The Wingham Advance, 1904-03-17, Page 3Thursday, March 17, 1904
16 More Days to Easter
New Furnishings Just to Hand.
New English Square Ties in all the newest shades, wide and narrow 50c
New Bows, Four•in-hands, Strings, Black and colors, etc 25e and 50c
NEW SHIRTS, hard and soft, bosoms, Salem make, colors guaranteed,
sizes 14 to 19 — Prices $L00 and $1.25.
collar to match, sizes 12?, to '18 — 75e each.
NEW COLLARS, Linen, Rubber, Celluloid, bright and dull
kept in stock 12 to 19.
NEW GLOVES in kid and silk lined, colors aro fawn, tan and grey—
Prices—$1,00, $1.25 and $1.75.
NEW HATS. — Men's Hard Felt Hats in all the new blocks, 'American
and English makes — Prices are $2.50, $2,75 and $3.00.
NEW SOFT FELT HATS. — In all the latest English awl American
novelties, all sizes, $1.00 to $5.00.
finish, sizes
Just to hand, our spring stock of Shoes in patent Colt, Calf Blntehers,
etc. We have stepped over the traces and bought a little different line of
Shoes for this seasons trade. You can come to Crowder and get something,
a little different to the other fellow.
Every day now we are passing into stock NEW SUITS for both Man
and Boy,. at very low prices, having bought right which means being half
sold. Come and take a look through our new clothing and be convinced that
what we say is right.
The P. IL Crowder Co.
• , ,,•_•,
Ornamental Gates
Light in weight Artistic in design •
Reasonable in price
Also a large line of Standard Farm Gates o<
always on hand. Every progressive and •s
up-to-date farmer insists on having FROST ;
GATES. Catalog and prices on request. •
W. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch.
you ou a Cutter? If not, call
and examine our stock before buy-
lg elsewhere.
If you will be needing anything
the line of Farming Implements
Machinery for the coming sea -
1, place your order early and
the best.
Massey -Harris goods are leaders
Agent for the Kemp Manure
We also handle the Wm. Gray
Son's Buggies and Cutters—
iiversally acknowledged to be the
est and most durable to be bad.
NOTICE. --The question is how can
Ibt. Mclndoo loan bis money so
leap on notes and mortgages. Call
see. ROBT. McII44DOO.
'rices of saw logs are much higher
$1. season than last season. The
nada Furniture Manufacturers are
lrepared to pay the highest price for
11 kinds of Hardwood logs. as well as
ssswood, delivered at the Button &
Assant Chair Factory, Wingham.
t+'armers should get the logs in early
• while. roads are good, and get the
highest price.
Canada Furniture! M'frs.
attends the
graduates of
a1/.STO-W ,
;.///j/ ///
—Two Courses—
. Commercial and Shorthand.
Send for College journal.
'Vi•ngharn's Auctioneer.
Sales attended in any part of
Huron county. Orders left at
the ADvANCB Office will re-
ceive prompt attention.
to...west rates consistent with
..osolute security. All claims
promptly settled
Abner Cosecs
it's Cotton Root Compound:
Indlies' Favorite,
is the °illy safe, rello'bief
regulator d whieh valia t
can depe "in tug gang
and er need,
Prepared in two degrees a
P • ► • Strength. No. 1 and No. a,
No, 1.-1t'or ordinary cases
et; lei ss b far the beat dollar
Rmedicine known,a.--Por special eases- -10 degreefl
' et'—tree dollars per bolk.
les-pek your druggist for Cook's
,,,.,atoll Root mpolafid. make na other
a all dills, ntizturei and irnitatLOns ar'
ial.geraus, No. 1 and d. 2 aro sold an
eoemmonded by all druggists in the Do.
11111(511 of Cantrd+a. Mailed to any etddresti
receipt of rine and four 2 -cent postage
psaalkeo Opole dsr`VioOnt.i
—David Dibbs, ci London, Ont., letter-
oarrier, received $13,400 as the result of
investing a dollar in a lottery about a
mouth ago.
—The big contract for the erection of
the International Harvester company's
works at Hamilton, Ont,, is now about
completed, the cost being about $250,-
—The Canadian Pacific Railway is
said to be considering a plan for improv-
ing its air -brake system, in order to.
lessen the destruction of cattle along its
lines, •
. —One case, illustrating how slow and
uncertain the freight service by rail has
been this winter, is mentioned by the
Piokering News. Spink's Mills of Piok-
ering received a carload of coal Monday
week which had been ordered nearly
three months before.
—Statistics whioh have been gathered
together by Bradstreet's, show the ag-
gregate annual 'production of coal
throughout the world to be a little over
700,000,0000 tons. Of this, in 1902,
the United States produced 269,196,000
tons valued at $371,027,000.
—J. J. Nickson & Co., of Vancouver,
have boon awarded a three million dol-
lar eontraot by the 0, P. R. for the con-
struction of an irrigation canal near
Calgary. This canal will be twenty
miles long and forty feet wide, and
two 'years will be required for its com-
St. Mary's, March 9.—Mrs. Bruce,
wife of Mr. Robert Bruce, a well-to-do
farmer of Blanshard, committed suicide
on Sunday morning by hanging her-
self from a beam in a shed adjoining
the house. It is a sad case, evidently
due to melancholia produced by poor
—The Guelph & Goderich Railway
Company is applying for a charter the
coming session of the Federal House,
and as soon as that is obtained work up-
on the construction of the eighty miles
of track between Guelph and Goderioh
will be commenced, which, with fifteen
and one-half miles already belonging to
the Guelph Junction Railway, will give
the C. P. R. access to Goderioh.
Hamilton, March 9.—Fruit growers
at Grimsby and throughout the Niagara
district are viewing with alarm the out-
look for a good crop this year. The
severe weather has greatly injured
many of the trees, and the latest danger
is a plague of field mice., These are
damaging the bark of the fruit trees,
eating it away from the ground up, and
they are destroying the trees.
90 per cent. of Pat Cattle exhibited et
Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, wore fed with
Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic.
We have been feeding your Stock Food to
cattle for some time, and find it to be an ex-
cellent tonic. We have also fed it to horses
and pigs, and are quite sure it is the best stock
food we have ever tried. Our prize.•winning
cattle at the Provincial Winter Fair, 1903,
wore fed Worthington's Stook Tonic.
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle,
Acton, Ont.
I find your Stock Food is a very excellent
Tonic for cattle, giving them a good appetite
and keeping their digestive organs in a healthy
working condition. The steer "Scottie," ex-
hibited at Winter Fair, weighed at birth 801bs.
at 35 months 2000 lbs., making again of 55 lbs.
per month. It pays to feed Worthington's
Stock food,
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle,
Peepabun, Ont.
DEAR Sins—We have used your Stock Foocl
for both cattle and hogs and find it gives good
satisfaction, Several of our cattle have shown a
gain of over 1001be. per month while feeding it.
Brooders of Shorthorn Cattle and Yorkshire
Hogs. Fergus, Ont.
Noto the Price:
10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50c ; 50 lb. sack, $2.
For Sale By
J. Bowman, Wingham I W. Messer, Illuevale
Agar ce Earls,Lue now N. Gerry Brussels
Ifondorson & Henderson, Whitechurch
a, t and No, d are sold in Wingass.ham by high l'1 iBi101t
L aipl al and Vii". BLeitibbDOA,gdma C.
11 e Cave
the Xakukas.
Lots of them do your own
choosing. We know the
styles. We know exactly
how they should be cut—how
they should fit ---and its our
business to . put all thea°
" knows " together, and fit
you out in the best that your
'Honey can btly --- no matter
what price you pay.
It would please no to
have you drop in.
Robt. Maxwell
Ottawa, March 9.—Enquiry here
shows that the Ontario Government has
already made an informal application
to the Dominion authorities for a Fed-
eral subsidy of $3,200 a mile towards
the Temiekaming and Northern Rail-
way. The request was considered here,
and it is learned that it has been prac-
tically refused, on the ground that it
would be a dangerous precedent to es-
tablish, and that if the Dominion did so
much for the richest Province in the
Confederation, it could not well resist
the demands of smaller Provinces for
financial aid in various forms from the
national purse. If the Province felt
that the venture was proving too big a
tax on its resources, and handed it over
to a private company, the Federal
authorities might then consider the ad-
visability of voting assistance.
If You Are Losing Weight.
Your system is out of order and Fer-
rozone is needed to start a re -building
process. Ferrozone makes new tissues.
forms wholesome blood, strengthens
tho nerves and keeps your physical con
clition up to the proper standard. "I
lost fifteen pounds through La Grippe"
writes C. Lash of Hartford, but soon re-
gained my former weight and improved
my health by using Ferrozone. It's the
best re -builder and fiuost tonic I ever
used. Use Ferrozone—it assures health.
Price 50c. at druggists.
The jury sittings Of the High Court
of Justice opened at 3 othe'clock on Mon-
day afternoon before the Honorable
Mr. -Justice Teetzel with thirteen civil
issues on the docket, There was also
the criminal case, King vs, Thomas
Sherritt, for assault alleged to have
been committed on bis wife, and con-
sequently a grand jury had been sum -
mowed, This case, it will be remember-
ed, was sent up for trial by Magistrate
Humber. The jury chose. G. W. Thom-
son as foreman and returned a true bill
in this case, Mr. Sherritt pleaded "not
guilty" to the indictment. Following
the general practice and in view of the
number of civil Cases to be tried His
Lordship put off the trial till the general
sessions of the County Court in June
and Mr. Sherritt was let go on the, same
bail as before, $5,000,
Shobbrook vs. Granger—An action for
slander. The jury retired at 11 a.m., and
returned at 11.80. On their finding His
Lordship directed judgment to be enter-
ed for plaintiff for $100 and costs on the
high court scale. The plaintiff in the
action is a lad of thirteen, who took
action through his father, a farmer in
Hullett. The' defendant was John
Granger, who, admitting that he made
the alleged statements, made his de-
fence the plea that the statements were
true. One of the witnesses for the de-
fence was a little girl of six and owing
to doubt as. to her capacity to under-
stand the nature of an oath His Lord-
ship did not allow her evidence.
Thomson et al. vs, Robertson.—An
action to prove the will of the late John
Robertson ,in solemn form. By con-
sent His Lordship directed that judg-
ment be entered for the plaintiffs de-
oreeing probate of the will of the late
John Robertson in solemn form and dis-
charging the caveat lodged by the de-
fendant. Costs of the action to be paid
by the defendant to the plaintiffs, the
executors, said costs also to include the
costs of examinations of parties for
Dykes vs. Rannie—An action for
malicious prosecution. The plaintiff
is a spectacle and patent medicine ven-
dor who was arrestedby Constable West-
cott on suspicion of the theft of. a gold
watch belonging to Mrs. Rennie at Hen -
sail, the defendant being Mr. Rannie, on
whose information the arrest was made.
The questions as to whether the facts
justified the arrest being made or
whether they showed legal malice on
the part of the defendant and what the
amount of damages, if any, should be
were referred to the jury by His Lord-
ship and they took only five minutes to
answer them. In accordance with their
answers His Lordship directed judg-
ment to be entered against the plaintiff,
dismissing the action with costs, includ-
ing costs of examivations for discovery,
and remarked that he had seldom wit-
nessed such a speedy execution of
Steep vs Goderich Engine and Bicy-
cle Co.—An action for breach of con-
tract. The plaintiff in this case is Jas.
Steep, of Clinton. whose patent for a
disc coulter and shoe attachment for
seed drills the defendant company ac-
quired. The patents, the machine it-
self and various parts, the agreement
between the patentee and the defend-
ants whereby the latter acquired the
patent and agreed to manufacture the
machine for the Canadian market, and
a large amount of correspondence were
put in as exhibits. Judgment has not
vet been given, pending an attempt to
arrive at a settlement between the
The case of Webster vs. Grand Trunk
Railway Co,, was settled out of court,
$500 damages being agreed upon, and
a couple of other cases were settled.
Fluker vs. Kennedy—Action for se-
duction—postponed till next court.
Warder 'vs. Bell—Action for damages
for explosion of a boiler in Bluevale
grist mill. Judgment reserved.
Five carloads of exhibits from dif-
ferent parts of Canada have arrived in
St. Louis, for the World's Fair. .A.
car of fruit has also been placed in cold
storage awaiting shipment. The ex-
hibits already arrived include the pink
of Canada's agricultural, forest and min-
eral wealth. The general polioy is to give
prominence to the items of natural
wealth peculiar to Canada, or rather
those not found in the other countries
making exhibits. For example, miner-
als, Canada's almost exclusive' resources
of nickel, corundum, chrome iron,
peat, and asbestos, are to be featured.
The displays will also be made. Sepa-
rate pyramids of asbestos, mina and
nickel are to be built and placed in
prominent positions in the Canadian
quarters. These pyramids will il-
lustrate the processes the ores undergo
in the transition from the oracle state
to the finished product, The nickel
pyramid is to be 20 feet in height. The
ore, as turned out of the mine, will
form the base, above it will be a section
containing the nickel product after the
roasting prooess, Above i
t again
be a section containing the copper and
nickel matte, and the apes of the pyra-
mid will • bo finished hi the refined
nickel. Surmounting the pyramid is
made of the retitled nickel
to be a statue fin
and truly Canadian in design.
In the line of precious metals Canada Right quickly nothing works so aloe-
lywill not be found wanting,It is the a as ing wtio tri alll roar ughoIt sonds
a glowing warmth through the body,
intention to place in a commanding and when rubbed on the throat and
position a trophy bright with gold stud chest loosens up the cough and relieves
silver. It1 agricultural products the tlahttiess anti soreness fn the chest.
Nervfliite is .sod as a preventive cud
exhibit will bo superior to anything yet cure for colds coughs and winter ills in
shown. British Columbia's giant woods thousands of homes because it goes
exhibit will be greater 'than hast been. right to work and brings relief quickly.
_ If your blood is thin and im-
pure, you are miserable all the
time, It is pure, rich blood
that invigorates, strengthens,
refreshes. You certainly know
the medicine that brings good
- health to the home, the only ;
medicine tested and tried for
60 years. A doctor's medicine,
"" 1 owe my 111e, without doubt, to Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, It 1s the most wonderful wedt-
- cine in the world for nervousness, My cure is
▪ permanent, and I cannot thank you enough."31R$. DELIA 3IQWELL, Newark, N, J,
ail a ugotete: _ r ii s, oMss.
• it I JI tl , . .. .1 4.,., 6 , I
Laxative doses of AyeLarlls eac 1
night greatly aid the Sarsaparilla.
Poor Health
—During the thunderstorm on Feb.
28th, Mr. J. Russel's house, 6th Bruce,
was struck by lightning, The lightning
had followed a wire fence near the
house, slivered a couple of posts in it
and dashed into a window. Mrs. Rus-
sel, although 76 years of age arose im-
mediately when the first crash was
heard and was blown into her bedroom.
All escaped without an injury.
An Efficient Treatment For Catarrh
Will first destroy the germs that ex-
cite the disease. Then there are num-
berless sore spots in the mucous mem-
brane to be healed. Every requirement
of a perfect cure for catarrh is fouud in
fragrant healing Catarrhozone which
not only instantly kills the germs but
restores the diseased membranes to a
normal conditiou and prevents the re-
lapse which is sure to follow the use of
ordinary remedies. Catarrhozone is a
scientific cure for catarrh that relieves
quicker, is more pleasant, most certain
to cure than any other known remedy.
Failure is impossible, lasting cure is
guaranteed. Use only Catarrhozone.
Two months treatment $1.00; trial 25o.
Get it to -day.
.pril 30 to Dec. 1, 190L
Settlers' One = Way
Excursions, 1904
To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest,
will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during
March and April if sufficient business offers.
Passengers travelling without Live Stock
should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45
p. m.
Passengers travelling with Live Stook
should take the train leaving Toronto at 9
p. m.
Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each
For fall particulars and oopy of "Settlers'
Guido," "Western Canada" and "British Col-
umbia," apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent
or to
—Nearly 40 acres, holding some 200
homes, began to settle down in the
Scranton coal region on Friday. Some
houses are completely wrecked, others
are out of plumb, while nearly every
house in the territory is twisted to such
an extent that the doors and windows
cannot be opened. The cave-in was
oaused by the settling of the surface
over the diamond vein of the Bellevue
colliery of the Delaware, Lackawanna,
and Western Company. In many
places the depression is from three to
four feet below the surface.
—One of the most distressing incidents
connected with the latest storm occurr-
ed on the Owen Sound branch of the
Canadian Pacific Railway. A train
was 26 hours making the run from
Owen Sound to Toronto, and most of
that time was stuck fast in a drift near
Orangeville Junction. The engine was
uncoupled from the train, and this left
the passengers dependent on the fire
from a coal stovo which, when first
started, filled the oar with, gas and
smoke, and necessitated the opening
of the windows. The passengers had
to start out from the stalled train after
dark in search of provisions. At one
fart. house they were mistaken for
tramps and denied admittance, but at
another they secured several loaves of
bread and a can of honey. Eventually
iii t r made his wayto
nc c o
ville, being slightly frozen on the way,
and returned with a snowplow and a
hamper of sandwiches.
I _ .
To Break Up A Cold
Assistant General Passenger Agent
King St. East, Toronto.
WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOINS, APL. 30 -Doc. 1, 1901
Finest Bands in the world engaged ; including
Sousa, Grenadiers of London, Imperial
Band of Berlin and Garde Republicaine
of Paris.
BILLINGS, Mont ,.$35.95
NELSON, ROSSLAND, Bg..1 $41.45
SPOKANE, Wash 11
ltl short 1 ill t a` l t n up aria T110re is no remedy i. ilia world roith
half the power and merit of Nervilh'o,
, poop o ty e r ig t o I .
winghilm stare when they get insielo the Canadian it's invaluable in every house, In large
eeotions at the ttniwera l exposition, bottles, price 25o.
LOS ANGELES, Cal } $44•5°
Proportionately low rates to other points.
Tickets on sale daily until Apr. SOth, '01.
For tickets and all information apply to
L, HAROLD, Agent, Wingham, or to
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Auctioneer for Huron County
Ternis reasonable. Sales arranged
for at the office of the
Slim Prime,
Stout Values
Smalk ?raffle
he Leading Store ! llkC tetnrx►s
Highest Grade
British make, for
Ladies, Gents,
Misses and Boys.
We have a large assortment of the "Premier Brand"
Waterproof Coats in all the new cloths and styles ; these
garments are guaranteed to be thoroughly waterproof and
will not harden.
Imported from Manchester, England.
Silk Rain Coats.
A Bargain.
We are agents for "The American A special line of Ladies' navy or Blk.
Lady" Silk Waterproof Coat. Fea- guaranteed Waterproof Coats, new
ther weight ; colors are $10,,00 style, {good value at $5.00— $3.75
blue and grey. Pride • special price
These coats are on exhibition in our Mantle and Cloak
department on the second floor. Please ask to see them.
No trouble to show you goods in any department, whether
you buy or not, you are welcome.
Remember, our PRICES are all the way trona Two dollars
to Ten dollars.
Our values in every department
are the very best procurable.
I dl
H. E. Isard et Co.
Opp3ank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute
or Mixed Goods in one bath — theyare the
latest and most improved Dyo in the world..
Try a package. All colors at W. Messer's
store, Bluevale, and 0. B. McClelland's store,
Belgrave, Ont.
Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
Visits Wingham monthly. GLAssI:s FITrvn
treated. Wingham office at Campbells Drug
Store. London office -225 Queen's ave.; hours
11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dates of visits—Mondays--
Feb. 1, Fob. 29, Mar. 28, May 2 May 30, June
27, July 25, Sept, 5, Oct. 3, Oct. 31, Nov. 28.
30 year's experience. t have conducted over
3000 suceessfnl Auction Sales in the County
of Huron, and as it rulo got better prices and
soli to bettor .non. Orders left at AnvAtien
Wingham, will receive coni t t.ton-
lion. Terrinresonable. Sattefaotloi uar-
anteed. Phone or telegraph at my exp se.
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
Head ache? It's your liver!
for tasty and
down -to -date Job
Printing. Prices
X.4”..0+41•41+++++ + +++++++++•N.
.-14.Days' ÷
. .
s i
. ale. .
Ly. -i.u4a, I1,l A i, al.1.,J660.a.W, rv,l Loi u, u. 4'
• - $5,00Q .
. ÷
4 to be sold at COST for +
titi SPOT CASH. 4.
ii -
From February 1st until April lst, we—will
+ positively sell at COST. This is the chance of the
+ year to get a good Watch, or anything in the line
+ of Jewelry, cheaper than you ever heard of be -
+1 fore. All our goods are reliable, and of the best
makes, and we warrant them.
+ No old goods taken in exchange on new
j'4. goods.
F, +
4 The Groat Watch Doctor
Opp. Queen's hotel
A er's Pills are liver pills all i' Stone Block
vegetable. aoidtott a. o. ilea., !
.... AixL,y;pellre.,.... Leweli, AtA...
Want your moustache or beard «..- '•, -.- ~°. `'
+abeautifulbroatu,( eel*btac0 Utlio 44+4444+++44414
toutLP. tfitt a t;eN w, ufly ti lis