The Wingham Advance, 1905-08-03, Page 25"4-8Y:LsowLITFIREE DAYS AFTER
&VIOLIST 131:11,
Josiah awl the nook at Lew -2 Chro».3ttlte
Commentary -T. The Book of the leow
niscovered (rs. 14-18). 14. Brought out
the money -It weal seem thatigh the book Graphic Pen Picture of a Battle Near Shah° in
of the law welt fettled by the hpriest
in the treasury where the money was Nianchuria,
kept. Found -This expression indicates
that the allusion is to something al-
ready known, not to anytbing that had
come to light for the firsa, time -Keil,
book of the law -The name given to the
five books of Moses,. -Todd. The book
of the law eannot mean anything else,
either grammatically or bistorically,
than the Mosaic law, tthe Pentateueb,"
so designated in Chronicles, Ezra, and
Nehemiatto 13. Delivered the book -Sha-
pilau was the private secretary of the
king and itadteharge of his books and re-
cords The boobs tonetl was a parchment
roll. Books were few and prectous.
TOMO reentere' Marnen
Meat, white 44 11* .•.* 1..***; 05 ; 0 03 I
0 05 to 0 00
0 77, to "a hey Will Not Help to Advance the Indetermin.
Do.. opr'g ... 0 00 to 0 00
Oats ............. 9s C._ o
Buckwheat ••• ••• ..... •••• IA. fra 00.
Res •s• ••• •• • ..... 1F••• 62. to 0 6.1
Day, lie. 1, titnotby .. •• .... 11 00 to 13 00 I
Bo, new ... pee ••• •• .....
What the Press Correspondents Saw When They sz .: m
—. •••• g 1,0. t ttl
Doe heavy .. .• •. .• •• •• 13 ,1'.3 tO 0 00 . Warning Against Trusting Too Much to Officials
and Secrecy.
Do., 6;o .. •, • 4* 6 6Q t0 0 00 •
ate Sentence.
Travelled Over the.Tield,
urassed hots, Veil, 0 le to e 00 .
Mater 0,0 0* ••• 4 •••• ••• 0 tO 0 21
Eggs let, to 0
Dead and Dying Mixed in One Awful, Repulsive out thiekoos. drosoo0 .• 0 to to 0 00
Fall chickens .• 0 le to e IP One Victim's .Appeal to President and Attorney -
Turkeys . . 0 13 to -0
C•arrotte'bee 0 GO to q 75 General Moody.
We were riding over a bill near the • filled with wounded-Ruseian and Jar-
. :mese. A wan face stalled upon us two Rhubarb. dozen .. .. .. .. 0:5 to 0 Oe Pottstown ra28
. Jule .-In hie em d aunt in arwith him up to the outer
halo The dead Ley upon the slope -
• •• • • • sl .1 -• It -• n r
wounded soldier. Ile coulhi not speak,
Shaphan -delivered. the new found book In the trench -a deep sear across the ent 1,e nudged, a comrade and pointed to
POtria003 s• • • • • 1 00 to 1 10 •
Parsley, dozen ee to 0 00
17, Brought -Word baek-Before like status %ton a Melt carnet. .
tthe king be reported to hun concern- brow of the bill -was a taugled web of the men who had plucked him out of the
*Ire the "tigness en whieb he Ilad been- erimeon and eurple and grey rent mom- gyavt`•
bild faithfully perfotaned the work coin- der be • narrow ranee' where hundreds had fallen
sent at first. Ile to14 the king that they
. mi,nt intais „nd ashen nteen We rode toward the wood beyond the
ntitted to- thm
e, and that the money had
been properly paid out. 18, A book -
Sha.pltan had already read the book, or
portions of it (Kings xxii. 8), and no
doubt fully understood its character, but
lie did not tell the king that it was the
book of the law; he spoke 'Of it as a
book and allowed the king to form his
limn opinion as to its importance. Read
therein (R. V.)-Tbat is Shaphatt teed
portions of the book. "Of course he read
at tbe king's command.
II, The effect on the king (vs. 19-21).
le. King had liearti-Those who bear
Hod's word so often can scarcely conceive
elte elf-tthe reading of the law would
have on this young king as be listened
e first time. Rent hie clothes -
1 .0. t, a. face to ime with the :twin
curets of God, pronottuee.d. nearly a thou.
sand years before on the nation, for the
very sins which had characterized the
reign of his father and grandfather, am-
azement took possession of him. "The ef-
fect on the king was like that pro-
duced on Luther by his finding an old
I atin Bible in the library of the Atoms -
tine convent at Erfurt. The reformer`'han
tever seen the Setiptures, though he was
not only a Christian, but a monk. There
lied been. religion enough, of a kind,
around Mtn all his life -religion profes
sing to be based on the living word; but
the difference between. the eonveutional
and the true flashed on his soul with
lightning brightness when the sacred
book itself was .consulted."
ILI. Iluldahn mithful message (me. 22
281. 2. Huldah-All we know of thin
-celebrated woman is reeerded here and ir
the parallel history of Kim. But thi•
short narrative has immortalizedbe
name. Probable. the two prophets, Jere
iniah and Zephaniah. were absent front
the eity. But God is not straitened ir.
His insteumente. He eau use a woman to
speak for him as well as a man, an huni
Me person as well as an e.ealted one. 23.
Tellrethe man -Her answer to the dep•
ptation was fearlese, and see:1110;1,1e
abrupt. "In the firet part Huldah hae
only the subject -matter in mind, wbile
in verse 26, in the quieter flow of het
words, she takes notice of the state ot
mind of the particular person who Sent
to make the inquiry."-Rawlineon. 24
Irring evil -The judgments of tied. Thi -place --Jerusalem. All the eurees-See
Deut. xxviL 14-26; xviii. 1.3-6S.
25. Have forsaken me• -"This was tha
gist of their offenee, the thing that wat
unpardonable. Against this were all tbi
chief warnings in tbe law and the pro
phets. it teas not merely that they brokt
the eonamandmente.but they turned from
God altogetner„ and 'mast Him behind
their back.'" Shall not be quenched -
'Here lies tbe whole point of the answer.
God's tbreatenities against nations arta
for the mom part conditional, and mate
be escaper, or at least tbeir fulfilment
may be 91eferred indelinitely by repent
;mem as we learn by the example of Nin
eveh. Bat if a nation persists long in
erildoing, there comes a time when tht
sentenee cart be ne longer averted. 26.28
Tbe prophetess in these versee sends a
personal word of comfert to the king
Becauee he ead humbled -himself anal in
true spirit of repentance had wept beton
the Lord beeauee of the wiekeenees of hi
people. therefore the Lord would snot
mercy upoo bitn, and be should be gath
erel to his fathers in peace anal not se(
the evil that was eaten to come upon thi
nation. Although Josiah was slain ir
battle. vet the terrible experientes fere
told of 'Jerusalem did net take plate: tit
niter bis death.
Mato days before I saw the ti a -
benwe that dread company in blue. .A
wave of war sweep over this hill of voice called to us. We. turned and
horrors. Out of the clouds came men saw only the dead. A low timorous
in blue with rifles in their hand—o. Voiee haunted Otte iread tillness of
this hecatomb. Our eyes wandered
eompany of Japanese. Scattering, they over the dead in eeareh of a sign of
sped down_ the slope and modelled in a the living. A bush opened as thou&
brown cleft; in a moment thee- appearetl. stirred by the wind, and out of the
once more -racing like hares up the hill. green Peered a wan face.
The man's legs were shattered; one
The Thin Gray Line.
limb hung loose like the empty sleeve
prom the south sprang a grey Hue of a coat. He had bound up his wounds
tipped with fire and steel, tet sight of and crawled into the bush, where be
the Ruesians the men in blue halted and dug a shallow grave iu which to hide
turned. Were they running away? A himself front the enemy whom he bad
sword Mashed in the air and the Jap. been taught to fear even in death. A
:mese ranged themselves --a line of blue few crusts of black bread and a bottle
-von width rushed the gray ereist like of water had kept life in him for three
a tuneamous. ,ea. Vet 1,ar 's met anal days, until the appearance of a Euro:
sei.1..../ 'have foam./ the
book of elm taw" A an girl lay il
unto death. A friend eaming in. she sail
"I bare been feeding on one verse all tie
morning," verse' "Wham
shall see for meself aul not an ether'
(Job 19-2.7i. know that ver-' per
kettle." the friend interrupte I. "It eeme-
tater. 'I knew tbat my Redeemer liveth.
The Terse in nrloin I sbai 5;n. far my
eelf, and mine eyes tehell behold, and not
another.'" -What do ena unlerstaill
the expression. 'Not am -entre' " aeltee
the eiek girt. "Why. it metaras-eit kin
meatthat we shall see the bent one
stoves" she stammered. mid asked, °lime
you found out any. remarkable summing!'
"In tbe German Bible they are real -wet
differently. and oar marginal tranelatien
ale like theme." 9 never lnek et the mar-
gin or the referee:zee." "I nal them a
great help in vent -paring seripttere with
seripture - fit. Cor. 2-121. "What is the
word in the margin inetead of another'?"
"A stranger." the *tenet eeiri said. thee
fepeated. eeftly. "'Whont I eball see fee
sraself aedmine eyes shall bthetil, ate
ont a stranger"; cool went on, •••1 am it
the Valley of Mb:mm I satt
hlt eon cram
the -dark rivem but UM will M. with rate
nett tot a strameer. Ile is the goon
tehmeneral. eel I know vie: a ettetn-
ger wend I not follow. And wbeta 1 open
ney eye;itt atother tvorld, it is the Lord
J tens whont I shall teliold-ittes own &e-
inem, my own true Friend, and not a
stranger. 1 Anti at Met see Him whom,
not baying sten. M$h
ee." e Memel her
toes. exbausteel. and her friend went
nay, thinking. "Litlien ba drawn more
and prefit from Pee +avow than
I bave -front the. ethole look. 1 Mee read
the etcriptures; be bee searebed tbeit.
I bare been like ote floating eareitieety
over the surface of \totters under erbint
Ile pines; she bas dived deep atd made
the treasure km own."
ltat was committed to tlay er
TOht13. Hitt do 0" Ie. 161. "Say alWave
"I well iorder my eters in tny Word."
tree.1II, UAL It watt while they were
noing the will of the Lotd flat they
foued the hook of the law.
And Sherbet tend it before the kite -
itet Itio A plain•spoken lean walking
tome with a young minieter after a
morning sere/SM. rat& 'T toticen thitt
eoa omitted the T0Saing of the Foot -
tures." "Yem 1 maile the intradiletory
serviee as short as meta lemanee nag
nermen was ea lone? "Brit who," w.
the man, eou Mate out
some •of your own stuff t" If tbe gees -
tion etas tot polite. it was pertinent.
neethitagit* senite tad better im
emitted than the went of God.
-Ife rent bis eothee" (It 1St. Ilk
mingled. ---a heaving Good men Nv..e..t gave him courage to betray Itis
played, tbe lightning of steel. Blade in biding placee ere took a coat from a
hand the Duesktu leader leapt forward dead soldier, and unit two rifles made
to meet his foe, A gleam of light and. a 'stretcher. upon wine!' .the groaning
the point of the Sumurai sword pierced! burden was borne to the hospital.
his neck. A jet of blood spurted from
his. nostrils and the steel dropped. from
Warriors Taking Their Rest.
In the nullalt through which the enemy
flecked and
-under murderous fire, the dead
the waves divided, leaving the hill fle
his dying grasp. Another moment and
with gray forms. Dreken and thinmene and dying lay like leaves of an anturnu
forest. ll
the blue wave swept on and engulfed I ere I happened upon a strange -
the trench where the dead and dying lv pathetic group -a wounded Russian
lay. attended by two Japanese soldiers.
They had made him a bed of
Strenuous days followed laborious mate; had
nights. when wounded died and living emptied their water bottles down his
" parched throat; had lighted a cigarette
for him, and had settled down for a
1 saw his leg move," protested. my
interpreter. comfortable talk. for wounds and death
have a tongue that needs no interpreter.
Prone on his back lay a Russian sol-
dier. Hes eyes looked into mine. PH- Near the entrance to this valley ol
lowed on a corpse, his touch was of dead the shadow was a field of maize. The
men. sheaves stood like towers of gold.
the guns woke tbe
Days before, whe
In a eeeond we were off our horses n,
and in the trench. His head was cov- echoes among the hills, and this valley
ered with clay that was dyed a dark as an active volcano, I saw tbe farmer
erinmon; his open mouth wae filled with fleeiug like Lot from tbe city of de.
earth baked. hard by the sun. Surely, strueiion. Children clung to his dark
while bis wife stumbled with
he must be dead. lbe eyes sought mine
and followed me.
With hasty fingers I probed the clay
and found where the bullet hail struck.
It must have penetrated tbe brahe Still
the eyes followed 311e. 1 probed again.
The bullet had merely grazed the scalp.
It was a case of concussion. 'We took
a great coat from a nead comrade at
his side, and dragged it under hint.
Yielding. to 'threats, a Chinese servant
got into the trench to help us. As We
rennal the living from the dead. the stif-
fened limbs reiaxed and the leg moved.
With a ery of horror the Chinaman leapt
out of the trench and fled sereamiem:
down the bill,
Plucked From the Grave.
We lifted our burden out of the non
eome pit and laid him ou the ground;
we broke the earthen gag and cleaned
hie mouth and gave him drops of wide -
key and. water. From his wounded head
we scraped tbe crimsoned elay and saw.
that it might yet be well with him.
And all the time his eyes sought mine.
Captain Okada rode to a eottage at
the foot of the hill and brought beet:
some Chinamen. They placed the soldier
on a door and bore him away.
Three dams tater we entered a house
kirm let the arrow of conviction into the
heart. When he heard the truth he .ae-
eepted it. This is the way of salvation
tor the sinner, the way of enlightenment
for the saint.
"Inquire of the Lord for me" (v. 211.
At; you read ask prayerful)y. "How ton
/ apply this to my life t Am I guilty
of this wrong Is this the prayer of
my heart e." "If thou ....liftest up thy
voiee for understaroling....then shalt
thou .... find the knowledge of God"
The author of the word alone can inter-
pret it. When by eircumenenees beyond
your control you can only snatch a band -
fit of mantli, it will last all day."
-Thine C'. Morrow.
New. York, 'Tule- 31. -William Stall, a
'altalrer_ who lived in the Bronx, daei
'a -t night at the nebaeon Hospital,
worrying because he conk' not seratelt
hie right feet, says the World. Mee
etrarme mitt of it was teat his rigid
ttot onl kg were amputated a week
before ond bad been duly embalmed met
Luriel in a eemetery.
The no bad been enenned by a fait-
h -ex ,-tont- and Stall no more titan mew
tn bit sorices niter the effeets of Ow
teakettle -tie uore anao titan be beelara
t•-• War/7 oter tbat itching font. It
etas no laughing matter with blue lie
knew the Peat woe not there. but he
etas iltialke auio the pain was there era
ite could not ureleretand it. The nut tee
told bite that it sae tiennioe enceigh lor
nereerre itnaginatien to thus take ton
seesien of him. but ntall leeieted the
pain was too real to bp imagination anti
by after Illy be worried abut his
Ma Vett awl its troubtee.
It soon eease.1 to be a laughing mat-
ter with the hermit:A doetnee and the
tureen Stare appetite left him., and his
imaginary pain so worked on hie nett (et
that Ise was in agony. In his 'amok -
toted 1:Plantes elate. when Mond pitisoes
itttt eet it/ two laye :ego he was in no
eerenetentocenttat it. Lai tittbt Pc
lirl tretiog ollt about tbe pain an
Ids feet.
a bundle in her arms.
The sheaves called in vain to the
huebandinan, for when death ie reaped
the Impost of the earth it. ungarnered.
Suddenly, as we looked, one of those
golden towers burst open. and out darted
a pale figure with uplifted hands.
"Kiek him opt" It is not pleasant
to see a soldier on bis knees, and a
Japanese is the proudest of men, The
Intettian was untold, but had been in
hiding for three nays and nights with-
out food. Be, too, had waited for the
sight of a European, and was uot con-
tent until he had front Captain Okada
a note in Japanese that gave him courage
to approach the temple on tbe hill.
Thus did eve make our way over the
field of battle, until we come again to
the hill of the dead. Upon the green
slope. trampled red with bloody feet.
lay the drummer who bad sounded the
alarm. His hands still graimed the
drinustieke. his face was driven
through the drum, and by his side was
stretened a chancel and oaked figure
upon which tbe fire of a grenade had
fed. About bim lay his couwades like
warriors taking their rest. They bad
fought a good fight and slept the sleep
that knows no mention
Rev. L. 11, girkly Seized Ce1lirinW000
Church Pernittlre ter Dent,
A Toronto report:. Ever (tinge Hem.
11. Kirkby, rector of the Anglican ViturelA
at Aurora, left Coltiugwood about two
years ago, exchaugleg cherges with Roy.
m 11, ettieson, he has been endeavoring
to collect It Wit fromhis parbilieners tor
• repairs and improvements made to the
rectory. Matters mune to a climax lad: on
Saturday wben a Deputy Slieriff seizettn-re
the bell, organ, stoves, earpeta, the al- '
tar cross, the Num and collection plates
while the (Munn was open and the Sex-
ton preparing for lientiaet The %mit
InUllion TeSSels were net in the church.
A bond waa promptly given by the
eliureii officers that nothing would he
talon from the buthltim, anal it is un-
derstood that unless the amount of the
judgment rendered Mr. Kirby, about $1,..
800, is matt wIthin thirty demst the seta -
ed goods tell1 be sold.
coniplete alienation Came to /Wet
between Air. Kirkby end- tbe Colling
wood church, which retstilted in their
Turnips, 'dozen 44 44 •It •• (40 to 0 co dungeon door, which havmg been finally reducing his sahtry to $1 a year,
eharges of the alleged brutal treatmeut
Cabbages dozen .. .. 0 44 to 0 tO
Lettuce, dozen „, „,„ 0 20 to 0 03 Of inmates in the Federal Prison at At- . 1"!se.IT Invited, and the Ite./' ennytquent'Y eite Kirkby had modern ideas of how
Beet, eindquarters OS% to 03'S . ed on, without a glimpse loside. and he proceeded on los own authority
Radishes, dozen .. .. .. .... 0 20 to 0 00 3
. ,illet ilt:aillIdtto: 0 . Wan . . .41- 3131sysilnittlgrist,bi;:eZ tni,:. got 18, ttl,:e initer.iorlof .ait ivooridtorfyiosollrladulana intieLtae,
Mutton _.. _.... ... .. .... ... 0 07 to 0 00 0 . , dt I ic oe 1 tu 1.°t en :Eli:11:7s a .1‘1)1'' fi, tjkl.latl:t°113.t:
001i was in the dungeon several days and ou "IT Ili I have staTed fit Atial" "" Ara:, zilch: i Imeh declined to pay
puty found out that since my releasei nab. improvements as he deemed de-
eming lambs, ear lb. .. .. ....0 14 to o le
lions prevailing in Abe prisou.
• seen different people-- bille in mattere where ie had eot•
1 is thoroughly informed as to the -condi- the eltureh pro- the
Tho fruit market to -day held steady. Re- ple workino• at prison --relative to their been eonmulted. jr.AKirkby proceeded
Toronto Fruit Market,
eeipte were fair, but none too heavy for the Jambe' letter to Congressman. Living- reeelved threats that ety picture would
illegal and' brutal aetione, I yesterdey to wake feroto;14h,is telaileinsiaintnangin otlfleieheot
i gi- and is in part as follett e: ease the chureh officers consented to ar-
eur y o a n I te .rs
cherries, sweet, basket .. .4 o se te ; 1 15 stun was written in Atlanta on July 11, be sellt to tile pollee here, and that l
demand. micas show lime change.
e 73 would. lie arrested its a vagreni, 1 lie9e
threats, instead Id driving me out of bitration. Au award was given entire-
ly in Mr. Kirkby's favor, and When tne
Do., forequarters 0 06 to 0 (6' logattM, of tleOrgitt,
Raspberries .•
Blueberries, basket .. .... 0 SO to
Red currants, basket 0 60 to
Black corrauts. basket .....0 75 to
Gooseberries, basket 0 75 to
California peaches, case .„ 1 25 to
Doe Plums 1 75 to
Pears •• 3 50 to
Georgia peaches 4. .. 2 25 to
Cantaloupes, crate .. .. 1 25 to
Do., basket .. 0 75 to
Watermelons, each 0 30 to
Bananas, bunch .. ...... 1 25 to
Do., red .. .• 2 5'0 to
Lemons, crate .. 6 00 to
Oranges, crate . ........4 75 to
Vegetables -
Tomatoes, crate .. 10D to
Do., basket .. 1 00 to
Cucumbers, basket ....0 35 to
Potatoes, bbl. 50 to
Do., baeket ,• t5 to
Beans, basket 0 20 to
Squash, hamper .. .... 1 01 to
Cabbages, bbl, 4 to to
Gelery, dozen ,. 0 50 to
had time to realize that she 111.
be permitted to addrese the eromeL
But sbe spoke in spite of the mean
Semeene in the room yeRei "Carrie Na
Mon:" and she nastily removed her ben
net. maraca boldly to tbe stand. and be
gan a tirade against saloonkeepers. Dem
oerats. Republicans and public offiriel,
0- 0ot"e only math. 1111.'111041deter- eluiridt toned. the legality of tbe awerd
"Crucified" for Trivial Offence. un. hav
1 te Dear Sir, -1 respeetfully call your at. mined that justwe shall be done the men in the cm/ eoutt the arbitration was sus,
2 .9 tamtion to the conditions for the past still there, Atedele of courrie, will be dime tallied, and, the liabilities of the church
I en' two years at the Federal Prison. rhe as soon as the Preeldent or Attoreey• made nom
2 51 brutal, vile aud illegal:70er suck slight and that very promptly, too, even it I. commission to deal with the ease., ant.
o to
0 tn offences as taking, passing a paper or have to swell!. out warrants oe have
2 0 a chew 01 tobacco a man is put into the to eeet some one rlee to, tor the arrest at its meeting about two montha ago
the church offered Mr. Kirkby $800 in
2 2,,,I) dungeon, a place in the Lemma with of the warden, deputy wardens and the settlement of his claims. Although he
e to out light or air, without a hearing for• amistant deputy warden tiy only rea•
- front two to sixteen days. He ie placed son for not having eireadr dolle t" ls to mann the preferred sum Mr. Kirkby
was strongly urged by Iion. S. II. Blake
0 0 fate to wall and anus extended as if my faith in the Presitent and Attoreetn
1 15 to be crucified, and kept handcuffed General Moody. and the fate that I feel declined. His latest move
he is determined to celled
them fram 6 a. to. until 9 p. in. At night very grateful (although rot under any of the judgment,
he is plaeed flat on his back on a cement obligation) to them for their just am .
uetil 6 a. no -the same position as in ALFONSO VISITS A SHRINE.
floor and there crucified from 9 p. tm tion in releasing me.
2 50 Meatment of the men in ',metal is harsb, eleneral Moody understand the tantalite, The Bishop of Toronto appointed at\111-
0 50
2 75
0 31
O 09
0 00
0 01
0 00
Winniptg Options.
Winnipeg.-juIy closed 61.30 bid, Friday
61.31; July No. 3 closed 83the, Friday StAct
July, No. 4 extra, Friday, 751.1c; July No. 4
closed 730, Friday 7411c; August No. 3 closed
Mc, Friday 342,Se; October low, 5,51e asked,
closed Mc, Friday 661/4c.
Cash wheat -No. 1 northern, Saturday $1.21,
Friday $1.33, last year trIlhc; No, 2 northern.
Saturday $1.23, Friday $1.30, lase year OPEe;
No. S northern, saunas*, 8311e, Friday Siaio,
last year SS1c; No. 4 extra, Saturday 710,
Friday 747ic, last year SOc; No. 5 wheat, Sat -
Friday 7591c, No. 4 wheat, Saturday 738,
Niagara Falls Wants Dam to Raise Level
at Intake.
The Niagara Falls Parke Commission
has received a requett from the lefty of
• Niagara Falls that a submerge.1 dam
be tonetrueted at the intake of the
eity's water supply to restore the river
ti its former level. The constructor;
of tbe three immense pewee plants at
Niagara Italie bas enueel the water at
tbe intake to fall several feet. Last
minter the eity experience.' a water
famine with coneequent danger of fires
The park commission holds ne2•3•000 de..
peened by the pnwer commies to meet
- suth an emergency. It is expected that
the proposed darn rata be constructed in
three months nt a cost well within the
e •
Carrie Natiot. Was Snubben by Pitobiti-
Inrianapolie, Ind...Inle• 31.-Cketrin Na -
Mtn. the -aloon entatlier, ofter helping
1. notnineto a Pr dtibition city tieltet.•
Ittninipeg. duly 31. -The tomer in
duly wheat .amiten groat exeitement on
the Ettellange here this morning. the
price at one thee touching nineteen
routs above e,•esterdayls close and dos-
ing nt SLIM, advatet of tourteen
tetnts. It 0 believeil the Ogilvies anl
the Vari Damen Harrington eotopano
are the mainsprings of tbe niameenent
which hag pkwed wheat 20 to 23 dents
! elude the export price. The corner
• bas resulted in Robert Muir & Co.
0min:et an injutetion against • the
Clearing House Aesoeiation to prevent
them paying out money or butting gratin.
The earner as it •nnee statute it. a pure
eamble, nail of no benefit to the {Ann -
try as a whole. as the muter of the
fanners: who bate wheat to sell. to.
warns •the ODA of July (dways
The result of the injawaction will 1*
awaited with great interest as the
ranee of the exelaange ereleaver to pro-
hibit tite forcing up of wheat piece be,
yrshil the point at tebiela there is mate
ket fee it. The aileption of Memel
eves ennIthei by her fellaiv-rvzontian• tzlorp on 040 IN'iluullPg kullatEe as
Viten the terninatierm tmen not tet)kca n with favor.
Dende ond it wee teem -Tally emeetter tltat Winnipeg. dniy 2.--ttl. P. D. Prise
elot omit/ he eallel ree o sateen) efter Deepatebea- The steamer Weenie -ono
toe of tne feedette, ettlently trereneet a 4 enl Eta the toed:irk. at -rived
tnectemettel Inert. pnetwed tterinen it eon (it Meil with 94010
lion to adreern tatettan reeniro reel tenitele of wheat float King:Mom to
V9711 liffno NtItian Incak tLe duly cotter,
urday 63c, Friday 63_ .
I the inspector. The inspector havmg been
Toronto Live Stock.
. told about 401, walked directly to where
be worked anal stopped' in front of him.
Export cattle, choice .. .. ..$ 4 50 to $ 4 85
July 19tb-
thereby giving 401 the opportunity to
4 20 to 4 CC
Do., good to medium
Do. ,others .. .. .. .. 4 09 to 4 :4) address lin%
Miss ... •• •• •• •• •• .• •• i; 50 to ;I‘ ,kY.) The ration while in the dungeon is
. ; . •• . •••• ..... ..• ' '4° to " .' one piece ate ounces) of bread per day
Butchers , picked .. .. .. 4 50 to 4 i..e
Good to choice ,. .. 4 20 to 4 55 and not all the water asked for.
Fair to good .. ... .... 3 50 to 4 03 Says Cruelty Caused Death.
Do., e.ommon .. .. .. .. 2 50 to 325
Do., cOWs .. .. .. e 50 to 3 2: ' Last March No. 180 died as a result of
Bulls .. .. ...,.. .. . 2 50 to 3 It brutal treatment beginning Aug 8, 1903,
Stockers, goal . .. .... 3 m to r, ii
Do., rough to common it 7505 to ,:21 t'o! wi;lirthatar iit:ienrgio dandof Tr trying to
tino tlloieo id, uangleoutne,
Bulls . •
Mich cows, eacV. - - .. 30 09 to Bil 0? letter secretly. He was put in many
Export ewes, per cwt. .. .. - 3 75 to 4 7a
times after that, for from four to twelve
Do.. bucks, per cwt. .. .. 3 09 to 3 25
Do.. culls, each --------2 50 to 5 e0 day.; at a time. For a long time Ile could
spring lambs, each .. .. 2 59 to fo..t: Ito medical attention and. could not
naives, per lb. .„ .. .. - 03% to (60171:1
Do., each .. .. .. . .. 2 03 to 10 e5 ge to the hospital, even after begging
Hogs, selects, per cw.t. .. 6- 50 to 0 00 the warden to place him there. He could
Do., lights •• - .. •• 6 25 to e 00 not report his condition and. trouble at
Do., W's --------------- 15 to 6 66 home or to anyone else.
Bradstreet's on Trade. 1 Finally, within a few weeks of his
Montreal reports to Bradstreet's say: death. and when nlmost everyone who
Midsummer quietness still effects lite saw him believed he would. die, he was
whole sale trade here and. the volume sent to the bospital.
of business actually movine is light al- l He was in the best physical condition,
though it compares fairly e411. with that t as the records will show, before they be -
of this time last year. The markets tor , gan to persecute him.
country produce holds up well. There is I Only One of the Many Victims.
an especially good export demand for 1 I am able to give dates and particle
dairy butter and cheese and prices tor , Ors in more than sixty eases, and these
these are higher. $hipments of cattle ! would be only a small fraction of the
are large. Collections here and there whole.
are a little slow. 1 General Clay (an inspector) during
Toronto reports eayt Wholesale trade one and it bail years was there three
here continues quiet with light move- 1 times and never interviewed a num Gen-
ments in groceries and dry geode-. The eral Clay and Inspector La Dow during
outlook for future trade conditions .have their visit here on April 20, 1005, spoke
the day time, except that he is lying
TORE OFF litat SCALP, Young King Dashed Over French Frontier
down. lie bas a thin blanket to lie on, — in Automobile.
nothing else, and. is chained with log Philadelphia Mill Worker Has Narrow •
elinin. Madrid, July 31. --it is learned that
on April 24 No. 401 was put there and Escape From Death. Kim; 41lionso s 'visit to the Grotto of
kept there for eit days ostensibly fur ex- Pbiladelphia, July 31. -Iter hair be- Our Lady of Lourdes yesterday Waii
tending a piece of Mirror an Weil outside cominb entangled iii the belting of the made witheut the knowledge of his en-
bie e,211 so that lw could look down the tuttchluery ulangside of which ;be was towage. His majesty, in Ins automobile,
range or corridor, but in realitY fOr hay- at work, Mrs. Pearl Liturillard, 23 years left ban Sebastien, where the court ie.
lug the temerity to break to Iespeetor old, of ero. 104 Turner street, was wbirl- epeuding the summer, without inform -
La Dow, when here on April 20, and to ed about a big belt wheel in Sloan's ing the dignitaries. After he had gouo
-tell tales out of seltoole' after the war- mill, at Howard anal Palmer streets, yes- , sume thue his eudden disappearance
den and deputy had given the guard or- terday afternoon. When she finally fell alarmed the Ministers, who telephoned
to the police at various places ask,
tiers not to allow anyone to sneak to to the .floor after, having been whirled
about the entire course of the belt four if the king had been there. Nobody haw
times, her entire scalp was torn Off, and sem his Mt jeety and the uneasiness in
" creased. Eventually it was ascertained
while she lay unconecious on the floor
her loug tresses were still being earned , that an autemobile, supposed to be the
about on the belting. I King's, had passed through Paumeluna,
miles from the French irontier,
The woman's screams attracted a num- 1 twenty
at OM moot The machine was going
ber of the employees to her side, and
, so fast that its occupants were not ni-
che machinery was stopped as soon as
. cognized.
possible. She e•as tenderly placed in
it patrol wagon anMeetly it was learned that the King
Hospital, wriere it Was found (.bat tl.e
had reached Tarbes, whento lie had gone
right thumb had been cut off to Lourdes. There he had devoutly pin -
e.1 the pilgrims to the, grotto without re -
by beim; caught in a cog wheel as she
Id n to the floor, and that her left ear ' "Winn his identity, and waited in lino
was almost completely severed. I to leowe a cup of water ft -em the mira-
culous spring. His Majesty prayed be -
hurried consultation Was .beld, and grotto. It seems that be was
Drs. O'Donnell and Westphal, of the 1 ft" the
to sate . recognized by someone, who told of the
hospital staff, decided to try presence of the King of Spain. The story
the woman's scalp by replacing it upon
quickly spread, and as bis Majesty was
the head and allowing it to heal in its 1 walking :Mom the grotto to the Basilica
original place. The inside of the scalp to attend mass, he was mobbed by suffer.
was first carefully washed with antie
- • n, who begged him to pray for them.
septics and then fitted into place, sem AliOtie0,-‘1,110 was much distressed by the
eral stitehes beine taken to hold it .firm-
ly in position.
Mrs. Laurillard is suffering from shock.
lost none of their bright aspect.
At Quebec wholesale business contin-
ues light, which is usual at this seasou.
Collections are still slow. blipping ts
with only a few men, and then three of
these. ef whom I Was olle, were report-
perted for addressing La Dow -that, too,
when be walked right up to us and our
uork. Warden Moyer threatened to make
Winnipeg reports to Bradstreet's say: a special report 'to WW1" against me
Wholesale and retail trade throughout fer this which meant that he would
the province is brisk and mouey coni I if pessifile destroy the chance Of my
ing forward ra.ther better than bas been application for it pardon or commutation,
the ease for a, Ione time. The trade then ending, being favorably acted on.
opnino out for Fairgoods is brisk.
Victoria and Vancouver reports say: The Law and the Rule.
Continued activity in all lines of pro- a When No. 127 asked the watelen if the
Tindal. industries have given consider- law did not permit us to see or address
able impetus to the volume of whole- I law for
tile inepector, lto answered; "The only
sale and retail trade bere, and tbe de- you is your rules," and then
mend both local and. from the country •
lereeceeded. to appleh, or misapply, rules on
is good. !Page 1. applieable only to private eiti-
Hamilton trade reports to Bradstreet's I. zens. Rules are tortured into meaning
sale goods for this time of the year al- i enit2.-it:hytiir:gs. huenotl 1.1,111tantearrte otraea,t.,sepni,g,ilisuellttitot,
say; There is a fair movement in whole -
though most activity is in tbe way a 1 amt. even their parents are called tile
look is bright. Country trade is quiet.. names by the deputy. and any num that
The fruit and grain crops about here preteete or stands up for justice, has "it
fall lines. In this cOnnection the out -
sr e in good condition and the barvest &oaken into him," as the deputy says.
promises well. Collections are fair, The Prison Rule&
Trade reports from London say: The The mike were gotten up be- Nelanien
return° of business here, taken all ar- Moyer and Deputy Melelangliry. sent te
is a little Quiet- attorney -General -no doubt a mere fer-
n_ approved le• the
ound, is good, although wholesale trade Inemehingtow nun eta d
- - - mality. but they did manage to squeeze
JACK'S RIGHT TO BRAY. in it referem•e to the solitary eo ma to
- .. - - ---
Quirt Decides That Jackass May Always •toutittine men to the wall or floor they
interpret it their dungeon,
Converse. do note.make full records, hut simply
hay "solitary." It ie evident that there
Topeka, Ran., July- 31. ---It was a Av4' to lie a grade of Puldshnlrut. lull
great ekte- for jackasses yesterday. It every 1111111 Tererteil 311141 lalllibitet1. Ali-
aol,niee bretitloabyefaeeereur3r! janetkoteottrextnazan. fere •first 'C. & D." vAecoriling to their
Moe "C. & 11." means eltainM to the
and nbige ann in what key be Mame. mall and floor for ttrys or weeks on
ui8;hfirtrAanictineirf atilLitia.nsw11-teiler.tem-itutglie'r'euxevanst OZ. of bread raw nay and :mum water.
gloom in Otto
postoinee ot niewani. xam Nis.i.ill,iloniiitlia,r1ktiltialit, iiiti•oallt1,.(11 5.1 water for the
In Riehlenal the postine.eter ie a post- Titey toter to it as a model pri‘oll,
mistress, and posseeses the dehhate att. and even go so far as to %ay it 14:151.11t
ditory nerves of the sex. Next door te them, to teach **The South 11(1W to both(
the posteffiee stand the Deere. parlors i.f an 1 Tull 111Ottel Pritone or to Patient
Tibbetts & note. elanong the fairest afn't.
of the possessions of lleesre. Tibbetts. The plate. inteil for the iluttemin Wai
& Holz are two long -carol, paint. Wilt for fumigating. Model aural modern
brush -tailed, leathemlungen brass,. iitievus do met have dungeons, or lit any
throated jacket When 'Tete" toed "Dill° late. do net um them. I have nevre yet
let lose their sirens the elapboarde ote We eis. Man enabled on liee.li1 ita,1
stable met postoffiee quivered and rang. Water that 55, .1414 tot submit rout oleo.
and the little postmistress stopped Iter I wrote our lettere of enniplamt anal
ears with a shudder. podest to the Attorney tienetal eret re -
Patrons of tlie 'office bare lento' can- vetted to :meows. Others Maim the
veteationn diffiont. if not imp/m.41k. e one experienio, with punt:lament ter
when 91111" and "Pete" were in their little audacity. I have been whom(
stalls. The grocer would appear at the at 'private interview with the Ilev. Ire.
window and ask; Holdethy, also the Rev. Dr. jettltitte, the
_ "Any mail for me to -day, Mise--" rulee dietinetly say. "It elial1 le. per-
"Hawee-e-e-howl" would roar "Pete" mitten." I nas lefuseil a pritat.. 112
next dotir. terview ou legal taisinese with ex lofted
ttli5..tttssteltvt:trItrd• ti;I:iyAltkiiill_td" ttlle Peet- States Aesietant District. Attorney Iltelt-
„Hav,„ett„e.taw.e.e,er, wolita ihaykr le‘itit.;‘"?.s tnii•erorotter men in entailer eacee.
and the rent of the trammittien oreseut t•ouditions the men
would be. eareied on in $1:4701.
The pastnjetreee otinteal Oft her fir-
_ itor and e.ametat the law. ftle olitainen
an intim-Hon ameinet the jaelts ani
their owitere, anal for a day midfle 1
'roars tend that the nrainnale' beade had
lomii swathed in ocamny eaelot.
Tint yetteenav Melee Dena Inert the
eteriatente. do ..leel the teaming wit' a
Imetelitatry right of Cm beask orell Oita-
e.olvei the innteetice.
'foe -ever, they did not dare to toter to
0 anght of the sick and crippled, promised
to comply wath them request. After mass
he conversed with the clergy, who show -
A etu•eful examination failed to show , ed hint a ehahce his father had present -
any injuries other than thosetopt117
scalp, the finger and the ear. 1 1 ine by way of Pau.
to the Basilica. The King is now return-
sieians are confident that the scalp will rAIfonso'i impulsive automobile flights
grow into place again, although such are causing much anxiety to the Miro
operations nre extremely rare. It , will istcre. They tear he will meet with (Lana
be a couple of days before the suteess
cheek hint.
aster, but they do not know bow to
of the operation ran be determined, but
in order to aid the healing process, hot
DI WIN $500000.
vo-----osm. TO:
water bottles are being applied to the
head constantly to increase the eireula- .
Woman's 'Unique Bequest to Her Former
Laurillard WAS married about Lover.
two years ago and her husband is
anxious to locate her brother, John
Martin, who is in this city, but whom
he has not seen for several months
't ' 't • .
Pittsburg, July 81. -By te terms of
her will, lately filed for probate, Mite
Anna M. Gunning, who died on July 18
at her home on Forbes street, leaves the:
greater part of her estate of $300•000 hi
Caul lc. Miller, a well-known butiness
men of this eito, whose home Is in Wel-
kinsburg. She does so, howeeer, on eon -
PROSPECTOR LIKED HILDA'S PAS- present wife, or that Ile nuty ;let the for -
that he get a divorce front hn
TRY AND POPPED. tune if bis wife dies . Otherwise he gets
Los Angeles, July 31. -Her :kill as a Miller was a former sweetheart of Miss
for Miss Hilda Johnson, now "ars. Ham Gunning, but eave her up to marry hit
piemaker won a husband and a fortune present wife. 'kiss Gunzing never leer-
reeently made a big strike in Nevada.
von lliller• Miller, who was a prospector, questt amounting to le .., , s lo say':
her will, after making a number et be-
med, and Mille.r was iv.elv,leorooforgitven.
.After a few months' work upon his claim gigte tione&1171 lo.f Ittliiielleir),alitlkrileeleitilitgto.lte bit
(1110% eraolleitd; ttilliallii,arocheneltilientill,torte4itip);1,ng $47,- not living with the woman he married in
. a 1.aea• 1899, 0310 Jane Wilson. S.bould she die
Monday he oatmeal a restaurant and.
ordered at meal. For desert he had lemon
ereant pie. He ate it mid called for an-
other piece. Then lie called for t third
piece, and wound up by eating the fourth
piee and asked to See the cook who made
the pie.
The pastry coon Was Miss JoltilSon,
and Miller was allowed to go to the
kitchen to :meek with hen Ile told her
who he. WAS, how meth money he possess-
ed, and asked. her to marry him. title
gave him her home address nod told him
to call in the evening. He called, was
necepted and. the marriage took enact e
Inspector Recommends Red Pepper to
Find Hidden Celeetials.
Washington, nuly 31. ---Red, pepper aud
bear traps ne instruments tor the en.
foreement of the Chinese Exclusion Aet
have been prOposed by maloue Govern -
meta inspectors working on the Mimi-
c:in border.
The man whei suggested red pepper is
assignol to duty in southern Artstona.
Among other things, he ie directed to
searelt earefully all freight ears ow-
ing Rents% the border, Chinese have
frequently USed stlelt (11115(VaileeS, to
get into the Cnited Steles, in viola.
tion of law.
The inspeetor in question notified the
Wasbington authorities Polite time ago
that brid been tumble- thoroughly to
go Omen% freight trains during short
stops, awl he expressed the opinion
that the morn eoule be thme more Mum
Thtti he outlined his Van. Ile
anima for penniesion eharge strut
131(11)1(4 pepper,
are absolutely at the 111110y. of the one me it on every ear." lie eaten
or Otto men, with no mietilate dente., `on.1 if there is tt Chinese inside lie
tat' menet ot rerrete. One eatteitt etet
a letter of camplaint to Menne, to the
Attorney iteneral, en at any rate, get
any ;memo. from bino iir even tottimain
to Violas thet
&Mites Ptisoil Itlepeeter,
not 'General ley poiteete Manatee
Yenwir ie ovialent nom tbe In men he
has not tried to inspect. Ile Ms waft. -
still reteal Ins preSenee by .4 goOtl.
tealthy sneeze. Ilne would prove en
feettee, 1 Pet Num'
.Att inspeetor in Teas, nine diteatim
tied, popoted that tpermission should
he granted 'him to pktee hear hape at.
different plavee alono the iLy lied of
the Ilia Monde. lie 801 thie pieta
tiught to he adopted by the Govan -
or he be divorced from her-tbat is, fm- I
aly divorced -he is to be gni.-en absolutely
one-half of the principle told the intereet
on the other lutlf as long as he lives. If
he marries again he can, by will, lease all
to his second wife and children. lf he
diee unmarried it second time, without
children, the one-half of all his share is
to be equelly divided between the chil-
dren of Wesley Greer.
Inerease itt Number of Canitine ractetiee
is One CaUse.
St. 'Catharines, aTtrly 31. -There is a
very Liege mop of ram:ben:We aromel
here this etear, but priers on the local
market keep higher than for mem,.
eears. This is beattne the tom wet
pretty well bought up speettlatore
early in the seas;in, woo new ship the
fruit to ate large entree-. However,
the inereaett in the nutOer of emoting
fltrstreiZtr o
l tol•rt. tttIlee
fruit and vegetables they can get, makes
it &at% an 11 theover, ri't of eheap frun
it i 1-
at8 ft or talArAUteerarti:s4,1aVireil:vineepialts: 71111
not go below seven end eight tents thit
e:eatririattmilx.spberries, it is said, will not
-go •
itVliameport, Pm, duly 111. ---James SA*
lento waseesterday deciared by the
owner's jury to be the mut:defer of hie
Itereatooki. daughter, Elizabeth Carney.
The verdiet neelareattliat the girl came
to her death "from an incisive and la-
eetarateerbitlornonoalmi.1: the throat, inflicter by
14. 2Eir in the lianImes ds of Salerno,
Salerno, who ill in a steel opt itt the
County jail, MVOS like it emze man. Ile
denies the oeetteation iiid 1.y the nit!
saftloleaait :lei tialitillwellitairialosgattat'tiorilii.'oaevrv:iliatss'n.dfiltet:il \Intl !