The Wingham Advance, 1909-08-05, Page 5l oney In Fruit. .
trowels trade lots of ntgnel. otit of
strawberries this season, at Blenheim,
Kent county, An. average of $200 per
ucre was the ru1i but one man doubled
that average, From 51 !sc ee he gath-
ered and shipped to the canning fac-
tory A2700 worth. of strawberries, and
they netted him, after paying the
pickets, $2200 or $400 an acre.
Western Plowing.
,..,.. As a sample of bow the American
invasion has affected the West, one
implement agent reports orders for
600 steam plow outfits from new
arrivals from the other side. As each
steam plow outfit is supposed to break
up 1500 acres in the season.and there
will be thousands of them at wok,
there will be a lot of prairie broken
up. A steam plow can turn over 85
• . acres a day, and even 01 acres have
been done.
New Theory About Rheumatism,
This disease is constitutional -caus-
ed by virus in the blood that circulates
to all parts of the body. To cure you
must use a constitutional treatment.
Nothing so completely dispels the
Poison from the system as Ferrozone.
It purifies and renews the blood,
clears it of every taint. The system
is vitalized and strengthened and rhos
enabled to fight off threatened attacks.,:
Not only does Ferrozone relieve at
once -it cures rheumatism, gout and
lumbago permanently. Results guar-
anteed, 50c boxes at all dealers..
Race Suicide In France,
Race suicide has reachedthat
serious stage in France where the
authorities are considering schemes to
overcome the evil, and it has been pro.
posed that parents who have more
than one child shall be bonused, $1CO
for the second, $200 for the third, and
so on. Experts have figured that for
an expenditure of $6,000,000 the coun-
try could by this means increase its
pppulation by 1,000,Q00. It is doubt-
ful if this will effect a cure.
Killed With Hay Fork.
On Thursday, July 20th, a .fatal ac-
cident occurred on the 'farm of Sarni.
Tweedy, a sbort distance' north of
Shelburne. Mr. Tweedy was operat-
ing a hay fork. He was drawing back
the fork to reload when the fork
struck the block ; it slipped the hook
and fell to the ground, striking Mr.
Tweedy on the forehead, killing him
instantly. Mr. Tweedy was a pros-
perous young farmer, and the terrible
accident cast a gloom over the whole
Eugenia Falls Scheme.
The scheme for obtaining power
front the Eugenia Falls in Artemesia
Tp., is being revived. A couple of
years ago a large sum of money was
expended by a development company
of which Mr. W. P. Tedford, ex -M. P.,
of Owen Sound, Is president, in con-
strrrcting a tunnel. The work has
lain idle for some time, it is under
stood for lack of further capital.
Owen Sounders are now becoming
interested more directly in the under-
taking and further capital is promised
to carry the development work to
completion. The company aim to de-
liver power in Owen Sound and other
places at $20 per horse power.
Candidates Numerous.
Eight thousand nine hundred candi-
dates tried the examinations for en-
trance to the Model and Normal
schools of Ontario and to the faculties
of education and for pass and honor
matriculation. This number exceeds
last year by practically 500. The ex-
aming of the papers has been under
way since July 2nd, and some little
time will likely elapse before the re-
sult will be published. The great
change has taken place this year in
the examining staff. In addition to
the regular staff of ten in the regis-
trar's branch of the department, this
work has necessitated the employ-
ment of 8.5 examiners -in -chief, 220 as-
sociate examiners, and 80 temporary
clerks, in all nearly 800 examiners.
A Bad Lot.
The Bruce Herald reports this :-
A woman in Walkerton has been
working the badger game. One Brant
Mauer was relieved of two hundred
dollars and another for a larger sum,
The game was also tried on a hotel -
keeper in the same township, but he
tumbled and quickly ordered her off
the premises. After getting a1 victim
in a compromising position this wo-
man raises an imaginary row and the
husband or other members of her
family appears on the scene and the
victim is made to disgorge to escape
exposure. The mother and daughters
are known to everyone to be the low-`
est and vilest of characters and .they
should all be shipped to the Mercer
Winton Cement Works.
These works have begun operation
again and Improvements are being
made. When the alterations are
completed the plant will have a
capacity of 1200 barrels a day, The
company's shipping facilities wul bg
unexcelled. Immense belt conveyors
ate to be put in for loading and ton,
loading boats, and one of these ca..
riers will be the longest single carrier
in the world,.: The conveyors will be
so constructed that a bargeload of
coat can be unloaded into the coal bins
,,the furnaces inside of 21 hours.
This usually occupied some four
clays. When reversed, the conveyors
wilt toad on to the boats 10,000' barrels
of Gement in lees than 21 hours. Next
year the intention is tot erect an lin-
m-ni use reinforced cement storehouse
nearer the dock and on the bay side of
the sugar beet switch. The conveyors
will pass immediately alongside this
building to facilitate the loading of
Peabody's Overalls!
The only Overalls
made in Canada of
imported American
Denim - fast color
and practically non-
They are made to
We'll give the pur.,
chaser 10 cents for
every button that
comes off, and 25c
for every rip in a
seam, within 30 days.
from date of pur-
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
August 28th at 1909 - September 13th
Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent. Forty industries
in active operation.
will officiate ;it opening ceremonies on Tuesday, August 3ist.
Model Camp -Victoria Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be-
tween teams from Dragoons and Artillery -Artillery Drive -Musical Ride, etc.
For all information write Manager J. 0, ORR, City Bali, Toronto.
'A Watch needs careful and experienced attention to
keep its fine mechanism in perfect condition, No machine
will run well without oiling andalthough a watch needs
very little oil, that small quantity must be of the very
finest u t and in the right places only. It is our business to
make a watch keep correct time, and if it is not worn out
we can do it. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired on
our premises. Our prices are low and work is thorough.
Make Haste Slowly
Let us advise you what is best for your eyes. As
coneulting opticians, we are at your service. Be not
hurried into selecting some style of glasses not becoming
to you, The price of an ill-fitting pair of glasses is often
higher than our modern, up-to-date, much -admired styles.
Take time -- take our time if you will - it will be a.
pleasure if we can please you.
MoW.TOSII - The Jeweler
to the World
,DAY •
Sept. 10.18
Prize List
The Great Live Stock Exhibition
.91st Highlanders
7th Fusiliers
Program Twice' Daily
The Best Ever
Each Evening and •emit London's Fair
over. all Railroads
Prize Lists, Entry Forma, Programs, and all Information from
W. J. REND, Pres:
A. M. HUNT, Secy.
Paris is Pull of Them and Nearly
All, Use Parisian Sage.
In the beauty chow at the metro-
polis two years ago Gold Medals were
awarded to five different women,
To the most beautiful wonaan be-
tween 20 and 25; between 25 and 80;
between 30 and 35 ; between 35 and 40,
and between 40 and 45,
society reporter who interviewed
all vewomen in the interest of his
papers, reported that all of them had
beautiful hair, and that each of the
five 'enthusiastically attributed her
luxuriant hair to Parisian Sage,
J, Walton MoKtbbon sells Parisian
Sage for 50o a large bottle. Be guar.
antees it to cure dandruff in, two
weeks ; to stop falling hair and itch-
ing, of the scalp. It makes any worn-
an's hair beautiful, soft and luxuriant.
How To Improve Health.
No better way than to improve the
blood, cleanse and enrich it, give it
nourishment and strength. This can
be quickly done byDr. Hamilton's
Piils which have a vitalising, purify-
ing effect, that is unequalled in any
other medicine. With lots of pure
rich blood circulating to all parts of
the body, with snap and vim running
through every vein and artery, robust
health is inevitable. No cleansing
building tonic is as good as Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills. Sold by all dealers.
Hair Turning Gray.
Charlie Hemond, twelve years old,
the son of Geo. Hemond, Windsor, is
the possessor of an unusual head of
hair, in that it is rapidly getting gray,
in fact white, not with age, as may
easily be realized, nor from any dis-
ease, as the boy and all members of
the house have raven hair, and as far
back as can be traced, the family pro-
genitors had dusky locke, disposing of
the heredity theory. Medical opinion
is baffled by the case, and in the mean-
time Charlie goes about smiling in
spite of the fact that at the age of 12
he is already assuming a patriarchial
A Nest Full,
The Hillsburg Beaver irelates this :--
Wednesday forenoon, a large mud
turtle, a regular leviathian of her
species, emerged from the pond, walk-
ed a distance 'of about fifteen rode, and
deposited its eggs in a pile of sand on
George street, in front of the residence
of Mr. G. C. Lacey. The Canadian
mud turtle may not be as steady on
the job of egg -laying as the Canadian
hen, but when it comes to numbers at
a session, "'old, slow and steady" has
poor biddy beaten to a frazzle, for this
one laid no less than a dozen in a few
minutes. While the poor brute's back
was turned, the whole'dozen eggs was
"swiped," and after hunting around in
the sand for a few minutes, it showed
its retiring disposition by going back
to the pond. The eggs are almost per-
fectly globular, about three-quarters
of an inch in diameter. They are
covered with a hard shell, which is
cream -colored. The eggs are semi-
Spring Suits, Overcoats,
Trousers, Etc.
Is the theme we bring to your natio at this time. Seine wise mann
has said -"My son, get wisdom, and with all tby getting, get tinder.
standing." The wise man to -day says -"Get n New Suit or Over.
coat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order, in your
own town. where you know what you are getting, and that it is
genuine Tailor -trade," That would be wisdom; that would be nn.
derstanding, Our NEW SPRING GOODS have arrived, and it Is
not exaggerating to may that they include the nicest lines we have
had for same time, and at prides corresponding with the qualities
shown. Spade will not allow us to go into detallo, but
and can snake them any style desired. We are dealing in strong
statements, but will' back them up. We have yet to find the style
of garments we cannot duplicate. Although plain, neat styles are
more in line' with strictly high-class tailoring this season, it is for
you to name your style --WE WILL MAKE IT.
Ot7R FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is filled with the newest
and best for Spring and Summer in all lines.
We have also added a first-olass line of Jewelry.
Robt. Maxwell
Tailor and Furnisher For Mon Who pare ..,
Stands Extremes of Heat and Cold
RUBRRQID is used on houses and barns at points
z,000 miles north of Edmonton, Alberta -and the
extreme cold has no effect on it.
RUBEROID is used on buildings in the West Indies;
South. America and the Orient,- where the ther-
mometer registers from 90 to Zoo degrees for months
-and the extreme heat has no effect on it.
Could you ask for a more satisfactory roofing for your
house and barn? Write for samples and prices.
J.` A. - Sole Agent
Come With The Crowds, To Isard's Big
- l
Cloall Sweep Ten Days' Sale.
� P
Commencing Saturday, August 7th, and Ending Wednesday, August 18th, 1909
Small Prices on Big Parcels for
on a vacation. Big
Ten Days. Great Money Saving chances in Fifteen Departments. Profits just -at .this
Crash in Prices. Come and see the ruins. Come in the morning if possible -
Come anyway. Read on to ` the end -it will =pay you.
time • are
Grocery Department.
Art Baking Powder and Graniteware premium for ..$ .89
2) lbs,,.Granulated Sugar for 1.00
Fresh Corn Starch for .08
2 Cans Red Salmon .25
100 Bottle Extract, sale price .08
Tapioca, fresh..00
Canada Laundry. tarch .06
•25e Japan Tea . .20
Royal Yeast Cakes , . , , .OJ
Pot Barley . ,,,,•,............... .03
Pe strong l3roorns for •. ,,,•„r.,,,• .............. .20
Select off stalk Raisins, per ib,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,45
35c Ceylon Tea for ... ,,,•.,,.,,, ,.,•,.,,. .05
l2Ic Fanny Cakes for,.,., .............. .Q
4 pugs. of Gold Rust for. , , , .ora
sardine, per tin., .05
25c box Flavoring ExtraOat for .10
Ladies' Waists.
Lot No. l. -*A lot of odd sizes to clear at......... $ .09
Lot Aro. 2---A number of Protty Waists mug go at.. .08
Lot No, 3--•A. special line of Fancy White Lawn
Waists, value up to $2 50 -Sale 1.10
Dress Goods.
A large stock of New Dress Goods to choose
from. 20 per cent. discount oft all lines of Dress
Goode, Silks and 'Velvets.
Bqots and' Shoes.
Look on Centre Tables in Shoe Department for
snaps in footwear. A,idt of Boots clearing at 80c, OOc,
and $L10. Worth twice the sale prioe. Every pair in
stock will be sold at a great saving to the buyer.
Move quick and get your share of Shoe Bargains.
Long Gloves.
131g Sale of Ladies' Long, Gloves in the best makes
Lisle, Taffetta and Silk, All colors --10 Day's Sale at
20 per cent discount,
Ladies' Whitewear.
White Muslin Top Skirts, $2.00 each -foe" .... ..$1.50
Fine Cambric Underskirts, worth $2.50 -for........ 2.00
Corset Covers, to clear ---50c line for.... , ........ .., .40
Ohildren'e White Dresses, regular $1.25 -for 1.00
5 doz. Corset Movers, fine quality, reg. 85e -for... ,25
Fine White Underskirts, Worth $1.50 -for!.... , . .. 1,25
Table Linens.
50c half -bleached Linen, good quality -Sale Prise ... 400
OOc Bleached Linen, wide ---Sale Price..... 45c
75c Fine Linen, new pattern --'Sale Price..... . 00c
$1.00 extra fine quality, very Wide, --Sale Price 80c
5 Doz. Table Napkins, $1.50 quality for.... $1.00
Clothing . Department.
Men's strong, well made Overalls, Black or Blue
• Denim -l0 Days' Sale Price $ .59
Men's strong Tweed Pants, $1.50 to $L75 -For 1.25
Men's striped Tweed. Pants, $2.00 -Sale 1.00
Boys' strong wearing Rants, Otic -Salo.... y ' .50
Boys' fancy stripe Pants, 75c -Sale..... .00
Lot No. 1, Men's strong wearing Suits worth $7.00 to
$7.50 --For 5.90
Lot No. 2, Men's fancy Tweed Suits, value up to $10
-For 7.05
Lot No. 3. Men's fancy pattern Worsted Suits, value
up to $14 -Sale 9.95
Boys' Two-piece Suite, regular $2.00--10 Days' Sale1,50
Boys' Two-piece Suits, regular $2.50--10 Days' Sale2.00
Boys' Three-piece Suits, reg. $4.00--10 Days' Sale..,8,25
Tsvo Thousand Dollard' worth of high Class Clothing
to be slaughtered on second floor,
Gents' Furnishings.
Men's Shirts and Drawers -Sale Price 255c
A lot of Men's and Boys' Ties to clear at .., 10c
Men's strong top Shirts, regular value 50c -Sale 30c
Men's strong Braces -Sale Price 10c
Men's Balbriggan Underwear -Sale Price 40e
Men's, strong wearing Sox, 3 pairs for 25e
One hundred pieces of Crurn'a English Print, Guar-
anteed fast colors, fine wide cloth, worth from
12Ic to 15e -on sale.. , .. 10c
Other Specials,
LEATHER BELTS. -Tan, Black or Blue, 50c line.... 24.
CORSETS. --A Iot to clear, worth $1,00 and $1.25, on
- Bargain Tables your choice 690
KID GLOVES. -Guaranteed, regular $1.25 , quality,
all colors -10 Days' Sale Price O9e
355c All -wool Cashmere Hose, sizes 9, 9 -Sale
75c Shopping Satchels, large size ---On Sale
Ladies' Wrappers worth $1,25 -Sale Price
5c Paper Black Toilet Pins -Sale Price
20 Per Cent, off all Summer Parasols.
Very wide, striped Flannelette, worth 12c for . , ..... 10e
10e Plaid Dress Goods -Sale Price 7e
Ladies' Rain Coats to clear at Half Price
Black Underskirts, good value at $1.25, for $1.00
argains in Silks.
27 inch No. 1 quality japan Taffeta Silk, 50e qualjty.. 40e
75c Chiffon Taffeta Silk, guaranteed, regular 75e for.. 60c
Best makes of Dollar Silks on sale at 80c
Big Bargains in Ribbons.
12¢c Plain Ribbon on sale.. 10e
20c Fancy Silk Ribbon on sale 150
me Wide Colored Ribbon on sale 124e
25c Wide Taffeta Ribbon 20c
All lines reduced.
EMBROIDERY AND LADES. --All linea on sale at
a big reduction, No room to quote prices here,
everything will bo reduced. Cash or produce in exchange for goods. is10 goods charged at Sale Prices.
L.,11. E. ISARD & CO. =