The Wingham Advance, 1905-08-10, Page 2or4tIliday Seitool. The roll might be burned, but the tritth
could not be destrovett nor suppreesee, -wee J414.49444444
• MI.
ilollitliattlATIONAti14110tION NO. VIII.
AVAIEb't 1.90tt
dehotaktm Uttrat the Wore et God.-Jer.
34: nee
lieneautnntary.--1. •dehinakinee great
txte 211:41"- 2-1. beteg eent --ezo that
le, might hear too roll read and
obliged to team ets eelltenti thrtattgit Mae.
CA-At-ha*tt reports. Teel: it Out., t'te.-
prinece had filed the roll among
ralw Qv. for %Ile -keep -
ttV:, eaterteelten---Great Ited
tient er apartment; fitted ter
the different tieZaSelli ef the year teems
in, Ittt. Ninth moutte-Gur December.
. •
heat tet-"Eltre in a brasier.. a pot made
0 eatthenvnte, In theform of a pitcher,
pewee in a 110110Wm the middle of the
tek Four leavea-"Colutuns."-lt,
the reit was of parelnneut at-
taetwel to a -roller it wood at one or
tatethettete.,.. Our wend rolume, that
evtateh.t relied up," points by its dero t
entitle te ibis eider form of boela-Cant. (
teut it -Ile could not tear parch.
uet, so he ex t it, Penenife-Serlben
kink,. teed. to hape the reed employ-
ee for wrianette and to make erasures in
the pirebneent-letb. Com.
ale. Not atraid-etontrast the humble
fear ef deseth at the reading of tho law
tn. eauge -tettU.nosed), rent bis ear -
omits geld that the hook bad been
test, Is eons eut God's book and burns
it Thrownsg, the fragments of the roll
on the fire, he puts there. in symbol.
Date rept house, as doomed city, the
templet aud the people of the land. tlis
eervants-His immediate personal at-
tentlaute who did not share the reverence
of the tv. 1%.
?Z. Nevertheless -This aegravatee
the kiog's sin. Elnattan-A loan et
first rank and father-in-law of the king
Ol kings 24; $I. Delaitth-Of this prince.
nettaing mere is !mown. Gernert:in-A
fertile. of the temple. a man of noble
lehaest From a wirtiow ht his official
'chamber Baruch read aloud the prophe-
eke of Jeremiah, and Gemarialen son
efichatals. 'reported this to him (vs. 10-
12). Made nitereession--These primes
would bare nided the king in followmg
his father's step. We leant the same
from tbe basket of figs.
2e.% Xing commanded -He was not sat-
isfied with burning the propheree but
21.43W" desired to kill Jeremiah and his
faithful seribe. Ile hoped. to put aa
end to suee prophecies. Lord hid thetu -
"They had at the counsel of the princes
.hidden themselves tr. 10.), Now, though
a ethgent search was made, the Lord did
roe permit them to be found.
IL Jeremiah restores the wore of Goe
tvs. 2Z -32l. Ir. Word eallte-That
W.3;ral was not burned, neither was Jere-
miah hidden frera the eyes of the lend.
tete Another r.t11-The entire Welt as
re -written. and this stnand manwriet.
se far as ean bo knewn new. in the one
we have to -day. --Stanley. "Diatteter
not nook-Yes:airily defeat. The deetruetion
of this book was a. great dints:ter. ann
Coneernino, ele. Net
-It isbtial whether Jeremiah and
the king again met. Note the contraet
betweenthis treeraly hardened. Emplane
kin.,beceimo well wroth 1--eiret God and
• 1-.e.
propzet, ritil the !:&:reti.:- matt et Gee
who -.tese. net shrink, bat firmly stesake
the weeds of Jehovah even in the face of
loth. Sene-ino. Wby. et. -This wae
desabt a.n metriat meek:age., weelet the king.
had evat to Jeremiah- to. frighten Lim.
Milne of Babyteem-Neleuehedreetrar. wto
had been knee* and colleeted tribate aa-ei
,gone. no ehould return and destroy the
lard. Boa,T oatt-A respetheari
of the propheey et Jon ii. I. Of its
freitiement reethino is known. neee earase.
"lee slept with las fathers" mean; then
he died AL KEnzs uis. en He was fet-
tered byNolataebeedmerzer: Clarion
ne. Day......trenht -In the east•
the therreameter oftea fates etetente af-
ter stresiown tsiten. xxei. Plaareetee
teenks it pretttabte teat the king: 'Wee
was beine takeet r:' ise:eine
with the oteer oar:tees. e1 n the.
ezearresee. and that his body vas left
the army tatereette.
el. 1wee pantsh litee-Re watt stair..
hie kingdom destroyed. and leis sze,„ eere
ried ehaenteteInebveam. The Inhatit-
mate of Jerrovelere were not efenzetee for
the kirees &Loot. tett for then- .an siezes.
They hearkened r.ot-They areelet Leve
been saved froea the teems-tea:el coid if
they had renerned. a klael Nientae meter -
&lathe: pm-lee:Moe
tel. Meal revey teiw wente-Many
more threat -entreat ef wrath etel '.z -
di the seeene roe; whiee
were tet in the fleet. ter.. sintet they oft:.
yet watktenstrare te.c Gel, Its w'rel heat
the farream sevea times ?setter.
"The king sent teelyeei t feteh the
roll" t v. aeik. Khan thougn ho wen tone
roll did rot heleng to him. Tlemeh reere-
areh of earth tee tenl na antitentet ovez
the inspired wore of eaneen. We he
no right to dettrey ulaat eltes not be-
long to us-. likesataee it IS taa:4-12‘as ha US.
Zt the
The roll was reneritteit and allergia 1 Market Reports
The burning of the first but relvertised '
the second,. A genthetian ete the street
ett ts offeree tinet. ne bruequely re-
-fused, but as the officer pressed hint he
took. it sating, "I shall burn it ae soou
tts 1 galenite lie kept his word, throw•
ing it into the fire and watching it burn.
Ati the thin paper Aturteat up with the
beat hit eyes eeneetit the sentence, "The
!word of our God shall Stand forever"
I the. xl. St, autt be eoula not rad himself
-of the words. Men may- attempt to de-
stroy the word of God, but sue time
-it will confront them, for it is a Utiles,
vital thing alike cannot be destroyed.
Abbie C. Morrow.
A Toronto report: The executive of the
Ontario Rifle Aseceiation met yesterday
afternoon, with Lieut -Col. elastionald in
be chair. There were also present Lieut.-
'ol. Bruce, Capt. Crowe. Guelph; Capt.
Mug, Bowmanville; Capt. Skedden, Lt.
lean, Ilanulton; Major Mercer, Q. 0. R,
The chairman reported that the preei
atilt, 'Mr. E. II. Oster, M. P.. and himself
had asked the banks to contribute to the
prize list, and they had done so as fel-
Ions; Dominion Bank $100, Imperial
$100. Ontario $100, 'Toronto $100, Com -
menet et'100. Traders $100, Standard $160,
making. in all .5700 cash. It was the de-
sire of the banes that the tyro shots
thole,' be mourned. Mr. William, 34ae•
Leu-sie also eontributed an annual prize
of $100, and Mr. Brough, of the Domino
ion Bank. has offered $50 annually for
encouragement of valets.
The committee deeitlee to make the
following changes in the eompetitione:
t taut& Cempany-Inerease the team
razet.- by adding a first prize of $30 easb,
ItInekeneie Matelt-Restrietei to the
active militia, retired militiamen and
school eadete. The entrants- fee is 7:ie.
The match will be fire l Thursday after-
noon. humediatelr after the Tait•Braeset
matele There will 1,e 83 ionizes. amount-
ing to $350. and is to be ineluded in the
ta,kitta aggregate.
The 200 yards extra series is to close
en 'Wednesday evennsg:
Considerable klieeteeion took plate, re -
gelding school cakhats. It was deeided that
each military discrot should offer the
following prizes. in addition to tbote al-
ready announced: No. 1 Dstriet, V..4711
2. $10; No. 3, no, xo. 4, m,
It was also decidee to increase the
amount of the prize,: in the original corn
eetitiou for eatlets to.,%0 instead of P25
The naftNintum age for cadets was
.1 from from 17. years to Le years. They will
aleo Ise allowed to compete in military
..-10,7nen genteel nen real renen or. ener
teave% he eat it" t v. Zen eielteiaketa in .
mete Irene. This as the ttae
Tinl• "deepeee -wisdom." Poteantey arel.
wilfully to lemare fats isfeettate far it
- •
The Week.
r , llitiraNIMIIIIINIammearama••
Toronto ranntra' Market.
The rets et grain cenunue sande and
ernes in meet teens ere nomlaal. Oats are
unohanged at 450 rer bushel for './30 bustets.
bteadS, loads selling at *11 to ;le
e. tea for oldowl ttt is to e.) ter new. straw
lir mat W. a ton.
Prmed hoge aro firm, with sales at team
49.7o, the latter for light weights.
Wheat. white. bushel .. ..* 0 92 to 0 95
Po., red. bushel .. 92 to 0 113
Do., eating. bushel ......065 to 0 SS
110, GODS% bushel. 70 to 073
Oats. bushel .. .... 45 to 0 00
Barley ,bushel 0 45 to 0 49
Peas, bushel .. .... 0 17:1, to 0 00
Hay, old. ton 11 00 to 13 433
Pea new, per ton 00 to 9 el
Straw, per ton..........1) 50 to 11. Ve
Dressed hogs .. 9 25 to vis
Apples, per bbl. .... 1 110 to 2 00
RSV. rer dozea 22 to 0 24
ereamerr0= to 0 23
Chickens. last year'S. lb. .. 0 12 to 0 II
Fowls, per ib.............0 10 to 0 00
Turkeys, per lb. .. 0 14 to 0 14
Butter. dairy 0 1% to 0 a
Potatoes, re r buthei 0 70 to 0 b5
Cabbage. per dozen 0 50 to 0 73
cotes', per dozen .... 0 40 to 0 re
Beef, hindquarters .. S 50 to /0 O0
Po., forequertere 6 00 to 7 tt)
Pa., choice. earcase 5 00 to 5 75
Do.. receiura, carcase 7 00 to 7 50
Mutton, per cwt. .... 7 50 to 9 00
Teal, rer cwt. 8 00 to 9 00
Spring lambs, each 3 50 to 4 Sti
Toronto Live Stock Market.
DoceipM of live stock at the 410marxet
were 63 car loads. conatesed of 193 cattle,
773 hogs. 1745 sheep and lambs ant 103
Trade Wei fair, nearly all the eti•riaas be-
ing cleatica up.
Prieea were about the sante as these quot-
ed at the Junetion market.
Exportera-Prices ter exporters ransee from
ento ta 44,60. ar.d one extra ',hake. well fit-
tshed load. sold by Crawford tt 1111nniSint.
brought *4.75, whieh was the highest quota-
tion given. The bulk of sate* were tram
*4.40 to 44.40 ter cwt.
Butchere-The best loads sold at 44 to 11.33
and one or two picked lots brought *4.41.
Iteitura lots sold at ;3.75 to 44; oonnuon at
41.95 90 43.50; inferior at 43.50 to *3 pa*
Stochers and Feeders -There was ilttle do-
ing in feeders and stockers. One load of 14
feeders. 1050 lbs. eaoh, boll at 4-Z.50 per ears.
Milkh Caws --About 20 match eowa and
springers sold at 435 to *45 each.
Veal Calves -About 103 veal calves sell at
*.1.50 09 44 per twt.
Sheep and Lambe-Expart ewes sold At 94
to 44.15 per cwt.; bucks at ra 9j 99.25 ter
cwt.; lambs at 95.50 to 95.75 per .wt.
Hogs -)5X. Ilarria quotes solcets at 96.55
ger cwt. and lights and fats at KO, Noah
market firra.
New York. Aug. T. -Jas. II. Cleary. a
weanhy real estate dealer at Highbridge.
was found dead in the 'vestibule of his
leorne by his wife yesternay afternoon.
His friends beliere that he was the vie-
elian of foul play. ackearklireo to the Tri-
bune. Mrs. Cleary happen&I to be going
mat and feunn her luto-aband's body prop
up against the wall of the vesti-
bule. She summoned her friends and.
after a hasty emeultation. the pedea
of the Highbred:en station -were inform-
An examinatien of the bode- showed
that a firaer of the left harei enwbich
Cle.-ary had worn a large •diarnone rine
was badly braieekh as if attempts haid
been made to relieve the riatee. The stone
of the ring was missir.g. ann. the pallee
eergeot it had hem reed, frean the set -
'nue; Berry ordered a physi-
Man to examine the bole-. and he ze-
ekeetee that Cleary- died frzra heart
Cruiser Squadron. to Reeth Quebec
Ottawa, Aug. Meatesny'es reavee
envoy. Rear-Adminal Prireee heals of Bat-
nenenog. has nremzegated the feetoeteen
Infzegrateren teei eieit of their eeeene
onteeer see-et...teen a es Ac.intlz tz.m.
UN Amer:ea:a mei,.1
oszneadreen left teleraEtnr to-dav and wee:
vont the tmeeeenaerailemed plentes: •
Aug. ne. teeenbeen. 23 doyst Seen 4. &t.
eeeran. Niel. 7 does: eeonet. 12.Syehaoy.
al day:10 Sept. In telearleetenovere 3 neeys:
anent In. Halifax. days: tee. fee -en-
•tents. el. r,.. .tleyet tett. le. New Yerke
Di days; eke. see. Berra -ell. tee klineso
Nev. 22,";. Gitezatter.
Tee tetneeren win en:else thetv
N71.1.47.1:71., the first (tontine -en ef tee Braks.
teagteip area Delete:I: ten seeen1 cf
tee veers:wan tine Berwick, ate the thine
the E tuithere:lett:are. Tee tetat.
dittanee tenteree by tee enteraterett
nee* =Sett., The Ih.ake fs being fitted
up kr is and rennet:lens. at:a an
rkertane. itttlre iee create it that
Rae r Pris 142t5
2",y en• empowered to :eat as is
"Mee-esefs envoy.
dere not eharge the trots.. - -
"He eut it with the tesn-knife" r ett .
In open delta:tee he tut the ran ene bern-
tel g. it was the extreme of ante:else EZecticns at Internat.:mutt Ccnventizz. in
ent.O. heel. tor vette he tut tee ran antl - Bestea.
Cheese Markets.
weeasteete-no-ele there were of:ered 2,29.3
boxes eolored cheose; 17,ae bid; 620 bozo.
white, 1.:51e bid; no sacs.
Stirling, Ont. -To -day there wero 1,1ri
eheese boarded; all sold. Herr 375, liagrath
760. at 1034e.
Fitton, Ont -To -day 1.794 boxes chee.-e
were hoarded; highest bld 10 15-16c. All soil
Peterboro', Ont.. Au. 2. -To -day 5.143
cheese were boarded; decrease on last sate,
05. lir. Whitten had the last sale at 10 13-16o;
17 factories accepting. The remainder of tint
board soli at ltrac. There were nine buyers
Leading Wheat Markets.
Sept. nee. may
No Aid for Town Which railed. to Sup-
port Library.
Pitttbutg, Aug. -.3. letter has been
received, twin Andrew Carnegie, written
in Ids eastle 119 .0t1t4lh1, in will& he
whistle to give the people of lieleeee-
'het Inoue; asked. for the building of a
eity musie ball.
The tut that Charles 11. Seliwab Some
eighteen months ago felt eompelted to
get out his cheque book and throw a
timintial plank under the Caruegie Lib-
rary here IS theliglit to have caused. the
souring of the laird.
Years ago. lir. Carnegie made one of
Itis usual offers to eicleeesport, to erect
a library if the city wont(' furnish the
site and agree to maintain it. There was
muelt opposition to accepting, the library.
The opposition refused to die, but be-
came stronger, so at last the pretty Car-
negie library was about to elute its doors
for lack of funds when Seltwab was
appealed to. and he contributed $2,500
to help Ma Caniegie's library out for
one year.
That year lute gone and the money
with it. and the library is about a thing
of the past. In the face of this some
town fathers a few weeks ago wrote
Mr. Carnegie to the effect that tbe town
weal like a musk hall, and hoped he
would give them the money to build it.
There was no delay in the answer. It
eame by the next boat. Boiled down. it
read: "Mr. Carnegie has no more money
to give the people of McKeesport."
'Denver Judge Tries Ne- w Method of Re-
forming Boys.
New York. Aug. 7. -Hypnotism as it means
of reforming boys and girls is to be tested
in the Juvenile Court by Judge Benjamin B.
Lindsay, one of the pioneers in juvenile court
work. says a stela' frora Deaver to the
Herald. Judge Lindsey Is taking lecitis of a
trofeesienal hypnotist, and for years has
been a theoretical student of hypnotism.
The actual fir:it test will he made at the
September term ot court. A. boy addicted to
smoking cigarettes will probably* be the first
subject. es Judge Lindsey wishes to aecom-
plish something which will demonstrate his
ability to assuage physteal cravings as well
as bring about a mere mental reformation.
Jage Lindsey recently returned from the
Canvention of Charities and Corrections,
where he met many phrenologists, mast of
whom advised him to attempt hypuotic ex-
reriments in the Juvenile Court.
**My intention is,' said Judge Lindsey, "to
practise so that I may become proficient 1
have long believed in tee influence of mind
over matter. Not that I am iccneee to
Christian Science beliefs. but merely that
study has conviaced me -that mind is greater
than matter and has is correspondingly great-
er influence.
"A neak-minded person is led, does not
lead others himself -and, though he may
have no bad tendencies. will became bad jast
because somebody who is evil-minded wills
that this shall be.'
. The child will he placed la a high -barked
New York 0 M11,1 0 511.1 0 93
Toledo Siila 0 STFS 0 Siqi
Detroit .. 0 85 0S8it -
Duluth 0 SOS -- -
St. Louis 0 511i. 0 Sri -
31iancapolis .. 0 SaNs 0 STts -
Toronto Fruit Market.
Ilezeipts were again /arse, especially rasp
berries. *which sea at Sts to tato. the bulk
goir..a^ at about Ze. These quotations are
the lowest of the seaszFn thus far. 1t t
said the factories are hill mg,. au
the Mot:treat :a, ts g,thted. bEuze Low
rriz•ss yravati.
ebair, opp- at, Judge Lindsey. with "eaoh cf
his bands in one of the bypr.oti.srs hands an -3
their lames and feet = contact. The subject
will then be stared a state of siezo.
whirh will last from ter. to fifteen minutes.
Paring this time the oterator will tts 90
impress bis thoughts on the mind of the -child,
The thzughts will be: -It is injariaus for
you to do thus and so. and, therefare, yon
must nctlo it. Yon do net ;are to do az.
anyway. -
4 -
New Yee>, iu. .-Capt, Warr. of
the s.tramor Caronia. in Fort from Liver-
pool. to -day. reports that on Saturday.
when 1.00e miles out at sea, the Urania
passed through the greatest eeectricell
term he has ever witnessed. An ke-
berg had just been r asr,e1 as the slip
headed Pato the storm. Sa chase wae
:he toog that a Polar bear was plainly
seen Om its edge art1 the paseengert mane
erap shots of him with cameras. Then
'the lintel died out wed clonds of inky
bezel:Lees rose. the temperature alreane-
cethe. frora the preser.ze 4 the berg. VI
elogroes and the wini rose from- 2.0
miles to nee =tee an hems.
Meaty eaeeengers remaiand venere they
eseetee wieness the eleetriral sterr,z erense
tiglatoingi9ssestr.ade eleztrizal onl
da).:7Liir.g, Eight vhieh nemost beireled ths
en:zee:ere Ile etorra brake zapparetney
Ere a eire above the caronea.
Tri p tz His Home Plantted, But Cardinals
nreaposek, Projezt.
e'err Yeeek. Aug_ speefae ceeene
altera Benne to thee Heraie says: -In
Vatizen cereees it is neserieel that the
Enent Lenentiek. lelemenes of hie tonee-
sec that he Es shoee'ong seers of
freneeereess oate enen a gti-Mt.
Lir tt.-‹...12. eeattr .:r:VI!.= to b.s
reeeerg ter Vezie. weenea cvernanstens
eon ;„*.e. been -eel Lee leave e:"let ceniez eie roe:Ye:ea an 2,
gay a vine: tee Veeelee. ezzereeae-ned ty
'4:rill Pare:he. Wen is
tett-en:Lod to a Veneer:en-1 roleenean when
--eever. reneenee
.117-1's reene onneet aftenea an
Lite esItzr:n+ tb.t fte
cf the. ecreinefee terel =re, aeenez
Strange Adventure of the Agent of an Express
.1. 51. Parnell died at Ottawa,
aged 07 yeare.
J. C. (latitude's, a polymer on 'die
'lemma() Island terry, Witfi relieved of
000 pielgonitete,
Sir Hanford Fleming makes the state.
Company •in the Windy City, pint that cable tolls on the Paeifie line
wilt be greatly reduced.
An inereinie of $2a,114 aver year ago
Clubbed and Chloroformed on the Street and la eletwn by tile Toronto Street Railway
earnings of last month.
Then Spirited Away. The Warren paper mills at Ranbsville,
Pa., were altnott, deetroyed by fire.dur-
ing the night, The Ions, $50,000, in partly
Pins Were Driven into Him Cut With Knives ilimilred.
and Hair:Pulled Out. 'no Jai) achniniatration staff wilt
leave for the !eland of Sakhalin on Aug.
Ii1111 entableth beadquartere A.lexan.
Chicago, IL, Aug. 7. -Imprisoned for three weeks in a west side rooming
house, with three thugs as his jailers, William H. Wilder, claim agent of
the Johnson Express Company, was tortured day and night by his captors
in an effort to force hint to reveal where bis money could be found.
Stripped of his clothes, bound hand and foot until the ropes ate into the
Iflesh, gagged to silence his outcries, the man's body was torn with knives,
the soles of his feet seared with hot irons, hot and cold water were dashed
over him.
Crazed and weakened by his trials and lack of food, Wilder was found
aimlessly stumbling along the streets near the union station on Saturday
t night. His memory was a blank; his wife was not recognized by him, his
f employer had been forgotten, friends seemed strangers. Only a dream of
/ horror remained with him, and his constant plea was that he be spared from
further torture.
.Only brief portions of the man's story have come out, but sentence by
sentence his words have been watched until the tale of abuse is known in a
igeneral way. Wilder is at his home in Downes Grove, recovering from his
physical injuries, but the shock to his mind may never be completely over-
* come.
IOn July 6 Wilder was captured by three men at Market and Madison
streets. He was on his way to a train and two men followed him from
the public library, where he attended a re -union of the Spanise-American war
veterans. Evidently they bad learned that he had drawn We that day
to give his wife a present on the fourth anniversay of their marriage.
t • . - - 1 - - - - . - 1 - - - 1 - , - , --- II :.+-•-•-•44-•44-4-4-•-•+•-•-••44-0-0-4.-404-.4.
Bound and Tortured. • know your game," be said to bis wife and
Mr. Donohue, "You want to tie me up
Wilder was going: to his train when
and I won t stand for it."
the bold -up men atno.tted bint. A let
ecetked with ebloroform was pulled •over On tbe train that bore him to Down-
his- head, and before lie eouel turn a er's Grove the crazed man constantly
blow from the rear felled him. Where i watched for an opportunity to escape.
he was taken Wilder does not know. ttereral times he tried to leap from the
When eonseiousnesa returnee to him. train. All the time he muttered of his
Wilder found bitutelf nude and bound, sufferings and intermingled his ravings
lying on the floor of a dark room. Three with pleas for mercy. When he reach -
men stood about5 and their demand was • ed his home he was put to bed and plae-
for monee-. The moiler that he bad ed under the care of Dr. W. A. Tope.
drawn WdS concealed iu the bawl (4 bit '•The man is in a condition of collapse,"
bat but he refused to give the men that said Dr. Tope. "His body is lacerated
intern:adore Ile was threatened and and bruised. Clubs were apparently =-
Then his eeverest sufferings began. PIUS
warned of his pliglit, but lie kept sileet. long
body is covered with welts. The flesh
the instruments of torture and his
were drivel! hew hie belie% His le'l--1 W" IS cut and bruised. None of his injur-
!acne:steel IN lel eharp knives _Fire was ies ia of great seriousness and he will
applied. Ills hair was. pelt -keel "I ana undoubtedly recover. The mind sten
pincer,: were itted. and through the sin- nmy clear up when his body is healed,
etant playeleal tests he was deniee food , but it will take a long time for him to
and erink. get over the shock of the suffering he
How he eseaped is not known. It is I went through."
presumed that the refiners finally fount 1
the uteney in the hat, as the sum is . Story Told in Fragments.
naitsine, ane that they then turned hint r Wilder's story has come out piece -
out in' mental and phesteal distress. • meal. Rambling remarks have been
The zall was LlUni I'S his' en1P1°Yer' taken down with care until the story of
Frank. R. Denolnes, manager of the
his experiences is patched together sue
Fixemen Chose Smashup to Running Johnszer EaTres•s C.:mpany. lie did itat
re„,mize 1oerwhom be ea," fieiently to understand the experience
Down Rtmeral. he underwent. There is no way yet,
been a misted einalayee for years. He
however, to find out where he was
New York, Are- 7. -Driver Jolts Dwy- terarel net talk teherentlt. He was taken. even if he has any idea, or to
er, guieing the three horses of fire en- en to tee offiees of the cenwany ant a
understand h.ow be escaped. Probably
gine 121 to a fire at .North Seventh physisien sentimental. Mrs. Wilder was
teen notified by telenhene that her bus- he will never know lumeelf.
Every effort was made to find Wilder
tereetnlate yesterday, .founti a funeral eand !tad been feuild and she lowered
during his long absence. The pollee
pnwes.sion in front of hint as he neared the searched for hitn and circular deserip-
the earner, and, to avoid eollition. he Failed to Recognize Wife. tions of him were sent to the coroner,
peeled his up so quickly that the The f xeizel wife rathea into the of- to the county morgue, hospitals and
inidele, horse fell. eke and then tunnel nide, ahnost over- other places where he might be found
Behind. the engine came its tender. come at the reel:Atkin of his cende either dead or alive.
the two horses running at top s.peel. tion At the beginning of the Spanish -Amer --
Franz -Eat Sully was driving it. He was -Beet threw any more of that water lean War Wilder enlisted in Company
rest 7,5- fee away when the fire horse on Inz," he pleaded, as she steppe1 te E. Second Illinois Infantry. Two years
went down. The funeral prenession and :tie silo. **For Getes. sake, Imre me of service won him a promotion to the
the engine were direetly in his path and seer.e. You are killing' net. Please. rank 'of second lieutenant. Following
an honorable disebarge, he enlisted in
Witecut a moment's hesitaaon he pleaee let up en /et
Willer- Its wounesoiresose. wee, taken the 30th Infantry, serving in Company
he entail rat esenpe a rillision.
eirave his horse straight at tbe fire en- to it carriarze, but he refused to step•inlo ' under teiptain Vantetta, an attorney,
who interested himself in tracing the
trine. Cart- Thomas Cleary and Ettgi- it.
r.eer Fitre.erald were standing en the -Yon are ping to Etac.,' azain. I missing man.
rear pplettforra of the etigice. Sully. yel-
ezel for them to jump. whieh they did.
Ilis hersee smashed against the fire em -
gine.. area the pole eat -named thee-az/a the
sreekestaek. The. big fire ere -eine was
zleatest'. eimeeletely wreeken.
Montreal Polite Reserves Had. -to be
Called' Out.
etele-nteszal. Aug. 7. -Twee htmdred ann
men. comeeeson of striking carwat-
ters arel syrzeathiners. r..a.ade demean-
e treenen :ea:oast ren-=ien labor in
frent of the GrdlremOr Fiats tale. after -
room and a ceseee-dament. entered the
toileing see ea -vowed. the. fereeners. int:
tee etneee. eTeee Greevener Rats- employ
En theer constreethen test rens =ere C'-
tarelen •=e -n than any ether haileeing53
the elay. arel are. the:tete:7.e. of -,eeee'ear:
interest eke the strikers. 'When the fore -
:ea= feorei teenes.e.ef in the street he eale-
sd aep the neelee resoneze of two des-
tnizte. reiea rarrivese cm the Kern and
nisnoreeki the er:110..
Vete mare Le-a:even reit:end lo tr...evet
zn an3 vas arrested. A treare of iTh3
burned it. Ile p.m-sr.:tea in the faz.z. r- rene=ated pcheernen and nine ell:sr.; was
reinonserance. The aet was sy7anneeel. nee cep „en eeet .eneee ee.e, 10......tnt5 aee lat:ezon e.eszeet over the beeilemer. rind it will he
A deliherate reteeti,nn 5 a pr: ,17' '!".
"••4 ?"..* erten;1
ton -...e. tome -eon. ..: - 77 -1721357 -%-?-.1 trill there ie ne furthor vi
truth tell toed to the venni. n t enc. t nee nee , Inner:. ttenae. ivCEDIsH cABINET
nhole of it. s H
-The king nonatemakeed. to take tner-
,litereataiah....reet the Esnel
hid then - s Lee The teene pertenetett
teeee INIzal gate tee went, lite Etty ene
peete rtt-re leyel mei ttenhest. teen ettten
is rat only a wereeter te teed mtn etz;
they to=z.ra taarg vonee and eneeens too.
pleete.bnt 0oe5 nenee neon 1e ra-
menet-re et.:„nt their Me is i ttttkeenest
in t,r nned. Ea5., eneroc: can fne.e.
him wheel Geol
ettatory they tanzett .a maette Nees
khan. who eternenteLeeed tee.= 90 gene es-
(taiiet. Ihe man se=ne.-396I: 77_
'Ito Lang, sant, -fit yen ale ret., s.:3.2
:nee." The men.
t-.11::51• f:--
:::at:e tee "en- eneffeeze e e
'Ito Tenn, tereeneey eeee.,2 -I -on. fee...eon:::
nozan eatenetty and tee.) fofee
The reeen roeeaed.
tap ken Lena eon conneet ern' Toe
Linn etell renee oneneo eon..
eon, ',nen.- too =nee oae-
hate been ,ezone Enene e..ernee nene font
nese, eneb te.e. •Yeeen tee
f2. -k r=: "
• SZ:n t90 17.! Is El: _2-'etj..
coeni nnee. 'Iree• tenor.
eenes..../ mei fee Caste:zee_ Tee.: eees nerne
enEetesa, Tile reel onettenete -2ans
eentne'elet90 tJiIt
attl hen tinnenlenn. .LE,E, •
en tee wietent zee tenetsetteaten_e Tnr
fes tee ateee ed tele
.. /71,44. ••-•••20, - 4 •
k. • -.- .
r22.-Tr2•.? bcPS"4/1 Z. 2
1. t....1?
- .tql test: etteetatare2. tu
Seth leeel Tenn -not El it anent: 4 --
eel en -en -fon ves reatononee
ealeev nee - THRONE OF NORWAY
44 inteeferenee.
3. T ee.:_oette. of eennaz..e. :nes ceen..e" - rzrox hEDUCESTRY.
1"..'::4111."! 4 s...:,:le:. -...-."-S 9- E-tOR IVILLLA-16 FAVORS PRINCE
,:".eklol el_e_ea 1,":::-4.7±:ae reemeze7t _oz- etzeeneen'enn. een:ler... -leo. 7-A -ea.%
le. leefele en -al. :5 Cenneze, tia.-2, szt.7,- -r,,-_,... .--;',..-v. - g e., 4 . r
. - ..- .."1"t" ea . .._ - - -ene ....- ,
t=-Z.F• :-.:-.."--1 17-1"- A 1 -1::: -*--.--`1'. -`:- -t.'-'' theteerse ei-me'tett. :1' Steen. teleet:^- -, C':::::-:---:c-u- -117-..z. 11-::1It all:''%'al
s _aff- t"a.:11f- Cr=faEa..J-.77.r..."r
4:7=5. It% nu- tete
- •• - • ^ 17.
„ - C. ten7;:, Men.
on▪ :zee-eon. 5 - aerene-entee. nen _e;ef • 17e _ - i t1:,..... re:nee...en? EVat",r
5.ete.:::7. J. Wee:Fee 11-n'ents ...I'',
Fil-ze iltn`r.-iti4. ate e; Leaetel
. enne reeeneesaisenarel, Atitias. nor te.vene ken.
eeeerelle'Rfreer CY erafZe 1"C- see: of
N eneo oe reeneeene. eee kereneso 11
tcl. Weil 3:41=1
Ift,-:_vii kl`.2.= Li Pi,Pr
1 ":"."1"..-.1.:- .:-_:n"....-:i?,!,'.-7-:Al
. t-7 Vic :. ::-...• ir.l==.yr ' ..,1 7, ",,,...:2.
i"....::::ZZ, ..r.:-'_!.'.!:••,.tV_=:..." "-;.12 -
f --"Z •;7...r2.2411E7
t :21'1' '.17:.17..1.!21 51' t:Z11 :71f. 4'..]:":...17-117
1 ::: .-; 9.7. '1.0- r-:-.-7a.....t 7? 5 tzr,......--..--..3 !..:.".."
‘..,_..'"%E..: 1,...t; -!...',13 f..71:1": ft.:11!".1' r•ZZI'S-1'..'.4.,
!. ,,1.-..:,' n vete' rest sentes et tin'
I nice' 9'4'9, 1..-..t.-__-_, _., - - :I•n
In s.efelone :3
Ter; oneee eno a In-> :one; one tote'
if.'t 'het et, •!:-...' LI :en eteeetee letzen
• -
- t_.1/4. ,11.P. Ila Irene e..., tlp f- "-- -„ 1.:its.2 c1,-.”5- Lrzt
21.Yr, Nrefenea• lTer tho tereenere
teed ton to gel ent_ Nene fen is g:_rg
r 1.1 t'L
,..:‘1,-",.-i• ::-. -'5 '7.1 :2-1 :C:15`. '...r:t'r 3 renneee'lee. ane therefone sleall
r..`".,r.S.":.'r,:'"^-...' ;teed -'es':::::"..e. e --.-^4•-". -"''''''1,-.14 ..-4'-', • nr'• '''' rl,V• - g leet-z- te," pe----etv, sIe5 *n t?'''.'.> fathers goo- estere. eo-eay sole -knee Toronte 4%, t he
a. t *, t N S •
-, 2:.? (..,lit t.::‘ 04 n:1 Viitttn L'My reether. The eatery e.f the emereno. tepee
- • ^ _-_____
Mrs. Foye &sys by Her Advice Cleveland ]
Has Male Heirs.
WANTED $5oo.
New York. Arg. 7.-Thot ehe can pre- •
Buffalo, Aug. 7. -Forty-one dollars
1-rd.Z.:1:1bitl7eIre";1.t:rer'12•IstL':"Lf:eimirthi::t-str6Uttlrar;evasstHieriellartletTint have to pay for the affection whieli he
-,,,' arel twenty cents. for a single kiss and a
' hug. That is what Harvey Copeland will
-ale he' Mt- F- martin Fo:.e, N1.11° "'''s forael upon Miss Eleanore J. Omphalins.
ne'' zely fineered in print because her 27- " The pretty young woman had prayed for
,,o ne- yeee wee:setae i• inle;0 dantaeos. but Judge Hammond
:".1 ,.., "latr"rte - - et,'„t ;en,. , ttouid not ffeure it that wey. As it is,
' --;'.' '''..7Allt1;te "‘""' ''' -""-. Copteand biZlieres he is paying dearly
F. teats at tee Waelent -1,s7e4ria, had for a kiss when he don't even get a re-
Zt4IU.:<!2::2'.1 tekt' Itl-arEs:I'L' ::'i.inr ar:1121; rr:'-::L.-1°31 Gil' In filet 'Copeland. claims that he
, • srausive Min.
kern...:1'111:i.'e-slfrItes.-7,eilr-i?t*se!tnITsaa'-: **L-;--;;:sc.'11-'7•52t'er°111'2 ' Iflk:';e-irvieleh Miss Omphalius sought Iknieil
oot the partietilar kiss and hug
tz7k-Uf?.1111".,21Lheeetikl;?rnleLei:eaulltr)ttreti': IrtMlreer • did. but avers that it was uot without
relines. elite Ompleilins inaiits that he
ian fer her an -i ttat it '47.1- be"zansks ' a struggle. and so severe a one that her
el Int- treat:mot that he wees the father Le:11th wee damaged. and she suffered
ti two teeye. great mental anentsh.
Clel-‘va"r-Ialakt? 1137111.....ele:en keriliwl t4.-a'rltlIiirsr: ; .-hooNe‘v.11heen fighlutargeed kIaltatulttletlialamotNtItIttt ofalktneid-
lo'nelemeaty ,L:=netiVies:11,11harae raan.reseela '11terate,lizihrimeans • al..t..,.,Nel..,(,171,:stIttilti,:ka: 310 ptargoui iti jurio
t;o:t2'le'stItis;Uamt3i-e".laintl'It;tieelgriat'l:i-i- lit7.1arri.z.laullIrrgeIlitl'Z4 ' because of the former to $10; pleta
amounted. as I figure it, to $15; tookof
waree by reason of inability to wore
leon aeked hew this neeeznrel slie' Saial yliAldres MILS to tiZIO, and the reit repre-
• t bit re I erre.te that advertiseatent : fet.,,,Its
'the steamer Plununer, witlpeargo from
Port Arthur to Montreal, 14 aground on
the :harbor alwal, opposite the City hall,
(Ina Montgmnery, of Yarker, the see -
tion man, who was badly cut up in a
railway rieeblent, died in the Kingston
hospital midnight.
A Port au Prinee dispatch says: l4otic3
14 InibliSIIP41 in the Official Monitor an-
nouncing that the treasury service has
been confided to ilaytian officiate.
Mr. W. V. Maclean, M. P., has aceept-
ed. the offer of $3.000 for lands expropri-
ated by the James Bay Railway, and
Um arbitration has been cancelled.
A 10 per cent. advance on the present
prices of leathee was officially decided
upon yemterday at a meeting of the
tanners' branch of the Toronto Board
of Trade.
Mr. William Sylvester, ex -Reeve of
York township, is dead.
The Provincial tax on stock transfers
has gone into effeet in Quebec.
The C. P. R. will build a new sta-
tion at Guelph at a cost of $40,000.
The report that Dominion Live Stock
Commissiener Hodson is resigning is of.
ficially denied.
At a meeting of representatives of
tetrious COlniCil3 in Ontario of the Royal.
Arcanum, in Toronto, resolutions were
passed protesting against the recent in-
crease in rates.
W. H. Bangs, of the Ottawa city post
office staff, was drowned while swim-
ming in the Rideau River, near Mano-
tick, where he was spending his holidayse
He took a cramp and sank.
Frank A. Hart, wholesale liquor deal-
er, of Kingston, N. Y., was balancing a
barrel of whiskey on a wagon when he
slipped and fell. and the barrel rolled
off. striking and crushing his head. He
died instantly.
$100 BILLS FOR $50.
Buffalo, Aug. 7.- One day last week
a big, well-dressed, busy -looking man
walked up to the cashier's window at
the Wells, Fargo & Co. Express office
in this city and called for a money or-
der for $1. He gave his name as J.
W. Morgan. In payment for the money
older he pulled out a genuine $100 bill,
remarking that he thought he had a
$10 bill in his pocket somewhere, but,
didn't aeeni able to find it.
Cashier Frederick H. Etsch, of the
express company, made out the money
order and gave it to the man, together
with a fifty -dollar bill, two twenties, n.
five, a two and a one and 07 cents in
change, the dollar and three cents be-
ing deducted for the money order.
Morgan walked away ftom the win-
dow, but came back a minute later and
asked if he could have change for the
$50 bill. The ca.shier gave it to him in
$10 bills. Then Morgan said:
"Come to think of it, I would. like to
hang on to that $100 bill I gave you as
long as I can. Do you mind giving me
that again?"
Mr. Etseh seemed willing to do any-
thing to oblige. He handed the man
the $100 bill and received back the $50
bill. Morgan walked out, and Etseh did
not see that be had been flim-flammed
until next morning when he figured up
his accounts and found he was eet0 short..
The next day Morgan went into the -
National Express Company's office nt
Rochester and worked precisely the same:
pipe. It. is said that the day before,
he came here also sueeessfully operated
at the Adams Repress Companfe of-
fice in Ere,. Pa. He seemc-d to be on
a regular circuit of 100-mik jumps. end
no one knows how long ha lias been go-
ing. It is thought that in each offiee
he was preeeded. by a contederate. who
bought is $1 order ona gave a 1:att bill
in payment, ns it always happened that tit
in the express companies' tells there was
it $50 bill for him to operate with.
Says Cashier Etseh: 'Th' man ap-
peared to be it butiness man netee
a bit cranky at the beginning of the
transaetion. for whieh reason I milt:hated
to oblige bun. was very busy at the
thne, there being, two other enstomere
at the window and three drivers at the
other WillalOW Wartaitilliy, settlement al
their sheets. rpon finding myself short
the next morning. reeheeked all the
other amounts and found ell of them
Ireli, Fr 't .g.,,r;r-th',.111.ihi ,' Do you think a kiss is worth $11.20 eorreet. I then reeolleeted the trans-
.c,,,,i: Inv ...,12. 117;141 te.e.,,t4smt.e.,rs,,,hbat.1,riatjk, i Ine;ree,*.anettaa 5011131t1WhI,0711;f m.:0‘1,11enztitel „It:0(1'1110i litetion of the day before."
The Rochester easliier was both more
keee name..zes.... a. vele...4 V.,fft,. w ne o • sl,..,..1.Fiii,e.wi,.11.,a,,ik:,,,stikt‘,,1 „lit I it. 1. . s
T53' 1,4.11,:e... weee„ ezre... Fop salt to, •4. • • .1... 1 . elne that talo man Soon after the sleek stranger
suspielous Iota less busy -than the Iltif-
t1:1:e.t.,7,:::::::mt 90 u„rx,m. is, cls ‘,.....4toasials..eert,;i0.411,‘i;;;:terpt:ittooAt tlitliastiltoltilkawy, goluntg illnai ewlee et, was out, sett.
featli:ei..:1t:ant /5 s.....a 1,r,.....:,sti b,..3.., tm,s, illeve.,X,etiSe3 from answering that quos. nom c -lee. co thee rerzunn tbat sto- eettiel 131 594! te:*;4.11.11:11..1,11S, nk"t" N,v0.1111 nothing Inn' gone, the etoesonter leen eisoren bin
Id out to find Nlorgan. :Slaking for Mo-
ntane, tate y got an officer :tad start-
911'.1.?.1''.:;• °arif.11:F3':'FIt'4Y. iTr-szto-75::„:?:ill'n.!?. :Vii",:i:aelltianrlieltiSi: 2 ' NEXT SESSION' IN TORONTO. Flan Awaiting tin' ooing ot the train'-
: 7 lip* Central station. whew the nexetrain out,
of town Was to leave, they found Mor-
e-ezell ttained enreof She is a millte- _
They arreeted him." lie Wave hie name
nzzed ve-an trat:i hes tteo Leniseene setae. I. 0. P. Suprenie 'Mutt so Deeidea-tlitt
crease in Salaties, liame and seld he Waft a sautherner, Ile
to the lloolieeter parka tt'e Cherles Wil-
r.:oa- nenteneno it ,II•is tit take twenty .
is aliant till ;team oM. When searehed
sensely et eatEete roie tt:stioe iteatitele-e -Wawa,' Vile. N. 3., Aug. 7.--Tbe Sit 110 had V.10 hi money and seven dia.
t.-.Lint:te.; to onteinea Ea. Listener of tre-et
szn beeta-and she tzvezs the yak? of
Raines. of Retlieater. WeTe totained by.
Preztw (heart- Iteleetelletit -Delia' .e 1; r. mottb. Sullivan & Ntoson :Ina George
litiitnt;IttAelailitiabartittorretea, and 111‘ VMS held
citsz-n5otE 7.41BIZ
Nr.4..n. ST2dITZ
P., '.4$
• `X.2kg3 -It *9 tr...c.u.,4 tt..n•
n:22. reareenere
.7 - 14 le ,attger, tl. t !Ate. tweet, Aug. ne-elie enteeetneft em`'
- net• - •:" - tett sten-, ettatentely en1 veCong- t):p: supremo SecAtary. J.421 ttt te„ Times te.,rezott,
•rezt_..-tz et.;;V:t Vt-:111=', LialaaNTS Van-tt, r„ycl neeer.faeo rey. .11\'Imto; .....314nronte tr..,4inli• t-1`. •v1,111.,‘,1 t.„.ktzly`,a tg,,Itio de -
5. -'y - - t
• 4t* .•"`. g - es;z2." two s....7t-s hetet teen be It leonine Tor,Not :4,aprette 10‘tteA EttiMV1.
• a nense t`el 't."- ite ce-len: .nre !Croat n the Ilet,:tnees:tyilleta I„ Torm. 1."*„.reeeeee.,a;
fea-o en-e-eze tp ifeettl cl themer NI....rv.t Van Wve!e.T.-....:tr- tkroult,'r. ::•taktlt
eeeneles, .-eneeily and it rests entarely with hire- hket P-ike u.keting four
T I1 PANAMA CANAL ACIV1 rt4ZITtgtdllil';:tArg gn=?=:6T;4.11111r14
_ nyrikl otitcr nt.:_etlezeen.,-enen en leo- het': offieete \vete eleentel: Suettnet
_ ee nee Mc:so klleareen. hie fast rest:let:eye • Chief Iletneer. 111r. tlrontqatekhat Io!' 01-
UOMP4LVIES 0)33ECT .1 Cliii=tral 117. Co:settee tett tee expet- to: Past Supreme thief Ileorear. hate 'Russian IsnP°" in 8entch of enznPnnr
eel nen! =noel, uaote tee e97terel to Ws ‘Ve4.71,:,2'tearn. New Mat su 1.1:; N. , Prtdids Our betrbiall.
5 1 9:'"9*:2 5411
:rttxt 9:
eeseeeTr."o :lees _e
1 1 -'s.4.L 144t5 11i31
nVaarneoi4ne c4T0tw
t 919 eeseudnt4890ozonvaetetnfk
oo"3 "1
-la reit; "3--e
e_Tti aa?
' l
ez"t nmt
raely Item,l%,'9ihe t 10 ltsa72t1)749 1, -6+--
19otookrk'4 e In'9!
nttteehItteeeennett• en 91 19 1 cr:3 tny tif% Itft;t:i54r 211 neencf nll9
tts141 ahe olnetrtekt teTi. tten &t'3. li3 3.%544titrat t„ • taL1mefo4'4ml13omali,5b490
Etv ig 'Ls *2 314:,-tt. ni eta.
itt Illettltbeill.,