The Wingham Advance, 1908-10-29, Page 4V , .,A
)_ " .V ,. a,.. . „
Are You Particular .0
Do you want things to be. just so ? Then
Nve d like you for a customer, Werve promised
you Satisfaction—promised you that style, fit and
price will please you — we'll keep our promise,
Our best ads, are satisfied customers. Como here
for your next Suit or Overcoat.
Men's Furn1Shl,flg S f
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Etc.,
in every line that's new and up-to-date.
Call and see our elegant stock.
Small Prices—Rig Values.
Robt. M axwe l l
Tailor & Men's Furnisher
Kim's For Bargains We Want Your Trade
Prepare For --Cold Weather !
'- Our Stock in the many different lines is full to overflowing,
- and the time is approaching when customers will
want their Fall and Winter supplies. Read
carefully the lines given below.
DRESS GOODS.—We show the largest stock of the best goods in
Black and colors, the most up-to-date, and at popular prices.
MEN'S UNDERWEAR.—See our Extra Special line of fleece -lined,
at 50 cents. The best on earth.
LADIES' UNDERWEAR.—A choice selection from 2Ec to $1.25.
q CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR.—Beat lines in all Wool and Union,
i FURS.—Large selection of best goods from most reliable manufac-
turers. Our $10.00 Special Scarf is a dandy. You can't beat it.
COON COATS.—The best $50.00 Coon Coat in the trade.
' LADIES' FUR JACKETS.—Ladies' Far and Fur -lined Jackets in
the best makes and at close prices.
STAPLES.—That 250 Wrapperette for 10c is the talk of the country.
WANTED, ALL KINDS TRADE—Butter, Eggs, Beans, Dried Applea, &c.
Tub Butter, 22c. Eggs, 22c.
Good Goods Cheap Prices
Nails For Sale
Size 1J in.,
11 in., 41 in., 4J in., 5
in., 51 in., G in.
quantity of the above
sizes at
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen -
11 cents per pound,
We are agents for all the Best makes of Stoves
and Ranges made in the Province, including the
Pandora Range and Happy Thought Range. Call in and see our
Stoves. We sell the kind that will give you good satisfaction.
,l. 0.
& Co.
Directly Opposite
Brunswick HdteI
Every Treasurer of Church, Lodge
or Association Funds should at once
open a SAVIN09ACCOUNT for these
`Crust Funds.
W specially invite this class of
Accounts and pay highest current
FUR 411P FARnIMOv. 11L VIOIK 0111 As A. UUMl;41'lc
Ontario Is going to be short of Ritchie & C0300S 4el - op
' rough feeds and grain for feeding rnr- It is interes,'ing to note the aacend-
�vt �l~ltdam �,b�i'i147�Cf poses this winter. Iavery farincr who ancy wbich electricity is fast ,gaining, REAL ESTATE
Itas roughage to save shonld do it well, its ltri Instrument for convenience and
as every stalls will be heeded this wits. comfort, in the homes of the . r1ch. AND INSURANCE
Theo,Hall Proprietor, The
ter. The feeding of cattle, hogs Aud lighting by eleotr'iolty is of course, an - - --
sheep is a question that is being old story in every city, but here are
advance, $1.40 t Phlox. -$1'00 per annum in weighed by many farmers; Will ft some developments :---Not long ago Farm Properties,
SunsaRlPTtox R
E not so raid' a tel feed cattle this. winter? Bar�alen
VP. Y the Brooke n raison Company exhib- vADviCRTIaINti RATRa,-Lognl and other Das-Snal adverltsenientaloo per nonpartel line for Many venture the opinion that it ited.iii Nesv Yolk the best array Of
first insurtion, 3o per line for each subsequent Some exceptional values in
iusertlun, will pay handsomely in the spring, electric appliances for the household,
AdvertlsomentH in the local columns are And It looks gout. In the western ever brought together. A butte of Farms. If you walit one, It will WIN•GFIAIAZ, ONT&RIC3,
charged 10o per line for first insertion, and 50 states, cove. is holding very high, and rooms, equipped with every electrical pay you to see Up..
per lino toe each s0sequonttrayed marina , fariners are inclined to sell stock and aid, was placed on exhibition.. In The good old rrovinee of On- .... .•
Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale - • -
or to Rent, and similar, $1.0o for first three save for corn prices, This would look tilde, were shown an,,elettrit stove tario is all right;,
weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in like a good tiling for beef next spring which aright be: lighted from the bed-
CONTRACT RATl;s.--The follo)ving are our when . the demand, will likely be, room by simply touching a button, a POPULAR � �� �
rates for the insertion of advertisements for strong, Ontario farmers being short sinoothing•iron, which could be heat- p } s
specified poriods:— of feed, will likely retrench somewhat ed alrapst instantly, and kept at the Town Properties
SPACE l Yr. 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo.
One Column .,,•.. 70.00 $10.00, $st,5o $8.00 in their feeding operations, all of tight temperature. without any le -
Half Column..,.. 40,00 25.00 15.00 0.00 which will make it better for the man heating
8at a stove; electric motors At right prices. We have a
aartor Column_ 20.00 12.50 7.50 8.00
uo Inch,....,.... S.OQ 5.00 2,00 1.25 who stays in. But the anomalies of which at
it clotbes-washer and number of places admirably suit- We leave securest the Agency for a number of the
Advertisements without specific directionR the cattle business are so great shat wringer, a sewing machine, -a dish- ed for retired farmers. No pret- most popular Magazines in thb world. They will be here
will be inserted till forbid and charged ac- whet one expects, suite often is upset washer, and a vacuum cleanser for
I advance. by
must be tier or healthier town in Ontario ever month shat on time. November numbers are hero.
paid Rot in advnnca. by many people looltiog•for and pre- carpets and upholstery. In the refrig- - Y p
paring for the same thing. Discount- erator a pound of ice could be manu- than Wingham. Property bougbt Get your supkly early. Leave your order for future num-
Ing all this, the price for Ontario beef factured. by electricity In an hour, here can always be re -sold, hers. If you wish to subscribe for any Magazine not in
will likely be as remunerative as at while throughout the morns electric this list, we can get you what you want.
any time during the coming season. fans distributed a grateful breeze,
Less beef will be made east of the Needless to say, the most of these Ritchie Cosens POPULAR MAGAZINES
Mississippi' River during the next six appliances are as yet somewhat expen- �j _ ... .... . ,
—On Friday last, Hon. James Duff, mouths than: at an time since cattle sive. One wonders if they will soon
the new Minister of Agriculture for y become thea enough for use in LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, METROPOLITAN,
Ontario, was elected by acclamation feeding became an industry, says a ii g REAL ESTATE AND
writer in the Oazette. In the terri- the Homes of the nations; and then AMERICAN, EVERYBODY, PEARSON'S, AIN.
for West Simcoe. His re-election was tory east of the Missouri there will be the query arises : When the age of INSURANCE - WINGHAM
necessitated by his accepting the port, a heavy decrease in production. electricity arrives, how will our SLEE'S, POPULAR MECHANICS, SCRIBNER,
folio, At the general contest in June, What Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma women take exercise ? Will they sit WOMEN'S ROME COMPANION.
Mr. Duff's majority was 004. and South Dakota will accomplish about, and, in time,' through sheer i6A
flabbiness, revert to the stage of
remains to be seen hitt few in the ATTEND
—Says an eicchange, for months past trade believe last year's crop will be slightly animated mollusca, or will ,
it has been prophesied that the tom- equaled, Beef eaters of the United young and old take to "sports"? WillELLIOTT Embroidery Patter ns Ivor Making
ing winter would see even harder States are justified in feeling concern our staid matrons. kick up their heels
times than that of last winter. Al- over the prospect. gleefully in tennis and cricket, and Christmas BRi�ts.
ready this condition of affairs is begin- o it grandmothers of three -score vie.
(loon Timu To BuyI?uRle with the Don't -you -knows in pursuing
sing to appear in the forelight. In And the limo to commence is RIgHT T
the States everything appears at a BREEDS. the golf ball? Vetily these are prob- NOW. One, hundred add ono students The ll,tnbroidery Patterns for November have been
Y $ PP from other business colleges haveatro.•-
standstill. Hundreds of factories A great many sales of pure-bred cat- Isms for an autumn day, ,zed this college wirhin one your. pit 11AT designed more particularly to meet the wants of the woman
have closed and others that usually tie are being held in the States, and noi:s Titrs ritovu7 We give the be.,t. who likes to make her ChriHtmaS gifts with her own hands.
y Nothing else would satisfy us—nothing
employ four or five thousand hands the one noticeable thing is the lowness H�,D oul t1; andsty
y1�1.i. ALL
ENIltAD AIrr0 „ Made„ gifts are more appreciated than "bought„ gifts.
of prices. The same dullness prevails fur Catalogue. Get one of Our Embroidery Books or come in and
are now running with'two or three
hundred. A similar state of affairs is on this side, And just here is the As Unexpected As Burglars.look through our November Cuunter hook. We can get
P ke WLC.Br.
also existing in Canada and already is very thing that business farmers are for you any pattern that you wish.
showing itself in the smaller towns, realizing as their chance. The man . wr That's
the warway Cramps comes,
sosureto Yonge doAlexander sts.
Commercial travellers who are collect- who sees pure-bred Shorthorns selling instantly relieve as Nerviline, just a
ora as well, state that they have the low buys, and in a very short time few drops in sweetened water is all' November Patterns Are In Stock,
greatest difficulty in making even turns them over to make good money. that's reqnired to stop the pain. Pol- S THE GREAT SCIiOOL.
And the goodrice for Shorthorns sons Nerviline is a true comfort to
small collections throughout the g p' every family, for a stomach and bowel CENTRAL November style Books free. Call and get one.
country. will Dome soon with a rush, and he derangement it is an absolute specifle. Quarterly style Books, 06 pages. Only 5e eacb.
-- _ who has them shall be a happy man. Guaranteed to have at least five times
—A business corporation has been It is good advice that The Breeders' iso medicih of
r painreliev-
successfully established in Vienna by Gazette gives, when it says to lay in a and use for external pains too Fora i Bargain in Men's Congress Shoes
Our past record and our pre.Rent grade
men who are totally blind. The com- stock of a few good breeding cattle. reliable household medicine -cases Ner- of work.stamps us as the great praoti- .
pany manufactures brushes and bas- TIIE HOG SITUATION. viline supplies all that's necessary. cal training school of Western Ontario.
keta and all its employees are blind. Large 25c bottles sold everywhere. Three departments—COMMERCIAL, suitable for Foundry Men, Factory hien, Farmers,
The same conditions prevail this fall - SHORTHAND. TELEGRAPHIC. Laborers. Plain Congress shoe, all sizes, price
In the eight months of its existence it as did last year, to make spring pork our graduates are In domand Ps D„Ri-
per pair, only ”
sees go light RA wenH cilloshas filled orders afgre ating $4,000,an extra good rice. Ver bo s tiants.dividaterestGmakin a fair profit, and has enough are being marketed in the several Mis- Miss Elizabeth E. Grant erNOW. Individual
for it.
orders on hand to justify the enlarge- sissippi River markets, which means A Felt Slippers, felt soles warm eonlf(rtable slippers,
meet of its workshops. Sixteen of Teacher of Piano, Theory, -Harmon and ELLIOTT de• MCLACHLAN pp ' pp '
p selling their corn. Ontario has no Iatorprottttton. Pupils - prepared Eur ppINCIPALa Z all sizes for Men, Women, Misses and Children.
the employees are skilled workmen Conservatory or ms unity
feed to throw away, and farmers are examinations. Terms on
And the company wishes it known in no panic to store pens full of hogs. application. T� 11� �� Felt Shoes, laced and Congress, for Men and Women,
that its wares are sold on their Moreover, there is not the amount of STUDIO — IST FLOOR—MACDONALD BLOCK n nTilUR J. IR IY I11 $1,00 to 51;25, solid leather soles, good felt uppers.
"actual merit” tbat they are put th A Id s ' LA R
upon„the market "in fair competition
porcine youngsters In e e a In
some seasons. Any man who can run
Frank McConnell
with the product of other concerns,”
hogs through the winter will find a
fowls and growing chickens will save
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen -
and that the blind people want "bassi-
good market, but it will take courage
nsylvania College and Licent ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
rule, they are kept nearly a yuan,
ness, not charity." In our own On-
to do this where the root crops have
tario, the Institution for the Blind is
failed, although the corn yield is
Most of them aro bought in Vdbruary*.,
—osteo in Macdonald Block—
iboe cOhotbor n Canadian Life Assurance Company.
doing good work in fitting those de -11
f 11 tt d d t Stc k
qulckly. It will improve the lawn by 'ions.„rlotlfoon$dont�'.1.totln$bbf1R
Montftoe 9ldaet .gen,%,
reoourg atbnte.- Average rate of Interest
exec en . Sale orders care u y a on a o.
prived of their sight for the activities and implement sales a specialty. Terme W. J. PRICE
of business life.
MuTToN AND LxmBs. reasonable. Residence, at North end.
I£ Ontario men made money last WINGHAM - ONTARIO B.S.A.; L.D.S., D.D.S.
-- season feeding lambs, it looks a far
—Rev. Herbert S. Johnston, pastor more optimistic season, this year forWING1iAM Honor Graduate of University of Toronto T. A. MILLS
of the Warren Ave. Baptist (Church, and .ictal Surgeons
e Royal nobese of
duplicating the practice. Lambs are Dei tat surgeons of entatic.
Boston, Mass., in his address to his cheaper and the United States situ •
p General Hospital. oNFICIG IN BEAVItR BLtCK - WINOriAdi WINGHAM �1��y /� 'y��
congregation on Sunday last, announ- ation, is such that the demand is like- �+y Ili! L,�"1�.1'9 M
ced that never again would he per- ly to over -top the supply early (Under Government Inspection.)
form the marriage ceremony where in 1000. 151enaantly situated. Beantitullq 4urnished.
one of the contracting -parties was a Open to ail ragularty lieenaea phyatetana. CANADIAN NOME CIRCLES
consumptive. "I am taking this nursing)—'3,50 to $15,00 per week, nneording
step," said he, "because Ido 11Ct wish to location of room. Nur further informs- ■
p tion—Address Wingham Circle, No. 434
to stand before God as a murderer. I FALL POULTRY HINTS. Miss Jc E. WELCH
The marriage. of a healthy person — —_
223, Winglt,
Boa 223, gingham, Ont. Meets the 1st Thursday in each month,
with one affected with the great Quite a few of those old hens had in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p.m. Candi- ,
white plague means that inevitably better be killed off before the cold dates for cheap, reliable insurance are
both will have the disease." He also solicited. cAsk to see our rates from any C,oats
weather, of the officers. s adios' risks accepted at
stated that, at the next district meet- the demo rate se mon.
ing, he would bring the matter up, If there are sufficient well matured R. Aivnr. T. E. RomNsON
and endeavor to have the Church au-
pallets to make a the flock keep $ Leader Rec. Secretary '
very few of the hens. The pullets Tpy Malcolm s W.J.WsLsa Fin.Scoretarythoritiea prohibit the marriage of two kill lay much better than the hens. -
persons, one of whom was a consump It is time to be putting up the spare FOR ;
tive. Laws and legal devices are ap-
parently unable to cope with this con- cockerels. Save the best one for _
dition, therefore the Church must ""reeding and feed the others, also the j TN BANK We are Sllowing for 1S
meet it, and conquer it," said Mr. cull pullets and hens. ](� �0�1 10 - ,season the largest and most °
Get the house cleaned u for the Tea and ' 7 � =
Johnston, P
pullets, and put in only those pullets HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. -
that are a good shape, well matured, complete range Of Fur Coats
and a good specimen of the breed. Coffee
A SUCCESSFUL DAIRY FARM. Feed them well, have the pnllets Capital (paid- up) $3,976,000 ever shown In �Vingham, at ,
- - a
start to lay about the middle of No- _
vember or first of December, and They are sure to please. Reserve (ea p ofii- $5,297,000 _ prices that will .he a pleasant
A farm from which $12,000 worth of make arrangements to know which Total Assets, over $48,000,000 .
milk is sold in a year is one that has to are laying this winter and use their surprise to any wishing to pur- -
be run on up,to-date principles and Kee ■ WINGHAM BRANCH. p '
which requires good management. eggs for setting nest spring. P New Raisins and
Such a farm is that owned by Mr. J. only the good layers of this winter for chase anything in that line.
the year following. n , Farmers Notes discounted.
Ernest Caldwell, of Carlton Co., Ont. Fresh lean beef fed to sick fowls or Currants Now in. Drafts sold on all points in Can-
Mr, Caldwell makes a specialty of sell- chickens will affect a cure when all ads, the United States and Europe. Do not miss a money -sav-
ing milk in the city of Ottawa. Eight medicine fails, and if there is weak -
to 10 men are kept employed by Dir, ness in the fowls or the newly hatched Fresh Groceries and SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.
Caldwell all the time, either working Trig opportunity.
on the farm, or delivering milk in the chickens are afflicted with bowel trou- Vegetables always dere. Interest allowed on depositn of $1.00 and
city. Up to this year Mr. Caldwell ble the fresh lean pleat fed the hens upwards, and added to principal quarterly.
farmed 210 acres. This year, he pur= will add strength to the first chickens
chased an adjoining farm, comprising thatched from the eggs after the beef D. T. HEPBURN, WWI!
03 acres, Sixty-five head of cattle arehas been fed. When chickens hatched
rom• • Produce Wanted.
-fimproperly'fedens ow
'hhave bel R.'V'atiatone, Solicitor '
kept summer and winter. Two rigs we want your produce.
are required to deliver the milk in the trouble It is almost a hopeless case. As
J,M������city, three men being kept busy, de• Dry bat flakes and sweet skimmed
mill. will save �Iig11cS prices paid for all kinds
livering mills 'all the time. Mr. Cthem if anLr
anything g can.
well buys two cows each year. "I • It should never be forgotten that Protection and Safe
buy them." said Mr. Caldwell to a ro. poultry needh some gveen food at all 40
•, Butter and Uggs+oFowl, owl, Dried Apples, Beans,
presentative of The Canadian Dairy seasons of the year. In winter they
nebllTen4 = L jotatoes
vAdy nx,i'fi�sr,m7.irr vvVn m •.,tin .rt.y_! can be (Liven cabbalze. onions, tut -nips._
his place recently, "bodause I dan get etc, Economy in preparing and in jJ1,60 YEARS'a more even supply of milk. We other dietribution of the food is a XPSRIENCtnetti� ooafBli;nb zitleave to have tale same amount of milk platter that deserves the most earnestthe year round. My cows averaged 'consideration of the poultrymen. The Endowment PoAcins7,000 to 5,000 lbs, of milk each last A white Clover lawn clipped twice •----qF'-,-•-
year, Thug are opt anyw ere iouA
three months to two year's depundlbg
eat rave w a awn nlowe a
the clippings fed to the laying bens,
iRAOC IIiIARKi The Dominion LY
upon theft value as milkers. As ti
fowls and growing chickens will save
rule, they are kept nearly a yuan,
nearly half the cost of food, increase
Aendtng stt''Aketoh
YRIgHTQ drt .
and doeortnntion maf A sound, well inanrtged
. A
Most of them aro bought in Vdbruary*.,
the egg yield and develop the chickens 41110kityi6n isprOnAbly
iboe cOhotbor n Canadian Life Assurance Company.
March and April. They are sold for
qulckly. It will improve the lawn by 'ions.„rlotlfoon$dont�'.1.totln$bbf1R
Montftoe 9ldaet .gen,%,
reoourg atbnte.- Average rate of Interest
beef purposes shortly{ before they, be.
mowing twice weekly, and it little ratontr axon through
Manu ��, V0001146 earned 1.966—
come dry, and as I sell them, I buy
finely sifted fertilizer from the ben locoiatlattce,wlthoutohar8e,lntha
fitht tafto �. PER SENT.
othirs. In the spring, as a rule, I sell
house will stake the lawn very pro.
about flvo and to lttee them with
ductive. S read- the cli pings about w eihdeo>t�elrilloetrated
p p latlon t ny QOlantiae�Ourba.
Term for
I(rush nl3lkeriy. In the sutrinler, 1 prtr•
three inches deep on the cellar floor . pd oA ea rear,poatsse
prepaid. gold t+7 WALTER T. IIALL
Aaant -� CVinghatio.
► . ..; ;
g 1 animals to
clzrtee enou li addfitit+na
and you will have iiroeh clippings t6 Sol=New
n i�(
keep up the flow of tuilk;'"
feed daily', >r 96
p►Mkiatton, ?►�
.. ta. !. .. �.. i _��14 ,gib`.: _.1lLr.� _ _ tl. _
a_:. a.r_�, yrs,:.,. _ .. 33.-. ,�.+� .-.....,r,. - � . � ., .. - ,� _ �......__. _.