The Wingham Advance, 1909-01-14, Page 5An Extraordinary
Clearance Sale
3 Our programme for January is to
reduce stocks as much as possible
regardless of profits . . , ..
20 PER C7.
20 Per Cent Off Overcoats'.
ci . cc cc Men's and Boys' Suits.
cc cc cc Winter Caps.
c; cc it Lined Mitts and Gloves.
It cc Wool Top shirts..
it cc Ic 50c and 75c Wool Underwear.
`r CC cc Lumberman's Rubbers and Overshoes.
Come and see for yonrself what we
call Extraordinary Prices.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
41.1 I. II a..Jk IYilI, 1. ai us' '..rdrtJlu,u. II 1'1111.B.,r.. 1i. 4.61:.111. .sasasaal .a.n,au L.iiili,ul 01311614i MAI i La I'1
vi•►41i Mfr*f•tINN •1141411111
Goal Coal
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
which has no equal.
Also the best grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on hand.
Residence Phone, No. 55
Office " No. 64
Mill " No. 44
We carry a full stock of
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, etc.
Highest Price Paid for all
kinds of Logs.
14•4siQ4144 j44i +i4**A ►*liIt4lett+ X41 etlsszetats*****steseP
70001111Mmemo OMR CMO tatiekienrckno
I. Bargains For
rti-Tlia'"Foilowing Bargains Are Offered
For January Only
8 Good practical. Hammers, cast steel, fully tempered,
6 Good Hand Saws, 24 in. long, with ruled *back, each.. 75c
Of all the Saws you ever saw, yon never saw a
Saw that saws like this Saw saws.
6 Steel Wire Halter Chains, 4i ft. ,long, each 20c
BREAD KVIVEi.—This knife will cut froited cake
without cracking or crumbling, hot or cold bread
is sent egnally well, superior as a cold ham slicer,
each , 30o
3 Only, Soap Stone Cutter Warmers ; these stones will
hold the heat 12 hours on the coldest winter day,
each 40c
8 Polished 4 Tine Manure Forks, "D'' handle, eachG0c
1 Dozen Handled. Axes, each 750
ENAMELED WARE.—Soap Dishes, each ]5c
1 Pint Drinking Cup -.., 100
No, 9 Granite Tea Kettles, each 75c
10 Quart Preserving Kettles, each 380
We have an interesting price on Skates and
Carpet Sweepers.
Remember, For January Only.
1 Alex. Voung & Co.
�• dimiimilia
..-.nanitaileas "4' .
Ontario Power Projeete.
The work of installing the heavy
cable lines for the ti'anstnisei,;n of Ni-
agara power throughout the manufac-
turing centres, of Ontario Is being car-
ried steadily forward. Engineers of
the hydro -Electro Power Commission
Ware been very busy considering the
tenders for the various departures..
The amount of this work to be done
will be mad( vetoed when it is stated
that the contract with McGuigan was
for coustruetion work only, and does
not include the supplies and equip-
ment of the various power houses, and
other appurtenances of the project..
Test towers are being constructed at
Walkerville, and the right of way for
three-quarters of the transmission line
has been obtained,
It Presents Sore Throat.
No simpler way to kill a cold and
stamp out sore throat than. by apply-
ing Nerviline, rub it in freely, and
then put on a Nerviline Porous Plas-
ter on the chest. These remedies
hunt oat pain, destroy every trace of
congestion, cure the cold and ten-
dency to bronchitis. Thousands find
Nerviline inestimably the best remedy
for pains, aches, bruises, neuralgia,
sciatica, colds and winter ills. Not
only is it penetrating and powerful,
hut it is safe and economical. All
dealers sell. Poison's Nerviline. Large
bottles for 25c, the plasters same price.
Beware of substitutes.
Crazed With Drink.
A very unfortunate affair was tried
in the council chamber, Kincardine,
on Saturday by Magistrates Barker
and Mackenzie. A young man in
Kincardine reaching home on Thurs-
day night much the worse for liquor,
assaulted his wife and made attempts
to kill her with a knife. She was sav-
ed by the timely assistance of a neigh-
bor. The young man was arrested by
Constables Bloore and Leithead. The
evidence was sufficient to commit him
for trial and bail of $ t000 was de-
manded, which he was unable to fur-
nish and he was taken to gaol in
Walkerton by Constable Bloore,
Much sympathy is felt for the wife,
who is very delicate and who belongs
to a very respectable family. The
husband says be has no recollection of
the incident at all.—Kincardine Re-
The Girl That Is Pale.
She is in danger, her system is run-
down, weak, she needs nourishment,
needs richer blood. More than all else
she needs Ferrozone, needs it because
it brings back the nerve energy which
rapid growth and study have exhaust-
ed, The old-time vigor, happy spirits
and new strength return with Ferro -
zone. The delicate maid is energized,
strengthened and rebuilt. Isn't it
worth while using Ferrozone when it,
surely does so much. At ail dealers in
50e boxes.
Straining Does Not Purify.
Straining milk does not purify it.
Milking should be done with such at-
tention to cleanliness that it would be
unnecessary to use the strainer. This
utensil is of value chiefly because it
removes the visible indications of im-
purity from milk, not because it really
has any purifying effects. • Small par-
ticles of manure, hairs, pieces of dead
cuticle from the cow's udder and
body, and dirt from the milker's
hands find their way into the milk
pail during the first manipulations of
the udder, these impurities are churn-
ed around in the pail by the force
of the streams as the milk is drawn,
and by the time the pail is full
this filth is all but dissolved, and no
strainer yet produced can remove any-
thing but the coarser and more insol-
uble substances which settle at the
bottom of the bucket. Millions of
bacteria carried into the receptacle by
impurities are untouched by the
strainer and go on their way rejoicing
to carry i11 health and disease, maybe,
to all who drink the milk or use the
butter made from it. We use the
milk strainer because we do not like
the looks of small particles .of dirt and
refuse in the bottoms of the milk can
or perhaps in the drinking cup. It'
does no harm to remove these, but
gives us a sense of relief' in thinking
that the milk is clean because it looks
clean. We seem to have discharged a
moral obligation in using the strainer,
forgetting that the real harm comes
from the dissolved materials, the filth
that goes into solution and curries its
nauseating effect concealed in the
pure white fluid.
Suffered From Bad Stomach
And Severe Cough—Doctored
Without Benefit — Vermont
Man Was Finally .
Restored To Health By Vinol.
"About a year ago I began to tart
down in health, lost appetite and flesh
and suffered from indigestion. All
the winter I had a severe cough. I
doctored without any benetlt and fin-
ally tray druggist suggested that I try
Vinol, I did so and soon began to
feel better. My siornach grew strong-
er, my food no longer distressed tire,
my cough disappeared, I began to
gain in flesh and soon felt like a new
roan. I did not believe that any rem-
edy could .make welt a change in a
person." Eder. R, Wooster, Rutland,
Vivol contains tonic iron and all
of the raedicin
s'1 body aidi+tit ' '
ng eIH+
nients of cod liver oil, does not taste
of the oil and is everywhere recogniz-
ed as the greatest body+builder and
strength creator known foe feeble old
people, delicate children, weak, rttn
down pessnns, after sickness and fol
chronic colds, hacking coughs and
Try it. If it does no good your
money will be returned. on demand.
That's soar guarentse, but the know
it will bet -milt any such case, J'. Wel-
ton Mcrllibbon, druggist, Wingham.
4, 1909,.
Furs and Coats at Cost.
If in need of the above articles, why not
call and inspect ours ? Everything up -to -date --no
old stock -rand the prices will suit all.
Our New Prints, New Insertions,
And New Embroideries
Are now on sale, Come and purchase
early and get the choice of the new goods. We
have everything in this line to please the most
exacting customer. We shall be pleased to show
these goods.
Fresh Groceries always on hand.
Highest Prices Paid for Produce.
Whitechurch Harcsware
Store News.
Do You Want A Gasoline Engine ?
We have the Agency for the very best that money oan•buy---
The Fairbanks Morse Engine. Be sure and get our prices before
buying elsewhere.
Do You Want A New Roof For Your House Or Barn ?
We sell them. Safe Lock galvanized shingles, corrugated roof-
ing, or Amatile mineral surfaced.
Do You Want. Anything in The Hardware Line ?
From a Stove Bolt to a carload of Cement, yon can get it here.
Do You Want The Best And Cheapest Music Money
Can Buy ?
Yon can get it here, in the shape of an Edison Phonograph and
Records. The city of Toronto is all agog over the visit of Harry
Lander, the world-renowned comic singer of Scotch songs. The
citizens of Whitechurch have been listening to and enjoying this
great singer for over six months, and yon can hear him sing his
very best songs in your own home at a very small expense, and
heats him as often as you like, if you are the happy owner of an
J. T. Holmes - Whitechurch
New Public Libraries.
Fifteen new public libraries were
opened throughout Ontario lastyear,
and 211. travelling libraries were sent
out by the Education Department.
Of the new institutions, three were in-
augurated and paid for by the munici-
palities in which they are situated,
eleven are new Carnegie buildings,
and one—that at Belleville—the gift
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corby.
Never Pare .A Corn.
It's a sure way to get blood poison
ing. Use Putnam's Corn Extractor.
It's safe, painless and sure to cure in a
Not Creamery Butter.
Sam. Duckworth of Grand Valley,
was tried last week, and convicted
and fined heavily for an infraction of
the act respecting the inspection and
sale of food. He got quantities of or-
dinary butter which he branded as
creamery ; he also secured a supply of
wrappers so marked, which he sup-
plied to farmers' wives. The butter
mostly found its way to Toronto,
where it was confiscated.
Seeds of this marvellous Russian Giant Lettuce
are given away free
tt 1,1111
r ticll'�`
�ts' ' w illustrated FREE CATALOGUE. In
fact, you really owe it to yourself to get
a copy and read it thoroughly before you
teleet the Business College to attend.
This Catalogue explains all about our
school our faculty,ourd
different Courses.
Tette why we honestly believe our Col-
lege to be the best for you. After reading the boom we will leave
You to "udge for yourself. Seeding for
etopy places you under no
obligation. Just mail your risme and address on a postcard.
Students admlired toy time. Special openings September and January.
Travelling Alone.
Five little children were passengers
through Canada to Waukegan, Illi-
nois, a few weeks ago. The oldest of
the five was only ten years of age.
They were ticketed and tagged, and
each fresh G. T. R. conductor took a
kindly interest in them. It was a
long journey from Germany to Illi-
nois, but their grandmother met them
in Chicago. In one car, the conduct-
or was seen rolling up the sleeves of
the three youngest, washing them and
combing their hair. Arriving in Chi-
cago, another conductor took one in
each arra and the rest followed, and
all were fortunate to meet the only re-
lative they bad on this side of the
A Vegetable Constipation Cure.
Because they contain mercury and
mineral salts, many pills are harsh.
The easiest and safest laxative is Dr.
Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut. Tlrey clean the stomach,
intestines and bowels, drive out waste
matter, tone the kidneys and forever
cure constipation. As a general tonic
and system cleanser nothing is sr,
mild and efficient as Dr. Hamilton's
'Pills of Mandrake and Butternut.
Sold everywhere in 25c boxes.
If you ask,,you can have a package of
seed of this marvellous Russian Giant
Lettuce included absolutely free with our
new handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cata-
logue. This lettuce is nearly as large and
solid as a cabbage. Stands hot weather
surprisingly well, and has a rich, buttery
flavor. If you prefer, you may choose a
package of our Colossal' White Sugar
Beet or a package of Ostrich Feather Aster
Write to -day and name your choice, also
mention name of this paper. .
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited,
London, Ont.
TIII3N Decide on tiro Business College
We ask the privilege of -sending you
our intensely .interesting, handsomely.
-fle=eet city
nr,d SlyoYtbaod
tout*" C,allelxenn
The rorest City if3uainess and Shorthand College
ti:lmon, • o,R1rALtIo
.11 WI WE515ftVELt, Pdacrpat J. W. Wt1STERVELr. Jr.. CCA.. Vrse.prrautp.t
Te P,. _"' ater. '1JANUARY
Wm, Iiabkirk, owing to aetiot�t w�
taken. by the Canada furniture Co.,. ,�
has made an assignment for the bene TAD
fit of his creditors, Mr. x. Vanisher
eau is the escapee,
Messz's, Mann .' Ewing, .the well
known merchants of town, announce
an important change in their business,
This is no less then the dissolution of
partnership In which they have been
united for the past -twelve years. The
dissolution is to take effect the drat of
Mr. and Mrs, George Falconer, Cul -
rose, treated their friends and neigh -
bora to a dance on Wednesday night,
of last week. The party was. in the
- nature of a "house warming," they
having recently completed the erec-
tion of a handsome new residence.
There was a large attendance and the
usual good time which invariably
marks a country dance. All were
hearty in their expressions of good
will, wishing the host .and hostess
good health and prosperity in their
new home.
Mr. Arch. McIntyre, formerly of
2nd line, Culross, died in Port Huron
recently, and the remains were
brought here for interment. Fie and
iris brother first squatted upon and
took possession of what is now the
site of the village of Tceswater. It is
said too that they felled the very first
trees cut down with the object of
clearing in the township, thus begin-
-ming the heavy task of removing the
mighty forest. This was done on
what was long afterwards known as
the Gibson farm just west of the vil-
lage. His widow accompanied the re-
The Secret Of A Famous dealing -Balm.
The re -discovery of a secret that has
lain bidden in the dust of 20 centuries
is an event full of fascinating interest
• and the story of Zam-Buk, the world-
famed first-aid and skin cure will
always enlist attention. Zam-Buk is
the virtual descendant of those won-
derful and mysterious herbal balms
by the use of which the manly ath-
letes of Ancient Greece and the stal-
wart gladiators of Rome ensured the
healthiness and ready -healing of their
Many are the attempts that were
made to produce a perfect balm for
the skin, but•only in Zam-Buk has the
ideal been realized. Since its discov-
ery Zam-Buk has been welcomed in
mansions and cottage, and the people
of two hemispheres realized that they
have been placed in possession of an
:absolutely unique cure for skin com-
The reasons for this triumph of
science are simple and few. Taking a
lesson from the Ancients, the proprie-
tors of Zarn-Bak first of all wisely de-
cided that the ideal balm must be
purely herbal and contain not the
slightest trace of rancid animal fat or
poisonous minerals. Thus Zam-Buk is
made solely from rich and pure essen-
ces obtained front certain rare medi-
cinal herbs. These juices and extracts
are prepared and refined by ingenious
scientific processes and then so skilful-
ly blended that an unique, effective,
and yet perfectly natural preparation
for dispelling skin -disease is secured.
Zam-Buk has an affinity for the
human skin such as no ordinary oint-
ment or liniment can possibly possess.
Besides soothing pain and allaying
irritation, it possesses unique antisep-
tic and germicidal qualities which
virtually chase disease germs out of
their hiding places in the skin tissues ;
at the same time it purifies the pores
and invigorates the natufal functions
of the skin in a way that no other pre-
paration can.
Zam-Buk solves in a perfect manner
the problem of always having handy
at home or at one's work an ever -
ready and reliable first-aid for cuts,
burns,scalds, bruises, lacerations,
scratches, etc. Zam-Buk is without
equal for eczema, ulcers, piles, bad
leg, ringworm, scalp sores, festering,
sores, sprains, stiffness, poisoned
wounds of all kinds, face sores, chaf-
ing, chapped hands, cold -sores, frost-
bites, sore feet, diseased ankles, and
all itching, irritation, and infiatnma-
Zna,m-Bolt is a daily need in every
household and is sold by all druggists
,and stores at fifty cents a box. Refuse
harmful and dangerous substitutes
sometimes "pushed" as being "just as
r [ 7 - 311.3 : S J
Brusse Is.
After an illness extending over six
weeks, caused by dropsy and heart
weakness, Peter Fergttson, an old
resident of this locality, passed away
at 5 o'clock Wednesday morning at
the home of his hrother•in-taw, Alex.
Stewart, Qaeeu St., Brussels, at the
ac1.ranced age of 82 years, Mr. Fergu-
son was born in Glengarry and came
West about 1872 when he purchased a
farm on eon. 5, Grey, which he sold
when he came into 3russels 25 years
ago. For the past two years he was
in failing health, bat was always able
to get about until recently. He was a
vigorous man; a faithful member of
the Presbyterian church and a Liberal
in politics.
,After being in failing health for
some time, yet only absent frotn
the store for a trifle over a week,
Sno, G, Skene passed peacefully away
on Saturday forenoon deeply mourned
by a wide circle of friends. Mr. Skene
was the faithful and efficient Score,
tary-Treasut•ei' of Melville Church for
17 years. 110 was also a member and
Sec. 'Teas, of the Board of School
Trtrstees for 14 years. The services,
both at, the house and cemetery, were
conducted by Rev. E:G. Powell, The
many floral offerings and large
attendance at the funeral attested the
esteem aryl respect with which the
deceased was held in this community.
Pallbearers were De. Graham, Dr.
Toole, S. 1[. Cameron, Jas. Fox, S.
Wilton and. W. Gillespie. The school
Board attended in a body and sent
a beautiful floral pillow of.
the great loss the Board ball sap,tnlnecl.
20 Per Cent. Discount
This is a great MONEY -SAVING chance for you•
Don't MISS IT, Remember, this is is genuine reduc.
tion, not off goods to highly priced, but off our
early—make your selection white stock is heavy.
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent,
20 per cent.
20 per cent.
20 per cent,
off Ladies' Fur Coats
off Ladies' Fur -lined Coats
off Ladies' Fur -lined. Capes
off Ladies' Coats
off Ladies' Fur Ruffs.
off Ladies' Fur Gaps
off Ladies' Fur Caperines
off Ladies' Ful' Muffs
off Children's Coats
off Girls' Tweed Coats
Clothing Dept.
20 per
20 per
20 per
20 per
20 per
20 per
20 per
20 per
20 per
20 per
20 per
Men's Overcoats
Men's Suits • •
Men's Fur Coats
Men's Fur -lined Coats
Men's Pants
Men's Reefers
Boys' Overcoats
Boys' Suits
Boys' Pants
Boys' Reefers
Men's Fur Caps
Move quick and save 20 cts. on the dollar..
Our stock of CARPETS and RUGS is far
too large and must be reduced before Spring
stock arrives. In order to quickly reduce it we
will give Twentyy per cent. discount off—
Bring along your Butter, Eggs, Fowl and Dried
Apples; taken as cash during this sa)e.
OW `IMP 7.11
s- • ard -&
0 7 ,
The heater that warms homes
better because it radiates
more heat into the house.
A RR you paying good money for fuel and then burning it
Ly in a stove that forces most of the heat up the chimney?
All direct draft heaters waste heat --they can't hold it
long enough to radiate the heat into your home.
Art Laurel Base Burner
has the largest direct radiating surface
of any heater on the market. That is
why it will keep a house warmer than
a heater twice its size. It will require
lees fuel, too, for every particle of coal
will be burnt to a fine white ash.
Call in and we will demonstrate to
you Trow the Gurney -Oxford Art Laurel
Base Burner will heat your house
better, more economically than it
has ever been done before by any
Let us placo an In -mortal
Oxford Range in your kit-
chen and end your cooking
worries. It will do that.
IF you are not satisfied with your baking—.
if you find you are burning too much
fuel ---stop wasting money, spoiling
food, worrying ---and investigate the
Imperial Oxford Range.
Let us show you the points that make
this range the tnost satisfactory range you
can possibly have in your kitchen.
Let ps prove to you bow the centre flue
strip must evenly heat the oven ---making
it as hot hr the front as at the back,
Let us prove to you how the Gurney -Oxford reversible grate saves fuel -gives '
You a bright clear fire and a baking oven heat in a few minutes evetrtklrouglr the fire
has been kept going a week. 712
Cali itt arid let us prove theta facts to you.
The Gurney roux dry Co., Limited, Toronto, ()rat.
WM. J BC Y'CE, [lVCil1E-lAlVt.