The Wingham Advance, 1905-08-10, Page 88 rw1lM wwl+ II QMD se meissel 11 , a 1 A i 1 1 1 A Family Affair This Shoe Sale is a Family affair, because it's of interest to every member of every Family. It's time for you to BUY, and it's also, the time for us to SELL. Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls' and Infants' Shoes, Oxfords, and Footwear of all kinds. All to be forced out of the house immediately by the power of our CUT PRICES This sale will please old customers and win many new ones. This is a Shoe opportunity that don't come your way every day. Here are a few samples of our price cuts. Take note of them :--- 20 Pairs of Girls' Slippers and Oxfords, regular prices $1.00 and $1.25—Sale Price $ .75 24 Pairs Misses' Slippers, Patent Dougola and Chocolate leathers, regular $1.25 to $1.50—Sale Price 1.00 15 Pairs Boys' Boots in both Patent and Tan leathers, regular price $2.50—to Clear at 1.75 10 Pairs of Youths' Boots, in Patent and Tan leathers, regular price $2.00—Sale Price 1.25 See us for Trunks and Valises. W. J. Greer, The Shoer 1, env #11191131111111#11111#911 fral , FARM LABORERS'EXCURSION $12.00 Going MANITOBA & ASSINIBOIA $18.00 Returning GOING DATES AUGUST 29, 1905 Stations south of main line Toronto to Sarnia. SEPT'R. 2, 1905 Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north (except north of Cardwell June. and Toronto on North Bay Section). SEPT'R. 4, 1905 From all points Toronto and east, to and including Sharbot Lake, and Kingston. and north of Toronto and Cardwell Jct. on North Bay and Midland Divisions. ONE --WAY SECOND CLASS TICKETS TO WINNIPEG only will be sold, with a CERTIFICATE extending the trip before September 13th, without additional cost, to other points in Manitoba and Assiniboia. If purchasers engaged as FARM LABORERS at Winnipeg (provided such FARM LABORERS work not less than 30 days at harvesting, and produce certificate to that effect), they will be returned to Original Starting Point at rates shown above on or before Nov. 30th, 1903. TICKETS WILL BE ISSUED TO WOMEN as well as Men, but will not be Issued at Half -Rate to Children. 2 Tickets not good on Imporial Limited Express Trains. For further particulars apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or C. B. FOSTER, D.P.A., c.P.n., TORONTO, CNT. a•aaaaa.Nraa•a•aaa.NH•a a THE WINGHAM ; Personas 16usiness College a g STUDY 2 Mrs. A. Alderson is visiting Toronto friends. a PENMANSHIP—A knowledge of this a a study is indispenstblo to success. Bus- a • iness men demand it, hence no young a a person can afford to be without it. S • RAPID FIGURING — Taught on a i a system. You will learn to read figures • as letters. There are no two studies • so essential to a business man as good a • hand -writing combined with the abili. • • ty to figure rapidly and correctly. • a SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING a —We offer only the best course of • training inGreggShorthand &Touch a Typewriting on the best machines, , iRemington and Underwood. • • N. Reginald Fletcher, Principal 1 deo. Spotton, President, a 12 yrs. teaching experience O _ •tea N•• Farm For Sale. Tho east half of Lot 35, Con. 12, East Wawanosh, containing 100 acres; 83 acres clear and in good state of cultivation (50 acres in grass), and 20 acres good timber ; good frame house. barn, implement shed, hay barn sheep pen and hog pens; two good welts and good orchard; situate 4, miles from Town of Wingham. For terms apply to ROBERT SWELL, of R. VANSTONE Fordyce Y.O. Barrister, Wingham Dated this 12th day of July, 1905. FOR SALE. .A. small farm, close to Wing - ham. Everything in first-class order. Will be sold right. Apply to ABNER COSENS Row About Some New Window Shades The kind that will neither fade, curl nor crack, are what we sell yon. The spring roller is also a con- sideration ; leave it to us, and you will get the best —one that we guarantee to give satisfaction. COOPER & CO (Successors to Alex. Boss) Miss Lillie Nicholls is visiting Lon- don friends. Sheriff Reynolds of Goderich was in town on Tuesday. Miss Lizzie A. Meaty is holidaying with friends in Morris. Miss M. Reynolds of St. Thomas is visiting at her home in town. Principal Musgrove and family are rusticating near Whitechurch. Mrs. T. Hall and Master Earle are visiting with relatives at Ar'kwright. Miss Redfern of Albany, N. Y. is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. McLean. The Misses Sadler are holidaying with friends in Detroit and Cleveland. - Mrs. F. W. Galbraith of Guelph is visiting her sister, Mrs. Peter Fisher. Miss Nellie McEwen of Bluevale is the guest of Miss May Swarts this - week. Mrs. D. Wesley Allenby spent last week with Listowel and Carthage friends. Miss Houghton returned last week from her vacation, which she spent in Chicago. Miss Nellie Murchison of Lueknow was the guest of Miss Greta Carson last week. Mr. George Mason is attending the Harron Old Boys celebration in London this week, Mrs. D. A. Scroggie and Master Arthur, are the guests of Mrs. Geo. C. Hanna. Leslie Constable left Monday on a two weeks' trip to New York and other places, Mr. and Mrs. J. Alderson intend spending a week by the lakeside, at Southampton. Dr. Gray of St. Paul, Minn., has been a visitor at Mr. Mulvey's during the past week. Mrs. McLauchlan of New York is . visiting Mrs. C. J. Reading and other friends in town. Miss Rena Bradwin of Blyth has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradwin. Miss Lulu Page of Bervie is spend- ing a couple of weeks with her uncle, Mr. Harry Hinscliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens of Parkdale were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Bu- chanan over Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Bert. Ross of Chicago are visiting the parents of the former, Mr. and Mts. Alex. Ross. • Mr. and Mrs. P. Fisher of Pittsburg, are visiting the parental Home, at Mr. R. J. Bloomfield s, Bluevale. Mrs. Duff of Sault Ste. Marie, and Miss Mabel Miller of Bruce Mines, sure visitors at Chief Vannorman's. Miss Ann Bartliff of (.Tinton and Miss Lulu Symonds of Goderich are guests of Miss Freda VanStone, Mrs. Mason returned to London on Monday, after visiting for a couple of weeks with her son, Mr. Geo, Mason, Miss LizzieHomnth, who hae spent the past month at her home on the B line, returned to Hamilton this week. Mrs. Reading returned to Toronto ) this week, after a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and MrS, D. M. Gor- don. Mrs, Thomas DORM and sols Peter THE WINDHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, AUtiUST 10, 1905,. • were in Dundalk a few ditys last week, on aeconitt of .the illness of Mrs. Dean's father, bur. Anderson. Mrs. George 1)iekson and Mr, Wm, Dicksuu of McKillop, rout Mr. Van - Camp h 1 ofMorris,s . u were ue, t. at Dt ' S t 1 1g , Tuesday, FleetJ ?s on Miss Maud Welsh of Winnipeg spent a few days at. her home in town. this week, bliss Welsh cam clown on the London Old Boys' excursion. Miss E. P. Hunt, of the teaching staff of the Wingham Business Col- lege, returned to town on Monday after spending the past week at her home in Brantfotcl. 1 bt Ch 'dews Mr. Geo. Mason will have charge of the service at Jamestown next Sun- day evening. The Advocate says that thirty min- isters have made application for a call to the pastorate of Knox church, lllitchell. Rev. Dr. Gundy conducted Sacra- mental services in Kincardine last Sunday. Mr. Stevens of Parkdale ad- dressed the Methodist congregation in Wingham. The Rev. Mr. Radford of Delmore is enjoying a vacation. During bis absence extensive improvements will be made on McIntosh church. The congregations have increased since Mr. Radford has had charge. Next Sunday the pastor will preach in the Methodist church in the morn- ing, and Rev. Thos. Edwards of Al- liston, in the evening. There will be a reception at the morning service, and those having letters of Member- ship are requested to hand them to the pastor. WINGUAM TOWN COUNCIL. The regular monthly meeting of the Council was held on Monday, August 7th ; all the members present; minutes of last monthly and special meeting read and approved. R. A. Graham and T, Gregory asked for the construction of 26 rods of ditch on south side of Diagonal street, to prevent water from flowing over their crop, and estimated the cost at about $15—referred to street committee. Mr. Howson called attention to the leakage in the flume and in the dam— referred to Waterworks committee. The Finance Committee reported in favor of payment of the following accounts :— James Plenty, D. R. 0 $ 3 00 J. B. Cummings, " 3 00 " poll room 2 00 .T. B. Ferguson, salary 45 00 postage 100 D. R. O 3 00 W. Mitchell, D. R. 0 3 00 John Lougheed, poll room 2 00 T. Hall, poll room 2 00 V. Vannorman, salary 42 00 R. Rankin, salary 5 67 W. Guest, night-watchman 18 75 caretaker cemetery10 00 Registration of \V, W. By-law2 25 H. B. Elliott, printing, etc 28 00 J. A. McLean, lumber, etc lO 0•t teaming 350 Bell Telephone Co 75 D. C. McDonald, labor 38 25 Brown Bros., cash book 6 00 Dominion Express Co 40 A. Posliff, teaming 3 00 P. Fisher, rent P. O. drawer2 00 T. Hall, advertising and printing 4 50 A Sanderson, teaming...... 27 10 watering streets40 25 Mrs. Bloomfield, scrubbing hall7 00 R. Armstrong, repairs, Main1 00 D. McDonald, work, main . , • .,1 00 Mrs. .T. Kinsman, nursing 4 50 Bell Tele. Co., fire alarm 60 00 The accounts of H. E. Isard, $14 for r vol and J.D. Burns for r sundries,vere held over for further considera- tion, W. J. Greer, Chairman. The report of the committee was adopted. Walker &' Clegg submitted a state- ment regarding first payment of $500 on loan received from the town. After deducting the amount not received, and the interest on $10,000 from July, 1904, until the stoney was received, they found the balance due the town to be $123.26, for which they sent a cheque. Moved by Coun. Greer, seconded by Coun. Armstrong—That the auditors be requested to examine into and re- port to this Council with statement showing the amount for which Wal- ker & Clegg should receive credit on account of the employment given by them to workmen daring the twelve months ending July 1, 1005, according to agreement between the said firm and the Corporation of Wingham. The said Walker & Clegg are hereby requested to allow the auditors to ob- tn.in such information from their books and vouchers as will enable the auditors to make a correct statement. Also that the auditors show in their statement the amount, in their opin- ion, the Town is entitled to, as the first payment of the repayment of the $10,000 loan made by the town to the said Walker & Clegg. And hereafter, it shall be the duty of the auditors to make such a report to the Council in all cases where there is an agreement between any person, firm or Company and this corporation, in which the em- ployment of labor is a condition to such person, firm. or Company receiv- ing credit for the payment of money or receiving other consideration from this Town—carried. D. Bell—S. Bennett—That the tiro- her for the bridge at the dam (as per bill) be ordered from Victoria, Harbor Lumber Co.—carried. A By-law amending By-law 353,'re- garding fees for Billiard tables, Cir- cuses, etc., was read and passed, chan- ging the amounts as agreed at former meeting. By-laws 531 and 5.32, recently sub - ;flitted to property owners, received their third reading and passed. A deputation from the Band stated that the Band felt viable to complete the Band stand they had erected in the park and asked it grant of $50 for that purpose. Conn. Greer, en behalf of the Band, submitted a statement showing the assets of the Band (which were the property of the town) to be $867.40. After speaking highly of the Band and their efforts, he moved, seconded by D. Bell, --That this Conn- cil grant the request of the Band for a grant of $50—carried. Chief Vannorran, on behalf of the Firemen, asked the co-operation of the Connell in the celebration of Labor Day. Y On motion of Messrs, Stelvart and hell, it was decided to grant the re- quest of the Firemen. Council suljourned to meet Wednes- day evening, as considerable business awaits action. (trey, Miss Berea Brvnns is holidaying with her cousin,. Miss Rvat Bryans. Mrs. Jos. Durgnn of Toronto, spent ,. a fc►► days of last week. - with •ikil llc r sister, Arm.lox. McAllister. a kt i, Quito a. number of yonng people of this locality intend taking in the S. S. excursion to Kincardine on Friday. The trustees of S, S. No. 0, Mon- crieff, have secured the services of Bettie McNaught, as successor of H. Buchanan, George McInnes lost a very valuable steer last week, The animal took ill suddenly. and all efforts to restore it were fruitless. S. S. No, 4 has received its new coaat of paint, and is Inuch improved, es- pecially the inside, School will re- open on the 21st inst. The stone wall has been rebuilt un- der H. TTyernnan's barn 1.2th con. and a new roof put on the building, two necessary improvements. D. J.. McIntyre, Attorney -at -Law, of Buffalo, N. Y., was Visiting at Ml's.. Jno. McKinnon's, 8th line, making the trip here by automobile. There ►vats no service in Roe's church last Sabbath owing to Quarter- ly Sacrament at Ethel. Service will he next Sunday as usual at 10.30 a.m. Miss Pearl Jacklin, who has been at home for some time past, returned to Toronto on Monday, 'where she will resume clunes in Eaton's millinery de- partment. The Ilisiop dredge has now worked its way to the 7th con., and will no doubt have an increased number of visitors in the advantageous location for observation. The C. P. R. debentures, as it relates to the sectional bonus from this town- ship, have been sold to W. C. Brent of Toronto at par and accrued interest from July 20th. Amount is $5,000. Mr. Vale, Deputy Insurance Inspec- tot. of the Province, visited theHowiek Fire Insurance Co. last Wednesday and found everything satisfactory. This Company has upwards of $6,000,- 000 in insurance. Miss Clara McQuarrie, who has spent the past eight Months with her sister in England, arrived home last Tuesday evening. Miss Clara is de- lighted with her trip, having had the privilege of visiting many places of interest. Tuesday of last week Miss Clara Mc- Quarrie arrived home from a most en- joyable visit of 8 months with rela- tives and friends in England. She has many pleasing experiences to re- count. Her many friends are glad to welcome her. On a recent afternoon, while S. S. Cole and Joseph Hemsworth were dri- ving through Grey, a tug broke in the harness and the baggy was taken to the ditch, throwing the two men out. Mr. Cole's left shoulder was seriously injured, he having been laid up since. Mr. Hemsworth fared better, although he had a shaking up. The horse was caught after a short run. D. M. Douglas, a former Greyite, who has been in North Dakota for the past 2 years, has' been away on a prospecting tour through Manitoba and the Northwest. On his trip he met an old friend at Strassburg in the person of Robt. Duncanson, form- erly of Walton locality who is doing good work there as a Missionary. Mr. Douglas expects to locate at Strassburg, having token up land there. We wish him well. Contracts were let for Grey town- ship bridge abutments as follows S. S. Cole and J.. Hemsworth of Ethel, for Forks Bridge, eD $3.75 per cubic yard and 40 cts. for excavation below - bed of stream ; Geo. Barkley of Mus- t cels, McDonald and McFarlane bridges, @ $3.50 per cubic yard, every- : thing included, such as excavating, taking down old bridges and remov- tog abutments. ts . A cement arch, cul- vert, sideroad 5, near Molesworth, was let to Nagle & Looby, of Dublin, @ $250. Above contracts are to be completed before Oct. 1st. :I: Bel more. Dr. Brown, Wroxeter, paid a flying visit to town on Saturday. Miss C. Barton of Toronto, is the guest at her father's hone here. Mr. Wm. Marshall, son and daugh- ter, have returned home from Ste. Marie. The date of the annual Harvest Horne in the Methodist church, is Sept. 25th. Miss E. Edwards spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Gar- rick, in Wingham. A few from this vicinity intend going up to the Summer School this week, at Kincardine. Miss Mary Hall left on Saturday for Harriston, Grand Valley and thence to her former house in Detroit. Mas. Ashdown and daughters of Winnipeg have conte to spend their vacation with the forrner's father, Mr. T. Richardson. The sawmill is under -going repairs at present especially the cider mill department, which will soon he in good shape, ready for an extensive business this fall. The quarterly service held lust Sun- day in the Methodist church was well attended. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B. A., B. D., preached one of his excellent sermons from the text :—Matt. 18 : 3. Mr. Fred. Milhouse and wife, of Owen Sound are visiting his 'parents in Culross. Fred. deserves credit for the way in which he has succeeded in life ; he is now a teacher in the Owen Sound Business College. Morris. Council met on Monday, August 7th. The thistle law should be enforced in the township. R. Smillie of Dawson, Yukon, is ex- pected hone shortly on a visit to rela- tives on the 1st line. Miss Sarah Skelton, Miss Susie Searle and Miss Lizzie Richardson went last week on a trip to the West, Word was received by Mrs. John Mooney that her sister, Mrs. Coxall, of Uxbridge, was dangerously ill and was in the General hospital, Toronto. An operation was performed for the removal of a eancer. On Monday evening a number of young frieticls of Miss Lillian Mooney tvetit to her Moine and presented her with a eholen phi ring set with rubies and pearls as a Mark of the high esteehn in which she is held. Miss Mooney left on Friday of last week on a trip to Onrithal Nebraska, Belgrave, D. Sproat spent (1couple of days in Guelph last week, lugsS. p\tVO rosf L 11o1n�d S .u ndayed with a a a ell. B7Ll (' P 11 . B C iVisiting ' NI 1r' , ►n..el , s'ti tingD 111111 Mrs, Jos, Bnuulon, Messrs, Breckenridge of bfoni'is are visiting at John Owens'. Arthur Brooks of Centralia Sunday - ed at Finlay Anderson's, Miss Hamilton and Mr. Hamilton of Marlow visited at Dr. Hamilton's, John Proctor of Palmerston spent a few clays with his mother last week. Charlie Black of Toronto is spending his holidays with his father, Thomas Black. Joseph Smith and daughter of Turn - berry, Sundayed at Mr. Watson's, Belgrave, James Owens attended the funeral of his brother-in-law in Orangeville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Flank Stretton of Brussels visited at Jaines Stretton's on Sunday. Mrs. Moore of Guelph is spending a and weeks itya,ng friends in Belgrave iuo. Mrs. McCune. and daughter visited friends in Buffalo, Hamilton and Dan- ville last week. Air. Robertson and Miss Gardner of Goderich township are guests of Dir. and Mrs. Sproat. Mrs., Miss and Master Hutchison of Toronto are visiting at the for•lnel's sister, Mrs. Jno. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison and Miss Preston cif Toronto are guests at Gar- ner Nicholson's and Mrs. Proctor's, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkinson, of Escanaba, Michigan. are visiting at the fornier's father, Jas. Wilkinson. Rev. and Mrs. Jones will he in at- tendance at the Summer School in Kincardine for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wray returned hone.; last Friday from a trip among friends at Dobbinton, Tara and Owen Sound. Mrs: A. J. Wray, Master Frank and Alex. \Vray, of Sault Ste, Marie. are visiting Mrs. 1Vray's sister, Mrs. T. S. Brandon, and nd other friends. Mrs. Duff of Sault Ste. Marie, and also Miss Miller of Bruce Mines, visi- ted at Mrs. Vannorman's and other friends lust week. They are daughters of W. J. Miller of Brace Mines, but formerly of Belgrave. While going to the lawn social at Garner Nicholson's, Miss Owens, Mrs. Pingle and her Mother, were thrown from their buggy by their horse be- coming frightened at a passing rig ; fortunately no damage was done. The garden party under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Belgrave Methodist Church, held at Garner Nicholson's on Friday evening last, was a decided success, there being abort five hundred present. The pro- ceeds amounted to $100. The evening was fine, and everybody enjoyed themselves. The Wingham Band was there and rendered good music, which was highly appreciated. The ladies tender their thanks to Mr. Nicholson for the use of his beautiful lawn and his services so kindly rendered. Blyth. BORN.—In Blyth, on Friday, Aug. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moser, a son. Wingham Band has been engaged for the Methodist lawn social on the 16th. .Tohn C. Brown has taken a position - at Kincardine in Mayor Cook's drug store. John has many friends here o vh ► hope for his future success. Messrs. Hill and Laithwaite have purchased a large quantity of damag- ed wheat from the ruins of the Gode- rich elevator and are disposing of it. Up to the present time the right of way through Blyth, has cost the C. P. R. $3,470. The village gave the rail- way a bonus of $3,000, which has been paid to Col. H. H. Macdonald, Secre- tary of the Guelph Junction R'y Co. Dir. Janes Forsyth, brother of Mrs. John Henderson and Miss Margaret Forsyth, of Blyth, has been appointed chief clerk of the finance department of the Dominion government at Ot- tawa. His salary will be $2400 per annum. For several years past Mr. Forsyth has been a valued servant of the Ontario government at Toronto, and where his great ability has been recognized. He will enter upon his neer ditties at once. His salary in To- ronto was $1400. There will be twelve stations on this line, and one contractor will erect then all, it is stated. At Guelph and Goderich fine new stations will be built at a cost of from $35,000 to $40,- 000 each. At Elmira, Blyth and Mil- verton the stations will cost $8,000, and Monkton, Millbank, Weisenburg, Wollington, Linwood, Walton and Auburn will get $6,000 depots. The work of laying the rails will start shortly, as the grading is almost complete. Mr. Thos. Sloan, of Redwood coun- ty, Minnesota, brother of Reeve Sloan of Blyth, and who left Huron county 30 years ago, has been visiting old friends in this and adjoining counties for the past two weeks. Mr. Sloan was very fortunate a fewears ago. A new railroad passed directly through his property, the station be- ing located tihere on, front which has already sprung up a large and flourishing village. Mr. Sloan has recently been out in the new Cana- dian provinces and has seemed some land in that locality, A Warning To Mothers. Ton much caro cannot be used with small children during the hot weather of the slimmer months to gitat'cl against bowel troubles, A.s st tele it is only neeessary to give the a i1d a dose of castor oil to correct any dis- order of the bowels. Do not use any substitute but give the old-fashioned castor nil and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a tendert- cy to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Chamberlain's Colic, ' Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy mid then a dose of castor oil, and the dis- ease may be checked in its incipieney and all danger avoided. The castor oil and this remedy should he pro- cured at once and kept renuly for in- stant use as 80011 as the first indication of any bowel trouble appears. r ens is the most successful treatment known and may be relied upon with lrnplheht confidence even in cases of cholera infantunn, For sale by all druggists, 1, rw.too . /. - Howick.. The Mogul of the thr'eshing machine will be lleau'tl in a few day in tells vi- cinity', Farmers 4 utve their wheat eutt aronncl lucre, but they cannot spry that the crop is at good one ; lots of straw but poor sample of grain. . Mr. and Mr's. McConnell of I.akelet• have received the sad news of the dealth of their youngest son, William, in California, They have our sym- pathy in their bereavement,. One day recently a team of horses belonging to Philp Zimmerman broke through the barn floor and dropped to the roothouse below. The team came off all right, as Mar. Z. says they were eating hay. when he got them, Judge Doyle held at short court in the town hall, Gorrie, on Tidy 28th, when the assessment appeal of the Dominion Express Co. against the township of IIowick was heard, IIis Honor reserved his decision until Dfonday, dismissing the claim of the Cotnpatny, Mr. Geo. McKnight near Newbridge, has the job of one of his barn, re- placed upon the old wall, completed, he having had the main barn and two small ones destroyed by firs some weeks ago. Mr. MeK. has also a driv- ing shed erected that will allow hint a little shelter for horses and rigs. Mr. Keesaw, with his well drilling outfit, sunk an artesian well for Mr, T. W. Spence on his farm 110x1' New- bridge. They secured abundance of water at a depth of something over 100 feet. Mr. Spence had a windmill placed over the well last week to be used for pumping water for a large drove of cattle which are grazing on the place. Mr. 1Vm. R. Johnston, dairyman, met with a serious accident at his farm, on the 1711h con.. a couple Of weeks ago. He alias leading a beef to the beef ring of which he is a member. It became fractious and was pulling him along quite lively, when he trip- ped and in his descent fell on a snag, sustaining inward injuries of a most serious nature. An operation was performed on him, but he is progress- ing favorably. COUNCIL MEETING. Council met in Gorrie. July 2211d' pursuant to adjournment; members all present, the Reeve in the chair. By-law No. 5, to close a portion of the road allowance opposite lots 18 and 10 in cons. 16 and 17, was read, and as a number of ratepayers were present to show cause why the said by-law should not be passed, there was considerable discussion, and a great many reasons advanced why the Council should not pass the by-law. After due consideration, it was moved by Messrs. Hainstock and Underwood that by-law No. 5 be read the third time and passed and forwarded to the County Council for their approval— carried. A bill was presented to the Council by John Adams for $1 for shovelling snow on the road for the years 1004 and 1005 ; no action taken. A communication was read from A. G. Campbell of Harriston, with re- ference to gravel baing taken out of street opposite Geo. Harris' property, and claiming damages for same.—A coinmittee was appointed to see into the matter. Mr. Heibein waited on the Council with reference to the hole dug in the street opposite his lot. Moved by Messrs. Winters and Hain- cock,—That the Council have a notice posted np forbidding any more sand being taken out of the road allowance and that the hole be filled up—carried. A communication was read from the Secratary of S. S. No. 14, Wroxeter, asking the Council of Howick to levy the sunk of $850 for the building of a new school -house. --Action deferred for further information. The report of the engineer for clean- ing out of the Hyslop drain was read, considered, and adopted. Moved by Messrs. Underwood and Hainstock, y M That by-law No. 6, to pre- vent certain conveyances from run- ning on the sidewalks in the Police Village of Gorrie, be read the third Hine and passed—carried. After a large number of accounts had been passed, Council adjourned to meet in Gorrie on the third Saturday in August. •I• Wroxeter. ' Our public school re -opens on Mon- day, 14th inst. Miss Margaret Miller of Toronto Jct., is visiting at her mother's. Mr. David Walker of Niagara Falls arrived here last week, and proposes spending remainder of his holidays here. Mr. Jas. Paulin threshed on Satur- day; he was the first to do so this year in this neighborhood, and reports a good turn out, especially of barley. Mr. T. W. Gibson of Toronto is a guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. F. V. Dickson; Miss Gibson and Miss North, also of the same city, are guests at "Catmoss." Mr. Jno. Hamilton shipped a car of export cattle to Toronto, also a load of hogs, for which he paid $6.75. R. B. Harris also shipped a carload of butchers' cattle. We regret to hear that Mr. John Carmichael, who has been very sick for the last two or three weeks, is not improving; indeed, it is said he has taken a turn for the worse, Mrs. Jos, Forsyth and family, lately of Toronto, hats been spending a few days at her father's, Mr. John Sander- son, postmaster; she leaves bene to take up her residence in Ottawa. Mr, Jas. Stafford reports the theft of 4 ducks and 60 hills of potatoes ; this is a new record for our village, but the mean act must have been done by some skunk from outside, A storm of great severity passed over oar village on Saturday night; no damage has resulted so far as we have heard, but the aeconpanying heavy rain would greatly benefit the root crops, which were beginning to stiffer, St. Helens. Albert Bell of Wingham, visited friends around hero last Sunday. Tilos. Todd left for a trip to Mani- toba and the Northwest last Tuesday. Miss M. Carr of Sarnia, is visiting her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Ramage. Rev, Sats, Wilson, B.A., of Glencoe, is visiting at his home on the 6th con. at present. 14irs. Salkeld of Goderich is visiting her daughters, Mrs. It. K, Miller and. Mrs. W. E. Gordon. Most of the farmers itrotutd here have their wheat and barley cut, and are commencing their oats this week. Nothing on the Market Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, This fact is well known to druggists everywhere an0 nine oat of t'on will give ,• tt a t}te' • custoucts this n'e rtratioti when the best is asked for. preparation Obe Witmer, a prominent druggist of Top - lin, Mo., hs it circular to his customers, I,a•yS ;—"Them is nothing on the roar- ket in the way of patent medicine which equals Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints, We sell and re- commend this preparation," For Salle by all druggists, .1..1..I..I..l..i../41.1..;..i..t..i..l..l..i«l..i..l..i«l.. :: Have You Tried .s Butternut Bread ? They all like it and :: sound its praises, Try •. it and be convinced. • • •• • Wo have the most testy, tooth- • • • some Cnkcs. Why sweat,. baking tills • • • • hot weather. Just call on ns --we Tilt • • • . the gap, and guarantee satisfaction, .. •• •• J. C. L,ACKII •• • NORTH END BAKER 44•1••1•44•1••i••i..l.d..I"H 1 1 1 1 so t - Farm For Sale. One hundred acres, in good state of cultivation, within three miles of the Town of Wingham ; first-class build- ings; price reasonable. Apply Box 15, ADVANCE OFFICE. Wingham. NOTICE OF CLOSING. • We, the undersigned lawyers, agree to close our offices during the months of July and August, as follows;—On Saturdays at 2 p.m, and other days at 4 p.m. Dickinson & Holmes R. Vanstonc Holmes, Clarke & Holmes J. A. Morton II To The Real Estate Buyer No Matter Where Located. I am absolutely surd I am In a position to save you some money, unless the circum stances under which you buy are very ex- ceptional. I can and shall make it profitable for you to buy through Inc. I ant in touch with ` ro. perty owners in evory part of the coup r and have on my lists to -clay, properties (both in town and country) that cannot bo excelled either in quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want to L0 building lot or a 810,000 farm, I want you. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer, (Office—Vanstonc Block, Wingham) THE NORTHERN NAVIGATION CO. Ideal Tourist Weather. Do You Go CAMPING ? Do You WANT A WATER TRIP ? DOES GOOD FISHING ATTRACT You ? Por Sault Ste. Marie and Mackinac. Steamers leave Collingwood 1.30 p. m., Owen Sound 11.00 p. m„ on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Por Point Au Barin, French River and Kil- larney. — Steamer leaves Collingwood Mondays and Fridays at 10.30 p.m. For Sans Soucl and Parry Sound.—Steamer leaves Penetang at 2.45 p.m. week days. Por Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth—Steam- ers leave Sarnia at 3.30 p. m., Mondasss, Wednesdays and Fridays. Tourist tickets at cheap rates to Georgian Ba Lake Superior, Dar',p rIor, and .ALL OVER. Literature and tickets on application to all Grand Trunk and C. P. R. Agents. H. H. Gildersleeve, Mgr., Collingwood C. H. Nicholson, Trait Mgr., Sarnia PIAt I11i1i111►I► t ' , TO SUMMER . AND TOURIST RESORTS. Muskoka Lakes Temagami Lake of Bays Magnetawan River Georgian Bay Kawartha Lakes Upper Lakes Thousand Isl'ds. Quebec, Portland and Old Orchard, Me., White Mountains. All reached via the Grand Trunk Railway the "Tourist Route of America." Direct oon- neotion with all boat lines. Tourist tickets on sale Daily to all Resorts. Pacific Coast Excursion. $09.00 to Portland, Ore.—Lowis and Clark Exposition, with special side trips to' Cali- fornia fornin points. Tickets on sale daily. Valid for 90 days. For tickets, illustrated literature and full information, call on Agents. L. HAItQLD, Town Agent. .1. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. F0000ec000ec00000000000ei * * * * 1a '3 'f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8 • SUMMER is Here, and I Am Here With the Goods The Largest and Best stook of Sporting Goods ever shown in town, Bargains in Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Lacrosse Sticks. My Camera Department Is Complete. Full instructions on Picture Taking and Making "free to a11." Buy a Camera from us and not from the dealer that simply "sells" and lets you do the rest, Take the advantage of Free In- structions rind make a • success. Plate Cameras from $1).50 to $22 kept in stock. rine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Try us, and have your work done neatly, quickly and cheaply. R. K IeTOX Jeweler and Stationer Wingham - Ontario 3 a• Of 3 a; 8 R 8 4. 4. 4. 4. t<