The Wingham Advance, 1905-02-16, Page 250.11daY Se4001*
nownemv :zero, 1.995,.
The Miracle of the Le ti and e lehes-
Introiluetione---Ilere again Jesus is in
Galilee during ble emend year, was a
the healing of Betheeda. His arinietry in
Gala* dariug his Second. year, WAS a
very busy eneton, as described in Matt.
iv. 12 to xive Ift; Mark i. 14 to vi. 29
ta ie. tt-ineluding many miracles,' the
Niemen on. the Mount, the early par-
ble, *nil the Weston of the twelve.
sham mita all thase es-ents, as well as
Poorly all be Galilean ministry. Thia ie
tbe tirst vermtive in which John has
been parallel to all three of the mission
aeon paraelel to all three ot the other
gospels, awl it %via not be so an
Mini the triumphal entry.
Commentary. -The go.thering multi-
tude (vs. I-4). 1 After these things --
11e events of the year, but particular-
ly the report of the twelve, the murder
of John and the report that Herod was
inquiring for bine. The twelve apostles
who• had been sent out over Galilee were
prestelatig And healing the sick, when,
"suddenly, like a Wash front a far die -
rant, cloud, came the news that John
the Baptist had been beheaded by Herod
Autipas, in Ideate/as eastle. The din,
ciples hastened to Jeeus, probably at
Copornaum, as chickens hasten to their
mother when the hawk hovers near."
Over the sea -From atipernaura, where
the apostles meet Jesuit on their return,
by boat, privately to eseape the trowds
(Mark vi, 31, 32).---Geikie. They all. re-
tired acreee the sea. of Galilee to the
lonely plain at the foot a the hills near
Bethsaida, just outside of the dominions
of Ilercel .Antipas. They needed this re-
tiresnent (1) for 'physieel rest, (2) for
instruction, (3) for communion with
God." 2. Multitude followed -211e peo.
pie came from all direetiona for at thhe
time the western and northern shores
were populous with cities and villages.
The preaching of the apostles had stirred
the whole country, the news of the tra-
gic end of John, who was well 'mown in
Galilee, had excited the populace, and
the miracles which Jesus bad wrought
had filled the people with wonder and
anti curiosity. The crowds watching the
sailing of Jesus across the northern end
of the lake, ran around the northern
shore so rapidly that, according to Mark,
they "outwent" the boat and "came un-
to aim" as he landed.
3. A mountain -The high ground near
Bethsaida, which there closely ap-
preraehes the lake. Sat with His disci.
Ies-Read Mark 6:30-32. 'Here they
eould rest, and report more fully what
they had done on the evangelizing tour
from -which they had just returned;
could talk over their plans, their suc-
cesses, their mistakes, and receive the in-
struction they would need as to the true
way of preaching the gospel to the world,
and as to the gospel they should preach."
4. The pas...tower-But because of the rea-
son mentioned in chapter, 7:1 Jesus did
not attend. This was his third Passover,
a year before his death. Feast of the
Jews -This was stated for the benefit of
John's Gentile readers. This gospel was
written in Asia Minor, among Roman
customs. 'Was nigh --"The fact that the
Paesomr was nightathand, so that
many must bare starting on their
journey to Jerusalem around the lake
and through Perm, partly accounts for
the concourse of such multitudes."-Pe-
II. Jesus confers with his disciples (vs.
5-9). 5. Lifted up Ills eyes -This was in
the afternoon, toward evelng, "when
the day began to wear away' ILuke in.,
12). The Jews had two evenings; the
first began at 3 o'eleck, the second at
6 oleleek. A great company -Ile was
moved with compassion and walked
azaong the people, teaching them many
things and healing their sick. His dis-
eiples called his attention to the fact
that this was a -desert place, and as the
multitude had been there smee morning,
it was time to dismiss the congregation
so the people could go and. buy victuals,
lest they faint by the way (Matt. iv.,
14-15). Be saith -unto Phiiip-fle was
probably tno provider for the diseiples,
as Judas was the treasurer. Whence are
we to buy bread (R. t) -Christ had
fed. their souls, and healed their bodies,
and now he propoims to feed their bodies,
and. thus show that he is able to provide
for all their necessities. 6. To prove him
-Philip had known Jesus for more than
two ewers, and it was now time that be,
and the rest of the apostles, should begin
to hare wide conceptions of Christ's abil-
ity, Knew what be would do -"Our Lora
is never at it loss in his counsel, but in
the most difficult case he knows wbat
course he will pursue." Christ proposed
the question to test Philip's faith.
7. Philip anewered-Our Lora saw
that his apostles needed lessons in faith,
and this miracle was as much for their
benefit as for the benefit of the hungry
nralitude. Two hundred pennyworth -
The penny was a silver coin and was
worth about sixteen cents. The value
of the bread necessary would Ins, tbere-
fore, about $32. "This appears to have
been all that our Lord and all of his I
diseiples were worth of thia world's
goodie" This amount at thee time, with
them, would probobly represent an actin: ,
value equal to ten times the fame
amount now, with us. Peloubet thinks
(bat in this 4‘eonferenee between Jesus f
and les disciplee as to ways and means" t
there was some discussion, and that et 0
this point the apostles advised sentlire
the taultxtude away, wbereupon Jesus
raid, "Give ye them tt, eat" (Luke: e
the apostles then ask in dismay, Saall ,e
we go and buy this great ernoutt of
bread! Jams asked how mneh they had J
tat:nee)' end Andrew said, lave keno e
and two small fiehee.
P. A lad riere-The multitude bed inet
thought of their temporal fietessities. s:
anemia were they to see aril hear Jest. E
antt this lad. "sales bad charge of tee
snoeisions of the emu env to re ta
.tipler It it Monona -10d and pia it batit
to ue, and grant ee the I/teenage of paw neon- ..--- ',..1t .F1.41,',.9•1•[ I.V.P. 4/147,,,,NeT
ingit outth
t° e starvIng' 414.burdeued
MMarket Reports
ultitudes. Given Menlo -Jesus -tilos
esets us an example; we should never eat
Iwithout first thanking God for our feed
and tusking Ilia bleeeing upon it Dis-
tributed to the diseiples--There bas been
mueh discussion as to just how the nar- .
stele wait per:erased. Dia the bread Mut.:
The Week.
tails' in the hands of Jesus o in. ti British -Cattle afaikets.
IHedging, tonna Upoli the evidence 0(
wee. wwitnessesagalnet two that the
%owl was gelling wholly within. Amer -
lean water, and tient the seizure was,
I therefore, not ituitified, being made
reouth of the laternational boundary.
But the Supreme Coed sustained
the Dontiuloo Vieverumeret's appeal, hold-
ing that the seizure was made three -
quartets. of a mile mane Cattedian wat-
ere. They ordered the vessel forfeited.
lese:as of the ti LQ, ote rte some thiuk„ ot 5!a to 0o r" le.; retteveater esee privy °mull
id the disciples pat a pieof bread .
rename Peb- la -hive male are elletea Wow the cao pea to tbe law lords of tbe
li.i lb laic per lb.:eheep, 124 to leo per
and fish in the hands of those svho sat veal.
at the entis of the ranks witlt orders to
give it to their eompanions? There i$ Taranto Parmerte" Market. SCIENTISTS GO FOR TRIAL,
no doubt but that the food maltalaittl The otferings ot grain to -day were mod- Magistrate D0140011 Would Not Peal
all along the line. Jesus handed out tomate, trate priees steady. Wheat Ls un- With tlie Tomah) Case.
aa they Itandea out to the multitude, shite et ;Lei to ;Lea and me bushels
His disciples; it inereasea in their bands with clianged. -dales ot ZOO bushele et slaTuoarbetnetre,$nrceobli•nelt31.;Cwhalrtrdtheedeetahut Mfraonni-
and as it was passe1. from one to an- of geese at pe to e2c. Barley ueceanged. 4.peeld ot wamee le. Goodfellow, his ma -
other the bread tend fish continued to tee busbeis selling at elle to Me. Oete tiler, Tdre, Sere!' Gee/MUM ell0 three
swell in their bands until they all bad are firm. UV birettas setting ra 42, to 42%0
enough and to spare. The fishes as emelt per bushel. thrlstlaa ecience demourargers-mra alms
as they woula-This does not mean that Dewy produce In yenta meow with eabreutnbareSetetLwIlerart; irebstceirlatiayll' cotiontittauesia Wflour.
there WAS a scarcity of Web, but that all Prime firma. The best dairy Meter eold
ate es much as they eared to.
At 28 to Me per lb; new late e5g4 at MN
IV. The fragments gathered up (vs. la, nulliartegps trim by magistrate Dealson. EvIdenca 114.3
alr impels' with sales ot•le
et 20 to Me. agivea he Mrs. htewart, the head cleinoustre-
13). leade et es to mai A toe tor timothy, tor, wbo eudeaeored to enlighten the court
la. atthen falai-Here is one mir- and at Vi to e3 for mixed. Straw antler, as to the teachings et Cbrietian Science.
aele of our Lord attested by At leastoni3 load seilluv/ith
g at $11 a ten. "With rezerence to the cure ot bodily les
ressed negs uuclatinged, , a
five thousand (probably ten eaousanii) of sees for heavaroy, a 0 nd at 47.6to 47.6: iiii• wliat la Christian Science?" was tiut first
perseas.-Clarke. No one need ever 1 - r queetiost aseea by crelvn Attorney curry.
leave Christ's table hungry. We is ableeWheat, new. busliet .. ..1 i 04 to ; 1 93 num Mrs. Stewart took the stand.
Dored, bushel .. 1 06 to
tAt ratisfy every aemand of soul and D., ..o., spring. btisliel .. ',.. .- 1 01 to 1 „,,e* ••lt is tbe law applied to JudIvidual con-
() W 80,10UblIeSS tO LleterIliIIIIS WIlat IS MS LaN Ot
body. Ile is the bread, of life. Whetlier Do.. goose, btrahel .. .. .. 092 to
oata tusbei .... .... .,.. 0 42 to 000 taUil, as set fotta 04' AIM Bal‘er U. ZOMIY,
WO demand "little or muchit is en Ailey out", elle applied berseh for nine years 10. &i
RN. buratei .... _.. .. ,.... .. ows to
matter for Christ to fill Its. There is a, Buckwheat. mistier. -------- e to 000 4#a tuuset it. to tier sotowers. we in cam
fulness in His merey and love Viet only Barley, bushel ---------001 to 0 5.1. utive toeowea teat lew, and fled lt clearly
those who eat. can, understand. rage
Peas, imahel .. ,.. .. ••., 0 00 to 0 70 wined eeyond a douot mats is denial -
ments-"The brolsen pieces which remain May. timothy, ton •
Do., mixed, ton .... .. ., 700 AO 800 .1.1:). you treat people who are ill your -
over." -R. 1. That nothing be last- sSetraerserth per ton .. .. ..., .. 10 00 to 21na ;t
The -design is to bring out. the precious, Alsilte, No, 1. Imseel ...• 6 25 to 7 04-'''''4:t.1.1esus.' Puiru."treat Wallace Goodfellow?"
flees of the food whieh Jesus had given. Do., No. 2, bushel .. .. 900 to 675 "No, but I gale his mother the names ot
-Schaff. 13. Twelve baskets -wee weed Do., No. ushdo te 4 to some Scientiste W114 Webb!. pa prepared. te
7 ee time up treatment for blue'
trembled "baskets" Meame peckats or nee clover -------------6 •• .•• ••.• oe to
Timetby ... .. .. .. .. 1 00 to 1 30 "1Veet is ttie usual charge $or treat -
wallets!, The twelve baskets were prob- Dressed hogs . .• •... .. 7 25 to 7 60 menet
ably the twelve wallets of the twelve Appies, per slibi, .. -,.. 1 24 to 2 50 "There was no stated price, but eseMe
epostles, wIteli they carried on their Eggs, new hod. dozen .. o rs to 030 Years ago the Natioual Board of Christian
Butter, dairy .. .. .. 0 Z to 0 25 ecieuee of Inc United States 44tabllbbetl A
journeys. -Dr. •Deems. Jasus •evidently Do., creamery .. .. .. 0 24 to 0 n Leo of el a visit to the house tor pro/04-
intended that Ile and the apostles. would Chickens, spring ., .. .. 0 12 to 0 13 siollal Serelees."
vat the pieces as their needs demanded Ducks, ver lb. .. .. .. 0 as to 0 14 "Are you confident that Mrs. Eddy is in
Turkeys,. per lb. . .. .. 0 la 1C, 0 17 a position to aeciare the law ot God?"
V. A testimony given (v. 14). 14. Then Potatoes. per bag • •• •• -
Cabbage, per dox;ii .. .. 00 8085 too 00 9060
ei-irsx.'reletleYwabietlietvheue°.e.x. plainecl some other
those zuen-"The people." -R. V. The Cauliflower. per dozen .. 0 75 to 1 Ott points In connection vita. the teachings ot
mintele--About Which there could be no celery. per dozen .. .. 0 3 0 to one ottearteistita: reSzoeTry N.V.r, tachinkie.d. uir am amb 01 s„,..t
doubt. Triith-411 expreasion denoting Beet hindeue.rters .. .. a 7 50 lb
certainty. That prophet -All who had onions. ,1 Oa to
Do., forequarters ... .. 5 00 to 6 60
8 5° ane4rIct mwagel.1
seen tide wonderful miracle were so pro -Do., choice, Carcase - 7 00 to 7 25 istrat Denison thouset tee ease sheltie go to
leo medium carcase .. - 6 00 to 6 me Assizes ,as it was too int meant tor nen
foundly linpreeaed with it that they etuttan. per Cwt. .. .. s rt. to a se co deal Note. P -
said there be no doubt•but this is Veal, per cwt .. ... .-7 00 to 8 60 ! Messrs. T. C. Robinette, K. 0., and auntie
the Messiah -the Prophet that should Iamb` II" eWt• •• •• .• •• S °° t° 9 te iittieneAsseeittisun' eirli, tai ttiovattlguld ft: dig!
come into the -world, oray; te the i Toronto Live Stock. i
missed eil \Veneto Goodfellow, who was :
predietion of Moses (Deaft. rwiL 15-1S). Receipts ot live stock at the city mar. noum
rled an, was not oelirious when n
They at once tried to take lam by force ket were is- carloads, composed of 154 eat- FT.!' dittl:tingnprirtictil fcifettltrattlimiteen-trf •Xdlie-
:ma make Him their king (v. 15). tie. 433 hogs, 53 sbeep, 1 colt and le horses.
icier s, t his ors ip s ated ' a h N 011 Ci
f - : I The run was somewhat larger than usual . ..
accept tbat as an argument.
MORE CROOKED SHOES. for Friday's market, on account of not be- -
ne,seil was renewed and reduced to 5500 le
• Ing delivered by the railways fa time tor ieach ease. .
• the market on Tuesday.
Judge Carman Could Not Convict ' Prices were uncbanged all round, both for
on cattle, sheep atm. hogs.
Stich Evidence in Bee Case. Exporters sold around 54.40 to 54.50 tor
cattle 1,250 to 1,350 lbs. each. Tuere wore
place any importance in the crooked cattle, perhaps they
ra debtltirelgb :WI ibettert itli; ataberreia
A St. Catharines report: "1 clumat
horse-shoe raark in the same, as ether more rnifonreyt.a oBuetrantleanci; ot h tell ealrepaor t rad eatirl.-
horses in tbe stable had shoes of a shit- trest, Pees ethey An de better. Beteg bulls
ilar shape." said Judge Carman, to -day, sold at e3;25. to 43.60 per cwt., llome, Feb. 14. --David Lubin, of Sae -
when the three Caistor young people,
. InniVelersd-ahee1.P5esto 114th.510erpser eVit:'' wiliti laments., Cal., who has been staying here
Jessie Friesman, appeared before him
John Russell, Arthur 'Mk, and the mil there were not
latter price. the international thamber of agremiture,
half a dozer. brougbt the tor some -months perfectilig the plans for
on a charge of stealing a hive full of a:0'11%1.14...2,v a.Q. 5.2.eric, pse; calmer* speaking to it correspondent ot the .Asso-
i Luse ert:tmg-D-134btigiertl gal
tees from the, bee -house of Entraeeson at 51.50 to n per cwt. The eulic at the mated wress, said: -1 do not wish to be
J. Winslow, of Gransborol, on the night hest butchers steers and belfers eohl at interviewed, as anything coming from n
the prisoners without calling for the mend for a limited number of good quality ;ince 01
.13iee0 toders$4anperte eStekers-There is a fair de- eill-'le Pe Sun will dinlinish the import -
the ecbeme, which is and must re:
of January leth. His Honor dizeharged
evidence for the defence, holding that main the initeative of King Victor Iiii-
jeedesrstigo ttrao=seaperhe.cessotld,i
the only thing the crown bad estab- , to 44.20; feeders., sse to nose lbs. each, at manuel, who has divined the true steeds
seen in the neigliborhood of Winsloues 1
lished was fact that the amused. trea•e 1 rfz2":50to:oermatewtiebace. esat.oelLer,...._,...rszoidanadt v.tigzht tofees.„'esors,. of the people throughout the world, ana
who will of the greatest sev-
en the nieht in question. Common eastern stockers sold at
42.50 to ,:reigns bit history if the projevt is Car -
Emmerson J. Winslow, oho lost the neirout sumessfully."
bees, testified: "On the morning of i Bradstreet's on Trade. Mr. Lubin has had numerous inter -
January 20th," said he, "I noticed tracks 1 Montreal trade reports to Bradstreet's views with Minister of the Treasury Lu-
ba the enow outside of my bee -house. ' say: As regards the movement of whole- satti ami. prominent economists a.ud agri-
One colony was inissing, I followed the ' sale trade at the present moment there culturista. In a report on the subject
hacks: ami they indicated wbere the liS not it heavy volume of busiress do- esee. Lew, says, "elle purpose of the
hive had been lifted over three fences, ; ake
e. For spring delivery, however, or' international chamber of agriculture is
finaliv out on the road. There 1 &INV I dere are fairly satiefaeterY' Dry goods not to ereate abnormal conditions, but
it etater-track leading up close to the I men, and mihiners more particularly, to bring about and znaintain as mantel
fent*. Dead bees 'were strewn about on I fell this trade reeiral, but the hardware- couditiens which are now ebnorinal."-
men also find business steadily improv -
snow. I examined tbe tracks in the in. Gromiee „e eue, ,e oath „lee, ea _ _
- -
saow to see if there eras anything pecte SCULPTOR SUES CARDINALS.
liar that I multi see, and 1 110i:feed that though some improaement may be noted
in some nixes. The city retail trade bas. -
the horse had left a peculiar hoof -mark, pretty well recovered from the lull of Princes of Church Accused of Breach of
me the eork on its shoe hed. been traneel last month. Remittances from the come
sContract by Refusing Statue.
ligbtly. 1 went to Dunnville, because ere aro coming forward better. Values
tee tracks pointed that way, and at of eerataedities are well manwtainen, Lea- Rome, Feb. 12. -All the cardinalere-
John. P. Eranslivery I was told they titer and wools are firm and oats are ated by the lath Pope Lea. NUL are
had a horse which had the cork of
its shoe turned. ENVIIS told nie that Rus- escarcesIeneral'aneodnme mmof trailadhide gislibigeltPhriyeeliand• It: soon to figure as defendants in a lam-
' slat for breacli of contra:it brought.
sell. Kirk and the 1,eirl Frieenan, bad outlook for the future is bright.
the horse o•at the welt of January Be Toronto reports to Bradstreet's say: against thent by the famous sculptor,
We examined the euater arid found <lead Wholesale trade here is in a normally pine An
bees in the bottom. Consequenter, I healthy condition. Grocers report it fah
lrea Luzzi.
went and swore out warrants :against movement of goods. The oclumelehen a Pope dies it has been the eu.s-
-of the , .
the three." n dry goods trade now being'done is said ...)131 for centuries that the cardinals who
Eli Cosby, a faeiehbor of Winslow, by some memhants to Ite• beavier than owe thelr big.:t offiee to hun ereet a
e ibat • 0 el t - J - le in any previous season tied the, sorine :monument to his memery at their own
'1113112 la Ca it' niz, 1 of alluerY • - i t ad -. th, e to -a, 4 ets-3t; so, when Pope Leo died, it commie'
about 7.30. the three priscaere came- r e in -s resPee promises
to his bouse and they played it gume or eecord breaker. 'Tbere fs aiso greet se- zee reprezeutino 59 living cardinals mei
t wo of eases. Then they went amen. Write- it the hardware trade, orders los ani gave Cargnal &anti authority to
driving towards \Winslow's. A little laa.- all buts 'being unusually beatat Beta airange for the ereetion of the Custom -
15 being a clear night, he saw them Ira eetegene tbe high „was hake hese 6 -see
ae ss keeping up welL Farm produce eaa-
- martament. Cardinal Satolli then
drive past the house again. and they 1 . e an order for the meraorial to Prof.
had something white ia the front of ruled for -some time: Oats have ad- anzza who contracte1 to execute it lor
the cutter, balf-caneraka with the robe. vaneed to 40 cents per busbea and *heat asse,040, whieh would make the eost to
The ease k different reeu- here sells at $L0S.
. eaeh earairea lam
tooon a .
plesion when Crown Attorney Brennan ,„:t ,
Vin,eg advices to Bratistreetes re-. The profezisar designed the inonument,
e. generally.showing more tactile- the clrawinga were approved - by the
put William Young, foreman -of Evans" trt-y as spring -draws nearer. In few lines Memorial Coianuittee and exhibited at
live_ry, into the box. Young Ised flee
--- ---I is the movement any:labia batter that the Vatican. Same time afterward Laz-
ier° hind shoes the horseo the priseters
had used had worn that 1119t. rjutb . moderate, but the outlook favors a inn.wa e ii re:wive-a a short letter limn :Car -
larger movement be the near future. Re- weed eeeeee who informed him that
she" were raalat exeetraa ellke- bath . tail -stocks have been moebee swell late. the. etimmittee had deeitia to give the
being shgater turned et the tork, to ly, and orders are beginning to come for eader ta the seulptor Gitele Todolini,
prevent enterfering. - - 'weed in better volume. Payments, how- who would de the work for $12,0110.
"Have you other irerees in the stable . eyer, ihow little or no improveinents ana
with s.boes like that" askel Mr. Ceram- dry goods paper which matured Prat. Luzei reported tbe ease to.
telt r week was not any tot well met, Remit -
flit Poen Pies, who promised • to see. that
ette earareeds lived up to their contract, .
'Oh yes." said Year,-, ethers quite it e tweees am steady mad improvement nee they, hesee,..„, peeeseedy
t •. • *rw ee refeteee
common thing." • -• stould be only a matter of time.
amine farther ezewiceil the Crawrile ! ileterria ena Vaneouverstrade is sbow- .. . ....., .... - 1 . s
exorbitant, ana the sculptor then
ease by skiing tbat -e ad tenni aead. i irg zeta improvement one the Indus-
hees in anether cutter in the stale. a tales at the Protroes are teem -Idea tee 1):7"--'14'ght: a.11it*
ea -dors ego. Ile diatt lama- whetter I retitle- The Itaneer trade, however, ia
les cutter had been out en the tient tall quiet- The Telltale of wholesale
1 Jere:alto- 19 or net. This eteeel 1
Crown's ease.
ellrere is r.oilarg to estetet taw
s 1 tweee teretatiets geeetally. Meney es
Lents with Ilia teoft ef these t* -es. 1 tee 71.0e e,... z, fcsmra aleewy, hut deg-.
elate ,Cer7az11' "Ile Frt"'er's 27"? '23- leteastreells re sis r • mtalnatot.
at taiole t hat we y nrelf." ri-Armzci - __-.7 1-4- - - ---=-*--4 ' - - ease. me, vine has beea .pending a few
i roes nee E.-npfn.1 p,t 211.,,* nyr,--,e114 in tilt:, eseeretary of the Ithoaes scaoLership
pc,„ rem Ottawa, Feb. 14.-Dra Geo. Pe Parkin,
tear Hor_or.." zedi Mr. Carspaell.
eats:nee. lays in the eity, the guest- of air Sand-
. Lea risati%. left for the Maritime Pro-
ne waeletate twee te-.:;-:::e to
sedew iweesegese menetee esteeehe se. vierase to-renht. ales year there are to
WHAT THE %7ORLD, DRUNKS, s it '-e nees tneeaae tag ewe. oaten te;Raales seliolars at Oxfar.I from all
- I ,Th,.a.. en . _..,„- e..ff.„, e„,,, lee e
0;2am p2:;:e mad in cetsn=ritm t,Lt ._,_ _ . _ __nee __ ease newts of tae world. A. similar umber
tt. Rea; 4iritt az,.:1 wiz?. e w -_ea. Inc been cf =mai volame itati
4 twernsy ie falaely free. are
.....een, Fsia119.-An o-itlez., meow est senso sea veates are =ratan:lei
oblisited tf Wee erentity cf eteetelee t Leaden renseett to lasalentet's say the eeactetil. .
bevereges cense:mei be- vasteen rata:less anehes..e elle:soli= tatest as satiefactora, , De. Parkin view that the men 'already
n the year. Fee& in rnv<vr5t.Est:t15 t=e fe teenee tbreogliout at Oxford Lave createa a very favbrable
ie greateet 'Leer eleitkers r - 21a p, ra t:I=f7s cf teal?. Delivenets el fafti ieseiresetea with the university author.
alleles a year eaea. tot elf tau to os Ler:none 'ft= et'? senzenerealtes ceentryeiteen JfieuleA ill the 75 there at 1W05-
Vigrit= came few?, 1-.rita rift tivcx.,,,-;:i,, -zee fetallewea to be tweet tine flee falterer eet. teeee ;ere wine Canadian& Canalt is
etstempti47w et 4r.7 ghtnsose ircilt aletratt" Waal. rel:elte Matt asieneley- te feastiela it tetal of -24 in all. After
Tte United Iiiresieen nonage a..tat ' tese. teaftale teta-1 elasa tala -2-.-/"Z''';'4 13 favor" es-fro:tights: fer trae seleetion of a Bermuda
liceiteate Ate:ere:a tees sleena en tess t erA. i.::,!?,:ar ea tie eastern ti p, Dr. ?stelae
st, with at mem-we coeseeseeelawo ce t 1There Es a gaud. hereettea tete to tbe ...,:n six /A. Etoutt text week.
U3*" ret latetwa. Wet:al tessetev luist - - - • • "•e IP.*
trade row daing is rather keavier. Heavy
etre:lases of sepplies for letwatericg Caneda Has Yet to Iturnisl' Fifteenalore
gee p.m Sebolara.
belonged," lied all that e:eald be foute. .
I.aoves.. figies-"Ihe leave's. weee •
zoned, fist teltes like large eat'aer.4."
Dailey tins their paorest feed. "Tee t
Haan. were small, dried• or picalea, and -
wen* eaten. with bread, like our ear- t
. 1I3. The multitude lea vs. 10, 111. 10. .
Make the niet cit -"in many ranks Lae 'PO
'eat go ever meet. fah, tentl teen the fol-
lewieg, year Cm full complement of 1100
Raoles seltelar.s at Oxferd will be
fte. eotweeient distributian o the foed."
Mark says they nit by hundreels nea -
fifties. oTbey appear Leie hea:14 -
of tamales arounil -whom, in matey teem
women feed tailartia were gawped;
though the nten, ;demo were arrange! in
companies ami numbered, rellie the W1- ,r1
men soli children were ravel separate -
lye at Oriental -custom required."-foro.
Muth gras,..-The grass was reads* for - wts
',towing at this tint* of the ye. -u'. Ateret• .
Ike thousend-Pneilles womea ana
Watt. air. 21s. There must ho -re
been ten thousand perigees to feat Jenne
Lad .ttrranged them ea they cella easily -
1.* .couitted.
Will SillESSEL
Troops 111 With Scurvy and
Ammunition Exhausted,
He Leaves the Czar to Judge
Him. •
Strong Belief That He Gave
in Too Soon,
(Toronto G)obe),
.teden, Feb. 14.--Tlie French steatusbip
Australien waved here at 8 o'cloca this
eveoing carrying -among her other pas-
sengers, • Gen. atoessel, seven Generals,
two Admirals, 136 other officers and 143
artillery soldiers, formerly of the Port
Arthur garrison. Mine. Stoessel brings
with le r eix orphans 'whom he has ad-
opted, sons of officerd who fell at Poi
,ertteur. Clommwascetion between t
Auetralien and the shore is not Allow
on acouet of a recrudeerence of t
plague litre, where there are 50 dent
a day,
It se were able to, eptbayk, thanks
the isolation of .a rock in iron& ot Ad
oat wheat m 2. vague .,hospital. We we
gramously reemeett by Gee. atoessel it
teen. leems, bus elnet of staff,' wuo AVE
interperter. They said it was it sa
ruing to return vamp/wiled, but the
were conscious of haxtug done their e
eue duty in holdiug the iortress lot
es they did. They could not have he
bort Arthur a.t thm
e ost for four day
longer. lthe, munitions and lood su
ply had been ahnost.completely animus
...ed. Them remsened ozuy 0,000 matte
shells and 2,000,000 cartridges, wine
were powerless against the' eleven -Mc
gnus evhich Tabled theta hre upon eh
auesian trent 45 kilometres long
In the garrison, said Gen. otoess
theta were 30,000 men, of W11010 18,00
were in the hospital and 4,000 were no
combatants. Uf the remaining 8,00
teeter were *afflicted "with scurvy an
Wale' no buildings in the whole of tit
New Town are injurea, nor bee any it
jury been done to the fine bearticks
Torpedo Bay. No buildinge from th
dockyard eastward to the sea leve bee
damaged. .Altogether, the numbee o
damaged buildings is so small, especiall
the number of inhabited Milldams, tha
not bave been tim 7015802. 101' surrender
Referiug to the ships in the harbox
Morrison said: Nearly all them ehip
r4 juxtyginun Abbant
Aut4 ritollinaron, I
t anseeLen_mmemenen-
the succese of the Japanese fun could.
g 'Jolla/Mon of Roots end AeOrouste* specialty.
were sunk by their own officera;ys
they had men, food, ammunition, guns
and sufficient steam coal to take them
back to Russia.
MI acounts agree in -condemning Gen
oral Stoessel, who, if be had not bee
checked by the resolution of Genera
Kondraelienko, would have 'capitulate
weeks before. All Accounts agree in eon
(attuning the majority of the Russian of
ricers, who had more. fear of the failur
of other comforta than of ammunition
All accounts praise the courage of the
Ruskin rank and filo, who were in too
matey ease shamefully commanded ity
thw eofficers. All accopnts agree that
P0 Man who ever held a responsible cone
wand less deserved the title of hero than
General Stoessel.
Those who hone witneased the condi-
tion of the fertress, contrasting the eve
dance of their eyes with the aatounaing
misrepresentations of General Stoessel,
had their sympathy turned into derision,
believing that no more dIscredirable sur-
render aaa been recorded in history.
1f:utile Kaiser waited until he had re-
ceived the reports of the Gordian and
other nulitary atttaches he could mom
bave conferred the Order pour be Write
Mon General Stoessel.
New York's -Celebrated Place of Amuse-
ment Badly Damaged.
Ottice-in Vpstone Block.
Open lastunlay evenings. 1 to 9.
o on Town end runt ProPertr.
. lipp101i.-in the Kent Meek.
Ilseldsao*-Oethstine ea
eew York, Feb. 12. -The old Casino
le Theatre, at Thirty-ninth street and
nu •firoadway, had a $50,00 fire Saturday
eu afternoon, and although there was no
ft audience in the •play -house, the panic
e among the 100 or more play people at
11- rehearsal furnished excitement, and
m ultimately, as no One was seriously
es. hurt, much entertainment for the thou -4
4-- st sandsraelete s . of
f fire- s c :eters that packed. the
tasted in the dressing--
st room on the third floor (wee the stage,
u About 100 actresses and actors of the
h "Lady Teazle" aad "Itorodora" revival
e company were rehearsing previous to the
afternoon matinee, About forty chorus
girls.had just left the stage to make te
u change of costume for the rehearsal of
n. another scene. They were crowding up
the narow stairs when a volume of
e =eke came clown, The girls ran back
were obliged to fight sehtea or lyin
down in the trenenes.
"For several months," , said Ge
Stoessel, "the troops received gir
grammes of horse meat apiece eac
Established 134,
Rieke taken on all climes of limitable pro
Perty en the eash or premium not system.
Lames Dome, Cow. powwow!.
Profile's*. Seeretary.
4.0/11%', WINGINAlt ONT
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
offico: Meier Block NvInglutra.
E. 1. Dieklieen
Dudley BoInsei
Roney to loan at loweet rates. °Mos
7.111. WINGRAM.
Office i -Morton Block, gililughana .
• to the stage and towards the exits.
The , fire spread from one dresssing- PHYSICIAN, SURGEO/4
le room to another, and thence to the ACCOUCHEUR.
auditorium. Within twenty minutes the ceare.
Oce :-17pstairs in the Macdonald •
I, whole interior of the theatre was on fire.
ii. All the members ofthe company, with s Block.
the exception of Miss Russell, were ou Night calls answered at office.
, the stage or in the aressing•rooms when .
the fire started.
'. The "Lech, Teazle" company, which has DRS. CRISHAM & ClilBROLI
e. been ptitylug at the Casino for several '
week. All the food was prepared wit
machine oil. After September the oril
ships whieh succeeded in runiihig th
olockade, were the steamer King At
thur, comb3aueed by e Frencli eaptaii
and three junks. Alt brought floue. Th
• weeks, is headed. by..lellian Russell. The . PHYSICIANS • SUET
In theatre was built in the 80's, and was
d famous for a long time as the home of Iosepbble Street -
. Whighans
the Aronson musical comedies. The midi -
test newt wo received from the outsid
world, was on Sept. 20,*when it telegro.
from Gen, leouropatkin said he worei
come to relieve us in three months.
"The three months having passed an
no news of the fleet under VicesAdutira
elomstvensky having been received, 11
situation became desperate. . The.gar
risen being exhausted, and the nee
whose preservation bad been the prin
cipal reason for resistance baying bee
destroyed, after the capture or High
Mountain, 203 -metre Hill, I considered
that any further prolongation ofth
winding staircase. This facts makes it
/ the street level, and is reached by a P. KENNEDY, u.D., Iiii.C.P.S.0
e doublf fortanate that there was no audi- ° Oternher ot theBritlahliedieal
once in the house when the fire started.
n DO NOT KEEP SABBATH. Special abbentien paid to Diaeanea of R074•1
- and children.
A Crusade Against English Sunday . 0,11011 NOV= I-1 to i 3 totem,
e .' ' Pleasure -Seekers.
torium sif the house is one storey above
struggle would inevitably lead to fright
fat carnage."
He concluded bysaying: "The Czat
and ray peers will judge if I should have
prolonged the siege, have mado it. heroic
but criminal sortie, or whether I was
right to prefer a less great name in mili-
tary annals to ha.ving 30,000eivesent. my
A number of the other Officers whom
I interviewed did not. sham this moral
satisfaction of General Stoessele "They
expressed • violent resentneene.. toward
Admiral Prince Ouktomaky for his dis-
astrous handling of the fleet, against
several incapable Generals, mad above
all, against ex -Viceroy Alexieff. The
last-named, they declared, had foreseen
nothing and prepared nothing. e
It was necessary to reconstruct the
greater part of the fond -mations under
deplorable conditions and under the fire
of the enemy. The officers declared that
General Stoessel was a brave man but
not a .genius. General Kondmtenko,
they said, was the real soul of the de-
fence, and was adored by his men. 'Mee
he died, Port Artbur died with bine Ueu.
Smyrnoff and several other generals, in
spite of the Czar's permission, preferted
captivity to a sbameful return. - ,
In spite of the sympathy of the pas-
sengers and the warm orations they re-
ceived at Saigon, Indo-China, the Rus-
sian officers on the Australien aro ell
melancholy. When they were asked if
they were glad to return to their lath.
erland they replied "No," and added -sad-
ly that if General Kondrateeko had been
in command at Port Arthur they- would
not have been here. The Russians will
leas -e the Australien at Port Saki, tine
offieer who is ill disembarked here..
Charges Against Stoessel.
Dr. Morrison, the Petits correspondent
of tbe London Time% pereonally inspect -
ail Port Arthur after the surrender. His
deeeription of the conditiona there and
is dertunciataon of General Stoessel ere-
itted gesteratsurpriee, in View •Of th 0 pre-
vious reports of General Stoesiere gal-
lant defence. Here is 0 summary of Dr.
Morrismas suttee, which General Stoes-
sel is answering:
No foreign officer ean explain the rea-
son for the capitulation, Want of men
certainly eannot explain it The Japan-
ese found in the fortress more than 23,-
00.1 strong, able-bodied eoldiere cepable
of snaking a sortie. Nor was failure of
ammunition the 'reason for the surren-
der; for tae first iudieation wleelt the
besiegere had thet the fortress would fiat
was the reekless throwing away of small -
arm awl gun -fire anuminitioni seltielt 17115
ninnessly diseltarged from all the de.
-knees throughout t.wo der. Vet,
vete of this. ant in epite of the atumuni.
hen thrown into the barber, large (van-
ities remained,
beareito o. food, again, canal hot have
wen the reason for the eapitulatloit, for
here was ample foad for three months,
yen if eve assnme that the supplies
-era(' not he teplenished by junks front
re mantlend. The watera teem With
isle rind there were 2.000 literate lie fair-
y good condition. Wo privete stores
rad been coneineudeered.
-Celt twist mit have been Ole reasten
r the eurrender, for the Weather was
Rd, and the troops were well OA with
abundance of warm elothing, while
adaition there were Mtge tplelltilieo A
eireweed, etnekt of briquettes, Ana an f
Intense *mount of Woodwork ant seat- y
Itling on large. numbers of buildinge
tieh were under constrnetion. In tita r,
tion there were etaeks of real near the
ihvay and mantle lioueee, mai 70,. 1,
• New" Yeats, Feb. 12. -The Sun publish -
T. Hamm
es the following from Lond'on: Under D.D.S., L.D.S.
• the auspices: of the .Arebbistiops of Can- Graduate of Royal
terbury and York, a majority of the College of Dental
Bishops and -o. uumber of other dignitar- asitargazda.:t
ies of -the -Episcopal Church, there will
soon be ;started a crusade against Eng- 41 Dep't. of Toren -
land's "Godless Sunday." The movement war irr•
juts been initiated by Lieut -Col. eau: De nett' p egg method e lb all branchee of
n ry. s moderate. BatIsfitotioe
RoberaKingscote, a high official of the gilaranteed. gerOfilea in Beaver Block.
King's household, who has obtained the ----
ea-operation of the leaders of the Es-
tablished Church and •many clerical and ARTHUR J. IRWIN
lay enthusiasts in the fight against the
secularization of the Sabbath, which ea- D.D.S.. L.D.E.
doubtedly now more widely condoned, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Fen*
and even defended, than at any time neylvania College and Licentiate el
since public opinion in England was fiat Dental Surgery of Ontario.
governed. by evangelical influences. .
It is not so long ego that "respect- woo over Pose orlice-WINGE.L.M '
able people".seaerely sti atized
lie regent ta the ceesseweeenees. eV:retail-4 teneesentersteet Et fee. het Week' ketwoweegee COMMITSSUICIDE. .1
ine, arewest teute. wesee nee: feeseeres e set t a. -..e re it aerese tone ft et *sou,-
tr.tzlza fa '.ahtt et etee Leut twee:tee. et , tete cselsee law teette reel 5.,,.•:g afnr- Itsy. mama efeweeeeee leans wileseu e
eltite. Dew -oak enele, mete a tetteeseee .4ehte ti '---:''.4.-• '-112-%•-%-;111`Y 47-=:'":-.41-...::-.6. lair'', " rals it • " • SI.t • - • It
ta LI 4.: rift :few ezeneoweee ate eat- ' ee' itenZatle •4 • ' '
r•L'S lx.,2 1::::=:-.1 u,:e a!--..72.61".• 1::: ;1 .S''.. Iteotele, Fele 13. -The Rev. Mettin ,f
e litretest Seeen av tee gleam area at e ...,......-....4 ,e. -
't rat:at Cr THE XITTY D. al'Isiantilena. rani! de it. metal ago pester 1
Almai.. rf eite Ctristian. Cbureet at Granite City, 1
tate tretaa Esureettet. a allet ‘ltieetaseal Else "Terneeea Saretal Lainel -a /te-
r "5. ftwei laanaing thie efterstoon 1,y
Ws regsea to the riseweeoaartiata annee :elude uts thremiterter inth rope from a rafter fo
teetnete bevesfeasA. tee reeseenell 3i -I ' ' '"" ein the. tree:meat et his home, 4,41t North .m
Ln Inc tt r --,-',.--,_at r;, v.,: c*.i.t areeztee, Set lt --In:, reritit (-6.-.1-11.1'03r,ten,a eeret a -the tattaaeral Was all
rt. Tao r.. --7r..±.....-.4 tr.i.a:!.::,...".,. et. -.7,-,1 iviij.,,::•, ,,..±.,s,;Z:-...c., ,..:17 ."t•Lsi '0. -..fir,:,,,, ilz..., way reale by Li's ewe tee Ilev. Eugene T. Mc- . in
ith 29 rear teen Sweers_ (wean easeee. e es ete ewe lewesederse ee 4.',1,,rsas,1-14 ge. ,FZelti, paster el tbe Foarth tairiellen of
ICS. E.11 D9 atet ta tero enaele aset' Walt welial 'Lula e wz.t2 nrt.:f. .t.) 01,1*,/ /*form!), at le701 Penreee greet. in
h e-, E 4*-• 4' -.. ,-•,i,,. ' r." CC' _ _...., esee et we e ;tap ibe i ,.e y efts e • . ea erveeterned fo
11. Jaen teok the bavtw--e-Tbus ace
leg like the Mader of a lefolin =owe
ole Jon, Who, took the breaa inta Lie
liana* to give tbseke to Goa. before any no
ly wane" to *le cen isteat :a•afa• 4:6474' ll Weep ettient his neek, 6114 thea kielteat tbe
"The treala IA =1: -.7* -1"" esee we, 7r- 7...,,,, -,:.,-.:...2. wleiele lle vowed in Buf-stens, fret) otter Ilim. Ills feet Were in
s: tel Vie 1:7,9!.,•2',-_,_ 1-V,P-t,' flo ri::::: .7,:5 Se."..e.fl in Ilk* Erie by the fel!Jant a font fr?or the floor. 11
PIA, Warti,...!;'' 41:e.1 tit ei...ft: ae,t:eweeen teetertriett tatter Petrel Deepanienty is atipposel -Ls tate teen
ug. IL zoo kgo last July. „Admiralty Judge the esuse of the suicide.
gate! to farse Ewen reeteur tnatil
their chess who defied the Sabbath con-
ventions based on the Decalogue. This SOA1E O. T. R. RUMORS.
is no 'enema the case 2
smell 'country towns, where attendance
at at least one service every Sunday, BATTLE CREEK TO BE HEADQUAR-
and et, reasonable excuse for absence
from the others; was necessary a - few • =RS FOR NEW SOUTHERN ROUTE.
years ago ht order to avoid. soothe ostra- Battle Creek, Mich., Feb. 13. -Semi-official
meiSanin,Otrill‘eyeointliften iluveheot gleoneisenotnVexiecteurOsifonas rumors prevalent here indicate it sweeping
or bicycle rides, or takes part in change in Grand Trunk Railway matters in
games on the Sabbath . golf this section, Which will make Battle Creek
the third city in Michigan. It is stated that
eanIltimisigfuortatslebseerncatelnuiel:eatet. fillet j4 to
ttohe system. win soon open a southern route
oiiflielslyoeleite teepdo pill:, inllryll'oh, t ntilttielosuigniavrttisi:yt beyond, for which Battle Creek will ba head -
Indianapolis and Cincinrinte and perhaps
liitve the whole week to amuse them - genders. The Grand Trunk. Is spending:
their amusements on Sunday. thousands ef dollars .equiring valuable sios
In the heeet el tbe city. tete whoto stren
selves, increase, so tbeir accusers say,
THUMB SEAL. Mti----&' PRINT eiTii. has ben bought for the elle or a $19,003 de-
pot, and met ot this sae the company 11.15 nera
Express Robber 'at Pittsburg Left That
. .ear shops. Over moo,o33 (offizial figure),
luitight a site of bundreas of a wes for le ... 1
Trace Behind Him. wilt be spent in shops ta make engines era
la, by the Treasury Department a
u ,}:t ears.
surrounding • the disappearance of an
Pittsburg, lette Feb. IL -The mystery TREATY WAS 1O P....:ITIYIED.
Adams 'Express Compony -package con- Opposition in IL S. Senate to Hay -Bond
tainiug e5 (150 coneigned
Washington to the Citizefisb National Treaty.
Batik of Neweastle, Pea has been drat- no1iNt'iiti slaelin,egatto; , fDoi.. Ctlielnit.tp1130.-1-heIlemalinty.i.
od ay •tho confession of Leroy rie‘te, a
pally. Love, who lives at Isiewenstle, commeread rdatiens with We:whined--
laud, was eoneidered ay the Senate to-
messeuger in the employ of the cone
eonlessea efter being in the "swentboxa 1103- 111
l‘tsvget.i:sebtattilv't°11`sekli:itbIllel 11-
ive Niers. Ile then aecompanied ' the
5,377 of the money. Part of it wns self wits not ratified_ dire committee
Amendments atioptea, it is untleretofel,
detectives to his liable and returned
secreted under the flooring in the bath- b`ftle.lelattile°rrte2l111.ate°1111.eun'eZinearelllwaendb-et"en
roont and the rem:tinder Witil sewed in aenators Ledge ami 'rah% ka in ewe -
the leg of a pen of trousers. Ile had port of tiro retina:time of the ereatee
elleut Ma for 4 aialtmed ring nuti .$100 The OppOiltiOtt Wag general,. 1111d. ill the
ifioisr iantlotentetiveyd IgvIlleol. wedding ring, both for exteudea debate, eoaering nearly throe
atm robbery was traced by it titumb 1111-P1:ill' biet tArtiroillittrefeienit ttItri7tit,11...thla.eer
print on the Peel. Every man, who treaty may be ratiflea at the /Irma
had luntillea the pitekage wits eompellea eession,
to tave hopvissaions elf his Gimlet mule.
Love vela one of -the lag to suleuit tie
thumb lathe Witrit be dill it similatity ...................44,...w,-.
• met And lite Arreet fold eull fee- NOT A. LIFE LOST.
shut followed, --
Tho yOling lithll le hIle all yenta old. °4114' Ileat l‘r°111 a° n4111411' SAferP
Ife luta been active in Alvah anti so. .
My Osaka in Neweaetle,
...............e.esse. *.a..a. 1 101 i LI I; leb. 13.--Xot a life was lost
le the evreele of the Purnese Later Da-
STREE r CA Rs BURN EI). merit, *bleb stnlek a reek off Jeddore
TIURTY.PIVS 1W,STAOYED .13Y SIR; (T;Ailty,Itt, ou the east erratt of Nova Seotia,
I Ilbilkit YOUR: IttlZ141 imitiohnt\orronvin,gttin h. terrifie htwricane
atta event to the bottom may on TlIN-,
, IL . 0 .
Mr11;s111 iftt)l.tkisnv,e0ilat). ,111;;;PehltirCecti7etiftbr; Ill(tint(),:t4iiillletarr:.‘1111111ti7t.:1).1311tY11:11.fisidieltr1141tVat%:leillielgellitItelittatilelal'ill
lee in the gorage barite of the NeW tiannt 0.0 f,xtentOst heett. At S onloen
Ork Vile' Ileielette ite,nparree Otit eve- eiritt aftetneou Werte Cate?, tat the
tie ima tiallt greet, teat ninitt. Abele. meeting lifelleat in &ante of teualein
f) pv14%111(41 Who were eourinea in the J. la Gown, with fourteen settle alreertl,
veet slat\ (mutt prieon at the Veer of 1.110 Wile tette ot lateeolat Peint. Tin. hert ri-
tuning buttainge Ittlilea to the estate, lantlea et .1 lade& on Tneniera efternoen
lim Iry their Moe et ftigbt Mitil they but the uhole ef that indalell 011'011
;jet rcrotet teulaatipulkatilemiLertifveotlyt. tsut robot .1hoehrivociltrfit.owtoemltilieeteltrtd,uaetvil
tied, With le WM prOpetty loft or OM. Itionttlyabet,tetlxv‘1%611tortitoutttfketittetiIstum.uudobait,
at tbe tieble Were perreitted eete•
'Teens had one loaf for a Wonsan:1 men,
besidee the Women en.1 Children. We etti
may Noe but little, but i1 we wilt ifiv# it
Ow little we lutm jesus, lle mut. ,h1
eel ee- 's te-esenen cereal's ea fteliseep bon a the feet geoweI that Mr. tel
traaart lItZt east =ill 101:1 t 4.*11.7 teen tbe Canslien 'Went:era bad gond. oft tlee bee to fas• di
far bat eaal rZets i:e Re. treteriie-.....F=.',1-7- ten the ts.-4e over Om rafter. placal a ea
000 tons in the doekyard One,
g more tiem 31,004 tons of (await( veal w
the large tog eteag.
Plata:, want of thelter could not here At
beett the 1'00011 of the surrender. kree.
---eltilagailleeeseeeezusese'1!1I11III11,1U 111111
i-111-7, Iri