The Wingham Advance, 1909-03-25, Page 2•••••,1.;14;
Les ok
LESSON X1 I le-eMAROld 20, In
Teleleerance LeeeeneseProv. 231 29-35.
Ceuenteutary.-I. Strong eriult des-
troys happiness (ve. 29s 30). 20. Who
e-Evere mou is aelsed, to ecerelt into
the eauso of the distroo end contens
tion which exist In the world. Ilath woe
Direful distress. The drunIcard has
woes of hedy and Nana of 311.111d1, Atraeff
in Itimeelf, woes in lds tonally; pales,
diseases, poverty, and all without al,
'aviation. Who hath Borrow -The Ileb-
vew word means, first, poverty, and
then Misery. The drunisard. has saran'
of his own makiug. Who bath contest,
tions-Ninestenths of all the brawls; and
fighta, quarrel:* and znisundoretandinge
ere trimeable to drink, The passions ore
itaflarried end the restraints of the cons
• ecience and will aro removed. Who hath
babbling -This refers to the tendency
of strong MO to foolish and incessant
talking, vile conversatioa and noisy de-
monsteations, The man under the in-
fluence of liquor is beeeft of Ms reason
and talks and eats like a foolish man;
be often has the appearance of a yore
teblo idiot. Wounds without cause -
The drunkei man is exposed to dangers
and accidentswhich mielit have haeu
easily prevented. He becomes involved
iia demutee and Israsvls causing wounds
which are all unnecessary. Redness of
eyeo-BIoodshot, blurred or bleared
eyes. "Alcohol indices a paralysis of
the norves cbgtrolliug the minute blood
vessels, the Capillaries, -which resultt
in a dilation that epoedily shows itself
in the eye. In his stop and in his eye
the drunkard shows the seeret of hie
• sin. -Wakefield.
30. Th.ey that tarry' long -This aus-
wers the above question. Ile who be-
gins to drinIc coetbrues to drink, tarry-
ing often a ovh,ole night, and from that
to day and night, They that go -Rob-
inson calls thie lesson the drunkard)*
looking -glass, set before those whose
fo,oe is toward the drunkard's habits, se,
that they may see what they will bo if
they go on. Sin of all kinds brings its
own punishtnent, but there is no sin
which so speedily and relentlessly pur-
sues its victim as the sin of drunken-
ness. Mixed wine -Modern methods of
poisonous adulteration have greatlyin-
' creased the evil effects of liquor drink-
ing. The S.undateseliool Journal ' tells
us that "the chemicel analysis of the
liquors used by the people in t121O Cann -
try shows that they drink alcohol, are -
emits, alum, aloes, bitter almonds, blood,
chalk, cherry -laurel, coculus, indieus,
copperas, gypsum, henbane, isinglass,
limeslead, logwood, nu x vomica, opium,
oft of vitriol, oil of juniper, oil of turs
pentine, tobacco., sugar of lead, resin,
11. A warning against strong drink
• (vs. 31. 32),
31, Leon tot -This prohibits even
moderato thinking. It is our duty to
avoid tmAptation (see Prose 4, 14, 15).
The person who enters into temptation
is almost certain to fall. Red -The
bright color of the wine gives it an at-
tractive look. His color in the cup -
Literally, "its eye, the clear brightness,
or the beaded bubbles, on sebach the
wine-dainker looks with pleastua." Goeth
down smoethly" (R. V.) -"This verse
pictures the attractive Side a wino, whea
it Reams perfectly harmless to sip a lit-
tle, when it is bright and inspiring, thrill-
ing the nerves witle delight, promising all
joy and freedom. It is the shining side
of evil that is se dangerous -this flow-
ery entrance to the path that leads to
death." .At such a time. beware!
32, At the last it bitete.-16 is poison
In the veins and causes disease and death.
Its only beauty is when it sparkles in
tke cup. Added. ---In the Geneva. Bible
this word is translated "cockatrice" It
Was a very venomous serpent. But the
picture eannot be oveedrawn. The curse
of strong drmes is worse than the Mte of
a then:sane serpenbs. Note Beetle of its
evils: It :mimes lose of time, of talent,
of purity, of a clear et:insolence, of self-
respeht, of honor, of religion. of the soul.
It injures the family, obseructs businesa,
atrests industry, impedes progress, de-
ranges plans, estranges partners, 'lowers
Personal standiug, debauches politeso It
wnetee the body, dleables the mitidgini-
fits fer the daily duties of life, brings
poverty, tempts others, leads into bad
somparty, causes crime. It fills poor-
houses, penitentiaries, and the regions of
the lost,
III. Strong drink ruins character (v.
33. Byes shall behold, ete.-"Thine eyes
shall behold strange thirigs."-11. V.
Some think there is a referenee here to
the delirium tremens, Bid the rendming,
in the Authorized Version, whick is re-
tained in the margin of the Bevised Ver-
sion, le, aceordieg to the Cambridge
Bible, "he keeping with the usage of the
Wartl irt the book of Proverbs and with
the undoubted connection baween
was of wine and lust," The "lest of the
eggs" cusses the downfall of many. We
elated hasten to close our eyes to that
Whith Ivo ought not te
utter-leslien men or women indulge in
the use of strong drink they let down
the bars to every sin that, follows in
the train. The heart is the centre of life,
and from it spring all evil desires, In a
estate of drunkenness men utter things
out of reasoxt and eontrary to deceliey,
IVItext8 man is under the Influenee of 11.
quer hia chareeter Is bad and he be -
leaves badly. Aleoliol melee crizninels.
A large per cent. of the innutie.s of 'our
penal institutions are there through the
effects of tum.
11r. Strong dtink leads to folly (ve.
34, 04).
�4. Id the midst of thesta--A. drueks
an puts himself in the greatest
clangers and then fancies that he is se-
cure. To make one' s bed in the waves
of tint sea would be to instantly perish.
Top of a mast -To fall asleep eleaping
the masthead could not but toeult djs
eatrisuoly, o tho drunkard is utterly
regardless of life, $5 Have strickett.,
not hurt (R. VS.) --.With coeselortee sears
Lid stud ecifsrespecb teoue, the demi:herd
boasts of the thiege whirls should make
Itini blush with sheltie, teetatee he did
hat feel tho hurt of hie looted& be cerise
not for the team ilo thinkohlineelf
fertenate to be staved from the geese
'of pain, feelitig ao Oath for his unfeels
ifig add, Mee beaten. felt ft uotees
Angry coinpanione have done their
worst to end my lifesays he..but their
blows did not affect' me. Will seek...,
ageittallettlier, when 1 awake will
trestle it Again, instead of turning' to
Gocl for tnerey, he Vaunts t� the sal-
oon for. inord -of the poioon that has
brought hint thus far on the way to
rain, Selfseontrol le gone. Thee rinnk.
are fa a tieve to appetite. lie is in8011.
table to the pleadings and warnings of
theao who seek his salvation. "The
taw of int•ruporance will tringle over
evarytiiiog te emelt otroug .eltiuk. Put
wife and ehildreu te thee path before
them, old they out thotte ittiide. Pia 1
tittSpoeftbiliV 1%4 110)10v and mathood I
More; they gate i.heta a moMent and 1
fling them ataxy. Bring Christ and *al-
vetion and heevea to withetend their
dowuwerd Ivey, ene they treonple them
steder their feet. Lay reinorees with.
all it serpeut toilette, nue
Poorpiou dingo. in am path, axle yet
they went on. Pilo Itp miserieo, oors
rove, Pala% Osman before them; eea,
point out it the 'Ivey the ghestly tom
a oath, end they till go on foe they
will have rum." Oh, the power a tin
eyil habit. It holdoa UM ill au bent
grip end &alp hni down to hell. Aud
yet title •ovil habit elm be overcome;
Jesus Christ is ablo to "break ltb ow.*
Temperance Inetruetion-eThe last tew
years have tvituessed greet advancee
the knowledge Of the effects elf A,101101
upou the Inmate besly, Exteusive seisms
tifie lie:per/Mods, have been made by
4/yecia1lots1 useably by Professor Krises
petite of Ifeidelborg, Goemarty, resolv-
ing couolusively the vitiating offects
of dlooliel upen the spocial settees, the
inusoles, the powers of enderanco, and
the ability to resist disease. Erstepelin
made over two thousand experimeuts
to determine the effeots of ,lcoluol upon
the Senses, fla ound that lettors which
could be read with a 'normal vision at
a elistance of thirty feet had to be
brought ton feet nearer to be
gnibe half en hour after the subject
had taken an ounce ef alcohol. The el -
feet on colors was equally marked, They
were either obscured or lost altogether.
This is one aloe reason 'why eailroo.d
eagiueers must be fee from alcehol. If
tbeY are not, it greatly reduces their
ability to discrimulato between coIciree
sigmas, 'The effeot of liquor on hearing
was evert more notieepile, A wetch tick,
ordinarily hoard distinctly at a distance
of thirty or forty inches, was percep-
tible only when within ten or fifteen
inches after one ounce of alcohol was
eonsumods The sensatiou of taste was
cliauged, Bitters, salts or acids mixed
with either substauces could not be de-
tected until increased from a third to
a half beyond the proportion .easily dis-
tiuguisheel by a normal person. The
power to discriminate edors was weak -
ewe', and the senso. of touch greatly
diiiiintshed. Kraepelin also found that
small quantities of alcohol weakened
muscular power and aotivity. -
The powers of misnames aro greatly
lessened by alcohol. This has long been
recognized by Aretie explorera, sports.
ineu and those engaged in eudurance
feats. A brief spurt may be made by
one under the influence of liquor, but
he is sure to fell far behind at the fin-
ish. Fatigue is caused by the aecumu-
lation of waste in the blood more rapidly
than it can be sent out of the system.
Aleoltol hastens fatigue by clogging the
blood with poisonous matter. • Practis
tally all athletes abstain from drink, at
least during training. When the Greet
Western Railway Company had its gauge
narrowed the men were worked seven-
teen and eighteen hours a day. Five
thousand mon were employed, who fin-
ished, the huge task in thirty-one hours.
Net a drop of alcohol was allowed, but
the men were supplied freely with oat-
meal and water Endurance tests have
been made with abstaining and non -ab-
staining soldiers and workmen as well as
with men who teeeed their stretigth with
instruments of preelsiOn, always With the
same result -33. L. 0.
I. The results.' X. "Woe" (v. e9). Vine -
drinking brings the woe of (I) 111 health,
It poisons the blood and saps the con.
stitution and spreads the foulest dis-
eases. (2) Poverty. Ie indisposes and
utifits for industry. .An army of eigh-
teen hundred. worxingmen narched
through the etreets of Chicago carrying
a banner friscribed, "Givo our ohildreu
bread." They went out to a picnic gar-
den and drank forty kegs of beer. If tho
poor people would put *away the beer
and. the idleness which beetedtinking in-
duces; there would be bread enough for.
the children. (3) Social contempt;
Strangers loathe the.drunkard, his com-
rades jeer him, his neighbers desplise hint,
his wife dreade him, hie children shun
him, and at last even the saloon -keeper
who caused his ruin will throw hini Into
the. streets. (4) Remorse. When .ot in-
toxicated the drunkard suffers gnawing
pain andiewful anguish as he realizes his
miserable folly and real guilt. ((1) Dies
grace. The habits of the drunkard affect
his looks. The inflamed eye, the red;
blotched, disfigured hue are an index of
2. "Sorrow(v. 20). Wineetrinking
turns men into beasts; it makes wires
widows, and children fatherless; it robs
helpless infancy of food and elothieg.
There is rxp sorrow thee pen can pieture
so dark,. so heart -breaking, as that which
wine-dreileine- brings,
3. "Contefitiohs" (v. 20.) One Satur-
day events% a company of ieight work -
me tt went to a tavern and putting Vlore
money together hotel% a galthn. of whis-
key and drank it. Oa Mit sway home
four of thein began to quarrel, Welch
elided ill a fight. 'Two were killed, and
the murderers were sentenced to prison
for fifteen years.
4. Destruction. "At the last it bitseth
like a serpeue and stingeth like an ad-
der" (v. 32.) This is the end. At the
first it sparkles and cheers; at the last
it poisons and maddens. At the first it
is the grateful stifeulus of an hour; at
the last it is the `worm that never dies,
and the fire that never shall bo quench-
5, Licentiousness, "Thine eyes shall
behold sttatige women" (v. 33.) A man
under the influence of intoxicants is
easily tetipted. With judgment clouded,
reason dethroted, memory unto and pas..
osriohint e,inflamed, Ito reels toady for any
0, Insensibility'. "Thou shalt bo as lie
that, Beth down in the midst ef the sea,
or as he that Both upon the top of a
meet" (v. 34,) A seatitan Wide awake
dries not find it eaesy to hold sm to the
masthead le a gale t but to attempt to
steep there is sure suicide, Many a young
man hes put himself under the delusive
sorcery of strong drink, drearaitig that
he could take it or let it alone as he
chose, Citify to be swiftly hurled bite the
drunkard's hell,
IL The remedy, "Look not thou epert
the wine when it is red" (v., 31.-) Do not
waste one glance upon it, 1)0 not put
yourself in the way of temptation, Turn
from it As positively as the little ert,
out driving with Miss Willard, who said,
"Wicked old saloon, rl try not even to
look at the barrels," A person who fol-
lows his Rible win be a total abstainer.
"Looking unto JOS118, the author and
finisbet of (tut' faith," is the retnedy for
evcry iU (Bele 12; 2.) As tho bitton 1.
vitiate loOkea to the broom% serpent, SO
the sinner sating by t/lie serpent !May
look up for health 'and life. Any a the
Israelites could look. Even the week
ones, who could not raise their heads
could Wee A littlo tittle bitten by the
serpent can look, so easy has God made
the way of salvation. ---,A, C. M.
, •
Decapitated by Ati setighte.
St, Jolue it, March 21.-41aglx
Simpson, of Proderlixton jx.inetion, was
cut in two --and &agitated by it CI, P,
engine, running into the dopot here irn
'itirville on liattneley night,. The Theo.
Motive W:14 i'inning teader first, qh.1 it -1
s s p finnpeil 1d ,t&t Ihs
as 53 yeas old and tingle.
The grain receipts to -day wore small,
consisting only ot 000 bushels. Mout
is unchanged, with sales et 100 Intehelit
of fall et 91,.07 to 91.08. Oate steady
at 51e per bushel for 300 bushels. Dar,
lay sold at 04 to 00e for goo busueigi.
There was a fair supply of butter and
eggs, with prices easy. Good to 0110100
dewy hotter sold at 41 be 2esi-per lbe
and (lege closed at 22 to 23e per doeen.
Pesetry seam and firm,
Hay lit liberal offer, with prices en.
clienged; 40 loads eold at $12 to 913.00
a ton for No. 1, and et 810 to $1.1 for
mixed. Straw le earalual in absence of
offerings, e
Dressed hogs are firm at 90.50 for
heavy, and at 90.70 te 99.85 forlight,
Wheat, fall, bush .,9 I 07 $ I 08
Do., goose, bush „ 1 03 1 01
Oats, bush .. . - . 0 01 0 00
Berley, bush „ 0 05
Ree, bush , Q 72 0 7$
Peas, busk 094 0 05
Buckwheat, bush ,- 0 63 0 00
gay, per ton,. , 2200 13 00
Do„ No, 2 .. , .. 10 00 11 00
Straw, per ton ... 1301) 000
Dressed hogs ,. 9 00 9 85
Butter, choice, dairy . 0 23 0 25
Do., inferior .„.,.. 0 18 0 e0
n'ggs, new had 0 22 o 33
Chickens, dressed, lb 0 17 0 10
Fowl, lb ... 0 18 0 14
Turkeys,. lb . „ ... 0 25 • 0 28
Cabbage, per barrel .. • 2 00 3 00
Celery. per dozen .. 0 40 0 00
Potatoes, beg .. ., 0 75 0 80
Ouions, bag .,.. 1 00 1 25
Apples, barrel as . .. . . 3 50, 5 00
Beef, hindquarters ... 8 50 10 00
1)0., forequarters 00 ' 7 50
Do„ choice, carcase ... 8 00 8 75
Do., medium, earease .. 6 50 7 00
Mutton, per cwt .... 8 00 10 00
Veal, prime, per eel 10 00 11 50
Lamb, per owt ........17.00 14 00
St. Isawrenco sugars are quoted as fol,
lows: Granulated, 94.70 per ewe, in .bar'
rels, and No. 1 golden, $4.30 per cwt., In
barrels. These prices are for delivery
here, Car lots 5e less. In 100-1b. bags
prices aro 5o less.
Receipts of live stook at the City Mar
trot, as reported by tee railways, were
114 ear loads for Wednesday and Thurs
day, consisting of 1,582 cattle, 2,799
hogs, 521 sheep and lambs, 235 calve
and 16 horse,
There was no change in the quality
of the cattle offered -a few good to
choice, with many more of the reedhun
unfinished classes.
Exporters.-Theso sold at about tho
same quotations as were paid during
the week, ranging from $6.25 to 95.50
and there may have been two or three
attic tbat brought $5.60; ezport bull
sold at 94 to 94.60.
Butchers. -Prime picked lots, °qua
to best exporters in quality, sold at 95.
15 to $5.30; loads of good, $42.70 to 95
medium, 94.40 te 94.70; common, 93.85
to $4.30; cows, 93 to $1.30; canners
91.75 to 92.65; bulls, $3.26 to 94.
Feeders agesStockers-H. & W. hfurby
report handling about 75 cattle during
the week as follows; Best steers, 1,000 to
1,100 lbs., 94.25 to 94.75; steers, 900 to
1,000 lbs., /33.85 to 94.40; stockers, 93
to 93.50.
Milkers and Springera-Trade in mint
ers and springers ruled about steady, a
there was a feirly large delivery for the
two days. Prices ranged from 935 to
Seal Calves -The market for yea
calves was not quite as strong on ac
count of a larger number being on sale
but prices ruled about steady. Prices
ranged front 93 to 97 per cwt.
Sheep and Lambs, -The untried for
sheep and lambs remained strong. Ex
port etre, 94.50 to 95 per ovt,; rams
49 to 94.50 per cwt.; Iambs, grain -fed
$17.25 to 41,85 per cwt.; amulets latabs
85.60 to 96.60 per Owt,
Hogs -Mr. Harris quotes selects, fed
and watered at the market at 97.40, and
f.o.b. ears at country points 97,16 per
Sugar -Raw steady; fair refining,
3,420; centtifugel, 06 test, 3,02c; mo-
lasses sugar, 3.17o; refined, steady,
•.London -London eatles for cattle are
steady, at 13 to 14 1-2e per Ilse dressed
weight; refrigerator tee( is quoted. at
9 5-8 to 9 7-8o per lb.
London--Cetaamau baton is 60 to 62s;
hams, long cue are I firm et 60 to 64s
cheese has ruled very firm, with fine to
finest white at 62 to 04s; eoltited, 00 to
67s) exceptionally, 68s, and deep red,
Belerille.-71te live hog market was
brisk the past week, buyers peying 97,
the highest ih some months,Dreesed,
99 to $9.25, and selling freely. Itay very
plentiful, averaging 912 per ton.
Loose straw oearee at $8 per load; bah
ed, 910 per ton. Cato, 60e, arid scarce.
..V6 change in hide prices; butchers'.
8igoe; farmers', 8e; dealsies, 75e. Pete.
toes plentiful, 75c per bag. Fresh eggs
down to 17 and 18e. Fresh butter, 25e
to 27e,
Peterboroe-On the market dressed
hogs bring 90, lieu Vali to 87.25; baled
hay, 914 to 915, loose 912 to $14) straw,
VT; farmers' and butchers' hides, 70 to
Mc; butter, 28e; eggs, 106
Londetto-Oitts made smother advance
to -day, and sold up to 91.45 per cwt.
Butter market strong; creamery, 20 to
280; roll. 25 to 27e; crock. 23 to 24c.
Eggs plentiful at IS to 20.e. Dressed
hogs' 90.75 to $10; live hogs, selects,
90.75to 90,87. Hay, 90 to $10,25, Straw,
95 to 90.
Stratford.-Ifogs, to $7.10; dressed
1.2 to 0 3.4e; costa, 7 3.4 to 4 1.4e,
:lassoed 7 he to Sea steers and heifers,
4143 to lie, dressed, 8 to 8 1.20; calves,
Se dressed 8e; tenths 5e, dressed, 8 1.2e;
hides farmers', 8 to 0e, packers' 0 1-2 to
100; wheat, 81.05, Standard; oats, 450
standard.; barley, 50 to Seic; peas, 85 to
Ittoge;901,i3r0a;14119023dsTerits1411bau' tre5e! 2124th Sig3.300;
eggs, 24 te 25e.
St, Thortute-There wita tta abuncl-
ithee of protluee on tam market. teelay.
Quotationss Live hogs $6.25; dressed
bogie 98 to $8,50; loose' hay, 910; baled
hay, 911 to $121 straw, $0; eggs 21 to
elc; butter, 20e; inaple syrup 91:25 por
nano; potatoes, 650 per bag; opplee,
91.40 to 91.70; wheat, •$1.05.
Oltatitein.--The ilpseard tendeney Wets
general in the Market; live hops bites-,
or at 91 to 97.15 per mete daeseed $8-50,
to $8,75; expote beef, 5 We; butehers'
tattle, e 1.2 to 40; hombre 5 1.141; von).
7e; potatoes, 766 per bag; hay, tiorothy
90 to $10; no elover; eggs, 200 per itaseg
111 bagel', 24 to 269 0111410ns, pt,
ef0e; sheik% 40e; teekens, $1 to 91,70;
Appless a2 per bag; buskwhsat, 400;
haeleers SIM.; COM aliened, ti5e, ea ear
00; oats, 4eer wheat, el; been, $1.35
to $1,0; wool Welshed, 14 to Ifie,
Militia8 to Oa
OWell Sound, --Not lunch clutoge in
nuirket conditions. Pork has follotved
the tendency of the market; live hose,
$7 te $7.20, dressed, light, 99; drama,
heavy, $8.75, Butter was plentiful at
21 to 22e; eggs, 18 to 10e) hay, 99 to
900, baled 911; straw, por load, $4.50.
leitigaton, Ja,-The Government hi
taktug lileatiUrtie to stamp out the foot
else month disease thet, has Appeared
sunong Om cattle in the banana, district
of Jamaica, It is thought the malady
came to daumice through Ameriean and
Canadian corn and bay. Members of the
-council are urging the introduction of a
bill lts prohibit, the importation of tod,
der from tho United State % and Cana.
(Ilan points, and the measure will be in -
traduced and probably passed as urgen.
ecy business next Tueeslay. The not will
11144 to hay and corn afloat at tho time
the 'bill is passed,
441,414.14 4444.4444.44.
istontreae-sree general situ:elms lielea late-
ly steasty, 'mile tee overawe et spring Ilds
to senle eXtent inereased wholesale orders,
retail trade Is still quiet and will no doubt
continuo so as long as cold weather lasts,
Shipments of spring goods are gang forward.
fairer well ten heavy lines generally ate
awaiting the openleg of navigation.
'Peronto--lhere hes been rather a better
movement to general 'Mee during the past
week. Retailers Itroee, 55 a rule, been buying
lightly, and they evidently teet that the near
apPeetteh of spring makee necessary some
additiena to their stooks. The vellum) of
trada is not heavy, however, nor Is It likely
to be se until warm weather suate eeriae
goods moving at retail. 'Phe general out-
look is cheerful and there seems to be a
feeling of decided confideuee regardillg fu-
ture trade.
Winnipeg -Spring trade Is opening, out well
with the wholesalers, P
Vancouver and Victoria -Trade in ell lines
holds it steady tone here and there aro little
changes to report.
Quebec -Good roads are having the desired
effect In basiness, the latter is reported slow-
ly improving and irt smite instances, very
falr orders have been received tor imicridinte
Hautilton-Burincse hero continues quiet.
Retail trade Is awaiting the arrival e2 Warm
weather and, while wholesalers aro sending
out fair parrots of goods, the movement Is
not exPected to be brisk until tbe sorting
trade opens out. Local factories are moder-
ately busy and aro now generally employing
Id ll staffs, Produce has been offering freely
and there has been an easter tone in prices.
Collections are only fair.
London-Buslaess here keeps moderate in
atteevaarreade is generally steady with
only' here and there any indications of brisk-
.4.444.0....1,p • •
Search For Michigan Banker Who
"Died" 15 Years Ago. •
New Yore," „March 21. -Police In-
spector MeCefferty, aceordiug to,,,, an
announcement published Imre, has de-
tailed detectives to search for Littera
S. Baker, formerly cashier of the North -
elm ,National Bank, of Big Rapids, Mich.,
a man weo has been legally dead for
fifteen :seers.
The search, it is stated, has been
made at tho instence of, Frank Chick-
ering, .. of Big Rapids who
has extensive lumber interests itt Michi-
gan. Chielsering says Baker is alive and
Lor several months has been associated
with e firm of Wall Street broker un-
der the alias, Kabor La Toro,s, his goal
name, with the letters transposed.
Chickering told Inspector McCafferty
that it was necessary for him to find
Baker in order to clear up the 'title to
timber lands valued at 93,000,000.
After Baker's bank failed he canto to'
New York. In February, 1894, after he
bad beet here but a few days, word was
sent to his family that he had died in
Bellevue Hospital as the result of injur-
tea receirfd in an encounter with. high-
wayrnen. A body was sent to Big Ita,p-
ids, and this, it is stated, was identified
raesabhat of Baker by his wife and chile-
Banker's Wife Struck at With
Sandbag at North Bay.
North Bay, •Ont., March 22. -Mrs, J.
IL Moffatt, wife of the local manager
of the Bank of Ottawa, was struck at
with it sandbag by an unknown man on
Saturday niget a3 she was htaeing 1,er
house. but dodged the blow, and Ls, in ed
from tier assaslant. Late last ttightstwo
men attempted to force their way into
the Moffatt house but were foiled by
the housemaid, who notified tla. police.
On a search beirig made two men were
fotiodnithe a 0. 'P. IL passenger eoach,
which they had entered by mewls of
skeleton keyee one got itway, out the
other was arrested.
Caille From Michigan May Now
Enter Canada.
Ottawa, March 21. -The embargo
against cattle from the State of Afield.
gen bas been raised by order in Gdail,
cll. It is still in force against live
stook from New York, Now Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware and 'Maryland.
The relaxation so kr as Michigan is
ceneerned Is due to the fact that the
authotities are setisfice that the foot-
atulanouth disease has been stamped
out in that State and tho raising of
the embargo will foelletate the move-
ment of export cattle: tuany of welch
g� front Chicago sterceis the Niagara
Peninsula for shipment, from New
'York or Portland,
** '
Jamaica May Bar It to Help Stamp
Out Cattle Diseas*.
leingetan, iheinalein .111erch
GoYornmeot is toking measures te
steely out the footsand-mouth diseoso
that has appeared anieng the eattle itt
the hetet% distriet of (lanutiett, it is
thought the malady aline to Jamaica,
through Ametteart and Canadian eon
and hate Members of the Council at
urging the introduetion of a bill to pro-
hibit the importation of fodder from
United States And Canadian points, and
the measttre will be introdueed and
prolnebIy pitSattl as um -gene y busluess
next Tuesdey. The aet will apply to
hay nisi torn afloat at the thee the bill
is primed.
Chattel° ineorperatione illetti40 Caltit.
Idian Telephone(' Co., $1,000,000; "Whit.
oey Club; Motor Bee C4., $12,06000;
Industrial Cash Buyers' Vrtion, mid
Melon Mission for Mtn, Ottawa,
chow H. Diefentbal Drank Acid
in Toronto Restaur
Toronto, March 22.-1lut twenty years
of ago tad already tired of life, Charles
11. Diefeuthal, a young: electrician, vont-
witted suicide in a muck lunch restaur-
ant on Saturday night by drinking car -
toile add. The young man had appar-
tntly deliberately planned, to end his
for in his pocket wee found it note
giving a reason for his melon and itehieg
that les father in Quebec oliould be noti-
fied of his dp,th.
Diefentlial was in the Toronto Lunch
ni Yongo street late on Satualey night,
and, after receiving his cheek for what
he had eateu, went up to the lade ea:sh-
ier, Ile stood for a moment talking and
leughing, and then with a remark, "Well,
Isere goes," pulled the bottle containing
the acid from hie poeket and swallowed
the eonteuts, about three ounces, 'When
the liorrifiee employees ef the restaurant
ran to hint with the inteetion of giving
him some kind of an antidote Diefenteal
fought them off and ran out through
the back into a lane,
Ilo titaggered up to Wilton avertuo and
beck on to Yonge street again, falling
deed ahnost in front of the restaprant,
Ile Wa8 caul° dint() lia,zeltenes drug
store, but life wits extinct, • The patrol
wagon was summoned to remove the
body to the morgue, led, before it ar-
rived it business paltrier of the dead mart
arrived and had the body removed to
Humphrey's undertaking rooms. No
inquest will be held.
In a packet of his coat the police'
found a note that Diefenthel had written
but an hour earlier. It was dated, gave
his address and reed; "I am perfectly
sano, but ant sick of the worry of this
life, so good.bye to ail." Lower down
was written: "Telegraph. home, IL Die.
fenthal, 23 St. Patriek street, Quebec,"
The slip of paper also contained instrue-
times about his effeets,
• • • • • • • • • I • 4 • - • • • • • • • • •
Baltimorean Swallowed Toothpick
Nearly a Month Ago.
Baltimore, Marce 21.- Half of a
toothpick swallowed nearly a moeth
ago was responsible for the death of
William le, Murbach to -day, after
suffering agony for several weeks. Al-
though the small fragment; of wood
was removed shortly after he fillet folt
its presence in his system, the sharp
points of tho teothpick liad punctured
his intestines, and, despite the fact
that Femoral operations were performed
on him, peritonitis set in,
Mr, Murbach was thirty-nine years
old, and had always been healthy.
When or whore he swallowed the
toothpick ho was enable to tell the
physicians, as ho did not become
aware of itspresence until ho Buffer-
ed sharp paius in his intestines.
• • to
Thus Sharbot Lake Suicide Annouit-
ced Act to Brother.
Kingston, Ont., Meech. 21.-"I have
done it." In this brief sentence William
Blakely, Sherbet Lake, aged 22 years,
announced to his brother that he bad
made a steccessiut attempt to take lies
own life by mellowing a quantity of
carbolic acid. For sonic timo the young
Man had been acting in a strange man-
ner, and his friends hadbeen keeping
watch on him. He died before medical
a)brakeman o'n the
Canadian Pacific Railway, with his head-
quarters at Havelock. Last fall he was
laid off, but had been reeently notofied
to begin work again.
Dr. Haanel's Invention Provo a
Success in Sweden.
Ottawa, March 22. -Dr. Beane], direc-
tor of mines, has received a letter from
the directors of the Electi.ic Smelting
Company ott Lutivika, Sweden, whose
guest he was lait simmer; announcing
that experintents begun with it model
electric smelting Vont following the do -
sign evolved by Dr. Martel Ileac proven
an entire success. The compamy has
now matte it contract ror installation by
summer of an electrie smelting plant on
a commercial scale for the production
of pig irate Title will be the first oho
in the world to actively inaugurate, elec-
tric smelting on a commercial basis. It
is another proof that the uew system
which means so much to the future of
the iron industry in Catteda is commer-
cially.. feasible, and win, doubtlesa be fon
toiled by the installation of similar
plants in this cottetry.
• • •
Miles of Fields and Bergs Mountain
*Woo. „or
Halifax, Match 21.-B/tilos of ico
fed& and bergs mountain high woro
pawed by the Furness liner Evangeliwe
which arrived front Liverpool oil haturs
day, Forty miles out of her course the
steamer west to avoid the ice, and tA en
then she did not get tid. of it all. 'Sheet
heti forentasthead as far as the eye es AO
see there Was nothing' but ice for tillee
dam ittal end night Clapt. Phillips stop-
ped the ettgines and lay to rather then
proceed in the darkness. Ileavy ice bakes
Were aloe enc,ountered off Canso., and
the steamer had to run nearly as far
south as Sable Island to avoid thie.
Harry Bradley Most Pay His Sister
For Her Services.
Veindsor, htercles21.-Ilecause he mar.
vied a sedond time, thereby violating an
implied agreement made with his sister,
a verdict Of 91,580 was returned egainte
Tfarry Bradley, a prontinent jeweler of
title eity, yesterday in audgb MeTtegli's
Mitt. After the death of Bradley's f'ret
wife arid while his eltildren tweeted a
mother's taro, Miss Susan 1111410y, bit
sister, left a lucrative dressmaking !sma-
llest in Toronto at Dradley's unmet,
anti Cattle hovo to take Charge Of the two
Motherieeto athletes, in retells for vasteit
oho was te have a home foe life.
Bradley's second marriage invalidated
the agreement, and Miss Stet:nee Wail
OOMpelled to give up her home. lu rens
dering Ids decision, Judge Mel1ugh
plalued that the statute of limitations
prevented the payment of the entire am -
aunt claimed, but he allowed 91,630,
based on a salary ef five dollars por
week for eix Tears, has forty dayo, Mies
Brelley react! for $700 additional, on
the ground that oho expended that ''anl-
onnt out of her private snits° for house-
hold expenoes.
Killed by Fall From Mother's Arms
on Fire Escape.
New York, March 21,-A fire which
gutted the eetely factory and, tenement
°erupted. by Solomon Epstein at.161 Haat
Ninety-sixth street shortly. before mem
yesterday resulted in tunnies to five
persons and the death of a baby that
dropped from the arms of its mother to
the grourel. Beatrice Hale, two years
old, whisee mother held her in her arm
ort the fire escape on time third floor,
was kilted by a fail to the ground. hire.
leaks weeleauiug over to see if any fire-
men were coming, and the child. slipped
from her clasp.
Man Who Survived Rope Killed by
Shock of Wife's Death.
• Chicago, 111., March 22. -Nell Coed -
field, of Chicago; who during the civil
war was thrice hanged to a tree by
Claim soldiers who suseected him of be-
ing a Southern sympathizer, el dead here
from it nervous Ow& caused by the
death of hie, wife twenty-four hours pre.
Itis the fifth time that the hand of
death has been felt in the family during
the lest few months.
Toronto Ministers Object to Thanks-
giving Day on Monday.
'Toronto, March 22, -That the principle
of holding Thanksgiving Day on a Mon-
day instead of a Thursday is detrimeutal
to the spirit of a true worshipful thanks-
giving, was the resolution passed by the
General Ministerial Association this
morning. They will send a. strenuous
protest to Ottawa sleepiest oey more
Thanksgiving Days on Monday.
• *0
Former Resident of Owen Shund May
Die in Buffalo.
Buffalo, N. Y., Mardi 21. -Mrs.
Ferguson, 33 years old, of Owen
Sound, leaped from a window on
the third floor of it rooming -house in
Washington street Isere to -day,
Site had been enticed at a room by a
man who had promised her liquor, ,eirs,
Ferguson had some words with the
man and then malted to the. window
and threw herself to the pavemeue 30
feet below. Both Of her legs were brok.
en and her opine was hurt. elm May
not recover.
Mrs. Ferguson deaerted her hultand
and two Children a year ago and bas
been living in Eagle street Isere sis Mrs.
William Weight. Her father, John C.
Wright, living near Owen Sound, is re•
ported to be it well-to-do leaner.
Arthur Barker, 59 years old, front
whose room she escaped log juraping,
is under arrc$ . Ile is 'held on an open
London Camp June 8, Toronto and
Eastern Districts June .15.
Ottawa, March 2L -Dates- for the
holding of the annual milittry camps
have been announced by the Militia
Departmerite TIi oorps included ht
military district No. '1, wibh headTtar-
tersters at London, Out., will go into
camp on June 8. The militia mea of
military district No. '2, of which To-
ronto is the headquarters, commence
their ennip training on June 15. • .The
camps for the eastern Ontario els-
triete whose heittiquatters aro at King-
ston and Ottawa, Moo commenee on
Juno 1O.
Verdict of Jury in Montreal Disaster
-Praise for Engineer.
Monti -eel, lvlarch 21. -The coronei"s
inquest on the victims of the Windsor
Station disasto was finishes:I on Sat-
urday, when tate jury returned a
verdict hi accordance with the facto,
and stated that the control of the loco.
motive was loot through a plug of the
fire -box being knocked out by the drivs
leg wheel. Praise wee given to Engineer
Cunningham for his heroism in staying
on his engine as long as he could. •
The finseral of Engineer Canning -
ham took .place on Saturday and was
very largely attende:10.
, •
444.4444 Words
W. R. McInnis Will be 'Freight and
Traffic Manager of C. le, R.
Winnipeg, March 2L-Itobert Kerr,
passenger traffic manager of the Can.
(Wien Isaeifie Railway for many years, is
to be piitessd on the pension list, mid W.
Melnifis, freight.traffic manager, wilt
succeed Kerr, having control of both the
freight traffic Ana passenege traffic de-
pertments. W. 11. Lanigan, assiotant
freight traffie maneger at Winnipeg,
has been appointed to the position of
freight traffie manager, letving control
of the whole freight eystern undo, Me -
Innis, with headquarters a.t Montreal.
• 8* •
RostoP, Mese, Afaroll 2L ---Two huns
deed and twenty-one persons perished by
shipwreelc, rota oighty-ultie vessels met
with disaster, off the New theglerld and
Britieh North Anterietat 0:Ms during
the fall and whiter atka/3011 of 1003.09,
whielt ended last nights Of the eighty,
nine vessels estat ashore or kat at Ses,
six steamers and fifty-six Wittig craft
were totally wrecked. The Mastoid lose
exceeds 93,000,000.
Dresden, Abirth 22.--CiprInno Castro,
the former President of Veneettela, left
Isere to -day for Clologne, where lie will ,
opted the night. To -morrow Ito will go
tit Patio, and titter n retort stay there
be will ptocreel for ISerileitux, where he
will embeik on March 20 on the steamer
tittadetOttre for some Caribbean port,
p.10.0., lox
Doctor ot Dents], ounsery of Os r on.
nriliftutla ooliosso and 14cont oto of
postal Surgery of Ontario,
.-01110ii n Mandeselit
%La, DAS,
How Graduate ot Vniversitr of Toronto
aud lieentiste ot Bevil college ct
DeLial Burgeons ot Or4tazio.
Orrice Dr wnsonais
General flospital.
moor (4OYornlaoat Inersetten.)
PienloRUY situated, Beautifully furnished.
Opee te all reguarly lionised .
Dauitdjenteernich MOM&physiciansheart and
- 60 MI WO•00 per week, according
to loos . room. Soy further Worms-
BOX WInghapu, Ont.
Money to loan at lowest rates.
°awing :-BitAvitn Bwalt,
, Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Mace: Meyer Block, VVingham,
it. b. Dickinson Dudley Holmes
Office :-Morton Block, Wingliam
Head Office GTJELPB, ONT.
Risks taken on all classes of in-
surable property on the ea61A Or pre-
ia3iuru note system,
Presidenb. Secretary.
Agents. Wingharn, Ont
+++++ Ise
' eesiit
Write for out- interesting books " invent-
or's Help" ant "flow you are owiedied."
Send its a rough sketch or model of your in-
vention or improvement and wr will tell you
free our opinion 85 10 whether it Nprobabiy
patentable. Rejected applications have often
been successfully prosecuted by us. We
conduct /any equipped offices in Montreal
end WashIngon ; this qualifies us to prompt-
ly dispatch work and quickly secure _Patents
as hrold as the invention. Highest references
Patents procured through. Marion & Ma-
rion receive special notice without charge in
over too newspapers distributed throughout
the Dominion.
Specialty t -Patent business of Manure°.
turera and Engineers.
Patent Experts and Solicitors.
°111"111 1 Atlantic Bldk.Washington
f New York Life irld's, flontreal
* noh4 rint Sbbutio
Th110. au Proplietot*
Etanscroxynos 1'gtax..4Uot pcit =gm 14
allvaxAmilLtOtt not lo pa$4.
Acvicarnsiii° iziotitioto
nal advertieenleute 100 Per flan 1
Bret illaOrf400, 8a Tar Unto tor each iattoemeal
Advertisements In the local cainnum us
charmed 10a Per lino tOr fiat insertion, and 34
per one for each mibeequeot insertion.
Advertisements of fitraYed....rarem for Balt
or to 144ost, end similar, 01-ou for first these
weeks, and 05 cents for each imkoenuent ni
ommuor D.,ammi."-The followhai are ora
rates tor the insertion et 51200
aPeelliell Periods :-
tint.= 1 Tr. 0 Mo. 1 Mo. 1 Me.
One Colonlo,......970.00 110,f0 IMO SAX
Ifalf Coltman 40.00 25.00 MO 0.02
quarter Column.,„ 20.00 12,60 740 8.2!
Una Inch t it • • 14 •• • 0.00 3,00 2,80
Advertisements without apecitio directions
rill be ingerted till forbid and obarifrol sal
cordingIT, Tramdent advertisements ratiet 172
pai4 for in advance.
Mice :-
Upstairs in the Macdonald Block.
Night calls answered at office,
M.O., M.C.P.S.O.
(Member of the British Medical Association)
Special attention paid to Memos of wombs
omd. children.
Orriog Houas t--1 to 4 p.m. ; tog',"
14444444+ +++44++++
M, 11. iI((ag3
Physician and .Surgeon.
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
honor Graduate of Toronto tieirersity.
Liectitiate of Ontario College of Physicians
and Surgoona.
Devotes special attention to Diaeases ot
Bar. Nose and Throat,
Pyea Thoroughly Tested.
Glasses Properly Pitted -
Mee with Dr. Kennedy.
Hours - 3 to 6-7 to 8 p.m.
gLi 60 'MARS"
e stile setv•Ve'
e 4t TRADE
.anyono sending a sketch and description may
anichiy ascertain onr opinion free whether tut
invention is probably 'patre
entable. Cotnuelea-
tionsetrietlyeonedontial, HANDBOOK on patents
Sent free. Oldest agency for sccuring patents.
Patents taken throuch Noun Zs Cs:N=010o
epeciainefies, illthout charge, in the
dentifte Paltrican
A bandsonaeli illustrated weekly. Largest oir-
eucaltazatidoan. vo,„%sanayyaBardirpotiaSagjeourrertapla.itu'rersmordfborr
au .„.40.1.......
NUNN g Po 361S""waY'fiew York
1 4 •
hyena Office. as Ir St. Watbincton, 73, O.
1 oal
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal)
which has no equal.
Also the best grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do.
mestie Coal and Wood, a/
all kinds, always -on hand,
ResidonCe Phone, No. 65
" No. 54
Mill " No. 44
We carry a full stock of
Dumber (dressed or undree- 4
lied), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Pests, Barrels, etc.
'Belot Price paid for all
kinds of Logs.
Said to Have Been Killed by Mas-
sachusetts Woman.
Cambridge, Masse Meech 22,- Four
ludietments, each charging murder in
tho first 'degree, against 'Mei.% 'Wry Kel-
leher, of Somerville, leave Iron returned
by the Middlatex County Grand Jury,
They' were returned secretly ats Lowell
eerie' this month mut were announced
tieday by Dietriet Attorney iliggino.
The, maietmeets charge the killieg by
arsenical poisoning oaehErs. Kelleitetet
eltildren, Annie T., etary, 'William and
Catherine M. lerlieher. To obtain the
112 ineurdnee on the eleldren it said
to have been the womenh 'motive "
. . .
Emilie de Gorgoxo, the Singer, Must
Pay Wife $300 a Month.
New "Verk, eitereh 22.-eline. Eke
• Neumann de Gogorza hami received
award of 9300 a month alimony and
9500 counsel fees from ,Ittettee O'Gor-
man, of the Supremo Court, pending
tho trial of her suit for soperation
fron Emilio do Gogorza, the operatic
baritone and associate of Mme. Emma
Eames in mi transeontinental eoncert
The hid that Mine. do Gogorze exit«
eel for 910,000 a yents and 92,500 Ousts
eel feee and fetied to get these
ranounts caused DB the part of
the defence.
A, new booed of directors hes been
chosen for the Crow's Nest Pass Coal
Co., with Mies Rogers as president.
Setator Affray, Sir Henry Pellatt and
11. Wee,1 tesignee mike): titan serve
under the Jim It111 containing luta.
Saved 300 Passengers From Death
or Injury by Explosion.
Chicago, Marsh 22, -One arrest has
teenmade and more are expected to-
day in an attempt to unearth the labor
glut, which was at the bottom, the po.
lice declare, of the blowing up of it
9300,000 railroad bridge itt Indiana
Harbor teaterday. Had the nitro gly-
cerine, which destroyed the bridge, been
ignited five minutes earlier, three hun-
dred passengers on et Lake Shore &
eliehigan Southetin lade bound for CM -
cage probably would have suffered in
jury or death.
St. Catharines, one, ntr. 22,-Vrank
doughell, who was employed at Geo. W.
Hoyt,' nteat market on QUeenston street, is
missing. On Saturday „Nening thy sent
the lad to the Hank or Nova Scotia with tie,
a vie and a 510 bill, to make a deposit and
he has Itot been head of slum.
Berlin, Mar. 22. --The revert that saro. taloa
Irrenes Vanderbilt, formerly the wife of- Al.
fre.1 theynn Vanderbilt, is engaged to be
married te the Iterditary Count William Von
licatinek, 8 lieutenant In one Of the guard
regiments, has been given authoritative den-
ial. Mrs. Vanderbilt, after a couple of months
in Berlin, has lett hero for Parts,
English and intorican visitors et
Iliarrite, Fame°, Who have failed to
receive remittanees, due to the strike,
are in haul straits. Ring Edward hits
reeeivee no despatch or letters Mete
Taesday. A fasniue in Paris ill a few
days is peetlieted unlesn a settleeleut
it reached.
'rho draft otini;rti' f.r Totonto for
1009 call for an eeptettlitute 'of $6,030,-