The Wingham Advance, 1909-02-18, Page 5THE W1NG AM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1909.
Are you puzzled about your
Spring Suit or Overcoat ? There
is no need to be when we can
show you two hundred patterns of
cloth and twenty or more styles.
Every one of then correct in every
detail. The wearers of
20th Century
Brand Clothes
have ceased worrying over the
dress problem. They know where
to go every season and get just
what they want.
The first shipment of ,our new
20th Century Brand Suits is to
hand. The styles are extremely
new and attractive.
Also the first shipment of the
new spring shapes in Black and
Colored Stiff and Soft Bats. Come
and see.
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
Ve ire Xakers o.‘
CAot\Ang ioT "Mt rima
for men who want every cent's worth of
value that their money will buy.
A long experience tells us how --and a staff.
of skilled workmen know our way.
Coods from Scotland—froth England—from
Ireland — from Canada — from everywhere.
Just about every kind that's made — and
plenty of each kind.
Wouldn't you like to see,
Robt. Maxwell
Tailor & Men's Furnisher 11
ews 'penes
—Two O. P. R. parties aro surveying
a route to Giowganda.
--Radium is praised as a cancer euro
by the Paris Radium Institute,
—Sunshine is credited by the health
department with having reduced the
death rate in Chicago last week,
There were 545 deaths, which is 75
fewer than were recorded the previous
--Out West the O.P.R. didn't like a
certain town location and the whole
place of some 2,000 inhabitants has
been moved bodily a two-mile dis-
tance at the railway's expense. That
is the western w.ay.
—The new township hall in Huron
township, is to be completed by Sept.
lst. It will cost the contractor $5 a
day if he works on the job after this
date. Mr. Roulstons will receive $3,-
100 for the erection of the building.
--Sixty years ago last Saturday,
Ellijah Miller carne to Kincardine,
driving over on the ice from Godericb.
Ile settled with his parents on the
Durham Road and has been in this
county ever since. If Mr. Miller can-
not qualify as a pioneer who can?
—Hon. Colonel Matheson, the Pro-
vincial Treasurer, reports the total net
receipts from succession duties in the
Province in 1008 to be $1,153,740. This
is after all refunds are paid. The Gov-
ernment regards the total with muoh
satisfaction, as the estimated receipts
were only $600,000.
—Jas. McCullough, a retired farmer
living in Kincardine, died suddenly on
Saturday last. He had just finished
his dinner and had laid down for his
usual after-dinner nap, when Mrs. Mc-
Cullough heard him groan and going
over to him was shocked to find him
in the throes of death. He passed
away without uttering a word.
—A. C. Pratt, M. P. P., will make
another effort at the coming session of
the Legislature to prohibit the use of
dogs in hunting deer. Ho claims that
dogs run deer to death and make
hunting too easy. In view of the fact
that deer are becoming more and
more scar ce every year he believes
there is a good chance of the measure,
being passed this session.
Whitechurch Hardware
Store News.
We have just received a shipment of the British
American 011 Co.'s Famous Lamp 011, ELE0TROLENE.
A. trial will convince you that this is the best oil you
ever used. It gives a clear light and is smokeless, Do
trot confound this oil with the cheap grades which are on
the market. 5 gallons --$1.10.
fl.TST IN. ---A fall line of Harness repairs of all kinds,
Buckles, Snaps, Bits, Uame Straps, Halters, Billet Straps,
Rosettes, Bridle Fronts, etc., etc. Team Collars, hand
sewed and hand filled, fully guaranteed. Single Harness,
JUST AB11tV1tD...A N'ew Home Combination Phono-
graph and a lot of the latest 2 and 4 minute records. Do
not fail to see this fine instrument.
J. T. Holmes i Whitechurch
r-----r<'� r 2 41
Invented Safe Headache Cure.
Away with headaches, be clone with
dizziness, bad stomach and biliousness.
A cure has been found, use Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills and enjoy the health they
surely bring, Nothing but healthful
vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. They cleanse and purify the
whole system, act as a perfect tonic.
Safe for children, girls, women and
men. Sold in 25c boxes by all
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Opposition Usefulness.
What is the use of electing a mem-
ber of the Opposition? He can do
nothing. This was the argument
heard on Liberal platforms last Octo-
ber. But a review of tine legislation
now on the stocks at Ottawa shows
that the most important part has been
forced upon the Government by ,the
Opposition, backed up by public
Public Ownership Succeeds.
The telephone system of Manitoba
has been under Provincial ownership
for a year, and during that time has
accumulated a surplus of one and one-
quarter million dollars, besides pro-
viding for the cost of some 000 miles
of long distance and local lines which
have been constructed by the Govern-
ment. A sweeping reduction in rates
is now promised. In Saskatchewan,
where the lines are also under public
ownership, a reduction of 25 per cent.
in rates has already been made,
Boy's Agony Relieved by Zam-Buk
Recommends Wonderful TONIC
Mr. Geo. Smite{ of the Smith Manufacturing Co., Limited, 219.221
Front Street, Toronto, Is 76 years of age and is in wonderfully good
health. This he attributes to PSYCHINE, which he takes regularly as a
Tonic. He says :—"I can most honestly and truthfully say that 1
never met with a medicine so very wonderful • in its ALL ROUND
CURATIVE POWERS as PSYCHINE. When my beloved wife was
living she would say in the morning, for many years, 'I cannot sleep
for your dreadful wheezing.' I tried everything, but all in vain till I
got your PSYCHINE. This put me right in very quick time. PSY-
CHINE cured me and has built me up in health and strength most
wonderfully. As a Tonic and Builder it has no equal,"
•PSYCHINE is the infallible remedy for ell disorders of the Throat,
Lungs and Stomach. A great appetizer and "pick me up" for run-
down folk. Try a sample free. See. cotipon.
PSYCHINE is sold by all druggists and
dealers, 50c and $1.00 a bottle.
Prepared only by Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited,
Slocum Building, Spadina Avenue, Toronto.
LES 51 -KEEN j; t.L
free Trial
Mail coupon with
name and address
to Dr. T. A. Slocum,
Limited, Toronto,
and receive a
FREE. co
Want Another Railway.
Exeter Is discussing the extension of
the St. Marys and Western Ontario
Railway to that village. It is under,
stood that the O. P, R. is behind the
scheme, and it is proposed to eventu,
ally roach. Ooderich with this road.
A system of waterworks is also being
discussed in Exeter.
S eels of this handsome Ostrich
Feather Aster given away free
• If you are interested in gardening we want to send
you our New 1909 Catalogue. This is one of the most
complete seed catalogues published. With the cata-
logue we will include, free of charge, a package of seed
of our superb Ostrich Feather Aster, which has feath-
ery, snow white blossoms frequently five inches across.
If preferred you may choose a package of our Russian
Giant Lettuce or Colossal White Sugar Beet seed.
Write to -day and name your choice, also mention
name of this paper.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited,
London, Ont.
A Comet Coming,
Halley'$ Comet, supposed by some to
be the Star of Bethlehem, will come
within the range of our vision this
year. It will probably be visible to
the naked eye in October. Its period
is about 75 years. The last time it
visited us, was in 1835, when, its tail
was about twenty degrees in length,
Plumbing and
Ie no experiment with us—
let us figure on your work.
Orders taken for the next
ten days for
Sap Bnakets, at $10.00 per 100
Sap Spiles, at 1.00 "
Stone Block - Wingham
If you are suffering from badly-
chapped hands you will be able to
comprehend a little of the agony
which Henry Walker, of I4 Manufac-
turers street, Montreal, endured before
Zam-Buk gave him relief. His mother,
telling of the case to a Press represen-
tative, said
"Henry works with his shirt sleeves
rolled up above his elbows, and pass-
ing from a warm room to the biting
cold, as he was obliged to do, he got
the worst case of chapped hands and
arms T have ever seen. From his fin-
gers to his elbows was one mass of
raw flesh, with bad cracks here and
there. Whenever he washed, it
brought tears to his eyes, the pain
was so acute. Ile tried several kinds
of salves, but nothing relieved hire
really until he tried Zarn-Buk. This
balm seemed to take away the burn-
ing and smarting almost at once. The
cracks began to heal, and a feiv appli-
cations of the balm cured hien. His
hands and arms are now smooth and
"We have also used Zam-Buk for
other emergencies. I sustained a burn
on ono of my fingers. Zam-Buk took
the fire out and healed up the sore. 'It
really seems a wondeeful household.
"Ori one occasion my son harry had
his foot frozen. It was very swollen
and discolored, but Zam-Buk both re-
lieved the swelling and removed the
discoloration. Z.m-Buk is so handy
and so effective that the shall always
keep a supply handy."
Miss Hattie Bertrand of Salisbury.
Ont., says "livery winter I suffer
from chapped hands, but I have found
a euro in Zana -Bak. Applied at night,
it heals the cracks by morning, and
takes away all the soreness.
Similar effects follow its ase for ec-
zema, Scalp sores,
ulcers, Fin -worm, children's son s,
cuts, burns and bruises, It also eures
piles. All druggists and stores sell at
500 a box ; or post free from Zarn-Buk
Co., Toronto, for price.
travelling to tho West with live-
stock and effects will leave Toronto
at 10.15 p.m. every Tuesday daring
March and April.
Settlers travelling alone and with
their families should use regular
trains, leaving Toronto daily at 10.15
p.m. Colonist and Tourist Sleepers
O. P R. Is the only direct and
through oar line to the West.
Apply to J. 11. BEEMER
O. P. R. Agent, Wingham,
Don't Neglect Your Cough.
You niay dislike taking medicine
—but coughs are best cured without
medicine. The modern treatment is
"Catarrhozone"—it isn't a drug, it's a
healing vapor, full of pine essences
and healing balsams. It spreads over'
the surfaces that are weak and sore
from coughing. Every spot that's
congested is healed, irritation is sooth-
ed away, phlegm and secretions are
cleaned out, and all symptoms of cold
and catarrh are cured. Nothing so
quick, so sure, so pleasant ee Oatar-
rhozone. In 25c and $1 sizes at all
Will Reveal Scott's Grave.
Ambrose Lepine, lieutenant and ad-
jutant -general of Louis Riel, presi-
dent of the rebel government that
held possession of Fort Garry during
the winter of 1889-70, says that for a
consideration, he will point out the
spot where the body of Thos. Scott,
the murdered martyr of the Red River
expedition, lies. Negotiations to this
effect have been under way for several
weeks. The grave of Scott, who was
shot before the stone gateway near
where Main street and Broadway now
intersect in Winnipeg, has never been
discovered by his family, friends or bis
brethren of the Orange order, to
which he belonged.
Protection and Safe
ARE 00i1i2INED U
The Endowment Policies
The Dominion Life
A sound, well. mariaged
Canadian Life Assurance Company.
Average rate of Interest
earned in 1900-
6.73 PER CENT.
W.&t)rlClt T. HALL
Local dgdub -- Wtnghann.
They Call This Sport.
While the Newboro and Athens
hockey teams were returning towards
Brockville from Westport, after a
game, there was an almost continuous
fight until Athens was reached. Bot-
tles were thrown, windows smashed,
one man had his thumb bitten, a num-
ber suffered fractures of the nose, and
one was thrown from the car, the
train being stopped until he was
picked up again,
Do You Feel Used Up ?
You're discouraged and played out,
scarcely enough energy to think, and
less to work on. The reason ? You are
run down, blood is thin, nerves are
like Indian rubber, not like steel as
they ought to bo. Use Ferrozone and
the tired feeling will go, it can't stay
because rich nutritious blood and the
bodily vigor Ferrozone makes, crowds
out weakness of every kind. Use Fee'
rezone and you will feel like a fight-
ing king, full of energy, filled up with
ambition, ever ready to work. No
strengthening tonic so potent. Neg-
lect not a day longer. All dealers sell
Ferrozone in 50c boxes.
Triplets In Harriston.
The Harriston Tribune reports the
following :—"On Sunday night at 9
o'clock there was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Layfayette Wilson, a bouncing daugh-
tor, and last Monday morning at 12:45
and 1:05 o'clock respectively two sons,
all of whom, including the mother,
are doing well at this writing. This
is a peculiarity that these triplets have
not their birth on the same day. The
daughter was born on January 31 and
the two sons on Feb. 1.
Isard's Clean
Sweep Sale
Be sure you get your share of
the Bargains while prices are so
favorable. Now is the time to buy
Furs, Ladies' Coats, Men's Fur Coats,
Men's Overcoats and Suits, Boys'
Overcoats and Suits, Carpets, Cur-
tains, etc.
We have added to our reduced
Price List as follows: --
25 White Quilts, 64
x84, fine soft weave,
Damask patterns, reg-
ular value $1.25 (1QC
—Sale Price....
25 White Quilts, very
large, 72x90, extra fine
quality, Damask pat-
terns, reg. $1i,
Sale Price.... $1119
H. E. Isard
Winghani, Ontario.
Any Weakness In Your Back ?
Sometimes you experience pain
and weakness without much suffering.
Later on the pain will surely corse.
The trouble can' be stopped now by
rubbiug on Nerviline, rub it in deeply
over the spine, and then put on a Ner-
viline Porous Plaster. In these reme-
dies you will find wonderful and quick
relief. They will spare you from an
attack of Lumbago which is the out-
come of neglected pain in the back or
side. For all muscular, strain and
weakness, Poison's Nerviline Plasters
have no equal. Refuse substitutes.
Dominion Alliance 'Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Ontario
Branch of the Dominion Alliance will
be held in Toronto, commencing at 9
a.m., March 3rd. All religious organi.
zations are invited to send delegates
to this annual meeting of Ontario's
leading Temperance workers. One of
the distinguished visitors who will
take part in the convention will be
Hon. Seaborn Wright of Georgia, the
leader in the great campaign that
resulted in the carrying of his State
for prohibition. Hon. Mr. Wright
has been conspicuous figure among
the s'atesmen of the South for a long
turn of years, during which he has
been a leader in Georgic. Legislature.
Worth Its Weight In Cold.
Mi-o-na has reached a Gold Stan-
dard says Harry Ellis of Fer-
gus for Stomach Trouble.
Harry Ellis of Fergus, Ont„ says l—
"I believe that Mi-o-na for the cure of
stomach trouble, is worth its weight
in gold. It cured me front a stomach
difficulty that seemed to punk) all
other prescriptions and remedies. I
was unable to eat, the food would fer-
ment and form gas and make a serious
pressure on my heart. There were
terrible pains in the pit of my stom-
ach, I became weak, drowsy, discour-
aged and later I got nervous and could
not sleep or rest. This disease makes
one feel like not wanting to see any
human being and produces melan-
choly and forebodings. I was told to
try Mi-o-na, and when I commenced
nn the first box I had hardly any faith
in it, but the first two days' treatment
made the pain in my stomach cease,
and to make a long story short, t, tlie
upshot of my using Mi-o-na was that
it cured me wholly, arid I now can eat
what I like and when X am hungry.
I am an ardent advocate of the use of
J. Walton McIi;ibbon sells Mi-o-na
Tablets, the dyspepsia remedy
that Is
making such surprising
cures throngl;-
out Oanada, for 60 cente it box guar-
antees them to cure or money back.
1..11.. ..111001.111. 1t,.0.0100/11.1.
Bead Office, Hamilton.
The Great Drawback to
the . average investment
lies in the - locking up ®I
money, rendering it un-
available when desired.
WAIVING for the moment the question of relative risk
of loss, the desirability of keeping money on deposit
in a Savings Bank (where it is at once obtainable
for any emergency) renders it most important that every busi-
ness roan, or any other man or women, should, if at all pos-
sible, keep a substantial sum on deposit in a separate Savings
It is most unwise to lock up every dollar in business or
permanent investments. To the same degree, it is wise to keep
a ready cash surplus laid safely aside in a chartered Bank.
A private savings account is carried by every prudent busi-
ness man,
THE BANK OF HAMILTON specially invites the open-
ing of such accounts, both by its regular business clients, and
also by those who transact their current banking elsewhere.
Every courtesy and convenience is extended to such cus-
C. P SMITH, Agent yin haul
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