The Wingham Advance, 1904-07-07, Page 8D
411011141111101101111110 MAP 011110111114111011.010411100.111.1111. es.
'tl1C: I,4T1AI INO- S121,011
Oxford Comfort.
How your feet ache and burn these hot days for want
of a pair of cool and comfortable Summer Oxfords.
Sumer comfort and Oxfords go hand in hand.
See the Ladies' Oxfords we offer at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00
and $2.50. The besa Oxfords in the world for the money.
See our Men's Oxfords at $1.25, $1.75, $2.25 and
$3.00. Every new style, shape, color, kind, toe and last
says a d Come,"
Can't duplicate our Oxfords and the price, at the
same time, at any other store.
W. J. Greer, The Shoer
See us for Trunks and Valises.
1 t# 6 01111111110111111.1111
( Why I am succes,fnl in
( this line of business
I am making a specialty of this business.
I know my business.
T am aggressive and progressive.
I never show parties my investments unless I
am satisfied they have the money and
mean business.
All matters are strictly confidential.
I have been here for years and believe that I
have the confidence of the people.
There is a buyer for every business somewhere
in the country. I have sold property in a
very short time that the owner has tried to
dispose of for years, and some good ones at
that. Its my specialty and I know it.
Yours For Quick Sales,
Real Estate Agent and Business Transfer
(0ffico—Vanstone Block, Wingham)
Picture Framing
For a good Photo or family group,
a crayon or watercolor portrait, or
maybe a Copy, you should visit Zur-
brigg's Studio ; and that photo you
have which needs a frame, have it
framed at once. We have a nice
line of moulding to choose from,
Photographing and 1
Residence of C. P. Smith on Diagonal St.
Residence of W. J, Chapman.on Victoria St.
Also a number of other houses at right prices.
You can buy cheaper than yon can build.
Abner Cosens.
Farm For Sale.
One hundred acres, more or less,
being the north half of lot 10, con. 2,
Morris, Brick house and good out-
buildings, two good orchards, and
well -watered, Apply on premises to
Burn sulphur in a cellar occasional-
ly, and things kept there will be free
from mildew. Close doors and win-
dows tightly before burning the sul-
phur, and get out at once after setting
fire to the sulphur,
Cburt Nemo 1
° No. 9 school is closed for the
weer months.
Miss. Ross, of Brussels, is engaged to
teaeh in No. 9 for next year,
Miss Murray of Seaforth is the
guest of Miss l+,dttlt Jackson.
West Wawanosh, East Wawanosh
Soule one broke into S, S, No, 3 Mr. R. (Worley left last week to visit
ehooltwuse nisei destroyed sone of friends in Essex county.
he books aline slakti's; shttluo 1 Samuel Wals11 is doing; good work
Fordyce, Belfast, St. Helens anti with his sawing machine.
N<>s. 14 and 3 SCltools, l.cdd a picnic' 7gto .fro busy lutving their
ext Ato14.:A grove ,Tiny st. Tltey .tad' stutluler 1111,( . ettt just nc,ty.
t good time children are sure to do ,.
fleas, Wiu
Westfield ehoir drove to i'I ghattt
Mr. James Forester, of West Wax- taon S.atttrday to have their picture
wattosh, sold his fine team of heavy ken
;las. Kelly raised an addition to his
barn and put stone stabling ii»dei'-
The following is the report of the dl
standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 8,
for the month of June :— Sr. 4th,--.A.n-
uie Garniss. Jr. 4th.• ---Mildred Jowitt,
Gladys Brooks, Lizzie Knox, Harvey
Knox, Riddell Rutledge. Jr. 3rd.—
Edna Johnstone, Stanley Rutledge,
Elden Nethery. Hr. 2uc1, •— Mabel
Aide, Norman Soticll, Jr, 2nd.—Em-
ma Johnstone, Florence Sollch, Har-
arvey Garniss, Tessa Jermyn, Wallace
Agar. Sr. Pt. 2nci --Harold Jewitt,
Earl Mothers and Willie Brewer
(even), Abner Knox, Filbert Mothers,
Clara Agar and Charlie Brewer (even).
Jr. Pt. Nisei. ---John Thyune, Mildred
Souch, Annie Rutledge, Garret Wil-
son, John Warwick, Jr. Pt. lst.—
Annie Brewer, Leslie Souch.
The Court of Revision met on June
27th, as, per adjournment; inentbers tall
present. The following entries were
Made on the assessment roll, namely:
Geo. Readtnan entered tenant S. E,
27, con, 7; Geo. Best entered awne N
21, con. 0; P. Ament entered owner 8
27, con. 5; Samuel Fells, M. F., S (< 37,
con. 1; Leonard Brown, M. F., N i 53,
con. 1; Wesley Cornell, M. F„ N & 11,
eon. 2; Robert Carrick, tenant, pt W
1, con. 6; Frank Wheeler, tenant 28 cC
39, Belgrave ; Jane Parker, owner, N
W pt 11, con. 6; Wm. Emigh, owner,
lot 1, 'Walton, in place of William
Shaw—Jackson—That the Court of
Revision be now closed and that the
assessment roll as now revised and
corrected be confirmed and established
as the assessment roll for 0.6 Town-
ship of Morris for the current year—
Shaw—Jackson—That after hearing
Coun. Taylor's report of the condition
of sideroad between lots 25 and 20,
con. 4, this Council put in the news-
'ts and be at half the ex -
Before leaving for Thorndale, Mrs.
(Rev.) D. Rogers was the recipient of
a beautiful rug and a jewel case from
the Willing Workers, and a purse
from the Church and League, accom-
panied in each case with an apprecia-
tive address.
There is an account in the Canadian
Churchman of a very successful Sun-
day School Convention, held in St.
Stephen's church, Sandwich, where
Rev. W. IL'Hartley is in charge as
Rector. Special votes of thanks were
passed to Mr. and Mrs. Hartley for
the excellent arrangements made. Mr.
Hartley was at one time teacher in
Lower Wingham School.
The following, from the Fordwich
Record, refers to the pastor (and his
wife) who has assumed charge of the
Thorndale circuit :—"Rev. D. Rogers
preached his farewell sermon at the.
different appointments on the Ford-
wich circuit on Sunday. There was a
large congregation at the evening ser-
vice, who had the pleasure of listening
to an interesting discourse on the all-
important theme, 'Christ is all in all.'
Mr. Rogers has finished his three
years' ministry here, atul during that
time, by his warm heart and genial
manner, he has formed many friend-
ships, not only among his own people,
but among those of other folds. The
Record joins with his ninny friends in
wishing Mr, Rogers great success in
the Master's vineyard in his new field
of labor. The family is an estimable
one and will be missed here, especially
in church work.
Are you independent or have you a
boss? Get out of slavery and be free.
Write G. Marshall & Co., London,
Ont., and they will show you the way.
They have started thousands on the
road to freedom.
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotten, Silk, Jute
or Mixed Goods in one bath --they are the
latest and most improved Dye i the world.
Try a package. All colors at W, Messer's
store, liluevale, g.nd C. B. McClelland's store,
Boigravo, Ont.
makes suitable presents
for all occasions. We've
a splendid assortment of
French China, decorated
by the famous Havalatnd
and Elite decorators.
German, Austrian and
English Ware, also the
choicest selection of Jap-
anese Ware, all of 'which
(I 11U li
Come and see what
we have for Gifts of all
Miss May Bretheur is spending a
few days at James Wright's.
Lorne McKelvey of Harriston spent
a few days of last week under the pa-
rental roof.
We congratulate Miss Marjory
Strachan on her success at the recent
Primary Theory exam. in Clinton.
Wm. McKelvey, who has": suffered
severely for the past four months with
nerve trouble, is not improving as
quickly as his many friends would like
to see.
The picnic held in Alex. Bryans'
bush on July lst was a decided success,
considering the wet weather which
prevailed on that day. The amuse-
ments consisted chiefly of games, and
there was also a short program. The
booth was managed by .Innes Bros.,
who took in $22.50. In the evening
the Jamestown football team played
against Molesworth and were victori-
ous by a score of 3-0. A return match
will likely be played.
Notwithstanding the wet, disagreea-
ble weather last Thursday evening
(June 30), the box social held in S. S.
No. 19, Morris, was a splendid success.
The program was quite a lengthy one,
consisting of choruses, selections by
the Jamestown brass band, solos, reci-
tations and violin music. Actor
Wightman of Wingham delighted the
crowd to the highest degree with his
many wonderful feats. The program
was divided into two parts, and the
'11. boxes were sold and disposed of during
the intermission. The proceeds am-
ounted to $15.50, which twill go to-
wards the purchase of a library for
. the school.
sary cu
pense of drain on said road—carried.
Taylor—Shaw—That $50 be expend-
ed in gravelling opposite lots 3 and 4
on 8th con. line—carried.
Jackson—Taylor That $20 be ex-
pended in repairing sideline between
lots 10 and 11, con. 0—carried.
Taylor—Code—That the Reeve be
instructed to have the road opposite
lot 5' con. 2, east of the bridge, put in
a passable state of repair—carried.
On motion of Code and Jackson, the
following eccounts were ordered to be
paid:—Duff & Stewart, repairing brid-
ges, $89.83 ; Western Foundry Co.,
grinding grader knife, $2.50 ; Wm.
Findlater, lumber for culvert, $3.60;
Wm. Salter, gravel, $3.81; A. Hughes,
gravel, $1.05; Alex. McEwen, gravel,
$1.75; Geo. W. Proctor, gravel, $6.39;
Geo. W. Procto, repairing bridge, $10;
Geo. Taylor, gravel, $1.26; Adain Shol-
dice, gravel, $4.83; Thos. McCall, re-
pairing culvert, $3; Dr. Toole, profes-
sional fees, 50cts.; Milton Watson, gra-
vel and damages, $8.17; Brussels Her-
ald, advertising, 50cts.; R. A. Alcock,
tile ditch, $1; Jas. Marshall, surveying
and assistance, $13; Chas. Wilkinson,
gravel, $5.22; W. H. Knox, $5.18; Jas.
Nicholson, covering culvert, $2; Robt.
Young, work on grader, $2; Alex.
Cloakey, gravel, $8.88 ; Municipal
World, debenture register book, $1.37;.
John Watson, equalizing union school
sections, $12; Charles:Pollard, gravel,
$5.88; Dr. McAsh, services re smallpox
outbreak, $55.50; Edward Irvine, do.,
$35.50; John Watson, postage and sta-
tionery, $5.
Council adjourned to meet again on
the 1st of August next,
W. Clark, Clerk,
(Too late for last issue)
Miss Winnie Cuyler, who has been
with her aunt, Mrs. (Rev.) W. Tre-
leaven, for the past few months, is
spending a few weeks with her moth-
er, Mrs. R. J. Cuyler.
Mrs. D. Smith and Miss Greta of
Brantford are spending a few weeks
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Winfield. Mr. Smith spent a
few days here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mooreheard and
Mrs. J. C. Wilson, of Listowel, Mr.
and Miss Annie Abraham, of East
Wawanosh, were the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. John McDonald last week.
raughit horses last week to 1V Ir. John Mr. D. Dxutbar has ptni utsed a new
Moyse, of Winnipeg, Manitoba for the binder from Brilnsdon Bros, of Lon -
sum. of $000, desboro.
The Orangemen will celebrate the Joint Wightinan and family of Mor-
Glorious'Twelftli at \Vtugbaiu. They rig visited friends in East Wawanosh
twill be accompanied by their band on Sunday last.
which milting ready under the Mrs. Jim. Doty of Westfield is not
leadership of Mi. 1L Blackstone of recovering its rapidly as her Many
Gactdoriclt, friends. would wish,
On the 22nd hist., the Rev. J, L. Mr. and Mrs, Straughati were at
Small tied the nuptial knot for Harry home to a few of their young friends
Jones incl Miss Minnie Marsh at the an Friday night last.
home of the bride, and on the 28th,
Mr. Spall performed a4 similar core- John Blanc, jr„ and sister, Mrs, J.
molly uniting in holy wedlock Mr, Rodger of lvinghaxn, called on West -
McKenzie of Galt and Miss M. Robert- field friends an Sxinclay.
son, David Ferguson, of Hullett, and
Miss Patterson, who goes to Mani- daughter, Mrs. Churchill, visited. the
on Sunday • las ',
Mr, T.Noble St d t
haute of M ,Nob.�
toba shortly, will be sadly missed, by
the choir of the Presbyterian church
to which she has for years given her
service freely. The "Sweet Sing-
er of Wawanosh" has long been the
most popular soloist in this part of
the county. We all wish her a plea-
sant trip and a speedy, restoration to
good health.
The recent communion service at
St. Helens were very interesting and
profitable. The preparatory service
was conducted by Rev, Mr, Miller, of
Lochalsh, and Rev, J. J. Hastier of
Be]grave, conducted the thanksgiving
service. On Sabbath the Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper was administer-
ed, and fourteen united with the
chnrch ; eight by profession of faith
and six by certificate. The service in
the morning was conducted by the
pastor, Rev. S. M. Whaley, while
Rev. G. M. Dunn, of Whitechurch,
took charge in the evening.
Mrs. Win. McDonald of Hartney,
Mtn., is spending a few weeks at the Mr. Ed. Lynn and sisters, Misses
home of her father Mr. Thos. Mur- May and Lizzie, of Fordwich, spent
ray, Sunday with friends on 2nd con,
The masons have finished brick Miss Annie Bryans, who has been
veneering Mr, 1:. Taylor's house and for some time in Toronto, returned to
are now erforining a similar work her home last Friday, where she in-
tends. holidaying.
St. Helens.
Mrs: MacPherson and daughter, of
Guelph, are visiting here.
Miss Martin and Miss Peterson, of
Whitechurch, visited friends here last
Miss Clark, of Lucknow, is visiting
Miss Jessie Cameron and other friends
in the village.
Mr. Thos. Joynt attended the funer-
al of his brother Andrew's child at
Seafortlt last week,
Mr. John McGuire and his sister
Mrs. McDonald, of Blyth; called on
friends around here .on Saturday and
The Extrance Examination was held
in St. Helens school last week. There
were thirty-six candidates in all, quite
a large increase over other years.
Thos. B. Taylor has returned from
attending the meeting of the High
Court of the 0. O. F., in Toronto. He
reports having a pleasant and profit-
able time.
A return football match was played
between St. Helens and Dungannon
at the latter place last week, resulting
in the St. Helens team losing by a
score 2 to 0.
A union school picnic was held in
Mr. Morton's grove on the 1st of July.
There was a large attendance and the
races and football came off well. The
boys of St. Helens and No. 11 had a
football match but there was no score
on either side.
On Tuesday evening a most enjoy-
able Lawn Social was held on the
Manse lawn Whitechurch, under the
auspices of the Westminster Guild.
The pretty lawn was rendered even
more pretty by the Chinese lanterns,
flags, etc. and looked handsome. There
was a large attendance, and ail enjoy-
ed themselves. A splendid tea was
served, and then in charge of the
genial pastor, Rev. Mr. Dunn, the pro-
gram proceeded. Wingham Band
furnished excellent music, and there
were addresses by Rev. Mr. Whaley
of St. Helens, Rev. Mr. Kaine of
Whitechurch and R. D. Cameron of
Lucknow. Mrs. Beattie of Wingham
was effective in her recitations, and
the Teeswater Choir rendered good
service. The solos by Miss Colvin of
Teeswater and Miss Peterson of Kin-
cardine were excellent, The social
was a great success.
Mrs. Malcolm Fraser spent the holi-
days with her sister, Mrs, Thos. Car-
ling, of Clinton. •
Robt. Weir left on Friday last for
his home in Turnberry, where he will
spend his holidays.
for Mr. Wm. McBurney.
The celebrations on July 1st were
somewhat dampened. But in spite
of the rain, it large company of aur
young people with their friends, gath-
ered at Silver Lake, Kinloss, where
they spent a pleasant day.
Thursday evening, July 7th, is the
elate of the Presbyterian garden
party. It will be. held in Mr. Riehan1-
son's orchard, A good time is expect-
ed as everything is being done to pro -
The pienie held by the Westfield
eongregation, on the lst of July its
John Wightman's grove, was a suc-
Mrs. and the Misses Kennedy, who
have been 6th litre visitors for some
time, have returned to their home in
Air's. P. H'allahan, and her sin, J.
Hallahan of Mich., who have been the
guest of 5th line friends, left for their
home on Thursday last.
Mrs. Killough and Mrs. Jos, Kil-
lough, who have been visiting the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Dowell, returned to their home in
West Wawanosh on Monday.
Mr, D. McGill arrived home on Fri-
day last, from Alberta, where he has
spent the last year. He was called
hither by the serious illness of his
father, Mr. Jas, McGill, who we hope
will soon be well again,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H:• Nethery of
Sarnia have been the guests of the
fornter's parents during the past
week, Mr. Nethery being off work
with a sprained ankle which we are
pleased to say is recovering..
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 0, East Wawanosh for the month
of June ; V.—Bella McDougall. Sr,
IV.—Stanley Elliott, Ella Walker,
Willie Shoebottom. Jr. IV.—Annie
Leaver, Katie Shiell, Laura Currie,
Harvey Linklater, Wilfrid Pocock.
Sr. XII. --Gordon Rintoul, Earl Elliott,
Walter Pocock, Mary Elliott and
Gwendoline Carrie (equal), Geo.
Walker, Geo. Currie. Sr. II.—Pearl
Deacon. Jr. II.—Verna Taylor. Pt.
IL—Richard Deacon, Berniece Shiell
and Daniel Ferguson (equal), Harold
'Walker, Harold Currie. Pt. I.—Bella
Ferguson, Charlie Taylor, Franklin
Robinson, Maggie Pocock, Ernest
Shiell, Katie Currie, Neliic Deacon,
Bessie Burchill, Viola Deacon. Aver-
age attendance 33. Alice Duff,
Mr. Wm. Hueston spent�a few days
with his. sister, Mrs. Win. Lowry.
Four pupils wrote on the recent ex-
ams for admission to High School,
• Mrs. Mulvey, of Wingham, is re-
newing acquaintances in this vi-
lst of July passed off quietly here,
a number taking advantage of the
• sports in Wroxeter and Teeswater.
Mi': Bush, who has resigned, has left
for his home near Toronto, and has
been offered a school more convenient
You May Have Kidney Trouble. to his house.
If your back aches and you suffer 1 Mrs. D. N. McDonald, of Rippley and
from dragging pains it is evidence of ' her sister Mrs. Murray of Elgittfield,
diseased kidneys. Get Ferrozone at . are spending a pleasant time with
once ancl take it regularly. Ferrozone' their niece legs. Jl. Mulvey.
makes kidney sufferers feel better at Rev. Herbert McCornnell of • Michi-
once. "I was bothered a great deal gan is spending this week at the home
with illy kidneys last year" writes S. of Mr. Bremner of town, he said Mrs.
G. Denton, of Everett, but got quick McCornnell and baby intend leaving
relief from Ferrozone. My trouble on Thursday of this week for their
manifested itself by pain in the back, home.
dull heavy feeling and constant .head-
ache. I am quite recovered after us-
ing a few boxes of Ferrozone which MONEY TO LOAN—At 41 per cent. on
has given axe more strength and bet- improved farms. Easy terns of re -
ter health than I ever had before. I payment; expenses light, Apply A.
can recommend Ferrozone as a posi- Dulutage, Real • Estate and Loan
tive cure. Price 50c, at druggists. Agent, Kent Block.
Master Lyle McAllister, who has
been undergoing a special treatment
in Toronto, arrived home on Thursday
last, much unproved, Ile was accom-
panied by his aunt, Mrs. Duggan.
Ileo. C. P. Wells preached a most
impressive inemorial• sermon in Roe's
church last Sabbath morning, to the
respect of the late John Lamont, who
was aceidentlyy killed, and whose death
is felt with loop sadness, Mr, Wells
vide a good supper an a good pro- . took for his text "There is but one
graph. step between me and death".
Mr. Chas. Kitchen spent the 1st of
a number Trott
1 this Ioealit
John '
of Mr, Jo xy
The very sudden cecitis �July in visiting friends in and arotind
DIED.+—In.Blyth, July 1st.
Ballantine, aged 04 years.
Our street sprinkler made its first
appearance on Monday morning.
John Denitohn, and son Daviel, left
here Tuesday morning with 2 cars of
horses for Manitoba.
Mrs. G. M. Sherlock, and children,
of Winnipeg, are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Charles Floody.
Miss Kirkby, teacher of Department
No. 3 in our Public School has handed
in her resignation to the trustees.
The Methodist Sabbath School will
hold their picnic on Tuesday, July
5th, on the beautiful grounds of N. B.
A sermon to the Orangemen will be
preached in Trinity Church on Sun-
day evening, July 10th, by the Rector
Rev. J. Edmunds, A cordial invita-
tion is extended to all Orangemen in
this vicinity.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Harry
Metcalf took place from the home of
her son, Councillor Metcalf, on Mon-
day morning to the G. T. R. station.
The retrains were conveyed to Trinity
Church Ceinetery, Mitchell, for inter-
ment, Deceased was in her 83rd
The results of the local examination
in connection with the Toronto Con-
servatory of music held in Clinton
two weeks aggro have been announced.
Miss Pearl Gulley passed her examina-
tions in Theory and Harmony with
honors. Misses Rosie Clark and
Edith Mills also wrote on the above
examinations ; these young ladies are-
creall pupils of Professor Glen. Campbell
of Clinton,
Mrs. T.
Mckenzie, of the 4th of Cult'oss, carne ' attended the funeral of the Iate Johxr
as It shock to many in this neighbor- Lamont last Thursday. Mr, Lamont
hood. where. deceased was widely , was a young than of sterling qualities
known. Mr. Mci(enzie, who has been and a friend of both old and young.
a resident of Culross for many years . His funeral was the largest ever seen
was it vc�y suecessfut farmer and own- in this vicinity, over 200 conveyances
e4 one of the finest farm homes in this being in the. procession, A, very int -
start of the country. But last week pressfve, service WAS Conducted at the
• the messenger of death suddenly bade at the house by Rev. D. l'., Moline, and
hint leave all to go on the Inst long the Rev. 3011111toss took charge of the
(Succeisors to Alex Rosa) jour•.... from winch traveller re. service at the gtr'ave. WC Cittend otic
the betreaved faxmily, and t, Sincere sympathy i8 felt for deepest sympathies to the bereaved
The Rem. Mr. Ousterhout preached
his first sermon on the Wroxeter Cir-
cuit last Sunday.
The Lawn 8loeial which was held on
the lawn of E. Merkley last Monday
night was a decided success.
Mrs. J. Gallaher and Mrs, Mulvey of
\Viiiqhint are at present visiting
friends in Vordwich and other
We the undersigned lawyers agree to close
our offices during the months of July and
August as follows :—On Saturday at 2 p.m.
and on other days at 4 p. m.
Holmes. Clarke 2 Holmes
R. Vanstono
3. A. Morton
DIckinson tt Holmes
Si. Louis --World's Fair
$I8.$0—Good 15 Days
With stay over privileges at any intermed-
iate Canadian station, also at Detroit rind
NaTe—On application to J. D. McDonald, D,
P. A., Toronto, enclosing 4 cents in stamps,
handsome illustrated booklet will be furnished.
'through Pullman Sleepers and Vestibule
Coaches t0 St. Louis, running daily.
Dome -Seekers' Excursions
to points in Canadian North-West. $30 tO 810.10
Good going Juno 28, returning until Aug, 20.
(Toed going July 19, returning until Sept. 20.
For tickets, illustrated literature regarding
World's Nair, and full information apply to L.
Harold, Agent, Wingham, or to
District Passenger Agent,
Winnipeg $30.00 Rogtua $33.75
Arabia • • 92.Se
)- 31,80
1. 88.00
Meese Jaw
,Kamsack ) 34,00
Swan River JJJ
Saskatoon - 30.20
Pr. Albert • 8000
Macleod . • 38.00
Calgary - • 38.50
Iced Deer - 30.64
Thursday, July ', 1904
Learing ?rices 1
For Next 30 Days. 1
To all buyers of Ready-to-wear Clothing and
Boots and Shoes, we will allow a clean cut of twenty
cents off every dollar's Worth of the above lines sold
within thirty days. At our'regular selling prices, 1 1
House can offer better values than we do in the
above lines, but with twenty cents given back out of
every dollar, or part of a dollar, you have an oppor-
tunity here of securing bargains that may not come
your way again.
Our stock was never better assorted, every
department being literally crammed with the very
latest designs, and most seasonable and desirable, as
well as the most fashionable textures that the Local
and Foreign markets offer to the' trade. In Dress
Goods and Trimmings we are leaders, as we have
always been, and as we are weekly supplied with
the very Iatest New York ideas, we can give you
valuable hints not only in the class of goods to buy,
but also in the correct styles of making and trimming.
Pure, fresh Groceries kept in abundance and
everything at right prices.
Eggs 140 cash, 16c trade.
Big Prices for Trade.
"Bee Hive" Store News
We're Going to Make July a
Business Record Breaker.
Since the first day of opening "The Bee Hive" to the
people of Wingham and surrounding country, a steady
growth of business has marked Tula STORE'S progress, and
we are determined to keep the record growing, and make
this month of July show a large increase in sales in every
department. The Goods and Prices will do it.
Dress Goods.
Special attractions are hero this
week in new colors of Voiles, Eoelliens,
Lustros, Flake Linens, and many other
leading material—all at prices away
below what you are in the habit of pay
ing for thorn. We easily save you from
ten to twenty Dents on every dollar
spent in their department.
Ready-toswear Dress Skirts.
There are five only in the lot, which
is the last of our stock of Dress Skirts.
They are made of splendid Cheviots in
Navy Blue, nicely trimmed and good
value at $4.00, our price to clear, each
Yorkton f ` ' " Stratheona • 40.40
Going JULY lath. rteturningg until Sept.
20(15. Ttokets are not good On the "Imperial
Pamphlets and full particular font any
Canadian boifo 414111, or 1kt n, ottttrn,
Wren ter
New Lines For Men and Boys.
New lines this week in Men's T'anoy
Shirts and Neckwear, also Boys' Shirt
Men's and Boys' Clothing.
We put on sale this week all our
Men's and Boys' Suits at Prices that
will make a big stir in the clothing
One lot Men's good Tweed Suits,
at per suit $2.50
One lot Youths' Tweed Snits, Sizes
82 to 35, per suits $2.50
One lot Children's Navy BIue
Blouse Suits, per suit $1.25
One lot Men's Cotton Tweed and
Overalls at per pair, 300
(This 18 a few only of the Bargains)
morn., ..0.►6/.nn16Jw.1.1v.06
Remnant Sate.
There'll be a busy time at our Rola.
Mint Counter. All theremnants and
odd lots of Dress Goos, Prints, Wrap-
perettea, Shirtings, Cottonades, etc.
are piled up and underpriced for quick
We Sell Groceries.
Great money saving values in Gro-
ceries, We pay the highest prices for
flutter and Eggs.
It Pays to Deal at
The Keeler Goo „ ~ Wingham