The Wingham Advance, 1909-08-05, Page 8.J'
Tilde Jmperial-
Oxford Range
—note the little arrows
from fire—the divided due
ou oven top that means
that the front of oven is
heated as well as back—call
in and well show you many
more features,
VIN J. BOYCE Sole Agent - Wingham
China Store.
i re.
We want this to be a Bumper
Month, and, we're willing to make
it words your while, There will
be genuine bargains in Chinaware,
and as always—the Best of Every-
thing in Eatables.
New Pack Haddie
Just got in Canned Riddle of
a brand unbeatable in quality, As
a food few things equal fish.
Try a Tin -10o.
Canned Fresh Herring
Have you tried Maconochies ?
They're in a class by themselves;
superior to almost anything else
on., the market. Have a Tin -10o.
Try Our Boiled
Snatch Them Up
There are 9 China Tea Sets on
our shelves that we want to olear.
le ever there was a bargain offer-
ed this is one, They would be
cheap at $6.00. Cash only—$2.98.
Cheapest Dinners Ever
If you're looking for a Dinner
Set, we've got what we think will
please you. 97 Piece No. 1 Semi -
Porcelain Dinner Sets—fully illum-
inated. All new Stock. Cash only
Choice Oranges per doz.— 80o,
40o and 60c. Oalfornia Lemons at
30o per dozen. Tomatoes —Will
now have- regular shipments of
choice quality. The lowest market
Choice Butter Wanted.
J. Henry Christie
AUGUST 9, 10, 11, 12.
Old Orchard, Me
Kenneibunkport, Me
Portland, Me
St.John, N. B.
Moncton N B
$32 10
32 80
43 60
43 60
Murray Bay, Quo 91.30
Halifax, N, 5 48 80
Snmmerside, P. E. I... 46.55
Pictou, N. S 48,70
Proportionate rates from all sta-
tions in Ontario to above and
other- points in New Brunswick,
Nova Scotia, Maine, and Prince
Edward Island.
For tickets and full information, call on
W. HENRY, Town Agent, or write
J. 0. McDonald
Matelot; Passenger .Agent, Toronto.
Teacher Wanted.
For S. S. No. 11, Turnberry, to com-
mence duties at the close of summer
es vacation. Applications stating quail-
iications and salary will be received
by the undersigned.
See. -Treasurer,
Wingharn P. 0.
I !o,00
Over one thousand stu-
dents enrolled by our chain
last year, It pays to at-
tend a link of this great
attain, for "IN UNION
The demand for our
graduates is THREE
TIMES the supply,
Other schools engage
our graduates as teachers.
Special course for teachers.
Graduates of two years
ago are now earning $2000
per annum, sa
Three courses--Co:s1M1R-
Fall Term Opens Aug, 30
Write for particulars.
111. 831011111111111215 ens ors wa
4,0 vompuazonnommemootmamommomme•tb,
Very Low Rate
for Summer Trip
to Pacific Coast
6 '#'trona20Retnrn
a o2aa t.30
Return limit Oct, 31. Liberal stopovers.
Wide choice of routes. Go by the direct
Canadian line—Soo your own country—
the West, the Rocky Mountains. Visit
the Seattle Exposition and other special
Talk it over with J. 11. DEEMER,
Agent, Wingham.
$175.00 will purchase a good, small
size driving horse, sound and gentle,
a covered buggy, cutter, harness, goat.
robe, bells and knee -rug,
H. DAVIS, Wingham,
Dissolution ' Of Partnership.
The partnership existing between J.
and A, E. Louttit having been . dis-
solved, all accounts due them must be
paid by,August 10th. Parties owing
the late' firm should call at the old
stand and settle their accounts before
the above date, and save trouble,
Ritchie & Oosens—Real Estate.,
Pure Ice Cream---LENNox, Wingham
Mr. Everett Walker, who is teach-
ing in Toronts, is spending his heli-
days at his home, (Aldine.
The new barn of Mr, Jas. Maxwell
has been completed by Mr. J. Petco,
and is now ready for the harvest.
Mr, T'. McCutcheon has improved
the outward appearance of his house
by a new coat of paint. These im-
provements add much to the appear-
enes of their fine farms.
Mr. J. I.. Lormer and wife (nee Miss
Maggie McOutcheon) and family, of
Risby, Sask,, spent the past week
visiting friends in Morris, Grey and
McKillop. They also visited Mr,
Lormer's friends at Peterborough,
Dr. E. T. LoWnsbury, wife and little
daughter, also the doctor's sister, Mee.
Crowley, his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lowes,
bury, and his brother, all of Philadel-
phia, are welcome visitors at the home
of Mrs. Lownsbury's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Scott's, 2nd line. On Monday
of this week, accompanied by Mies
Mary and W. J. Scott they visited at
D. McCutcheon's.
Miss 111a 'Wood, of ilrownsvilio, near
Woodeteck, says: --"I have to thunk P3YCHINIt
tor my present health. 11 could hardly drag myself
across the goer. i could hot swoop the carpet. If I went for
drive5I had to 114 down. when Y came back t if f wont for
a mile or tree on my wheel X was too weals to litt it through
the gateway, and last time I came in from having tb spin 1
dropped utterly holpleSe frr,m fatsgqne. My 'father stave mo nb
eaed until I proeured PAYCII1Ni , knowing it was excellent
for decline or weakness, Iinustsay the resulLs are wonderful
and people rernnrkod my inprovenient.
"Instead of a little, pale, hollow eheeko'd, listless, melancholy+
girl, I am to -day full of life, ready for a s1eigh•rido, a ekatinI
match. or nit evening party' with anyone and afe2rmenthea o
pones notett-tie-g)e to ohuroh, l0 rods from' my home. I have nevsr
had the slightest Canso to feat any return of the disease.' If vote
are "All ureal up" and )run down you enn be built rift in a assort time
by PSYCIfINE. It creates rich, red bleed, rewires the appetite end
transforms tlreWeak into streng liealthy boingaa.
Send to DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited Spada .li
1nve>. Tordlato, font
e lR EI SAMPL of the Greatest of Tonioe, PSYCH/NZ, to day.
So d by all rirugglats and etarar, 600 and $1.
Town of Wingham
Ily.Iaw Number -- of 1009 of the
Corporation of the Town of Wing-
ham, to grant aid by way of loan
to William. David Pringle.
Whereas ono William David Prinirle who
has been carrying on business in the Town of
Wingham in the Count of Huron as a tanner
and whose place of business has been burned
down has requested the Council of the n-
y at the Town of Wiuglr,am, td aid him
in e
ii h erection �
e r i P new buildings o b dr a establish-
ment, n l n n
4 a
by the grant of a, loan of Four Thousand
Dollars, to be repaid in ten equal annual in-
stalments of Four Hundred and Ninety-three
Dollars and Sixteen cents, without interest,
connmenoinR in ono year from the date of pa -
rnant of such loan to the said William David
Acid 1 t Wheroas in consideration of the (VIIa
i as been agreed that the said WilliamDavid Pringle shall erect in the said Town of
Wingham a suitable tannery built of brick,
two storeys in height, and of the dimensions of
as least 50 feet by 50 feet, together with a
boiler and coal shed 30 feet by 20
feet an
d a
drugando omical building 21 fees by �0 feet,
-9ne storey in height, also to be made of brick
and shall install therein plant and .machinery
for the said business, and shall in the first and
each subsequent year atter the said lana is in
operation, employ an average of at least ten
hands therein during the term of Lhe seta loan,
of whom five shall be houaeholdors and resi-
dents in the Town of Wingham, and shall dur-
ing such term continuously operate the said
factory, save when:prevented by damages to
the plant or buildings, except when caused by
the default or neglect of the said William
David Pringle.
And Whereas it has been further agreed,.
that the said William David Pringle shall en-
ter into an agreement with the said Towu for
the performance of the said terms and condi-
tions,.and shall secure the due repayment of
the said loan and the duo performance of the
said terms and conditions by a first mortgage
upon all his said buildings, machinery, plant
and lands used in connection therewith, and
by insuring the said buildings, machinery and
plant in favor of the said T01,111, 111 Snell Com-
panies as shall be approved of by the said
Town and by polinies which' snail contain
what is known as the mortgage.olause, if re-
quired by�the said Town. ' ss.'
And Whereas it Ls expedient to grant the
said aid subject to the said terms.
And Whereas in order thereto, it will be
necessary to issue the Debentures of the Town
of Wingham for the suin of Four Thousand
Dollars -as hereinafter provided (which is the
amount of the debt intended to bo created by
this By-law) tho proceeds of the said deben-
tures to be applied to the said purpose and to
no other.
And Whereas the total amount required by
the. Municipal Act to be raised annually by
special rato for paying the said debt and in -
tercet, is the sum of Five Hundred and Thir-
teen Dollars and Sixteen Cents, whereof One
Hundred and Eighty Dollars is to be raised
annually for payment of interest during the
currency of said Debentures, and Three Hun-
dred and Thirty-three Dollars and Sixteen
Cents is to be raised annually for the purpose
of creating a Sinking Fund for the payment of
the debt secured by the said Debentures.
And Whereas the amount of the whole rate-
able proper[ of the Town of Wingham ac-
oording to the last revised Assessment 'Roll
thereof, is $773,052.00.
And Whereas the amount of the existing
Debenture Debt of the said Municipality is
,142,014.10 (exclusive of looal improvement
debts secured by special acts, rates and assess-
ments) whereof no Principal' or Interest is in
Therefore the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts
as follows :-
1. The Municipal Cautioil of the said Town
of Wingham shall grant and pay over to tbo
said William David Pringle immediately upon
the said buildings being completed and the
said plant installed therein, and the said
agreement and mortgage duly executed and
delivered, the sum of Four Thousand Dollars
without abatement, by way of loan, to aid him
in his said business as tanner, and to bo repaid
by the said William David Pringle as afore-
2. For the purpose of raising the said sum,
Debentures of the said Town of Wingham to
the amount of lour Thousand Dollars in the
whole, in sums of not less than One Hundred
Dollars each, shall bo issued on the Fifteenth
day of September A. D. 1009, each of which
Debentures shall 'be. dated on the said Fif-
teenth day of September and shall bo payable
on the Fifteenth day of September, A. D. 1919,
at the office of the Treasurer, for the time
being,. of the said Town of Wingham,
3, Each of the said Debentures shall bo
signed by the Mayor of the said Town of
Wingham or by aorto other person authorized
by lay -law to sign the same, and by the Treas-
urer of the said Town, and the Cleric of tho
said Town, shall attach thereto the Corporate
seal of the Municipality:
4. Tho said Debentures shall bear interest
at the rate of Four and One-half per cent. per
annum,•payable annually, at the place whore
the Debentures are payable, on the said Fif-
teenth dayof September in each and ever
year durinthe crrencthereof, and the said
Debentures shall have attached to them eon -
pone for the payment of the said interest
which coupons shall be signed by the said
Mayor and Treasurer.
5, During the currency of the said Deben-
tures there shall be raised annually by special
rate on all the rateable property in the said
Town of Wingham, the said sum of One Hun-
dred and Eighty Dollars for the payment of
interest on the said Debentures, and the said
sum of Three Hundred and Thirty-three Dol-
lars and Sixteen Cents for the purpose of
creating a Sinking Fund for the payment of
the debt hereby secured making in all a sum.
of Five Hundred and Thirteen Dollars and
Sixteen Cents to be raised annually by special
rate as aforesaid during each of the said ten
All moneys received from the said
William Daviel Pringle on account of the said
loan shall forthwith after the receipt thereof
be deposited to a special account in the Bank
of Hamilton ab Wingham, and the money
standing to the credit of such special aeconnt
at tine time of settling the total annual rate
and making up the Collector's roll for any
'year, shall be applied on or towards payment
of the amount falling due in such year for
Principal and Interest on account of the said
Debentures, and the amount to be raised in
such year shall be reduoed to the extent of
the sum as applied.
7. This By-law shall take dffect on the day
of the final passing thereof.
8. The vote of the Electors of the said Town
of Wingham shall bo taken on this By-law at
the following times and places, that is to
say :—On Monday, the Thirtieth day of Aug-
ust, 1009, commencing at the hour of Nine
o'clock in the forenoon and continuing till
Five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day,
at the following places, by the following
Deputy -Returning Officers and Poll Clerks:—
In Ward 1, at J. J. Fryfogle's'Implement shop,
Josephine St.,by John 1+`. Groves, Deputy -
Returning Oficer, and 3, J. Fryfogle, Poll
in Ward 2, at the Advance Office, by Thee.
Hall, Deputy -Returning Officer, andA. J.
Alderson, Poll Clerk.
In Ward 3, at th, Town Hall, by A. Dulmage
Deputy -Returning Officer, and E. Nash, Poll
In Ward 4, at AlbeSrt Boll's house, Josephine
St:, by O. N. Griffin, Deputy -Returning Offi-
cer, and J. W. Dodd, Poll Clerk.
0. On Saturday, the Twenty-eighth day of
August, 1009, the Mayor of the said Town shall
attend at the Town Hall in tho said Town at
Eleven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint per-
sons t0 attend at the various polling places
aforesaid, and alb he final summing up of the
votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the parsons
interested in, and promoting or opposing the
passing of this By-law respectively.
10. The Clerk of the said Town of Wingham
shad attend at the said Town Hall at Eleven
o'clock of the forenoon of Tuesday, the Thirty-
first day Of August, A, D. 1009, to sung up the
number of votes given for and against this
13y -law.
Dated at the Town of Wingham, this Second
slay of August, A. D. 1009.
Take notice that the above as a true copy
of a proposed By-law which has been taken
into consideration and which will be 'finally
passed by the Connellbf the Munleipality (in
the event of tho assent of the electors being
obtained thereto) after ono month from the
first publication in the 1vingeahi .Advance,
the date of which first oublieation was the 5th
day of Augnst,1009, and that the votes of the
elector's of the said Municipality
Will bo taken
thereon oh the day and at the oursand pewee
thereat fixed.
3,13 FE11G11S0i.5, Clerk,
Tenders will be received by the
Clerk of the Township of Turnberry
at his office in Bluevale, up to 8 o'clock
p.m. Monday,nextthe completion t yof the
King Drain, els lots 4 an5 in the 4th
and lith conoessiofl of the Township of
Turnberry. Planet and specifications
can be see e, the Clerk oflfio lr -
11 t s e I3 to
vale, The srtccsesful contractor will
be requieed to sign an agreement for
the oompl titin of the work at the
thus agreed upon,
J'C $1171t01$4, Clerk,
Mr. 0, Tiornay has secured a poli -
;tion as operator at the Grand 'Trunk
station, Burlington.
The many friends of Mr. E. Bender.
will be sorry to hear that he is serious-
ly ill with typhoid fever.
Mr, Albert Wilford of London
Y. M. O. As office, is house this week
and is snakingreparations for the
working of the Wingham. Evaporator.
The School Board was surprised re-
eently, to receive the resignation of
Miss Brigham. She has accepted a
position as first assistant the High-
ate Continuation School at a salary
of $600.
On Monday a representative of the.
Liverpool,London & Globe
Co.rn which thePresbyterian ehurch
Manse was held called here
and set-
tled the claire, the amount being
At a congregational meeting held in
S , church. on Monday eve-
ning the question of rebuilding the
recently destroyed manse, stable and
church sheds was discussed and a
solution was Passed
to replace them
once. The Manse will probably be n.
two storey brick and [lie stable and
sheds built of cement. It was de-
cided to place buildings on the old
Qonfectionei'y- LINNox, Wingliasn,
Miss Mabel McKee took a brief holi-
day last week..
Thomas Douglas had his nese barn
raised last Tuesday.
Robs. Ballagh finished building a
cement silo last week.
Mrs. McDonald and children of
Ripley are at Mr. Mulvey's this week.
Mrs. Butchart of Edmonton, visited
her niece, Mrs. James Dickson, last
Mr, Harvey Bart of Galveston,
Texas, paid a short visit to his uncle,
Mr. E. Ruttan, recently.
Thomas Bremner, now of Toronto,
paid us a short visit last week. He
returned to the city on Monday.
Misses .Ella Jeffrey and Hannah
Harris went to Toronto Wednesday
and will visit with relatives there.
Confectionery—LENNoaa Wingham
Miss Mary Aitchison is visiting
friends in Guelph.
There will be no meeting of the
Women's Institute this month.
Misses Annie and Mary Stewart are
visiting friends at Palmerston at pre-
Mr. Jas. Nichol is spending a few
days with friends at Preston this
Hartley Patterson of New York
spent a few days in the village last
en visit -
Mrs. Robs. Musgrove has lie
ing Mrs. (Rev,) Baker during the
past week.
Mrs Robt. Black attended the
funeral6f Mr. Malcolm at Kincardine
last Tuesday.
Geo. Greenway has received his new
separator and is now ready for the
fall threshing.
There were over 60 from here took
in the S. 0. S. excursion to. Kincardine
on Friday last.
Mr, A. Dulmage and daughter of
Wingham spent a few days with his
sister, Mrs. L. Ruttan.
Mr.. andr
M s. C. K. Brinker have
spent last week visiting friends at Ann
Arbour and Detroit.
Rev, W. J. West occupied bis own
pulpit on Sunday, and returned to his
cottage at Bruce Beach on Tuesday
morning. '
There will be no eervfce in Knox
Church next Sabbath, August 8t1.
On the loth of August at 3 p, m., Rev.
Perrin of Wroxeter will conduct the
Quarterly ser. -ice was held in the
Methodist church here here on Sunday
with Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
The service was much enjoyed and
very helpful, The Board meeting on
Monday evening was marked by
harmony, and everything passed off
nicely and it is hoped a successful year
will be experienced.
Mr. John Gardner, who for nearly
25 years has been mail -carrier between
the village and the postotfce recently
resigned his position, and on account
of the death of his partner in life, de-
cided to spend the rest of his days
with his relatives. The brethren of
L. O. L. No. 760 could not let him de-
part without giving hint some evi-
dence of their esteem. Accordingly,
on Thursday evening, a number of
ladies and gentlemen met in the
Lodge roan for a social hour. Bro.
W. J, Greer of Wingham was called
to the chair, and addresses were given
by the Chairman, A. IT. Musgrove,
M. L. A., Dr. Chisholm, M. P., and a
number of other brethren,the
speeches being interspersed with selec-
tions from the gramaphone by Geo.
Hamilton. A kindly worded address
was then read to Mr. Bro.
Thos. Stewart, while Bro. Geo. John,
stop presented Bro. Gardiner with a
fine black suit of clothes. The recipi-
ent replied in suitable words, express-
ing his appreciation of the kind act,
and regretting his removal from a
place so long his home. Me:Gardiner
has been a resident of this locality for
fifty-four years, and a member of the
Orange Order since he was 18. His
long residence here and his upright
character made him many friends,
who wish hint much comfort in his
declining years. Ile left for Lion's
Head. on a visit to his daughter, on
Refreshments were then served and
the happy gathering Baine to an end,
all joining in a fraternal circle and
singing "Auld Lang Syne."
Fresh groceries--Lrttetox, Wingham
Hartley Paterson of New York call-
ed on Mr. K. Paterson on Tuesday.
Mrs. 11., Carriek tlnilerfveilt an oper-
ation on Tuesday, and is doing nicely.
Me. G. Gillespie starts his thresher
on Thursday in 1". henry's wheat field
where they will thresh out about 50
acres of wheat, prattle fashion.
The village has again been visited
by the Grim Reaper, and Mr.David
Rintoul has been eut down fright In
the prime of life. On Saturdt.y*, about
10 p. Fri., the tall came. The body Wes
brought to Whitechurch from the
Wingham Jlospital on Mondayand
the flineral took +flaee on Tuesay to
t'Vifaghar-i cemetery and was very
largely attended, The deceased was a
member. of Whitechurch lodge, O. O.
Il., which turned out in a boy to the
f metas. The floral t ibtltes from the
mesterei and"the villagers Wein very
Fresh groceries---•L=1Nox, Wingbant
WM. McDonald Suntlayed In Wrox-
111r, Len. Rattan spent Sunday
under the parental roof,
Mr. Eli, Smith, Grey township,
preached in hall, Sunday night.
Miss Mamie Cardiff of Brussels ld.
visiting her friend, Miss .Berva Byons
this week.
Quite a number frons this vicinity
took in the cheap trip to Kincardine
last Ptlday,
Mr, Samuel Pollock of Paisley, art -
tended the funeral of the late Mrs,
Robt. McAllister,
Mrs, E, Mulligan is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. John Waddel of White
Church, this week.
A fine Iittle boy has come to the
borne of Robert Hamilton. Rob
thinks he will keep
Mr. Bert. Eekraaier and Miss. Ella
Uonsauld of Ethel, visited et Mr,
Alex, Bryans last Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Forrest and Miss Marion
of Brussels, are visiting Mrs, M.
Gibson a few days this week.
Mr. Len, Ruttan has rented Mr,.
Geo. Calbeck's farm for a tern) of
years ; he gets possession in Novem-
111rs, Arthur Youmans of Balmy
Beach, Toronto, is visiting at her
father's, Mr, James Strachan, this
Mrs. Duncan McDonald of Kincar-
dine, who had been visiting friends
here for some tisne, returned to her
home last Friday.
East Wawanosh.
Fresh groceries—LDNNox,Wingham
Miss Boyle of Toronto is visiting at
.P. Hayden's, 5111 line,
Miss Stella, Nethery of Bluevale
spent a couple of days last week with
Marnock friends.
Gordon Wightman of New York
State is renewing old acquaintances
around Westfield.
John H. McClinton was reappointed
collector at a salary of $70, this
amount to include postage.
Mrs. Henry Morrish and family of
Goderich is spending a couple of
weeks with Westfield friends.
Mrs. Wm. Henderson of Wingham
spent a few days with her sister, Mrs,
Alex. Scott, 6th line, this week.
Mr. and Mrs, John Betts and Mrs,
Cole of Blyth spent last Sunday at the
home of A, Robinson Westfield vi-
Williams Brom, 5th line, have pur-
chased a fine new threshing outfit and
will no doubt make things hum dur-
ing the summer.
Mrs. Alex. Leishman, 0th line,
mourns the loss of her father, Mr.
Elliott, of Wingham, whose death
took place last week. -
Council met July 26; members all
present, but Mr, Cuming; minutes of
last regular meeting also of special
meeting (with the exception of a
change in the grade of slope on the
north branch of thewHallahan drain
which should have read 18 inches to
the foot from stake 00 to culvert at
the sideroad, viz. the sandy portions
instead of 18 inches to the foot on the
whole north branch of the said drain)
read and passed.
Communication from Wm. Lane, Co.
Clerk, received, stating that the
amount required, front the township
this year for Co. purposes was $2670,-
95. Resolved that a further sum of
$2027.00 for Tp. purposes: Tp. share of
drain assessments, salaries, etc., and
•$3500,00 for township grant to schools,
in all $9097.05 be levied and raised off
the Tp. this year by taxation. A rate
of a 4/10 mills on the dollar was struck
to raise this amount and By-law No.
11, 1009, confirming the same was duly
read and passed.
The Clerk was also instructed in
making out the collector's roll in ad-
dition to the sum of $220.75 collected
annually from the south half of the
Tp., being the yearly railway rate
thereon,- to add thereto the sum of
$113.21, this being the amount of
deficit in the sale of said railway de-
The.. Treasurer's half yearly state-
ment to June 30 showing a balance on
hand at date $701.39 received and
ordered to be filed.
By-law No, 12, confirming the ap-
pointment of collector and By-law No.
13, authorizing and empowering the
collector to charge and collect 3 per,
cent. on all taxes remaining unpaid
after the 15th day of December next,
'both read and passed.
The following accounts were pre-
sented and ordered to be paid:—"The
Municipal World", collector's roll and
other Tp. supplies, $5.33 ; H. B. El-
liott, part printing contract, $26.75;
D. A. Dunbar, part payment contract
on the Hallahan Drain, $70; Wm. Ar-
buckle, filling on prairie road on E.
Bdy., $22.50; Wm. G. Salter, material
and filling prairie road on E. Bdy.,
$26,78; J. G. Gillespie, balance operat-
ing road grader, $61.00; Thos. Philips,
St. Helens, tile, $0.05;• Fred. 'P, Hay-
den, refund of Statute labor tax 1008,
$•.1,; Thos. J. Irwin, refund of Statute
labor tax 1908, $1 ; Jas. Sutherland,
repairing hill at river con, 12, $1; W.
J. Parks, attendance on drainage
matters, $3 ; McKinnon Bros. gravel-
ling and putting in -culvert cons. 0, 10
and 12, $45,40; Cleo. Simmons, culverts
and drain con, 9, and inspecting
gravel con. 10, $15.80 ; Wm. Patterson,
putting in culvert on W. Bcly., $1;
Geo. B. Naylor, gravel and inspecting
gravel, $2; Jas. Howatt, gravel and
gGravellingon S. Bdy., 4156,40; David
Lockhart, inspecting gravel and filling
diteh on S, I3dy., $5; Percy McLean,
shovelling gravel, $1.25 ; Geo. M.
Robertson, shovellingravel, $1.50;
for gravel, Jos. Kerr, 8; V J. Rodger,
$5,80, Sam. Morton, $3.50, Jas, Cruik-
shank, $3.30, Wm. G. Salter, $8.80,
Hugh Mcilnrney, $16,90, Wm. Wight -
man, $1.60, ea. Porterfield, $1,60, G.
Raithby, $2'60, Walter Scott, $3.00,
Wm. Nixon, $4.00, W. 11. Densmore,
$650, Wm. Fitzpatrick, $3.50, Geo. G.
Naylor, $10.65, .las. Martin, $5,50, Ed.
Haines, $2, Chas, Campbell, ,.$8.70,
Peter King, , 3.00, A. Currie, $7 J.
Bentley, 0 • �obt. ;5 oft les 0 J
M y, $ , c . $ .? , as.
oCallum, $13.
The Connell then adjourned to meet
again on Monday, Aug, 23rd next.
Alex. Porterfield, Clerk.
During the storm, on Wednesday
night, one of Robs. McDowell's Horses
got badly injured. le is thought the
animal became frightened by the
thunder and jnolped into the barbwiro
fence, .hurting itself very badly, and
requiring the service of the veterinary
surgeon. It WAS It handsome beast
and one of a well 1liatched team..
Rtintoto n Boai(INCI. -Call at oflc8
ole mill
and see u
a sa.a le of this 10 -
ing, taken front the roof of a building
after being in use for fourteen yeatrsr
and apparently Al good as ever.
a r . ., Ural%
Mr, A, Lytle of Detroit, la visiting
at Mr. T, Forbes,
Miss Annie Davidson spent last
week in Lucknow,
Mies Alice Reading id visiting her
brother in Hamilton.
Jae. Vati0amp took a business trip
London ast week.
Mea, Seroggie of Guelph is the guest
of Mrs, P. Fisher, sen.
Clare Adams of Shelburne visited at
hishome hero this week.
Walter T. Hall is spending .a short
vacation in Owen Sound.
Miss Panay Reynolds is home from
Goderich for a few weeks,
Mise Lillie Luton of London is visit-
ing at the parental home here,
Miss s Mc Rui ggan of Tilsonburg is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo, Carr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley of
w re in town. on Tuesday.
111iss Edith Sherk is spending a few
days with her sister, in Brantford,
Master Reginald Smith is spending
a few weeks with Brucefield friends.
Mr. J. S. McKinnon of Toronto is
visiting his father, who is seriously ill,
Mr. McKie spent Sunday with Mrs.
McKie and other friends in Brantford,
Miss M. A, Robertson of Goderich
is visiting the Misses Reynolds this
.Miss Georgia Dulmage visited rela-
tives at Bluevale during the .past
Harry Orpen of Toronto is spending
few days with /Mrs. Manser, Lower
Hugh Deitch, formerly with J. A.
Ritchie, barber, has gone to Manitou-
lin Island. , ,
Miss Houghton isenjoying the lake
breezes at her sumer cottage in
E. S. Cnultes, D. D. S., of Philadel-
phis. is visiting relatives in Bluevale
and Ripley.
, lHmilton spend-
ing hie vacationgrim with Mrs. Herisdsman,
Shutes street.
MWillr. andPiMrs. W. 3.a 1 llfott of Inger-
soll are spending a few days with rela-
tives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Green of South-
ampton spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Hiogston.
Mr. and Mrs. Stalker are spending a
few days with friends in Belgrave,
Blyth and Auburn.
Mrs. D. Stuart and daughter, of
Detroit, are visiting the parental
home, Mr. P. McLaren's.
Mrs. W. J. Fleuty and Master
Harry of Oakville are the guests of
airs. Jas. Fleuty of town.
Mrs, Pullen and son of Owassa,
Mich., are the guests of Mrs. Robs,
Maxwell, Mrs. Pullen's sister.
Gordon Griffin, of the Erna of Creep-
er & Griffin, Owen Sound, spent Sun-
day with his parents in town.
Miss Millman (formerly of Wing -
ham) has, returned from a few months'
visit to friends in St. John's, Mich., to
her former home in Howick.
Mr. Strasser of St. Marys has ac-
cepted a position at Howson's bakery,
and commenced work on Monday.
Mr.` and Mrs. Sherman Day of
Toronto are visiting Mrs. Day's moth-
er, Mrs, "Wade, who is very low
at present, with no hopes of recovery.
Hugh Hamilton of Alexandria, and
Mrs, Robt. Arbuckle of Winnipeg,
were present at the funeral of their
father, Mr.Hamilton sen,, on Monday.
Mrs. Arbuckle will remain for a while.
Mrs. Looker has returned to Lower
Wingham from Sunset Summer hotel,
Goderich. A party of the Detroit
Yacht Club called at Goderich and
Mr. Looker accompanied them on a
trip up the lakes,
A. V. Hilborn, cashier of the Bank
of Commerce here, has been promoted
to the position of accountant in the
Seaforth branch. He has been two
years in Wingham, and made many
friends, who wish him continued suc-
cess. Mr. Hilborn's successor is Mr.
Harkey of St. Catharines.
Pure Ice Cream—LLNNox,Wingham
Harold Ramshaw tff West Toronto
is visiting at Postmaster Robinson's,
favoiArchi:aebly1VIcMichael, who had his col-
lar bone broken, is progressing quite
John Hamilton has had a beautiful
verandah built which adds very much
todencethe appearance of his splendid resi-
1V, "S, McKercher and son Robert
have been in Toronto for a week or so,
where the latter had a successful oper-
ation performed on his eye.
Mrs. McLaughlin and. Mies Ritchie
of Winnipeg are enjoying an extended
holiday with their mother, Mrs. Rit-
chie, of this village.
Our new Methodist minister, Rev.
D. 0, McKenzie, is nicely settled in
thehis parsonage. He is proving himself
to be a most ppleasant and useful citi-
zen, We wish him everysuccess in
Several from this vicinity attended
the ftineraI of the Iate Hugh Hamilton
ill Wingham on Monday afternoon,
among whom were Rev. L. Perrin and
J. J. McTavish. The former conduct-
ed the funeral services, itt the absence
of Rev. D. Perris, pastor of the de-
The sad news was received here on
Monday of the death of Mee. (Rev.) A.
L Russell, A little over a month ago
she, tui'th her husband and daughter,
left here ter 'visit relatives before set-
tling in their new home in Lambeth,
near London. But the sudden call
came before the fatnily arrived in
Lambeth, Mrs. Rt sell t
is heel been an
folsome time, Sher
bo e her
illness With great Christian resignation
and cbeerfnllness, In time of health
elle Was a great Ohureh worker. A
husband, two daughters and throe
sans aril Wt to monr% a most affec-
tionate wife and devoted mother. We
extend our syeeppethy to the bereaved
in their irreparable loss,
From premises of undersigned about
Ju1Y29a buil
grade rtlf,
tion ,of its 1vbe eaboiats gladly re-
Wbr, i1111110: 141111tD011,
incl lst'e Pi O1'
Your Attention is Again Directed
Of Colored Shoes
Child's Ankle Strap Slippers—beautiful golden brown
Color, small brass buckle in front—sizes from 4
to 7 --Regular $1.10, for $ .75
Child's golden brown Oxfords, 8 to 101, ---Reg. $1.15 for.80
et ar it to
Misses " ar ce sizes 11 to 2, 3 straps,
Regular $1.35, for
Misses golden brown Oxfords, siz•ts 11. to 2 —two
straps and buckles—extra quality—Reg. $2,00, for.,. 1,50
Ladies' Tan Calf Oxfords --a splendid line—Regular
$2.50 per pair, for...., 1.60
Ladies' Tan Calf sigh Shoes, wing tip, large eyes—
Regular $3.00 per pair, for 2 00
Ladies' golden brown Oxfords, heavy sole—Reg. $2 for 1.15
(Only a few sizes left of this 'line.)
Ladies' Tan Calf Oxfords, 3 buckle—Reg. $3.00, for.,, 1.95
c a e r c e Ring Oxfords—Reg. $3.00, for1.95
3 straps --Reg. $1.15 for.., .80
Samples in North Window.
Look in the "Times" for additional price list.
Willis & Co.
Also "Victoria" Shoes for Ladies, "Albert" & "Astoria" Shoes for. Men
Hanna Co.
Highest Prices Paid For Batter and Eggs Phone 70
COLLARS AND BELTS.—Dutch Collars ; Jabots;
Fancy Stock Collars ; Ladies' Belts ; Elastic
Leather Wash Belts ; Silk and Tinsel, also Fancy
Belting, by the yard. Fancy Frillings, in Black,
White, and all the new shades.
READY-TO-WEAR SKIRTS.—We have a range com-
plete of Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts.
P g s
Call and inspect thele. All sizes and colors.
SPECIAL PRICES.—Fancy Mulles on sale this
week at special prices; many shades. Regular
40c, for 28c.
LADIES' WAISTS. ---Ladies' Tailored Waists, all
sizes, Regular $1.25, for 97c.
.ADIES' PARASOLS. --Ladies' Fancy Parasols ;
all different colors. Regular $1.25, for 98c j '
regular $2,00, for $L37.
Men's Heady Made Suits ranging
from $14.00 to $20.00.
tI c..LleI`
i� Department
Pickles, regular so cts,, for ......... .....'N .. a .. Y .. r 23 ,Cts.
Tomatoes, first•class, 3 cans ton..., 2.1 Cts.
Phone your order to the Grocery Dept.
anna& Co.