The Wingham Advance, 1904-01-14, Page 6itit-tir 4)W.‘11. W Xiolet, "WEI
eyou rotor Me with the first, itis
rt'etiewered "Xeo," because elle
• dhl mit know how to ream himh
ei be. hlea .that thee kind .
• telug le .• • •u wr II Untie g•iSkt 111 a
I .0 Iiir ' I," eel 1 t I •• thven.
isee sue ;tit
Tho qe whom neglected' coughs
have killed, were mice as healthy
anti robust as you.
DMA fellow in theirpatbs of
neglect. 'Take
, More Than Fifty VarictieS Spoken in
Different Parts iif the South.
A Patroe of cane walks. or
with o thael Meet an admirer
dif cake -walk musts oiiglit be juetified in
i 1 0 S Itlete Wit' Sun, that there are more
mot tbinking so, bet the fact is, says the
than Arty Separate• dialects amoug the
• 1,11:, ;ate a tate et (Oirewoote '
vi o 1, ' b vi.,ry 1 1 11,:aut," r• - Shl h'
Vielet, elre•ly,
' "It Wattle, if yint were, there," I it - — •
"It Le all vc-ry, eontinneti eir lie its weettliy and
Owen, "for philosophere to say there loaner freely." ,
lo rettliing in beauty. That te Violet'a face etaal quite a light upon
Ll mistake; every Seeman ought de ma She centinnett:
to be beautifnl, 1 _will go go far "People any that his plate is Fee
ae tide-- I would rather marry-, a
:Wernart with great -Weer,* and a
tbotteahd faults, tlian pialn- we-
t:Dan Walt the ',Alaimo of an Ample
like teneething pleasant to look
tette •
sine those idette or tbe millionaire
wore goon Tenetwe through"t 111° epee ie it. How wonderful. it. tenet
heigilb°th°()41. BetureY' wa° at a P'"i•-' he Felix to live. in such a grand
tom; 4/141 lo fae"?4 gar° 4° leektare
to have sa much money anti
Sir Owen Clievenia' very' soon he- 0'0' ittanY hixurlua '
clime tile great man Of the county:. "I • know eoneething that I would
Re did not Kite Oldetone, but he tud aeteee. sake pease
likes to speild
perb. Fellexe 1 Phoned lire eo eat my
dinner 'oef golden plate."
"It weeihi be no better far Crate
'Violet," he replied, longing wall 1t1t.
liet heart to be ab' to Make inne
smell, a, present. "Yoe. knee- the say-
ing aboat the dish or herbs?"
"Yea, I know it, hut 1 do not bee
conteet, •
ti I • tl an all Sir Owen's lee-
ra tor tale 1 . , , .
like Lllford; he bast little patience
eWbet is it ?,' site asked eagerlY,
Witb the .gentry', but be liked the
"Your•love, Violet." And ehe knew
13cP4rtl° ufluires' Ile wa""e Iaviall that bo meant whet he eald.- .
In hts °Nene so extrara•gent, in his ,
expenditure, that the tradesmen of , . CHAPT,ItIt X.
/..elford looked epee bInt as an espee- . .
tat gift of Providence, while bis cent- Under one of tbe epreliding elute
or the viearage lawn etool
ing seemed 'to have given !refill life eutee eta," tantieg to Iter
to the county.
•When the month of blossoms came lover, They were watch -
round Sir °Wen- Was (elite settled at ing the contest for a sneer arrovv,
enjoying the falinres and mistakes
Garawood, Ile: bed won golden oplio tv,hieni were out of all proportion
3ions-by not going Ilia to town for the
fifpason. Now that dm was a landed on eine
to the successes, 'Tem suelight fele
proprietor, he declared his intention thigelug the golden hair
nett', deeper gold, meking the fair,
of remalning on his land. ' flower-like facet, still fair, bright -
He had already' attehded ote or ' ening tile white dress Nvith golden
two meetings or different !chide at •gleams. '.4.8 she steed there, her
• Lilforel, and he received an tnvita-
• tion tram Dr. Hunter, the vicar, erimaee 'Ups parted; smiling at the
bright seene before her, she look -
to a'ttent the anneal festival of .ed like a picture of something al -
the school children, held always in . most tokt fair and ethereal for
the month ot May. At first he had
ee earth. 'Her lover *as steer leer.
thrown it conteraptuously asit"te For him the fete had eaught but
' Mat had he, the sporting baronet, Violet. Ile was supposed eti be
as he liked 'to hear himself called, watching the arobers-he wee look -
to do: with school children ?. He bag at Violet. 'Ilhe sunlight was of Antinoten, the grape aof. Apollo,.
: seat a cheque which caused the not so fair. to him as the• light In compared wiell that ?" . •
• good vicar to oPea his eyes. Then, her eyes, The harmony the,e eame "Yoa"Will remember you hare'Pro-
ettine one hating told hint that all rrona• ,the whispering wind, the miserlame the, first queslielles Wise
` the elite of the eeighborhood at- . silvery , muimur of langhter, the Elaye. 1 eee Leda Rolfe. --I mute
colored population of the South,
thaught sir Owen ; "alai there heti caksumption Any one who has travellal through
phell be the gnexa 0s Lim feto 1( I I . .
'e'en mann • IL." Aloe, he Foal « ' Hate tire The Lung- . the tid• ewater counties •of Vir•ginia is
, yea teten hiarewooe, ellas lia,ye e '• Tonic " aware that the speech of the tegeopopu.
"1 neve, twee in the n ark," realled
Miele "14,.et I have Lot well the
'There IS plenty dt lei.reu for totete The eing-song -speech of the camp.
• there, I , am genet in love with. the -
right now.
lt is guaraateeci to elite,
aeve niyeelf-it bee snt fine old
It has cured. many thousands. .meeting negro from the hilly part of
tatee, sueb grand oaks auci elneie suite • Prices 25c., 5Qc. and $1,00 •Northern Georgia differs essentially from
frauand: all that *Intl of *thing.' ' the softer and more melodious speech el
t• Se O. Wale ft Co.
.lation there differs materially from that
, used in the cotton ilelds of Alabeina.
Violet wondered whether It was
fashionable to be ediveye'spealeing of
'"that kind Of thluges 0114 why il,twas
that the baronet lin.A.theit a dearth
of ideate- Bea looked up at lain se tu- . • .
eleit eir Owen ainioat ie-
etgenteregy Ale ONIA* OWING EX -PRESIDENT. Inany,,. the Frenchaccent and intona-
tionare preserved. • In South Carolina,
"Were you going to aek Any- • as Seep Niore Administrations Than which has, relatively, the ,Iargest negro
Hee (nee fattlied again) remembee-• •Any „President 'History, population, there are foiled in the tide-
inabble •'water•eounties the -Guinea nogrom whose
g tat -elle bad tbougjec
thoughtlien rich, iovoly ,
Mr. Clevelene has lived M the time, of dialect it hes been fouud for
' coior•go-
more iulministrations than any one who Inany'visitors to understand.
11110 l'-tiliel'"Ing49141.eillgiglatItileerQestteen(ttintel.170-
-• has ever' been President; seys the New In Southern and Southwestern tlis-
life; "Ise give' her time to reheter York Sum He Was born tri 1887. In seed the negre dialect differs eetirely
liereelf lie addressed. 69111e ,•indiffer- that year, 1elartiu Van Buren eves he from whet it is elsewhere. in the South,
ent remark to Flix, • augurated 'President, Consequentty. gr. and in the Indian, Ter y, there
Ho Wan not histed any re, - Cleveland has Jived in the 'adnunistra- is a considerable negro population, many
maeicable eon -Leafless, WShreang bars.? tions of an Berme the short terra of Wien phrases and Indian enethods of
,onet to whom fortune had been so • Willient,,Benry Bardeen and the re- "speech have beceme incorporated in the
Wad. He was tail and: thin, Without' nutieder of the term to which Tyler speech of the colored populatien.
arty Kftntty or ease or, manner; his secceeded; also in the administrations •
gait wee awkward, his hands tend of Polk, Teerior, Fillmore,' Pierce, B11 -
palpitation' of the Heart
erme gave one the intitresslon teat alutuan, Lincoln, Johnson, two terms. of
they were Imam then be toilet man- Chant, Rayere.Gardeld, Maher Benja- • -• • . .
were dark with' a fartive etderees the admintstration of Roosevelt -in all, •
n'oroete, Vete . Utley, IT,Y,
'the Louisiana negraes from the region
of Numbreites ana rice liaise
. •
The negro reee in. the .Scnith is •essexi-
• • ' and Louisianrat;hvbere
the reminders or. Feeeelit ocempation are
age. '1110 little was black, his 0Yes rain Herrisou, McKinley and thtts fee •-• • ' e. • • • •
ramt or Diiiy
elone1x hati a dark }tetra mous. eighteen, and, including hie' awn,
tacbe which drooped over creel lip; twenty.
his face was a strange Miettere "tif •Mr and Nervousnessclevelend bee oot only , lived in '
moral•Weaknees and brute tercet 'WI the administrations mentioned, but he' RELIEVED IN 30 MINUTeS
voice: was unpleasant ; there was no
, bas lived to see six Vice-Presiclents . ,
mellow ring in it, nontisnele i it W9.8 eeed to the Presidency, three a them - Dr Agnew's IIeart Cure not only cures the
cem- , heart, but the nerves no well. In a trice it
high. clear and ahrill ; 'but thde --Johnson, Arthur mideReosevelt-e
ee 1 mimeo peen, tn a, tevieleleg it VI estvettIt
wore a .eaperb diamond pint and 'Mat ing tp the White House through the ItrgtIrer tribi; Nairgki:f "Or renliedruree
reond rings; his dress was a mar- tissaesination a their predecessors. The ny anew moss an ct Is an benefit, baredess,
vel ear the talbette art, end he hadweak, hearts, weak
ani income of forty a year. others were Van . Bueene. Tyler mot
Fillinore. nwo°rIvi'edreviuleale.embleodoYd.for
What was the grand manly: Iseaaty, .. , ` ' •Me '20
40 doses, .
. . Dr: AdneW s Liver Pills,
The feet that Mr; Cleveland is the
only President who eneceeded hot:welt - •
tended the fete, he went.
a field near the vicerage the
, school cbildren played to their
: hearts' content, while .in the vicar-
age grouads the "elite enjoyed th'em-
selves le termer fashion. The atilt -
tory band from Oldstone wee there,
pretty white tents were erected;
there were croquet and lawn ten-
nis, quadrilles for those who liked
daneing,• • and -archery for thOSO
thesr could criticize her dress and " My darling," he said, "why have : or. Secure your , tic ;eta ot, rand Trunk,
her manner, but eacir one knew she YOU prem sect o tome le •
• • Agent, Tonga street, Toronto; Oat,' -
Was simply the ntOst 'beautiful wo- horrible teen . •
man presentt
notes of the air that the band pay my devotee to her, aed • with
- WW1 1481Ying held not suehl music sialoev bow Sit Owen( turnedtawa,y.
as her voice. Many eyes lingered "What eplentlicl diamonds!" 'Mimi
on the leatidsome couple under the Violet •
great °hie Men looked with envy. "What e horrible man 1" thought
Many it man there would have giv-
four erre after his first administration Husbalid Was Not in
it well 'known, and is to be gelded to the
a.nd ?" as. led the ; ri;i4 col-
otbet unusual things about his political'
••r• ' lector, cheerfully. .
_ e . "No," anstifered the woman, oho
s isn't at home." •
In Going to New York
Be sure that your tielietii rein via Greed etellector. . • . • •
Trunk aud Lehigh Valley route of the "Black
Diamond, E res a Musts •Clie' direct and °Well," the ,woman replied, thOught-
• "Expee•ting'hine seen ?" asked the
$59000 Rewatid will be paid by
1" Levee $rothers
Limited, Toronto, to any .person who
can prove that This soap contains
any form of adulteration whatsoever,
or contains any injurious chemical.
.Aelt for the octagon ran as
A Hard Working /lateen.
Stage etituer girls with visloile oL
mitialetet enppers, boxem of candy and
retmentto eovelet will probably: be
stoulted to know that Idlea Rose
Shoe, the Cineinnati girl, who man..
agew her own ,opera. company and
Wage the leatieng- Ivies, Weeds lier -
lettere hours-wideh. are not mailY
-la the attuty; ott history.. History
bee been her great hobby ever since
alto was a obild, and now eatery( nioe
merit, when not -oecitpled with lute
daticia ae manager or Kinn'. donnn.
finds her poring over her bletoriete
She as; '1 find it More fascinating
than novelA or fancy; work or SO-
oiety-ttaonigli I love my frien.ds. I
believe that any one litho is unfam-
iliar with history is only, half mbas
oated, said I believe that a -thor-
ough knowledge of. bistory! is a lib-
eral edueetion in theelf." , ,
Minard's I,iniment Curet; Genet in Cews.
Exposition at
The oompletion of the werliro
eta tunnel, Simplon, is to be cele-
brated in 1905, at the nearest
important Italian' city, by en inter.
national expatition, for which pre-
parationo are now being made. A
fund of -$600,000 ,hrts been edged, and
the Kin,g of Maly lute promised to
aid the undertaking in every pee -
bible way.
The. oenneittee which hao the mat-
ter in charge announces that only
1Laiian will be Permitted to ex-
hibit weeks of 'fine art, but that the
departments of transportation by
land and "water, .navigation of . tbe
air and theklivision dealltig with the
quetstion • of protection from . . (tech
dont in the aranseiai•tation world, "as
well ao the so called decorative
arts exhibite, may be international
I.r, character, It le also provkled
tnat only Ouch products shall be ad-
mitted for exhibition as have an
actualetechnial far artietie
en lialf had in, tile world to 'Violet had been struck walk the brearr teiror ali Canedianpoints. Be this fully, "I don 1. enow..eleactly ; l've the object Of thtS rule being to pre.
fruottica,neegrani.eptiolagnteLeinhilailese410 lieen joolein' for -him 17 years, and he Vent the exhibition of cheap bazaar
stand by Violet's tilde as an *ac- gems, Feint end been Chiefly, hue heee t turned up yet. Yoe. travel articles.
cepted mutter. 'Women looked with p. ressed by the awkward gait and iota teeee station:a tuNew"Yerkenitownnear,•
. •
&dont a, geed deal; and if yoti see n,
man hville" looks' as though he'd make
me • a ,,pretty goad "husband, tell lent
I'm, sent a-waitiee and, send /11m
aleing.neeTit-Bies. Passing the Viiord along.
. all AretteTass tateis; Atm aowntowienear tat
jealous admiration: they could say /ungainly carriage He turned to
• - huro ean steameneetocitg, saving Mown -
who enjoyed eleettng. Sir Owen just what they liked'. about her • 'Violet.
.fers or ,Europeta Mel and.sexppsive trans-
Chevenlx, having heard that ell the
'Pretty girls in the neighbornood
would be there, 'decided On going
himself. No one but. Dr. and Mrs.
Hunter knew of, his intentioU, and
they lead kept It a. secret, intend-
ing to surprise. their guests. • AS a
matter of conese ,beautiful Violet
Haye Was to be there. Evelyn Les-
ter had. been invited, and the vicar
had discussed evith: his wife the ,ad-
visability of sending an invitatton
'to, Felix Leetsdal,,.
beet b t Lewitt Creethiaurassen er
• "lTh.rrlbh, 1" cried Violet. -",Do -van -' • t • ‘-ete. • '••
• ,- At Kit Inspection. . e
The fete was at eta height. Prom know how, Hell and how great ne is, ,
the meadow came the hearty. tehouts- 1 °1•Ix ? 1 ' • . It as kit insp'
ection Says' the Lan-.
oli the child_ren at playSeeklenly
"..That makes litre even' eribre bora: clidn ../intswiers; and the afferent coins
there seemed to be a Might comma,- ribie--ft Is so : many rea,gniiiden't pantos of the battelibn `tire're'stand-
tion among the guests, and Felix gifts wasted. You must -not dance Lng with their kits on the ground the vicar standing with a gen_ with lilm; 'Violate but with me., You in front of ?thane The •sergeantenajor
tieman who was certainly not re- aro mineyou` belong to vie. I can- wee reakeng the eezainIntetion, When
markable for the handisemenees of not let you go to. him -oven tor one ,
ins eagle eye dotted ,the absence
hispersonal appearance ibut the dance -et -en for five minutes..",e , , . or soap in the 'kit of PrivatetFenn,
vitae eestned to• be impressed by his 1, lotet laughed. and hee demanded what 01t011FO the
millhere is a Meek • tatIrk' pzeasenee. Then CaptainHill joined " 1 Inuit dance with Mar now tbat
mate had to elve
a.galest (the whlole family," them and -the vacs,r went away, leave I x "
. have promieed, Feli• • 1 .", . • . • .. • 1 -
geed the vicar, who forgot at timee ing the two men together. " I do not think I Shall be ale to.' piazei ' .001`r. it',u. nn used, , said
that his Gone!, Was the Gospel ol eedure in 'theta,. I. ant. afraid, if I see Ktetlan. te, .. • • • • . a,. - • ,. '
Peace, and . thought; more of justice turned to his'1;1 d- ith Ili" ' lds hand- tiouching yea I shall strike 1 e vF'eui- '''
, ohouted the sergeant -
The new-oolnarr Sir Owen Cheve -t
than of mercy,, "I do not say. that . .. ,elli - w. id !I. emile.. it aside." , . , • -, - , •• , -major. i'Why; the first :cake. Of soap
It is notthael, !diet I t . i •
eee "nothing thaa re laf'5vii •e ;Cr the She ' laughed. again aft ' a child 1. had sereed to the my htt la,sted
Da,rcyteLonedale was -guilty. of •that -
ming." Laurette ' wile. pants 'at hieded ,er,un,, me -three ' years,. 'while you ate not
trouble of co. ' P * Ill
'which was laid to his charge, but
there is a mark against him." -Captain RIII tuen•eci elteittt," and' foe Owl -lief,' never dreasehig -Wet/.ranks yet:tallow"' do
' it at year • -AM
grea Min -tree. '
area.' latune sudriett 'Aeatie •• .- i :you tabeountefor that?" "
" the fa,ther, ltaniel, but 'motioned to the t
Minard's Liniment Cures- Colds,' etc.
Phtiadoiebta Press.
, Leyerts.Y.OVise HOad)Disinfectant Soap
PoWderie a ,boon to an home. It (lain-. ptiw8ieh-oTsilacyrneawmaantilS
atto oicure,
foots apeteleaes at thee:trait time. • boss of .the" hoese."
• a- e you' mo or.
• Dla (calling • from downstairs) -Tell
Her onty 'Remedy. Bridget,
for. an enewer ?
•He -Bete if a. man won't take , no •
Puck, , „
pplittatiatteerrs Neteauni,d4
AT THE HEAD oP 1,11EhysTn-ok Tie relieving .
She -Then there is only One thing
Bilk/ .(10(.3
the' ert ea,n'do-say *es -et) some one*
else." • •
Babe'Hitneors„-Dr. Agnew's' Ointment'
seothe,,quicts and riteete ouicii.and%effectIVe.
Ibsen is Broken Down.
curefele bAlAkbveruptiona comment() baby, The latest oews eoncernine Risen's
health,ls-oe a serious kind. °A Vienna
•derher teetning lime.: It to the
no e son, • That is t le prett est s gh n ii Bezeina,,Sait Rheum .and all. Blda, Diseases -
hair, in .caties of ,Scald Head, ana, cures. adolertoisteittnetealioregrctesnttirtat v‘ilsiieteidia- shinpir..ati,
tierely lost his speech.," The '7/lector
thatluadrille ,withi yeti, Felix," site plcion of a twinkle, as: he replied; • of oideapeopie. d „c'e1i 0„.-,5
"You might as well try to distln- vo,sode,,, Ito romarked, and a curl -
'but really, 1 did rot know- , , •,"Plazat some el .wash 'every ' tia,y.e 1 says further: ".A.IsO Ids faculties ' 'are
guish between husband and wife as oes light came over the heavy face of 6-14$
how to reface.' I was quite -ember- . dind thle sergeentereajor walked on - ' • ' ' • " 't ' - impaired. Ris loss of memory is pat-
teetvreen father and son," rejoined Sir Owen Chevenix. as he gazed. At ticelarly noeiceable. In consequence of
the vica,r. , t ' , I I the Beane time some keen, subtle hi- rasseid-..yoo' meet. have4 epee it. w tendie.dhe e
nttire eompa,ny 'grinned. ,
. . . . . . -CANADIAN-NOBLESSE.--
"There4.11 another thing," said the Stanet which he could not ander- .
• I feel - that- te• 6.3"glit to dance Flinn awes had 'elle faintest sus -.
1 1"i'e ( . „ these defects he cannot work. Ibsen is,
h e , What Sett et People the -,French. genet the picture of a, helpless old mane'
foneatie lady• "we must ask Vice atitaidi told Captain Ettil that he had How Lady Rolfe will Watch)-.1ne..She S'FATE OF QIDO feta Or, Toegeo,} - - in fact, eompletely broken up. Ile.pre-
3 1.904
M Wineluws boating eyrup sleight
arivaw he for Children Teotelint. It
seetbes tes child, sonata thereinto, cares wine
toile ana le tee teat renusly for Panacea
Rooms 48.49 Victoria Arcade',
18 Victoria Street Toronto' Ont,
'Phone Main 8704,
I/D.1MM in
:Direct private wires to all exchanges,
Maywhat oh:: Jell Ciao per buelte before
Des optiou (mein% Wo eandle accounts of
1,000 busbels ana over on 1 percent margin
• •
Write for our opeclal letter.
Dronelt Office, 190 Elmo° StMeterboro
'Puerile 860.
- TO
on the STOOK NXCITANelt.1 Without
All losses, if any, reduced, to Re rem
cent. Man placing you on both eines
of tee marker. 175 enables yew. to
°mete co mimeo. 'Write for eartioulera.
P. 0. Drawer, 2030,
eta, .u. 1 tlata I
in lots of 10 to 100 acr,es ft:triple in the
=IL4! tillailligg(121 M. 1.17g
this property. All conveniences of the uay.
T.erins very reasonable. APPly
P. 0. Box 98, Winona, Ont.
RAT ,.We w •
.A 1111ollermaKerinti
pro...e business, an (emotionally gooti
ell -the yettearound money-maker, eileee
s full rti;
the stamps. and addrett-S:101.1:niltirld '54pgly
Co., Hammon, Out.
• e
• • Thee Prickly, Heat.
Chicago Beard Herold.
"Don't you. tbink," leered tdrs. Old -
castle, "that the now minister is int t
(dined to be 'pedantic ?" '
"Oh, / don't know. eofilali thinks se,
but It mightn't be any thing butt the
prickly heat.
Pill;Dosed with nauseous, big purgers,
prejudice people against pills generally. Dr.
Agnew's Liver Pills two revolutionizing ale
P111 demaud-they're so pleasant and easy to
take -the doses are small and so is the price,
100 tor 40 doses. Billionsness,
ache, Constipation dispellel. Workellte a
charm. -53
#1. Daring Man,
. Chicago' Post.'
"He. Is the kind or a man, who eoUt•ta •, understand." ,
8...0 c say so. iy he
doesn't h•esitate to opeu flirtation,
with any young widow he meets."
Minard's Liniment Cures 'Distempers,:
• In Furdoin. ••
This for shadings lute. been -
Parried even let° the furriers
main. nemolesitin tie shows lineft oe
seal in' Van Dyke effect, and until 1
_ono ilea 'erten .tha combination -one r
cannot qiiite underetend have Oven
the dark brown „ fur hernmeizeit
teltb the knoke 'brown ,ot ehe,
. , 3.01c1 the other day time het daug AFtt. OITAT • - •
lettShe is, in truth, the great- melted crueley.
ast attraction we ellen have to of- "You 'ere right,' agreed sir ter, that 111,41Piel lot:tieing girl, was pnellajtenesee makes oath that bets the Ilttmdianser.1750 Were.
ler more beautiful ,thete t.. She. itt
not see how theyrehat be parted on ' at Violet -"that Is by far the pret_ not,' in She, 'Felix cf(3'.°01..1;171tylilitlitlit'll'aittfiFijoerlefin,lid,:a'faa‘Cfsiftagne-Ydrmt rntoawl' "e'TutieinFgagili? trI°Mr '011tacitiratiel: IF GIN PILLS 130 NOT CURE.
der, and, as they: are lovers, I do , °Wen Choronlx, too-eg intently
h 1 Tne line that asketi the question Nem pa the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL.
Ouch 'an occaeloo'.'" • , 1 tle,s-t sight In the grounds. W s , 7
' 33
Were of the loveliest crimson, the LIES or each and every- case ot CeTentak )clian teiageeinee Mee. A., G. radley
ighall do it -against met "wine, re. tita,t young ladyy e" -gAn,lictArnng be cured by, the tse of He.m.'s gives an interesting Pitture of the
marked tbe vicar. . 1 "Mies ;Violetreplied tile' eyes that loohen into his were like
"Weil, tha.t is far better than not , captnen. Ail honest impulea iti.omr,tee, violets; *keened indew, the feee uetore m• 01tItaltiind,Keuibeo.11beEdNilinrm.i.• 'Canadian noblegise of the later • part
doing tt at all," replied Mtg. Run- 1 lain] to add: "She 1,s engaged to Felix smiling before lam was like+ blutrite
ter. "It will be a. kied tost ; Lonsdale," but a subtle sense that wee; that • the worde Weep foolish preeenee4issthub,s,.(4.1)domber,A,D.0,88 part of the "French reginie. He gays ;
, wecetee tha.t people seeta still Of Felix! sack a. atatement would be displeas- I 'The Canadian noblesse, however
never occurred to hint. • e ..
e....,--, . . t, ,
- . , A, T. oLEAsoef,
again." • • "Will roll introduce me 'to Miss ben ntiful than any otie 'else," he Males en:there, Omit isteken internal] ana matter in. its. inception and, though.
I, quadrille With .Sir • Oweni: l-,.stup„.!-+', of the system. Solicitor t,estimottials, free.
twins 'given, to him he - atoidel have lurkl ; tbe captain did not like it.1 PT° " ', , • ., .
placed it .101der his heel and have It would be better for Mrs. Hun 'rt
I must, indeed,. she replieu. • Bombs an eruggists-75e. , girl:ring but little substance. just es .
an eatly Go -Verner et Virginia Wrote •
ilt h.e lead known how and why it The light in his eyes. bad grow -n , . ., , • . " - ... P. a'arfENEY a VO Toledo, 0,
*gone twenty miles in an opposite ter ta do that," he replied. "1 • am Prcrarivetr me half niad tO think. Take Hairs Family Pills MI:Constipation- . that everybody Wanted to be a gen-
direetiole; as it eves, tt gave him not one of Mies Ilay.e,'s friends:, • of it; ' Violet, do you". not look at * . - ' • - -I . • - 4 ' ' • tl ti :
Neillo% 31,11rehle. emair, so •the seventeen t century.
an unbounded pleasure. He was to • air Owee walked quickly, e,e.a.z. him .ait you lOok at nie-do not -do
The squire's pretty daughter (exam. GOVernors of • Canada reported that
e o e t a g 111 , Ming the village school) -Now, children tahapraet,e,wiatsotti unnoliTN'tsval,'wortaiiviing to get
meet 'Violet ; he 'would spend the T,bero was a look ion his face of earn- not let hie; knOvv• how Sweet yetir
whOle day witit 'her; he would see 011 'VI I t I ha11 0 ad •
nee tPurPoSe when be saw-. hire. Iluit- "mil° 11
tan you. tell me what a iniraele is if'
her beautiful and .oelmired, Yet ter. She listened to his request, and ..
if you. ttio r
The children loolced at one an t'l ' what barren accorapanements, and
elm 'wandered at the strange light on , e Yott 'tviLl have to go mad then a.ssumptione Of empty rank were cont -
.:with. the proud coaselousness that Again elee laughed. • i ' '
she was his -all his -his promised ete rata. men end easy t in EL eountry
t but "reniained silent. . .
o ler,
Lontidale, we must not ask lam ' ingto Sir Owell, restrained bins. "My tlaxliog. you . are far More
! itelhee3.,peeete wee an _artificial 'affair,* 41, forced
directly onthe blood and mucous suf.:laces
00 Pelix received an invitation. Raye?" tusked the baronet. sal:1, ' "V.folet, yo t must •4111:,33
a very distinct ;Oder of aioelety, acs
- . Felix foe I cannot dance with blin , .. where, outside the °Metal - list,
te• m no one answer this question?"
point in les reflectiong he reraena Said. "01 course I will, :with the "Von are mine, Violet. Ir I had a neither robie nor simple at that time
wife; and when lia- reached that i "Introduce .you to Mies Ileye ?" she nee a stele,. eau tee
bered how elle had raised her face greatest or pleasure." Then, oddly, Lovely, FC re and pre -Ohms lily; falidilld
to his with: the laughing words. I earno subtle uoubt crossed her mind; I like every one to touch, it and in -
a "militant idea. She eeld , up her hand only on the' river front, formed the ,
have not quite promised," 6t111, that but she would not think or hate its sweetness ? Yen are my own
sa Sure as Violet's. ) . milt of life outside the few Owns.
meant nothing; 'there was no troth , it for one Itionlent. Sir i, -you belong to me." . excitedly. •
The prospect ot that one day to The log houses or the peasant tene
dre's datigi
Owen Cheyenne Was the great per- I ' " Here comes Sir Owen," said Vio- I "Well, Nellie?' the Kt itei
be spend with her delighted him. ' entre extended along the river front,
sonage of the entertainment, the Let, cutting Aunt the passienato ' Asked, smiling approval.
great attraction of the fete. She ' words. " / retail not be long away "Please, miSs," the • small child re- while the scarcely superioe turtnsion
He sat tip the greater part of the , mast certainly clo as requested. Why I from you, Felix"; and, daying her plied, breathlessly, "mother says it will of the seigneur, with the inevitable
inight.eo that by 'hie unusual boll- ' not? Violet Hay° tv,ote a beautilul: white hand on SitOweire arn, they bo a miraele if you (hetet marry the new met and not seldom ,ft parish church,
day business might not metier. It girl, and it was.only reasonable that ' wont away together. . , 'curate"-Tit-Dite, t stood close at bend. Trilling rents,
the new orate asked, who was. steed -
A little -.
WaS suddenly struck with- clothes. SIgneuries, large in extent,
earned ,much more thantheir food or
ing behind the Squire's daughter.
eovered with dense foresti, cleared
seemed to him thu ttme would never everyone should admire her. ho she
conic when he would meet Violet, Walked across the lawn with Sir
Nor had beautiful 'Violet Ilaye Owen, wito was tlto obServed Of rill
g .
had foreseen, gianteit of
wonder follovved her and her mina
and tholo paid, 'When pan at all, in
kind,' jast gerved to keep this strange
141100388les Of noblemen' and bis family
been unmindful of the cominfeteebservers. •
. in food and clothes. teen this result
Her fat
wait no clowl in the blito eky, no wail annoyed; here WtVe till'. girl chosen Was 110t. alwaes achieved, klegs 01
her bad looked grave over The bean shone just as bright, titere pardon. Lady Rolfe WW1 bitterly
given to him; but Violet had de- hi the .sweet western wind, the flow- 1,y Sie Owen, when lier own danglitete 4 • .., , ' Franee having more than' once to
the Milliner's bill widen it Wati
termined on being queen of the . ere did. not dreop or tremble, the rat Unnotieed. Aire. Hutiter did l'all0 195teut"' not . transatlantic nobility froM - titerva-
send out, preielsioni to eave theft
fete, Mrs. Dr owrison, Mrs. Baled- 'lfavos did not quivehey r, as tmight know' whether to be gLad or sorry; During the year the space devoted
titihernetithee even their 'it and
ers, and Alias Stanle,y would cer- }Ave done could they It 114 known o•f course it watt it great thing to to tedteatislhe MINAILD's LINiMEN11 daughhe tere .Worked in tfield. What-
. S
talue t
ly bhere, perL
leape even ady weat woo drawing near, have Sir Oaten thre
e, and to, 111111a : /wil coot Ali! exproolions .or et, emcee ., lloys e et011C.not
Rolfe, and she must be dreesed Violet nor her lover kaw (.TI 1' 111-Intselt itbd evideSee ntlY reel .s° tale Hound 'front People. who sPeakel enObeibisri
SUltable to meet tboac potentates, the two until :dm IIunter neolte, tterfeetly at home, hu t Sir owen should : from personal experience me to tile arty to tolled, any trade or calling,
A he 1311.111 coetume of white "Sliee Ilaye," stet eate, "tee (teen Pave danced with Miss 110 14' certItin-
lv not with Violet Hive. 1 ‘,111„1,01.rlet0 ill' thiS beat Of Hothiehold Bella' and it 10 Sulttil Wender that "1310th
ma . 0- en h,u, vev,r wee ra,Thau, ----- .0 . ... r I 1 ,!+. t : .... - . , i and pridee' according to eontetnpor-
muslin, rich lace, and blue ribbotte temente has asked Me to introdune ; - • ary Freneli Writers, Were his distln.
Was provided, with a wonderful lit- Jim to you.' . r ihdirtema; a man possessed of .
tie hat that Named to be Made Of 'Violet's face Hustled hotly -it was
11, It
fthougand per minute Is 1110S-
eatherff ; and 'Violet (Welded that ,nStaItitwas )31.1011 rtforty . surerise.
she had never looked so Well be- Tide was the rich baronet or wilein ter of Lancet e'veryeituatlem and
be certeiney.wae maeter" of thille Ile
. tore. film pictured to herself an eo sawn a time before 13,110 had been
'entity sovereignty, oEve Lester was . e,,caking with suolt awe and wondov.i"Ovt41 tlt° ti'l"i'111° v-erY nt°°11.
the only one eke feared; but then Me hewed, and murmured a, few i "I ' 11°11: 114) l'atia' al- 1re44e° dane.111i4 lorein kliest to Earnest.
•tv4.11.4 go petagentee he sai•d; but done- - inured to the eliage and it :stranger
flirtation* titter were; then, VIS a matter ot ing anywhere with you,. Miss rraye, „.,,, . • - - 0-
woall be tire Onenel I amnia iniaglee. , 0,,,h Yeti know anything about flirt- tencideee tercet, or on 'LIM belling
to luxury, equttlly tit liOnue ill the
EVe 'Was thever p.„Iven to drees a,nd Words -alio never remembered what ohleofoo Po f -
!TOW month of May had neVer set couree, hfrs. Rueter was (0111 (11 (I to gentlemao .`t finking 'Mgr.- , • ' rapid, vItta. UM beau ideal of 4th lea
In more beautiftdly. The world was hare:ince Felix. Sir Owen tielmowie • ',Wh° wall Cat
'"read; ke Mr. Felix Donsvialae silo regular soldier. , Breve, nerdy, ade
yeti. valor the tree ?,'' .. i-htei," lie replied eadist, "X thought
k did, but when I 1.1 111 it, IM need voiattroete, 'and . kOineWlin, t e allous to
all thrilling with' new life, the cdged tile Introduction by a. row care- '. t°
green letevert 'were springing on the ' L.'s words. . The who.a menu ott- ' it tho girl didn't marry itie." • !Inman etifferilig,•lie Wan den nelluir-
trees* the hedges illnk and wilite purred in the radiant eintlight, In the l'''1111°°'
i And lie fantecx1 the warm bleelt that '
with hawthorn, the violets nestling tuldst tif blooming tioivere ,LOU happy
mashing points. But theft very at-
tributes and the • conditioils of his
life, inimical to enemas .bit
. peace, made blin formidable in war.
The ragged Canadian' gretilllomate,
, able leader tte a peasttritry who sitar-
tho result Illinard's Liniment CUret Diphtheria, (Id most of Ids qualities and Were
la the fielder, the priturosee grow- ' fae.eseeyet it Was the prelude to a • 691" '°%.°1' bet fa°°. 'cm°.
el' 141:1 emnpliment. . . .........--- , only less ready than 'himself to an.
lug le great lr,olden eltistezs at the. terrible tragedre I ."Lottentle I To that r.ot the tatine meter the dell to itemise"
root of the treee; 'the tier• was "A beaud
tiful aSs” Said 1:111 OWen ed. the er wh
lawyo forma a will, or ' now Curran Idmitified iiitttsolir.
fragrant with tile odor of a thou- to 'Violet ; "a charming eeene, too-
., mom:thing of that kind '0' naked Mir A ntory Illtietrating his readiness c.
leleies Attlee.
t .
sand eweet floneva n11 nature quite rurttl, guile p141 oral,-tlie 111114.! Owen. Kim ioeitted up at Infra hOrrified ot Speceit to told Of Careen, the Irish Ilielde elotItee aro leeeoming more
glad and bright. To be in tim ' of thine.; 1 like." •., . 'by tile wepls. , wit. Viten Curran, who was a mall and more fanciful, stecording to a
1111(101. of all thia boaltt4., and with llut VIOlet 113,4.1 111,1 reeol'ertd her elt-ue are making a grave ntistake, of not very prepossessing 'appear- great London tailor, who weletemes
Violet, WON 601110t bill; f(YZ VAX to : e01111)0S111"0. She was quite unused ,a) tee eiteteee *iii , tete. ' Met Lenedale ttnee, pregentea himself one day at the grbwing revolt against the
drettrlh. sOriety, ftild the resisi•lousIK•ss alttt was ratiely ex./caved of having influ- the house or a noble lord, who laid i etatebre gameness" of evening &Mee.
Lovely latigithig they If ad ttiven , :file, relhi ia•tithig t"`,.. It rielt hoelle; bit- enetd 0410 Of MO CileiltS to 1ear0 111111 had Mit the !Miler 0! his peraOrial Melety menare taking to knee
her Init'est limit's fol.' the IctPl• (131 t, the groat 111.111 or the mewlt- nro.11‘,1-4 bat it Wil..9 1111.13110." neittittiritatier., bia lordship exelitimed; breeelleo among other fade, and if
., I •11 •r ------ ',total- torhood was for the moment tet, "True tier hot, I Ulan that I Were ',Mat/ You're not Ferran? V011 .the pretient Craze keeps ttp a pair
tiond-the eimehine, the - musle, " tnuelt for her. lie liked her :dry, in•et- : in his Ware," FAH Sir ()WPM 0011111 /10t 111/5' 'NM 1-0 n goose. of long trouttere will Oen be a ear -
ever thing wee so teantlinl. 'Felix ty embarrettement. III h:ei been tie- "Why V' :Flit, rtekel, in wonder, "'fib°, my. lord:" replied the wit ity lit Mayfair. The king halt taken
sa,w nothing hut the bright feet, of eitstorreel to women- whoa, (',1011 met "13scause you defend blue x wendsr cooly. f.a pereotall flit,eretit In the attehmt
bia love, They walked over the hie boldly', Who gave 111111 woed fee i if eoa
n li re tell •,,,,oaeii o n,„ 1 w le• ,,yeg, yes; emere toe man, come to meat, 111581'� laresi, mo -re bil,,coming.
smooth green lewne together ; sea word, repartee for repartee. ilt,,, lb' r 3.0.1 woul 1 df (.1111 Me ? • in at once," - . 'He wears evening (Irma he little eat
then Violet', terning aulitlenly to liked the drooping eyee that eliowtel""De D. opIe : p., tk evil .01 yon?'° ehe
ter lover, Raid : , the Icing -fringe/ latiliat, the -demi- in* ii...,1,. ,
NI, storoli about t Pe nett -etniter, vontetelon. retie male i tea:, rowel k,
et a, little time for goterlp." with ft rilMI----------6 . irl' Lwo. in:_r, Is.: ll'iii;.1--1)1(1 pat ells. risk Aoki, humiliated, 11:0 ascribed ths deldret or stain,y Men tO
replied; Ill 1 ?gat heatd that 11 hoar that vce are to have gna:1- him le havp a think t We eannot hold the /;:tne. hamar* MOM artiodloajty elothtd.
24, .
"Have you hoard wwIder. rast fano, so' attractive, in Ite :tweet ' Mg* he CantInned.)
gar N'a 011evenie ?" and (Again tho baronet answered him (raator i-, lather hard of hoar- The mew yrat Nhows lin face ; the htflnenee of the king Ma/ be
possible, and upon every possible ec-
•entreat he eafteee the gentlemen of
Try Againh •the emit to tileeArd the dull bier*
- Again we swear otr firmly' as garmmta for bright unifornia To
:re. Kidneys
We believe We have in Gin Pilisithe
most perfect rzinedy that has ever
been discovered for all kinds .of
Hidney Trouble. 8o positive are we
that Gin Pills svill cure any case of
Kidney disease that we. guarantee
every box and eetherize any druggist
to refund the price in case of fajiure.
Alt Druggists, so eta'. per box, 4
6 boxes tor $1.50, or direct from
4ixer:6E:eanmrkrir vrrv
Members. • tear. Burping.
18,288 1809 S204,025.00 •
20,917 , 1000 208,690.00 l
22,574 1901 288,880.00 •
20,829 1902• 804,012 140
2$;000 1008 400,009.00 '
Speciat Inducements to JOIN NOW,
.• ••
Apply to the Itecorder in your own town or W.1'. Montague, Grand liecorder, Hare ,
ilton, Ont. or W. P. Caulpbell, Orand Organiser, Hamilton, Ont.
4211,,th MOO
PrOtti any flistchlas dealer.
need it tex eenra,
Wasbingtoh, D.C., Nov. to, yrenr.
pm..Sts Puna ute ynur
AS Dorm! nr.,1 11.114 DIteattt. 1155
fa541.1 15e1t181l rpmin Clue Ir tett
$aws sn,1 Omer teAlft so WI Inc riti.
VOWS JUSt113 C Nelson•
;rive Osseo or Susan% •
. nuso.p.m:te, vs.!,
nye hstfes
.1351151,1 tt 333 1115)41135 lath yout
Vtry truly. y. ure, 1 rutty at:tette. ,
And Most SuceessfuI Itemedv EVIlt Dirlooveted for Spewing, ItIngbenoo,
Sothis e.nd Lernenees,
This is tile uncandliiSi expeSenta athematic% of hertemen see entre le thigand ether
countries and there is no ream why you newel tot shere is, then bet -lents. Just read
abet the abet° people say Shout "Iterelalle." "%Veleta thou fur your own getinfeetion,
Makatea to brine the best :gable renedy
smile 181)30(1041160 61 &liniment for i•orts.
o d and fanitly use. Boldetenernirebyell drat, at' A
gees. Price al: ga_g butties WO 't
amoebic, leak, "A Treause ea the Horan" tree -
,fieselyillustratee, Vet tmen
totoobtes reaza. vt.