The Wingham Advance, 1908-07-09, Page 80
yA.1 j_ , least Wawanosb. Morris. Jamestown*
Robt. henry of Marnoch has his Council minutes will be found' on WVm. Hamilton is re-shingliatg ltia
new kitchen ,finished, page ES, barn. _
-Cle Sale Miss Crin f Armour of Win 113 Ido ", itayirg lies begun earl in the Air, enol Mrs, (lea. 7$c'knaici visited
aring spent a few days last week with host of places is a good crap, friends in. Ethel on Sunday.
friends around tits 6th line.
Miss Lizzle Murchison of Ripley is Air. 1t ouard Ruttan visited the
Miss Phoebe Densmore, whohats visitIng her ant►t, Mrs. Shurrie, parenta roof near Lakelet on Sunday.
- •-^--•OF ALL— been lu Wiugbam for the Past mouth, Mr. W. Bernard and Mr, W, Smith Mrs. Fred. Wilson of Toronto visit-
returned home last Frida;t' took in tete. excursion to Niagara Falls ed Mr, and Mrs. D, McDonald last
Alts Ada Catnpbeil of Nile is spend- Inst week. Sunday.
in a few weeks with het• aunt, Airs. We are pleased to state that Mr, J. I:d. Bat•nard, Wroxeter, has eugag• WMI
SUMMER Jas. Nothery, who is very low at press Hogan is recovering from an attack of ed with Robert Hamilton, for the
eat, pneumonia, haying,
Mrs. Pester Porterfield and daughter, The number of good driving horses Air. Wnl, McDonald of St, Helena
Miss Mary, Miss May Code of BIyth +• r.
Our annual Summer Salo is now on and for the next - and Miss McKnight of St, Mary's left owned by Morris farmers is neither visited relatives and friends here last „
Sixty Days wide-awake buyers can save money galore in on Monday for a trip to Braddon and few nor far between, Saturday,
Calgary, Miss Eugene Geddes of Belgrave Is Mr. Carr of Wroxeter preached in
SUMMER DRESS GOODS, MUSL.INS, GINGHAMS, LAWN Alra. and Miss Ifs"nnedy and Master visiting with her cousins, Arises Jean the Hall on Sunday night-, lie is a
WAISTS, WRITEWEAR, ETC, A few quotations:-- John of the United States, who have and Margaret Shedden, . good speaker and well lilted here.
50o Mnslins. for, , .. . , ....S ,$5 been spending a couple 'of weeks at Mr, (leo, Mason had charge of the Mr. Chas. Forrest, 2nd con., Morris,
"""""""' L, Nethery's, gravel road, returned service at Sunshine and Belgra,ve last will raise his straw-shed, this week.
35o Muslins for . .... . . ...... . . .. .... • ..... • . • . • . • .. . • • •20 home last week. Sunday. Come again Bra. Mason. It-is as large as' a barn; he will have
26oMualins for . . ... . ..... . . ... . ...... . . . .. . . ... . .... . .... .15 _ good buildings, when he gets it corn-
20o Just•as•Delaines for ...... . ..... . . . . . .. • ........ , ..... , .12j Mr. and. Mrs. Jas, Noble- met with a Mr. and Mrs. D. McCutcheon of pieted,
25 Dozen Ladies' Vests-to clear, 3 Vests for . , ......... .10 heavy loss recently in the destruction Brussels were the ,guests of Mr. atnd
_ 15 Dozen heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose-for, per pair...... .10 of their home by fire. The fire took. Mrs. F. C. Taylor of Glorrie last Wo are pleased to see Air, Thos.
8 Pieces only Bleached Tabling, regular 50o, for, 25 place in the roof, supposedly from week. MoBwan able to be around again; he
10 Pieces only Plain fink Flannelette, regular 100, for.... .05 sparks from the chimney. Air, Noble We are sorry to report walked as far as the store on Monday
20 Ladies' Cravenette Coats, regular $10 db $12,50-for, . , , 5.00 was in the field and noticed the blaze. Jas, Nichol and baby a not with the aid of a crutch ; lie has had a
lie hurried home, and found Airs, y long spell of confinement with his
mThe above are only a few of the many' money-savers which Noble unaware of the fire. As many improving as their many friends broken leg,
we have to offer from this great assorted stock. of the contents as possible were but,- would wish•
riedly taken out, but the house was Rev. Mr. Cooper, the new minister i.
destroyed. The loss was partly cov- of the Blyth circuit, preached his first
TERMS :-Gash or Trade. No goods Charged at reduced erect by insurance. A vacant house a sermon in Morris at Jackson's on Sun- Fordyce.:
prices. Butter, 200. Eggs,- 18e. short distance away is being used for day afternoon. 1A So
the present. Mr, and Airs. Noble AirsThe carpenters are at work repair-
wish to thank their neighbors who so Assay anclnAla
tsCRose, d
her sistern of , `9 one of J. Webster's .barns.
kindly assisted them at the time, and
also since. Silvery Corners, Grey, visited with School is closed, rind Miss Scr•im-
Mr, F. McCutcheon Oth line, re-GEOn En KING geour has gone home. for her vacation,
COUNCIL MEETING, contl A number from here attended the �H'��N�111'4�1�`►4�1�NO����M��s���44r6�0�40m�e�a0����0aoe0�0��1O�eO
Council met June 30th as Court of Robb. Young, 0th line, will be 81 strawberry social held on the Manse
Revision and Appeal. The following years of age next month. He is a grounds, Whitechurch. All report a -
appeals left over from former meet- smart old gentleman and a fair good time. -
ings were dealt with ;--•M. Lockhart, example of whSTART
at you might expect A friendly game of football was
assessment confirmed; Nathaniel and from the old sod, Y STU V
NOTICE OF CLOSING. DR. O�Ns, M. D., London, Eye and Gordon Johnson, aose5sment confirm- played here on Saturday evening � ■�
Ear Surgeon, will be at McRibbon's ed • Walter Scott, sen., and Robert Airs, D. Bell of Langdon, N. D., is at between Calvin enol Fordyce teams,
-" drug stare, on Monday, Jniq 27th. Henry, reduced $100 and $2U�1'ac'epdccpts
- present visiting her daughters, Mrs, resulting in a score of 2-1 in favor of HET-
We, the undersigned Aolicitors of Cataract, squint, failing eyesight,Win. Routledge and Mrs, Embury, Calvin. The game was fast through-
11 h ively. R. D McKenzie was the Town of Win bam, lereb a ree nasal catarrh, deafness end noises owner of Tuft's ro ert Vm. Aio- 3rd line. Mrs. Bell was a former reel- out and with a little more rattles
g Y g property. Y• P 1�1NO�N4NN��N�i►N♦t♦����NO�N����N�N��O�SN�i����i��i0�♦l4��N�«
to close our offices during the months treated and glasses properly fitted. Lean was added as F. S., M. F., lot 40, dent of the 3rd line, the home team will turn the score the
of July and August, as follows:-On Hours-12 a, m. to 8 p. m. Con. 8. The roll as then corrected Mr. and Mrs. P. Scott of Morris, other way. Bert. Thompson refereed
each week day, with the exception of was on motion declared to be tho ofl3- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jackson of Tees- the game to the satisfaction of all.
Saturday, at 4 p, m„ and on Satur- t sial roll for 1908, water and Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Taylor Grists
adays at 1 p, m. Council then took up regular busn of Gerrie attended the funeral of -From mOur Bargain
R. VAxsTONE Blyth. Hess, The Engineers' reports 'on Mrs. Samuel Hyndtnan of New- TEACHER WANTED Fresh
J. c NsoxMonaxMiss Carrie Slater o£ Alma is home Johnson and Hallaban drains were bridge.
DICI:irtBox & HaLn[>;s. ll
for the holidays. read. No changes being desired they —
Mr. and Mrs. John Roe attended
were adopted, and the Clerk instruct- For S. S, Na. 5, Tnrhiberry, for the
Blyth L. O. L. celebrate the 12th at ed to prepare By-law's accordingly. the funeral of Mrs. Roe's sister, Mrs. remainder of year. Applications re-
Gloderich this year. Burchill-Cumings - That the Reeve Samuel Hyndman of Newbridge. last calved tip to Saturday, July the 25th.
PHONE 69 week, Mrs. Roe feels keenly the loss
Miss Porter, milliner, will leave for and Ooun, Scott prepare plans and Stale salary and qualifications.♦l•♦N��ON�N���N���,•�r���N+■iNm�N�N���O���br•+������N����NssO
her home in Lindsaythis week. specifications and call for tenders for of a loving sister. But it is sweet to ak;.
bridge on Con. 9, at BbIgrave and know that we have the happy assur- Jae, S. McDougall, Seo y,
Your Goad Will Frank o at a the Soo arrived home have the bridge built forthwith.- once of their meeting again tit the Wingham P, O, 1. ���in time to attend,the' funeral of hisCarried. land where partings are no more. For �
mother last week. The Grasby drain by-law, also No. 9 Cement tile is being manufactured TEACHER WANTED
H. D. Ainley of Brussels was the authorizing the borrowing of money by Miller Bros., 0th line, for the
Is what we're after . and for presiding examiner at the examina- for current expenditures were passed. Council in moulds owned by the
that we offer you the BrsT tions held this week. The Clerk will notify Wm. Johnson, township. They make four sizes, 12, For U. S. S. No. 8, Turnberry (Wing-
QUALITY, RIGHT PRicus and Bl Blyth defeated I; incardine in the London, owner of lot 35, con. 11, re- 18, 24, and 30 inch, respectively. They, ham Junction). Applications received
Y ardin noxious weeds; if not attend- are 30 inches lou and appear to give • -
COIIRTEOIIS TIIEATMrNT, latter town on Dominion da b a g g g PP g up to Jul 10th. Duties to commence Millinery,
/( �+
Y Y ed to, the Council will take the maitter good satisfaction. after summer vacation. Address j � ]A i l 1 i n e 1 y• Shirts.
score of 6-3 in an exciting game, in hand. '
Don't Forget to Leave Your Fruit Orders Morris and Giro townships are n
Air. and" Mrs. A. McNaughton of Debentures were issued for the pay- Y P W. J. l3ENDERSON,
Duluth are visitors at the home of the ment of the followingamounts: ,jointly having a 6 foot cement arch Box 55, Win ham. X17,
Our Grocery Stock former'suncle, D. B. Mc$innom Alex. Porterfield, rent f-road allow- `llnilt on the gravel road 1.1 miles g Prices �ill� j< �WO. 1000 .Neglige ►Jll�r�s, a
ante con. 0, $'2.00; Jno, L. Stewart, North of Walton as the old one was
A mixed team of baseball players gel P worn out. John Stewart of Blyth has Lost Or Strayed. Why -not get another 2 sizes 14 to 19 • new, bright
Is a very varied one and you can gave, repairs to. road grader, ! i i�
from i'Vingham played here on Satur- the contract at $135. The excavating
at all times have your pick from $2,20; David McGill for assistance -- �,
the best that is manufactured or day evening with the Japs of our surveying Hallaban' drain, $5.00; for thearch and fillingin the old cul- stock regular u to $1.00
burg and were defeated; score 6 to i David Chamne , 72 yards of ravel, vert was let to Alcock Bros. 'for $30. From Belmore on May 20th one ba 1 g 1.
grown. Y y` g The new culvert will have an 8 foot Y ' Y
in favor ofBlylh, damages, etc.,. $8.04; Mrs. Bradnock, mare, weighing about 1200 pounds. ---for 49c. See Window. -
b, An person giving such information
Rev. et Cooper, theChurch,
,new beganpastorhis 96 yards of gravel, vel, Hector Mc- y p g g Shirtwaists.
Other Triumphs of Blyth Methodist Church, be an his Kay, 50 aids gravel, $3,50; Alex. Tax Collector Proctor was re-ap- of her whereabouts: as will lead to her _
work on this circuit last Sunday, and Porterfield, 14 yards gravel, 98 cents; pointed at the last meeting of Morris .recovery, will be suitably rewarded._
made a favorable impression. He Alex. Patterson,'2 men shovelling gra- Council. Mr. Proctor is a first-class WM. B&KER,
Every other day brims us now comes highly recommended both as a vel, $2.50; Thos. Bradnock, drawing official, and very few return as clean Belmore P. U. For 98 cts. All sizes. Straw and pastor. gravel and repairing road con. • 1, and fully collected roll. He does his Straw H a tai
testimonials as to the Quality and P' P $0,50; John Doerr, Jr., for furnishing work-well, and has everything squar- Regular price Lip to $2.00.
Richness of our Teas. A TEA Two deaths occurred in town last and putting in tile con. 1, $7.S0 ; Jas, ed iiby the beginning of the year,
EXPERT PROXCUNCED THEM BET- week, the cause of each bein traced �j 7
TER THAN MOST AND EQUAL TO-ANY- � Young, putting in and repairing aul- $16, means something, where from B E U E V A L L' All new goods. Big cut In swell shapes,
to the dread disease consumption. On verts con. 11, 12 and 13, $87.75 ; Jas. $16,000 to $18,000 .has t0 be collected.
THING ON THE MARKET. Monday morning Alrii. A. B. Carr Sutherland, cutting hill at river con. If we mistake not, this will be Mr. -
30c, 40c, 50c Per Lb, passed away after an illne-s lasting 12, $23.00; Wm. Sutherland, inspect- Proctor's ninth year. SAW MILL. all new.
seven years. On Wednesday after- ing contract on hill at river con. 12,
noon as Mrs. Carr's funeral was tak- $9 00; Geo. Simmons, building railing Regular $1.00 to $1.60, for 690.
VISIT OUR CHINA 'HALL ing place death entered the home of on bridge sideline 30 and 31, coo.;;ll, •
Mrs. John 0. Wilson and removed her Though our mill was destroyed Regular •$2.60 Hats for $1.69.
se;e ; Cleo. Mowbray, putting h, rirey. y , g Wash Skirts• g
' daughter, Miss S. Belle, after an ill- sewer and tits at Whitechurch, b fire we have still a large stool{ . ♦ f.,aa7 �7
ness of over a year. Robt. McAllister and Jos. L. King of Lumber and Shingles on hand
y $12.87 ; J. G. Gillespie, part payment spent a couple of days of last week in g ' '
J HenpyChristie operating road grader 1908, $100. A P Y and Can fill orders as usual. -
r. - " `��] - -' �' The council then adjourned to meet Fergus, For � 1, 9 9 . All sizes. �( e •
J. again on Tuesday, July 28th next. Dr. W. E. Bryans of Toronto is COAL AND CEMENT Regular rice U t0 X3.5 0 Men's Z'PCQ Suits.
A Frightful Death. Alex, Porterfield, clerk. spending a couple of days under the g p p • •
parental roof. also on hand for sale.
Is one from suffocation and some- �p -- , Clean StOCk
times follows a bad attack of Asthma. Miss L. Bryans spent the holidays ❑ Smart St les and pat-
The old fashioned remedies may FordWlCh. with friends in Ingersoll. She was etc- DUFF` & STEWART y 1
relieve, but never cure. Best results companied by her sister, Mrs. Dr. terns Iio'ht and dark tweeds,
come from Catarrhozone which cures ('foo late for last week,) Field of Brussels. 7 b
■ Asthma after Nape is abandoned. It's ^^^ -just what you want for the
because Catarrhozone kills the asthma Mr. Thos. McKee left for the West We are sorry to hear of the serious • p 7 �7
germ that it cures. Choking spells, last week. illness of Mrs. Emerson Vipond of Y ■ t 1 • r ' - • " W h itewea r J J
Picnic Cakes,, and labored breathing are relieved, Mr, El►'rier and Miss Viola Fallis Donegal (nee Miss Susie Pearson.) �,1 .�, �1�j• P
suffocating sensations and loss of spent Sunday with Atwood friends. Her many friends here hope for her hot weather. Prices s0 in-
good housewife need breath are cured. Every trace Of speedy recovery. ,
g Editor Watters and wife were the From Wilt ham Vit Chicago Elegant new Stock all teaeStin�p�• that you BUY. e
Asthma is driven from the system, Mr Sikes and Air. Na of Toronto gg 1 b
not worry about her currants, guests of tiVindsor friends last PPplaces cut away down. See pride ourselves 011 Olir cut
and even old chronics experience iln- held service in the Brethren meeting ,
raisins, peels, spices and flavors. mediate relief and lasting Cure. house on Friday. Mr. Sikes has made and St. Paul
We will do all that and make Equally good for bronchitis, throat Mrs. (Rev,) .Penhail of Monckton is many friends in this locality who are
a better cake than she can, be- trouble and catarrh. Sold by all the guest of her daughter, Mrs. S, G, always pleased to see him. window display. and styles.
dealers in 25c and $1 sizes. Get Oatar- Gregg. TO 1stCla99 2nd Class
cense made from an old wall rhozone today, it does cure. We are sorry to hear that the Winnippq, Man ........ $28.30 $21.00
tried recipe,, but baked by Air, Roderick McLeod, north of health of Miss Ethel Dunbar is not im- Portage Ls Pralrie..... 2975 .2185
modern methods. The are -- _: town, is very ill. with cancer of the proving much, and has deemed it Brandon, Man,.,....:-.31.30 2300
Y our stomach• necessary to have an operation per- Regina, Bask........... 3G 45 27.50 *•
own manufacture and we guar- formed, which took lace on Monday Aioosojaw,Baslc........ 32.45 308a Cotton Hose. BalbrYgga�l
Salem last
and Airs. p0.e Wade returned P Saskatoon, Sask,.sk... 428.5 3083 j j 1 0 0 ►Shirts
antes them pure. last week, after spendin two weeks of this week. Prince Albert. sack... 44,35 at.8,5 -
1 dmontou, Alta....,.. 52.91) 37.,55 7
Do you eat Lackie's Bread? Air. and Airs. John Wrap took a trip with friends at the Cana ran Soo. The funeral of the late Airs. .Toa. Iled Deer, Alta......., 52.00m37.55 7 �J T r�.
If not, just try a loaf. You'll to Wellesley last week. Mrs. Herbert Fitzpatrick and two Coobes took place last FridTy from ' We have. the best 15C ndel weAr 111 all sizes,
be delighted. Jos. Kitchen is havin a back kit- children of Elgin, Man., are visiting tier late residence, and was largely at- Proportionate rates to other points in
cben put up to his house.g her sisters, Mrs. W. T. Wade and tended. For the past three months Canadian Northwest. Trains now operat- T Black
Mrs, A. Laird. Airs. Coombes had been in an uncon- � ed through St. Clair tunnol by electricity. Ladies' Fast Black Colston regular 50c & 75e----for 25e.
Mr. and Alva. Ed. Palmer spent Sun- scions condition from paralysis, and Choice of seven lines from Chicago to St.. . 7 a
day last with Teeswater friends. BoRx.-On June 11, to Mr, and Mrs, passed away to her long reward at the Paul and three beyond St. Paul, Bose In town -- a Special. Saturday only. Dont Miss
Wm, ° �Veir spent a few days last Wm Brown, 10th con., a daughter. age of 79 years. She was a woman of c� 7
��■ C. ���� week with his daughter in Clinton. .On June 22, to Mr. Robt. Graham, sterling qualities, a friend for the poor Worth 25c an Where. this bargain. `r.
a'daugbtei On June 19, to Mr, and as well as the rich, and many a tra- J
Air, and Mrs. R. Mitchell visited Mrs. Dennmerling, a son. veller found rest through her kind- For tickets and full information, can on
Afolesworth friends on Sunday last. The bereaved husband and W. HENRY, Town Agent, or write ,
The Women's Institute held their Tamil have the deepest sympathy of
Robert McMichael is getting his annual meeting !it the Foresters' Hall Y P
stable cemented; Air. R.. Sharpen is on Friday afternoon and evening; it the community, .Jr. D. McDonald
doing the work. was well attended; the evening meet- i i Distrieb Passongor Agent, Toronto.
Dan. AlcTav}slt batt the misfortune ing was in the form of a literary meet- •
Ido al Grocery
ing, upon a all. The first El speaker a Toronto Fair Trips
J last Saturday night of having one of the program was Miss EUiott of Mc- PRESENTATION IN CULROSS,
J his cows killed with lightning. Donald Institute, Guelpb, who spoke
VMiss Abraham of Morris,. who hats un "Great Women" and handled her At the close of the school in b
been visiting with her uncle at this subject in a very 'able manner. Then Ocilrclos the pupils presented •
place for the past two weeks, returned followed Miss Rose of Guelph, who No. 1, t c�
to herhbmeonSattirday, s oke on "The Band the Head and their teacher, Mr. Cournans with a , Are popular. talk. Are you going i T ilOt? 'seed
Strawberries p old watch chain, and an ry Mis,
Te Heart and set forth come practi- g
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallaher visited 'rhe resentatian was made 'by Miss
cal and useful lessons, part r which P your friends
last Sunday with the latter s uncle, were ,yen to the bachelors, Miss Etta McGlynn, and the address vas• �•. ,
Mr. Jacques of Howick, who is at Citsteli gave two solos in her usual read by Roscoo Mahoney, Lowest Rates
■ present very sick and not expected to cool style, and the ppiano duet by Dear Teacher-We, the pupils of
Straberr�es r6CbVer,tsses ]`'anis and flute was well S. S. No. 1, Culross, regret to know TO TIIr
. ►�.- .._ received, that the bonds which bind tis a§ teach-
er and
each-Brand a al9 aro about t6 be severed. Nt�RT i � � r >�
., Worse T6tin Onions. we have always, found in you a pa- lyt 'I`I
Something Can Be DdIiC tient, helpful friend, Wilting to 0
- anything .within your power, to help by any route, arra those on C. V. R. bade of all kinds taken op Bargains.
'We handle nothing 'but Bad Breath • From Indigestiou Cailnot on our advancement, And in trying Homemakers' Excursions, which are
the beht Strawberries) andTo $top the lnereaile of Catarrh to times bearing with us patiently, and, now ran via new Muskoka line.
will fill orders for resort/ he OVCrComb With Perfumes. we trust that you may receive Hea- Hours saved on old schedule. a3'0-
p _ _ . Wing hath. yen's richest reward, for your faithful any return tickets to all North-west
lug at lowest prices for No. Nines-tenths of the offensive breath services, We regret to lose you tend points, at rates ranging from
1 Berries. Leave your or.ouliles ace increasing, .yet we feel that you are balled to
der early. A, fresh supply not bei otvercomeb h trouble.breath Perfumes not onl iirailWhigham but all over the other fields of activity; and though $Inbipeg rettin $82,00
every' day. or any other palliative measurers. country, severing our ties of friendship reluct- !
_ If you have a bad breath; if there is Catarrh is o, germ disease and to antsys we bespeak for you the great- toEdmonton onion teturn, $42,$0 HANNA BROSs
Heartburn flatulence and nl ins of titre it, germ lif1n the nose, throat est measure o success, as you journey
. g p g LCi;iVtNcl t)i11`6$ a - •
Seo bar selection of Din• undigested food; if the sumach burns and hangs must be destroyed, and this Along the Faith of lite'. W6 ask You to
- norWhTo, Fancy Chinaa and or smarts -,if there Is eeplessness, can bs done only by breathing accept this little present, as a slight July 7, 2i. Aug, d, 18. Sept, 1, ls, g9
Toilet 'Sets before blit nervousness, headaches or any other Hyatnei. token of the respect and esteem in Comfortnblo berths In tourist deening
buying. symptoms of indigestion, use Alf-611-0,There is no dangerous stomach which we hold you, and we trust that oars at email extra 004t. Apply
_.. stomach tablets andet well, doigglog whsn 11yomel is used: ; no . on will think kindly of the pupils of early for accomntadatipii.
A. 50 cent box of Xi-on-a stomaakh tablet or liquid mixtures whereby the 9, 18, No, 1, Culross, when we are no
tablets lasts for a couple of vwaaks and di estion is often destroyed. longer together, Hoping, again that A TRIP TO MUSKOKA
Highest Prions Paid Winghav,
:br Pi'odttoe. 'ivin ward 6i� a dozen mild attacks 6f �reathed through the neat pocket you may meet you
good stt6o6ss�and i . e ■ olato
indigestion,, while its continued use itnllaler that combs with bVery outfit, ttustil that ori ma haitrs od'ye Try y 4oun,1 or to an 6f tho delIght• 7
will give an. absolute and complete its healing balsams an etrate the richest ble:4singg, ago give you a heart f to A oa,i nrjo� lh 21 by r Alost richt r*.
most retriot6 Mr 66116, destto��++iag th6 yet tymoathetfa f trowell. Iii. vast ails pver. k;ajw di cot ti a-ear.
g mi6k. re6b'v. Signed on behalf of the scholars, vtca, ti;na an eduitlmant �%tfthR;}t �tlal,
Witlton Mc'li`ibbon has seen so Many catarrhal germs so that q
At JitMALCOLM cures made by Mi•on-a stomach tab, cry f611owa. T to dnM lath outfit colst& Mary, n. MpGlynn Poll &my lxrq"� Ttov sats
lets that he glvto o, grantee with: but $1.00, and J, W, A>�'ulilbbon as g-tee t Tda May MoGybfi 1. H, 11X R Agord, 0>~ i�•a•its �C, 11, ii
1f i t f nd tit mbu6 bhoitld H oamel Clt►n�a a llvehoo Fostor Ifill. rases, Agent, Torouto.
every boat To refund the money t tt6ttl to drs tall Haat 1a1 o alvitaleYl i'
dr it., 1rek%6 Kirby...._