The Wingham Advance, 1905-12-21, Page 5. I111 III I 410111111111 The R. H. Crowclor Co. Wingham's Leading Store For Men's Dress Requisites. .N111.11N1.,1,Nta•o•No. EVERY perplexity over Holiday Gifts for men may be settled under one roof in Wingham, This store carries the latest ideas in swell Haberdashery from Loudon, Paris and New York, for every occasion, from the ordinary business engagement to the formal full dress af- fairs. At this store it is easy to select the correct article for every occasion under the guidance of Mr. Crowder or any of his courteous assistants. Christmas Suspenders. Men's Fancy Suspenders, elastic backs, kid ends, each pair in a fancy box -Per Pair 50c, 75c, $1A0, $1.25 Men's Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs. Put up in fancy boxes in quarter dozens -Per Box $1.00, $1.25 Men's Silk Embroidered Cashmere Socks. Blacks and Colors 35c and 50e Men's Umbrellas. Men's Umbrellas, new handles -- Prices $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Men's Fancy Vests. In the English Worsted (knitted) Polka Dot, Blues, Reels, etc., all sizes $L25, $1.50, $2.00, $5.00 Silk Handkerchiefs. Splendid range Gents' Silk Hdkfs. in Initial, White, Polka, Brown and Fancy -Prices 50c, 65c, 75e Fine Silk Four-inuhand Ties. New French seam styles, correct width, latest New York and Eng- lish patterns in light and dark colors -Prices 50c and 75c Men's Puff Ties, Latest Shapes With hand or shield, new patterns, in light or dark shades -Prices 50c, 75e, $1.00 New Colored We have just received several Shirts, in hard and soft Way's Mufflers. In all the new colorings, black, blue, white, red and black, hlaek and white, green and white, etc. 35c, 50e, 75c, $1.00 Gents' Silk Mufflers. Black Corded Silk Mufflers, silk and satin lined, shaped and square ends-Prices....50e, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Gents' Square Mufflers. Gents' new English square Mufflers (Poplin silk) with figured effect, each in a separate fancy box ; col- ors black, red, white, grey, green, navy, etc. -Price $1.50 INDUCTION AT ST. HELENS.. (Too late for last week.) On Tuesday, 12th inst., a pro re nata meeting of the Presbytery of Maitland was held in Calvin Church, St. Helens, for the purpose of inducting the new paster, Rev, R. sy. Craw, B, A. Rev, J. J. Hastie, a Moderator of Presby- tery, presided and inducted. Associa- ted with him were Revs. F. A. McLen• nan, Chas. Rutherford, B. Smith, G. M. Dunn, D. T. L, McKerroll and Hugh Rutherford (elder), members of the court, Rev. George I, Craw, and 5, M, Whaley, the former pastor. Rev. Mr. McKerroll opened the so - loam exercises by preaching an able and appropriate sermon from Psalm 73 : 10, 17, taking as his subject "Life interpreted in the Light of the Sanc- tuary." Reverently and impressively the Aid tb nitted the cnstontary Gents' Mufflers. The new black silk square Muffler, in plain road figured effects -Prices 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Lounging Robes. In black and white effects, a hand- some present -Price $10.00 Smoking Jackets. In all the new styles, the nicest present a man could receive - Price $4 00 to $12.50 o era ort t formula, to which response was made in like spit it by the new pastor, both of whom seemed to feel and also to communicate the solemnity of the vows. Mr. Hastie then offered the in- duction prayer, which for appropriate- ness to the occasion le seldom equalled, and extending the right hand of fel- lowship, in which the members of the court joined, in name of the Presby- tery, inducted Mr. Craw as pastor of the united charge of St. Helens and East Ashfield. Rev. 0. M. Rutherford had been ap- pointed to address the ministers. He did his duty well; his remarks were unique, original, Rutherfordian, and hence most excellent and more inde- scribable. He was followed by the in- terim -Moderator, who discharged a like duty to the people in a most prac- tical and forcible address. It was left for Mr. McLennan to formally con- summate the bond, binding shepherd and flock together, by pronouncing the benediction, At the close refreshments were served in the basement, during which the Managers showed their high ap- preciation of the services rendered by Mr. Dunn during the vacancy, by pre- senting hint with a complimentary address, and also what a few'value so highly, a purse of money, to which he made a grateful reply, testifying to the worth of the people to whom he ministered and the pleasure he had derived from the association. St. Helens has not been unfortunate in the past in its choice of ministers ; the present bids fair to prove the hap- piest of its selections. Mr. Craw be- gins a pastorate bright with promise. He was the unanimous choice out of a large field of good men. Expectancy looked out from every eye, and enthu- siasm shone in every face of the large concourse that thronged the church to overflowing. Both are well founded, for Mr. Craw comes highly recom- mended with the highest of all recom- mendations -his proved work. He comes honestly by it, being reared in an atmosphere charged with minis- terialisan. His father was the late Rev. George Craw. He is the young- est of four brothers, all of whom are ministers. Environment could not fail of helpful influence. In addition he had a splendid course at college, graduating from Toronto University _ in 1901, obtaining the Lange scholar- ship in Hebrew. After graduation he MOCha Gloves went West, settling in Vernon, B. C. Bath Robes. We have a few nice Gents' Bath Robes in Eiderdown and Turkish effects -Price $5.00, $7.50 Men's Slippers. Men's new Slippers, leather sole, patent back, velvet toe, embroid- ered, sizes 6 to 0-Price....85c, $1.25 Men's Kid and Lucknow. Charming Femininity. Messrs, Elliott Brothers, of Pelmet.- Femme: beautieq pay particular at- eton have purchased Mr. Isaac Mor- tention to the polity of their blood, t• sons . � soft tlelieata3 5lkiaa, lrriglrt eyes, and gin- tilts village, and took possession no during nervs•. ')'hose wkrose loolce Tuesday last. are so delightful, use Ferrozone be - Go Thursday, November 20th, the cause it's the exact food needed to angel of death again visited this vi- tone and stimulate the blood. Fer- g rezone invigorates, braces, feeds, -- i dray. and freight business in knowing that nutritious blood means cinity .taking from our midst the be- loved wife of Mr. John Graham, who died in her 52nd year, Mr. Hector McKay, an old and es- teemed citizen of the village died very it makes those dainty, vivacious women so pleasant to meet, You'll have the rosy bloom of health, dash and spirit, the satisfaction and joy of trne health after using Ferrozone. You should get Ferrozone toelay. suddenly on Monday Inst after a fete Sold everywhere in 50e boxes. days illness from liver trouble. The eneral takes place this afternoon, There was only one case up for trial at the non -jury sittings of the High Court at Walkerton on Monday, and that was soon disposed of. This was Hayes vs. Hayes, and the action was about some property in Kinloss town- ship. In October, 1000, Jane Ilayes separated from her husband, he agree- ing to pay $500 alimony, and to raise the money he deeded his farm to Jno. Gentles of Kincardine, the considera- tion for the farm being $4500. Mrs. Hayes joining in the conveyance. In November, 1901, the defendant, Tame Hayes, took a deed from Gentles, at her brother's request advancing the 1 sum of $1700. On the 24th of May last Hayes was killed, and his widow took out papers to administer the estate. This action was brought to have it declared that the deed to the defendant was only a mortgage. The Judge held that Gentles was only a. mortgagee, and that there was not sufficient evidence that there had been any change in the position of the estate when the defendant got her deed and she simply took the place of Gentles. (LINED AND UNLINED.) After a successful pastorate of three A very acceptable Christmas gift years, he resigned in September. St. is a nice pair of Gloves, they are • Helens was the first vacancy he visit. always appreciated whether the ed ; there he is now happily settled in recipient has many pairs or few what we trust will be a long, useful, 500, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, 1.50 happy pastorate. MEN'S FUR -LINED GLOVES.- Fowne's English Cape Gloves, fur lined and fur wrists -Prices $1.50 and $1.75 Shirts For Christmas, new spring patterns of Men's Colored bosom, sizes 1.4 to 18t, neck ---Prices $1.00, $L25, $1.50 25 CENT NECKWEAR TABLE. We have several hundred Ties on display, in light and dark colors, in the following styles -•Bows, Tecks, Four-in-hands, etc., sotne are worth 250, 350 and 50c -Choice while they last 25e Overcoats and Suits at Bargain Prices during the holidays Men's Fur and Fur -lined Coats, Caps, Collars, Gauntlets, Etc. Suit Cases, Hand Bags - at Bargain Prices. The R. H. Crowder Co. COUNTY COUNT. seta on Sarah Anderson, November The December sessions of the Coun- ty Court and the general sessions of the peace opened on Tuesday of last week, before Judge Doyle, Four eases were entered on the County calendar but all were adjourn- ed. They were :---Davidson v. Olen- denning-Il. Vanstone for plaintiff. Searle v. Goodhall-Action for price of a Carload of American corn. R. Vanstone counsel for plaintiff. Plenty v. Orr -Action for personal injuries to plaintiff being struck by defendant's bus. R. Vanstone, coun- sel for plaintiff. Dudley Holmes, for defendant. The Robert Bell Engine Co. v. An- derson --E. L. Dickinson for plain- tiff, The grand jury had three cases to retort on. Rex v. Jasper Brindley, Goderich township an action for assault on Emily Picot, resulting . in bodily harm. The case against Brindley wag tried on Wednesday and the jury lkiudley was sentenced this verdict of morning to pay a fine of $25, and costs amount- ing to $42.50. Rex v. Ernest Mason, Stephens town- ship, an action for the theft on Dee, 8th, 1)05, of a quantity of clover seed belonging to (alto. tlherritt, Mason pleaded guilty to the charge against hint and Was sentenced to six nYonths in t'ontrai Prison at hard labor. I;r.,: v. Will. Milligan, of West 'Wit- wauoah, an action for ir.1eeceiit as - Howick. Cy Horton and Rich Bowes Iost a good horse last week. The Hubbard Bros. had a massive wood bee in R. Bowes' bush on Thurs- day afternoon. There were upwards of forty men present, and they cut up a lot of wood. Con. Roever has bonght Wallace's farm on the 17th, and moves there about the last of January. It is an excellent farm, buildings first-class and is a fine home for any one, Adam Reidt has retired and live in Clifford. Mr. Reidt's success has been really phenomenal. He had 50 cents, so he says, when he landed here, but by thorough application and good management he Ieft Howick a comparatively wealthy man. H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy- ing all kinds of bides, wool and pick- ings, rubber, copper and feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if brought to house, five cents a hundred extra. each will Is Your Catarrh Any Better? Probably getting worse all the time. Why not give up that snuff and stop dosing your stomach ? The one sure treatment is '•Catarrhozone," sure to cure because it goes where the disease really is. Certain to cure in your case because it has restored tens of thou- sands worse than you are. Catarrho- zone is a thorough cure because it destroys the causes as well as the ef- fects of the disease. Relief is prompt, cure is quick with this powerful reme- dy which is guaranteed to euro Ca- tarrh in any part of the nose. throat, bronchial tubes or lungs. 20th, 1005. The grand jury returned "no hill." The grand jury also visited the jail and reported everything there satis- factory and expressed their regret that no provision was made for de- fraying the expense of the grand jury's visitingthe house of refuge. His Honor Juge Doyle also expressed himself to the same effect. Att Emergency Medicine. For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar injuries, there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief front pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one third the tante required by the usual treatment, Sold by all druggists. >!fynit, your friends or relatives sutferwith lits, Epiiepsy, St, Vitus' Dance, or 'Falling Sickness, 'write tot a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tint Unita Co., 179 'nsStreet, W., Toronto, Canada. Alt animists ram. can obtain for you ,SMI3IC'SF 1TCUR'S; Grand Mogul Pure Tea Q Grand Mogul is not exposed to store dust or microbes. The clean, airtight packages are the housekeeper's protection against inferiority and dirt. Q It comes to you free from adulteration ---the nicer est possible blend of the finest teas of Ceylon -and affords you double the sa- tisfadtion of "just as good" teas that are sold in bulk, or packed in poisonous lead. Grand Mogul appeals to the palate and tones up the nerves. Not a mere sub, stitute for bitters. Grad Iwlogrul Tea 46a kid 504 qua at 450, 30c, per pound. black, green or mixed, Advertising appropriation is divided with buyers of Grand Mogul Tea through prsmiont naupbe (PRONOUNCED 5J -KEEN) Quickly Curcio Consumption. Bronchitis. Le. Grippe, Pneu- monia.. onie.. Coughs. Colds, Con- gestions. Night Sweatt, Woek- noss, Pain* and Aches. HMm,- orrhagoo, It is great system tonic and stomach regulator. Life is worth living, therefore if you have or are ihroe.tensd with Consumption or Pulmonary trouble in any of its varied and insidious forms Sy to PSYCHINE (Proeounced Si -keen) It will do more to conquer that uncon- querable and telltale hacking cough, to banish that unnatural hectic flush or that hollow, pallid cheek, yes, to bring you back from the very verge of the grave and restore you to perfect health, beauty and vigor than ail other so-called Con- sumption cures combined. Pyscbine is the only dependable cure for consumption. Miss Wood Saved • "I have to thank Poyohin• for my prasenthealth. Last spring and summer I was so weak that I could hardly drag my- self across the floor. I could not sweep the carpo under any con- sideration;if 1 went for a drive I had to ray down when I carne back; if I went fora mile or two on my wheel I was too weak to lift it through the gate- way, and many times I dropped utterly helpless from fatigue. Instead of a pale; hollow -checked, melancholy girl, I am to -day healthy and full of life." ELLA W000, Brownsville', Ont, For sale at all druggists, at $1.00 per bottle. Por further advice and information write Dr. Slocum, Limited, 119 King street west, Toronto Canada, FRSE TRIAL. BOTTLE. THE ROYAL GROCERY AZz wks\\ you a txr aad alin `laevo \jar C. N. GRIFFIN CENTRAL HARDWARE Isard's [The Leading Store Isard's Merry Xmas. To All Useful Xmas. Presents In Great V$ety NEW COLLARS. -Just received, alarge assortment of the Iatest styles in Ladies' Fancy Collars. Pretty Silk and Lace effects. Prices are -25c, 35e, 50e, 65e, 758, $1.00 and $1.25. See our special line at 50e. NEW BELTS. -We've just opened up 'a shipment of Ladies' Belts. Values are hard to beat. Prices range -25c, 35c, 50e, 60e„ 758, $1.00, $1.25. See our 50e value for 358. HANDKERCHIEFS. -Fancy embroidered Handkerchiefs in all the NEW PATTERNS, Special lines at 10e, 15c, 20e, 25e, 35c, 50c, and up to $1.25. UMBRELLAS. - Ladies' Silk Umbrellas, with fancy carved handles. Our cut price is $3.00. KID GLOVES. -Special value in Ladies' Kid Gloves, in the best makes and shades. MEN'S TIES. -A. big stock of Men's Ties to choose from, in Strings, Four-in-hands, Bows, Knots, etc. FUR CAFS.-In Persian Lamb, Astrachan, Seal, Grey Lamb, German Otter. Price our Furs -we can save you money SILK WAISTS.- What better for a Xmas. Present than a pretty Silk Waist. We have New Styles in White, Black and Blue. Our leader is only $3.00. Come Early If Possible. ,I ii1 iPII I.. II 1111 l l ,I H. E. ISARD CO. JUST ,ARRIVED A Complete Stock of SUITINGS OVERCOATINGS TROUSERINGS AND VESTINGS. These are all of the latest de- signs and materials and at prices that are reasonable. We have a special line of Blue and Black Worsteds you should see. Call and have a look through our stock and see the Fashions for Fall and Winter. All you have to do is -tell us how you want your garment made and we make it that way. Our trimmings are of the best. Robt. Maxwell Tailor Made Clothes $15.00 We'll make your Suit High Art Tailor Wingham to your exact measures, to your - order, for fifteen dol- lars, correctly shaped and faultlessly fitted, superbly 4.1 iii -i -I II 1311 :-1-1-14-1-1-1-1-14, '. tailored from some pure, all -wool fabric, staunchly Big Cut in Prices for Cash C O L I I guaranteed. During the balance of this month, in Stoves, Graniteware, Silverware, Cutlery, Lamp Goods, Skates and Hockey Sticks. Now is the time to buy your Xmas. Presents. We are here to stay and mean business. Call and see the new firm in the Old Stand BISHOP BREWER dor eAmststmas You will make >!o mistake in buying your Xmas. Gifts at our Furniture Store —Rockers, Centre Tables, Couches, Writ- ing Desks, Pictures, Etc, Walker Bros.Sc. Button Undertaking ptat x�atta ntt art to. Furniture Dealers and Undertakers ,I.I•Ii11011 1 I 4.�..1 •• I We are sole agents for - • the celebrated Scranton Coal, :: .: which has no equal. i Also the best grades of f 1 I - • Smithing, Cannel and Do- ' - Entitle Coal and Wood of :� 1 all kinds, always on hand. For Seventeen, >wigh- We carry a full stock of :: Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar • • Posts, Barrels, etc. ••' •• •.� •• • • Bighest Price Paid for •• kinds of Logs. •i H Itesidence Phone,'o. 55 Office No. 61 f, .. 11111 " No. 4f: . 4 JI A1 Mobean- 44 all .. •- 1YLS1Lllomuth raF teen or Twenty dollars, we would use a fabric of still higher quality, \,re 'make them with care and skill, and can guarantee you entire satis- faction. Trousers made to your order at $3,50, $3.75, $4, $3 and $6. A. complete line of Gents' Furnishings always in stock. Tailor and Gents' Furnisher o Doors troth Post Office