The Wingham Advance, 1904-07-07, Page 2tet
1 1 • 11
Iwill leaa to the other. Jerobeitinti as-
SURda y $011061 irttlittlethaauttl= huletb• °ale 11)1=teo4if
• a rent garatent in the, bands of Ahijalt
. the prophet. Sueeeeding vitae heel ea-
tebliehed the teeth and aecompliehea
the fulfilment of tile prophecy, awl be-
gun the punishment •of the unwise and
arrogant nation. Confidenee in the power
and direction tsf the Providence which
Jrrolmenes Ido1:fem.-1 Mogen: 2a3a. iiuL foretol1 and fullillea his elevatio»,
woula have vendered unueeessery the
ComMentary.-I. Improvement:1 made welt auo locoed. deeleee for tee eon.
(v. 25). '25. %hen Jeroboam built -After lirmation of las authority. The visa=
he was made king Jeroboain immediately width purposes can direct events. and
Appoint agencies for the aecomplisitment
took =Weis to establielt himself la hie ot its supreme designs, anti human sub -
0,17:14tormrtoNaN bustaoN Nous
.flItAY 10. /001.
The Markets
Janata burying- ground 0.11 tato tum.
Ilia a, on. Williata nay, who Lobar- FIT fill
ited elle fierm, att. dintoli, 11,11,,s buried S
besido tile father. ItI faith) li tont') . , I " •
titorls WAS ereeitOd over the grovee .
orogliel tie) little cATTLF fill 1.0
'Plot daarett law &whom Of the de-
nt -410h. Cattle, fearatts. partott Matee. II
Xiondellenlls5t .2"-108^matan e4•Ittl° r,2110. form tittlest gaentiej come Into
and Mated. atteteel torritOrY. ow
tallan fishery regulationit forbade the tqc Abilanct
eatolang of tho Belt by' trail% tbat I ' .
eettreetets, onding in a cut-tio-Otahtrom T1114Q. BALT.. rit01,01ST011s I
Is by tho conotruetion of artitieltel
Willoli tho fiell cienneet Detalfo- The ' eet.o. --.4.------.....--------, . -to
Amerleano 0reete4 on4 Operated
Ptels‘lev, at 10 049 t° 3•214° Per th' I tint banda of the tato Jamie Clarke.. their torietory poet Which the salinen
therm triate on the polat a load le
tadrIgeretor beet, 10 1-tle tO 10 1-4e too letooer morriett a moo toeuttoo
.!, $7 590 Realized at Sale
eiteaeht. 1.,a att 140 per and gold tho land to Jove& la allate .
poutid. , 1 wao in 'tun. taionoVed of le to 'Walter, t
Toronto earnit Markets. lieleon. !Moro wet! 13, 140Vine ill 1310
'Trade in frulta an time Weal max. deed 'Omit elle little gravoYard watt
lit woo very teetive toaltey, Straw. to remain unneOlootted, and the Mies
berries ethaely, ot 0 to »0 yor box, family were alivityo to bale) yeeeee
Ratioheotoes. lit to hoe. oieerr ea base to W. In 'Vie itteed Ur. 13,oloon melee F. •
Wen lettilverten,tlyl emitteel When -it
at Stock Yards,
Mit to reach the Fraser.
Tim resell: Mate that while the •
bOateion employed by the Canadian, talleetlen of Beep. pad Account.% it 4P001141tr•
Winners citught bundrede b,y •the, ote ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT.
thie Amerleita waters ilnitrieaned Ofileto-in Vanden° Block.
Opea. Maths:day evenluem, 7 to 11,
dinary modo or flatting, the trope in
tholatall40. Canada rot-nom:touted of-,
u w tot d Cola
. trap feliet oleo AA greet nilita
hareem, There were bright prospeete terfuges are never necessar,y., and their Itet, $1 to Watermelon.% 25 to eel, it aPPeare, Itowereer. provleo ifty-seven Head Were Dis- adieu claimers aro to be allowed
befOre kiln, "1. The kingdom was large, introduction involvee both am and sad, 8,50 each,
vac of ltebeeee. and Jaeob to ------------
., 1134 Q(14 '
stronactive independent, but oome-
prosperous, wealthy and fertile. with a ore. no unworthy and iniquious. de- ire t
aee to $1,25. was 00001. I , posed of,
air Heise
the promised blessing is ease in point Eoa,tetaloupos eold, at $81 to eet per , • recentlet tore down tho
'43 coor4- 0;40 and eemovoil the imeadetone
to grade WO inteatta, Poteactee, 1.1(1 oreCte4 neW Porn aver the
pouf a Minion tatirt tbo slioi•on REM. ESTATE AND LOAN AOENT.
Vaneouvor Islon4, and then palm into
ea 'fowa suct Farm Propsrty,
limo American wo,tero, tbey nee
what turbuleut oopmeletiolo 2. Jeroboam rettatell couyelliettee. eft to .too x, .apples, $1 to Dor .0 a onositt, the conetruction of trope on
Was the aim elunee of the people. $. :cum t
t ot eou o go. up to Jerusalem." tV $3.7a tO $4, per bbl. Canadian tlia bones of the late Peter and. Wile
itt Iv" a Ul°41 ef the PeePlFt s'equehlW Nen are amenonly less willing to sacra newt e liane May. Tho 144 abovo mon. Average Price Not So Hig
,vith their needs, their grawences, their
lice ttor they religious intereets tban for petty, baseet. 40o. Cucumber% dozen, isupoinfrn.
thOP. brought eult againet supply of flea on the Ainerioait sale,
'dispositions and tharaeter, 110 WPs a anything ewe. A teligion couvenieut tit 6m. rawtia° "Iwth, §2.5°or
• L1e island will toot orialle loosen tlio
regulation and. easy in requirement will Pack' ' goo tical of ova/
_man of proved ability and energy. 5. Alter bowing
the A Hamilton despatch eays
Toronto Partners' alarkete
some a the people, aua bad traveled. too thiflin t be eonsiaered in other af- The receipt% ot grain ela _ ..
0, Ile was God's selection as well as the fairs
peso ander revrw, however, taco . Ar
pass curront iu tuis., As in the
is unehauged witb ealee of tie eat taped , and oultetantial a condi- wile held yesterday ufternoon at the
a barn, reetoredlalh griave steno flu ea combination :gale of shortiforit catt'le 'as illiat. iitell""ortet;,ins Wt" 11""
Al BeAson 'would aayo to remove
' in Egype and studie4 her institutions. . g e .
etreet to -day wore tuederate. 'Wbot) tar'
f ° latieb oat tre74.71 owtivjanter 0.atioett, otlx0Cliviltelgh dawn, my) the. xce,70 elm jor 001.
feopleat for God knew the possibilities 1_101 OA l't wnil before he teelt it ptivilion or the Hamilton blink yards. ' 1)4141;lall'snt eV Agvintliture'
hoe, but the Insufficient covering ef a sin ul g000te
of a greet and, good king. were in it wars tun; so well atteuded its previous • ColuMbotioneram Branca, I
Ideli'lletue ltifty-seven cattle wore hold, the Fruit Divisiou, Ottawa, Irian
true; told Jerobani decade:I the znfluence Butter en imir eopfey ith sides
He had lied experience as a ruler over
alwevs lina eager aeceptence.. Exeusea denee, jaetleo Teetzel aeolcled
as Usual,
tml selfish motive. Such motives
Peloub t. See 1 Nines ei. 38. Shoal- at 00o Cate stead.y 1000 Welt. trOying *00_1 -ledge and peso all the ' Dales and the cattle diti not bring a Toe fruit crop repor te receive:1. at
s ir at, rom eon atm w • to Amnia at o 1,2 10 , te
11 i I f t t Rh tl pure and • • ' o t 317: i t.,, um oasts. or tho action. 'Pito Wye
em -This city was enlarged and fortified
A PI al o. le barn Iva.% built on a 1 It t d; ., d ; 4
.denee. 13ut he soon removed his capital services, lest these should prove stroteter 18 ' lb L' e
and thus mane at to be the royal rest-
s •Yr were alive:ye to !lave ateees to tbe '
of hallowed and familiar scenes and of medlunt to choice elairy at 10 to lot ati for which $7,590 was realized, ea ;toff- Atter et 0 %to lot lu Mote
concrete foundation, which cost $50 age a $133 a, acad. The lligtlekSt *UV any, marked olningemt in 'the geldire
•t Ti z h a few miles north (I. Kings, e' 1 0 pot . 'gee, .17 to itak.: perttlo2t
Lot' bull, i b • N t f
Obi. 17; xv. 21), and this remained. the Hay getet and steady, a,b.ou
o r a than the sadden and unproe :.1 oya 'Pito born itself Can bo movecl, but 1%88 " $4°0; b0"Itt 4nPoet. 41110 1040.1-11)•°WO
f th u tabl o 1 loacie stalling at $0 .to a.1.0•50 tOn a4a Ion.
there wIll nave 1.0 be a 'new loon- Milne, Ethel, and offered for sule by Is eow pretty veil k 0=00 "
_ o -
o Pelee religion Instituted and aecepted. for timothy, and at $7 to $8 too . t„ D. Miluo. of the BLUM pIOCO. There does in Prince hidwArd Ieland where the
,eepital until Onne removed it to Sawa- o e ns_ e te p e.
rut, Mount Ephraim -See V. o a
OPPIdite-In tho Kent Moak,
1Varriage 'Avenges leaned, No witnesses
ceqttrotly 47: largo amounts; Muller in vea
Perti9u, Easiest terms,
•0111e0;-nome to Ifolmos Molt now building.
It, is never far front relieious convenience mixed. Three loads or straw sold at
$9 to a ton. ,
Droseed liege ' in limited supply,
vrith prices firm, Light • sold
to $7.50, and ',wavy' at 00.75 to $7.
Wheat, white, buehe 92e ; red, 92e;
Opring, 00o; goose, • 77e; oats,
600 I barfoa, bush., 41. to 42 i. -c;
eprirge..00c ; go/am, 17e; Date,
30 1,-2 to 87 1-o; peas, tomb, 05 to
bay, timothy, per ton, $9 to telOt
50; do, clover, $7 to $8; straw, per
ton $9 to ;59.50; dreesed hogs, $0.75
to $7.50; cage, per dozen, 17 to 20e;
putter, dairy, 10 to .1.80 ; ereantery,
18 to itr.,'10 ; chickens, spring, per
Ile. 16 to 18e; turkeete, per lb., Vele
to 15a; potatoes, per bag, $1 to $1.-
50; teed, hindquarters, $8 to $10;
forequartere $5.50 to $0.50; choice,
carcass, 57.50 to $8; do, medium,
°areas% $0•75 57.50 i iambs,
Bentials must cominne to make such so:- yearling', $10 to 511; mutton, per
vices aceptable, a right object arid a pure cwt., 56.50 to 58.50; veal, per cwt.,
motive. In the preseut case both were $6.50 to 58.50. •
wanting. Jeroboam was selfish aud Toronto Lave Stoole Markets.
people sensual,
n• Clark- grgraidl'at3efie) vielwile°311 isogtrrfloaloilrat th°, bel'A
Jlaeporters-The demount for good
MACCABEES NEW RATES. - export cattle was greater than the
eupply, The best on the market to..
Totem° Alembers Agree co a Corn. ftrYdi 19°&,IdEtautnn6Ls510-t.p°1' cnitt137 Craw"
proutiee. Bu.teliere' cattle -There Irna not
Toronto report: A mass meeting enough of choice butehero' cattle to
from all the tents and :hives of the euete- supply' tbe demand. Tao boot picked
calmee .of the city was held last night lots sold at about $3 per itawt., and
iu Ot. George's lien eft itonsider the sit- $5.25 :ivould have been paid badethere
uation which lacto aiiSell from the reecut been tile atralitial commaii4 .thdtt
valuation of liabilities and the e.e.pete .Priefe " • • i
tations of toe order. Past Connuander • Feeders and stookors-Tbehe was
IV. .11. Meredith occupied the chair. a: fair trade, especially for ,otockers,
Supreme Commaneer Markey, of pert at unchanged quotationo.
Moan, afiele, ee:plained teat the first Mich cores -The trade in milch
proposition was to base tee new rate cows and ,epringers romaine about
on the attained age, but he now propes- eteadyi as regards prices, 'which rang-
ed to re -rate motile entry age OW make sla Ix.'" Oa° t° 65/3 ca4(311"
up the delleieney by fraternal tax on the Veal calvest-l'eloce for veal calves
are 'holding up well in eetempathy
Ala Belson, in Ith iieroyme, maim._ not seem to bo the Etuno interest in Keeton Is unusually lath, Grow,ere 11)
oangle enountain, but the hill country of t t i I tl
It7Ptiraitn extending from Bethel to the e re g caS e°11n either e t ler oll le .
• t f tl o de Ise or acrept The ed that the reaeon be built the barn these salea as was formerly manifested. Outaxio and Quebec begln-
1 • I di t I The heaviest bu er was T 1 Pardo AI uing to fear that the heavy, rain-
far•sightea, though sinfal and selfish
was the base of operations in. the build -
w d was le had been
par o lose es, v p .
Owls of Jezreel. It is the richest and religious instinct is both strone and
most beautiful part of the laud." -Stan -
universal, amt in nothing is Jeraoam's
ley., Went out from thence-Shecliem
more manifest than in this. Pear -
'Mg and fortifying otber .citiee. Pelmet- PelieY
fid of the effect upon the people of con -
The place east of the Jordan near the Untied association with the true, he sub.
lords of the Jabbok, evhere Jordan,
wres. stitutes a counterfeit patterned after
ttled with the angel (Gen. xxxii. 30), and the divinely appointed original. Feasts,
whose tower and inhabitants in the time fasts, altars and sacrifices may be melt-
e:if the Judges Gideon had destroyed tailed though every 'casential of true
ddiulg, viii. 17). worship or pure religion is wanting.
U. Idolatrous worship established (vs. Even the king would. lend authority and
mai. 31. 20. Said in bis heart -11e did r i nial
give dignity to the degrading ce en o
not, speak out his real motives. Ib‘ by turning priest on the occasion. The
evotIld have been ashamed to Ileac done places amen added eppeet by
that and it would bave been poor pol- memorable assoeialions; but sacred
fey. His real reasons were in his heart, places do not make dloly deeds, nor re-
but he used another argument to the ligious service secure sanctity. Two es -
people. Return to,.. ,David- Jeroboam
was 'exalting policy above enineiple.
"Josephus says the idea, was forced on
the king's matd by the approach of the
feast of tabernacles, at whieli time it
bad been usual for the people to go up
in great numbers te Jerusalem, aryl to
live. there for some days." 27. To offer
sacrifices (R. V.) -His keen eye saw at
speaking, Jeroboam's fear las, it must
nature is a great power to be taken into
acestunt polities. -Cowles. "Humanly
speaking, Jerobaum's fear was, it must
be confessed, well founded. Stoll kill me
-When they bave had thno to repent
.of the step taken. Such revulsion of feel-
ing is not 111100111M011. "Uneasy lies the
head that wears a crown," Jeroboam had
fortified himself so that ,he did .not fear
war, but now another danger seems to
&Vise which throws a gloom over the
prospects. In reality, however, there was
no such danger, for God had promised
eti establish His kingdom on condition
that he would serve him (I. Kings xiv.
.38), and God's promise was sure.
28, Took counsel -With his eatmeillors
or the heads of the nation •who bad
helped him to the throne. -Keil. They
a'ere evidently like the king in worldly
policy and plans. Made two calves-Je-
roboam's residence in Egypt had made
hint familiar with the calf worship so
largely -practised there, and this doubt-
less, had. much to do with the erection
of these golden shrines; b'esides, the peo-
ple had already become accustomed to
the sight of the figures of ox•en in their
religious eeremontal by their presence
as supporters of the molten sea at alie
temple in Jerpsalem. These calves were
not set up to lee worshipped as idols any
More than were the.ark and other sa-
cred shrines at Jerusalem, but were de-
eigned to be symbols of Johovah.-Whe-
don's Com. Of gold -It was probably
overlaid with gold. Too much- The
sense intended is probably. given hi the
Margin IA the revised version, "Ye have
one up long enough." Jeroboam's argu-
ment was, "You have chosen a new king,
aboose also new places for worship. -
Cam. Bib.
29. Bethel -A city in the 'extreme
southern part of the new kingdom. Dan
tolormerly Wed Laish, situated in the
northern part of the kingdom. There
Was policy in choosing these places, al
they had been associated with relit -sloes
Worship itt ancient times. See Gen. xu. 8;
11-a2; 1 Sam. x. 3; Judg. xviii.
3. Became a sin -The first and second
commandments were both broken; tife
service of God was degraded and the pen
eervice of God was degraded, and the
people were led into alolatry, including
the obscene rites practised. at idol
shrines. Even unto Dan -There are ilia
ferent views as to the meaning here.. 1.
It may mean that the people went
there to worship at once (Elliott); or
2, it may be intended to show that
the people preferred to turn from ail as.
soeiations with Jerusalem and therefore
went to far -away Dan on the northern
frontier.-Hom. Com. 31. Made an house
built a temple or sanctuary at
at each of the two cities where the
calves were set up. -Cook. Of bigh
places -Houses of worship were original.
ly built on high pieces and iu groves
on hill tops. Made priests, ete.-See 11.
V. Jeroboam's sin as not that he se-
lected persons of low- birth or bad cluto
iteter to ad as priests, but that he select..
'eti. them from among the peeple without
reference to tribes, thereby emnullinp
the divine plan that they should be of
the tribe of Levi. Sons of Levi--,Terce
boson would. no doubt have been glad a,
have retained the Levitical priests, bit*
they probably. opposed -his devices, foi
avieently banished by Jeroboam, the,
went over in ft body to Itelioboam, leav-
ing tifeir property, which no doubt wat
confiscated. -II. Chron. xi. 13, 14.
• III. A feast instituted (vs. 32, 33). 32,
tit the eighth month -November. This
Was to take the place of the feast ni
TAberiliteles. One of the great Jewish
feasts, which. by divine appointtnent,
was beta on the fifteenth of the seventh
Month in Jenisaleirt. Ile offered, etc.. -
'He went up unto the attar.' -1t. V. Al.
tar were aseethica either bysteps or an
iftelined plane The king assisted in the
dedication of the temple. 33. Ile
deviesed-Tbe entire system of Jeroboan:
teetivee its tondeitination in these words
Ilis main fault was that he left a rituft.
and a 'Worship where all was divinelt
ettliorized for reremoides and setvie0.
which were Wholly nf his own devising
He was placed in difficult eiretutistaneee
telt Ife met them with the :ties of 7'
pelitician, not with the singleminded
Dess of it Sairrt.--Cook.
jeroboitilae idolatry. Wisdom it not o,
necessity hereditary. A wise father una.
begat to his eorrow a foolish son, as 1,
deMonstrated by the context leunediate
ly preceding the lesson, which markt
the opening of "a great rent in hunter
history." Prom henceforth the einem.
of Jewish bistory divides, and in Its
flotv through separate thannele, involve,
not only politient antagonist% but r
religioue seldom as welL Itroin tine dat,
begine the politieal decline of the .Tew
filar nation. In tilt; Iceson we 'have,
Distrust and disobedience. The ono
told that no one \vole Po-eitive tho t • I., thatlfaut, A represciaittive el bir tali will lee:Melo Witlj tilo sottllig
bodiee lay 'at that parte:mina spot Win. Van liorue bought one beard:. Ot fruit,. tied hatiteatho Abundance of
and that georgtellity had emoted the The followhig cattle --were mold: tdoom will go for uought. Tha rain
inonument and enclosed 'the ground • Contributed by W. C. Edwards & Co„ also prevente sprayeng tool provides
. $rtlaGaOkosloit Ont,;
nt:A.; n ditrtethwY loafttiPti,"G
PreeiretlaViie; 0411d1tIonft favorable to the develop-
fr.t haphogard. la
, I t
FIGHTING IN THIBET. Blount; Perndele Lady, $130, to W. F. means aesurea as y'et. ,
mon 1; of fungus dieeteses, ao that
Missie Mimed, $95, to IL J. Waynee, large crops of good fruit aro by no
Wilson, Cumberland; Canadian ltosebud, APPles.-In Woetorn and Central
UnPm Number
enty Driven ["ram a or .$100, to T. L. Pardo, Cedar Sprier
, Swoop; Positions. Lily,ly, $185, to W, J. Evans, Laieret , Columba whP, ore the apple le largely,.
London., Julyi 4. -(Toronto Globe) grown, the trees. hail a prefue
-The correspondent of tho TimeS Bricker, Ithuiro, Ont.; Elvira's Rose, -
Highgate; Lovely of 'Pine (Irina, $00, J,
with the British foroo at Oyangtee, '*140, to T. L. Pardo, Ceder Springs; lo,to varieties all promieo a good 'to
full crop. Tho prospect W'Afe never
bogau operations Ole morning ler 'V; 1----h / ' i e better io the ,faulons onnapoile Vol,
Talbot, writes: General Macdonald . Bessie, $95., to la Martindale, York toun my,. .
th o citieture of thee jong leo fl, WidO • &: C0,1,eitiZeenQSueoetilititlr5Matto7 W'. 3.
I tve7A511, have an aauntlemoe a bloom' in On-
to As Yong, Glauford; Melrose Quell tair'calomfr:-M7btiolicaarbiu35t apnid,osi:t:etatrrov
w.eot. Tao agno Plepoore- were on the ' ;owlet of Pine Grove, $611, to T. L. Pardo.. ing distriete of Ontario. Nova, tecotia
Br t 1
laaablinhed e840.
Head Oflioe GUELPH, ONT.
Risks taken 011all oiannee of insureble pro
Portion the cash or premium note system.
Texts gomnz, cuss, Davtrison,
President. Seeretart,
Scottish Lassie $175 to 11. W, 'Scott, aion or bloom, and early., meat= and •
Movoineut down the valley to Inc . erd, $80, th T. lItebber Clanford; Non- only modlum in the other pear grow-
riglit batik and 'the Itoul Posillere Cedar Springs; Pair Shot, 5115, to 0. groworo are looking forward to
and 2ard Ploneens on the let t bank, Preosni?raiimItc f_etftlal•
the objeetive being tile Tsochen mon- y A. D. MeGugan, Rod- varieties, waile the repor e
'wavy crops of both earlytfrom
ney, Ont.: Miseie's Pride, $75, to J. K, British Coluietille and Prince .Ede
eatery. The illiageo on the plain art
o_ thix., Rodney; 'Tdry Lass, 5150, to It. W. ward Island aro ,eatisfactorat
both idee or the river ever° suocess_
oben monaotery revealed strong lotn_ ; P. W. Scott, Itighg•ate• Claret Kino, dicate a medium crop of plums in
k;Mtt0u5n,ditaen qi.'1.0Ta.n. iti.litlyo: Phone end Peaehea-Reports ha
Scott, Highgate; Lady Ranisden, $135,
fully cleared without great reeiet-
one°, but a nearer view at the Tse-
garo and a largo number Or tlee on- .Cedar
envy hoellimg Inc almoot precipitous rady
Pardo, Ceder S.pringe; -Canadian Roan n, Ight yield In the rest of Ontario,
the Niagara, and Essex districts, and
buildings. Tele SO Gueliluto worked coon, Springs: Rosetta oth, one. except for Japan and native vier -
along the knife-edge creot of lite .-- end, $110, to T. L. pea), lobes. Nova Scotia has excellent Pron-
to lt. W. Sena Hirsh t : Missies Maid, poets for a full crop, while the other
the , posi tio n was a, strongly.' Witt ha t`a 'a' " a r.)11Call , .0 ., owen oouna; Provinces send reports of meal=
spur towards Tseeleon„ The key to e„e ,.., ea.- e. le e T,,t(9,• - -- e , yields. Tho majority of the growers
two r aacinbas on either old° and as- ' - soy that peaches aro a total [oil-
stone keep on the summit, flanked by oemehan Red Lade end, $105, to .A. C.
tride the creet. t200, to IL J. NItaynes, Blount; Cana- tiro, but occasionally orchards ,will
, , I
Pettit, Freeman; Scottish Red Lady,
While the ,Pathane comtnencea the
dian Red Lady, 555, to A. E. Hoover, give a light crop.
aosault at the bottom! of the hill, Seleirk, Ont.; Gipsy Mehl, 5130, f• Other Ernits.-A medium yield Is
• th•D Ciurkbao made a ,gallant attack •
Tames Wilson, Binbroolc; rll all that growers :sane to anticipate
along tho knife-edge oI the crust, ,8,e.; to Col- 3- A. McGillivray, e -0 in tho chief grape growing seetions.
Contributed by -TAY till% Strawberries appear to promise an
Ux- average crop in all distriete, ex -
clearing all the fortified poete and 0rioata '
driving the Thibotans in headlong Charles Rankin, Wye- many plantations winter tailed bad-
oept the fruit belt of Oatario, where
iy, and the yield will bo light.
losects and Iturigi.-So far there
Is not numb complaint ot insoets or
fungi. Correspondents at Grimsby anti
Elginfield, Ont., and Lawroncetown
and Sholbourne, IN.S„ report tent eat- '
orpillare numerous. SOMO sections of
New Brunswiek and Nova Scotia,
where spraying is not done, report
codling moth very prevailent in pre-
vious • years. .
Fruit in 13ritain.-The London Mar --
a t a t..
Mot. Ms end of the day witneated ' briclge : Duchess of Aberdeen, $300, to
whole present membersbm. In the no - with the beef market. Prices for .this okylin 9 attack, a fitting clove W. D. Platt; Deeside Lass, $250, to Dutem
terest of the old. members he submitted calves revved frem..oe $3.50 to *5-15°' to a slow but complete clearance of a. Patton, Caledon; L'eryl and., $75, to
the following•: /tor cwt., with a little more for
Resolved, that this mass meeting ap- the Thibetarts front overyi position in A. V., Hoover, Selkirk, Ont.; Aagie,
Conuuander Markey for readjusting the sheep and hembe were fairly large
rates of contribution by the members of about 2,000. Taport sheep sold a
prove tne plan submitted by 8upreme - sheep and Lambs -The deliverees of
sonsetbing extra, choice.
itnsoen. rei In
ttehie•ytraneendoft lisiej f IT)
ifillarr and Ylican,ilvg.; Rriorsset, c5h10010c,e,t5o050, etoorgoehaeirilneses,Bilshloofil)aritc;,
the valley, except the town, ' the 555, to T. E. Robson, 'Merton; Rotimiek
volleys of stones. • m , •
this association to the effect that every 53,90 to $4.15 lor OnlefS, and iyucks, New Toronto; Tilbouries Duchess, ez00,
member be given, the right to take the and 53.25 per cwt. Spring lambs sold • to A. C. Pettit, Protean; Princess 33rd,
neiv level rates for whole life protection let $3..50 to $4.50 moil, or '$G per
RAISE THE STANDAltD. $270, to Charles Bishopric, New Toron-
as "of the age of entry" insteed of "at- cwt. Dealers are desirous of Wel- to; Mildred, e80, laird°, Cedar
tamed age, the new rate to be pau. , Ing them, y we g , a Unprofessional Conduct to Adver. SPrIngs'
from date of option, and that a per- evere disposed of in this way, and , , .
ill do well to govern them- tiso. t Contributed by Hudson Usher, Queens : sayta "Sonic of the speakers at the
capita tax of ton cents per month be drover's w ton, Ont.: Rose of Vineland, 580, to .annual mooting of the NationalFrutt
levied on each member for management : eslves Accordingly'. • , Toronto report: Sessions of- the On. Herry Smith, Hay; , Meadow Beauty. Growers' Federation mentioned that
expenses instead of taking ten per cent. ' Hogs -The deliveries on the market
tario Medical Connell were held yeister- $100, to W; D. Platt, Ha
from the mortuary rates for that pus- werevirl.arnager, raruatt 41,100n cOh abnegl nagd bqouuogtha.t
• day morning and afternoon. The nuestion $185, to 8. Redmond, Peterboro; ressie • --. - John
milton; Vaeuno„ there were indications or a heavy
pose, and that any deficiency created by lg. Greemmedt • Wood, of Swanloy, for instance, stat- '
fruit crop this season . Mr.
of medical matriculation came up just Lady, $210, to A.Johnston,
Ovine members a new rate at entry ago ., . ,
nowt, $5,10 for oeleets and 54.85 tor
ocl that there were thousande of ions
ugnts e.nd fats. I Queenston Cavalier, $85, to R. Eastwood,
Instead of attained age be made up by before adjournment, when the special - of taunts which would t
no pay, f or 00
F.:spotters-Choice, (well finisbecl, eel New Toronto; Queenston Queen, 5110, • -
a levy of one cent per week upon all ',
heavy exporters are 'worth 55.50 to " umittee, appointed last a;ear,, consist- , ['eking by the growers' within fifteen
to8' 0
o T. L. Pardo, Cedar
present niembefs until such deficiency is
55.75 per cwt.; medium at 55.25 to Mg of Drsellatton, Spenkie and Macdon- 3. 1 Pangs/ %amens miles td London, Plum bloesoins have
fully provided for, and that any mem- ,540. ,“ , aid, presented their report. • owe , 5125, to I. Groff, Merton.; lea- mostly fallen off, having been abund-
aaport bulls- Choice export bulls Dr. Griffin, Hamilton, per:lamely far- belle 16th., , 5165, to J. A. Lat timer
, ' ant on mature trees. Apple blies- '
ber who wants ,to continue at present ''' —
rates without any 'change rnity do so to
so ,
Id a t 54. 25 to 54.50; medium ea ored a degree in arts for every student IVoodstoek; te, $ ,
tteen's Diamond 150 to soms, wIlieb aro beginning to °Fen, '
a period estimated to be -over GO years $3.7,6 to 54. going Into medicine. It was not feasio Kyle Bros., Ayr; Queenston Chief, 565, aro abundant. The beauty of the
of age and thereafter pay the actual Ea -port cows -Prices ranged from, Ilia be . considered, to make it emnpul- to David Clark, Glanford; Nora, 5110, ellorry trees,. widen bas been great,
coot of maintaininghisproteetion on the $4, to 54.25 or c.wt. eery now. The standard shonld be to C. E. Bain, Taunton; Kinellar Maid, is now over, cecept .among late var- '
basis of the association's past expert- Dutetters'-Choice picked iota or gradually raised, 7.0 as not, to bear 570, to Jaines Wilson, Binbrook. leties, \pi:elk currants aro IdglitY .
enee. butchers', equal in quality to best harshly on any students who desired to Contributed by D. Milne & Son, Ethel ea Prenlislag In Plantations not lenallY ;
Timis resolution was moved by Past exporters, 1,100 to tee= lbe. each, alike a, course in medicine. Bessie Leo, $145, to y. A. Gardiner, nrit- attacked by the Inttek and there is a !
Commander Lewis Gurofsey, Tent 127, sold at 54.75 .to 35; loads of goed The report of the Proseenting Coln- -4 annia; Roan Lovely, $80, to 0. Pardo, t,1 7 .1 P
great cro of goonobe
. . erica, where
seconded by W. J. Woods, end after a at $4.50 to $4.75; medium at ea.tei mittee and of Detective Rose stated that
long diseussoin was marled unani- to $4.50; common at $3.50 to $4; it number .of fifth year men were prae-
ao-ugle and Inferior ,at 52.75 to 53.25. ticitot and eelleetinp.: fees under the pro -
The effect, of this, in addition to the per cwt. t teetion of. licensed practitioners. Dr.
new rating, will be a levy of foulaen Feeders -Short keep feeders, 1,100 Temple advised that they be disciplined
cents a month on 'all present inembers to 1,200 lbs. foaoh, sold at 54.60 to when. they came up, but Dr, MacArthor
until any deficiency is covered. How 14..80. Those weighing from 0504A;te thought the matter thould be left alone
long this will continuo will nob be 1,050 of goad quality, sold at 5
• t as fifth year men would do little harm,
known until the number of those who to $4.50 per :cwt. Dr. J E Ifett, of Berlin, and Dr. °rich -
wish to transfer is known. The propo- Stockers - Mace yea' rling °airs ton, of .Ca.stleton, were reported for un -
;Mon will be submitted for the approval sold at $3.75 to da.1.0; peorer grays
professional conduet by flagrant [idea -
of the SupremeTent aaDetroit on July ;mann, oif-colers ii9etatt$2.75 to $3.00,
Using in local papers..The charges were
amoral/kg to quaosy. forted t th
o p Committee on Discipline
Mitch cows -Mach cows and:spring- re
for investigetion L McDowell ono
os sold a,t from $30 to 550 each. • • • L. .
euspended for three years, and T. J.
Sheep -Export ewes sold at $3.85
ek. 54:15,; export bucks at $3 to Cray for two years 'Tor personation or'
exantinations this year. DA Thorburt
!augural Address Delivered eby Prin- sem. .
god from inert:in for the Property Committee.
cipal Cavell. . Spring lambs -Prices ran
god i , . The expert valuation of tite college pro.
London, July 4.- - At Liverpool .$3.50 to $4.50 each'.
Principal Cavell, of Toronto, delivering Elogs-PrIcea for straight loads, fed perty placed it at 5101,000. The inert -
one and watered, were 155.10 per cwt., gage -had been reduced 57,000 during the
the inaugural address, e»titlea year, and nOnr stood at 547,500. Thi
Service of the Presbyterian Alliance and $4.'85, for lights and fats.
a eal calves -Prices ranged from 52 regietrar 'MS inStrtiOtCd to Make evert
to Chvistian Doctrine and Fellowship,' tct $10 eaeh, :mid 53.50 to $5.50 Pev eorl" to dispose of the buil:ding.
said the Alliance did not claim to be cwt. The Tigard of Examiners recommendee
on ecumenical cotmell of reformed • that 0. II. Van Epp, of lessee. County.
churches, but if it should in any Bradstreeta on Trade.
measure strengthen the faith, Imo • Isztontreal wholesale trado Is show- bo allowed to praetiee on Pelee Island
zeal and unity of them ehurehea, in log a Moderate amount of activity. when lie had passed tlite examination op
Christ's service. it would be practieal Tho weather con:1111one have not the final brandies. .
work of great value awl of ergent been altogether favorable for the ' -
neeessity at the present time. 'Conelud. movement of summer goods. Tho gen-
'let a very interestiug address he Fiala
tat what e El 1, b 1 1 oral Outlook for trade is rather more
obeertul, ow,ing to Inaorable crop ad-,
the Twelfth Mass, broke and tled in all
increase of dietinetleopractical work. to "i1c98 49mt the` w)en * an s t rovineita Aseessor of Dritish Cole that the cures might torget
.1o, in which their energies might go and. well distributed orders are come militia einkiwg tateatutiots. e dross of this World and work for dirootione. 1
ng to hand tor autumn deli:tory,
. 0 e
Cedar Springs; Vanity, 555, to 0. Pardo, ed by oirdeo, our
Milne, Ether; 'Scotland's 'Fame, 5:400, to '
, . Yours very trulet,
N. Milne, Ethel. ' . Publieatioa Clerk. •
Contributed by Captain E. Robson, It- ' ' .
dert4 : Lady Riverside, 5130, to Sir
.wiliam Van Horne, Selkirk, Manitoba;
Rowena Pairfax 2nd., $80, to 3). Ross,
Streetsville; Cecilia liillmrst 2nd., 5100,
to His Dome Coming. ..
to George Ames, Moffitt; Vain General,
580, to Via D. Platt, Hamilton.
. City
. III" j'illy 5.-31" At"- WINGIAM SAW MILL
Cedar Sprines• Velvet Rose, $95 to M.
W. A. Clomons,
Says Tionitlerstorni is Divine Av.:frame
Barristers, Soittitors, etc.
Office: Meyer Block Winglman.
5.!. Dickinean . Dudley Bohan
Money so loan at lowest rates, Mai
7-95, WINGEAM.
Office; --Morton Block, Wingham
Office :-Vpstairs in the Macdonald
Night calls answered at office.
Josephine Street - Wingham
I', KENNEDY, m.o.,
• (Member of the British Itedieni
Special attention paid to Diseasee of womez
anti children,
orreee Hotetei-1 to A p.m. 7 tog tem.
W. T. Ham
D.D.S., L,D.S.
Graduate 0 Royal
Colloge of Dental
kitirgeens of Tor- tfr
vete, and Honer ''!-/• di'^ 0
Graduate of "fent- sr Wi'l
Vi Otillgileit;°. r°11- &
Teithet improved niethoda In rot brauelwa of
Don: aft,. Prides moderato. Satinfaetiot
guaranteed. AITOMeo in Deaver Block,
RT111111 J. IRWIN
Doctor a Dental Surgery of the rer•
nsylvarila College and Licentiate ol
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
Office ovor Post Ofnee-WINOILAat
antler Doweees lionie-coming 'was fit
CRITICIZED THE CLERGY. for a, Corer, but pomp was cut short ,
by a furious thunderetorm. tdcLOAN & SON
Mr. peuellestt's rtemark° RePI" (0 „Such a. crashing of thunder and ,
br arenbisoop uruchesi.
flaelang of lightning had not boon . I
Montreal, July 4. -Mr. Henri Hour- oue-en In Zion for noarly a 1330ntli, and All kinds of rough And drostoa...
assa, M.P. tor Labelle, smoking be- joan Alexander Dowee addressed the
Ian Aesociation Congress last ni
oaused some excitement by some
ettoripnigeltilinartyo pbporassigannodufolainshielse,ative: LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES
tor tho Young Men's Frencli-Co.naa- multitude front his earriage during
tome et•iticisms of the French -Can- '08, signitYlng the approval of the
,Almighty over his roturu,
adian clergy, Ms. Bourasett condetnn- Too tumor choir had hog, Imo
ad the clergy for catering so assidut singing Open Now) %by 0,0,1;CEI of
°ugly' to tile mit and powerful, for- Beau to, whew the clouds let on t ono
getting alte lowly -and meek. Ile groat Voluind of water, OM if a negate,
toilcailimacsd otslitactnitititetouilsoaitatliosnpsiayoefa tbh;
tereified peop:o. Mho 'meted choir of
dim had burst upon tho spurring,
the clergy, and the widow's mite isa.1,200 men ,and tvennon, instead of
. ,igeored and forgotten. Ile prayed eteging Mozart's Gloria, from the
t d liberal 'zed .
:Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
large quantity of dry hard:'
wood for sale, delivered. 1
Telephone Orders Prompt!)
'attended to.
. •
forth in loving serviee to the brethren . souls. MoLeart Sori
.0,1 at this season. ., bezzling nearly five thou.salid dollars Sia. Bourassa's etrietures on tin)
cotton male bavo been closed as 10 Provincial Assessor, convicted of ono present, took emphatic exception te
Victoria, B. 0., Jelly 4.-111. D. Ilan,
and in sit/inert of the weak, V,tluies are generally firm. Leading
Archbishop Douches!, who Wtts
TII1BETANS TIRED OP WAR. - In Toronto the 'weather comb.- • of Um Wilde of liio department, was olorgy, showing tyltat they were do. Holidate Maker arowifed initolimax LIFE PRO1VI
reteaeed on, suspoieded sentenee to -
They Want to Negotiate and Ask dity.a--bave net been favorable fer the orphan ; and in the lino or bigher ti
'aioneeeelternately wet . and cool , ing the 01111r011 for the pour and Iltirbor.
alt Arm ist le Till Lamas, ArelVe. any expansion in ecasonable goods, day by order of the Chief Seethe°. education he cited Laval University, The Claim of a Seitatist of Anderson,
aa. tily
tattangtee, Tbibet, are much de. Ilall Wall bound aver In bonda of to Which the gentlemen ot Silo ion Day ceigbratioe In Haliftta Was
Wee eontrebuted $75,000 , and the saddened by the drowaing of Geo.
renewed fighting, In ividch a Bei-
tieli officer WOO killed and two of -
'July :once and hot tereporottires
for the tall her 52,000, with two ouroties tor one
thousand ta,ch. The money Wm Pthu
land, ot wbich ,n0 special. mention et
Ito:lore aged 45, avho, aceompanied New York, july 5. -Dr. Charles 'ith,
ricers and five men tvotinded, and the 11)1(3:01 veT•lyle fablarY.Illiernittaneeti are a Littlefield, a local scientist, declares that
Thibeta,ne eutfored severely, the Int- little eloWe Crop prospeets In this
Province are More promising. immediately, and Hall -.vont free. The aett ' ' by het little ,son, wore Towingaeresti elite; lel."1)Pr.nelArittilledlitteiniiinOittlileityfe°0.frroaliglo0iteplil'ioi:
• t Prhdel.amotin•t of Hall's shortage In tho ac.
. /vending the arrival of officiate from
ter sent to ask for an ' artnistite, demand froiti the Wee a Iowa a tom , orLinota )111,0 been patd up by las re- sTew ::)::n!)11:(!el!ait.::41CvlitEsi iSjit1:1:::: ins
_ Fillrt.°(;1 ri:otoavotP It rottoe: iga 1 try- EtglernosailLglYintti:vttfgr tteljii: Tr:,
tiles liOnletirotit arni. Ono. of his oaro teased to lime developed atoms of life
with Col. Youngintsband, tlie leader htaneing Prices of 0241131. h.nes as I %two witnoeses gave evidence that ..
Lhassa and Shigaise to negotiate shelf hardWaro the (moor! tue all , to
oxpaneion over previ
htu.° ..Year.!' ',Pt i latives anti frionde, 'Vhe proceedinge
court occupied ten minutes.
Supply. niodiately. The body was reeovercd 1
mice, tell overboard and eank Ina Monne and alcohel. Since that time he
of tha British ocptidition. Prt.)5000t CA 11"ing tn • Mill's mind had not boon tto clear
altlifingli the' time limit for bego. In ditties 01 varioutt goods under tnie had borne an cocollent chaottctoottod max, or emo tro t
_ I MeV ite it; woe f o rin or ly 1 that he - V.It.,14111noso13. . 717- a: %If' -414:pt-To 101 etfiarsete 1171:11,111rAfoorc:iftsoto:telaviloci':„Ortnitilgwpial°11:"ral Chicago,ttv.sltyhdntreheyealavlia'i:-: i Dii:ets11111:.t°iffrel(?11:111,60;Bfeti:atleir oYefliesji4nevievarttlitYl(Lsaaelirinlatigilslittar:
The tatter will proleably eongent, PreanYilittne0rfealleae of 5 to 50 per cont.
tiationel bete eapireel. • r. A letiela to -day re tut Millibition
*cent 'den:ping" '
%mg well connected. Tile chief zits.. coiner Inland, under the nOWIregulh.- fatally injured an tho toosenee of • -
ery." A few drops of milletvhito fluid
tioe thief evidence applied the 000. tIrtna, been tttkon Nrodd & tits Wire at North Sydney aunetion fuv tho first time of latese sine
Goo of tho otatuto recently Moor. Idanstie. Over oix hundred woro to.nigitt. They left Sydney on at
'petaled, Iviiich onabkss judge tee ()aught let a foto ileums,. 11. flfty-Ivontrtd eteeommodatio,n train and at elath 1"1.6 Irtit in a gin88) which was placed
rho Appointment of a ------------------ arn leuile fiver Little fluvial L'Iot
• - Addalwilomio expreee train ott another track. The in an ahetiglit ease. A microscopic dis-
fluid And fluttermg about wildly.
take The lenient VIDA a suell orlinee ono wag sent ter Trott. Prefon tieing d lett the
lf4 delighted With the Governtrientet
Hyduoy :unction (Walfor •
to Comm/tad At Portsmouth. Neat- Poet Datliousio, lifitst Go.
- nceOnirriodation st tied a 1
Wain to Isporta to friend cm toe eloeed black objects Arising. from the
Dr. Littleflela withheld the anelyeis
08 a souvenir of 'the event. The city
Lander], anly 4.-1to naval tor. St. Catharines, :tilt 4.--afr. Juee
I retfrondent of the Phil GaZette •tiee 'Peewit Ilk efigh Court here, ban
aaye that Dot for tottny /care lifts deeided ti. verse intoreating east. An -
there been teteb 11, sensation at drew. May, rhea Jailittit, Annie M.
Port/mouth that caused by! the Dwyer and Vita Woodall, hetre oI
appointment of Sir A. L. Douglas to tiles late Petor and 'William May,
eommand at that port. For the Viet betetight against Berkley' Belson.
_ years an Admiral abOttt tet roe 0, farinet near Port Dalhonale. The
tiro has been given the tommand, farm lloriV 'In tile potatselon Of itfr.
while DeYegitte, Who W a native of , 'WM originally) owned. by
aftebec, bait still Revered ytitrtf rior41 Peter Mao, a Itinited lire Loyal -
of active *Tette before ender let. When 11O. tlied, he watt buried in
the reguiationi, s, little 'plot thotten byj hinfifelf an the
London, July 4. -It la stated from
an antaTurldsli souree Una the vie
tins of the ree.ent .Annenien initemeret
numbere4 nearly 0,000, instead of 3,000
At the village of Aklibr the number of
perpons wits so many that Chet
bodies, width were thrown from 0
T‘rifItte. dammed the river. whieh fhit
Turke freed by firing arlillery into the
kepi of torpsee.
attempting te beard ti
xi( While
le moving
eating in legalizing trope. The cone
tide troin (Watford fell between Of his compoundt but
Tho eVent pate it period 16 it eon. I arid ' 1 1 1
, ea a salted solution, Theluaing arnmonitt
lipithltteplarmstaelis rameompound as near to
table, to which he add -
declared that he
Vittoria WIII Commence tinorest, un tho dare told Weal run 070f.. Ile died
atrnotion of eannerien tributary to moo
reeult of the experiment. In 0, oW minutes, • ;
troverey that hoe boon in peogrese
eo . 'Ile onion of two coin -
tor many yearn. libo chief apawning The ReaSoit, 1 /innate he Raid, arrested ana controlled
place of tiie aockeyo Mimeo ie near
, vibrations of luminiferous ether andpro.
(bi. Y. Herald.) i tatted the finimtti life. Instate and other
the headwaters ef the natter Jill or. Stella -7 ate lira. Smith pea to forme of animal life proflueed, ho flee
On the way into tint spawning heito . fiftieth a great deat now, i ciao% tan be nourisilea into a higlier
the oalmon, coining aft thoy tio from Palla-Yes, you see late hoe butt Oa culture to Ascertain what they may
taw 000ttn, MOO ibetwten Canadian calved a, let of new gowns front NM% propagate.