The Wingham Advance, 1909-06-03, Page 5i THE WING}TAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1909, PHONE 117 PtI4NO ;7 Richardson & Rae HEADQUARTERS FOR SCREEN DOORS I SCREEN "WINDOWS SCREEN WIRE SPRING HINGES Immemsf DOOR SPRINGS GRASS S11.EARS SEDGE SHEARS SHEEP SHEARS PRUNING SHEARS PRUNING SAWS 100 Per Cent. Pure SLING ROPES HAY FORE ROPES BAY FORK PULLEY PULLEY HOOKS ROPE HITCHERS LAWN HOSE CYM LAWN FENCING WOVEN FENCING FIELD FLOES TURNIP HOES MURESCO DUSTBIN E BLUE RIBBON BINDER TWINE Hammocks COAL Paris Green Spring Suits, Overcoats, ``Trousers, Etc. Is the theme we bring to your 9tice at this time. Some wise man has bail—"My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get under- standing." The wise man to -day says—"Get a New Suit or Over- coat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order, in your own town. where you know what you are gettiug, and that it is genuine Tailor-made." That would be wisdom; that would be un- derstanding. Our NEW SPRING GOODS have arrived, and it is not exaggerating to say that they include the nicest lines we have had for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities shown. Space willenot allow us to go into details, but WE HAVE THE GOODS and can make them any style desired. We are dealing in strong statements, but will back them up. We have yet to find the style of garments we cannot duplicate. Although plain, neat styles are more in line with strictly high-class tailoring this season, it is for you to name your style—WE WILL MATTE IT. OUR FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is tilled with the newest and best for Spring and Summer in all lines, We have oleo added a first-class line of Jewelry. Robt. Maxwell 1 alaatelosetioaleveseeteasseotelbeseeedipsse Tailor and Furnisher dor Mall Who Care A CRIMINAL roux, (London Free Press,) Let it‘ be known far and wide that the boy who robs a birds' nest is a foe to his kind. .About this time of year the instinct grows acute with • opportunity. The birds are nesting, busy to recruit the species, They are doing a good, work for humanity. Why interfere with. it? The small hey's predaceous habit in stealing the eggs should be made a criminal offence, as it is the utmost folly of wantonness, What with the shooting in autumn and the robbing of nests in spring- time the destruction of these friends of humanity goes on at a perilous pace. If these customer are not check- ed the tune of seri,6us reckoning will soon come. This apart from any sentiment con- cerning the feathered creation, It is npt their vocal exercises that are here in question. These are pleasing enough ; the wat'blings add spice and zest to the opening of summer. But the modern world is at no loss for melody, where every sound is regis- tered or imitated. The crime of the bird crusade is in the extermination of insect eaters. These little creatures are of chief value as voracious gourmands. They feed on the grubs and wrigglers that. infest our fields and fruit yards, and thus keep down the numerous enemies of agriculture, Were it not for their efforts in this line the land would re- lapse into a barren waste. They main- tain the balance of nature not by cleaning up injurious insect life, but by gorging upon the seeds of weeds later on in the season. Therefore they are friends to -be protected and not warred upon by those who take no thought of nature or its economies. It should be the task of every school teacher to instruct youth upon these points. The subject needs a great moral awakening at this time, when, we are informed, the wanton habit has become a youthful craze. WHAT A GREAT MAN SAID TO THE GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE. Parisian Sage is a discovery of a celebrated scientist, who spent the best years of his life in perfecting this great hair tonic, In giving his recipe to the American people he said, "Parisian Sage is the - most delightful hair dressing in the world, but it is more than a hair dress- ing. It cures dandruff by killing the germs that infest the roots of the hair; it stops falling hair ; it gives vigor and strength to the hair roots. Wal- ton McKibbon sells Parisian Sage at 50 cents a large bottle and guarantees it to do all that is claimed for it, or your money is refunded. If you do. not reside near a druggist who sells Parisian Sage, send 50 cents to Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie, Ont., and a bottle wt11 be sent you, alt charges prepaid. rQ R ,5 so 00 ea 00 00 10 E3 a 9 0g El 0 Head Office, Hamilton. The Future of a Child is a matter of serious concern to every properly constituted parent. A Savings Bank account opened for your child when young, will—without serious demand on you—provide a fund for a college education when your child grows up. The deposit of an occassional, or regular, small sum—with its added interest—makes possible a higher education, that might otherwise be beyond attainment. Open a Savings Account for this purpose, in the name of the child—in trust, Teach the child to save, and to add its Savings to the fund. The money is under the parents Control, withdrawable only on the parent's signature, and it is unassail- able by the creditor. It teaches the child the invaluable lesson of thrift, and, at the same time, ensures a completion of . its education. THE BANK OF HAMILTON specially invites this class of Savings Accounts, and the Manager will be pleased to eon- suit with, and give any desired information to parents desiring to open Trot AGeotlnts in the names of their children, BANK OF HAM IL C, P. SMITH, Agent Wingham Tegarfr T - — — Be swore by the bright stare above them, And yea know how a lover can swear --- That he would love her for ever and ever— And the eters twinkled down on the pair, And you know how a star can twinkle, When lovers to maidens confess ; They need just one thing, a well diamond ring, Bought at Molntosh's tip -to -date store. A SPECIALTY 1 HAVE MADE A SPECIALTY OF WATCHES ZTot only the buying and selling of them, but also the repairing of them. I claim to be able to fix a watch to your entire satisfaction, when others have failed. I claim to take the lead in selling watches having the elements necessary to accurate time, I claim to sell you the best watches at the lowest prices. Give me a chance to prove my statements. WINTOSH - The Jowolor SIGN OP THE RBD ELEPHANT. 111 01 ' 11! +ice You will have to buy a LAWN MOWER this season. Why not buy one early and have the whole seas- on's use of it. We sell them from to $15. YOU may require at least one of the fol- lowing spring necessities, whioh we are very heavily stocked up in. Hammocks, Screen Doors and Windows, Poultry Netting, Garden Hose t? Reels. The Best Paints for all uses. CLEANyour Bath Tubs, Sinks, Tinware, Floors, etc., with WYANDOTTE. A trial package for 25 cents, and money back if not satisfied. We take Eggs as Cash - - Phone 16 J. G. STEWART CO. THE CENTRAL HARDWARE STORE Special Sale of Furniture ,-"For 30 - Days If you are wanting anything in the line of Furniture —in DINING ROOM, BEDROOM, or PARLOR GOODS, you can get Special Low Prices fOr the next 30 days. We want to reduce our stock, and the quickest way to do so is to put on a Special Low Price Cash Sale. We invite everyone who wants anything in the Furniture line to call and see what we have in PARLOR SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, BEDROOM SUITES, CENTRE and EXTENSION TABLES, SPRINGS and MATTRES- SES. Parlor pieces in Rock and Easy Chairs. Baby Carriages and Go -Carts. Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Brass Extension Rods. Carpet Paper and Stair Pads. PIANOS—If yon have any notion of getting a Piano, let ns show yon what a really high grade Piano can bs bought for. It will perhaps help you in baying one. S. Gracey 'Upholstering and Repairing a Specialty. Western Crops, W. B. Lanigan, assistant freight traffic manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway's western lines at Winnipeg, says that in Manitoba and Saskatchewan all the (sate and bailey were in the groilnd t4 week: ago, Wheat is flit in most sections from tent tq three inches. Ta Alberta, generally, fail wheat wintered well. It Prevents Sore Throat. No simpler way to kill a cold and stamp out sore throat than by apply. ing Nerviline, rub it in freely, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plea - ter on the chest. These remedies hunt pain, destroy every trace of con- gestion, care the oold and tendency to bronchitis, Thousands find Nerviline inestimably the best remedy for pains, aches, bruises, neuralgia, eciatiea, Bolds and winter ills. Not only is it penetrating and powerful, but it is safe and eoono,nieai. All dealers sell Poison's Nerviline. Large bottles for 250, the plaster the same price. Be- ware of substitutes, Canada's Farm. Lands. Iti Canada. last year, the area of occupied farm land Was 78,420,000 acres, with an estimated value of $2,800,000,000 ; the area of field crops was 27,500,000 acres, with a product value of $432,534,000, and the value of live stock on farms and ranches was $331,000,000. Within a l,a><iod of thirty years, it le cethllateti, tba pres. entfigures of the agrloniturnof Canada, Will be inerea•ed fourfold. Tuberculosis Hospital. The city of Ottawa and the Anti- Tuberculosis Association have reached an agreement in regard to the main- tenance of the new hospital and build- ing will start as soon as the agreement is ratified. The structure is to cost not less than $30,000. The manage- ment will be in the hands of the mayor, the board of control and four Members of the association. Death From Corn. Some weeks ago James A. Loch - head, of Centreville, pared a cord on the outside of his foot too closely, and blood poisoning developed, He was brought to Kingston Hospital, where his leg was amputated, But the disease was too far ei;tended, gatl- gerone developed, and his death occurred the next day. ])teettsed was aged 78. Ile was for 21 years treas- urer of Camden Township, and before that he had served in its Connell, A Vegetable Constipation Cure. neeanee they contain mercury and mineral salts, many pills are tench. The easiest and safest laxatives are 1)r. liamilton's Pills of Mandrake aid .Butternut. Theyclean the stiimaellt, intestines and bowels, drive Out waste matter, torte the kidneys and forever stirs pgilstipation. As a general tonin and system cleanser nothing is to Mild and eilielent as De. Hamilton's of Mandrake and i3utternttt. Sold every- where In 25o boxes. Georgian Bay Caval, Sir Robert W. Perks, acting for a syndicate of London, England, bank- ers, has submitted to the Government at Ottawa a scheme for the building of a sectionof the Georgian Bay canal, which Is to connect Georgian Bay with the St, Lawrence River at Montreal, The section between Georgian Bay and North Bay will be 81 miles long and cost about i$25,000,000. According to the plans there are to be three large locks, each as big ae the largest now in use on the Soo canal, and the chan- nel would be a 21 -foot one, There would be considerable rock dredging on the French river, as well as the straightening and widening of the we. terway. Several large dams would be constructed along the route, as well as power houses to generate electrical energy to operate the locks and pro. vide surplus power for the surround- ing country. At North Bay they plan the building of grain elevators, exten- sive warehouses, quays, hydraulic and electric cranes to facilitate the handl- ing of all kinds of produce, grain par- ticularly. Connections would be made with all railroads, and the scheme, Sir Robert thinks, would make a terminal point of the Canadian town to rival Buffalo. A MONTREAL MAN Run-down, Sick and Despondent Because He Had Failed to Get Help Restored To Health By Vinol. "I was in a very run-down condi- tion. Abscesses broke out on my body and my digestion was seriously im- paired. I lost flesh and strength and was in a very sad way altogether. I was under different doctors' care but did not derive any material benefit from their treatment. "This state of affairs went on for several months .and I became very despondent and thought I would never be well again. My attention was then drawn to Vinol and I purchased a bottle from Bryson's drug store, The first bottle did me good so I continued it's use, and am to -day as well as ever I was. I also find Vinol a splendid remedy for colds," Alfred J. Linn, 1087 Delorimies Avenue, Montreal, Quebec. This is because Vinol is a genuine tonic and body-builder which contains peptonate of iron together with every one of the body-building medicinal ele- ments of cod liver oil, but without one drop of oil to. upset the stomach and retard its work. Vinol acts directly upon the stomach, creates a healthy appetite, and enables the digestive organs to obtain the necessary ele- ments from the food eaten to make rich, red blood, healthy flesh and muscle tissue and create strength. Your money back if Vinol fails to benefit, J. Walton McKibbon, Wing - ham. Teeswater. Bruce County Council will hold its June session in Kincardine, opening on June 14th. Mr. Andrew Young of near Kin- Iough recently captured a family of six young foxes. Our former townsman, Mr. T. Car- bert, has purchased the license and furnishing of the Cain Hotel, Lucknow. The proposed.. competition in fall wheat on the field, to be held under Teeswater Agriculture Society aus- pices, has fallen through for want of competitors, Deputy Post Office Inspector Austin paid the local office an official visit on Saturday, and put the staff in a happy frame of mind by reporting everything in A 1 order. Mr. and Mrs. Brill have moved into their residence on Elora St. A good deal of repair work that bas brought the house up to date in all the modern conveniences has been done in the past month. It has been definitely decided to hold a Dominion Day Celebration in Teeswater. It will be run by the Band and the Baseball Club, a com- bination that will be able to put on a program fleet class is every respect. Adherents of Knox church, on Sun- day, had the ram experience of list- ening to two sermons by a man over ninety years of age. This was Rev. Dr. Wardrope who came here on Sat- urday to visit his brother, Rev. David Wardrope. A few weeks ago the Dr. passed his ninetieth birthday, and celebrated the event by preaching to the congregation of Chalmers church, Guelph, of which he had been for 24 years pastor. WANT$Ii Ax ONCiti.-1000 cases of Eggs, 1000 boles Butter, large quan- tities Wool. Highest prices, cash or trade.--IGxNct's, Wingham. THE LEADING STORE Isard's For Hosiery, Gloves and Parasols Just received, large shipment of Hosiery, Gloves ( Parasols. Quality is right with us ---- always will be. Our Goods are First Quality, and the prices Are guaranteed right. HOSIWRY We have imported lines at money -saving prices. In Cotton Hose we're showing very special lines in Black and Tan, at 10e, 15c, 20c and 25c. GLOVES We handle the celebrated Fowne's make every pair guaranteed. Special value in long Silk or Lisle Gloves. See our leader at 50c, 2 -Button Kid Gloves, all shades, our price $1.00. PARASOLS Very pretty Summer Parasols just to' hand, and prices are very moderate ; we have all the lead- ing colors, as well as the best black, Special value at $1.00 and $1.25. N. E. ISARD CO. IMINUMMINEMINNaliNIMMWSIMInielliMEN i Three Infants Found. Palmerston, May 28.—The bodies of three infants, one of them that of a fully developed babe, were discovered yesterday on the farm of Mr. Charles Comps, just outside the town limits, where they had been dumped with the refuse collected by the scavenging cart, Mr. Cosens at once notified the chief of police, but the ]atter on mak- ing an investigation could find only two of the bodies, the third having been removed during the night. The coroner has been notified and an en- quiry will be instituted. A Wonderful Cold Cure. Just think of it a cold cured in ten minutes—that's what happens when you use Catarrhozone. You inhale its soothing balsams and out goes the cold—sniffles are cured, headache is cured, symptoms of catarrh and grip- pe disappear at once. It's the healing pine essences and powerful antiseptics m Catarrhozone that enables it to act so quickly. In disease of the nose, for irritable throat, bronchitis, coughs and catarrh it's a marvel. Safe even for children. 25c and $1 sizes at all dealers. Sprouting Seed Potatoes. Many field trials to ascertain the value of sprouting seed potatoes in boxes before planting them, have been recently made in Britain. The results indicate that the method is profitable. In one experiment, in 1905, the average gain of sprouted over un - sprouted seed was 1 ton 18 cwt., per acre. In the following year, a gain of 1 ton 0 cwt. was shown. On twelve farms, in 1007, the average gain was 2 tons per acre; and on 14 -farms, in 1908, the gain averaged 2 tons 14 cwt. In addition, there were fewer small potatoes, and less disease. Flies and Typhoid. Among the experts there seems to be little dispute that flies are a most important factor in the transmission particularly of typhoid germs. Many of them consider that flies cause more typhoid fever epidemics than polluted water or milk, The secretary of the Colorado State board of health, Hugh L. Taylor, gives acase of where a milk supply undoubtedly became infected with typhoid bacilli through files which bad access both to the milk and a privy vault used by a person having the fever. Secretary J. H. Townsend of the. Connecticut State board of health considers it significant that typhoid fever is more prevalent at seasons when flies are most numerous, and urges the importance of so dispos- ing of sewage as to keep it away from flies. 'Dr.. Henry D. Holton of Brattleboro, secretary of the Vermont State board of health, gives this case :—"For several years one or more persons living on a large farm, which received its water supply from moun- tain springs, had typhoid fever in the autumn—new farm hands generally being the sufferers. No pollution of the water supply was discovered, but investigation showed that the farm privy was unscreened and swarming with flies, which bad free access to the house and its food supplies. After the old closet was abandoned for more modern arrangements, and the house supplied with screens, no cases of typhoid occurred in the neighbor- hood," ' Never Pare A Corn. It's a sure way to get blood poison- ing, Use Putnam'e Corn Extractor. It's safe, painless and sure to cure in a. day. ,9ro ;Lee's Odorless Would Have Saved Them 1 Before storing ,your Furs for the immune it will pay ;fon to get a pa kago of Methine, which is the most of. fectivo preventative and destroyer of Moths. It hes the advantage of being perfectly odorless so thatonr Furs have no unpleasant smell when unpacked in the Pall. It can be dusted tato Furs, Blankets, Carpets 'md any kind of upholstered; Furniture without injury to the fabric. It contains positively no poleonous drugs of any kind. ASIC ?MIR natrooISr FOR Iil0Tii1Nl3. 111 11E 1IASN'9C GOT IT, WRITE TO IIS, 13n0wN, Il , Co., LI fr r (lilltil'13 ONTAIUO J. Walton 1V[cKlllbon M Special Agent