The Wingham Advance, 1905-02-02, Page 3• .-•., 1- • I . 1 .,,• .1 • ,•. •, 414,64•444•40+44+++4 e f 44++ o 4. 44++++ of• t+++++.++++++.P.14 s+tfe+++.+40++++4•444 if++ .4444+444 ; Cruelties of Bygone Age Practised on Venezuelan Prisoners. 4, oferiee.letelee 4-1 ff.* ++ +44 4.•++++++++1+•+++++++++++•+++++++++++++++++++++4++ ++++++++++++1 follose•ers built a zerelta, which. Is a little I- goods that the •consumer demands. It enclosure of brrisli of auch material ea m Mee one of the conditions te•day rime* to bend. that the fernier should, produce whet 1 They made reedy to opera the night his customers: want. We must consider • 00 s Face all OP ; wetehfully, for they knew Omit lions what our duitriet is hest capable of pro- en Boot • •de 4 . • " t711.."-TPL-77, •-s , were all ebout them. ducing, and work elong that line. Grow - I Hearing a noise Dr. Smith parted the crope Aral keep the live etock that ' , _ ot+4.44-444+++4-44+4++++++++++++++4++444+1 , the bushes with which- the entrance tO thrive best where we live. ithe zereba had been filled and SAW three 'rile ;low .agriculture must be conduct- : I lions prowling about. When they saw ea ukon scientific, principles. There eriqeelligliam'il clerice that lea& hint to believe in the the doctor they gunk off trite the brush. shoug not to -day be tiny objeetion te - It ie seine .00,e00 in es istAnt from activity of seine supposedly extinct era- ; But when night Caine &Ma tile Haile book farming for the intelligent man can - us, that pale, cold eatellite or ours, and ters. ' returned, bringing a, slumber ee ether from agreultural papers and hooks get,' Yet, ip mime reepecto, we keiow tOere Of Every terrestrial volcano expele a *a- liens with them, and liegan to sniff ei le valuable experience 'of other men. the single, placul face which it ever fain animust ef gee aril of water la tbs • who hav done the work lie is trying to trzili to ua than we Of the , form of steam. If there be active vet- ftlinitt z,enrettt so cloisiedthatoD, From a Venezuelan prison, where he ea that the body may be the more rap- his thirst. The whip3 used were made Andres Duarte Level, once colonel in the insitt the tenelesugli,o al ni if Itv‘i;atclilingl for It, °mail:1011.71" 'are wdirli liegialaug t° •-•. Mid tA try Tau' 01;iiets CzoCiitaiillilisot halt ...eyttelr. -iiince fhrtIsirtolpil: fiell'etnaeo.ianAeline:, thaTetite*; atilro strument of astronomical research its in part of water. But the 1710011 fli so invoemelit itvaipeore 'tconsis'iktift; had Men BCOITS of his fellows perisb, idly disposen of, Then it is slung in a of skins half an inell thick, and inflieted etipoelliver uoonmteigecrotvr ccimbit,11:ilbienoottl tmblvuivt:riva soratbesionely VII Lii,t, en opporthuity te get a, shot, could feel from fivery available source. Scientific surface scare ewe stones' tltrow from tlie walls. ins 'hem Level declared he had seen ate inen have been and are. studying hae been laboriously explored,, intensely cold that this, water ean exist revolutionary „forcee of his country, lam .5" u .' i . the breath ef the growling beasts, gained. his freAlont and bas come North Just when it seemed as if the pack Leo._ night after night, end its featUres drawn OArrliminwitiiivtoe .Sioinrims4 —pots amnadnyiee.of the .Into this living death Level was least ten prisonera who. had died an a i lit -t11 ti 8 h t I t ti to breethe the free air of the 'United plunged, not quite two years ago. When direet result of the whippings they had. of lions mate about to charge the zereba mein „ and -photographed. States, of which he will soon. become a lio emergecl he was a Changed man. The seemved. , citizen, and th tell it tale of scarcely son of a woalthy and prominent family, , . . .. . . _ _ Colonel Carlos Fortique was witippen Level, who is of pure Venezuelan blood., ante insensibility in the sight of Level. credible cruelties practiced with the per- derived, his name from a Vrench fore- When Fortique regained conseiousnese inission and often with the active Par' bear was educated abroad and in this several days later he beeanie a maniac. tieipation of President Castro upon his cmatry, being a. graduate of St. Francis' Two others were whipped. to such all ex - helpless enemies. College in Brooklyn. Iie remained in tent that they lost their power of speed). it WAS dna in no entail pert 0 his WeW York until 1892, Nebel -L. lee returned and never regained it. Two other Nis- youth—he is only twenty-seven—that to Ids native land and was commissioned oners, Messrs. Nasaugo and .Vina, who tack upon them by a number of hyenas,' ing and feedinr, ,of animals the grow- - 3 Great peens, celled, Seas, eithougle moon s craters ( treeing bright in the there is not a drop of fluid water in gleitin of the suit), the white sheen that their attention was diverted bY an at- the constituente of our sells, the breed - the forest, ( to learn what, these men have found,. ng 0 nu . e 0. ouu , • ,,, po,y us them. ,;. lofty mouutains wbich have been calis the loftier sleeks, the strange red - christened with the names of terres- ings away and. singular reappearance of which came growling and snarling out of i i . f f 't 1 1 't . 2 '11 - The hyenas attackea the hone with ... trial peaks; remarkably straight, trough bright steine As the sun rises and seta, enc. , great fury and bravery. In the excite- I some crater end gradually melt °may ment of the fight the ordinary bowl of' i , 1 a *vat deal more enjoyable. In Oritaxio like valleys; thousands of circular bas- the silvery threads that radiate from Ina which are known as craters, and I The farm work of the future will be ae they extend into the valley below -- the hyena changed to A deep, loud ma - r' ‘ the farmers are very seldom referred to `. many lustrous etreaks which seem snere which Dr. Smith declara to be nearly i as riot" h„yseeas.n• The intelligent.ma,n . bands of color all these have been map- all these phenomena have been attribut- equal in stMngth to the rear of the Who watches closet all the s It of pea ante studed, lentil the fa.e0 of the ed by Professor Pickering - to ice. P3o, Level waa able to escape from the OP" a lieutenant, bed refused te contribute to (Astro s rare is the luner atmosphere than in 1 hiS work is interested and takes a pleas- m0021 iS as falaili" pression of the Dictator. His father, who General .Annrade was then President, forces when he began. his rebellion, were to the astronomer luta been vice-president wider Gluzmita and Line'Duarte Level; the boy's father, locked together in a fifty pound grillos . ure in it. The world has lately found ats the appearance of the United States Place of a beautiful azure eity, our In Os ht the lie s were driven off Blanco, and. who afterward held other was the Secretary of the Interior under and wore whipped on an average of once The :carves told, th% explorer tem: offims of importance, left behind him— he is now in exile—Mewls who were , for his commission. by * course of mill- and. they were committed without the hin3. Young Level had. been qualified a week. Them mlprisonment is for life, was .no uncoinmon thing fer tthe hy n to attack the lions, and tha as rt. ru a the hyenas got the better of the en- • .11 b Jeeir education applicable to his bran - out that the farmer can be beelefited te tts.• In an the visible universe there is with- seen only by the reflection of the sun's The moon is unique ainong satellites. own, inky blackness reign% For that reason, white objects earl be more fortunate than lie in preserving A few years ago in Ontario ore first lug else quite like 4t. In the first place rays. That expiable the curious appeitr. • tau. instruction he had enjoised while a: semblanee ef a trial. counter. their balance on the see -saw of polities found uot that the farmer had a wife, •it has the distinction of being the 'erg. -ance and disappearance of the white student, at Bt. Francis!, and he was ' Letters and Money.- ' Lions, in the Lake Rudolph iegion of in the bouth Amenean republic. iese are ..cong w le me can or ie friends put. forth their efforts to obtain the release of the son from the fortress of San Carlos, where he had been eon- • assigned to the artillery of which Gen- tphefeahlref,with him atwBan Carlos, was errsiter Tailhaedat, .whe 'c'ts afterwards a off from the outside .world. Letters pad:a—probably for protection against, 'upon a prisoner ale was absolotely shut explorers, aro accustomed to hunt in " When thei.gates of San Carlos olosed Somaliland, according to the reports , or 1 Issio:rttie,:inisaesnntbtoet;itaphia ctitivlico.:ibineyini enofnintcntodhfien glia:ba:nni; iown he pas she has had a .hard life—her - 'fined in irons since the suppression of which were addressed. t o him f rom the hyoute. the recent rebelliore in which he had ,., I,t . t tl i ti qllat Cioriano was a i s me . uastro began the revolution Anat OVOI- 4_ , . , friends were read by the. offiehtli and At one village in which Dr, Smith • . . - her hush i a w saving devices eto the seine • extent as seen active service. never nermitted to fall into the banes stoppen he Was . told of a pack Of ' La.st week tho Herald .published the ii,ially eesultecl in the overthrow of the - . •••- .,,,, of Inm for wilem they were intended, lions which hunted -around that loealistiyx e a_re trying to relieve text of a letter te President Roosevelt cause: aeministration and t e triump . . h ' . h t h* ° r for fear of secret codes .in which plats and frequently rushed the village *al' p‘itiestsoibtealeermbeeyor:sieldlivio'lfes:yess‘Seemaeletei fe:lei ye:. in(ti eer elni e'dsh7oirn:-. ti f " . from a mother appealing for aid for her 'co in the 'inightlfe forntulated. When money was dragged natives from the huts, rh only son. She recounted some of the enmities inflicted upon her child by a ,Andes young Level returned to this Is After he had seen servi eceived from senders whose positions. ' natives regarded the fact of a pack of i 'iv might engender trouble if an Ingniry hyenas being in the neignherbdod as an' be:i children on e have also found out that there are Venezuelan prier= This Taan was A country upon the victory of Castte, .but were started the remittance was ae- assurance of safety from the lions, e , tiu.g, meetings. a.. movement to try to pro - the farm, and we aro in - companion of Level in Misfortune. . was unable to join the revolution incited. knowledged, usually by General Jorge A. cetera when the lions go man -hunting th .um the rigiit kind of education for Death was, not feared by the prisoners by Oenefal Nicholas Rolando in MO; Bello, commandant ef the fortress, but hyenas go lion-huntine and the-maa . these children, of San Cartes; it was. the greatest boon 21iii was partially suppressed, but ae never was the 1 till amoent placed in eseapes. . • . " . °, starts and is nurtured. The reformation The home is where our agriculture Oleo asked for. Shackled. one to another the beginning -01 the following. year it the prisoner's hands. The average re- Sem° people Say that the lion's roar la with irons th0t often weighed fifty broke out afresh, the OallSO having been anittance was so much dear gain for the most thrilling when the animal is in a Of the agricultural home is the start pounds, beaten, starved, 'denied an oadu- financed by GenerarM. A. IVIatbs,•a snit- prison officials, who never bothered menagerie, but most hunters of big game • nation, they -saw their fellows, drop one lionaire banker, whose interests lay- m I themselves as to whether the one for declare that this is not so. They say i after all, of out new agriculture. Esteb- with an inclination to by one. and they minted them lucky. Paris as well as in bis own country. lie Whoiu it was inteuded was starving for that there is nothing so magnificently I li-°" farmer a wife who ' knows how to fele with escape out of the question and is the brother-in-la,w of Guzman Blanco. lade .of money wherewith to purchase ewe -inspiring as the roar of a maddened i lamwiedge' meke the met of her opportunities, and rescue impossible, it meant death or * • Returns to Venezyela. • food, . lion—one, for instance,. that has been • worse—ineanity. The price of food was in Iceepirig with hit by a hunter, but not killed. 1 children getting a _rational education, .1 care not how poor that farm is, Level returned to Venezuela, and after ! the -conditions For 7.50 a prisoner was In spite of this roar, however, there ! a.ad Overcrowding of the Prison. some difficulty joined the revolutionists, supp i wa 1 so -ca led meat ,once a • Fed •bl ' 1$ lit will sueeeed. Witir these eouditions, Fifteen hundred ineii; 'the greater. part beiog made aecaptain in the aetillery day are those who venture to call in ques- of them political prisoners were crowd- ' coin of 'the service. POI' eeespleemea.gat. for two weeks. The coffee for the same lion the lion's courage, though the n 1 ha,vseed," but we shall see the farmer 1 we shall hear ne more about the "old trait coet him fifty cents more. The ter will probably always be one forldeits: ea into it space that wou'id have been lantry in action he b'ecarne a major and Nvalking the streets of our towns as well taxed by oue-third of that number. The later was breveted colonel, taking pot in hoo "a '9f the Prieon caterer, who paid cession. It is probable that among lions 1 dre3sed as anyone, and respected as ono the officials heavily for the privilege of it is the same as among Teople—soine • cells were in the easements of the fort, the storming of lionvar under General of the . . 7 , best citizens of Canada. • the misfortunes of the pris- are brave and some are no .. But what - Inure very truly, and those facing the sea -were swept by Farreras. The defence of the city 'after living off oners, 'were always in eueli shape as to ever may be thought of the lion, the waves,. there. being several inches ar•''' ita capture by his forces,- was entrusted show a balance against the prisoner, and hyena gets a better reputation the more water in them at high tide:- •The large. st tohirn, and lie did rietich to improve the WOMEN DUPE MEN EASILY. • W. A. Clemons, therefore whatever money might be re- he is known and his habits understood. • Publieatiou Clerk. of the cells was barely twenty-five feet fortifications. 'While thus engaged he . coifed by the prisoner was diverted to : - • long, eight feet wide and six feet high, was ermunled by a shell from e, gun 'this end—at least this was the explana.- and in these as many as fourteen to boat which had been sent to bombard' eighteen plisoners were cas . . the city. • • • tion assigned when questions were asked. STOMACU TROUBLE. On account of the peculiar manner in After several vain attempts t.ci retake Just previous to the rale/use of Level, p y Suspected. which was. effected through the friend- The Agonies of indigestion Can be which they were Ironed and the lack of the town Castro -in August, 1903, sent ship of General Velutini and Mendoza, Cured by Dr.Williams' Pink Pins. room, these nnfortunates were compell- 'General Gomez 'the V'ee-President, at est satellite that revolves around et, its diameter being 2,103 miles. So doctrine that the pelea of the moon paeanksasarreonioceineeria: les a PI"' 43anAdint131:e inYourniltaani: frowned upon. as rank, scientific heresy. large, indeed, is ft, that to the inhabi- tants of a neighboring orb, the earth But Professor Piekering's careful studies awl the moon must appear as a marvel- . of some ef the bright streaks, under va. ously beautiful dOuble star. doles illuminations, and hie painstaking Unlike all other satellites, the moon comparisons of inodern photographs with . once formed. Part of the planet about old clrawings, lead abreast irresistibly to which It:revolves. At that inconeeivably, the conclusion that the white spots are remote period, measured, as it is, by. mil- reelly ice. lions ead•naillions of years; the earth ro- tated et a terrific speed, compared with es - - - FRAIL LITTLE ONES. vilieb its present pace seems stately. One day a disaster occurred, the like, of The little ones are frail. Their bodl which this,earth has never known since, npan life. is slight. No symptom that Huffed off by the immense centrifugal Indicates any of the little ailments of force due to its enorraous speed of ro- childhood should be allowed to pass for tation smile 5;000,000,000 cubic miles of II, moment without proper •attention. The meter left earth forever. In that cat°, little ailinent may soon become 41 serious clysni our moon wee created. one, and then it may be too late to save Someone has suggested that the great a precious Jittle life. If Baby's Own Tab - basil now filled by the Pacific ocean lets are kept in the house, the danger_of must have been filled by the mass shot serious trouble can be averted, and the from the earth when it gave birth to the mirlor treubles promptly eured. An oc- inoon. Ingenious arguments have been easional Tablet to the well child will advanced to substantiate this view. — prevent illness. The Tablets are abso- . not aa unconvincing as might be sup - soothing ' stuff — they give ohildren lately safe, and contain no poisonens posed. Certain it is that the earth must healthy sleep, simply because th y b n bear Some sear of the awful struggle ish the cause of eleeplessne.ss. Mres. Pei. of forces that cleft it in twain and rols- • , Bishop, Lawrencetown, N. S, says; "1 bed it of 'so vast a ,portion of its mass. have found. Baby's Own Tabk•ts ju-st as It must have struck even the people you represent them—the very best of of pre-historie tjmes ,that the moon medicine for young children." You can turned always the same face toward us. get the Tablets from druggists or by face, the• object of religious adoratien, mail at 25 cents a box, by -writing The For the well-known features of that • Dr. Williams' Medicine Coe Brockville, Ont. . must bare been studied time and time again with rapt wonder. For centuries I ed to assume half -sitting, half -lying pea- over e land there are people _ in the case of Mrs. Leroy S. Chad- 1 astronoiners have known that the reit- (New York World.) tures, the while the'heat, fearful durnig. e„ed ef• the h ad of 0 600 men \and after some ful, Caracas -is located, Castro paid a vi it whine lives have been made aniserable ' son for the sameness of the moon's as - Governor of the Federal district Neheeein Ail . ea at night, Nvith no water to quench their Level escaped' to the mountains with s'vel:e made to henor dum,' By seine hook who have been restored ito the enjoy- ; pect is to be found in the fact that ieht• e 'Gomez 'was seccess . to the fortress and great preparatiosns the day, became absolutely unbearable - — • -- 111- throneet tit ,, 0 pangs of indigestion, wick, the point that has caused the most . . raging thirst. The average temperature Farreras, but was captured and brought or creek a revolver had been smile led , ,eg ment of health through the lise of Dr. ' Litiiiitex'etrliys IvtloilenazsewitlAivolutht.i. ttihz: ratio:len ii•totarteevsegeitesr= Thecteleyrtiiiii. en the bastion of the fortress is 105 de.: t B l• • h • o o ivar in c ains a ca ingi a er. f•t•ltlt inbo the prison and the Presteent was Williams' Pink Pills. One of these is 1; Z}idiecliPrsel:1, hysical charms, was able to borrow • A peculiar r.ocking or balancing of . ' It is not difficult te estimate MSS. With his companien he was- sentenced e, „ 1re upon, the •shot not taking effect, Mr. Wm. Moore, ,of Welland, Ont. Mr. P the -moon, its "ibratiou," as astronomers how much higher it would be in a room to be shot, but the sentence was finally 1' a For this offence fifty prisonera Were ese _ oore is the manager of the • eleetrie vast sums of money'lrom shrewd old fin- I term it, do.es enable it to peer aroun. d whipped to' death in the hope of ex. tort- i P • 1 the othetrusitdie for ezer sortsligfhtth.a fdis- -without ventilation or sanitary appli-, changed to imprisonmen , . t Refusine to - .• %she(' and 'hree of them deliberately itelit plant in that town, and stand's enders, Nvhose experience should have ten ill, so ill •that he movecr about only strung .up by the arMs'andeNveights tie( . .as Fe speak an favoe of Dr. Willliams' Pink Ile says: "It is really a pleasure to me.- . ••• • . • is . ' ability on. her part is a mystery 'which I 130 concealed. It may be presumed, how - de them wise The secret of tle ' which is turned from us must forever I . f . J once s i ie grea er pa o e ace !ances, crowded with human beings. reveal the hiding place of tbe insurgents : • . nigh m the estimation of the citizens. Here 'Level- epent eight months. Of- ammunition, he aad Frames: everei in g a_coufession as to the. ideetity of -with the aid of his shackle. mate and to their feet, almost pulling the kgs Tao ousPrit• It teas at this tin10 that C t. gave Pills, For four years prier to 1903 1 suf- ... P ' has been the absorbing to ie of discus- ; ever, that the unseen half differs in no eithers, it Nvas• only the vitality of his from the sockets. They were relieved. : a strikin exilitibition of his erualtY fered great tortures Irvin buligestion ! sion for a week. None is more deep- I respect from that with which we are yeara that kept hiin alive. 'He had frone further tortures through the.; aeci- , . g . W ,on .7e permi ted the lash to descend and etemach trotthle, I could not eat ' ly interested in this phase of the ex- ' familiar. :friende who supplied him with money. dental discovery of the contraband of - ° upon t le back of one who had been the solid food Nvithout experiencine great - traordinary case than the criminal law- 1 The cartles satellite is not wilt one 'The tithes of -the sams sent which event . of warliy the soldiers of the Uovern- most trusted .friend and. adviser, bot agony, and for over two yeers° 1 auud. 'yers. Among them .Delancey Nicoll, would call a very swiftly moving body the stieky han.ds of 'various prison offi- • Along with two hundred and fifty of . a. quarre W IlCil originated over a ques- •enmehuted and was almost unfit for ee- 1 1* ' 1 whose years as district attorney, to say : as celestial speeds go. •But its velocity I nothing. of his experience as counsel in of 3,330 feet a second is more than we entity reached him,' after passing through ment. • whom lie had sent to prison beeause of to resort to a milk diet. I had grown elate enabted•him to purchase food that their SyMpat hizers Level and Earrems ticm of the policy to be pursued in ES- tiVO 1170Th: Was -treated by doctors criminal cases, have made him an ex- have succeeded in givine to,our more liarel3i. kept .the life in bis withered were loaded into one o gard. to the revolutionists --General De- totly. Those prisoners without money, boats, and the journey th San Carlos siderio Centeno; his former chief of staff. Went without 'foodoutless they were fed begen. The trip consumed nine days, Centeno was already a victim of eon - on the bounty of their friends, for the during Which the prisoners, herded in . . sumption when he was whipped and that • d '' rall food . • ' i b t •th. pert judge of the methods of those upon ' energetic eannOn BC'eause its mass out any lasting benefit. One day a friend whose transactions there is a shadow, is so much Amino I. Ian la 0 urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. i has watched the developments with eattli and its attraction for bodies on • • close attention. A reporter asked, him: ! its surface considerably less, a very prison supplies no rations to its in- crampe gum e , ' aggravated Ins ease to such a degree that it was without much hope that they I "How is it possible for a woman, such ' awkward man on the moon coil c ou - egan , Maten. . . . save scraps which were thrown to them that he died two weeks later. would Mire me. After taking a aseeie as Mrs. Chadwick, 'to induce keen old do any terrestrial athlete. This awk- ? the most important in the country, is The fortress of San Carlos, which is from time to time by the er . died during - the journey, and , their ew Eleven Condition of His Release. and this.give me encouragement. I eone i of boxes I eould see an improvement, i bankers to lend her hundreds of thou- i ward man could esily °over over 100 sands of dollars without seeueity 2" I feet in a lunar' running broad jump; on an island at the entrance to Lake bodies \Vero • thrown overboard with When Level was finally released it tinned itsing the pills until I had taken 1 "A woman," replied Mr. Nicoll, "ap -I he would consider it mere play to leap Maratetibo, about twenty miles from the never a prayer MVO those uttered by was upon the understanding that he was peals to a manis sentiment. The very f over an ordinary tree. In a word, he . to leave the country at_once and to say 1 eight boxes, when I was completely : eity of that name. U is built in -the form cured and able to eat any kind. of food I fact of a WOMan proposing extraordin- ' would be six times stronger on the moon ' •t1 q a, Ivan follow- • - the friends they left behind. . nothing and write notEing against the , • • I d. el ' I hell alwa s • raise Dr Wil- ary financial schemes to a shrewd man: than he would be on the earth. " • c an o ag , . In the Cell • i i . - li tI e Osed cide ‘ government. Re received Ins passport ' . . 1 ' P k Pills as the saved me from • Of business appears to him when such a I H, O. 11 ells, whose mmema ive . .. it could not succeed, some for one rea- son some foranother. One declared that the cohesive strength of iron was iisufficient to do the work that Watt expected; another detailed an experi- ment he had made with an iron vessel which burst under the strain,: a fact that led him to believe that no boiler could be made strong enough to resist the expanding steam. A third felt sure that if the engine were set to work the weaker parts would all give way. - But the prophecies of the scientists in regard to the Steam engine -were noth- ing to the forebodings of the working - - WHICH PROVES HUMANITY AN ASS. World Ever Turns the Cold Shoulder Toward Inventors and 'Benefactors. Andrew Carnegie has just written a life Dr a memoir of Watt, the man 'who made the steam engine praetical. Watt didn't Onow exactly what he was doing . 'for the race, but if you will sit down and try to think of the world Without steam engines you will begin to under- stand. And just at this point there comes al- ong a man in New York somewhere, ,, named Hoffman, who claims, after thirty years' struggles, to have invented a "rotary" steam engine which will rele- gate to the serapheap all the engines now in use. Nearly all the people whe know anything. about engines give Mr. Hoffman the incredulous smile, And perhaps rightly. So they did Watt. But in. his ease they were wrong. When Watt's engine was first thlked about there were numbers •of seientifie persons who rose up to give expert 'opin- iOnS on the subject, and, with very few exceptions there opinions were ex- ceedingly unfavorable. They were sure . such misery OS only a dyspeptic knows. ! suggestion from a man would not even mances contain in them mole Men I le M, 0 4 on Wray 28, and embarked just. in time It is in this wall Mat the mills aro to Landing from the gunboat when San , for Ins re -arrest. Castro re entin his Ina,tter hOW truth than many Etre aware, made excel. be found, those at the furthest point of- Carlos seas finally readied, they I might add that any wife has also used interest him. A man, no W_ere ' to eseape an offrcer wale bore a, warrant ten being flooded by the alvells.. marched into the fortress and.ithere fet- ecision to give him .freedoPm. .1g.1 vel the pills for troubles' that afflict ber • experienced, does not expect duplicity in lent use of the moon's lesser attraction • a 8 y u health." - sex, and thas been fully restored to I a woman, and his sentiment is awale-ned for bodies compared with the earth. Th - , e Driveii at Point of , Bayonet. tered two by two. Many of t le prison- i d _ re ehed thi eountr last June- ans 1'ff:ir- ides of the fort is roofed Over except •the ranks of the. • eevol;utienists-eaat•oe an American citizen. He has already ehg- I. Bad blood, poor blood, watery blood, I "But is this the case when the woman ; took it into Ins , head to trevel to the I earthly hero of one of his stories, who The space between the -Wall and- the ers—there were fifteen huedred frone mally -declared' his intention of becomin • , I when she asks him for aid." ; rttl " t' " ( or one 1 e pa io yard) where the , wearing •the tame bonds to -day in . . - tainecl Ms first papers. is the ea,use of nearly every ailment thet is of an age that precludes the possibil.: moon, developed. such marvelous athletic o one e e is. s or an swarthyA afflicts mankind. It is because every ity of tender emotiops blinding the man's !, power there dint he escaped from his prisoners are .herded from half -past six Nvhic It they were originally put. CI 1Lvl' h t d from their cells at the point of .a haps. Level saw or. oun When e re•d • th h h d him e men w o a lv He is at present em-ployed by the . nevfy rich, (red bleed, that they have such t "My experience has led me to suspect , their utter discomfiture. I lunar enemies time and -time again,. to in the MOTning, when they., are driven th -volution was put down and speaks and writes Enelish excellent- • dose of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills makes , judgment 2" net, until five in Vim evening, whea they been its chief leaders. ., e o Th Weers were i S Car- - ' Steel Products Company, the exporting wonderful praver to cure sueh a•ilments : that when an old or unattractive wo- 1 It used to be the fashjon to regard the los and Puerto Cabellet but the branch of the United Steel Corporation. as indigestion, -anaemia, theinnatism, I man succeeds in -wheedling large sums ; moon as a kind of dismal, concrete ex. are again compelled to return to their divided between the prisons o afnormer foul smelling hetes. neural ia, St. Vitus' dance, heart tree.- 1 of money out of clever business wen ' ample of the earth's ultimate fate. . ins A ditch sufficed for sanitation, of ,; being .the larger, reeeivedht he greater 11 "t1 which the cells wore guiltless and. that, number of prisoners. In t e ee wi i Nvith the hot sun and great' humidity, Level was General Rolando, the commau- bred. pestilence that causes physicians to der in chief of the insurgent forces; Marvel that all were not exterminated. Dr. Balthazer Vallenilla, Dr. Augustus Illness was so common that it ceased Vallenilla, Dr. Jose Vallenilla, General soon to cause ordinary sympathy; the M. A. Guevara, General R. Luigi, 3. F. - officiale ignored the conditions unless Traza,bel Rolando, the cominander'e ne- . informed that the smallpox had. develop- •phear; Colonel 3. Bauste, General Augus- ed, and. then Me prisoner affected was tus Tailhardat, R. Salazar, 13. Aran and eut ,away from his companions and by R. Guevara. two of Ills fellows—the officials never' For eight months Level dragged out exposing themselves—rowed over to a his existence with his feliOW suffers. - deserted island called Zapara, two miles Their clothing 'had been taken away away. There, without food, medicine or from them and they were left only with shelter, patients were left to care for -• their underelothes. Soon these fell apart themselves as best Vhey eould. ' and the Tags Were pieced together. The In those museums in civilized ecnin- more fortunate, whose. friends in the tries where instruments of torture ere outer world had not entirely fOrgotten on exhibition may be seen the shaekles them and who occasionally received now used to .bind thu prisoners of San money, divided the food they bought Carlos, relies of what has been supposed as far as it would go. They purchased generally to be a forgotten period. There it raw, and the prisoners were compell- also may be sen the whips that are eln- ed to cook it as best they could upon ployed still in the Venezuelan prisons— improvised spits over a fire which burn. whips made of bull's %id°, Nvhich inflict ed in the patio. . . • ,so heavy a blow that Voltaire once de- Dried beef, beeves' heart and seraps seribed them at great length, being Mi. of Meat even the chief articles of their • pressed with the malignancy of their in- provensler, and sometimes' they were vention. provided with a. fluid miscalled soup, The siniekles, called "grilles," some of and a .bla,ekened water-lithelled coffee, which were brought over by the Span- for both of which. an extra charge was ish forefalhers, vary in weight fom 30 made. They had no knives and forks or te GO pounds, and are so made as to de dishes. They were driven to use their duty for two prisoners at one time. The ' teeth and fingers to tend the meat, shackles consist of a rheavy iron bar while for the liquids ti-ty utilized co - about two and. a half feet long, with coma simile smaller pieces of which. what appears to be a largo staple' at were employe'd in lieu of spoons. Loot of one and the left foot of anon- Mementoes of His "Sejourrt." either end, into these staples the right Inevel hae hie dishee as niementos of el. prisoner are put, and then they are --- ' , ' locked over the ankles. i..4ometimes by his sojourn at San Carlos. They are the refinement ef cruelty the prisoners fancifully decorated, he having devised ate ironed ono facing forward and the au instrument by heating a mill in the other backward . To the centre of the' I fire and then beating it into some sent - bar is riveted alt iron eautin, to welch; Mance of an edge with it heavy stone. is attached a heavy iron bar. • With this rude knife he carved several sbells, be - Selection ef CoMpanies, ornaments from the cocoanut coming iliac% an adept in it use. On the It is in the Selection of the men who epoon, as he mills it, he cut ilie square Shall be bound together that the keep. and compass, the emblem ef 'Masonry. ers show the development of their inlay, for besides himself there were several inanity. The extremen in, contrasts ate other "Masons in the m•isen. sought—the well are 1 Tet 1 smo....et. to tile When for 80111e real or fancied of - sick. the Strang to The weak, the young fence a prisoner was ordered to be whip - to the old, the short to the ta II —in Tied, a totpoial's guard of ten Men Wan brief, the two best ealeuiateil te iteeen- detailed and eaell of theie gave it eer. ,tuate rather than relieve eaelt other's 4 I a mit number of 1.1,.bes to the victim. ;miseries are selected to be companions When the blows were not suffieiontly • . . 'Jot life unleee pardon, which is rare,, or Eevere in the opinion of -Il .. to einporal lie :death, which ie more common. puts au . would lash Me soldier twiee Enid then iend to the enforeed intimacy. I,, told three to the number the. prisoner When from one or the other cans," a was to reeeive. priso,er has been released his iron is : ivi fl ....len sae pltilibIllent. Wan'filitAleti the filed :May Atna hie eoinpanion is left to unfortunate, unable to move, 11'414 vo- tary the double burden. It is not hi- vied tie as 1111atiy a enther an could be tri..vellers reports of the relative -merits frequent, Devel (kelt:mi. that a man haa fend and there adminieteri's1 to by 1a4 of the hyena tmd the lion. On ono occa- tied from a tontmions disease for the fellow prieonere, who often tetild not tiion, when eamptel in the midst of a eepers to SoVer hie foot frein the leg detain sufficient Witter tia even <plena' lioreinksted country, Dr. Smith And hie His face and body -still show traCCS pf • • • • bles kidney and liver troubles, and the • there is almost always another and pied- surface was pietraed, and si pc the suffering through wlhich he has paes. s eclat ailments of Nvemen young and tier or younger woman behind the scenes ; tured by many, is a lifeless, (treaty . . people, who foresaw themeselves thrown p?rience, none of. which he prizes more ! eia. But you must get the genuine pills , I do net. say it is so in this ease, for so waste, and the satellite itself as a kin • ed. He has many mementos- ei his (=- highly than the white hat ribbon on with ;the full .name, "Dr. Williams' 1 far as I have see.n there her -been no I of burned out cinder flying through Pink Pills for Pale People," on the 1 hint of such a thingsbut if I were a pro- ! space. But the recent investigations of which is printed in g.old "El Libertador" wrapper around each box. Sold by all . smiting officer investigating a case Him- ! Professor William II. Pickering would (the liberator), the insignia of General- rmedieme dealers, or by mail. at 60 cents ilar to this the first thing I should try ! seem to shatter this gloomy, pessimistic Rolando's army. When the left San Oar- a. box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing ' to find would be. a youne woman—one vision. Re debits, and not without sub - los the General presented him with his The Dr: Williams' etedieine Co., Brock- who could be used as a debeoy." stantiating photographic evidence, that eampeign hag, M which had been carried ville, Ont. . "If, as has been reported. Mrs, Chad- the moon, although not exactly luxuri- all the papers of importance of the re-; wick appealed to the men simply through ant, is anything but the lifeless mass volutionists. I THE NEW AGRICULTURE. their cupidity, and there WilS no young " we have supposed. He asserts in ne "Strong as was the article printed in • woman in the case, how woold you ex- i uncertain tone that the moon has an the Herald," said Colonel•Level yester- i reeireene _be plain her power 2" . 1 atmosphere and if that be once estab- day, "it WWI not half strong enough. 1 — as a 11.• usiness proving "She must be a woman of extraordin- ,' tidied there are possibilities undreamed have been through the tortures describ- the Farm Home. . ary business ability," replied Mr. Nicoll: ; of in our lunar philosophy. An atrium. ed, and know well the man about ‘1110111 OttalVa, Jan. 5th, 1905. "Hers is evidently an exceptional ease. , phere consists mainly of water, and on "Things cannot' endure as they are 1 We are moving out of the old condi- Most women have no head. for business 1 the 1110011 that water must exist in the dons, said Prof. 0. C. James, Ontario's at all, but she, it is certaim is a keen form of ice, bemuse of the intenSe COht the article was written. i now for long; already the better Mass Deputy -Minister of -Agriculture, at the financier, able to conceive and carry in- , that prevails. of eitizenshie is praying that the United Maritime Winter Fair. When our set- I to execution gigantic echemes. This 1 Because bodiea ere six times lighter States will intervene to restore a gov- tiers first came to Canada they faced , very fact would -enable her to win the : on the Innen than they are on the earth, ermnent to our unhappy land, for the the erinieval forest, and duting all the ' eonfidenee ahd reach the heart of it hard- ! such gases as oxygen, hydrogen, would stretch of the Imagination be called gov- any clearing period the old ageieulture held headed old. hanker and eapitelist. Men ' fly off into space. Carbon% mei(' gee, anarchy that yrevails cannot by erinnent—at present it is a close cer- sway. With a new generation, conditions ' of that sort admire such qualities in however, Mega to the surface with mom poration conducted for the benefit of began to change; live stock came iii, ' women for they are so utterly unexpett- : tenacity, beeanie of its weight. 1 1 we ' one man and his favorites of both sexes, large barns were built, butter and cheese ed. Tliey become interested, then per- : admit that the moon has an atmosphere and he is not sparing of his friendehips began to he made, and Ave ;gradually haps fascinated by her great finameal ; that it is nOt devoid of water and that aMong the women, changed mt our methods. This building ideas and cit last they are easily duped. I it is surrounded by a ertain apount of "My lot has not been a happy ..one, ' and the exhibits it contains are proof I "'When woman, the nunisternes angel, carbonic acid gas twit lout NI, la 1 p a 1 s i can the woman ef the establishment wanted thanks to Castro. My father is also that we are t ' t k • I it stoops to deception in financier affairs ' • not live, why, then, is it not nossi- - rying o eep up wit i le . " to gad about. in exile and my brother, who is married, demands of the tinies and to com t ' men are taken off their guard." Po 0 , I ble that the moon may support organic Net a, tailor in America. had the slight - and lives in Valencia, has been perse- with other countries by followine the i "Are women more skillful deceivere ' life ? Professor Pickering, and his ad- . new agriculture. out of employment, and who repeatedly threatened to "do" Weft. If. you want to seet tim inereduleue smile or the hatred cf those who are benefited or who might be benefited if they would you want to invent or dis- cover something radically new or some new application of an old idea. About a million p.eople who don't know what you are doing and don't eare to riae !to knock. and sit down virtuously to feast afterward, perfectly sure that they have done God service. When, in 1845, it was announced that a man named Howe had invented a ma- chine that could sew every tailor gave it loud hoot of derision, the idea being deemed superlatively ridiculous. One knight of the shears said that no sew- ing machine could be made to work un- less it could be made to sit cross-legged. Comic imems were printed. in the 110WS- papers, and predictions intended to be humorous, were volunteered that mach- ines would soon be invented that would sweep the house from cellar to garret, run errands and tend the baby when est faith in the machine, and manic re - u , cuted severely because' of us." i herents are convinced of it. lie claims 1 than men 2" put in the reporter, fused even te look at it when Howe took "Would you take tip arms Against Las- ' 2, The new agriculture Must be eon- I "When they are deceims they ere to have detected. what he believes to he it to their pier° to exhibit its workings. tro if some of your old friends were to ducted upon business principles. In aid eleverer at it than men," replied Mr. ! vegetaticm, basing his belief on the pre- None would. use it, for they were afraid raise the banner ef rebellion 2" he wa.s times it did not seem so necessary to Nicoll, smiling, as he walked about the ' senee of spots that vary in brightness it would Illill. their trade, and the popu- eskesi, pumite iese usiness ltle 0 S, In a tl b ' th d- • • I et room. "They are certainly clever at de- ' in a way grate adequately accounted tor ler preju we among iem con inue (mg d' tl . t' d I With his eyes lighted up, an expressive 1 with the suroandings thon existent, ceiving men. The instances ef this are on the suppeeition that they are plants after its success had been demonstrated. shrug was the answer.. there was no chance to de 50. In our too numerous to recite in detail, but I undergoing the process of growth and totem geld cities the merelient and the any num experienced in criminal law • decay. But before this they were practically HYENAS DRIVE OFF MONS. instances Related in Which They Pro- tect Mee in Jungles. A traveller reeently returned. from. At - ride has a geed word to say for the gen- erally despised hyena, whose eourage, Ite declares, is much greater than is supposed generally.. '1Iyenes," Paid the traveller, "no net hesitate. when hunting in packs, to tit - 'lark lions, even though the Iions are in considerable numbers, and in such rucounters the hyenas often get the hest of it. The lion is a good deal of a Dis looks so fieree and reare sv loudly that he gets a greater reputa- tion for conrage that is rightfully his." Dr. Dotuildson Smith, a well-known Afriean explorer, in his account of his journey to Lake Rudolph, tells stoles • of lion limitless which corroborate the eny, me4 unanimous in predicting its failure. nhe mantifiteturer has elso had to than gA, knows hew easy,e. clever 11•0111an can pull i Vegetation, if there be idea that a machine could be made te do the Wool over the eyes of the cleverest spring up end die in a hill& day, be- , the work of human fingers in an opera - his methods of business. The filmier is just as much a manufaeturer as.the num mime 00 plant, at beast no terrestrial Um so delieate as that of sewing was. in tiewe. who makes beets, clothes and I' of men. "For she ean arouse. hie sentiment, tied plant, could. survive the bitter lunar somethirig entirely beyond eomprehen- le sawn . once dile is aroused she is his master. night, with Ow temperature nearly 1-00 e;„„ hardwitre. The manufacturer . No 30011 known this better than the law. below zero. A lunar day. bowever, ii ‘''''". The history -of the human race has finds it neeeseitty to_make the kind of .. . ... . . . • yet.. You get a clever woman on the by no means fleeting. It lasts for about ever shown that humamity ie an ass- ------ '• r--- - ' ----- — witness amid and hor tsttinoily. ovon fifteen of our days, so that vegeletion but not an incurable one. Here is where if you know it to be absolutely false, is finery is by no means untenable, se far we part company with the pessimiets. herder to break down than is a man's as time le eencerrod. They believe that our asininity is in. tinder the same ciremustanees. The Amin the time that telescopes were. tenable. We think it will wear away cress examiner Must use lineage in deal- first usee in astronomy the "critters" el with time. It him in the past, why , hug with her, when with 0 man be cm , the 1110011—great towering, terraeed shouldn't it keep en ? At any tate, go at him with a dub. She lias the ringse-bave been nrade the stIbject f ": let us try not to raid to the general bray sentimental sympathy of the jurors wile- painstaking study. At best they are that is going up, hut let us work and tiler she he old or young, ugly or han-1- enigmas. 'rimy are probably the result pray for the general shortening up er some. A tear, a smile, will soften the ca volcanic action -of seine kind. gx• ears. that is sure to mime about mere hardest '61 hearts, and wIten a woman . tending from the centers for a distaaee. and 100re ae we become wieer and bet- goea to it man atia asks a favor he il4 ef several hundred mill% are gigantie Ave we eeeepee.___edienemeeie ever. • And when she is a woman of exceptional skin of the moon'e aged fame, ' 0111180. she- is a woman and lie is a man. ennsidered wrinkles in the crumpled i . always predisposed to grant it, just he- erevices, eallee -rills," whit+ may be • lee. ---4"44*-110pe, . talents he is all the more ready to help No doubt. volcanic fem..; letet played I her. This undoubtedly explains Atrq. their part in the• moon'e bietery, but i Rnieker---Do you think it will be bird .. Chadwick's power, unless it should tutn whether they ere etili active is a MOO, fur a rieh man to -enter the kingdom of ottt that there WaA another woman, used quostion. Evideeee of irregularity ne., heaven? tie it hire, and who has been eavefully -mitring ebanges of some sort hae been lleeker—Not if they judge hire hy the 'Mit.% the baekground." gathered by Professor Piekering—evi- taxes- he two*. - •