The Wingham Advance, 1905-02-09, Page 1•
The • Wingham Advance.
32ND YEAR, NO, 24,
Sim, Mon, Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
1 2 .3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 34 15 10 17 18
19 20 21, 22 23 24 25
20 27 28 ••• ••• •••
local Items
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Robt. McBride has removed to
and Mrs. john Goy, of Torn
berry, lost a bright 18 months' old
boy on Sunday. Mrs, Goy is also Ill
at present.
The Young Ladies' Fortnightly will
meet at the home of Mrs. A. H. Mus-
grove on Tuesday evening, February
14th, at 8 o'clock sharp.
VALENTINRS-Real nice ones : see
them at Cooper's J3ook Store.
At the meeting of the Royal Arch
Masons, Mr. E. L. Dickinson, of God-
erich, was elected as Grand Superin-
tendent for Huron district
Mr. S. McCracken received word on
Tuesday of the death of his grandson,
only child of Mr. and Mrs. S. McLean
of Dauphin, Man., and formerly of
R. 0. Pettypiece, formerly of Wing -
ham, is ab the Queen's. He would be
pleased to give you information of the
chances for investment that await you
in the Canadian North-West. He has
50,000 acres of choice land for sale.
John Connell of Winnipeg gave his
Wingluun friends a cell this week, on
his way to Montreal on a business
trip. Mr. Connell is it member of the
Legislative Assembly. Ib . is twenty-
three years since he left Wingham.
WAIITED.-Choice roll butter 20 cts.
Try our Horse and Cattle Food,. Calf
Meal and Poultry Meats for best re-
sults. -G. E. King.
Mr. a. O. Bell, of. Fort Francis, son
of Mr. Tiros. Bell, of town, was elect-
ed a member of the council of that
town for this year. Harry makes
hosts of friends wherever he is, and it
is quite evident he is as popular in
that new country, as he was in his
native county of Huron.
Wm. D. Aitken, a farmer who lived
OA the Culross and Turnberry bound-
ary near Glenannan, died about 9
o'clock Monday night, Jan. 30th. Mr.
Aitken had been ill about three weeks
of pneumonia. Deceased was 50 years
and 6 mouths old, had been twice
married and leaves a widow and...Button.
young family.
Contracts' Secured.
Mr, Chas. Barber has Remised con-
tracts for the cement abutments of
three vounty bridges -one near Luck.
now smother at AreberleY, a third nt
Morrisbank, AU, Barber has the fa,
Unities ffsr speedy, prompt work, and
does his work well. He okpects to be
kept busy the approaching season.
C. 0. P. Supper,
About sixty -live of the members of
Court Maitland, No. 25, 0, 0. F. met
in their Lodge room on Thursday last
and enjoyed a pleasant social. They
were regaled with oysters and enter-
tained with brief addresses. Organizer
Strong was present; lie has succeed-
ed in adding several to the member-
West Huron Election.
West alum is noted for dose elec-
tions, recounts, protests, etes etc.,
and is still at its old trick of seldom
giving a candidate a good solid, sub-
stantial majority. A recount of the
ballots was held in Goderich on Fri-
day last, before Judge Doyle, and still
the natter is in donbt, the Judge hav-
ing reserved his decision until Friday
10th inst.
The entertainment given by the A.
Y, P. A. in St. Peas school room,
last Monday evening was a decided
success. Rev. Mr. Gunne of Clinton
delivered a very interesting address
on California; for which he received
a hearty vote of thanks, Rev. Mr,
McLean (Baptist minister), gave a
very amusing recitation, which was
much enjoyed. Mrs. Beattie also gave
a recitation. Miss Griffin sang a solo,
in her usual pleasant manner. Re-
freshments were served and a pleasant
social time enjoyed. The young
people are congratulated on the suc-
cess of their effort.
County L. 0. L.
The County L. 0. L. of North Huron
inet in Wingham on Tuesday of this
week. There was a large attendance ;
County Master Mains of Londesboro
presided. The following officers were
elected :-County Master -M. Mains
(re-elected); Dep. 0. Master --Rich.
Leishman; Chaplain -Rev. W. Lowe;
R. Sed. -Y. J. McManus ; Fin. Sec. -
A. Robinson; Treasurer -Jas. ;
Dir. of 0.-N. Johnston; Lecturers -7
Geo. Mains, Geo. Thornton. Bro. A.
H. Musgrove gave an excellent ad-
dress which was appreciated. It was
decided not to have a County celebra-
tion this year. Each Lodge will be at
liberty to go to any celebration they
may choose.
Ten only good, golden oak finish
bedroom suites worth $14 ; our special
cut price $11. - Walker Bros. &
FOR SALR.-Honse and lot on John
street, near the school, brick cottage,
seven rooms. Possession at once.
Apply on the. premises to Mrs. A.
Cook, Winghtina. •
Farm Laborers.
Staff -Captain Patterson of the
Salvation Army Headquarters, Toron-
to, was in town on Friday. The
Army has chartered the steamer Van -
A, E. Bradwin of the Blyth Stan- couver, and is bringing out 1200 erni-
dard was in town on Tuesday, and grants, who from the congested con -
gave the Advance a call. Mr, Brad- dition of the labor market in the old
win was elected Assistant Secretary hod, are out of employment. The
. of the Canadian Press Association at Advance is informed that these end -
their annual meetiug in Toronto last grants are of a desirable class, suitable
week. This is thefirst time that it as mechanics, farm hands, domestics,
newspaper man in a small towtt has etc. They will arrive sometime in
been elected to that position. March, and at intervals throughout
The Grand Trunk is now figuring on the summer, Mr. C. J. Maguire has
the double -tracking of its line between consented to act as agent, and farmers
Kingscourt Junction and Kornoka, in and others should file applications
Western Ontario, which, with the ex- with him, if they require help. The
caption of a few short stretches at Army is doiug practieal, helpful work,
different points, where the engineer- if it can bring desirable emigrants
here, that will good farm labor-
ing difficulties have not yet been aver- here,
and servant girls. It will perhaps
come, remains the only piece of the
take these a little while to adapt
company's track between Montreal
and Chicago that inot already themselves to the conditions here, but
doubleltracked. 'if they ate of steady, industrious
bits, they will make good helpers in
Dn. °votes, a London, Surgeon, fits ha
field and home, and at the same time
glasses propedy. Treats diseases EYE,
EAR, NOM, TIIROA.T. Office i--MolCib- find comfortable homes for them -
bon's drug store, Winglutue, M0m:1AZ selves. Applications should be made
March 18th. at once to O. J. llfaguire.
Rev. Dr. Gundy, of Winghain. deliv- • •
ered his lecture on "The inspiration of Two *Hockey Games.
the Bible" in the lecture room of the On -Wednesday of last week, Wing -
Methodist church here on Thursday ham Hockey players went to Mee-
ovening of last week, att. Gnndes riston to play an exhibition game with
arginnents were ln favor of the view the team of that tow, to All, 11 -
of verbal inspiration. he held that coney caused by the defer.* of Owen
not Only Was the meaning of the vart, Sound. Owing to some of onr boys
one books of the Scriptures inspited being hurt at the Lucknow game, two
but even the form of composition.- Juniors, ,(eGillivery and Conway
Teesweter News, were put on, and they certainly did
themselves credit. Herbert Keet not,
A representative Winnipeg business
ed as referee end kept the game well
Ulan says "1 bare made a predict)
hend. The gatne wits well contest -
for years a distributing n ealenear ed 414 ended in it viotcal for Wing.
end have recently tome to the coni
WI on a score or 4-2, Oa Friday
elusion that the money expended in evening on the rink here, was played
this direction is practically wasted, I one of the prettiest and cleanest ex -
have usedcalendars merely as .A.11 hibition games of hockey ever seen fn
mixillery to my netvspaper advertas4 Winghatre between the local team
ing, but hereafter the appropriation / mut Mt, Forest Northern Lowe
set Apart for advertisfng, will be ex team, There was no rough play and
pended Wholly in the newspaper." only one player was retired for in.
A copy of the Thamesford Stair is to terference, mei than only for it very
hand, of which W. MacGregor (son short thee. The game was indeed a
of Mr, MaeGregor of Witighend is fine one, and again the laurels of vie.
editor and manager. It is neatly tory fell to Wingheni, on la score of
gotten up and is successfully n4s. Referee Tlaeobeld of Mt. Fared
prettehing the end of the at year of gave Mecellent satisfaction, tip to
its existeuce. The Advance wishes dette Wingluun has won seven games,
the Star and its editor success, Mr, and lost only one, which lute been pro.
MacGregor is a bright, eteady, in, tested, They have swami 01 goals,
The Markets.
The local markets show very little
change. Wheat is quoted at $1.02
live hogs are $5.25.
No Amalgamation,
In a recent despatch from Brantford
to the Mail and Empire it was stated
that according to a report, the Mosey -
Herds Company and the Deering
harvester Company Were likely to
amalgamate, It appears the stete-
ment was altogether unfounded, and
Was based on erroneous information.
The Massey -Harris Company has no
intention of amalgamating with the
Deering Coinpa,ny...,
Pointed Questions.
The Assessor will soon be an his
rounds. There are a number of clues,
tions you must answer, and there are
others some people ought to be asked.
Among the latter we might mention
the following,
1, Do you owe for your paper
2. How much do you awe ?
3. Why don't you pay it ?
4. Do yon borrow your neighbor's
Sometime ago, the Advance sent a
number of subscription accounts, and
they are as yet unpaid. The delin-
quents 30114 be waiting for some other
. process.
Fort-Sarm-SIX acres of good land,
helm lately renovated, good stable;
chicken house and pig pen, all in good
order. -S. G. Weeks.
ious young ------------ we hope and 21 have been scored Against them;
will make his 'mak in the joinmalistie they have two defaults to their credit,
field. twa games heti only twa goale scored,
//Angle ,ea Groves are paying the and they won 104 et Listoivel, They
finish the Northern league schetIttle
highest cashAnite for Hides, Skitue
Tallow and Wool, at Chontnatee old at Palmerston Wednesday of this
stand Week,
Educational Item. •
In West Huron inspectorate there
are 137 teachers employed though
there are only 102 School Sections, in-
cluding towns and incorporated vil-
lages. Of the teachers 80 are females
and 57 males; East Wawanosh, with 9
teachers, , has only one male teacher.
Ashfield has 15 teachers, Colborne 10,
Goderich township 11, Hay 14, Stanley
12, Stephen 16, *Osborne 10, West Wa-
wanosh 8, East Wawanosh 9, Bayfield
2, Hensall 3, Exeter 8, Goderich 11,
Goderich Collegiate 0. During the
year just closed there were 52 changes
of teachers in the Inspectorate, or al-
most one-half.
One 01 Them.
The Chesley Enterprise gives a good
description of the new G. T. R. station
in that place. As the G. T. R. intends
to erect a new station in Wingham,
we feel sure that they will at least exs-
pend a similar sum or more in im-
provements in Wingham station yard.
The shipments here would warrant us
in expecting this. The Enterprise
says -"The G. T. R. has done well for
Chesley. With the siding that has
been put in, and the improvements
that will be made next spring, the
total outlay on station and other im-
provements here will be about $15.000.
The new depot consists of a general
waiting room, ticket office, smoking
room, ladies room, and baggage room.
Between the office and baggage is a
commodious vestibule. The ceiling of
the station is of the very choicest
Georgia pine, and the wainscoting 6
feet high, is of oak. Between the
wainscoting and ceiling, the walls are
nicely decorated. The station is
illuminated by 50 electric lights. The
different rooms are heated by the lat-
est improved hot water yadiators.
G. Bard is visiting nt his home in
Jas, Denholm, of Blyth, was in
town on Sunday.
Miss Sills of Seaforth is visiting
Mrs. Sills of town,
Jas, Ward, of Toronto, is visiting at
his home in town.
Miss Margaret Forbes left on Wed-
nesday for the West.
Miss Julia Bartlitf, of Clinton, is a
guest at, W. F. VanStone's.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Craig visited
friends in Toronto this week.
C. A. Kruse of Seaforth visited his
brother in Own over Sunday.
Mr. and Afro. Thos. Hill have been
visiting friends near Teeswater.
Mr, and. Mrs. D. E. Munro, and Miss
Blair, of Auburn, spent Sunday in
Miss Jean Slater of Seaford' visited
her sister, Mrs, , L. G. Kruse, last
Mrs. R, Barrett spent a few days
during the past week with Brussels
Mr. Caines of Whitechurch spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Miss Irving went to Toronto this
week and will remain for the mil-
linery openings.
Harry Ansley leaves on Saturday
for Columbus, Ohio, inhere he has
secured a situation.
Miss Brown of Brussels visited
the Misses Mattie and Nellie Orr for a
few days last week,
Miss Minnie Carr has gone to To,
ronto, where she will attend the
spring millinery openings.
Mrs. Wallace Hough returned home
this week from St. Augustine, after
attending the funeral of her brother.
H. P. Ricks was in London on Wed-
nesday of last week. Mrs. Hicks ac-
companied him home, much improved
in health.
Mr. and Mrs. Barber of Calgary,
Alta., and Miss Barber of Listowel,
spent a few days last week the vests
of Mrs. Brock.
Mr. Richard Pocock of town is very
ill at present. His father, and his
brother Thos and. wife, of Toronto,
are in attendance.
Miss B. McCracken is spending this
week in London and on Wednesday
attended the wedding of her brother,
John McCracken of the Bluevale road,
and. Miss Perrin of London,
Before purchasing a Piano, Ball itt
tny store, see my goods, get myprices
and you will thus save money. -D.
Agricultural Societies.
Matters vitally affecting the inter-
ests of the Agricultural societies of
the Province will be discussed at the
annual convention of the Fairs and
Exhibitions Association, which will be
held in Toronto February 14th to lOth.
A. great majority of the societies have
appointed delegates to this convention
in order that they may have an oppor-
tunity of expressing their views on
the subjects under discussion. The
most important subjects which will
come up for discussion are :-"Should
Horticultural societies be separate in
the Agricultural and Arts Act from
Agricultural soeidies ?" "Shoidd the
number of Agricultural societies be
reduced ?" ineny rail exhibi-
tions should. Allowed. In each coun-
ty ?" "The best, method of reducing
the number of Fall exhibitions?"
"Should the distinction between town.
ship and district societies he abolished
and the societies receive their grants
in proportion to the alnounts they exi-
Pend for tigricultnrel imposes r
1,5hould the Government grant be
withheld from societies that permit
games of chanceat their exhibitions ?"
"Shonld the Legislature be asked to
vote a special appropriation to assist
in stamping out games of thence et
Agricultural exhibitions ?" Other sub-
jects of it general nature which will be
considered include "Ownership of
Stook by Agricultural Societies,"
"Spring Stallion Shows," Supt., H. B.
• COSVitli Will present his report of Fairs
work 14 the Province eluting the year:
Owing to the importance of the sub-
jeets the eonvention this year will lest
throe clays insteed Of twa dap as
usual. Itedriced rates have been se-
cured. over all railways.
IonIceinmxo SNansfeeTen only re!
gelar 528 bedroom suites for $20
S2.1; solid 041S, golden finish, Renton.
her there are only 10 they won't belt
long; they lute° British plate mirror
shaped ituil bevelled. On sale Salute
(lay morning ; don't miss them. -
Welker Btu, ids Staten,
Rev. R. Hobbs Endorsed.
Some few weeks ago, the Strathroy
Age gave space to an abusive, anony-
mous letter attacking Rev. R. Hobbs,
pastor of Strathroy Methodist Church.
As some of the papers containing the
abusive communication were sent to
Wingham, in justice to Mr. Hobbs,
the Advance is pleased to publish
the following from the other paper
published in Strathroy :-
At a largely attended meeting of
the Board at which a unanimous in-
towiwrae4xneutfor anotherendedto v.Nir:
Hobbs year,
the following resolution was adopted
by a standing note :-"Resolved. that
we, the official members of the
etisbl coinuiThre
onr united disappiLU oef 1,)11re action
of a brother official for causing to be
published statements that are out of
hammy with the discipline of the
Church. 'We do also record our ut-
most confidence in the pastor of the
church, believing him to be one of
ttlitimmolint andisters itt edevoted h
1 r icjotieninCatiteins-.
We also regret that an article for the
purpose of belittleing the work of an
earnest and faithful minister of the
Gospel should be published in any
Mr. Hobbs, in reply, stated that he
could not see his way clear to accept
the invitetion.
Sams lexas.-Just arrived a car of
Muskoka Beautice..-G. E. King.
Examinations for January. Sub-
jects - Composition, Latin, Algebra.
and Arithmetic. Mexitienn 400. The
numerals After marks indicate examin-
ations missed,
Irene Davis 291
Jessie Carrick 291
Maude Troy, 284
Viola Davidson 280
Alberta Rintoul 284
Lamm, Ray ,,,,,,,
Ma gie Troy 251
Mabel Ross 223(1)
Isbister 220
Cora Shemin 200
Joy Browett 190
Annie Law 187
Laura Ansley 183 (I)
Wut. Lin klater 183
John Hatton 165
James Petrie 159
George Biliotte ••111.1%., ..153
Gert e Troy 147
Ethel Ferguson 140 (1)
Cora Omen 131
Geo, Gregory 110 (1)
Olive Cruiekshanks 100 (2)
Olive Ferguson 100 (1)
Lillian Deyell 107
Etta, Burns. 101 (2)
Merlon, Haat 45 (3)
Alf. Posliff. 39(2)
0, Orttickshanks , 31 (3)
Jtnetous-FORM 11.
Whittle Stewart 819
May Swats 210
lithel Davidson 303
Ilan. Musgrove 200
Clare Adams, 280
Pearl blerhersoti , , ... -277
Clarence Wilson 202
Rverett Glenn 250
Cattle Stewatt 225
Pio. Vannorman 218
Olive Manners 211
Vera hohnee 209
Bessie Martialett ,,,,, • • •• , , .202
Cburcb tem
Divine service in Zetland Thursday
evening at 7.30,
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was administered in St. Paul'e church
an Sunday last.
The anniversary services of Wing -
ham Baptist Church will be held on
Sunday, Febrnary 10th. Particulars
in next issue.
Quarterly Sacramental services were
held in Wingh;un Methodist church
on Sunday last. A. large number par-
took of the Sacrament,
The Bishop of Huron has appointed
the Rev. IL Id Langford, of Wards -
vine, to be incumbent of the parish of
Brussels at the request of the con-
Ott Wednerday evening, Rev. Mr.
Buckland of Listowel addressed the
Chapter of the Brotherhood of St, An-
drew, of St, Paurs Church; four new
members were admitted.
The illness of Mr. ri, Smith of
Lower Winghtun, prevented the evan-
gelistic service being held there two
weeks ago; all being well, there will
be service at Mr. Smith's residence
next Sunday afternoon at 2,80; all are
The Bishop of Huron will preach itt
the opening of Kinlough Church next
Sunday morning and evening, and
Rev. Wm. Lowe in the afternoon. On
the following Monday evening, Mr.
Lowe will give his lecture on "Ireland
and the Irish."
Rev. Mr. Perrie, of Wingbarn, con-
ducted the services in Knox church
last Sunday, morning and evening.
He delivered two thoughtful and
scholarly discourses, taking for bis -The Bruce Herald claims that the
evening subject "The Judgment"- magistrates in the North, appointed
[Teeswater News. by the Ross Government were a dis-
The apportionment for St. Paul's ..
grace. The proceedings of the
parish for -foreign and domestic mis- Walkerton Police Court," says the
Herald, "have long been a travesty
sions this year is $135. The Rector of justice
respectfully requests those who have lt is added that "search
; warrants have been issued against the
not contributed to this object, to kind-
ly put their offerings on the plate in offices and private houses. of Causer -
an ehvelope, marked "Missions." waives on bogus charges for the
I gratification of malice, and constables
Bev. J. K. Smith, M.A., D.D., for : armed with warrants sent to search
many years one of the foremost their drawers and read their private
ministers of the Presbyterian Church
of Canada and a pulpit orator of wide
fame, died in his apartment at the
Hotel Imperial in Galt, on Thursday,
from pneumonia, in the '78th year of
his age,
-Mr. R. L. Borden was elected by
acclamation for Carleton, and has
taken his seat in the house as Leader
of the Opposition.
The internal troubles of Russia
seem to be on the inerease. The peo-
ple are clamoring for reform, and the
civil authorities have their hands fell
when they endeavor to control the
masses on strike in the industrial
-It is now stated that Russia will
be ready to treat for pease • when she
has secured one decided victory. This
sounds like one of Russia's promises,
which generally fail of fulfillment,
Suppose no "decided victory" is gain-
ed, what then?
-On Tuesday afternoon the Ross
Government officially tendered. its re-
signation. His Honor, the Lieutenant -
Governor, sent for Mr. Whitney at
once and entrusted him with the duty
of selecting a Cabinet, and adminis-
tering the government of Ontario- in
the beat interests of the people.
-The outgoing -Treasurer, Hon. Itfr.
Harcourt, gave out the following in-
formation on Saturday which was
news to Many. The bonds of the Tern-
iska,ming Railway were not sold when
the Treasurer visited England. for that
purpose. Instead, a temporary loan
of six million dollars was arranged,
and this falls due in May next, and
the Treasurer in the new Government
will have to provide for the payment
of this loan.
A reporter of the Toronto News re -
candy visited Morrisburg, the home of
Premier Whitney, and on Saturday
the News gave nearly a page of illus-
trations and descriptive matter rela-
tive to Ontario's new Premier. We
give the following extracts from the
article :-
"Of Mr, Whitney's personal charac-
ter alt classes of the community, head-
ed by the clergymen, unite in highest
praise. The consensus of opinion is
that he is upright and decided, honest
and uncompromising, generous and
sympathetic. Even his enemies say
this, for the only enemies he has are
political ones, and paradoxical as it
nuty seem, they are bis friends."
"Mx.. Whitney is a consistent mein.
ber of St James Anglican Church, and
is always a regular and devout wor-
shipper, taking a deep interest in
parish and mission work, and giving
liberally of his substance to these ob.
jects. His private life is in full ac-
cord with his profession as a Church-
man, and for years he acted as lay
reader at the church. services. If a
man can live for over 25 years in one
town witbout making enemies other
than political ones, even if these politi-
cal enemies unite in commendation of
the probity and personal uprightness
of the man, if the estimation in which
he is held by alt classes of the counnu-
tiity has gradually increased for a
quarter of a Century, if he is praised,
by Itis spiritual Adviser as an earnest
and consistent Christian, generous to
the poor, liberal in his contributions
for the spread of the Gospel, if this
opinioe is shared by business men and
professional associates who have been
in contact with him daily years, if all
his townspeople unite in saying that
he is a man of great capacity and high
moral character, then, certainly, tak-
ing into consideration the virility and
force of his public life in Opposition.
the Hon. J. P. Whitney is a man not
unsuited for the high position to
which he has been called as Premier
of this Province."
letters and papers." The Herald as-
serts that three-fourths of the magis-
trates are unfit to try a case, and that
the constabulary is inefficient.
Inspector ltobb's report shows that
on Ian. 27th 1005, them were 5 first
class, 55 second elass, anti 03 third
class teachers employed in mixt
Vol- Violins, Mandolins, Guitars and
any musical instt•nmeut go to D. Dell's
Music hanporitun.
Posters have been issued annonne-
ing Geo, 11. Trirvey's Auction sale of
farm Stock and implements. Mr.
Torrey &OS, on west half of lot 10,
Con, 8, Mortis; he has rented his
farm anti will sell articles offered
without reserve. Sale at one o'cloek ;
A list of the stock, etc., nun be seen at
the Advance oilice. It. IL Garttiss
will wield the auctioneer's hemmer for
Turvey on Vebruary 28th,
Council znet Monday evening, Feb.
OM Present -Mayor BeU, Councillors
S. Bennett, W. J. Greer, S. G. Stewart,
W. F. VanStone.
Minutes of January meetings were
read and confirmed.
Communication from Solicitors of
Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway
Co., re railway from Kettle Point to
The Finance Committee considered
and recommended payment of the fol-
lowing accounts :-
Dominion Express Co $ 40
J. 13. Ferguson, registrations B.
M. D. 1000
W. Guest, salary 18 75
J. B. Ferguson, salary & postage 46 00
Electric Light Dep., Band room
lighting 2 03
Elec. Lt. Dep., streets and hall -769 29
A. Sanderson, snow plowing20 85
A. Young, supplies 16 55
Wm. Holmes, repairs 5 50
J. Bugg & Son, supplies • 1 65
Victoria Hospital, treatment for
L. Karges, 59 days 41 25
Mrs.Watson, scrubbing firemen's
room, washing bed-clothes,etc, 2 2.5
Vaimorman, salary 42 00
Wm. Gannett, polling booth for
Provincial election 4 00
W. J. Greer, Chairman Com.
On motion of Coun's Greer and
Stewart, the report of the Finance
Committee was adopted.
Moved by W. F. VanStone, seconded
by S. Bennett, -That the fee for the.
Opera hall for political addresses be
32, to be paid in advance, the engage-
ment to date from the time the fee is
paid, and for use of the Opera Hall for
receiving election returns the fee be
35, also payable in advance and the
agreement to date from the time the
fee is paid. In no case shall any po-
litical party have the Hall for more
than one night in succession -carried.
The Executive Committee reported,
defining the Chief Constable's duties.
The ditties laid down in the report
were somewhat numerous, but were
approved by the Council. The report
was adopted and a by-law will be pre-
pared accordingly.
By-law 526, appointing jos, Bowman
weiglimaster for the ,scales on the
market, remuneration for the work
being two-thirds of the fees received,
was read three times, and, on motion
of (lout's Stewart and Bennett, passed.
By-law 527, appointing officers of
Council, WAS reed and passed, on mo-
tion of Coun's VanStone anti Greer.
Bylaw 523, to authorize the *Mayor
and Council to borrow from the Do-
minion Bank the sum of 87,000, was
read the requisite number of times
end passed, on motion of Coutes Stew-
art and Greer.
Auditor J. A. Morton reported pro.
gross on the audit, but the work uot
eompteted, AS all the accounts had not
yet been examined. Ile desired to
present a complete stetement shelving
the assets and. liabilities, including the
accounts of the Electric Light departs
meat,. The Council agreed with Mr.
Morton that this would bo the nore
eatisfaetory course to the ratepayers,
Such a statement will be submitted itt
the Auditors' report, soon to be pub-
Assessor Dulmege conferred with
the Council as to the new departure in
the Assessment Act, Be thought he
should have the assistance of the
Council or Executive Committee as to
valuation of land and buildings in the
business part of the town. The new
Assessment Act is somewhat compli-
cated and the assessment is on an en-
tirely different basis than formerly.
The Council thought Mr. Dulmage's
suggestion an excellent one,
Council adjourned to meet at call of
the Mayer.
NOTICR.-As I am going on the road
soon, all accaunts due me mast be paid
at once. Accounts may be paid to J.
G. Stewart, by cash or note, at A.
Young's Hardware Store, or to InY-
self on Saturday evenings.-Tems.
Dey-In Wingham, on Feb, let,, Mrs.
John Deg, a san.
Welsh. -In Lower Wiuglaaan, Feb, 5,
to Mr. and. Mrs. W. Welsh, a son.
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
(pioa$ant to take)
50,; Pure Cod Liver Oil, com-
bined with Hypophosphites
Limo and, Soda.
Coughs, Colds and General De-
bility. (t wonderful flesh pro-
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