The Wingham Advance, 1908-01-30, Page 88 1)R VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE T.1.UI1i;Ts. The beat by test --and, making them- selves a household word, because they live out their promises to the letter, give instant relief In all Stomach troubles, and absolutely cure Dyspepsia unit Nervous Ms - cases. No long tedious treatment,, with possible disappointment in the end, but improvement from the first desc— end many a stomach sufferer has proved them so. Ono who has tested them says: "They're a delightful and positive cure and aro filling a long -felt want." They're handy to carry, Take one before and after eating or at any time you feel a symptom of distress in the stomach. Sixty tablets, 35e. (2J) For sale by A. L, HAMILTON. LEARN DRESSMAKING IN A WEEK. To enable all to learn we aro placing teachers in every six towns in Ontario, These lessons teach how to cut, fit, and put together,. any gar- ment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the mo;t elaborat dress, you don't pay until you era through an l perfectly satisfied. This is the only eatirsa io Canada that the whole family can learn, by one member taking it up. We have been is business for ten years and have taught over 7,000, and guarantee to give $500 to anyone between aha ages of 14 and 40, who cannot learn. Beware of imitations as more than one has been known to ropy our advs. and even claimed, where they were not known, to be the inventor of this course. No adv. is genuine without our $100.0(1 guarantee. Head Office—Sanders' Dresscutting School, Stratford, Ontario, Can. Mrs. Wm. Sanders Inventor and Prop, Our teacher, Miss Keith, will be at the Exchange Hotel, Wingham, our Saturday, Jan. 25th, from 10 a. m. un- til 6 p. nr., showing how this course is taught and enrolling pupils. Anyone wishing to learn, be sure to see her at above date. Class commencing in Wingham, following Monday. Trying A Cup of Our Tea Is a delightful experience, There's 1 fragrance, delicacy of flavor, and 3 strength. Include Tea in your next Order For Groceries. n You'll be glad you made the trial after you've onjoyed the first cup. There are , no finer qualities to be had. All Specially Blended .1 • FRESH FISH.—Halibut, Salmon, Trout, Whitefish, Herring, Smelts,. Flounders, Small White Fish, &c., on hand. Fresh Shipments. J. nry Christie, GO TO THE 1 Royal Grocery FOR Fresh Groceries Try our Canned Goods at 3 cans for 25c. Also Fancy Biscuits, Pickles, &c. It will not be a waste of time to call and see our Dinner and Toilet Sets and Fancy China. We've great- ly reduced the prices in these lines. A. J. MALCOLM Successor to C. N. Griffin ayttt� Hooses For Sale North St.—Frame cottage, beautiful situation. Victoria St.. -1} story frame; price right. Scott St. -11 story frame ; a bargain. Scott St. -1 story frame ; steady tenant. Edward St. -1} story frame; 8 rooms; now. Minnie St. -1i story frame; choice location. Prances St. --Frame cottage; in good repair. Josephine St.—Ilrick cottage; nearly new. Victoria St. -2 story brick ; owner must sell. Victoria St.—l} story brick ; two lots. Victoria St. ---2 story brick veneer: now, Minnie St. -2 story frame; good situation. Minnio St. -2 story brick ; all modern eon. veniences. Alice St, -11 story frame; in good order. Houses to Rent. Tenants seeured. Insurance --a11 kinds. Money Loaned. Investments Secured. Kindly call at office *if you want a farm, a house, a building lot, or any- thing in onr 1tne....Property is chang- ing bands quite freely since New Year, and prices are somewhat easier than a few months ago, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE .. WINGHAIVI l!lretZ Dank of ll mlltelotf the Wroxeter, ,Miss Ltilu Hemphill returned front Ilensall last week. A. 1L Thompson, Mather, Man., is renewing old acquaintances here at present. Miss Mary Miller, Toronto Jet,, who has been visiting with friends hero during the past week, returned home on Saturday. The local branch of the A, F. and ,A, M. held a Masonic banquet in their hall on Thursday evening, Jan., 23, There was a full program of recite - Eons, speeches and Music followed by a bountiful repast which was enjoyed by the large number of guests. The young men of the village Held the first assembly of the season in tiro Town Hall here on Friday evening, Jan. 21•, An a,11 night electric light service was given to allow the light- footed dancers to "trip. the light fan- tastic till the wee sma' hours of the morning." There was an attendance of nearly 200. Music was rendered by Teeswater talent. Rev. W. G. Hanna, B.A., lately Presbyterian minister at Mt. Forest, now Provincial Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, paid this village a visit on Wednesday, Jan. 22nd. In the evening in the Presbyterian Church schoolroom, he addressed a good sized audience. He dwelt on the Dominion Lord's Day Act, and also gave interesting illustrations of the enforcing of the Act, as well of the greed of many corporations in forcing many of their employees to work seven days a week. Mr. Hanna de- lighted everybody by his informing and eloquent address. Do Von Belch Gas ? This is a disagreeable result of food fermentation that Nerviline stops at once. Take ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened) water. The stomach is warmed and soothed, digestive trou- bles corrected, the rising of gas ceases and you are a well. When snch a simple remedy does so much it's foolish to. be without it. For indiges- tion, sour .stomach, heartburn and sick headache you'll find nothing half so efficient as Poison's Nerviline. Get a 25c bottle from your dealer to -day. Salem., The storms have left the roads in bad shape. Mr. and Airs. Wiley attended the Fitch—Willets wedding, which took place on Wednesday of last week. Mr, John Wray was taken suddenly ill on Sunday last. Medical aid was summoned and we are pleased to say he is getting better. The Quarterly meeting of Wroxeter circuit will. be held at Salem next Sun- day morning at 10.30. On the follow- ing Monday, the regular business meeting will be held at this place. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mines, "River View Farm" entertained a few friends one evening last week. The guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. John Gem - Mr. Getnmill comes from Pilot Mound, Man„ and his bride was • Miss McDonald of Molesworth, Ont. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Barber's Itch, and every form of con- tagious Itch on human or- animals cured in 80 minutes by Wolford's Sani- tary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. •Hamilton. Clearing Sale of all Winter Dress Goods, Furs, Suitings, Men's Over- coats, etc.—Geo. E. King. :1• Division Court. Judge Holt presided at the sittings of the Division Court in Wingham on Friday last. The first case was a jury case, ad- journed from last court, Irwin vs. Ashton, action to recover $95.75, for board and attendance on defendant's wife. Judgment for plaintiff for $60.25 and costs. -Dempsey vs. Anderson—Suit on note, $100.55 ; adjourned till March 12th. Hanna vs. Maguire—Suit on note ; judgment for plaintiff. Pocock vs. Collar, Davison, garni- shee. Suit on note $50 ; judgment for plaintiff for amount, but adjourned as against garnishee, till March 12. Bngg & Son vs. Birger ; Bell Tele- phone Co. garnishee. Judgment for plaintiff. Art Metal Co. vs. A. Young—Action on account. Judgment for defendant with costs. The counter -claim was dismissed, the plaintiff not having been served. Four judgment summons were list- ed ; one of these was settled, the rest were adjourned. , c _ :£ - ' MODERN METHODS. How They Have Improved A Standard Remedy. . in the 17th Century a wave of ex- citement swept over England and France when the inedical profession discovered such wonderful curative elements in the cod's liver. In the 18th century cod liver oil was imported and used extensively vely by physicians in this country, but it was found to be adulterated to a great ex- tent, and the useless heavy oil which 'enveloped the medicinal elements, a great hindrance to its medicinal wane, In 1855 e. famous physician from Hague went to Norway and after two years of experiment and research pro- duced a light brown oil from the cods' livers which was said to be more valu- able than the pale yellow oil, but the taste and odor was so repulsive that it frequently caused such nausea that it made it unpopular. The most valuable discovery, how- ever, was later made by two eminent French chemists, who after years of research discovered an extractive and concentrating process, by which all of the medicinal, healing. and body build- ing elements of the cod's liver are separated from the useless and pause- ating oil. These recovered medicinal elements combined with peptonate- of-iron make Vinol the most scientific and valuable cod liver preparation which the world has ever known, Vinol is so rich in the elements of life that it imparts vigor to all debilitated and feeble conditions and Is unexcelled as a remedy for all pulmonary trou- bles. Try Vinol on our guarantee to re- turn your money if it, fails 'toqive sat, isfaction, J. W. Meii:ibbon, Druggtet, Wingham, Ont. THE WINGRAM ADVANCE, TITU S -DAY, JANUARY 30, W hitechurch. Mr, and. Mrs, Geo, Turvey spent Wednesday last with friends at Whiteehureb. A large crowd attended J. Iiohnos' sato on Wednesday, and quite a lot of bargains were handed out. The hardware store is putting in a .stock of Edison Phonographs and re- cords; call and seo them and hear the music, The house and lot belonging to the late Airs. Tnino.th is now for sale. W, J. McClenaghan is looking after the bis verusineyss, and seems to be gradually ill Mr. John R. Johnston of the village sinking; fears are entertained of his recovery. Mrs, Jolrn Moore left on Friday for Michigan, where she intends to visit friends. Mr. Moore will remain here till about March. Miss Amy Wellwood and Miss Eliza Clow of Wingham spent the greater part of last week with friends in and around Whitechurch, Last Thursday night a large com- pany of young people assembled .at the home of Mr. G. Wellwood and spent the evening treading the light fantastic, Miss Edna Cnyler had to • close school last Thursday owing to a light attack of la grippe; we are pleased to say she was able to resume her duties on Monday. Mr. Geo. Tnrnoth, of Belinont, Man., was here last week on account of the death of his mother. He is a prosper- ous merchant in Belmont, and busi- ness demands were so urgent, that he had. not time to call on many of his old friends. He succeeded in closing up the estate and left again for the west on Saturday. Mr. Tumoth de- sires to express his gratitude to the Whitechurch people who ministered so kindly to his mother in her last ill- ness. Of these, special mention should be made of Mrs. James Morrison and Miss McIntyre, who were with her in her last hours, end did all in their power for her comfort. Their kind- ness is sincerely appreciated. Mr. Tumoth is in love with the country out there, and considers that the west has two of Canada's coming states- men, who will yet stand at the head in Dominion affairs, viz„ Haultain and Premier Roblin. rs New Theory About Rheumatism. This disease is constitutional, caused by virus in the blood that circulates to all parts of the body. To cure, you must use a constitutional treatment. Nothing so completely dispels the poison from the system as Ferrozone. It purifies and renews the blood, clears it of every taint. The system is vitalized and strengthened and thus •enabled to fight threatened attacks. Not only does Ferrozone relieve at once—it cures rheumatism, gout and lumbago permanently. Results guar- anteed, 50c boxes at all dealers. Grey. • Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Feild of Brussels spent Sunday at E. Bryans'. Miss Susie Pearson, 4th COD., is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. Bacom of Harlock. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnstone enter- tained a few of their friends last Fri- day evening. All report an enjoyable time, Owing to Quarterly meeting being held at Ethel next Sunday, the usual service will be withdrawn in Roe's church. We are sorry to hear that Crawford Strachan, who has been in poor health for some time past, has found it neces- : sary to have an operation performed on the appendix. We sincerely wish him a speedy recovery. We understand a new sideroad will be opened this year from the 2nd to the boundary, through Messrs. Mc- Donald and Johnstone's farms. An iron and cement bridge will be put over the river. This will prove a great convenience to the. travelling public. A sleigh load of young people of the 2nd con. went to Ethel last Saturday night to hear the debate on "Resolved that riches are more productive of crime than poverty." Both sides han- dled the subject well, and the compe- tent judges gave their decision in fav- or of the affirmative. Mr. Fulton did his part admirably as critic and gave the large audience a good laugh in his criticisms. A short but well selected program for the occasion was also rendered, much to the appreciation of all. The debating society at Ethel has aroused great interest among the young people of.grey, and if they keep on, we are going to have some able platform speakers in this township. East Wawanosh. C. Nethery, 5th line, is cutting wood for H. Craig at present. Jas. E. Noble, Oth line, had a bee cutting wood on Wednesday of last week. Mr, and Mrs. Hardisty of Westfield entertained a number of their friends on Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. Alex. Morton and daughter, Mrs. McBurney, visited for a few days last week with friends on the 9th line. Mrs. Chas. Blackman of Westfield has been suffering severely from an abscess in the breast during the past week. A very enjoyable time was spent at Mr. F. CRook's last Wednesday even- ing. Dancing and games were en- joyed by those present. We are sorry to hear that, Miss Belle Scott, Oth line, is not s( well as she has been for some time. Miss Scott is very patient in her long illness. Jno. Hallahan, 5th line, had the mis- fortune to fall down the steps leading from the barn floor to the basement, last Tuesday, but was not seriously hurt. A TIIOUSAND PITIES. That everybody whose skin is on fire with some onto form or another of Skin Eruptions, should) not know of Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Ono applica- tion controls the Homo --a few 'ap- plications lure. Its a wonderful treatment in eases of blind, bleeding, itching and ulcerating Piles, Totter, Salt Rheum, Scald -head, Ring -worm, Eczema, itch, Skin Riotches, Pimples, Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots, Dr. Agnew's Ointment is specially. eftleacious as a Pile euro, Apply it before retiring for from 3 to i riilthta frit ,ka euro Is assured. (31) For Sole by A...L. Itoot.'r.G1tt, Bluevale. Mrs. D. lledggood of Crtunlin, near London, visited Rev. G. Baker and family last week at the parsonage,. Next Sunday, the Quarterly meet- ing of the Bluevale circuit will be held in Bluevale, Service commences at 10,30 a. in. There will be no service at Ebenezer, but evening service at Johrston's, A, most successful effort was the Oyster Supper held by Bluevalo L, O. L, on'IVed nesday of last week, After an abundant supper served in the basement of the Methodist church, the entertainment was held in the Foresters' hall, Bro, IV. J. Greer of Wingham, Past .County Master, occu- pied the chair in his usual acceptable manner. After prayer by Rev. T. S. Boyle, the chairman gave the intro- ductory address, commencing a pro, gram that proved very entertaining. There were several instrumental duets by Messrs.. Fryfogle and Merkley, solos by Miss W. Alba Chisholm of Wingham, Miss Haney and Mrs. W. J. Johnston, readings by Miss Dull and Rev. Bro. Baker. E xcellent ad- dresses were given by Bros, 3. C. Smith' of Wingham H. S. staff, A. H. Musgrove and Rev. T. S. Boyle, also Rev. W. 3, West. A very pleasant evening's entertainment closed with the hearty singing of the National Anthem. The supper and entertain- ment were said to be the "best we ever had," and are likely to bo an annual affair. A political meeting was held here on Friday night in the interests of the Liberal candidates, Messrs. Hislop and Kerr. Being altogether one-sided, there was not notch enthusiasm mani- fested, and the speeches were of a very ordinary type. Both speakers dealt with Dominion issues, and scarcely' referred to Provincial nat- ters. It is surmised that the reason of this was, that there is so much to ex- plain and defend in Dominion politics, and so little to find fault with in the Provincial arena. Mr. Hislop was asked by Mr. Maxwell what his atti- tude would be regarding the Senate. He replied, that if the opportunity of- fered, he would vote for its abolition. Bit after the meeting Mr. Robt, Black asked Hislop, if the Dominion Govern- ment had theto abolish the power Senate and Mr. Hislop said, he thought not. The meaning of these answers to questions put by two Lib- erals is this—•Mr. Hislop would vote to abolish the Senate, when he knew at the same time that the vote would mean nothing, because Parliament had not the power to abolish it. This is certainly great statesmanship and entitles Archie to the leather medal. This puts us in mind of the Dominion referendum. Temperance people were told that a majority would carry it, but it turned out, that a private pro- mise had'been, giv en that no matter how great the majority; prohibition would not be granted. Oh, these wily politicians. And to think that East Huron's "gin Airchie" is learning the same old tricks, and if elected will vote for Parliament to abolish the Senate, because he knows they have not the power. With snch trans- parent nonsense before thein, East Huron electors had better stick to their present faithful representative, Dr. Chisholm. The correspondent of the Brussels Post, known as "Above Board" should now rush again into "print, with ah explanation of Mr. His- lop's noble stand on the Senate. • r = fi` : Brussels. Owing to the Sovereign Bank going out of business, the branch at Walton has been taken over by the Standard Bank of Brussels. Mrs. (Rev.) D. B. McRae of Oran - brook underwent a medical operation at the Clinton hospital, but is making favorable progress, we are pleased to report. Missionary sermons were preached in the Methodist church here last Sun- day by Rev. S. Anderson of Blyth. The stormy day interfered somewhat with the attendance. East Huron Agricultural Society has engaged the well-known Eckhardt family to give one of their well-known musical evenings in the town ball, Brussels, on Thursday, Feb. Oth. At the recent communion service of Brussels Presbyterian Church, thir- teen members were received. The an- nual report for 1907 was very satisfac- tory. Over $5,200 was raised, nearly $900 being for missions and benevo- lences. Last year was a prosperous year under Pastor Wishart. Wroxeter's supposed Juniors (but apparently Seniors) played the return Hockey match in Brussels on Thurs- day, 23rd, with Brussels High School team, who did very well for their size. The visitors won by a score of 6 to 3. It is not the same team our boys played with in Wroxeter, when they won by a score of 14 to 3. • On Wednesday afternoon ' of last week, Oliver Querin, of the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, was married at Gor- rie to Miss Minnie Ardell, Rev. Mr. Farr performing the ceremony, The bridesmaid was Miss Lottie Ardell, sister of the bride, while Fred. Orr of Wingham supported the groom. Mr. and Ars. Querin took a wedding tour to the eastern cities, and on returning will make their home here. • RECIPE MIXED OFTEN. Some remarkable stories are being told about town and among the coun- try people corning in of this simple home-made mixture curing Rheuma- tism trouble. I3 tism and Kidney t le. ere is the recipe and directions for taking : Mix by shaking well in a bottle one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, 'Take as a dose cine teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. No change need be made in your usual diet, but drink plenty of good water. This mixture, writes one authority in a leading Philadelphia newspaper, has A. peculiar tonic effect upon tate kidneys, cleansing the clogged -up pores of the eliminative tissues, forc- ing the kidneys to sift and strain from the blood the uric acid and other pois- onous waste platter, overcoming Rheu- matism, Bladder and Urinary troubles in a short while. A New York druggist, who has had hundreds of calls for these ingredients since the first announcement in the newspapers last October, stated that the people who (nee try it "swear by it," especially those who have Urinary end Kidney trouble and suffer with Rheumatism. The druggists in this neighborhood say they can supply the ingredients, which are easily mixed itt home. There IS said to be no better blood - Wanting agent or system tonic known and Certainly hone more harmless or simple to use, Bel more, 'We are sorry to report that Samuel Marshall is very low with, pueuumonia,. Wo wish him a speedy recovery. The Foresters of this place are bold- ing a grand concert on Friday even- ing, the 3l,st, in the town hall, They have seemed good talent for the even- ing and a large crowd is expected. Admission, 25 and 15 cents, A Literary Society has been started on the second coneesslon of Carrick, with Mr. Lucas as President, and Mr. Jack Inglis as Vice -President.. The first meeting was held in Inglis' school- house last Monday evening, the pro- gram consisting of readings, solos, instrumentals, and a spelling match. Ve wish this society every success in the future. Last Friday evening the Presby- terian choir practice was held at Wm. McKee's, Atter the practice was over, Mrs. Hackney, .the precentor of the church, presented Mtss Mabel McKee, the organist, in behalf of the congre- gation, with a well -tilled purse of money for her services as organist in the church for the past two years, Miss McKee gave a brief address, thanking them for the unexpected gift. Have You Corns ?• There is but one painless cure— "Putnam's." Takes out the corn, root and branch ---does, it harmlessly in twenty-four hours. Insist on P'at- nain's Painless Corn Extractor only. • St. Helens. We are pleased to see Mr. John Bar- bour out after his recent illness. Mrs. Abe. Durnin is home from the west, on account of her mother's ill- ness. Rev. S. M. Whaley attended the funeral of Mrs. Robt. McAllister on Wednesday last. We are sorry to report Mrs. Hugh Anderson on the sick list, and that Mrs. R. Murray is not recovering from her recent illness. A sleigh load of young people from near Fordyce drove up to Holyrood last Friday evening and spent a plea- sant evening at the residence of Mr. Haines. Quite a number of the children around St. Helens spent Saturday af- ternoon at the birthday party of Miss Mallory Miller and report having a good lime. We report with regret the death of Mrs. Root, McAllister, who on Friday, 17th, took ill with pneumonia., and died on the 19th. She was a regular atten- dant of the Presbyterian Church, and leaves to mourn her loss a sorrowing husband and one son. ORGANIC HEART DISEASE, Nervousness and Indigestion Relieved in 30 Minutes. The Rev. Father Lord, Sr., Mont- real, Canada, says: "I have been a sufferer for 20 years from organic heart disease, nervousness and dys- pepsia and have doctored both in France and America, with but tem- porary relief. I tried Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure and was indeed surprised at the immediate relief I obtained. I am firmly convinced that it will cure any case of heart disease and will strengthen the nerves and stomach." Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are the best. Only 10e for "doses. (30) For Sale by A. L. HAMILTON. ENTER ANY DAY Our management trains more Book- keepers, Stenographers and 'Telegra- phers than any other in Western Ontario. No extra charge for two courses. Most eminently qualified instructors. Graduates assisted to good positions. Otherllo es engage oder graduates as tee her g Individual instruction. MAIL COURSES in Matriculation, Civil Service, Penmanship, Shorthand, Bookkeeping. etc. Send a postal for information about Canada's Greatcit Chain of High- grade Business Colleges. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A. A, HIn:7ER, M.A., Ph,D., Vice -Principal GEe. SrorroN, Principal. —NEW— Telephone EWTelephone Directory. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory For the District of 'Western Ontario, including the Town of W INGa AM. Changes of firm names, changes of Street addresses, or orders for duplicate entries,' should be hand- ed in at once to L. F. BINKLEY Local Manager iKusa�t ►tI1 ... COBALT Now is the Time to Get Interested But before doing so it is advis- able to personally visit this the Greatest Silver Mining Camp ever discovered, that is so ac- cessible. Full Information ri.s to the best way toreach Cobalt, at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices. Por tickets and fust information, call on W. HENRY, TOWn Agent, or writo J. D. McDonald District Passing* Agent, Toronto. 1908., "The Little Eaton" Extended tit Ot ♦i 1 Having purchased the entire General Stock of HANNA CO,, also the Mild linery Stock of MISS LITTLE, "The Little Eaton" will now be one of the best equipped and updtoddate Stores in Huron County, o©ci0000ofxi00000bofooaoo©000000000000ecoo©a00000 O' o' oo6o66'oC1flv6C>Of ©oafoo We Now Sell DRY GOODS of all kinds Carpets, Curtains andRugs. Gents' Furnishings Up to Snuff Furs, $5000.00 Stock Prices are cut to the quick Trade of All Kinds Wanted. Eggs 25o. Butter 25c. Potatoes OOc. Dried Apples 61c. CLOTHING Correct in price and' pattern MILLINERY for the Ladies Linoleums - OiIeIoth Large assortment and quality, right prices GROCERIES New and Fresh Ladies' Readyto,wear Coats, Skirts, White`vear, Blouses, Golfers, &c. •••♦a..N••!@•A/.N,.s..A.♦♦i@♦1♦O♦.S•••00..00 is♦it@♦N.oeo♦♦o♦e44♦♦♦si•s Geo. C. Hanna — Wingham