The Wingham Advance, 1909-01-07, Page 6• 8 ,APAANAArmAireNNAAv TEN 1,44,11. 1131kMOT/1/.4 RNVI•kikk.a..W.1.7.4•1'..0%411/ ••• RS WANTED,: ,Lucknow. Tar -dere b waived by the under. signed MI la t ot January next for the•-. 'Watson.A. Wilson0 1). B. Murray, J. Attehe- eeraiase at, he f o wing properties. umpoly : SOO lino M. a vitiate Letai lb and In on the weat side tit queen S toot in the Village et Nybito. church on t b 1)4044140,e a comfortable frame cett ge aIn retAlirt and Iu West Wearenosh, Conn. Medd was elected Reeve. Councillors -W. a good frame stable. 2, The North Etat corner et Lot 27 in the Tenth Concession of igeet Wawartosh , con - Mining One torn ot AVG- upon whIch is situ. ate a triune store and: dwelling and frame stable anti blaoksinirix shop. This being also the location of the Fordyce poetnilloo. Tsnuns..--Tott. Per cent. et the purebast) teener *a eaniatateie of otter and, the talaneo lirit4in IV aura thereafter. No , tau er necessarily aceopted. Dated this nth day of December A. De 1908. 11. VANSTON/3, M'Ingliaro. P. Q. • ARUM, J IRWIN Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- neylvania College and. Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Oltlse . • W. J. PRICE 13,S.A., 1-.0.3., D.P.% goner Graduate of Univereity of Toronto and. Licentiate of Royal College of Dei.M1 Surgeons of Ontario. °MC% IN BEAVER Him= Wutorcem , Dit, MARGARRT 0 CALDRII• Ronor Gr,aduato o Toronto University. Licentiate of Ontario Oollego of Physicians - and Surgeons. Devotes special attention to Diseases of the Rye, Nar, Nose and Throat. Ryes Thoroughly Tested. Glasses Properly Fitted. Office with Dr. Kennedy. Moe Roma 3 to 6-7 to 8 P.m. • CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets the lit Thursday in each month, in the Chishobxt Hall, at 8 p. m. Candi- dates for cheap, reliable• insurance are solicited. Ask to see our rates from any of the officers. Ladiee' risks accepted at the same rate as )ineti. Awnla T. 13. Hounmort Leader Roo. Secretary W. 3. *Times Itin. Secretary Winter Terin,Opens Jan. 4th CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This sehool Is ono of the largest in the province. It is noted, for the thorough- ness of its work and the success of its etudents. Three departments - COMMERCIAL, SnoRTHAND, ' Tpt.PagAPHY. Our gmduatea aro in demand as Busi- ness college teachers as well as office assistants. Get our magnificent cata- logue, It is free. ELLIOTT & McLacHt.aN PRINCIPALS Winter Term Opens Jan. 4th Arrange Now to Attend the Famous ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. TAUS SOFICOL STANDS TO -DAY WITHOUT A EGIRERION IN TEM DOMINION. Neatly all -colleges mina TO na TIM 1158T. but CLAIMING to be 80 DOES 140T MAKE 'TEEM so. Get our Catalogue. Read it from cover to cover. See for yourself what this college is doing and the advantages it offers. W. e. ELLIOTT - PlUtierOALJ Cor. Yonge dc Alexander Ste. 'NOV Protection• and Safe lucked Ann OOHS/NW ne The Endowment Policies The Dominion Life A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. • Average rate of Interest • earned in 1906- 6.13 PER CENT, A WALTEE P.saATL • toad Agent - Wineham. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Farm Properties. Some exceptional values in Farms. If you want one, it vill lull you, to see us. The good old 'Province of On- tario Is all right. Town Properties At tight pricee. We have ar number of places admirably eta-. ed for retired fernier& No loet. tier or healthier town in Oratories than Witigham. Property bought here can always be re -Sold, iir i,„ pi co . I I CI lira Thos. Al iDer diea at her home hem on Saturday, 2na hist., aged, 11 ream Interment took place Tuesday Afternoon to Kinloss cemetery. itt Kinlose township, 00un. McLen- nan was elected Reeve, The Cour:oil- lora elected, are -Mona John MeDlar- mid, H. Mothers, A. McKinnon and John liodgena Miss A. Murray who has been with her parents at Hear Lake, R. R., died Sunday. Her remains will be brought to Lucknow for 'burial. She was one of the most highly esteemed, young ladies of this place. The entire available vote of this vil- lage was polled at the election contest on Monday, which resulted in election as Councillore-liessrs, J. Henderson, J. G. Mardocla, W. Mitchell, D. N. Lewrence. Mr, John Joynt was elect- ed Reeve by acclamation, the other nominees having withdrawn front the field. The following are the offlees of L. O. L. No. 428, elected for 1000 :-W. M., E. Agnew ; D. M., J. Miller ; 11 S., V. Grundy ; S., Da Spence; Treas., W. J, Taylor ; Chap., D. Cl. Taylor ; I. T., S. Morrison ; 0. T., T. Henry ; L., N. MeCorvie ; D. of 0, J. Lyons; ist O. K. J. ruble.; 2nd, .1. Giallam ; ard, W. IL Cook; 4th, J. Irvine, jr. ; 51,11. W. MIKA... Auditors, W. AleQuilliu and John es urchison. Among the new residences Pre('e during 1008 are those of D. N. Lave- rence, D. 0, Taylor, ;mid Mr. W. Allina new doable reeidence, Campbell St. A number of other eitizeos bave improved their homes. The Taylor - Anderson Co. have increased their premises and staff and are daily show- ing signs of developing into one of our inost important institations. Sohn Joynt has built a fine new building of cement for storage purposes, John Button is building a new saw mitt in town and Mr. Mitchell is making im- provements in the Maple Roller works. r Bronchitis Creeps Into Consumption Coughing weakeus the tubes and makes a resting place far the baccilli. Why let Bronchitis become establish- ed P Its easy to cure, just inhale Cater- rhozone, breatla in its soothing bal- sams and relief comes at once. Cater- rhozone is so certain in bronchitis that every case is cured, Throat is strengthened, cough stops, irritation goes away. all danger of tuberculosis is prevented. For throat trouble, catarrh and. coughs, Catarrhozone is the remedy. 25c and $1 at all dealers. Get it to -day. • We desire to thank our many customers for the liberal patronage of the past year, and will do our utmost to make the year 1909 a greater success. We carry the best Gro- ceries that can be pur- chased, also • the best Teas and Coffees. Try a pound and you will be convinced that they have no equal. Produce Wanted. 1 Malcolm's PHONE 51 THE WINGILA31 ADV./WOE, TWURSDAY0, JA.NITABY 7o 1909. • Belmore. Mies Alegi& Law of Villughaua • spent Kowa with her mother. Rev. john Redford drove to Mild, may on Thursday of last 'weeks jobia Gotway is preparbig to build. an addition. to bis dwelling hoose, Miss jean Inglis and eider of Toron- to, spear Xtnas with their aster' gm. • D:110I.Delg has the brick hauled for a nevr dwelling hoase, to be ereeted next s Prayer meeting wan hela four •nights tide week at McIntosh congre- gation, John Hamilton of Torouto is visit- ing with his brother And Meter at the homestead. Mr. Wm. Rogers of Seaforth spent New Years' day here with his uncle, Mr, Win. Lawry, Mrs. I, Folmer of Berlin and Mrs, R. McGrath of Gorrie, visited Mee, C. Johann, otic day last, week. Me. J. A. Hutchison bee lately sold. a very handsome pair of horses to a • gentleman from near Harriston. Misses May and Janet Dustow, who are residing in Toronto, !spent Xmas • With their Mother, Mrs: Dustow, The Behnore School Board have been fortwatte in securing Mr. Lara kin,ar.of eieaforth, as teacher for this ye Mr. Jas. Kirby has straightened up the sheds, which took a midden notion to tun upside down when Local Op- tion passed. Miss Emma Vogan of Tema° spent Xmas with her mother; 26 children and. grandchildren were present at the family dinner. Mrs. H, Lowry, who has ben visit - bar daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) D. Rogers of Seaforth, for the Iasi month has returned honae. Mr. Hyslop Dickson of Knox college spoke in the Presbyterian. church last Sabbath, on the work of the Knox col- lege Student Missionary Society, The young people of this vicinity spent a very pleasant evening at the home of, Mr, Robert Nichol of this burg on the first day of our New Year. Miss Scott, sister of Mrs. Thomas Inglis of Carrick, had a successful op- eration performed on her face where a growth was rentoved. She is report- ed as recovering nicely. Mr. Chittick, our village smith for several years, has sold out his black- smith shop property, also his dwelling house, to Mr. August Miller, who will carry on the business. George Edwards, blacksmith, who has been farming for several years, has rented bis farm to Mr, Willis, and bas moved into his fatherathouse and intends carrying on a blacksmith busi- ness in Mr. Chittiekat shop, west of the postoffice. s awano • Robt. Henry of Marnoch spent last week with friends in Michigan. A little baby girl came to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Hardisty last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Scott of Morris • spent New Year's day at Mr. Alex. • Reath', 6th line. M. and Mrs. Jas. Anderson of Plu- mes, Man., are visiting Westfield friends at present. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bruce of Dray- • ton spent the New Year holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon. lsleigh efyoutff PPc:l:T=thegalatrdedthe Xmas x entertainment on New Years night at Belgrave and.report a splendid time. D. BELL'S MTJSIO EMPORITI1VI • (Opp. Skating Rink) Headquarters For All Muds Of Musical Instruments PIANOS. No more beautiful or appro- priate gift than a Piano. We leave them from all the great makers. For finish, workmanship and tone, they are unexcelled, and at right prices. VIOLINS. We have the largest and beet stook ever shown in Wingham and at prices to suit every person. We would ask Violin players to call and judge for yourselves. PHONOGRAPHS. Nothing more populist. and pleasing than a Phonograph. The Edison has the new Ainborel rec- ords which play twice us long as the old ones, Every home should have one. They are enjoyed by both old and young. ORGANS, We have great number of second -band Oegens, taken nit* change for Pienoe, Some of Vieth tilataaah°.111/1111? jn use aoceicat •tion, be told Very cheap eta on easy terms. Sewing Machines. Vire keep 11, very large otoek I C e Ben. Iliatittfantlitee. If you sae 002r. do of both Canadian add Aisle:clean teMplatirtg puteheaing taitehine, it MAIAND• WOuvld pay yon old! and lee UAL N th6m, SCE 'vnitintAti Toronto and Return •• $ 3 90 FROM WINGIIAM With 25 cts. added for admis- sion to Ontario Horse Breeders Exhibition. Good going Jan. 12-13. Return limit, Jan. 16, California, Mexico, Florida. Round trip tourist tickets now on sale to all principal • Winter Resorts. or tickets and full information, call on W. HENRY, Town Agent, or Write J. D. McDonald District Passenger Agent, Toronto. The Past and • The Future The past year has been one • of decided success, and we beg to thank our many patrons for their liberal ltupport and confi- dence. This year every effort win be roade to maintain, and if possible improve, bur awn GUADE QVALITY /IT '0 ODS. TRY ITS ON Groceries Cooked Meals Te & Collet Prolts YeeNNNeee, , • , • •ieNeleiiNio.Nr 1.01DON MILO Daily Always nide Don't anise :teeing our Chinaware, y C • is harvested. Apply on premiees, tio Hour nristie tzvittntgrimlaggegtehelet Phone 59 SAS. 13. NICOL, Proprietor, Mu:wide P. 0. Jamestown. Mr, Jas, Wright'. health eontinuee very poor, Mies Nellie Miller of Listowel is visiting under the parental roof. Mist, Alma King visited the Misses Hoover,. Oth 000., ialey, last week. Mr. Tboe. SMith and daughter, - Mary, are visiting friends at Bentick, .firdenard• Reat,tail spent his New Years' with, his parents near Lake - let. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Eckmier and Miss Feriae visited. Ethel friends last Sun- day. There was a little boy came to glad', den the home of Peter McDougal on Jan. 8rd. Mr, Sykes of Toronto had charge of dthaeyeee:evnicineg.ia Victoria Hall last Suri- . Mr. A,. McDonald of Bay CRY. Mich., is visiting his brothers, Donald and. Alexand.er. Mr. G. Davidson and his sister, May of Wroxeter, spent part of last Sun- day at S. Snell's, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moses had a social gathering at their home on New Year's Day, Me, and Mee, Alex, Bryant; gave an "As Home" to a few of their friends last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Duncan McDonald and • habys Donaltia, visited friends near Findwich last Sunday. Miss Bessie and Rite Moses enter- tained a tuinber of their lady friends last Wednesday evening. Master Harvey Hoover, Oth. eon., Grey, spent a few days last week visit- • ing his eousin, Willie King. Mrs. Torn McEwen had a very suc- cessful quilting bee last Wednesday afternoon, and a party at night, Jas, Strachan, jr., left last Monday to resume his studies at the Dental College, Toronto, after the holidays, 1VIr. Martin of Chicago and. M. and Miss 1de of Islington are visiting friends in. the vicinity of James- town. Air. Hessian and Mr. Wm. Con- stable of Winglaeat spent a few days • last week visiting friends in and around Jamestown. Mr, and Afrs. F. Wright. sr., gave a social bop to a number of the young people last Wednesday evening; all report a very pleasant time. There was a sleigh load of young people from Jamestown spent last • Wednesday evening at the home of Mr, T. A. Gibson of Wroxeter. Mr. and Mes. S. 0. Wilson of Brus- sels and Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor of Grey ate their New Year's dinner with Mr, and Mrs, D. McDonald. A. certain vounggentleman of the 2nd line of *Morris makes frequent visits on the main street of James- town. "Gad," he'd better watch out. Mr. and. Mr. A. Eckmier of Strat- ford, and Mr, and. Mrs. Jno. Eckmier of Ethel spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Eckmier of this place. Mr, and Mrs. A. Pollock, Mrs. Gib- son, Mrs, B. Kine, Willie and .A.Imit spent a pleasant New Year's evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. -Mesas, Zed line, Morris. Fordyce: Mrs, Bell entertained. a few friends New Year's evening, Mr. andlIrs. Ed. Haines spent New Year's• with friends in Listowel. Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. burnin of St. • Helens spent New Year's with friends here. Mr. Wm. Taylor and Miss Mary Taylor visited a few friends in this neighborhood. Miss Lillian Taylor and friend, Miss Bell, are visiting relatives in this neighborhood. Little Miss Viola Jamieson spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Janet Gaunt, St. Helens. Chester Taylor has returned home, after spending his holidays with friends in Westfield. The Induction of Rev. Me. Moir took place Tuesday afternoon in St. Helens Presbyterian Church. Misses Lottie and Gussie and Ed. Haines spent a pleasant Christmas at the home of Mr. Geo. Haines, Holy - rood. Messrs. James Stein and John Philips of Sask., returned from the West one day last week for a short visit. School has commenced again after the holidays and Miss Scrimgeor has resumed her work as teacher of this school. Miss Evelyn Webster has been laid up for some time with rheumatism. We hope eoon to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. Evans Haines of Chamberlain, Sask.. writes home, saying that they are enjoying summer weather out there at present. Wiie. Humphrey and family have returned from the Western parts, alter an absence of five years. We weleorne theta back to our midst. *"11 Bard Callouses Quickly Cured. • Soak the feet in hot water and then apply Putintat's Painless Corn EXtrae- tor-it removes the callous quickly. Be sure you get Putnam s only, NOTICE. k4.k.k..4•••••14.1* The atttual Meeting of the Turn- berty Agrieultural Society will be held iri the Ot3uno1l Ohainber Of the Town Hall, en Thursday', Jan. 21st, 1000, at 1.80 pott. All members of the Society are requested to be present. • W. X, Culture n. Eittott ?resident Secretary Farm For Sale. ik•44.4444,1404,4144 rirst-class farce, pleasantly Otte -t- ea, adjoining Eltitivale station, lots 20, 30, eon. 1, Aloeris, 100 acres, all cleared except 12 acres, well fenced, and in good condition. There are a large bank barn, large brick house rind kitehen, with IMMO summer kit - ellen' orche,rd, never -failing spring well,an artesian well with water piped to house and been; pig pen and poultry house, 18x50, with dement floors a frost -proof sno lex 84, Ten Wroxeter. ;oho ,Sanderson, who has been, via - leg his paeents, returned to Toronto On Monday, Mr, and Mrs. C. D. Simpson vent New Yearla at Renee% visiting the laen temother. Iilditor .Tohn'ThOmpson, of Kempt- villa gelled 00 pia felentle during the holiday season, • Mies Abrehann school teacher of •Stretford, visited friends in this cinity last week. 0. M. Ntrallter of Niagara Fella visit- ed hie ntother and other friends for a few days last week, Ale. and Mrs. T, 0, Hemphill have returned from their visit with the , forto,erte parents in Rensali. Mr, and Mrs, B. F. Oarr, visited the latter'e mother and other friends in Torouto over New Yeer's. Wallace Laekle of Vittsburg, Allah, spent a few days recently with hie ntother, Mrs. 3, Itaekie Of ROW/ek. Misses Lulu Rothe:lora and As Keown bave returned to Hamilton, to finalise prosecute their studies at the Normal School, • Mr. Bonthron of Hensall visited WS attughter, MPS. 0. D. Simpson, last week. Mrs. Bonthrole, who has been quite ill, is improving, Miss Bessie Lovell, after spending leer vacation with Mends, has return- ed to Stratford to continue her work • la the Normal School. Mrs. McLennan, of this village, is visiting in Strethroy. We are sorry to learn that her son, Will., is ill, there with inflammatory rtieuinatiem. Mr. S. Booth of West Toronto spent a few days here renewing acquaintan- ces. He is enjoying his new position very muela, but misses his old friends, Hermon Morrison was rent:M.14T. totintancesahe other day, His sister, • Miss Ada, who has been enjoying a few holidays, returned with him to Hanover. Miss Beatrice Howe, teacher, Ux- • bridge, returned to her duties on Sat- urday. She la enjoying her work and finds Uxbridge a pleasant town in which to live, The children of the Presbyterian Sabbath School, Wroxeter, were given • a sleigh ride on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Ae it was a very fine day, a great many participated in the outing, Most of the children were driven to Jamestown. One load went to Gorrie. The drivers felt amply re- paid for their trouble as they saw how thoroughly all enjoyed themselves. The Ladies' Club of Wroxeter pre- sented the play entitled "The Spin- sters' Convention," before a large au- dience in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening of last week. The entertain- ment was a great success. The par- ticipants in the play displayed great ability. Round after round of laugh- ter and applause was indulged in as each part of the program was present- ed. The references to some of the local bachelors caused greet arouse - anent, and we believe the jokes were taken in the spirit in which they were given. The proceeds amounted to $4.9, •part of which will be given to the Public Library. The Municipal election here caused a good deal of interest and excitement as it was expected that there. would • he a close contest for the Reeveship. Nearly every possible vote was polled. Ala C. Reis was elected Reeve, defeat- ing john Davidson by a few votes. •Tbe f011owing will be the Councillors for the year :-Messrs. A. Moffatt, A. • McLean, W. A, Rutherford, Jahn Douglas. We trust that our new town fathers will do as good work as their predecessors. In the last few years, great improvement has been made to our sidewalks and streete, and a new Town Hall low been built. We humbly suggest that the Council have installed a few are la,mps, on. the main street at least. •It would help business and make our already attrac- tive village more so. The ratepayers are quite able to pay the additional expense, Y r • Vgillg • ' a Donnybrook. Mr. Nelson Nooks of Toronto has been visiting friends here. Miss Martha Wallace is doing real well, we are pleased to learn. Miss O'Connor is expected home soon from Wingham Hospital. Miss B. Anderson has returned to Wingham where she is teaching. Mr. and Mrs. J. Chamney entertain- ed a few of their friends New Year's Day. Mrs. IL Lockhart and children have been visiting the past week with her parents here. Mr, Wm. Barkitt and family spent Net Ne`Year's with Mr. and Mrs. S. Nixon of Blyth. Miss Ferguson is home frona her visit to Detroit, and has resumed her work as teacher. Misses Edna and Maggie Anderson, and Henry Tisdale, have returned to Toronto, after spending their holidays with their parents here. Mr. Jones preached a New Year's semen Sunda rooming, taking for his text, Phil. 4164 -"Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and_ supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God, And the peaee of God which passeth alt understaeding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus," St. Helens. • John Miller is home from ()Insley High School. • Mien Moere of Ohesley is visiting Miss Rosa, Miller for a couple of weeks, Mee. D. McDonald of Winglotin and childreti are visiting at Mr. Thomas Todd's. Miss Lizzie Miller is home from Hamiltoti Notnial College Inc the holi- day season. • Misses °lark also Donald Clink of Goaetieh are enjoying the holidays at their home here, Miss Lizzie ttlitherford, who fOr genie tithe past hitt been teaching at Carlow has resigned her position and intend e to take a course itt a busi- ness college. Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Todd celebrated their. ifith wedding anniversary on Monday Dec, 28tb, when about 135 re - !salves enjoyed a iintentuout; dinner at five eelock. A. ntonber of friends and -; aequaintanees tvere invited Inc the' evening, and en oyed theoteelvee With , j. gannet and WI) ing tba beat fantaia tie, until the tete y bouts of the morn- ing. Mrs. Todd receiVecl seine very pretty gifts, filatlifeeting the esteem In which the couple Mt held. „.5 Salem, Mr, Thos. Iloporaft. visited Salem friends on Sunday, • Mr. Joseph 'Mellen is atill en tbe mend, we are glad to report. Mr, reed. (Itchen spent last weak visiting friends in Grey arid Morrie. Me. S. Crawfted of Winnipeg : spending his holidays with hie eletett Atre,.jobo Wray, Mr, and. Mrs, John Hartley of Olin- • ton epent the holidays with the let., teraeparents It this. place. Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Merkley enter - tattled a number of their bawls on Wednesday evening lartt. Mr, 111. Merkiey or London celled on some of his old friends in this part) the early part of this week. Mr, Begley of Wingham has -been spendingit low days with hie daugh- • ter, Mrs, 11. Markley, near Helnaore. • Dirs. Montgomery and her two boys of Millbank, have been visiting alt tbe home of her sister, Mrs. John Wray. Ma John Derma:ell left last week to • pond Mame with his many friends in the west, We Wish him a pleasant trip, Lloyd Henning is able to be out again, after getting his leg cut with an axe. Lloyd is a hustler to get along with the work. Mr. R. Montgomery from the Medi- cal College of Toronto, and Mies Laura Mulvey of Wingham epent Sunday evening last with the former's grand- mother, Mrs. J., Gallaher, Mr. .AllanFralick had a narrow es- • cape by lire from his chimney, on Titelehty of last week. Mr, and Mrs, Franck were preparing to go to Wing. hfutt. whert he smelt the fire and BMW the flames issuing from the roof, Help was soon on hand, and. it was put out, Bluevale. Mr. Robt. Thomas of Toronto was home for New Year's, • Mr. John Diment of Toronto is visit- • ing his brother Henry. Mrs. Thos. Nesbitt has left town, and has gone to Ethel. • Mr. ',Andrew Crean sr., spent New Years with friends in .Atwood. • Miss Blanche Thornton of Brantford spent the holidays at her home hem. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Gray of Hamilton, spent New Year with his father, Wm. G ray, Mrs. W. Messer has been on sick list but we are glad to report she is on the mend. Miss Alice Duff left on Saturday for Barrie, where she hasengaged as teacher. Mies Inez Andrews left On Saturday for Rawtrey, where she has engaged as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong of Moose - jaw, Sask., visited. at Me. R. Mos- • grove's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson of Whitewater, Man., are home on a three months visit. •, Mrs. W. H. Stewart and daughter Elsie of Acton, spent afew days with Mrs. Masters last week. The L. 0. L. oyster supper will be held here on Thursday evening. A good supper is sure, and a good pro- gram is promised. No. '766 will do its best. t LAC • The Perfection Of Womanhood. Who does not envy and admire a lovely woman 1 The secret of her love- liness, of her perfection, is health. She sleeps well, eats well, digests well, intricate functions are vigorous and regular. Of all woman's remedies Ferrozone is the best ; it vitalizes the functions upon which health depends, makes the purest, richest blood, gives perfect complexion and lots of vigor. Every girl and woman who seeks health, vitality, looks --let her get Ferrozone to -day. Fifty cent boxes at all dealers. • Blyth. Mr. John Kelly of Goderieb was in towel on Monday recording hie vote. Miss Laura Gray of Acton is- a visit- or at, the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alex. McKellar. A pleasant feature of the services at the Methodist church Sunday night was a choir of male voices. Mr. David Xechne had the misfor- tune to have his leg so badly injered, that amputation of the foot was ne- cessary. The tritmiCipal ejections here result- ed as follows z-Luittori Hill, 00; Dr. Milne, 131; majority for Milne, 35. For Conncillors :-Jatnes Cutt. Thos. Code, W/21. McElroy, B. tainton, were elected. For school trustees :- P. Gardiner, Thomas. McElroy, Dr, Long, James Sims. Dr, Charlesworth, George White. Morris. Duke Jordan is busily engaged in getting material together for building a house. Miss Emma Jermyn returned to Toronto, after spending Christmas holidays with friends in Morris. John Broadfoot & Son are making great improvements to their home. That's right, Walter, set the example and keep the ball rolling. Misses Jean Kelly and Florence Carr have returned to their home in Paris after spending the Xmas vaca- tion at Burnside Farm, Morrie, At. noon, on the 80th ult., Burnside Farm was the scene of a quiet though pretty home wedding. when Male Nel- He Maud, fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs, %Vui. Itibister, was married to Mte Edward 13, Jenkins, Rev, D. Per. tie performed the eeremoty. The bride and groom took the afternoon train for Toronto rasa other points. - Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins will be at borne to their friends after Jan. 80th. go.ArA 7 ] Look Ahead For Illness. Sudden illness and retitle come in every family -at° parents and ehildren alike. But if you have looked ahead, and have right hi your home, ready For immediate use a bottle of Poison's Nerviline-there isn't much to worry over. If its a sore throat or contract' I'd chest( apply Nerviline and put on it Nerviline Porouli Piaster, Ws tone, erring's, et any stomach disoider, jest edminister ten drops of Nervihne hi hot Water fain ly medicines are _ 1 a 1909 Special Annonnooment • 114 01; NO. 1 1 i 1 dill ,ce. f&•4 - ii?/41r11:L„.1:: HAPPY P4EW YEAR! 'When the writer of this ad- vertisement was a boy, be over - beard a conversation in a store QUO day regarding an advertise- ment, the substance of NV111011 Was as follows OUSTOMER-I notice by the paper that you are selling a eertain Of goods for a cer- tain price. I would like to see thein please. 141.ERCIIANT-0 that is only an advertisement -you should not take any notice to that. CUSTOMER -And do you mean to tell me that I cannot get the goods you advertise at the price mentioned. MERCHANT -That is exactly what I mean, I did not suppose any one would believe an ad- vertisement. We do not Contend for one minute that the above represents the average advertiser ; in fact we don't believe troch to be the case. But it is, nevertheless, a fact, that • there are large numbers of persons iu every corornunity • that either do not read advertisements, or if they do read them, "take very little stook in them," Now there are 5 points which we wish to impress on • the readers of this paper- • 1 -We intend to give to the people of this community the very NEWEST and LATEST in SHOES that are produced. • 2 -.We intend to give the best possible values. 8 -We promise yon that you can depend "absolutely" on the truthfulness el our advertisements. 4 --Do not expect more -and do not expect less. 5 -Watch for our advertisements - it will pay you. Something nevr and interesting each week. 3 a WILLIS & GO. Fine Shoe Repairing a Specialty • , N •OM. N k 1 .0111,111•4401110 OM 1. . anovb•-$„ \De e Xaksas osj eokokkkkng Phone 129 for men who want, every cent's worth of value that their money will buy. A long experience tells us how -and a staff of skilled workmen know our way. Goods from Scotland -from England -from Ireland - from Canada - frotn everywhere. Just about every kind that's made and plenty of each kind. Wouldn't you like to see. Robt. Maxwell Tailor & Men's Furnisher a 1 0 teserhat~sterirker°1040M4 41#61000"4.4014."*.V"t) , e 0.10,41041NLININNAM,, NamNIStraluela•Neall4Namx king's For Bargains I We Want Yout Trade StotkAalMinq '‘tx.ts e Vat& iv Ilavp.mas 141A week PRoDuot: WA.NTED.rartoll Butter, Vresh Rgget, nig Armlet, Peathers, Raw Forte 'White Beans, Eta, fot which top prices be paid. No emergenciee than llervilinsi and Ner- ore 1196 more I:amended, upon la E • O. E. KING 1 chestp Prices the doctor bill small. 26c each at all U0643 14.2000S viiine Pardue Pleater. They keep•"'"a""'"'",,,. dealers, Battled substitutes, '))4 • 1