4-'4 --.- 4,-7'0 tf •9,.):1-w.9 ....,...eo, •.'" morning, - the past.Or • toeing 73,efujble .to gn.oilt. ''''• ' • ' ' • :. ; , - .. . , • -.' .,,,- '..-..; ....:The:-..nian.$,--. jrienae„ of at 0..b.t;• lind. Qbarlate licinnes-Will. be pleaSed. to . 'learn they have, r eturtied,- home, from,: bfaiiitoha to -spend the .Winter...• ,'• - . ', ', 1,...,,,' , .. . , I t ' --,,,f' -It '' .-lith' ' n'' • h ...•1,48....;t° #.°••• 4° 0°°!...... ° ' gPfle 011 Al ?next to her., mote:, in....N08Ws' -,Xtirk. . She wit ..accompanied' -"'her e' .. e - by ., ., ,..rikcA.1r.).44'.4i, M. ,froinToronto.• ..... :, ti4i.,,,ipa tru...acos.,,kie moving these v;.,Lune.belorei,lii aid, sold .for..00nti.,. Izirs..'. '.••,I.Yrh..;•..Vreser -..*As • elected'. lir l'' .ct,T13414.1.alaillie'..tibd'ii:411c1":.?,AV6r..C:11:'3:1Vt°4041?:'.o.Cutlii,t1t4;;; .040100g,t40le.r • 4001191110t§..!...•• '• •: :-,:Ainongthrise*WhO are Ifoliatiirig in „ this locality arae..mise'm,,,...,Me tiarrie,, sation At the home :of , le btotherAn- :held- On Friday ii,St,';:aidthe'ol,d'Ponnt cil *ere all re- . en... at II., iild declared.. law Mr. Inglisi.„•wiin lives. a. short dig,. -'• - . . .: ' '• . 11°,--1.111 • 0 . 4., ---, . . • ' Lance , frern•hinu when lie: suddenly eleetec,1 by acelamatiett. retlrings drepped; „unceneeione;• and before, his truatee:s of the. Sclaciol-.1.)oard' are D. D.! Wife &torrid. be'surernoned, lie had pees-- :§naiderSon, .D:4,g.Jiae aildW• Wilsell, •ed, Away .., sr,: ,.......* AriS -lust' in the • mime' 'The ' - Yivel.t, also -,..re-eleeted by aecla-. -•• f life, 1,,''• 4e•-•`, ' 7 . r. - - a • biatione. ' ,-• " . . ,, -- e •• • - "... 9-• ... being Ycatil 9 .. age* all. Was ', • , ., ;: - Iii luerisual health at the time, though. ...;;;..A...4erY.tieceeeful,-entertafornentivas -far .s.orni`years.,lre bad. beervtroubjecl; 41c1 „last,-Thureda,y;nighe. iti': tlie-ol,d. _Witiche,itrt „haft:I-raj ilis, teeeth.,,,ca-11!e: Town liall.by the school .childreti, The with overwhelming suddenness,„ to his .. -t...- .,- -1 , .• ..,t.,. _ ., ., . ,.. .,, .. . . . . _...,... nigh_ :witsqlloSt MIPt °Pi 1(741Se:out not now beieeyed wifenncl five children,. 4hivitb$Widingi -Vie' bell ' was well filled. the eldest of whom is:, nearing' Man- • , . ..- , „ . ., 4 hii'seVeral •It•rts taicen .by, 'the .,,seliO, hood. `•Mr Doi% was a- faithful And larsAIl.pirese --oft without -0, hitch, and .consistent . membe- 'of -the 'Presbyte- ',the, aoles",hY .Mesdrs. 'Robison aoct rian Church and n .meinber of the i11)8641'ax'a'llise Dane w°'*•°-0°Ixaigli* School - Tiniste.e. Reard, • in. bah Of tvs...-eninyecl and. 'encored.- With. the iit-', 'Which his services will be missed ''.. He Most: enthtisiitshi• . Miss -Jessie Robert,: possessed' .i, kindly, 'gollerbtis dfgbosi-: sOn. • also .frve . a, reeitati(in with her 'tic:M. and ins cheery Woide, and inati. , , . . .,.. usual Mali y, mid Rev. 10.- 08,teiliOilt. her Were an inspiration to theineigh- 'gave. . - . - . - - ..,- - - • . . nIumignemumninmenormomorummos - . - mid examine et eopyi I3 Su' re • - • ' :rougliralcitiutigrnieja St taking a preperetSir, course for a . ' .. 4:100D '.PAPINEI• POSITION. • ,•-• ... • . -.,.. . . Wel believe there is no •soheol equal lu . ours. for methodic business training and ...10t -Pr:411010g -good' roaultg.. Wa • aaliait 1,111'1.061.1114: .t10114104 conlUal:00,aucao tte . ..a. t 1,., any time. , .N. , N ns. Yease„,e. Gerrard Sts., Toronto. • W.,- 11".,Filil,W, Principal. , . •• — •,.... • ' The Annual Meeting of the "'"ri•irn=.• berry. Agricultural Society , will be held ' in the -Council Chaniber, Wing, harae en 7EDIPESDAY, SANDA.TrY 10th, 10015, at 1 onlock p.112.. . - • I, ..T, Mr.,)PFA•iV, - IL E. Biztotsc ".: . . President -" Seritall' .... .. .wit11- Pa)4, Ethel. Davidson, , ,•,„, ,„.„,,,,,,sig: ' -•'' fever; We beSati.Atsiso4 aliainheklain's- • ..J.no;mourbstie. - • -4 . - ,..,,81.9•• '=',' Catigh Reinedlvdiclingitlit:liande. With .Tanxsa Ferric, .,* • • ...• • . • 7 ' - '810 - , • a._ dose of • ObainbelifilliW.0telrikuill'aii4 Lillian Doyen . 80i-." - /Aver: zgdets„.. 1.1,hd. by it lo.yekdi. .use Geo'. Etriott,, .., . .. . *,298.7„ ... .,,sito_v-. coltootely •.,,keeeked. -.13.he ...., the Tilos • Wil.off • . . .. • ' - 297 - grip.'"'. TheseTellieteprernote.ra' heal-. = Olive Cr. eikeha.); k-, . : ,...,., .. ' ° -'ege''''., y 'v •ioli --of the beweie _lieete and, . . , ., Ino., Iltitt9it ,, .,, ......... , L-1?1,(10:yst . • --csiiiih- fl..4.-,...iii*oia'', ee-hei-ofsd ` - Cora Sherriff .. . . .... 279 When . the systrein;le.,:eolijeeted ,by.,4:- . NOTICE TO-- CRE0ITONS. Ed. rtobinson• ,•., ...',.."...... ,YBS. •• eol.4 or.. attack . of 0, grip: .Fr.,,slii, . Annie IlcBurriey ,::.. :'-.... • , -282 . by all 4,.,.„.8,g!its; :-.. ,. . . , .... .- • 'Chas, Anderson ..- -.._ ..,' ,.. ; 255 ' - - - • In the metier of the Estate of Mulles .3'14 . of the ToWushiP of East Vitwanesh••• ' In the County of -IFluroo, ' • " ramer, Deceased •- . . Ikrotice is hereby given pursuant to RAO. Chap,. 129, that ail. perSons • having 'claims against the Estate of the said Tames: Vint, who died an the 16th day of. Noventher, 190S. aro- required: oo: or before the •IBtit' daY. -of SatinarL isce,, to file with Peter W.; 'Slott: Jarees 1.1, Beh, Executors, or the unaers sn .., a statement -with full particulars of their claims and of all the security held -by-them 4if any) and .that after the said date the said Executors will prodeed to diatribute the as7. sets among the persons -entitled theotto. hav- Ing regard only to the elainitinf whieh they. shall then have notite. •' • Dated at Winghain this 18th .day of De* comber, 1900. . ' DUDLEY- nOLXICS ' • ' Solielter .for 1Ltaoetora ... : :Keeton Ilavt.-....; . , .'.....,249 , , . - „ 44at Vasil& ...• ' , ..- • .. -110 ,-, Geo. jeffei•son ' -191 - • -. -.13.0gt av -.::. Mabel Ross — 3•31.4!*. Giving toanaiS1-1114eratandlifg Orliii• . • • ' . -Ft:mitt:II, DRY. A. - . Informant, the Rolgrave liVeripoit!' . ..,,„. , 'Ohl- had the...marriage ••pf.... r:"..jathes _Everett Glenn .. -..., , ..;-ezQir . • Clare Adarna, , : ..; , „., . , .. •, , 312. . INIehnieoria01 Miss7.Ewiniuha'_,C...1i• lealkaey ill' . outrence. Nvilson - - 80 est , week's ,l,tents•• ,_•w,._ e„.:ee „en, ...nOt• .•• • •••••••• _= Anderson • -,• . !!.!-.....-, haVe beeo so, . We ardm.oyryn.t-hp4; tlie , ti.2-,tioa - • - . au :re -is -take. occurred. • r- . '; -.:.••'•-•-•-•-• •-. : ' ., , -••=-• • • tarn. MusgroVe' ..........•278 - . ' ....- . ••• • . - 1,.......i'. ', ' , Fred la....o_nnith... - 275 on Tuesday afteruotin Pr' tnZs'weelf • . . Bob. ZdeSurney... , .... ... . . 270 aquiet'but Very - .etty. wedding took • _Bessie l‘farsales , -262 place at the 'cern s't IA home ' .7 . 1, . ... . Geo,. Tees ,, ,-, ,,. , , ,„-., , , , ... '. ;202 ,CIoeke3r, in the Preaen be.. Of ihniletflate' Aeatielebisler . , ; .., „-, • 258 relati'Ves, ,,-"•4..t. 13 eoleek, as the-.heauti. • Edna 'shifter • . 241 ' fol -stains .0f• Me,nclelesohn's march Etta Well*oed .. ' , - s t " • ... ' '238 VP" plalec‘bY-Mr8;-'(11,ev.:3•11•.•.as. t.1941V-Eifi. - Susie eot • • •.22$ • Pmma.Cloakey'snd Mr.. James Nichol- 7 Flo. Vannorman ... . , ...• ,:,207*' - soil tdOk their places in thei-parlor,) of Detroit • W.,' E,•.,Iiryans•of •Toronto, • a ipatriotic etlarees.„ on Canada,. hots and mends with whom he daily '' ' ` 're: 'AN. „)^,n..S..f.... V.6,1..r.'sath'. Of ". ','.-ji4ellev'.-flie..., tv.lifi.;?;li 4.5 listenedtotp-witlhic tihe.gv.eat'''' o,.)intgletdi'l'and who now -join inriekteed-. ,. heartily, we,come„, %Vieth 2,=.1.1-ome , and est intdre0, an ..,to..Wine ., re could-. .ing 0. e, sorrowing wife- anti -family wish. thein, a; Happy:And -suceessfui- tiaverdone Mors joStice if .it had ./lt)• and °thee relativeh, then. ameer.e..-syna.-:• NetV'Yeatt.: ' -. ' ,, • - ' • ; 'so A ' . : RAIL . AY CR NEY -RUNK . .. I, , . , .7 SY• TEM , , , . ,.,- , been late. When -the,progritni Was patily. ,. - - .• -'. ' . . Mr. .and, mts.- ""eYill:, EllitcrolotIci,lino. ' ' ' -I ' ''. ' . ' ' finished,- tlie cliairniat requested:Mr.'. . ', ' - - tiriStrr.las manna, 'monion.0 visiting jOhn •13.hrtley ttilateu forward; wheri . and he was Presented with' a very hand: . of Mr Donald. MODOnald;*: 2nd' 'coo.. . ' St. AnitiSti ne.''. , New -Year • It as seV.en Years 'since' they went out N.:v°11i'llieehlatv°ars'ile'seacl(Mbiiylit•' 't:lelitear.....aVTOilt.4:'1341.1.a-e' set ' , Marwood. Brea:: ehot .it'fitie fox last- - • ' -: .1 ' • ' • -`•-• ' • • ' ' . to- ..--ihat ,-CountrY- and then • Ina friends. are pleased. to shake,: hands' ' .week . • . -. • - . . . • . _ , IV on behalf .of the scholars and to which' Holiday. Rates. Mr'II • tie -a' made.i • ' i fitt' '• • 01 ' • ' - ' - • ••-'''' •• ' ' ' • '' ''' .- - •. ar ey a uos ing 0 y.. .. '. ' , " . -. -• • - . • , SWith. 4,1n.114.. Agiart'..63.4 learn that fo1,!... •The. 11-,-ev, L, Perlin acted as ,Ohairman - ,....Mes...311, ,o.„4. C.naninghnm -and children • tanelutsbeen.favoringthenie ' ,..in: bit eusual ..00d •oothuslasti.e spent Christmas, 'With it-jr Geo, Wel- ' ' ,. ,1•::,:-. ,. able . -_,-.-,-; „:'..t.,_, . :... - :•:',.'' : - . - • • . - . • „ -- -. • :.... lace . - - - -. ....: • . - . . eaener of Moles -manner. , . - , - .- , • - - .: . : _ - .• , ' ' • TERRITORY—Between all stations In • !-',!el h•e-VP•set Vel'i - --f- - 1 ,•-tt•-T i a :-,. • - . . .. • • . Miss -- .4,. ' • isi_ . ` ''''•-• . - :.••-•-• ' ' ' -.` .. ' ._Ciataida. alaa to •Detroit 701111Ru 119$0 10 f ° AP . ..,I e,. .t1).7.' - , „ 'dna l'ultOtihneehere. The _ _ .: eg+.,' li:-., g ‘‘..Larrtiour 'cnoot , , . . )9 of '.:Telegraphy :. nerd Training 'For Rail- . way- _Service. - - „. . _ . 'Maggie Anderson.. . . ... -208 . , theft teiltere.heart • anhand: . The . Jean Bone ......... ... .........105 ' • mystic) . Weeds: were- . spoken? ',by. Iter, -. ATV Ltt1ttOilt ...,. ,,, ... ..... 101 . Pastie. The bride, .whe :was u,econi. • . 176*. - inglY -attired anti looked 'Very, pretty; • Mayrry. v•s.••,,vvtr.,..?..Vp...• e 'i, -bite Tafieta silk' Waist and ° • Mt. Itroeoellia. :: :: : : : : : : ....::: :1261 ' Invti°vti ‘1,11Vue ehiffeh - , broadcloth skirt; was liDattendecli A,fter .congrattiln- • .... PORAT I. VMS, the coriinitriy a itivitea to .the , . .. A- aining-reorn, there to partake -of the Sobjects--Algebrn. IOn 4z‘ richtlelicacies prepared bytlie hostess ' Geography. Maxine:1e, ' The pining couple rclorrimg. for ;Regina, where be will. Port littion,,,Ifich., Niagara rous, sow. - l'Oliiiiitinllsilia-livenliadrnaynseYriits :.s..1)116enia• • Silage 'Auld niiffalo, New York, attend Normal Sehbol... - Te life v„ery. Sa.10/11:- . - FARE4400D .410INM: s°1171t(.5 i°s!'''CI"." AO?). °'‘.."'''''.4t. I- ' ' - '."•'' •• .', ' ' ''.= • - ' ' • - - Ms d:Mis.'DievidTisda,J.elf 'W'n '''-, ' o AT .SINOLE ---"DECZMB Eat as' he,:was La- general favorite,' itit. tel _ Mr. and_Mrs,...."%rill. 1V.1.91s, sont the • hamri.:pnent. it few:days „ withetti'einda .231,1t;tgot,..' Itcturninst until 'Deler. 26th; , that caw- lbs.. Will . htl'Ite84!P'''s g'4.14-14' 19°1i111 -!'Ys Nv'it;11;461c4n fri-luij - ' hove recently' - -' - r' -• '' . ' :"1.:A.If '1st .0.44CIroatluNria •DEO, 30 and 31. and. .M '/•'`.•-•11X48-et.IS. .434 •'.-.5:*9.11.11g'91-4--11 .9f.• -•='°--x:' - Mrs. Greeff-• To to is '-fvisiting her . ' ..,,, • - - .,-. ,..,•• • ' „... .-. ' : ',:'. . ': ' ' ..' ', ' . . . ' ..11.111g. man, jall"....•9' 19°6' *1 eerional ability With „it bright _futbre parents here, Mr. and MO. Kitchen, .. - Fir,- David...44(.1437..1s renewing . old AT PARE . AND . '.G0t110- DEOTt. 22, be itre. blimr 41-11'd eetelelY-- hes me47 - . . .,. , friends in, this VieirutY, after-n:11111w , , 23, 2tatld 25. ALSO . frielicie,Who Wish hire every suceese..:- .. ' We are sorry to lelien of • the illness , • . '" , -. . • - , ;,:.••• • . ,, .. .1... bei., of yems absenee. . : - ..,;_n-, ,,,:._ T • ri-- - ..., ON DEG. 4, 30, 31, of 31-s. -Chai S'ininsins ; we wi h. - • .Last' . tridaY• afternaen,, a'. goodly' a ..,,Arnd,,........- - .,,,.1,,,,,, ---.- - r, , . •8 •A•er . On Saturday last,: the -rev/Mina .-Of, Valid - eetneehis..te'it11.'len, aza• 1996. number • Of. the. -parents. and -friends: •:-L''''...7.- `""''.,_Ve'' g • • • .' - bum ,Ellen pintail-. of • -Buffalo. •evere • ...." .- ' .. method ...of instruction a- Is school hint proved a - ete hi the shortest pre- . erefOre, at: least .expense; Is slit provide& at once. Write .. pamphlet, which will give full • * e atiou. . .. S011001 TOM ill Gierdou /310ex • OP- posite Post Orme, STBA.TFOIM, .the most desirable location in the city, /nspection of classes lit vrerk cor- dishy invited. Robt. Larmour Principal and Instractor Verinerly Dist. Supt. G.T..11. -21 ..... . Will settle cloWir- t(i. ' Steno. Nethery. . ' 24, the . stern- realities, 'or life ,, On - the 3"eosie wilsm ,., 22.,i - ,Poixri's farm.:4th line, amidethirowers. . Eva, Campbell 224 of sopa wishes. ' - , -H, • . Ethel Walsh ...."....'210 •, . xv. Aroh.c Moore of . New vikeard Edna. INIcBlirney .,..... ag h 0 iorrnerly :•of Thessek1 ea' illed ons ' Mina -Currie ... „ „.• . - , : -As) friends in .3301z,avn . hat • while Olive Leielunan 205Week, John Holmes . . . .. .. ,-;181 on his way 'ort Willimn., -.......lifiss 1)eitdon of Lend if i s ' tiding h . A.nnie.Ettiber ...... ., . - , .,,170 hoi'da S'at hex, ,c) nts gf .. a.m. sr - •Gertrude FL b7c n mi -rents 143'.n Mr and ee''i 0 Pearl Vanstone... „ ........I55 ra few! dat-,a; 1Vioosom9n Man. rss.nenet 3/relic Laineriby..........., -165 with:'e.n6 .;,:tmi•.-a-i-;o.tid. R-eigrshowed. Roby Z....ones...-. ,..• ...., .12 . last week. ; Mr.: 'and Mrs Chris ' *. P...ke,r.F.Y.,„ As., err .... ' . • • • • • - • * • •*4'4,V, - Oorbetes_pent their Oltristines'tn Lon ...lie& eenyu.......,......... li * • OU . doh. Harty 1-100per was in London Alex, Rintoul . 80 on $aturclay last'on business , ,--.Mr, Rich. IloWson .. ' . 00 rand Mrs. George Lawrente of 'Ayr are Mae Mason .....,.,...„.... 01 visiting friende around. lielgrave. -. , - Annie Ortffin . . 40 * Will Andersou of Edmonton V. WA; ,• Dell tiurwash .. el • • ,, ,.' -ef .331r,'GRIespinitud•pimilsO.B...$.•Nei ';''Mr- "Win.-Veir attended tile -funeral - bought home ferelziterment in the . .,Vor tickets and full inforination, tali on 4 aeseinblad,at thei.serpot house to erk Of' the late Mr:. John :Robinson of st, Augustine cemetery. , . .,. ' • : , „ . ' • L. gAnoLo, 'Town Agent. joY-it very= lenettn.t.AlirT:pc,rar t,O, Wiln.2,.h.n.ni., ,nn W.,e, dnesdaY htet.,'. . • ....-- • -- -,„:,. ' ,...• • - __ '' . .••:....., •2 ,' • Gillenie S ,' 0partUre.., ::4,-1‘ ton, - :0, uLQual . • Amongst•.ro:mit.-.•...une ;aavenceregrets Baying , e. J. D.• McDONALD. .„,„ th ', ' ' 't to. 111 th ' ' • ii, .4,1 "6 : ' "v, ' - - ' • .. nee who. Wen .. Y. to Onlit t e a.....reeses..tecerted to, but - istriet. passenger Agent. Teront as they dame on Vir.edneSday it taked • 61".hre‘•.'eWh4rB..ii,:41110,4111074.netiS!,41eetlit . trtu• t'Idelr.: 2mthoisit*..WogeekwtVerie_tILIStultir:,.13Joahrnto.);111, gt•JJ,091;'evyi'da ed iltOgratIt Was:presenten•entirely-b,y. the • *pliiiils. •,The nag'. • drills -And. matches ;were .espeohapy . goo4 ' .4144, great patience , and painetale-1 fog oil the- of teacher and fttiliiiii.• Prograrn through, their cattle the'dhe.: posing of presents from.the.Christtnas, tree -much to the tlelight of . All the ehildree. After special treat of Auto and candles- ,...trptni, vie. tpoeher,...to , pupils, all heartily thsto ndd lri sineln -1,-- .-- - --,---- -I be the, tie • t binds, . art bade ood-bye, to their teablier, still' .N ' ' :ittlahing him„ every .sifecete...„ gr.., going toesnu t ,Les1110,111tene0 , liticea, A, I -76W 7`"•Ft,tr'S' ..' - , , . .,• -.:' . weir' -end 'Albert Gallaher .. ' •• , .'' , ' SI-O'n.--Ov.-"titii% '.dirt,i/Tlitt.'11'.1,;..ch', ''''8'.',Ive • Pa7. ' : - --,.'-; - . . • : -• . .1V1r. and Allre..P..T. Preen entertain- : . , _ Misii• a•WilSOlit who has been teeth-- ""- Le Att. I , ed a number of their.friendS on Xmas ing in Donnybrook school during the iionr ' .day:t all enjoyed thetoSelves and pro, past year, left for her home ill Wing- ..t N : 1' t -c, ' -nounted Mrs.. )3reen a good hostess. • ham.last Friday., We understand she ''''' 1 ',. , 11,.. iJ 55 '. ,:. is • eng.aged ' as teacher in Pordyee , Tile -enteitainirtent held,: in-, this • • .church Wit/. •Priday evening Was ' a ...Scheel for ',i906. : • . Neva•,rs deeitIedi..success. 'The children .acted, - The Christmas tree Friday evening ,.- • ... • ' t. their parts -Well, the evening eblOS'-. --sva:sp, decided -suceess.'„. notwithstarid. tilehtWati,apleasaetealie.. - • • ing • ead roads' and intense darkness . INGL't rAil ' • - - . . • .T , , .. 0 . , ' ea ' E tie chureh was crowded. The ro= ' Mr'. anti •Mrs, Sag. Llitigejy• .of 44 r . _ , , , _ d coin 1)3ett.ther 21,24 and 2S no tont° also Miss lIelein froiri the .siiroe' 'Wain glVen ItY the- Sabbath Sc mol t . ;...ait n ,embor 2.), 11252 lace' aiid „Airs Darling from Mani- children was very eeerl h 1, P , • . , - • • • ' •the - tobe all spent Christmas at the homegy--, ....u. even bet- ClOi4 ta.d1(1,11,11.1(r'W•ai. 190311 sia ter in the eyes of e children wits the ..ITT:1,11;e,l, ify, goue returning to ' ' ' great tree with its load of good things y 2, 19oh. •of their father, Mr.. Andrew Lc:4101y. , - and pia -Santa, holding high _ .. . ......... , s. tii oh . t .th h'• th •' •' ."Elest John Masori - .37 is ,pen. ng, tii-i DVS NV1 , 18 incl. . er , and friends,- ....Miss Charlotte Grigg., Am—iormi!....mais • a . . It • .. - .1. egar d s . u s . - :of cost The balance of goods must be cleared out. We do not ...at, to have $ dollar's Worth of these goods. left by the end Of next week, sand low prices is the inducement we Ofter YOU ,- . and Mr. lil.• Bryce of Detroit nre et tile. - rout 1. home of the fox mees mother.. -Mrs, . 'Subjects- Geometry, Cornpogitio Cresar and lice sister, MisOlVenbugald,, : and Geography. Matimura 200. spent Christmas et Mn buctMrs:.Fltz-" ,. Mamie'lolooci. ' witivatlosti • ir and Mrs' 219 nattick's, - - . „II . . N. Vinigh of Clinton are holidaying with • Della Robertson 210 . - . : Jennie 110witten. • . • . • it . .. • • filen s in and around. Iseigrave d little son of Port are- AlTie Little. „......21$ Alva' 134i:2-T114P - -- . , Ruby lime- iestinfis WItll alt. a .... a. gm dit spen n Mr• Wray ..Ilieled Procter Morris town- Harold Brichanan.. , . . '... .... MU so'no h ' . . or as the taxes near all Irene Vannorman..,....... ship et *nearly tiOnis Ittal'Old“... ...... - ....MI• collected, there being only itbout $100 now to collect, which beats the record • 8adie •Davidson - ""'" for the time of year The Presby- Melte McLean ............I88 ,to ,' n ai d Itleth cl• t Cheat ' att tlY6 man 5 rry. 1st Ira . tt 0 is 1 fin .- e entertainments Were an exeellent site- an Lininn mo at. , ... ...... - .171 the hail beingfill d both eess, et, e .on mew . o se The program. was good arid the r‘eto, I)avidson 10o si n proceeds rather exceetled previous- 1-Vill oitihroith uto I m iv ' i ilii i__•vears...... ra. onto of Onelp i spent May Mozlore Xmas WithMcRae and fainily.. 3olin Guest. . , . .... . 151 •41,1 „ „Jrio, Andersen of Dundalk is visit. 144 . 14:.l.lqa Dle.morid... .. . .. _ ing his brother, Eiblay Anderson. Alvin Hart .„ ... ..... 143 lloward Davidson... 1a3 . . Blyth . • . Ilamiltonona daughter Apelit ' rr • . X ' • ' L iidon . Inas. in 0 * • Dr. Chisholm, lif, r.., was in our Vit. carnival rAnE and N We are pleesed, to have in our midst in the midst, much to the delight of , 0 ETHIFID for a few week, the Iiiii.pnv fade of 44. i - P • i , ,.• ....0 Mita. ones. ..,nre.y a great many •. - , . . Oleg, necornber 22, 23, 21,23. 22, (30 Mr, Win, Genniiill of ilot ?Soundi had felt the blessedness -of giving and and at, 1005, and January L las. - ; ' Qood returning to anuit r,v It, likti: ' IVIanitoba fovnierlY of this place. - r ' a "r* a • • six, ' tps betweimanil s'ationa mr. Gsiti'mli •• 1 -. . the Oh istm s spi it of goo -tvi was , ,. ve zit ,. , .„, ..:,. , r • •is a ways g. weiconie Ste ent. T.he last but 11 - nil - to (Aunt's, Port At tour fra.t4o.34 - - et'Y ;,. d-- . * -f --- - eeieolat rates tine lireifeto points Visitor in this part. •bleats. least, pleasing feature o this ' nag otttonirent.) very pleasant evening were -tee° pre- Cali on anyt !au s dian Nellie Jig en t ..1 1 - lags Christmas day. . . e . Mr..and Mrs. I. A. .1'eekson Were in Se4ktthr spending , the 'Christi -n°.9 sentetions . and . addresses. The first or write to (i. 13. roster,E4.P.A., P.P. 1174 Tort,,nto, - Langside. was to Miss Sarah Craig in token of appreciation of her services as Organ- - . -the holidays - • , * TheE pWorth. League elected their officers on, Tuesday night for the en- eul. tee year. , . . , ci. . - . b . Mi. jet re$ °viol of Idanito a is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jae. Barr, who is seriously ill at present A. 10, Ileadwiii. attended the Metho, tlist teatneetinic tit Auburn Christmas night, and. preside& m Chairman dur. ins the evening. grab l'etrin of Toronto is visiting ist of , cliutch. Miss . Craig was , ' . , . CL arent,s at L 1 presented with - a handsome watch- . . x p angst e. . .)r 0 _ .----. I , ,, ,,.,, ,_, , , guard. and brooch. 'She 'has rendered •1111.0p s °serf) •Miss Mist). JerV/S nz •u'otnYe0 is visit' faithful amid efficient service. The ing friends in the 'vicinity. , eecond ad.dreserecognited the faithful ' SO Visage St. . _ .. .. Cliftrles Meleirmon ie home from efforts of Mr. jite. AtiderSon, VIP ef- Woodstock to spend the Christmas . fleienb leeder of the Choir for litany '11131t0N11(1 ye., yettrig, In. evidenee _a the Appreelit- , ,., tion of the excellent flerviee given, Mr. OnslotA's Choicest Plowereonly dealt in. MOSI*Si Jae. amid With ItetherlbSte41 Anderson was presented. with a 11e,nd- Plead beast** kit all'ocossio.)**0 _ returned home from Indian' Reed on: some Norris chair, newer/ Slitintbil 10 Silty tantti beiWiliiii flab. l=laturday, The latter, who hits been • tin tad CaldarAo end safe Saniiittitio in the hospital with the fever, Fancy. GOodis Chine,We.ro Gift Books . Calendera Leather Goods i Tors Gaines Mary iiicii,regor 123 Wilmot Brourett,105 A, 'Million Delltire Squandered. May Dritarinionct. 84 - - It is estimated this sum was waged ' ' . It h M Q *h been laid . lig e nettle, who as. it for three menthe With A frae. hired 1 13 'able to babout -with the 1 0, is now e w ot two crutchet. lie spent his Xtnas with relatives in Teeswater. Last Priday was Notnination da ' iti Our village. - Mr. A. Alder, is mitelx anomie:4e. 1/nPmve(1" Ihiestroina rites List on applioeflook ) A Certalii Core For etono. um 000 . *le Tire Methodists of Tifiin's oburch in. Iv • . r Una rens in blown. , tendh lig heir anniversary on heti a child shows symptoms Og soitiq It. 1611N)(i0P. old! tcroup there is no time toexperime Sunday. De -Blatt and, a hot miniver11140RIST 1 E - with new remedies ho inat,tet, how - • will be eerved In t a basement on he highly thoy may itie reentntnendod tiesttisused ?Isnot ' SIM la Saki i f°11hrug 3fitil,drif.T. tat A, frn).4 Pro -mill There is one prenaration that canal: miti 41" "gig, is tig pr • a • a twat royal „ways bo, depetnwupotc, Every trerchaser of soede or. over, piece of Chiba and get first choioe. and of $1.00 Worth will receive a free. 000a6 '001, • I:- last year by people trying Lo find a, An Eillegt11CY iliakidti cure for catarrh. Foolish for suffer. 1 ete*t° exPeveite'en6 when 1°1 ee wel ,oia For spraibs, bruises, buena, scalds known filet "Catittrhozone is the only and sit»iiar injuries, there is nothing r if edsr th t cures perinaneritl 71 SO good as Chamberlain's Pahl Balm. Oethler.- treatianente only' -relieve, bU It soothes the wound and not only Oatarritosone cures and prevents the gives instant relief from pain, but disease from ever returning. "I had 'Clerk, causes the parts to 'Leal in about one etitairh in its worst" write! G. P. red- third the time required by the usual lien of Roys,n, Que. "1 was so bad are treatnient, Sold by- all druggist/. that ordinary medicine didn't evert Iremide/1 at the meting. In n- dustry Hall. Tho follovving gentlemen- isontinated for the °floe for 1000: rot Reeve -A. Sloan turd Ve, tr. Mee t f. 0 Or ointaillors--Dr. ilre, A., Beadevire De. Long, Wive e II Jim. Potter, Par Se 1104 Wm. Ciaraphell, :oho Melee, It. to. elinteinS, It baa been time is expee ed. 1 in use for many years and has never HAVE YOU A BOSS / or A It nee . • k Ph f ' re yen lade, A Several lfarms have been_ re -nitwit,. Pi n tiO% tO on, vit. t Mambo... ce„,i„,„1,7 if rift *„ nukit)g, motley for some this vicleity latelety. Geo, Tiffin, who bein's Cough Rmed ey. ME r. Id. . oi„,, coitus h„,,A.4 mmt&i y y ournIt. i;tt°n01: intends ring *me, in the Speirig, leo Oortptott OW 1411gisit, Teta*, itl%ri of ft, ct 14.1„ory iicrecio ire.. writ, (4, mAts,,ALT. Is bet tat tttintA to 'Wm. 14 yrer of "I aye tiserd Unitflthereltin 5 Cow h 1..__P '1 - ,_ co., tooecsi, Teo won*** VPhitecirdroh 1 Zatridn 13. Marmon Ivo neureay in soak/ wises r ycnt the 'sir. Tsoi 4 hers started thous*** on tits reed to freedom, ted his farm to Joe Melevess ; bit ralry eitiltirefi, ami, can Una, 1 ea : atven dalltriat day, every dalr to the yeitr,o fit. 0 *on, `we tadievet, tartande moving di reiww. nang re kg eviiess lailmallittur vir portaK, Wrkf how, Iffelittln, IOU VO tif, ' ,. *Oh itilitilkilVk -. CC1OPER '45t CO4 (Saco/room to Aieg, Ron) ilatiatialiiiiiiI0WilifilelliallailiallgiOgiiiiiiiiglifr — 4 -' au*" relieve ; let Ce,tereheeone. cured per- Iltroy DNAVIS. fe,ctly." No chance of disappointment IL 'Wallace -41r Ternberry, Dee. 21th, with Catarrliozone-it's certain as and / iltriateret flendereon, rolls* of the . death t,.,. cure your Oatarrh-jeret try /*IS /444 Wal*041, 4.11 a • ita 411111111Menimm,--- -COO