The Wingham Advance, 1905-10-26, Page 6and is lest. (somervine, Mass., Journal.) ksadowers of various lo•zenges of black
"leading me into mischief the very first colleges. lailasieelsoamme I
"You must mean Lady Lueelle," she him looking after the departing couples! malCdlle0Cokfathhole.ttf inceoaftIsiezaesr mAne,
necessarily. the entrance of Bell, who stands behind ',hesitates:
"You're a bed boy, Hai, she says, Molly-Iie is a student at one or the big
says carelessly. with a blinking and thoughtful gaze.
night. Come on, then. Where's a shawl, _ Polly -Nonsense! Ile talked with us tor.
' cheviots.
he re. ;whose it is. Now, then, quick!" Silk net, in a, square mesh, forms the -
"Yes, that's the name. Well, I've gt "Thank heaven!" exelaims-Efal, some ! re yesterday and
or something? This will do -I don't know an hour when be wan he
and can't think where. Have I met half through ---"thank heaven," groundwork of many a distinguis'ned
an impression that .1. VC seen her before, time afterward, when dinner is about never used, a bit of slang.
A Monument to
. . .
:. I'm the War, you lilloW. Of eolirse rin
obliged. to be very civil, ,yon know, be-
eetuse he htems the pasta besides. I
haven't the least notiou of* their money
- •tbere's a ditferent coin:Lee at every
other tOWII Or SO - alla 1 metal. re* •
member what they represent. 1
'Nei for what I bought neyeelf un- -
JR la•11 diseovered that I had given •
, a men sometbing Mee five ami eiepenee •
' for aompenny worth of plums, ana then
Ihe muiertook the exehequer."
. "Poar BMW says ;Mamie. gamine, at:
that geptlemme who le deeply engaged in
la damn...eon cm the pelitleal prospeete of
[Pomerania with a utember of Parliament,
ey Ion Tea is,. beyond all question, a better, it uh,, looke ;amass at her; ae if he di -
fresher and purer tea than any other. ,.1,,,, Nvag waing toward hint, all('
''V`iit'4 thridlY.
8014 in lead paeltete only et .4oe, soc or Gee per pOund. By all grocers. alio atarty promisee to be a plant
lashed Awavil St, lands, mom . getleereme uetwithstareling its same for
.. . • ... , , ... , • there ;A an ItWeSsditt IIIIM of convene -
...e. _ . —
— tiom aitat inteettelee of lanehter. One
nageMealliaesWeeteeMtWelemeteitemeemeeeceaegreaa eeeem seems matter silent -net that his
ate meitereity EA notieeable, for he talks
4 N mantle:me- but be alone appears
e , . "I ' thought tad anti preoeupie(L.
• aleatme, not so far Mawn the table that .
- ' It 'as lewd Lane.
, - e re melee a i • e rettenee from
.. _he cannot see her face, and it inight be
, . • - - observed, if anyone eared to notiee it,
• that his eyes ime scarcely ever removed
eggeeeeenaMEIElla:Ste•Caietelatela3MCSCOataateeeeeemeesa .
from her.
Ile does not stare at her, but La keeps
She is beautifully dressed, notwith- hide it beneath a studied calm and seren- a constant, end yet covert, watch, on her
:Standing the. rapidity with which li er ity, every leo!: aud word. If she speaks to
toilet has been aceomplished, and Ilal As he eatehes sight of them standing lam, which she does sometimes, he has no
scans Ler with frank and proud admh-a- there. he smile.; and his face gamws i occasion to tarn his head or ask her to
. brighter. but there is still the am of !meat her •observation, for he has quite
e I I I -.sere' and forced calm. obviously been attending to her, aml.
Hal looks from one to the other, from watching for the chance of her address- -
aeartne's lovely face, with its new andling bine At =eh times his face seeme to
sudden stillness, to the high -bred gravity ' pater, and his oyes to brighten. --not no-•
I • h b t ia eh , • d f' -
"You haven't lost any of your good
looks, Jen," he setys.
Saved them all for eon, e,
elle says, pressing his arm; and now te I
Me all you have been doing -everything, of N. one s.
4V ' IA
"have mul•libly takes place.:
. .
t: • •ou bad boy."
Tor VOW Progetioit
We place thin label on every
package of Scott' s Emulsion.
The man withafishon his back
is our tradeanark, and it is a
guarantee Viet Seott's Emul-
sion Will do all that is claimed
for it. Nothing better for lung,
throat or bronchial troubles in
Infant or adult, Seott's Emul-
sion is one of the greatest flesh -
builders known to the inedieal
Wo'll send you a sample Ire&
mind!" IN ell. Hal, saysVane, a
And she puts up her \vitae hand to matte acqueintance with all the resources I Once she asks a servant for something
smooth his hair from his forehead. of Forbaelt? We shrill look to you as . -for some wine for Hel-and the ma,n
Hal avoids ber eyes. guide, mentor and friend in all our pas-Idoes not bear; but Clarence has 'heard, :
"Ask Bell," he says. "He has kept a times. What rthord the fishing? And and repeatmthe eequest. Again, in tell- _
diary, and will be only too delighted to there ought to be a boar or two in the ing Hal of some incident on the journey,
sport it, and divulge all my misdoing& forest. Not tried. them yet? It was site forgets the name of a hotel. Clarence,
Hadn't you better tell me what you've kind of you to wait until we came. We'll! whom no one would have suspected lis -
been up to since we partal?" have a. day as soon as possible, and try 1 telling., instantly, but quietly, furnishes
ther evith it.
Jeanne laughs softly, but it is her turn and get some sport." .
to droop her eyes. Al] this was very well. but Mere was I He is like a faithful and attached dog,
"I haven't kept a diary, and can't re- the change still. Not a word had he; whose whole being is fixed upon his member," she says, with an assumed spoken to Jeanne, and there she stootle tea -or his mistress -and who waits aux.=
levity. "Besides, it would take days to slowly fanning herself, with the air of ;lousier, and. yet not obtrusively, for a -
;word from her.
tell you of all the places we've been to a proud lady reeeiving company.
e.nd all we've seen." What did it mean? Before he can ar- 1 No one notices this, and yet --yes, one
person does, and. he is "Old Bell."
"You've been enjoying ,yourself, any- rive at any conjecture, there is the rustle,'
way?" inquires Hal. of a woman's dress on the stairs, and: Half an hour after the ladies have
;left for the drawing -room, Hal puts his
"'Yes, oh, yes," says Jeanne, smiling. a soft, languid wive says:
head around the doer of that a•partanent,
but very -very, faintly, and smothering Are you there, Lord Ferndale? Herei
a sigh; ' as happy as the day is long; are Lord. Lane and I dying to see and having with greet difficulty attract -
ain't that the phrase?" more of this enchanted castle! Your ' ed Jeanne's attentene beckons to her .
"Ale" says Hal, concisely, "been doing major-domo-what a delightful man!- mysteriously.
the grand marchioness, at 'our place,' was right. The upper poet of this ro- "Well whet is it?" she says corning '
surprising. the county, and. all that, eh, mantic place surpasses even the other out to him: 'have you had enough wine?
Jen? George! some of them must have grand rooras. I was never so sumptn- where are the others?"
being the Marchioness of Ferndale. How that if you have treated all of us as 111el, "but -the cackle. That member of
. —
e shall never, Parliament you brought with you has
One More Cure of Bright's Disease
by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
_ •
been surprised at such a bit of it girl ously housed, and I give you warning, Still at it -not at the wine," says
do you like your new place, Jen, take it you have treatedme, w
.dtogether?" 1 • • you as att. arieawber same." got 'em on to politics, and they seem
Jeanne laughs,
"Take it altogether," she replies, 'i't
is not a bad one."
"I should think not," he says, emphat-
Charged With Pet Dog.
A Japanese officer tells this story of
the battle of Mookden: "In one of the
engagements I found. a pretty little Pe-
kinese spaniel wandering about between
the two battle lines. It to me
when. whistled; it evidently belonged.
to some Russian officer and was tame
and affectionate. aril keeping it for
myself. I suppose the owner is not
likely to return to elaini it. Once wlaen
wt. eh:lime:1 Rusian shelter trench sue-
emmeilly the little fellow could not keep
up with us with his short legs and long
(mat, so with my kanemtsu (sword) in
my right hand I held. the title creature,
panting, under my left arm, and charg-
ed. The grave sergeant major laughed,
Well he might."
Vane liows. !likely to go on Ivorrying that subject 1111
; midnight. I1 there's enything I hate, It's
"Give the thanks where they are due,
countess," he says; "I had no hand in ;polittires—'
the ordering of things:" I ut you shouldn't run away and leave
h " .1 1 eh' 99
.ically. "I wonder some of the women "It is a fine old place," said Lord , ,
drink?" demands Hal, with mock sever- wee Beyond the Doctor's Md -Now Area paved streets (square
folk haven't poisoned. you out of envy. Lane, and your man hasn't forgotten 'Would you have me to fly to the
And Vane! How is tbe old boy?"
St a detail. Lady Ferndale, you might
"v.Seriou.sly, if I stayed there I should He's Well and Strong. yards .. 31,830,332
t t i th (mod old fashion
Kr. Theodore Young of Sznith's Falls
VOSAMMOWS1,014141( p PIN*
Are Being Driven Fs= the Field by the
Boudoir linnet.
The magnificent hotel bar-roome,
whieh were it feature of Broadway hie
a decade ago, are being driven from the
field bv the boudojr buffet. Ohlstbue
hotels like the Ht. Nicholae. the New
Nticont•Ilsee, ot)11:eemai*Siforatcliiid
400thmeortagiattoincte Ni'YorkYofrk bar -rooms
4.001.. few years ago
almozt have gone out of esietenve. liar- '
keepers and,mixers of special drinks that
made them famous'elther have gone to
another sphere or into other business,
and there are none to take their places.
To cite the most conspicuoue example
the famous elliptical bar hi the Hoff-
man House, which Edward S. Stokes
made the talk of two continents, has
been taken away. The collection of es -
pensive paintings, so famous that a
special view hour each morning was ap-
pointed for women, bas been disperse.l.
What was once the most magnificent
bar•room in the world is now it very
commoPplace cafe in comparison with
the 'more modern New York hotels.
There is a small bar -room in another
part of the hotel which bears about the
siune relation to the sumptuous Stokes
menage as tt pusbeart does to a- pony
carriage. This is true of all the big
hotels, The waiter and small table have
put the barkeeper out of business. In
litany of the new boudoir bars if a, cus-
tomer steps up to the small bar and
a drink be is able to take it seat at one
of the tables and a waiter will carry the
drink to him. This usually involves a
tip to the waiter that app.roxinattes one-
half the price of tbe drink. The old-
time beekeeper complains bitterly at the
innovation of the foreign waiter in the
bar -room or ertie,-New York Letter in
Pittsburg Dispatch.
New York Statistics
We compile from a late bulletin of
the Federal Census Bureau this table or
statistics of the city of New York for
the year 1003:
Estimated. 'population 3,716,139 .
Police end employees 9,53e
Regular firemen --------2,977175,al
Total arrests .. ......
Volunteer firemen .. 10,537
Liquor saloons ..
Fires 4,013
Property fire loss :. $7,08120,403490
School buildings, owned: and.
rented ....
Atendance, day schools .. 13,449
Attendance, night echools 42740,915123
Volumes, public libraries 1,753,000
Inmates almshouses ..
Haspitals• . .
Patients treated ..
Electric street lights ..
Gas. lights.. ..
"Pure soap!" You've heard:
the words. in Sunlight
Soap you have the fact
wetanwa t1o10,41r.g klyrap. obaald
olwaya mine tor Cldelrett Teelsalag.. ,
eopthe the child, suttees the pm*, mime whit%
coat- on 1 the Dees roma le loieselovez„
Aele for eletation Zar, est
Where Freshness Counts,
Among the =Wield ativantagee of
newspaper advertising over other forms
there ono which the promoters of com-
peting mediums of pet:betty eau never
hope to overcome. Tbe newspaper estab.
lishes chain lightniug communication
between producer's and distributers on
the one hand and consumers on the
other, It is "Johnny on the spot." It
carries business news to the people with-
in twenty-four hours after the copy is
written. It does away with the neces-
sity of cold storage preparation. And
freshness counts for es much in busi-
ness announcements as it does in the
dissemination of the news of the day.
Canadian alittir itestorer
Will restore gray hair to its natural
color, Stops falling hair, cauaes to
grow on bald heads, curee dandruff,
itching and all scalp disectees. Contains
no oily or greasy ingredients. By its
use the hair anti whiskers become thick,
glossy and luxuriant.
Price, mailed, 75 cents and three 2
cent stews, or 2 for $1 and pis 2
cent stamps. Have no agencies. Must
be ordered direct from me.nufactUrers.
We manUfactitre medicines for., all
diseases for men o.nd women, Write im-
mediately for fun particulars, sealed,
THE MERW1N CO., . Windsor, Oa
During 1004 the mints of Great Brit-
ain and her colonies coined 05,1e7,437
pieces of metallic money. Of these 11,-
758,809 were gold, 55,891,476 silver, 264,-
000 nickel, and 27,223,152 bronze.
The coinage during 1903 rummaged. to
114,097,720 pieces. As a large amourrt
of coin disappears from eire.uletion each
year, a considerable part of the mintage
goes to replace waste, and does not indi-
cate an addition to the country's elm -
tiding medium.
The gold production of the world dur-
ing 1904 is estimated at $350,000,000.
3,747 The total number of pieces corned by
18 the Halted. States diu•ing the fiscal year
70,830 1903-1904 was 148,712,953; 11,480,380 of
10,608 these were gold and 50,300,284 silver. The
42,777 total value of this coinage was $228, -
Vapor and oil lamps 4,250
Smith's Falls Ont ()et Mr. Asphalt (square yards .. 8,675,51.6 Cash or Cure
"You must ask bine, she says. keep up sae n e
1 517 2 i11
Shilolis Consumption Cure fails to cure
"I have," says Hal "and of course he if you liked -armed reamers and nen''- P '7 • Miles of sewers .. .. .. , .
1h•ave been driven to drown my senses of -
of this place, is oe of the many Cana-
ehippy. You haven't reaehed. that stage Jeanre's face lightens, and she turns
"Well, I haven't got one in my pocket,"- dians who have been rescued from the ... 13,027
want a pipe." •
of matrimony svhen the crockery is to him with a smile.
interrupts Jeanne. clutches of the much -dreaded Bright's Proposedg ..
building e •iii -
early for that, I suppose?" Lneelle; as she speaks, she looks at Hal.
leave you; end you'll be sorry when I "For two years," says Mr. Young, ' 4 Marriages reported .. ....
tures ..• ..,. , .... .... $127,549,ma.
thrown about, have you? Really too "It is all too charming," said Lady
"Don't be impertinent, miss, or I'll disease, by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"Rather too early, Hal," says Jeanne; "Mr. Bertram," says Vane, with a 38,17
but though she laughs, her lips grow of the band by way of introdue- tell you that I've got the key of the relating his experience, "I was afflictenid. i Divorces granted. - .. ..
... a .. ....
round tower, that it's a splendiferous with Bright's disease. The doctors 817,ell :•1
d itl Expenses public chanties and
ction $G 305,23!
firm, and her face hardens, so to speak, tion; "my brother-in-law."
night -a new tmoon-ancl that I'm going told me I could. get no relief. My urine
hearing in the red port, and, besides, I Theodore Young, a well-known citizen
says: 'Quite well.' But he looks rather men and all that sort of thing." Building permits, new and re
with sudden reserve. Lady Lucelle holds out, her ho.n w
U p there to smoke."
"That's all right," says Hal, cheerfully. it charming smile, and wth it nod half
"To the moon?" was very dark and I lost considerable eerre " • " •
blood, making Inc so weak I could
Expenses public education $28,091,477
• I bl ossessions $l29 623,203
"And now fell me all about aunt anti o recogni .
uncle," says Jeanne. "I heard. from aunt . "How do you do. Mn Bertram? I "To tlie tower, stupid! and you may scarcely stand. I also used many medi- ! •
Taxation valuation, real -$4,751,532,820
your Cold or Cough, you get back all you
paid for it. You are sure of a Cure or
the Cash.
If it wasn't a sure cure, this offer would
not be made.
Can anything be fairer ?
If you have a Cold, Cough: or any disease
of the Throat, Lungs or .Air Passages, try
the day before we started-" suppose you know the castle by heart; come with me, if you. like." eines without getting relief. .r.e. .
"Then I can't tell yon any news," say; I really envy you. Do show me some- jearme laughs -but wistfully. "Hearing of wonderful cures by Personal property $680,806,092 • 313
Hall. "Old Boll bears every Iveek, and thing rnore of it. Lord Ferndale." "And. leave them all?" and she makes Dodd's Kidney Pills led me to try them 1
guarantee it:
• t • I tl d in -room bria t i th fi • t b I found 25e, per bottle. All dealers
, and af er us ng e OX
sends home also a weekly report in ; And she pute her lend on his arm. . 1110Ne euarc le raw g
mercifully set forth. When did e.on moves awo.y with her. -MIS able to go to work, which I had and. traraping suits. • I
• by the diemonds in her hair. "It's not
which my ill deeds are plainly end un- i "With pleas:no." eays N ane, and he hant with ite lights, which are refleettel ; great relief. After using four boxes I Leather ana suede trim many coats 1
say s .r.,,,,d i get that I'm the hostess!" I been unable to do for some time. I Galen done,in gold and resedaesilk is 1
to be done, you audacious boy! You 'for -
the Lambtons last?" "Suppose we venture on a voyttee of
"When we .were at Ferndais," says discovery, l.adv Ferndale," "Come on," says Ital, "they won't miss 1 recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all a superb triluming. I
' yo,n, you're too .small!" ; For fine costumes rieh face cloth is
Jeanne. "Mand and Georgina sent their.,Lane, offering Lis ann. , who are afflicted as I was."
kindest love to you," ! half the fun finding things out for one's
"It's more than!
'Tall as you are!" ' 1 Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure ' at the head of the list. l
"Besides the men Will be comin in I Bright's disease, the most advanced ' Rough girdles are of soft satin or
. ' teffeta cm even of metal cloth. 1
"You've got it wrapped. up in one of : eelf, don't you think? Always think .
your boxes, I suppose," says Hal; •-you • its a bore being meeroned mei. a place; „_ _ -
way, ct.nd then for eertain the women ; stage o ney 'senses. w m
adds, suddenly, "who is that tall, fair Jeanne laughs, and they go off to
Jericho. Come along, for just a few min- stages o ney Disease. f Kid Di Rough cloths are male into Princess
can keep it there. By tbe way, Jen," he like going over the Tower, you know."
won't care whether you are. there or at more easily will they cure the earlier
woman, with the molden hair whom you gether. :walking suits with an extra bolero.
Jeanne east another wistful glance, No Sign of the Collegian. On one svhite cloth dress there are 1
Jeanne thinks a moment, quite un- and stares after them, unconscious of
have brought you?" Hal sticks his hands in his pockets utesP
And, with her old, light-hearted laugh, GET INSTANT RELIEF FROM 1 :
her?" peats, devoutly, and with a sigh of re- I
she springs up the stairs-Lthe old Jeanne trimming.
All 1116 bri htness lesvee Jeanne's face. lief "that you brought your cook with • PILES -The most irritating disease re- ' on one green cloth dress in finely-lat- '
Narrow black velvet ribbons are set :
Jeanne fans herself slowly. the dishes present the appearance of ! wrong way." new's ointment, and a cure in from three to 1 Redingotes that form deer: pnints in
done so, from the fact that not one of I "Come down," says Hal; "that's the
"Do you remember a carriage break- having been cooked in oil. Thesamount 1 And he leads her by it smaller stone sniexs.n. ights. Thousands testify to its good- 4hack ani front are an imposing feature,
Good for Eczema t
, Sal Rheum, and graceful folds.
Ing down-, of oleaginous matter poor Bell and I , staiecase e wet. . all skin diseases. If you are without faith, I
i the skirts flaring in gra
"George! Of course! Now I remem- have consumed since we have been in 1 "It's it long way up," says Jeanne, ite material finely tucked, Rubel and
Blouses daintyIP of ev Isis:
I say, Jeanne, do you remember the way ply appalling. Some one, I believe, ' eyso seeps at a time. "But how lovely! s . t
of hers? I must remind her of our feel that it is but just to state that any Imam, and tell me what are all the places ings, too: .
..e. - +-
she talked to that miserable coachman complimented me upon my adiposity. 1 1 What a height! Now, Hal, be the show- The Reporter as a Soldier,
former meeting- additionala have putsee.
An item In a Kansas City paper tells of ONE TABLET AFTER EATING and
. .
"I -Hal," she says, gravely; "I don't peratnent, as some may suppose, but to 1 -rill think I have been having a pipe, and i
the death of a reporter in Wichita throuch Stan's Pineapple Tablets cure sour stomach, i
njuries contracted in the performance of his what a world nf distress would be Saved. Dr.
distress after eating, weight In the stomach, i
Jeanne looks up with vague alarm. to an easy conseienee or a mirthful tem- i dont blow all the smoke this way -they
' '
"Yes" she says "you have." you, Vane! at least, I presume you have .01 - ewthu egla.
"I thought so! 1Where?" lieved 14 ten minutes by using Dr. Ag- treed bands.
one eirplication vrill convince. 35 cents.-
berl That's tbe woman,' of course! Oh, this great and glorious country is sim- panting laughingly, for she has taken
127 embroidered. There are folds and pip-
tl • d (Denver Nevra.)
think Lady Lueelle will care to be re- the vast quantities of butter, lard and I a strong one, too."
• reportorial duties. The reperter was sent
wind on the stomach, loss of appetite, dizzi- i
minded -I mean -Hal, don't say any-
thing about it to her or -to any one'
Her voice is so changed, her face so
grave and anxious, that Hal stops in arm. .
his vralk and stares at her. "You are stouter, Hal." most important of all." • of duty as . truly as the fireman or pollee -
"What's the matter? Why not?" he "Quite so," he says gravely. "The "Oh, so I have," says Hal, with feigne4 • mean who loses his me in any great catas-
asks very reasonably. fault I have just mentioned rs the only comelessnesss. "That's the Ville Verona." I grTeattirtortts bls duties Into p ,
youlig man bught to 'in-
lay. And
Jeanne smiles. one I have to put on lecord against this Ruben! says Jeanne. Who lives press upon the newspaper -reading world the Bishop Olmstead, of Colorado, was
"Because she may not care to be re. excellent nation. They are polite, up- theren They must be our nearest sacrifice and often the heroism that tba
minded of it, and-beeause I wish it." right, just, sober and discreet, but they neighbors," i newsgatherers of tbe daily papers are eapa- urging a rich man to eontribute gener-
ble of. The reporter is it soldier who never
the mystery?" man is a machine wbieli requires and Prince Verona." 1
, to face death in a battle or enter a burning; ously to the support of the church.
"Give freely," he saki. "Don't lay
"But, why ?" asks Hal, staring. "Whataa labor uuder the mistaken notion that "Oh, only an Italian gentleman- I
• aisobeye a can to duty, even though it be
"There's no mystery," says Jeanne, copious oiling." ; "Only a prince!" laughs Jeramem betiding or a night run on it loeomotive or
With tin air of weariness. "It's -it's "Bravo, MI!" stays Lord Nugent, 'Oho 1 "What delightfully republican indiffer- to enter a. den of tblovea In order to give yourself open to su'cli it rebuke as old
the paper and ita readers VT "news."
only it fancy of mine, let us sey. At at once has recognized Hal ae a kindred. I enee to it titIe-only it prince! And is ; Mrs. Simmers .got from her grandson in
any rate, venal pleage me in this mat- spirit, and has 'altogether declined tollie married, and has he an sons ?"
There is a general laugh. Se,a.nne, ,and they pares 'around the tower.
halTh'velledftoesou bilhaet rtoeldw, 'out atiat late our o eng .o
I a suickle, and fell over a pile of bricks hi nes, ;nausea, and a dozen other troublea
oil which I have consumed.
The man died at his pout traceable to bad digestion. One Tablet givee
instant relief. A positive and pleasant. cure
next to whom he is sitting, pats his qs'ood. boy," says .Jeanne. 'But vslt• a dark alley, Injuring hiraself internally and
v dying from the effects of the fall a few
that nettyre has provided. 35 cents. -128
Better Than She Deserved.
ter, Hal?" call him "Mr. bertram, Well bale leo, says Ital. Ill itave another!
Hal makea mock bow. nced and dearly delivere.d. You'll ba pipe."
"The *wish of the Marchioness of in the woolsack before you are my ageei "Lives there all alone in that bigl •4r
s a ,
Ferndale is taw to her obedient mid if you don't take care."'
1 place ?" says -Jeanne. "Poor fellow."
bumble servant, Henry Bertram," he "(live u /31,111
s 0 mMa
ore, " says Vane, 1 "There's a daughter," says Hal.
7, li-A ..
says. with his old good natured leuga. ' "You said—"
ern Pot\
Jeartne puts her WM around his mak. "I am all anxiety to learn Mr. Der- "There were no sons," says lial, dog -
"Foolish boy! Good boy, too! Mire!. train's opinion rif the German society," I gedly, "nor fttA there. There is only
rut a word to anyone. You wilt see that • StlyS I.ady ',melte, turning to hint with one child, the Princess Verona."
Lady Locelle will rneet you as a per- Ler eofteet ane most enticing smile. i He taye it too earelessly; Jeanne,'
foot strenger." "Ile ie teiaently a la•en observer; witat woman-like, grows instantly eurioes.
"But why should she?" Rays ITO, pee- ; is your opibion of tie; fair -of our sex ; "A prineees! Have you, -seen her,
sled and curious. "I did nothing b: be ! - over here, Mr. Bertram?"
• Hal ? What is sbe like ?"
ashamed of that after -nom). I didn't : ITO', already tl.e maim of it dames!: 1 "I've seen her," says Ital, leaning over.
the battlement.
pitch her borea. dome:. did I? Weal. I rme, grew still redder encler this direct
don't care; let it le Its you like. !lanai • ateeme, I "How old is she ? Is she pretty ?"
mane of them eoming down. It's Val e - eleen't know,' lie (are al'm tot MI "She 7 About your age -oh, younger;
where are you -going?" for jestme aim ladv'e man, lady leuelle." ;about my age, I suppose. Pretty ? isn't
. .,
moved away tow:net tle elitirs. • :•;11P 111:1i1Pq, Slid 111P18 at. him eiteour- alio name for Irer; olio's perfectly Jolt'.
"I have forgot( en something," elm ,,eheae, ly. 'ter oyes are As dark, and, no, don't
says. 1 eetimige." she a. -s; "I never leard i think they're blaek--with loug lashee
eleee ere, of the emmelmia eerverite et, " ew onr 1.1•Nt 1)01. I had to dieeever that " that sweep her elleek--aiiii her hair --
for it, then," says ltd. "it'll Ian, a Ir •• '. tee of ywir swi 4.1,1are Me indifferenen ;you know that pieture eitiell Vane stem-
fot thorn to do 50:09.f 1,119'4%:' d'1,1 LI' '.---• •13.1..4 en I:J., -ieieible MO. I'm half ed 118 of the Itelian earl whom let saw
laughe. : ::1'.10,1 t''11t pal 1:, 1,-.• left a leng trail 11 -at Naplee ? Well, that ie what the prin.
:Mamie beeita i ee a :mere ni . rim] .. ...t., '..1, -Ii !win l .4 ri:Ait i amo mil t !te re :no - • tees et like r And fanny, Jeanne 1 she
tack, and, re Via.V. :,. '7' '. V.' I y do -ter .1,,. 1 It .t.„'' lives all dent' with the tad man, ber
armee eeme 4 (mei- Iter a• .:0: i; me-, • -,.' .'l ';',.9'. 1".eln, f-i•ilf if tm: Itetee' ","•.-es faille?, wile burns a Iamp in Mtalight,
and mitt mite a IP Pr.(' ,4 44: ,ft. t' t.i• 't . l, 1 :tit t.i1,-'ti. ; inlg,,C0.1 ..; "1 1.'12 la 0 11.11 P118 day MIA tight poring over en -
sten Mal roti.: e it. A, .•1.. I..: we .0 • :, ., 1, ..e. ' • e....; 1.:1-.••." • relee tied plots, et na with him and
1.11PSI yet, luta liel, woe..:•, me' e • - -Lei, .-1••••• a e. e Mei tie' hem', 0 ameten-fe led del! a i tor comp:own!
that be, tree 1.. elemeet. . 1 o :•••.' ... mime. e. 1.-aiel. -hoc,. ai•I . au el tel V.119. 1114' pi ineemt. I mean -48 like
atakiaele!! a %alit.. ' e tee 'et , i e: ;mem e Veit 1 eve la o • • like a flower, ail life anti Imbed-
Irat ig not a .,:tt:'•,,, 0-1 p •* • .:•n•:•• . 1 -.:;,.. 1 ..111i-1••'. 1 alit trii.e peel 1 1. . e, teeeparig einnetaitem and there elle-
but Ito is eta- . ! . :IP. 1Y,I. Vi.'1•1".''', f 9 • 9,.. ' 9 1 .s.,";.• .,,,,,1 9•`.1`1,••• Wiel'i9.1 li:iy, 1'a r i' 4113 111$ 111.1P 11 1'0:WU MI Wild bird i'll
lttitiptgitt!O a t'l'.:0'.••`. 2, .• , ,I0.•';'1• 9' 7.i1. P4911 '1”:,. 0 ii911 ice 1.:11 1 10831 v.1.!, ,., s ,
tie n 1 yen 0. te ' il 1:- :: '. .3.;,- ..,.: -..:. <- .;„. :.." • •• . 1.;. fete 1110lting al'011101-11S 11aS
1,1,i.1 lf,1...,.;.y; 11,i i...7:';'t.. ; • 1.1.• .4 44 '' Y.- ' V . "ik.:1. " ',.:r. i't rt." :1-„yA Hal, 'Lea; a 7 , '; ..1„: 0 1 lit° Villa, all OM the" oelf-
Imam mem ..:1.0.11.,•• :ma mem .,, : - i neeme et •• e. le., . eily 41;111 t., .,t, i ! A- shape .11y - In' :meg Jeanne's
neeleme 11 11,0 t,;!!;,1 t tpl ,,';: tIer ,, r I.! v.. 1.4..., e.,,.i. ,.e ,- 0 Is •„ti:1,11'.:4 erty a.. ritual , ..: • : . 1 , ...: bier with a lialf-laughing,
1, e; cle elm” elm! .e.• elerem• i 41.•.,.,.., 4-.• t-... (.1... ar el '49• .1.11.1 1••11 raery- 1..: „. a e le eramion,
elle. le. Melee e: 1. e 1:•11 • /. t,.l :-. 1,- :le, f.:•• ea . e . -.met • lee' 1,oeitine it ' -... - - '... y . ''ssilttst ftle you ntar-
self. 0:: ie he ee•a• 1.- .', - - :a .,I 0 c..r..1 — c;..... ", !Mei I. • 111.0"-: "1: peeileit 11 'ate' he' : . .
iiett aLottt mato tie. a el...1 we traieg t•. (ate 1 hie et •A lamalamicr la (n .0181,'.' t•butinued.)
t Bala.
"Old Mrs. Simmers was well to do,
but persimonious. She went to a
Methodist chapel on 33ala's outskirts.
She attended all the chepel's meetings:,
very regulaely, but the. sums she pet in
the collection plate would certainly en -
Editorial Explanation.
(Atlanta.. (14.., Enterprise.)
We announced early last spring that here-
after we would enly acept subscriptions on
O cash (money) ba.514, but the iceen weather
warns us that winter is approaching and wo
are constrained to reeede from our former
position and to say that we v. now accept
from subsctibers-etew tiled old -wood, grin:-
eries, °revs, hogs, turkeys, corn, cotton, and
other utue odds and ends that we can
get. but we can; no longer give town lots
as premiums to subscribers at 91 a year.
I3 OR Si ALI') PAIRMANKS isirrtov.
ed Vertical tiaeollite Naglne, 4 horse-
power, este sI e days, good reason tor sen..
Coe 414, Owed. Sound,
Direct. eurreta, 'tea 8 horse-0MM Ad-
dress Dos lo,
in effect used these words In speaking of the
curative qualities •'.4 South American Rhea..
retitle Cure -"My legs were crippled" -"My
hands were distorted"• -"My joints were swot -
len" -"My back was bent double" -"My pain
was exeruciating"-"Dedrkiden for years."
This great remedy has been the heaven-sent
agent that worked a permanent cure. -130.
Walking a Lost Art.
The elevator and the street car are doing
damage to man's anatorey. L'very elevator
boy can tell of instances whcre a man will
push the electric baton till it rings like a
general fire alarm, call the elevator from
the basement, get in at the eleventh floor,
and its the car -begins to drop shout out
"sixth!" There are busy men who will
it t minutes for a etreet car to ride
one block. As for long walks in the 001111 -
try and the exploration of fields and woods,
why, perish the pernicious thought! 00
Sunday, after a Week eooped up in the of-
fice or the shop, a man must spend his
week s Gamines a ug„y er 011 auto.
aven the tramp would rather steal ride On
the truelc of a freight car than be true
t hi n t e People ought to walk more
for recreation. It a fine way of eeelug
the evear-by coentry. It is exercise that
TWO SiX 4,01,,LARS 1.1111 DAY,
According to ability; either sex; tutroeuelne
our "New 'Oen." Free training: rapid ad-
vancement; new opportunity roma
Vile J. L. NIC13014 LIMtTED,,
(Mention this paper,)
-rX red, active, with ability to Roll, Our
geode aro wantecr 1:: every home Agents
make menee sellitem end teeir customers
-save motley t.uyiug, Tarte eevauterre of the
holiday season. Wrlto for agents' circulars.
The lteclgers Peerless Silverware
burs, Ont.
mattab TELOGRA.PIE sennor,, $
Gerrard east, Toronto: under Princi-
palsbip of sr. J. Johnston; eighteen rears'
experience; gives thorough tralattm for roll.
way maratingi catatogue free; write.
J_ movements; electricity, free courses Ix
anatomy, physiology; diploma; prtmpoctus;
convenient payments. Catutdian School of
Mechano-Therapy, 25 Charles street Tor-
Village Signs at Railrogiis.
It would be it good idea for ovary city.
town. village and htunlet along the lino of
any reliroad to put up a :tip or two some-
where in proximity to the railroad station
setting forth the name of tbe town and
whatever claim it has for historic, resident -
Jai aud Industrial interest. Travelers often
svonder, when it train conies to a stop, what
the town is that spreads out before thent
and wherein Iles its excuse for being. True,
the railroads are doing a great deal to ex-
ploit, and advertse these attractions, scenic
and commercial, of most of the more Im-
portant places, but it wouldn't be an alto-
gether bud Idea for the towns to 'do °little
something themselves, if only to set up it
bulletin of facts for the enlightenment of
the passing traveler.
elves s4vn1teth to thn .1.staal the brain.
TAEN'T apply Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal ,
Powder without delay. It will save you ---*Ar
suffering, heal you quickly whether yen
have been a slave one month or fifty years.
It relieves cold in the head clad catarrhal
headaches in ten relantes. Tho Hon. Da -vi
Mills, Minister of Justice, for the Dominion
of Canada, endorsesit._ cents. -129
Cow's Unlucky Tail.
In the woods near Kissel Hill Henry
Franke's cow was discovered with a tree
as thick as a man's arm attached to her
tail, or rather the cows tail attached to
the rtorrnee.
all accounts the cow must have
been switching the ilies from her body
wben the tail happened to encircle the
tree and the tail knotted. The cow
pulled and pulled, and finally drew the
tree out of the groune.
She dragged it some distance, when it
wedged among some bushes and she was
faster than ever. When found she was
lying down and abnost dead from ex-
hatiaion,--Lititz Record.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood
spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
stifles, spraine. sore and swollen throat, mmea
coughs, etc. ferve $50 by use of ono bot- V
• tle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known.
The Lazy T3aby.
Here is it curious bit of reasoning ea
the part of it little girl in a North of
England boarding 'school. The exitinin-
, er wished to get the children to express
; moral reprobation of lass people, and
lie led up to it by asking who were the
persons who gat all they could and did :
nothing in return. For some time there ,
was silence; but at last the little girl,
who bad obviously reasoned out the ans-
wer inductively front her own home ex-,
periences, exclaimed with a good deal!
of conficinee, "Please, sir, it's the'
baby I" •
Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to
wash woolens and flannels, -you'll like
it. 3'2
Suggesting Harmonious Costume.
(Philadelphia Press.)
• isfles Kairless-You've zeen that hest dress
of mime. Now I want to get. tt hat to go with
would What • I eat?
*Alla Sharp -Why not get a stench?
1? some people lost a treadle, they
would want to look for it ur hay-
. . .
of Silver ; ric2i n° "0.
t One Sunday morning the old lady For Coughs and
t took her little grandson to the chapel •--
This 8 -inch Fern Pot is
a striking illustration of the
• unequalled values Diamond
. ;
Hall can offer customers
' through having its own
The article. Is of first . i•
quality silver plate in
Colonial design of' hand ;
pierced effect. With a . i
lining of rich -colored .. ;
' green pottery, rt sells
icomplete for Ssam.
! And Thianlond Hall would
1 return the money if by any
1 chance you were not
: satisfied.
RY12111 DUOS.
I 134438 VOINCiS
Touotsrro ONT,
with her. The boy sat through the
service very dutifully. Ile watehea 0
everything with bright rind Itawlike
eyes. And be took it deep interest in 1
the discussion, that follOtred at tile ; Tbat precious relasaY, is it rosltho cure tor Al! fesmale diseases. Write for essertotio
farm. during dinner. a
t e-eiraullt tuld fre' ."rri
tD1('' It. 8. Mcar". Eilmec"nt.
"Did Lucy Jellee Wear lier
muelitta Mrs Simi:wee'. itisembter '
, asked. And Was the Brown.
, there?' and 'Did 'Mies Lena. Larkin have - use
that Johnson Miter againl'
crane the queetion:
e0111phatieally. aNliglity poor.'
' .
"'But, grandiatia Pala th T1t10 1:474
'what eould you otpeet for a penny?'
In going to above points take direct
route, TA•bigh Valley Railroad. rive feet
express trains daily, from Suspension
liridge, Niagara rafts. Trains Of G. T.
II. make direct oonnection at Suspension
Bridge. The Lehigh Valley has three '
stations in l‘TeW York notown, nts.t, all
first dos hotels and business houses;
dOWiltOWft, near all turopeart Wearier
doeks) wetting passengers for Europe a
long and expensive transfer. &Genre
rate tiaras to Iqew York et PhilideItkli
Milt Lehigh Valley Railroad.
They tire ot.sAN, SOFT, TOD° 11 and SANITARY ki every respeet.
A Favorite 'Brand is the
0 olirr °moo
Which contains 12,90o sheets in four roil ---one ye,er"..% t..: fem
the aVerage family
St'or Vtielili lave
Other well.krtown brands as follows:
in Roili...,01,50,0dar4,r 91911000 If orikt" " Ma tamot h," etc.
lid 5heets-1+41'4)&4r1," d'Reyal," 4,1040' 410tiont," ete.,
ilitiC sista Oa roInhatiit WOO* itlitOlttott"06