The Wingham Advance, 1905-08-24, Page 1The Winijham Advance,
• 32ND YEAR,NO. 52,.
AUGUST, 1905,
Son. Moo, Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri, Sat,
.. 1 2 3 4 5
0 7 8 9 10 11 12
18 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 .2r 20
27 28 29 30 81 .,. ....
For this small sum
new subscribers may
have the (aADVAxon"
on trial till Jan. 1st,
1906. This is a snap.
{210,5Lcat Items
Wear Greer's Shoes inul Rubber's.
Butter is 18 ets, ; eggs are 17 ets,
Charlie Ross of Chicago is visiting
his parents, Mr, and liars. A. Ross,
Wingham Rifle Club will practice
on their new range, near Zetland, on
Friday evening.
George Burr of West Garafraxa has
a 0 -acre field of oats which contains
020 stooks, 10 sheaves to stook, all
straight standing grain.
WANTEn.Apprentice to learn the
barbering.—Leslie Constable. •
Fred, Howson has been accepted its
junior clerk in the Gorrie branch of
the Bank of Hamilton. Fred. is a
steady young man and we wish him
Report has it that the Ritchie stook
may have to be re -sold, as the party
tvho recently purchased it has clisap-
peered from public gaze, and cannot
be found.
The Walkerton Telescope says that
ono share in the Henderson Roller
Bearing Co., originally issued for $100,
was sold to J. B. Ritchie one day last
week for $1500.
WANTED.—Good smart boy. Ap-
ply to Percy Hill, Wingham.
In order to be prepared to moot the
tremendons exportation of grain from
the Northwest during the corning fall,
the C. P. R. is already rushing cars
and engines westward.
The Church • choir and Sunday
School choir of Wingharn Methodist
Church spent Thursday afternoon last
pleasantly picnicing on the banks of
the Maitland at Zetland.
Fon SALE—A good billiard table.
Apply to Mrs. Corbould, Wiugham.
The Kansas wheat king is John T.
Stewart, of Wellington,. in Sumner
county. This summer he harvested
18,000 acres of wheat front his 125
farms, all in Sumner county.
An increase of ten per cent on the
price of leather has been ordered by
Ontario tanners. The increase is said
to be due in part to the demand of
leather for the troops in Manchuria.
Fon S.u.n Crimp—One good work-
ing horse.—Jno. McLean, Wingham.
Returning To Wingham.
As we go to press, we learn that Mr.
S. Gracey (who is in town to -day) in-
tends returning to Winghanr in a few
weeks to resume business in the old
Labor Day.
The Firemen are preparing. for a big
day's sports on i fondny, Sept, Stir.
See page eight for an outline of the
program, or ask Geo, 0. Il'anna for a
Baseball Games.
The Lucknow Junior baseball team
played a friendly game on the park
here with Wingham boys on .Friday
last. The battery for Lucknow was
Briston and McCoy, and for Wingharn
Holcombe and Rice. The result was a
score of 17-13 in favor of Winghain.
The return game was played on Tues-
day, and the score was 12-8 in favor
of Lucknow.
On Monday Mr, Robert Currie's
horse, attached to a buggy, was left
standing near the postoffice, and took
a rapid run by way of diversion, At
the corner of Bugg's store the buggy
came in contact with another vehielo
that was standing there, nncl upset it.
The horse continued his lively rim
clown street, but was caught near the
Brunswick hotel. No serious damage
was done. -
Fon SALE.—brocatelle parlor
suite, solid oak hall rack with bevel
plate mirror and shoe box, good sew-
ing machine, and wood cook stove ;
also other household furniture. --Mrs.
Orr, John Street, west.
John R. Clark Coming.
The celebrated lecturer, John R.
Clark, will visit \Vinghatn next month.
Ho is expected to preach in the Metho-
dist church here in the evening of
September 10th, and on the following
Monday evening will Iectnre under
the auspices of the Epworth League.
His lecture topic will probably be "To
and fro in London. A large audience
will no doubt greet this eloquent
Rev. W. Lowe presented the editor
of the Advance with a plateful of fine
speckled trout on Thursday last. We
can assure him the kindness was ap-
preciated and the delicious trout touch
Mr. Wm. Merkley, of town, nearly
lost his valuable driver last week.
While drawing driftwood, the horse
got into the date and was 'rescued
with much difficulty. Ile is worth
pearly $200 and it is fortunate that he
was saved.
Farms any size, quality, or price,
for sale by C. J. Maguire, Real Estate
Agent. •
A. little girl who fell through a de-
fective pathway in Michigan City, In-
diana, was awarded $12,500 damages.
The sheriff, being unable to recover
the money,. as the local treasury was
empty, has been ordered to sell the
town by auction to highest bidder.
Many a housewife will be glad of
this hint regarding flies :—Take a
piece of flannel saturated in paraffin,
rub it lightly over t►tutors, picture
and let It
frames and
of its own accord, You will not be
troubled cleaning these, as files will
not go near paraffin.
Farm Labor Excursion.
The Canadian Pacific Railway will
run a "Farm tabor" excursion to the
West, ou Friday, Augnst 25th ; see
ticket agent for petticttlar•s,
In The Hospital,
The Advance regrets to bear that
Mrs, Nixon, formerly of \Vinghain, is
in Brandon hospital, afflicted with
paralysis. Rer friends in Wingham
and vicinity hope for more favorable
report of her condition,
Manitoba Wheat.
• The Advance has a nnantity of
Manitoba wheat on hand, which we
are holding for a rise in price. Un-
fortunately it is only a limited quan-
tity, simply three heads, reeeived by
Mr, Fletcher, Principal of \Vinghaiu
Business College, in a letter from his
brother in the west.
Mr. Langley Dead.
The Advance has word from London
of the death of Mr. Seth Langley, for-
merly a resident of Winghanr. He
lived for a number of years in Turn -
berry, and about three years ago re.
moved to London, where he resided
on Egerton street with his son. He
died on Friday, aged 70 yrs„ 11 mos.
Do yon want to buy a farm or a
house and lot on your own terms ? If
so go to C. 7. Maguire,, Real Estate
Fromko orth a
N Dakota. a
Mr. James Anderson, of Merl, North
Dakota, gave the Advance a call on
Monday last, and requested to be
added to the list of our subscribers.
Mr. Anderson formerly resided on
the B line, near Winghaaan, but about
twenty yea's ago reproved to Dakota.
He Inas been at Wareham, Grey coun-
ty, visiting his father, who was in-
jured recently by falling off a load of
hay, but who is now recovering from
the effects of the fall. Mr. Anderson
returns in a few days to his North
Dakota home.
Drowning Accident.
A fishing boat was lost off Bay-
field, on Saturday last, and James
Ferguson, Wm. Bailey and W. Woods
were drowned. It is supposed they
were caught in the storm which raged
about that time. The boat was re-
covered on Sunday and one body
found washed ashore, supposed to be
that of James Ferguson. Mr. Fergu-
son was a son-in-law of Mr. Peter Por-
terfield of Marnoch, and brother-in-
law of J. L. Geddes, Belgrave. See
Belgrave items.
Unexpected Removal Sale.
Having to vacate our premises in aL
couple of weeks, we will. dispose of our
immense stock of • Ftlrnitur'e, etc., at
Cost Price. This will certainly be a
chance of a lifetime. Fancy. buying
what Furniture you may require dur-
ing the next couple of weeks at actual
wholesale price. Time and space will
not permit to enumerate the snaps
there are for you. Our new premises
announced later,—L. A. BALL & Co.
Friend Bradw in of the Blyth Stan-
dard is making a commendable effort
to give his patrons a newsy paper.
His office has recently had large ad-
ditions of new material,
includingudin a
power press. The Advance congratu-
lates Bro. Bradwin on his enterprise
and wishes him continued prosperity.
No better investment than to buy a
good house and Lot in Wingham.
For sale by C. J. Maguire, Real Estate
Some of our exchanges have report-
ed the arrival of a large number of
black -looking worms that have Houle
their appearance and are now to he
seen in countless numbers eating rip
anything green that comes along. In
appearance they are not unlike the
tent caterpillar worms, but differ a
little from them in that they aro
covered with white spots aall over -
the body. Some fear that they are
the much -dreaded army -worm.
Ctxn• a WANTEn.---In genend store,
Manitoba ; young man, with not less
than one year's experience in dry
goods. State salary and experience.
Duties to Commence about Sept. 5th.
Lost, --One ewe and two lambs.
Reward for information of where-
abouts.—John Galbraith, Wroxeter.
Wingharn Bowlers attended the
Goderich Bowling Tournament last
week. We have endeavored to secure
a full report of the prizes captured,
but our bowlers are very modest and
are not doing any boasting. Our rea-
ders will have to ask those who went
for fall particulars.
It is reported on good authority
that nearly 1,000,000 bushels of winter
wheat from Southern Alberta will be
shipped to British Columbia, to be
ground in the trills there. This move
is a first step towards a policy of
making Vancouver a great shilling
tenter, front Which flour may be
slopped to the Orient.
llnr.s' \VAx7'En-•-•At the 1Ipholster-
,_. fu� 1+'aetoty---two apprentiees to the
upholstering business ; two in the
finishing depertinent ; a strong boy
for the mattress cleperttnent; also
first -cities upholsterers, ta
r CLliApply to
"Wahlkot Clegg, ghatri•
—Apply at ADVANCE Office.
furnish a ho
The executive of the Canadian Na. they went to work tof►
tional Exhibition, Toronto, August to receive the strangers coming to a
20th to September Oth, have nutde strange land. When the reporter of
strenuous efforts to give the people of the Advance went over on Saturday
Canada the greatest art loan exhibit evening with his contribution, a most
that was ever held in America. Pic- cosy home met his eyes. Mr. Ashby
tures representative of the art of Can. had provided a stove, but the ladies of
ado, the United States, England, Ire- the congregation had secured beds,
land, Scotland and France, have been bedding, furniture, carpets, curtains,
secured and will form one of the fear etc., etc. They had cleaned the house,
tures of the Exhibition Mc -hided in
A Towii Now.
Southampton has become a town,
and Thursday last was its inaugural
day. Mr. Belcher is the first Mayor.
A good program was carried out dur-
ing the day, and bands played in the
public park. Stirring addresses were
delivered by Mayor Ferguson of Strat-
ford, an old Southampton boy ; Mayor;
Duncan of Owen Sound ; Mr. W. F.
Maclean, AI, P., of Toronto, and Alex-
ander Muir, the author of "The Maple
Leaf." A concert and display of fire-
works in the evening brought the pro-
ceedings to a close.
Nance Omitted,
In last week's published report of
tate successful eandidates at the recent
examinations, the name of Maud Troy
was ontittetl. The error occunsel in
telegraphing the names. There were
two of the same name, and one was
supposed to be a repetition of the
other. Both Maggie Troy and Mand
Troy were successful.
Win At Right Time.
Speaking of the patches between
Kincardine and Wingharn Lacrosse
teams, the Kincardine Review says
"When it doesn't ;natter much, the
Bruce Boys can defeat the Wingharn-
ites bands down, but 'when Fate
hangs out its red light at the cross.
roads,' \i'inghatn appears to get there,
Six games have been played this sea-
son between these two teams and of
these Kincardine has won three, one
of which was an exhibition game."
Fon ,51Arn.--A seven -roomed brick
house, nicely situated an corner of
Charles and Albert Sts., Pleasant Val-
ley. Apply to John Welsh.
Alter Forty Years.
The Fergus News -Record says :—A
story which reads like a novel has jest
developed in Fergus. Over forty years
ago Mrs. Martin Carroll, then a young
woman, was doing 901110 sewing for
Mrs, Samson. The article on which
she was working was a pillow -case.
A young man came around, and in a
friendly se fitc which es
Carroll lost her ring, where, nobody
ever knew. A new one was promised
by the young man but was never
given. A few weeks ago, Miss San-
son, in ripping up an old pillow, found
a ring which she showed to her
mother, who remembered the event of
over forty years ago. The ring was
cleaned up and taken to Mrs. Carroll,
who at once recognized it as her long
lost treasure.
School Board Meeting. •
A special meeting of the School
Board was held on Friday evening;
all the members present. The resigna-
tion of one of the teachers, H, G.
Manning, was received, and on motion
of Messrs. Griffin and Lloyd, was ac-
scepted, Mr. Manning to receive a suit-
able testimonial. It was decided to
advertise for a teacher to fill the va-
cancy, applications to be received rip
to the 80th inst. The caretaker of the
school also sent in his resignation, and
on motion of Messrs. Honrnth and
Long, it was accepted. The applica-
tion of Hugh Hamilton for the posi-
tion on
received, and tion of caretaker was reeety ,
motion of Messrs. Abraham and Ho -
meth, was accepted, the duties and
salary to be the sante as at present.
The Board adjourned to meet on the
30th at 8 p. un. to consider applications
for the vacancy on the teaching staff.
PRIZE Burma —We will pay 25c
for the beat package of Butter we
receive during two weeks, commenc-
ing August 28111,--GEo. E. ICING.
Thoughtful Kindness.
Mr. Ashby, a resident of town, is an
industrious young man, not long out
from England. lie cane to (i (nada
to seek a home for Isis family, and has
been working at the Union factory.
By dint of economy he managed to
save enough to send for his wife and
family of four children, and they ar-
rived on Saturday evening. A few
days ago a happy thought took pos-
session of the minds of the Iadies of-
fthe Methodist Church, and at once
laid the carpets, airainged tiro furni
Removes To Auburn.
Councillor Stewart is preparing to
remove from Wingham to Auburn,
where he intends opening out a stock
of hardware. Auburn is a tidy little
village and will soon have the C. P. R.
daily service connecting it with To-
ronto and the county town, hence
there appears to be a good opening.
Mr. Stewart has been a good citizen,
and we regret the removal of this re-
spected family from our town. The
people of Auburn and vicinity will
find Mr. Stewart a straightforward,
upright business ratan. His many
friends in Wingharn regret his remo-
val, and hope he may meet with the
fullest measure of success in his busi-
ness venttn•e. The vacancy at the
Town Council, caused by his removal,
may possibly not be filled until next
regular municipal election.
A Cordial Invitation.
The Huron Old Boys have requested
us to give publicity to the following
invitation :—"The Huron Old Boys of
Toronto extend a most cordial Invita-
tion again this year to all Hur'onites
who attend the Exhibition here, to
make their headquarters at the IL 0,
1). tent, 'Society Row,' Sept. 2nd to
Sept. 8th inclusive, No pains will he
spared to make both the old boys and
the old girls from the old county
\\'crossemgltatrn was billed to play with
the St. Mary's Alert lacrosse team for
the semi-finals, and they play Wednes-
day afternoon, as we go to press,
hence report ;must be held over until
next week. The return game will be
played, in \Vingbam on the 88th inst.,
and will be quite an attraction. By
the way, that is the day of the eclipse
of the sun, and this may be a favora-
ble omen for our boys. We expect
them to put a total eclipse upon the
hopes of their opponents from St.
Marys. Still, it might possibly work
the other way, but we hope not. St.
Marys recently defeated Seaforth and
are winners of their district, Hence
they are locked with 'Wingharn, the
champions of this district, for the
semi-finals. The game on the 30th
will no doubt draw many spectators
from a distance.
Death Of.
M rs Smith.
After a protracted and painful ill-
ness, Mrs. Hiram Smith, of Lower
Wingharn, passed away early on Mon-
day last. Deceased was born near
Picton, Ontario, and in that vicinity
was married to her now bereft hus-
band forty-three years ago. Some two
or three years later they removed to
the township of Morris; they also re-
sided at St, Helens, and for a time in
Huron township. A few years ago
they retired to a quiet home in Wing.
ham Town Plot. For the past three
years Mrs. Smith has been in failing
health, and in June last passed safely
through an operation for the removal
of a tumor. Since then she has been
gtadnally becoming weaker, until her
spirit took its flight. Her intense suf-
ferings were borne with Christian for-
titude, and she leaves behind her a
testimony that she has gone to a bet-
ter hone. Besides her bereaved hus-
band, she leaves one daughter, Mrs.
Robt. Groves, and two sons—Mortimer
of Wisconsin, and Edwin of Wing -
ham. The funeral took place on Tues-
day to Wingham cemetery, her pas-
tor, Rev. Dr. Gandy, conducting the
burial service at the home and grave.
Sick headache results from a dis-
ordered condition of the stomach and
is quickly cured by Chtunberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale
by all druggists.
Unlawful Assembling.
This was the charge laid against a
number of young men, and ventilated
before Police Magistrate Morton, one
day last week, It appears, that a
young girl, who lives near the out-
skirts of the town, and whose char-
acter has not always been above sus-
picion, was coming in emptily with
a, young man, to Winghnant to attend
the meeting of the Salvation Army.
A number of young Wren gathered,
and by references to the past,. and in
other ways, ;mule it very disagreeable
for the yoking couple. After the meet-
ing, they again assembled, and it is
said followed the two home, insulting
them on the way, and even attempt-
ing (it is claimed) to throw the girl
over the bridge ; later on, it is said,
the house was stoned. Very serious
charges night have been laid, but it
Was decided to make it "unlawful as-
sembling"; Crown Attorney Seager,
of Goderich, was present in the in•
terests of the Crown. The result was
that four who put in the plea, of
guilty were adjudged to pay costs,
and the cases against five others, who
were slot active participants in the
racket, were withdrawn for the pres-
ent. The whole bunch may consider
themselves fortunate, 'We withhold
names this time, in
the hope that
none concerned is these nasty affairs
Miss Lizzie Green is visiting friends
in Ripley.
John Swarts has
from Brandon.
Harald Buchanan is Holidaying with
Patkdale friends,
Mrs. Pere/ hill spent part of this
in Luc -n .
returned home
week owLuc
Anson Robinson is home front Rim•
coe o Isisholidays.
Mise Ada Oldfield spent two weeks
in East Wawanosh.
Miss McKinnon of Toronto is the
guest of Miss. Robinson.
Robs. Carruth of Toronto is renew-
ing acquaintances in town.
Miss Edith Hall is visiting friends
in Owen Sound and Arran.
Miss Vogt of Detroit was the gnest
of the Misses Forbes this week.
Miss Ethel Elliott and Miss Eva Ohl -
field are visiting friends in Culross.
Miss Bissette of Kincardine was a
visitor last week at Conductor Quirk's.
Miss Johnston of Clinton is the
.guest of the Misses Agnew this week.
Miss Edith Hall is spending a couple
of weeks with Owen Sound and Tara
W, T. Mitchell of Tnruberry spent
Sunday and Monday with friends in
Miss Smyth of Rydal Bank, Al-
goma, has been visiting friends in
this '
tis vici nnty.
Mrs. Esty and daughter, Byrde,
of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hamilton of Bea-
ver Dam, Wis., are visiting friends in
town for a few weeks.
Miss Ethel C. Clegg of Brandon,
Man., is visiting Mrs. James Armour
and other friends in town•
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Leishman of
East Wawanosh spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gordon returned
Saturday from a much-needed and
enjoyed holiday in Muskoka.
Miss Devlin returned to her hone
in Dundalk Monday, after a month's
visit to her niece, Mrs. Phalen.
Mrs. (neo. Johnston of Arthur re-
turned home last week, after a short
visit to her brother, Jas. Phalen.
A little forethought may save you
no end of trouble. Anyone who snakes
it a rule to keep ('hanrberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at
hand knows this to be a fact. For
sale by all druggists.
A special sleeting of the Town
Council was held on Friday evening ;
all the inembers were present except
Coun. Armstrong.
Tenders for the flume were received
as follows :--From R. Whitelaw, of
Woodstock, and the Hunter Bridge
and Boiler Co., Kincardine, for a steel
fltune; from P. 0. Macdonald, F. Gut-
teridge and W. H. Green for a cement
11 la
Hanle. These were a c sly considered.
The amount available by the By-law
for the flume would not permit of the
installation of a steel mme at the
prices asked, so the proposition was
dismissed. For the cement flume, W.
H. Green, of \Vingllaup, submitted
not only the Iowest, but the most
comprehensive and satisfactory ten-
der. He osiers to build the cement
flame seven feet in diameter (one foot
larger than specifications), do all exca-
vating, filling in, snaking connection
with power -house, man -hole. valve,
etc., asking no money until the work
is all clone and tested, for the suns of
$1,350 ; work guaranteed,
On motion of Coons. Bennett atul 1).
Ben, the contract for the flume was
awarded. to W. 1i. Green, as per Isis
The proposed agreement with the
Bell Telephone Co. then carne up for
discussion. Conn. Greer has held for
some time that the town was entitled
to some renumeration for the use of
the streets by the Company. ('olltn.
VanStone has supported Mr. Career's
contention, especially as the Council
thought that the town paid full valise,
f tot fire
' more for the alarm system.
relic. t
The matter has thus been kept pt before
the Council for some time, and the re -
will ever be heard of again in such suit is that an agreement was submit-
coniteCti011; we hake they will take ted: by which the Bell Telephone Co.
the warning given by the Police is *teen the franchise of tate streets
ttltel` Certain t'estrictiotte, for five
Magistrate s leniency. The girl re- y eaars from July Tst, 1011+5, for x;100 per
ferrets to may not have always done Annum, the Co. agreeing to give gond
Light, but claims she is now trying to service, and not to increase the rates
lead a better life. By all means give daring the tarn.
her a chance. In this wicked world, If we mistake not, it was the Ad-
vance that first called the attention of
there are too many to help lead a soul the °outsell to the feet that other
the price for general admission. By tare, hong the curtains, prepared the in the downward path, and far too towns, no larger than Wingham, were
p g beds, supplied tate pantry, and spread ,
the satrno token, no extrr, charge win supplied 1 Y 1 few to speak an encouraging word receiving a consideration for the usC
be made to hoar the band of the Irish the table for the strangers, weary or make an effort to help the weak of their streets by the Telephone Co.,
Lardse tvitlr their long voyage and the rail- and ming one on to the right path, better off (hyltllat: tc�rtlaer� will be $a0(t
Von ,SALE. --A eoinfortahle house way travel front Montreal. When The least the world can do is to give After the- proposed agreement had
a c situated on corner of John Mrs. •Ashby and the children had or -
thorn a chance. The Crown Attorney been scout and considered, it was
n l lot, t rived and had partaken of the refresh- ave Count Constable Phippen credit moved byCaun. Greer, seconded
and Frances sttcefs; hard and soft 1g• y by
water. "Terms on application to the tient provided, the little secret was for his handling of the case. Many 'Coon. VnnStone, and carried 'anent -
undersigned on the premises.—Mits. given away, and tears of gratitude be- ire quirk to flncl fault, but •we •are ntotsiy— Tlutt the agreement with the
Jot w E5tRIk`F gar to tipsy, assuring the Indies that informed that since Mr. Phip}pen's Bell Telephone Co. he accepted.
Mrs, Glendenning, who is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Forbes, in Blen-
heim, is much improved in health.
Mr. aucl Mrs. John Law of Sarnia,
who have been visiting their son
Robert, of the Northern Navigation
Co., Collingwood, are visiting friends
and relatives in town at present,
I+'oi' the first time in History, a their kindness was appreeieted by the appointment, the law its more than Considerable infers mal discusion
took tlact, upon the Chief mud his x
bishop of the C'hurck of England has recipients. Nor was the happiness rine instance has been enforced in that ties, also upon the use of the Cpasetnettt
patd is visit to the English Wesleyan one-sided, for the ladles experienced corner of Turnberry. There is less of the Town Hall tis storage by parties
Conforetnee. This was the Bishop of the sincere pleasure that comes from rapid driving over the bridge, less unauthorized by the Council; these
Ilria'tol, who attended the recent Wes- marking others happy. The contribu- Sunday fishing, stud as for gypsies, 'tatters will reeeive attention froth
leyan 'Conference held in that city. tions and the work necessary tom;Lke they give the Pints a, wide berth, she Executive.
Ile addressed the Conference in most the little home ready for the reception
Conn. iiroor moved, seconded by
sympathetic terms in which he ex• of the strangers, were what might be D
u, Ovue,
of Landon, Sur
geon`fits Co
nn. Vtu'
—That the
pressed the hope Glatt IL mighttermed 1taettCa1 Christianity, Would (lasses properly. 1.'retts diseases nvu, this Council be tendered t`e`nfi
tan, ,ts;., 'noway. Office .w\rKfb ham Advancekind ltSctta
be effected between the \osleyats there was more of it in this sometimes bote
drug slam, Wickham, TtuE9- tion of a motion pad for each Council -
and the Establishment, cold and unsympathetic woilil, n yt, Sept, 19; House 1.I to 0, 1or•r-carried.
To Live bong,
According to Sir James Sawyer, the
secret of longevity consists In paying
attention to a number of small details,
Among these are the following :«--
First, eight hours' sleep. Second,
sleep on the right side. Third, keep.
the bedroom window open all night.
Fourth, have a gnat to the bedroom
door. Fifth, do not have the bedstead
against the wall. Sixth, no cold tnh
in the morning hist a bath at the tem-
perature of the body. Seventh, before exer-
ci e e br akf s
s breakfast. t, Fighth, eat
little meat and see that it is well
cooked. Ninth, for adults, drink no
:Wilk. Tenth, eat plenty of fat to feed
the cells which destroy disease germs,
Eleventh, avoid intoxicants, which
destroy these cells, Twelfth, daily
exercise in the open air. Thirteenth,
allow no pet animals in living rooms ---
they are apt to carry about disease
germs, Fourteenth, live in the coun-
try if possible. Fifteenth, watch the
three D's—drinking water, damp a,nd
drains. Sixteenth, change of occupa-
modate our country customers, and
those wanting meat for threshings,
etc., our shop will be open every even-
ing until 0 pan.—Thos, T. Field.
Misses Bina Johnston and Myrtle
Fortune, of Sault Ste. Marie, have re-
turned home after spending a few
months with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Breen, and other relatives.
Miss Belle Watson of Pontiac,
Mich., was the guest of her sister,
Airs. Wm. Mitchell of Tnrnberry, last
Miss R. Redfern, of Albany, New
York, and Miss M. \Vi htnu n of
Philadelphia, are guests of Mrs. (Rev.)
Mr, Edwin Clarke, of the Marshall
Field R. Co., Chicago, is spending a
week's vacation with his cousin, N.
Reginald Fletcher.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell of Turn -
berry visited Mrs. Mitchell's parents,
Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Watson of Pon-
tiac, Mich., last week.
Mrs. T. L. Jobb and daughter, Miss
Dolly, are spending at couple of weeks
with relatives at Williscroft and Men -
Chas. Barber, who has been visiting
at his home home for the past two
weeks, returned to Pilot Mound, Man.,
this week.
Dry. Bethune, 1Kennedy and Tarn-
lvn attended the funeral of the late
1h•. Gillies, Teeswater, on Thursday
Wm. Snell and daughter, of Toledo,
Ohio, have been visiting Air. Snell's
parents in Wingham for the past
firs. and Miss Orr, of John street,
intend leaving town shortly ; they
will spent d the winter in a milder
Messrs. W. L. and Chas. McKinnon,
of McMaster College and Woodstock
College respectively, assisted in the
Baptist Church services on Sunday.
Miss E. Deverill of Dundalk, Miss
N. McAuliffe, Syracuse, N. Y., and
Mr. \Vm. Phalen of Toronto, spent at
few days last week at Mr, .Tames
Mr. and Mrs. F. Cr. Sperling, Miss
and Master Frankie, accou
ned by \I. Young of Myth, took a
pleasant driving trip of a few days,
visiting at VI roxeter, Lakelet and
Mrs. C. J. Reading and daughter
Allio are rusticating at Pine Point, on
f oke Intron, and getting rid of the
dregs of that annoying trouble, the
whooping cough, of which they both
had a severe attack,
Miss Lollic I+bibes has gone to To-
ronto Inc a few days and Miss Mar-
garet Forbes Ie:tees on the S. 8, Mani-
toba on Saturday for 'Winnipeg and
the. Pacific coast, were she wilt t•i•it
the Lewis and ('lark exhibition.
H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy-
ing all kinds ofaides, wool aud *k-
in 6rs, rubber, copper atus feathers Of
all kinds. Highest price its cash ;
if brought to arouse, five cents a
hundred extra.
• Every tan owes it to hiutself and
his family to master a trade or pro-
fession. Licari the display advt, of
the sips Morse Schools of Teleg're �phy,
in this issue and learn how easily a
ashy' and be �rtss lied it tcleg.
raphy position.
Pickell..''hs Culross, Aug. 20tht, Mr's.
T. Wilfrid Pickett, of a daughter.
ltnLty_.ItMortis, on Aug. 21st.
Mete John a daughter,
Just Arrived
" Dr. Fothergill's
Dyspepsia Tablets"
Another large order of this
famous Rnglish Remedy for
Dyspepsia and kindred trou-
bles arising from imperfect
digestion, to hand this week.
Eve. y box guaranteed, or
money refunded.
Price 35 cts.
Fresh this Week.
Walton I1oKibbon
A. L. Hamilton
At it McCall Vt<Co.
Druggists aria Opticians »
Yon read of it in the prin-
cipal magazines nod news•
papers all over the Milted
States and Canada. "Spiro"
has gained the reputation of
being the best Toilet Powder
to destroy the odor of per-
Other preparations may
appeal to you because they
aro highly perfumed, but
when you have used them,
the combination of perfume
and the odor of perspiration
will be displeasing to your
We have n new supply tyf
"Spiro" in 25e sprinkler top
boxes, and are now giving
A picture of Niagara Palls
;yell a'srthy of framing, is
given with the Brat 21io box.