The Wingham Advance, 1904-02-04, Page 3TUE
la PM frontier for a great aletailee.
within eaey reach of the Oh10900 BRIDGING AN INLAND sEA
Itow lamala Will net.
1896 Adintrel Alexieff, the erve
eent Vieeroy of the Riordan Far
Lieett time la coreutand of the Vied.
. lee:40Mo telt! pio tacit In the summer
... 000,6011, in case Ot emergeOey, ittuoile
voule tarow eighty thottenteut men eat
auy .tlasirea foint on JIM Vorean Dr
Meese froutiers within three Weince'
time. Ana ;eo 'he coald, rr everything
eStephen letenenh, In N. V. literati.) ' gate the learninO of the 0111110$0 ova run 1.111001111y Ana gone, wed, oot
„, ^ • k,ages, and to keen the white man In vrax, emerge/10108, or course, tone
The emaliet or Intereata oll ,ta° area more 0,6-peel/dal Oa JaPetnese eeoee do, '
Iilarst, Asian Coast. '„,though, it, alno,8 out. In ninny plitotes the '"aoughalee"
oval Recount() remarkable: ideate fa C.Ale tooa np arms, and there otieurreie ennee .
I Tile Boaer Outbreak of 1000 neeee.
laat ten vane, is certitinla flue to 4 :Wit $1101. 31, .1110b1I1Zr41011 Ot
Weal 141.1.6tIllibil4111 08 Pt A. natilre sitni.- am /theetan faeces ne aleolere osoi
isoacale teudeuelea end elleaentl5 tar to thoen which ell: ocenrrinF tome conteinalated, Ifow different
evilleit aeo e 'Ingle tw'o CauLarioi at 0421'; in Sonthere ;Veto. •Sloalay. .
In Jai:axiom mediaeval illator.a Or . olunnoe., xoterrupeo. VIVI tiro actuai outOonee fret», ehe
matitology, whiehever yoti lakelt :Oa ,nuese etaaree4se seleoasea. Interrcee yiltnee or tno .c lateen, on .....1; 0 Atneeee
, ,
' FINDS ou paper r Ati unaxprtml ad -
U" 14, Curi'la 14 at)ta•YA 8.13°4°11 (h. 441 ed"witee tire large exotort of benoe Meer Interceetea the whole ilea of
"the ileaden West." %Via woe tile
oft going pate of ;lore:ewe:itch tim ,teee whielt nald PeoontlY F-Preng na hoe ceeRatittligetiOne and alto aetioa Or tile
s.,,, ‘..„1 tweeirethee' peibillefila one' 74pittl, It toetile populgtiOn In afarieharia ',la-
pal/ding warriors of jairan we' e.,,e,„--11.- al.oe luratiebad Japae with a pretex't airoyed tire railway despite etre
ed Open by their lotade, and aeae r• to:eland settnrchs igaeatlee Paelloso of guards. Wheel" tile U110010141 icalaa4
eaeeteeneen to teilOw.- e• , '* . ' „ matittalning leer and order tind pre- re,sseesion of their awn tile advance
Corea witi's itrvaded aeveral timee aerator their interests, hoth7 at tlie of reinforeenterite 2 and ammunition
bey! tlie Jaelealletae .,,rilleelearseetvilo -qeelvt 'capital, aeon!, and the. treaty porta, woe etoppea• eatirely, be the unea-
are 0100011g. ea,en.,,,und°re 41Ar, 11.1r,e„?.”, 4/10,14 Weeeeileelteaet by the. aPlreale nrepleiedeyneee of tea:season and tee
inleueld la earth ed' earalaeheeeeseaseeeeoey 'of tile „Cereante to else seral. treaPeo eoncequerit . • elfallownese of the
land of' ,Ia'aien. 'Dein toe ftP4' °4' 'elea and then thalami:Oen becanie grove meteor and filedia, aivere, wilieli made
Shogarile, the aatitarel asurPere, .ond Lewis.),
Wileeee iatotely tombs are seen y,early ow -anted in war ley ' eke it in.aoesible for even the flat boats
rd. Staking of a Chinese trapeport evith to.00 neaten dewy tesenoo. . ,,
tem, In the Yale Or Nikko, even these
by! Americaua and other '1?:°1-'e tve-a .ne tholleetind; eoldierseene board bee a . The reaule Was that it took Admir-
jananeee cruiser. With great met ne aleeseere also ogeopo neeseeme seer
torero and foeterere,,ca tho arts en- „peaty tear,- joetaneee; t taen landed
yoded ooren; 'perlIftleae. evert the Roe taren ineaellna ar.ulleia On the sell
gentee Cooed peninvela, ond dream- ' ot the patient/a, and after the, bat- :N=IrtgVtggrl 'Ate=
ed of a, world meals° as wide tts tie of Ping -Yang in tete - north, tee 114 an-ti"Aceci47;ere'r j.s.' Nini.`)01erTe lAtra./evSobeetvia
lieublal hbalea, -, : , Mamma retired from ...Comma terri-•
But, Amen, perbape weth %Leavy 0 eee,),.. The anpanno swepee ,,0,11;r.gailiglyalgtf at ‘TIfip Season ,will be
death, i; 'Owego' came over the oaf)" Rebuild the Gull' of Mal, 411d mon ardeouueieeequally linear -
otiose operit and world Oonquest was tho great fortrees ,of Port Arthur, ta'neenild t11•41'1041-1ePt laid rla" 47°
foresworn. Of all tlee territoay that entice, had bee% ea' adinirabla forti- eubjeet to e eniodifidialOne by the
Japanese -04411,0a hen eceverelea, ;billy fled by Preemie engineers; for the weather, I should toty that if war
the !angle port 'of Fuentia* on the moles° Goyernmente fell. '' I laemao epetatoouvrOW he 04.eete tO
soutliettort eoast of the peninsula, was The ' Japanese artily ewas now in, be completely ieolated tor at ieeaa
retained, tell Nerve perhape as the one popsetesten of Corea and of 'I:heal:le- ,....tilenee niontes, , Nothing, further will
tering wedge, ' tee irritating cease gent's Sword. Peeineula. ;Ina About .7eettxlItetset,leiodi,t 41:123,iniesetli Poefteproheartra
of a war then undreamea of, wbioll to invade the 'neetropolititinnirotinee ‘ 4
came about, Inewever, In11894; 1 i 1 : 01 Cherie, proper, elee,rlyT.witl.;. the ob- that he aoeklialy can hold, and await
Japan. ,W tt.,, "4-1; and. • Pot of y'it:trkoligttPlelitniti.thoheraittf d.dioeLe irteewinfieer.elaglir 1,•re the
Why, the ampaneae drew back \viten • Its...IT:4.0d eleoeoe.;•xnemeteg„ uneelee t
their uvulae Inexateed Celee, teed thair eer, eieleeherie going -toe. do aatisit ? It
great war Alike elellea' the furtiumt ed endurance In :the 'enewe anti 40e, teOhably .depends, large•
i3e4,0 °Nen, to tate ceeket Of Sam 'woold Wheat • dereadea the eortresse better tat, ue.ore the :number of troops that
be interesithig to know. The accept- Uteal <V& the Chinese genii:ere, pap- Jaean eenas, arid upon .many
tured • the tut etroughold of e the .thinan 'of Which the gee oral lee 4. 1
ed exploitations le Oat alloanne took ro.„,„.... en.1,.;...e • • , itrowle notainea.. voesiblr, eton r .a.-
frigat at what -amp imagined evould aalleePie 4 nogoe, w
be the . bunitebre eincoogliottentt; . Diplomacy. Saved. Dan aends army 01 50.000 men t.o
of conquest abkoad. Urge leeenlesulOolleesfrawia do nothing.
lieitio of trete ElizabettianaeoueeSe .
Tito foreiga 'troop; of North auca aceion aotiaaot neeeeettrily cone
:The Japaneee, then euell reepectero .chhIttahadanatenCbaten Caltbea led to stitate imam...bee!: In feet, Malang
of tradition, and of ancient •etestome their destruotiona bye ineoneaeeent really (tees \MI* vole want one.
Would beeeena€ lege' meal/able to the generale. or had eleeeatera their bee-, Voreanetniell woind futtileb the bat-
Patriarelial replete of the clan's, it wart, Oetee, 'end; tae 011eiteleee neer :had .fiefield. at least!. .1,he
feared, so came ,tbe lettle.JaPallaeo„ 13b6r1 46stVOYetl;' ':13.etwe41 1110 l'le'"arY41:bgem °X a °t1'.'ag41'6' is 11.Tleauti"
aeceeee tango aa Jana .aleould tolicateendalealleseeetnd• Pe‘On etteere Tut country, hilly, mountainous, Well
orvsr forep or fifty" feet *long and - • Ob14% rn'10113-:qop :oCtellesv • !Who wooeted. Etna well, watered Tante Arne
tlits woe the end 01 a, veva! promisleg %add hetie/rtiri at..ehe. arse Yolley,,arican lookei more hotue, more
poWer. If any! ./apanose left hie In •theEieli. eiratinestatieeiertdeopean ,like Itele)diddle States, WesteivaMas-
teountra, ,he 'became aft.-qmiteastf for : dieimnaea ,Interfeeea aeree'• Wed saelline-ette and .4nestern seMegaland
avirtna deatio Wae the alittalela -Pelee Plana: „.., . dame; any Other A,slatic country. ..It
altly—death bly lettere. , trIpartiee. alelalieteoveaeategmed excesdiagly healthy and very, few-
yery oogyn. after tbe aapaneee be- beanteelf ..Garmeter. eandataleoolleerwelee the tea !Mahon Dar-
t, gain after the coenpulgion of these Finanne: 'China Nvas :orderedcto.:;,eno enats who tclead, Nuehllronel Ike exiet-,
pellets to withdraw beta 'their shell, fel' peithe, eted arepay „woe, oraered. to one,es, would. am ear estareatioa.
eae Rhsaleme, .alreadel oVele the if4biepte trio 'terms weileh the van-- eat aftee the leattalione should
teralee. began to Penetrate:the Sibe .guipeopee offered, Oereileatateette he in- only beoeunte,a, that .can. aelerqught
erten 'wilds and . approaelo the 'east depeadenteana ae,poo. was' to be •on the lerlege or oat leapt Into the
coast of .Aista, where thedayaor toe; paid a waiteiredenenitre Toalliaelf Adintina Alex -
',morrow the' ba,ttle fer• -the aupre- .date, Ueepori had eet ',her heart apon 'left ean dispose of tivO hundred thou-
' Maciyi Of the eaatere werld ts to be reemenalaate octiteeesion. or the. sand men he v6II oonelder himself
fOrtget etre between., tbeeemaa, the tong or the Regent's Sword -Penile- extiernely '-•lueilcy, 'arid. be Mims
children* or' the' Greet Whited 'Tsar, , Mita, which, she bad eertainly •con- atleat in View •ofelier lenierial oblige,-
aud tete bardy telandeas tbe.Rises catered., and so:4(er -a loninotimil she tione le other, „quateeers Boise's can -
leg Sun EnVire.f ; • dernuared to the aard. terteseeoe jtheriter-lifol'e Mere °thee three -hundred
itueeian Advance .aegeeesse. obtaereting" lineadies; 'added It Was thogeandomore men otoedefend her
ape •Russians ente'redYnasterir'.Slil 'not until ffdeit,c,',er ea, Russian meta foraeaseteare paseeskins. •
of -war peateten 'their waa paint and The outeede :limit., I- take it then,
berle, and the Altioor provinces very
enuca under the saute circumstancee cleared for action in the.harbor of Of Rukealaehe fightitrg" strength on
tbe.e. we enteretraatm the eOnquest Chefeite thate:apaliellnallea eonseet- Pacific is balf a wallop men.
of our (great west. There came first a, • edaP) theeretroteeeloo, ..Neer, Japan caa ptit .110 • 'theeffeld
' flight of etelveeturera land then', a vela soele NNT4t-.3 „tflait,•Mie arproarilaile alettelY nten as' tleat, and more. They
enun enbisionieees, fleeing noore tees eleatle been se succesetal to. tite ;fate-. Would' not be as aerfectla, ' equip-
•perseetition of tee orthotloaO Then ,ariese, from a military. 'staxideieinte 'Pea etse was the selected ditiiiion of
. 22,000 men that woe sent to the
ended lamentably,:
'Yeennale and 1Chabaronsk • and •
the other mighty; auntereowbo. *bate e eattreoliereagitteoleaasvageentereethat '.-tallefeeof • Pekilli-liat 'tlief:'zVeroidird be
ieout intoothe great wild land in the the Emperor of Ja,pan, surroanded fresh, well drilled and intelligently
employ, of the Stroganoff family, her his Great Meclal men, returned equipped troops, who would haVe
walea pla,ted the same huportant to the northern ca,pital rrom Iliro- the`' advantage of reaching the bat-
• partein the.clevelopmentor Seberieteate. oshinviere,aehereeeheee araintelefiedeXterfilte' etiOTWaleteetaaftia •ba--ivael elafeaneitafa
did the, Aetor feanila in 'our own the; i'Vez and. whence, in 'a sense, fleY. while the R.ussians' reinforee_
aorthweet. he had directed the movements .of !ments Will have, starved and sur-
e" oft en..;Enrefoo,, aemeeee,.„weeseatee, ;Tesa-et.awlangedoega:, keedne leseekeeseto fered in a• Tourney, half w;ay round
taineetreeArireelein paldeana eattaittlert fieitceehed- beele slatted, and ;,1-t the evorkle
to the itusslien advance until the set- wee "eeen that the spoils of tile ylc- • SO far itallaucLforesmare:Ooncern-
,bapk of the Crirriea.n waroturnecl, ete a tors. amounted to nothing mere than ed, the Japanese, at 'the ,beginaing
*Ilan thOughts, ataleaeteaciteete intapiatilatesam ote'emoney, . .of the wale will outnumber the Rus -
Into alfferent baterfneler, One' 'of the 'aThat 'cotillthen edI Othe continerital 'sloes ,at least twee 'to onfteand it
Mura:vieffse to distinguish. Mai.. powers masked behind .the suttee 10 very doUbtful.-.whetheri.,thisr ini-
front the nanny (Wier illustrious men .cauntenanee of Li. Ilung teeeng ;lad tint superiorityoieal eeetite:* bee quite
eof ale name, is knowoln R,uesinal his- •. dlotated the, tarmes, oreeteoe .equalized. have nee doubt that if
etory • ae algarrialeff. of theaeteehoinet 'Ina; the -victors, Foe 'Mann neyeekeett 'sewer occuts eo-morrow the eRnesian
'extended"tife‘tuesiap,,delnintop ;Wang, -looked aneeltethe ladlitintifioneletteetah- ;fleet will aetetlotteaniafliet; .avith the
tilto great iiver to -the sea, toed 'vviien, out Japan oould not be restrained .Jia,pa.nesewfleet."-ancrlake,.?ibruge In
a.B.59, the French and F.nielleh wars, even by olehe feeling ot loyalty and the naval !bases at Port 'Arthur and
Anarohing on Pekin, Coun't,,,Igna,tiett; • v en eratitTn %which the Emperor :lae. Vilaclieosteeke , .a
arterevaad the fairione Retaelartegliken: efdredninatile brea.sts of his Deplete. I These great ftittateieseeflet be de-
' matiet, won lele first honors. Ile hego- ••
,fendecl by the ,silentaelialiieer
, raeaty withathee.Chineeetoo.a.,,,Duat•SystemArellumbOrta. vers of the school of Teilleben,
,ocnirt by. whicar he obtained the whole
.010Anktia. .E;tiperio on tee twine.; And scathe dual syst,emeor,govei;sia -.whose, naine0 never get into the
tho CefeaU frontier. north th ahia Are- tont, ifeekein ireenaitiehuriteaerhiele tante ran°';.,ntld 'Gen. WOgitelta eelie man
od until the Boxer uprIsIng,and 1:nd- eviteeseavea.TieneTsIne,.wh.o hag aerv-
to, in return. ear • 0, „ efewee aundred 0(1;2.0 an tnevItable eeetiti Rea- ed 14v.Y641-re lflt 'the fat, eaSt and
rlflee rits las) platonle?garod of- see .0o:owning coovieeeo eovereigneo ktiCi**.overa nook" andecorter of the
hoes n the emergency.
taller thel.Leetelltrea There le aimele country. .he 4000 the palM.of his ;
ideacnies Conea's„eiclg4tborl: llaritY4' between ,tebe oe ,reaeoo... hand, 'will doidetless be turned
"Da this not Illussia, became a neighe ing which Ritssiaohas followeeeen ehe I ieleeet "ivietho 4, 90aPs .;Ceesaelte tee
harass the flanks of (the tuyading
ihor of the Kingdom, of the Coeean telatattfileilehurilekr busitheW bead boa
hermits,. at a tittle when they were awn course In the Canal questioe. army, ti• '
dying. dr ambition oat aeterne wemee,„„ aeeopeloatveas. ooloanellreadato. let her Ilene the w.ealtness of the. Japan -
toe JaPanese, the aestiamingefetien- groat railway die away in the wastes es° '111:VittrY- becOnte aPPar-
eneo of the alyc000p bebta reinoyce Are,: ot thps ..Amo,er.. Valley because of a I eat. The Russians hove ins the 200,-
11868a were Just aetakeraidgofe '"the few atigaboniV dlanchnrians. She; b00 mon which,„Censtitute, as I es-
' patio. 1 possibilities Of axpel0000 agreeO to. auliti the egall 'Way across timate It, 'first brie of 'defence
0;hat were theirff tri -the penliestitoofor • elairehuiliie paoviding' Ilia right was' 60.000 of the best and inOSt •entlur-
1 fathers had thrOwn away so Many •keer the libe open 'and • to pollee
„. the possession of which their fore-. resod:ve4 to.her te.,..defeeq,it and ;to Pnfivger°:evelry.: men that the world has
be : •
Mee and so epee treasuee. tile -4,1Veteetla ,eoulatra. . e. •
All this, the opi'ito-,dato fettdc•r• wilt' 10( course, there changes in the otaasoleneopeoleakeeeneeNirs. ,
.;reniark,alin.ppeae,c1 a yeey loeg time „mop , of, North,,,Catna hav.e oiot been 4. 4.
i ago, but noVerlItclesS these fillets arie aitogataor bleastna.toeserne ale the A inibit•Iiivarialiir thi 'Wendt Poor
I ;Very pertinent, tirii-eVe`i they eite oat e.,,,teraeatcne lettettecit aapto. She
earestittite 'the eltuaCion 'as iteittuallY has sgen the Liatong PenInsulnewhich • Blood or Wi ex Nerves.
I le to-cia..e. tussle, witir her plans Of she had ronridy„.hard fighting, ' ir any.
artorict, her- lleSt:latereclantine tittealitaehae elrieVeteithont a battle, Wag, however alight, 'this article
Metal ralway, had now become a and she hoe goon 1Weleinti-wel, the eeleoult1 intereet ,voto Afee. any nootor
Meat 'door neigebor bf Corea. and of tptoppo,ty.„ yossesSio.O.4„whielt...eidsit lend be will tell yea' that 'meet Of
mabehtirla ?Of ceretwwittaje ettereeteathte JOreale Jellial'ateda Awn% 1 the ailments trent which men and
Ole are tlitteM -add NNT'art.idess "nr come under the leritieh flag' and un- woeten or toe present inter settee
Manc.huria, wheic the- population le der the goverenuitit .of the people. arie, Ana: to.ettoolte Watery blocx10
eparseeinapartly nomadie.- -• 'tette) prateettlierfelletiiatTiiriitily oP- dietadere of the' nerve -force& Ir1
I Once entered upon Lei new poesese posed to the partition bf yoar case tare trouble may only be
- aerie on the collat. Russia of . •
•to -day tenata.thetilenot,all thalaConnt erg_ ..ageleagaeatenao . Merrikinie etert—elreowinser; itself In a,
fl)r instAme* A'reat` latetc°11i411-•. not only watched -Etna akiteel for the 6;444110hp or a teasing or nerve"-, ;
end perealee N'Ladlyestock, whiehe skg oregolet4 k•ro,r;leteoted .yery fonovved eye complete breakdOdyft
egnittiefr ',dreamed teem to be. Woe, odolaelingen ile Lingo „era Ot the
In the teat tour yoixs Joan has, 11 dialed; eeterlikate. 'all eleeaill6nal
enta4 way' of 10000 lilloluetree, tO :Mal of stinfttlt tratt ieeelning,brititialif, These syntvicints are toe) often
IS t°n"'arli ft';'''•26' ir'''."••a*•1-e'sv we°k11-'pa Pare tete ite bathlaoni a mill- oregee, health, en „mice eases toet.o,
ter a row month% according to the tary point of view seed from, the tee he) Atedieine wlaell Will bring back
Eteetrity Of 'the etoolon, every ovieteo / diplortratio. 40i,31Iffitiee, evith Bretain iMolth and atrength 'ea quiekly as '
Certainly not, 1.1ee reaselitthe eliaci -assuteallori•alo far al; a PaPetaeolle,DreolViillaran Pink Pine. Thousands .
°bent gelleatel this ooncluslon wliOn, lanitiorietnair :eat ealetitee etattplete its -
'In 1801; the' war betiveelt :open - and , tl t tl t detttl nd life - -
!of Weak and Weary !nen and women
air at the WIredow, near the beads • -- . os- , • nt
1.1.v.y eleaa breathe it bel'Ore •It la tile - ''• ... . '. ' lalleSolL A 41., LPI
of the eattle. 14 etre!, a autener that . 1 . .
I a MI -0 g Bear un:t
.t. „..,,,,,,,, ,.,411e0. 4. The re- •
1 i I
411),PENDOUS„ 1410INKRINC, trtg. f?u,1 or VIM" r9/314eas4"; e
There is a etriking elnellariter in - s
newly reseeet0 betiveen a Ntable owl :-. purred on by Artist's JOko Sporting Ed i to r Porf,iii
a foroace arise from the fact thp,t t4rins Bravo Elooch6 .
in the princes ot combustion feeeagete
t have In times past been told
much of, wearderlul leate 1»
roao end much hag been
Written of the engineernig Wall And
, daring that directed the eOurse of
the iron horse aeroes tile plaint/
. and mOuntaine that 110 belween tbe
aliefiteurl laver and the Pacific
Ocean. "In the grandenr and mag-
' nittale of the undertaking, the Un-
ion lattlifie.aCentral Patine Ilea
never been eciuttled, The eiterg•y and
perseverauce tette. Whial the work
; WAS urged forwara, and the ralade
• lty with it was exeCuted, are
without a 'Intranet in leatory," were
the statements of the special Gov.
mermen -1; comulieeloners to the Sec-
retary of the Interior.
TiOrtyelive yeare ago there Wait
no time to eperal on work similar
. to that whittle has last been com-
pleted.. Oleo the world wee' watelle•
Mg while the buiatiere or tee Unioa
Paean° and Central Pacefle xaced,for
supremaoy. It was. a magnificaire
oontest, aut nowaaays the owners
of tit» road hove !been brouglit •to
oonehler other pkobleins. . One, 'Of
. titer,* neeessitated the solution or
the grade " queetion Lied the straight-,
!Mina .of. the trttek.,
Ever since tlitit eventful (lay, May
lath, 1869, when the goldep imam
was driven at Promontory Point,
and- the Atlaetie arid lea,eifie ware
finalte welded together by a llue of
railroad, elle areat tide of tra(fie
heloyeeo the east toed the, west
hair flawed. eneolc and forth across
eTbe Overland' Rotete."o
r'Ono of tbe* ;nest interestlag and
diffieult feats cit railroad engineerina
evet, un•Jeratken bee ,been come,
eileted by tietataveleres "Tthe Over -
lona Route,e tinien. Pacific and
Soutlecan Paelfle Itallroadaathe
fug or a lin Wtge aernslit the Great Salt
Lake between Ogderi, utaalt, anci. La-
cin,•Nevatiae • ••
wreck letang practleally eone.
pleted, ta'a new treble woe formal:IV
oet.enea' on Talanksgiving DitY, When
itIr.•.R, ifterrenotro head' -- the
Ilarriman. 'pew, and al ea ea aterty., ot
'railroad -meguateo. partook 01 _la
Thankeglaing Day linnee in the
'1 f — •
Tele Ogaeneiamin "Cut.03" 1013.
8flisielireezeligolltil't7r2estrslellewsorsenc IiSeSedd
fillida dyer the waters of Greataalt
Lake.' • It pre:Scotia priteticallet
le,veleiraeli except:ere:1 eleert'
fasodo .the west ent.1 near, 'Aloha/
Nevada, wOrere gealight grade is en-
eiamtdred d •
. use 'age -of tala, cut 'off Well. throw
out tu tradts-continental, trafflo.
mei. the eld li,ne from paden "to
Lucin, Nevada, 'around athe Lake.
Thate. strip 'of track le one of the
most expeneite of the IRtrritrp,n sys-
tem, tire maximum grade over ebe
long Promlontory bell Is 104 feet to
the -mile and helper) engines are al -
The .eliminationt of
eaving, of eoveral hours in runniug'
nvicne.egtiosaf Ieast $1,t0a a day'
operittleg- eipenees and also a
the tree of ibeee engines will Mean
The .orlginal enhetne. theacut off
was aoncelvea, by abe late Col. W..
• horetengton. The plans were per -
footed 'aftee the late Col. Ilyneln'g-
tenor death, • and anpioved by 'Mr.'
Harritnan, whien he assumed charge
of the limo.;
Active work wage. commended in
1902, and tains the:oat:mete Investable
task was completed ire about 22.
Illeniane. The. teat pile • wee. ;dreven
clualeig the laet week of atetoleer.
This great work ha0 best over $4,-•
200,000, " •
.Thaeout off omelet:1'one Ogden Woe
15* miles over leveleaceentry before
keaehlittg the' lake breaker, then
enross the ' wet arm;of the lake- nine
miles .1o. Promolleeree Then five
entlee ef gotta roadbed teed then 19
hales -west Over the West arnd of
• lalraitow'apd Itnefft,, and ' thence
across .theoGreat Salt Lake. Lager&
to Imola, Neetedo. Across the ,ealet
aim, or -the deem. eilll'abe almost
• -eoetinerons fatly stIppoited
tretetleoeleear the neidaleof Allis. will -
be ca• gaper 600 f ewe of open tres-
tle' wor'k lett for -the waters of the
Beal; Breen, Wallah flow Into the
arm: of . elue • lake.
orrose Prorametory,peint runs five,.
nii ee of' solid roadbed, aeid here ,dif-
flatlet Int* was enceuntered, ant
of' 8,000 :feet long elm. sand • and
rook .o/ barren blot: beam nocee-
earyo At this polait„ the moet beau.
• 'on this' inlaxid, sea, surveya
have been, itinide for an immenee sum:
mer reeorti .• .
ACIVISW the eyelet erne of tee lake is
11.1adieS trealtle vreale with a
approacit /et melt and of four ninth.
In completing the *brit; of a -panning'
the lake, eine great ditficulto wive
encouritered aeroee the east arm;
ayathe reettling of fillies and trestle:
*ark. This was caused tea tlie,sele of
the flow of the Sear, river .havinee-
'coaleated fot eentualea•over the bot-
tom 'of tile lake; and havina formed
reaalt wall Or 100 feet. It 'took 1,000
teeing or rock in plioe arpear
to bieve aeaelie0 the bottoire tee
lake propel', and whielt hate resulted
In a firm and 'splendid road bed.
In a • rAneeeli which he made at the
Alta Clob, tealt Lake City, on . the
eae he the °Peeling of* tha "Cue PM"
Mr. Ilarebtlan eald:
'Vice contpletion tete uhdertak-
ing will roduee the diatatiee between
elan Fr.aecleao and atilt Lake bp
antl will eventually! bring ,t,lio
time betateen the two Mice •down
to 22 houra.
'It le 'Weeded to reduce the run-
ning time from tenet Lake 10 Chicago
-to 00 bonne, and put paesetigers
to New York 111 50 houra teem
Lake. t
"Tiage twit) railroads —Union Net-
tle and Southern Paelne—have event
ID the levet theee edema tolminvhere
near te180;000,000 in repairs and ho-
peovemente aside from the expenses
Of operatlen or thaentektanee.: t -
• fitreace. The neeematy for Limas In
(Philadelpida Record./ the Record eu Idlug in dear Oki Pieta
le beino, emalnuouely mad nee arid Alialleuerque, N. alex..—AVP111 at lout uhrinned up a tree had there Wee
off. heat, of eatiree, is ayo,dneee,4' mealp, and it'e eaelting sport, I 00'n eeeing notiaeg to bell) Ma I deter*
rroeese of eoribufitiort Itre warnetr 1,liat it's ovate: or bo *milled.. Being ; I ledge:el to my rifler to mate •hurs
rat the t elic gaeee given Qt4 in M410 ten 7cw, oRpeelodur viten amain -low ottema to mexo the eex‘ 1410.0.; count.
Viola tie) elenients enterlog into It. ta a peneefill feame of mina I liardIa,. toot.: x Lao a eitrt440 en taa barrel,'
itr: I tbey rise in oDealence to natural tiara... I Blamed have ventered into Iola -ale eeenmeo to m4144, pare 1304 it
laws, man the.y are coolel to about tee enottatetee in w,seot ee big game ; .wite 0.,;eired, [unto, olyeelr tow",
tire temeerature of tee eurrOtinde 4. +I +I 1.ea I
oot e4110 '4mo 440a elt -not benn r" an and nisaiwaltcd 11104tharge W'ifill title
leg air. Witen tine temperature iff , illuminsted retina. robin autograph beet nerve e eleole, eenonona. e kne"
tetwlittbI:let.14"44°s4:41°Vs. f‘c) It Is 41' 'title'. bsidY otloisf '‘t‘igcle9aineellyseYlosp' e(isi w'tliA°8 i/inittet-- .tecatbilr:necixpealZIN41' wijki:111e)ti irleagelya 'it)
u.0 proityLieaerriteoll:ttiilo: iteryesstieimalr Inlet, totLreeaktivwaicotriolowsfiiirattbieeteoleciraaiwtutli5yez.plitalagitiallleTtnit,i , EitiSelw;i:1;,,,,,ojaiii,,,,i(rtn.ittnbtn:701414itpuoItai.mnitilicilint.tua.ourreceo.orti;o;willifIohrxirl;,i,
trio floor -or the feeding alley le de-
votee twelve : tnellee oboe° tae level oe the back of the envelope, where
Clerr alkstens.tistiiCii tTlibes, pleat eiggdenlitetg, '9AlittaritelkitVel(147114,gstalleh9t.etzeli°1c'efaolar 15°1)104 f'3113'11;i'lioefisr feaa if4111171. Just:tate:name,
about ten .Inebee seuarajoorgutniallioof tvlolotgli voanichuTibt.oaapl000nt be.orlarc'es pfecootleolumrao kacondp IttratmookshacolteintgoratisAtrleolnwor to;
under the, floor the waole
Awned:413 to)iii.etrait Weohnovtkitlaellv.atbbiya,loeottleeiittebrol traemetei atioe se:. oeotetn,wbul.ti lrize. sAvrt:i y5,0e4 yst:rxodugieti
ter1114°Q2:110iVtreleledratinr.egesitlaolt:LibetevY'Hfuoirfypliiserat,ewealuucco4ancrtiltilett ttpre:tiateyd jtaotetr:RaintdtbitaltilIa,nbriaaghrt- .110aroldt 041417,..tIt:oruaoltitrariroitte.1.7acult, tAhobusspioi tt.aTtehre.
°loser be came the b:gger lie eeetued
' 4Piuli 481eierei t IW .1 nloil ellitb.e:ge.°I.tini:p8r1La:1011Y.90111iiillils:IVIrtetlair1117) ab°4loYngbitiniinteerflantdolndot4113Intall:t Iiietierlvoans fered wh en I oext trieti to draw a
: PPall/Ile.e.°ITIsi eastet I Die eller inttons tidlici.3turiliebringtiesrge .steliassomnsvorsheri all well, behaved bears Buell a Merr;fle rush:that I once more
'rhis Is the bibernatIng bead, and be game into view, wita
Adel:pole* I would Lave retreated •or
earbollle aeld and ether 'aflame even ' I know tbe .leys of 14.14114 a Delleg anything in eleret ta run to I but,
remelt:el, they tend to diffium and tetra letter sea me about Christmas time teat toe wax hod nothing bee ida
Ana are pliteed close againee tea lotio awe/ la their,,aellat PeetelentrY Sancti to /mealy inzaelf wtpt. the Lane
being preventea team plugging with mileitese of the climate aere, and
dirt ete a Ieatber nap, oc eome °time Peetally to the Imight sunny d
`-01414 ineealit way on the ledgi
away, awl /Wriest up to my lever, and
device, The 'foul tar le carried off Wars frequently come out 'to warm weic,11 steed, and coming;
the parting Neck% their open ensie to suck their piews. but otauto to He Was then less thitn °Kt yarde
by nientis of Yentilating elialtse lead. up, and if one 1111.4 ChaTiCed to go
log from the Gelling of the stable to bed hungry he is ecemetirnes tempt -
out through the roof. Meet farmers ea to break ,the hear fast laws and
noW rien AIM iterline post straight wander off In searell or food. It was
from the tioor to the "airline. Beside
tantte-Ilteo-IeisePds o/ellisetsysilintLotnie loofrettlheeae
these posts Is a very conaenient
place for the' veatilating Meet they guide, a 'earrip out -fit and a Vire-
are oat of .the way, and they are 'terse rig, and. early one freety morn-
reet ao reaally allied as wawa pate- tug set off for aft. Taylbr,. HOMO 75
agalsnet the side ef thc harp,' Ex.-. miles distant to the westward. There
emotive etrilling'of these foul air out- are d,eer, tneleea and quail on tale
late not only reduces the eoevection mounettin, so I figured that we terould
941`Test' °I:Iscienres m°44"e'e,aus-i itegutldlaeS4notfobre gn:4'.(1°,Yebillitille°a1111 Ilvisn'arf)
Ujr.Vghietsetoroclitilll'Air out'lete should be or what I wanted and proposed to hunt
geicul size, a•tid should extend well for. Two days' travel, eometImes •
'they are Rot carried far enough above bitergoegohtveroortooc
up beyond the ridge of the barn, through deep sand, and agoin bump-
ilitupn tins tgeepgroinueoldin‘
in 1.11e wrong direction,. and instead number of Jack rabitte aria about two
the roof, thee currant Neill often be
of acting n,s outlet% the wiad win, dozen quail, shot from the wagon,
Straight at me, Ills lips were ourlea
in a sna,r1, And Ills eYes, betweea
tvidah. I aeole careful alga alazeta with
tury. I pulled tee trigger: sending- la
ball oraelang ',Into leis Nolan. Wita the
Oragloot, tee rifle I Pumped another
cartridge Into the barrel and fired
egaine somewhat al; readout. Again
evOrkee. theelever and pulled the trig-
ger, and :vas onoe more ready to
ehoot before -I realaed that tbe bear
was dowo arol eteugglieg. 'Ie. was
mating Bice footerunner at the end
of a•race, and trembling liae leaf.
eleo neevewtech etood by me for
that onegood ehot Wee lost complete,
1Y wben I real zed that the danger
was _over', and I sat down where 1
stood mid Watched the dying otruge
gles of the huge brute. • -
sometimes. force. a strong draft of. suordled Monte of fresh meat Ior the - 'Mutt -ulloaster llo Mae ? Afg
. ais an ox., and as lean as a wPIL
• cold air down pato the backe or tile
was wa, .
fit n g . amy, and, ae the little
The blood trickled froze the hole la
at , i ht in e
cattle '; Just as a clammy ithat le mudeandestone hut -in which we. slept .
his head, midway betweeM*,te eYes.
too `sliort will sometimes cause-- re ren so' Iola asethe rite Imen-
stove to' smoke. - • e e ed, my first night in the. mottatalo : and he Ivrea also eeleediaa.trom the
, It wili be seeneey thislinethod that wive tarty. conefoetable. The Utah gioder,obstuitoaheroystiollibotkocteoodmitelytekrooeuee0.;
the „fresh air .is .admittea, ,,ete, in the peaks were snow capped, but we were 1 1 g
fee below tbe :anew lime:and on tae Oen anethee ball. Into tas head
to mike' isttre itif ' WM, his move -
furnace, below the heating-itrea. Tt
.ier distributecl evenly and- wahout sunny side of tite' motirtiain.
manta were .spasmodic, growing
drafts; it. fie liberated 'at the,: Bright and early the nexe inorn-
heads of the, cattle, giving teem a '. ing *ii 'II -tatted . eta' -to 'hunt, iiticla weaker eznO •Weetecer,ollratily Oettaing
diluted. with the poise:emus gases of at mace, . we tramped hour after
ehamee to' tise it before it has been while we found bear signs almost amolteigti aethgerioae tTaro,eilIale jorea,ytehaeleeatso:i:teerr
halation,. and by the heat radiating. rt was hard travelingoup the mount,
Own the boaies of tele annInage, eon- ain side, and I had ebelioeve to -
t,he 'stable:. as et is heated by in-'.' hour without seeing bruin himself. • itiii..40 1 thvii,ght of the doing's of
or I:ilia:if ofeuwoonamnuotostes.orI wort,oldkedoot;Ledr
vestion eurreatir 'are vent lip . to- itiend'an.. pa time. We:Saw/ a deer • him over caaefully. Ile Wee grizzled
worth! the belling, and out through and a .band of turkeys,. but aid not - about the snout from- agee and els
the •foal air shorts. This eyseem is attempt to., followle them, We ate, shaggy riciat was trow,sy and poorly,
automatic in Its action ; the 'more our midday lunch seated • on 'the- kept.- , hie teeth and' clana were
etock ft the stable the stronger tile ,trmik of a faleen pine. and then badly worn, and, In fact every-
conveation current. end the• more ' toiled on 1111 the hillside, agaen, all :thing about the brute bespoice great
fresh, air Introduced.. Yours verY* the time working to the *warn. Thee age. Theenored. looked the old fel-
truly, W. A. Clemons, Publication guide, Bell Wartneano Malta' suga 'IOW oyer the ie,ss -pride I felt In
'Clerk,. ,
e • • t.., l• - . back leeward pampa lie 'to . go a., mile ..t
gested that we separate and hunt hhisa,tclyi-eano wfaie. ancvlorloyet)f:rie; ttxtiltelt fati
treatee, has autchee gilt by ,the throat, yori watch I found it was five minutes : and ferocity, I think I should have
;esenuest°sr ill PirrLs:i aig trts
a able time atter g o'clock, which meant tha t Moo been oarrS, tor ble. butchery.
n otaing lik oils mast, ataashioned we Wages thon lour hours' of den- le ei
acts nifl is r(e) There -la
idled the W-
I ...11...TeverY time / vie
remedy.,• • ', , light to return to camp, which eve ture lie preaented in that , last 4erce
IF A COLD, LONG NEGLECTED, or huproperly or so belowe nee. LabkIng at. my aeo reoently displayed so' much" speed
had left about B9Vell boars beforeo,
„.„ charge I to:tinted nier getters,toe the
. • rn3ceitini. Appearances., Rut noise ett. had' tries benerit Of tue reselt. A single cuff from one of
"What nahealtby-looking girl your dow,n grade to make up for hours tho.eo powerfel "Yams woold ,have
of -climbing.,
steeegrapber is.. She doeitain't look as • ended my bear...Minting ca.reea and,
thoUgh. she ever had a ay's ss
eh her life." • - • left alone, and I took a goeel look evere good enough to have
lane It wa,s the first time I had been worn though his. toeth were, they
at the surroundings. it, was rugged miale mine° meat of me.
.1"0 she • frequently has setae
n u lt to Emit anyone. Snolwecap- Out of the six- shots fired at the
pretty lbael spells," •
e o g
ped peaks toatered above ma to the bear, five took erect, but the kill-
• , . . e north and west, 'while to the south, , ing was done by that one shot over
' 4' Caaket of Peartee—Dr. Von gitan'e
Plneapele Tablets would prove a great , could 1 which I took to much tium. He could
Antes t� the' disheartened dyspePtle 'if he A e -a
hIllam srkseirtgirnoguttihteornapnineatorseeN:asio.tege. , lots,
be seen the elistinet range of : havo carried away vl
the, other bul-
except the on 'sent into his
would but teat their potency. They're yeti..
. table gems in.preventing the seating of . some With great .eftreading branches, ii head after he wag dead. The ball
stoinaeh disorders, bY aiding am Bulimia.. marked 'the fertile, spotsf; -while bare . that killed him struck fair between
mg dlgestioir-i.06 of these health "pearls" ' rocks, Jagged and tumbled about in 1 ,.,,,e eyes,„ meehreartang
to about
wgreeraet elli,ellreys,w.b.
oftimes 100' feet high, 1 Zw",1,00
in a box, and they cost 8-5- cente: . Becom, its natural' olz!e. It literallys
ere in_ sIghteThe AVirltd.
. i blew his brains out.' • , The first tahot
. mended by most emtnentpiL7sicians.--64 ,iwas sharp and cold and deublY*In i . b .ti
.. .. . .......
onie• aerved to madden lilin.
look at Bell and when he had dis-
My idea is that the working day will
continually grow sberter, while -wages
cootintially • go ,up.---Sainuel Gom-
1"1761sialtvIda zsnl ap that is --
What a,•,perfeet •
Of tete only Real '
Thin on' 'earth
That is worth •
Counting In the returns" •
Of -what a nutneeigns.
By etbe Ittlecte of his hands.
In adtlitnaiL.
Let ea pause in our night to el:insider
Mint will come to a later age
With -the labor forever deceeasing,
And forever increasing the wage;
tacit day 'will the hours be shorter,
Each day will the wages be more;
Each day will the labor be lighter,
Each day will they add to their store,
Till at last there will be no inme labor;
They will loaf and will reit all'the day,
With never a. strike on, and nothing
To do but to draw their pay,
Increased to a sum 50,,mighty ` ,
That all will be Mille:inane% .
Witte noboay eforkineand no one
To look tater labor affairs. •
The World will hove gone to Molloy,
And Labot will be so tare • '
That the rieh will be, trying to buy it
With the money theasette got -to spare;
And the world rat tome to standstill
eked liveen its past supply,
PCII: the man. with no work and -all.
an't find anything to buy.
• sey1 •
Vieon't. it be gay
When it gete that Way?
—William ;T. Lampton.
log In the shade/Wee I took n oast Wee o I love Arid to elm right, and
e. Bill hunted xne up lie emerge of time
appeared conipletely trom view,
the , and said he thought there was a
' pigeon -shooting match going on from
stepped out smartly, keeping
san to the right 71.nd partly behind
me, I tho apnea. I had fired a coupleaeot
In half_ an, hoer or so I came to ! khots from my. sixashoieter to -gdide
a ravine; thibugh untSh pas% : after atiekIng tree bear, apd was
•The moteutain_wee on the left, abet ainaleing a feeble attempt tcrekinethe
to del our to the left evould take me 1 animal. Rill Latta lirgest
far below and into the ground over i black boar bee had ever aeeit,
wide» Belt was. to tante otaikleeee added : ' •
no opening ahead, but, trusting that
one would show on turning a bend,
I trudged on „ e•anyons. Into.
which Indians were woat to decoy
"If you'd stetfaited a littee
cave would adied and reeved all the
trouble or Ishootine"
inaleted on °having paws and head
their pursuers, came to my mind ; left on. the hide and all went
but as there were no Indians about, aer.loothly until it came to. unjointe
soon forgot taat and began to ing the neck-, which would not une
adiairrothe eeenery. •The 'unexpected; Jcient. So we ekinned the. head. re
opening appeared, right, when 1 was after 5 o'clock when we finish-.
I rounded a little point, and there 1 ed, aeld earap miles away'. The greeo
also flashed into view a. diminutive, 1 pelt And paw& proved toe neuell kir
'but very pretty, little. Valley, With!, either of ats to earr,y1 and no it was
a. slough oft the bottom In which growing dark' and dangerouo to
water stood. A stubby growth .of. attempt packing it down tandem' on
initiates and trees. in the low. places foolle we oorecluded to hale it u.ntil
morning. We dragged it, to the eae-
tern. eed of the ra.vine and, rollina.
It Onagla, boosted it onto it ledge.
with the abate:, Jagged rocks tow -
ening above- on two'sttles, made It
neein a safe retreat for man or
beast not blessed with a better said peed rooks aboitit it. The cat -
home. I took plenty of thne end ete.Sis five left where it fell. Even'
scrueiblzed everything in sighteare- Auld. im omelet eating that abed ter
rutty. had kept on the surlily eide boar/Meat. Tiler() 'WM 11o, fat oe it
of the ra,vtile as far up itt: teottrd and' the late looked• tough and
find. footing, so all that :vas in the atreagye
Metre valley was_ spreadanet eber.ore mates after: lieoneloek where eve
Ine...A movement in 'the bush near reached camp, bat woe later emit -
the• water and the .saund of show- ram the next morning we ware on•
trim: dirt 'and small,: stones caught . loto image eal the mountains again.
my eye and ears, and I soon made Notlang had dleaurbed either ear -
out the tail -end ot a Wage bear ,..ease or pelt, eo we eoelcluded to
digging for- roots, SUP1908er, 1461110 hunt a tittle, and there le where we
le00 yards away. no Would disat" made oar MIStake. We followed
pear: alineet eritlroly freer view for oband -Wave we caught eight a,
few seeonds, and then back ilia for 'a mile or two, tool then switch-
throweng out a shower ot sell (relit . od oft atter a, fine big heck and
of a faded black 'ocelot, but his head' back got awaa, but we beaded otf
lila forepaeas. What teeld see was I went a couple of milea further. The
BABY'S DANialiai. "vet' eltd'v•e(1. ne Wa'a linnilredi the turkea, and bagged three, WI
feet aeloevi me, SO advanced 'as wean o at one allot Z
China began over the question of . 1„n - '.... ore. their r•resent 'good bealth itha -carefully as. bora& With. the view
The fact that ebecalled wattling of getting directly opposite e- killed ogle. aix Navajo endiano here
Aheir reffpectiVe etkersil of inflUence S14111,g,ggUlet,'!vee!',1 nIFAn_o naa.,,La incieneed vitality to iMs medicine. „ ) appeared on the scene and I thought
lie Corea, now, the neighbor Of, 'Ruesia, 17' ILF‘erOrrullbn eLVIrallY Isver Those
Or it tante,. ' ronettl-adid, I it , ; FARM BIJILDINGS But eaidee with Imola are not made item:beet time to look after mp bear
gills mike new, rich reit . Medlielleee pirt children to sleep Is tore firittg.
I 1 '1,1inole " etaits tire Whole atiaeet. Of tee Nifon. - no Elio that they ate helpful, 011
eeeton ent‘„tinit ch,tos. cow :We -1/1, 4, 13 , Nom , nem reetore ihattered uertreete, • Peke, for a Navaja,. Avila ateal front
• • • i B lo ntl bee Vast tile 1 resenrces` •
tWeen COrea And Celina had 'been or ivilt arrjig.d. 7.0.1:1„ tta? 1-11de pills, Ilere le n bit of atronge
For eeetureee the relat ono be- a 11. , derint•isn'tinEtils. Of Dr. WI liantAi Pink,
a family rather titan a pelitteal na- _ „ , late:of, tire.atle J. Cook, eeeo Boa.
tura Coreit Wits it eatellIte:'iliat fol. -Teen' etgatus edit the- atpedittoli to ton ante Ave. ,,,,..t•stAttos tcltrol.t
.10.sve41 In the train of Chinese elvile the relief of Pekia, appeal mine in
de4I frond a 'tomplioittlefi'ciifirreoh.
ization rittlter thee a tributaity eloee elanteat 'with the ttentiageete elanueatism, liver troteble and'
'State. 'rho wale:nest frienclehip ego •gt. ,illethela and itile,tlice other great value aboet .tbe heart:all adding to
fowl totween tile two people% ..oridt,reVetet and the tineltaretem opinion no, . mukty. .thornun,11 non ot la)r
they were still rurther !tinted, by
0_ __le .aprteeso mil:tory osperte wienneees, peen eggeoetaeee eta hod;
their cOmteon hatred keel perhope that their inen hall nothing to, tear tlow. lige of oro.
contempt of Jim aapaileare feolu 111'1 tonquIrieen„ and tiFtt tt.'t 4011,,,,t4 elm rill11$ have left ma and
th.4 op.1 rpglial in Corea grew least tier Alentie wartare ante etindi- . , tf
Weaker and threatened to ertnatile lioite her army Was better prepared A "it! vA,JoYttigi-klto °C`a
ft,Ways as had the. Old form or leov- than 'any oteer.Certolatly the Japan- r-rlinw44 'vete:wta'01.' Wile 'Also'
'element in Joplin ot the fleet eon- reuele0.1 mlicit Vinton aide to eopo with .it,r17,', 1/71'11:411''' rink.,„1111 18 1,1
()11 idlit genuine :
tett with weetern eivilientleii, the Mleelieraiev ilitot they el I roue rare .1'1
rottas ernag elfin` more to the lead- LIAO, and theta eenfl !eare, ; uot with- ll'A" 1.'1;1 1)14, 151-ok
PI Is roe Pale Peol.le," on tete wrapot
,„ g ateblg of Clanaaltled the tenpin. oat Jeatifiehtiort,
ittleee llscame triOre fintistoW. tlutt position in East Asia 19t 1 • fir°"1"d If in doubt
their vere'On tee weseetie ter borrow it vointhertlal term, °*over- •ttn'ti. Ot"ot' to- ,'1.11',L) by. Willtattve
xihonld 1) atteptel 1,Its hermite, extended,'" While. anomie! in (airmen.. •Alediritle Bioeleville, Ont., and
There itreee Parent thls them, . In , trate:Jetted adnate. of ImMedlittoluabe olive tide will be mailed poet pttiet
letlg. everet laelety, eompoeed or Mention tied rot effective !lad bilieetle '.01t)11 t" ttr IlizehoxeEl'e°r
,eteorle who Were tiwoeiglititit into dimpoeitioe or n11 ber resoureia. eleeeta '
L'Oft the "Tortahake," Which may In ease of wara'eturalatit line of COM -
be literally translated tile "Eastern munlestiett ley.Ana 'wit lite lintheillitte-1 eThere la a great tient of pleitaure
Lberning. Alen." The purpose.* • or 17 litte'rrnfited.' Hrr Iltic fs 141..helping man tooet feet,".
their asgoeirttlon wely pltrlothi; railWaY • %err imperfeete.dly eon. mead the otetilniate "Yes, pre:Vidal ba
',they coueflit ter premore the halo. etrualtad, autieffig throng!! hosiliff ter- tiblikenat turn around and ktek
16131..lidie3 Of ilin kingdOns, propa. ritOry fott bittidreds mites, • and Mend tlpo relit. •
t 1;
"No, .• 100.1.111, '10,4111,4,441111111,,..* • 111111.1114 a.
Sortie Valuable Iliforfbatioti
• Ventilatiort. •
. ,Deeetetneent Agrieulterek
iCeluiniesionere.4 Bennet, t
; •
At' tre. 'recent Ontario and ;Mari-
time Whiter Pairs, air. A. leet.
Own, of the Olt -Leek') Department of
Aurienitute, gave team 'valuable In-
formation on tun subject of veal:.
littion, and hie remarke are worthy
of teletext study byeevery farmer. Ito
Raul In .eitecte No one attempte to
deny ale • ineetertance or ventilatioe.
TM: removal of foul lemma etud o con-
stant emppla or treat aleole Justens
taceseary thatlie tbrift of . tattle ete
fooa and 'yet, the', best meant of
bringtnee, ibis itbOut, rentable, 10' a
gteitt extant, an nutoived problem,
Id° not think have yet seen an
ideal Systein Of ventilation for !arm
" buildings. TIM rtatilrements of a
geed eant,ern ventilotion ate; 1'
• 009.1.Stafit thatige of ale in the
etable. intrOduction and '
elletriatitioa ofefreele air WHIP:Int
laVratiett Ole
the coattail* theee era dadieettala and foe still work over rocks, ana I
dintInetly etarinfule-the 1
- 1 t t • Y
. •
the bear ranne Tr° tontri the ear.
lamenelb1114, the seat or the trouble allowed bes bead fookag in mei dltre o
has elot teenier melted. NeNer give tion, rearing that he would "take twn ° ' tow
*•(' bee owe father. Ilerreall back to
We one' taa had gone 50 rade I reallied that he ' *
been tnerely deugged n o enaporalY haci heard me. Ile etorped Laming and eieas undisturbed, boa the; akin waw
• child an opiate except ander the rright rt,o(ir 000ko, myux,tui wu foto had ditpappettred. We tried to fellow,
'Weetehail 'ea° or it competent physl- eitoulder rineafired. A flare° snarl tOld the traelas, thb gni:mg wo,S troo
rockY, antl We Were 000n at fault.
dam, and reteember that all "tooth- Inc that I Intl litt the mark Koine,
. ing" medleinte .eonteln opiate% whew ; hut .the pptuo mese \omen te,. Then we eaneeleat ilie beat pinta of.
vantage told eeeened the moulitale-
- Witte yotte little tine le not even, etneteil In my direetion else seewed if> de, but nothing Weld eve Atte. / WAS
When it has ally little tab -mach or la lete
bowel trouble br 0117 Of the minor , hit his litert. It also (10511011 over 010
0 . O. eg I theareittel tied disheartelled. I
animate of the little °nee, give it ilor, r had ,,,,,E,„(1 ,,,,,edkegly ,,,I,,,,,L wn.,,,0,1 11111100 T Wanted myeelf, but
OWRI TaddietS ond it will be 1119 eseereng, far it wan now evident teat (leant bring the bear akin hack.
- safe. The medlebto is ealti under h that thr.Avii itadi seento Inca It noti.,11 We Invited &neither day—anxiottokr
guaraiitee that it e,,ontaIns nO opi- blet head niant me. What I etyled for the thief who stole the teelt and
half-heartedly for another Unar, but
ate or liarneflil aele nher mot.' befialient lieeprehabla Palled a inan •
ther Who 'Ilan mood thle medicate leant. _ . . Miami neither. killed ft mall
_ had she will tell yott how her little ,IV:o raviolis/teem of the s'ituation forked -horn .bittek and We broke eatrip
01100 hits thriVed tan/ grown ' ,earal ito when found could not land came beak to town. The neat
Arad etreing eater triklog the Tableta itagnel 01111IM 11,14 lo,eame tear. bear !skin get will Iltid etttn*
Mr. T. ,-B. wall-knOWn legetewera Me, owlig lo Ile peculate, ing oet It eight and dap lentil it
(Inagua, Oelinavet, Ont., Attalla "I swaying Met° %anti quick hounde in ettfela' landed in rivilitri,a00. 00 Our
etcn farms, recommend leaby's Own alembering tip AIN' halifiliP. • flreti way In We pr.eked up a alteung feat
Tablets from the isplehelid reaulte' eaton who., ese won nie ety) ;weals IOW Satd he had *darted from
they have giveti my customers. and *twat, hot Itt, rattl attantion to the OP 1.1°k.t eounti-Il Arl".416. "N'en
• from hailing unci..1 there In our own ,.1.1tst, ceoarit thset tie eaan,ca to come &Lae berore on ft pony &nu luta boeti
rolne." Yoe tAki kiNt. tho Tablets Vat trader.. broke out in it coid ra4301.1 kr( the piony a hand a
front tala druggiet, or by tortil trona oentetet and Would hate, given any or Novajoil ,innt went ot mt.
The Dr. yitillie,m,q Mt id:tine Oca, BrOck- lojaftaing tight Then have befin That volley. Ttrolstbly (varied
vine, Out., at elie cede a hex, tival tr) ,the. fifth floor of bear ifktn.—.1.