The Wingham Advance, 1908-01-23, Page 5In inllou.! nil a uu
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..ui.111111111111108111111111111111111111111111111101111111111011 11.1 iI a 1 Ilk,
A Real Discount!
20 Cts. Off The DoIIar
This means that you pay 80 ets. for a good
honest dollar's worth of goods. Nothing marked
up. The original selling price marked in plain
figures on every article,
What It Means To Vou:
Men's $15.00 Suits
" 12.00 "
" 8.00 "
Youths' $10.00 Suits for
Boys' 7.00 cc' "
5,50 cc 4
'4 3.75 cc cc
I Men's $12.00 Overcoats for $9.60
cc 9.50 cc cc 7.60
Youths' 6.00 " c c 4.80
'^ Boys' 4.50 cc . cc 3.60
j" 3.50 cc cc •2.80
.=:.i.. _ ..�. m• .... • .,.. ,...Y I. I
Special Discount On Furs
Men's $65.00 Coon Coats for $50,00
" 22.00 Dog Coats for 15.00
" 70.00 Fur -lined Coats for 55.00
20 Per Cent. Off
Fur Caps and Collars, Shoes, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hats
and Caps, Underwear, Hose, Mitts, Gloves, Braces, Um -
1 brellas, Overalls and Smocks, Trunks and Suit cases.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
.3331 • K144.31111 .. J.
February utlr has been chosen as the
clay for the opening of the Ontario
Legislature. Among other legis-
lation, Bills on the following subjects
are on the program :-
Redistribution bill.
Law reform.
Prison reform,
Asylum changes.
Child labor legislation.
Budget With good surplus,.
Many private bills.
Encouragement technical education.
Money for cheap power policy.
New series school books.
Railway board extensions.
Minor license amendments.
This will be the fourth and last ses-
sion of the eleventh Legislature,
- = which is another way of saying the
first Whitney Legislature, 1t will be
- a busy and interesting session, pro-
- - ductive of much . useful le isltition.
As the elections are expected in Tune,
_ there will be some few campaign
speeches to unload,
1?or the first time, A. G. McKay
will take his seat as Opposition Leader,
and the little band at the left of the
' Speaker will put up a vigorous fight,
e more especially as the elections are
i -
When wanting a Stove, call at
Young's Big Hardware, and see what
he can show you in that line at
very Low Prices.
Oak Heaters, coal or wood, from $8 to $18
Cast Ranges, from $20 to $45
Steel Ranges, from.. $25 to $45
Base Burners, from $15 to $45
Wood Cook Stoves, from $7 to $29
Call and see for yourself, that
we have the goods at Right Prices.
Doherty* Stoves and Ranges are un-
Carvers in case
Pie Knives in case
Berry Spoons in case
Butter Knives in case
Pickle Forks in case
Cutlery of all kinds
Big Hardware
!kit. 411011111111111110 41111110 40 M 41111111 4101111011101111111
T . 1
Are You Pale Anaemic?
Anaemia means colorless blood-
means languor, blanchsd lips, faded
cheeks. You grow dyspeptic, ner-
vous, suffer functional irregularity.
This condition can't exist if there is
plenty of healthy blood. Ferrozone
contains certain rare qualities that
render it unfailing in America,
langour, poor color and loss of weight.
To build up -feel young and vigorous,
nothing is better than Ferrozone. At
all dealers in 50c boxes.
Me. Lewis, M. P. for West Huron,
presents the following resolutions in
the House of Commons: -"That in the
opinion of this house it will be advis-
able at the next general election for
the House of Commons for Canada to
submit the following questions to the
votes of the people :-
1. "Shall the Senate of Canada be
abolished ?"
2. "Shall the method of appoint-
ment of senators be altered ?"
Mr. Lewis.has also given notice of a
bill to amend the Immigration Act by
making more stringent regulations in
respect to carrying dangerous wea-
pons by new arrivals in this country.
He proposes immigration officials at
ports of landing be given power to ex -
amino all immigrants suspected of
having dangerous weapons on their
persons and to disarm them. He will
also seek an amendment to the crimin-
al code whereby knives and stiletos
will be placed in the same category as
revolvers and slingshots, Mr. Lewis
is of the opinion that legislation along
these lines will do much to diminish
the number of crimes committed in
Canada, Italians particularly."
Doctors' prescriptions and strongest
Liniments glad no effect on Mr.
Humphrey's Rheumatism Two bot-
tles of South American Rheumatic
Cure cured what he is pleased to
call "this Demon from the Lower
Henry Humphrey, of London, Ont.,
expresses himself very strongly:-" I
think Rheumatism is a demon from
the lower regions, judging by my suf-
ferings before I began using South
American Rheumatic Cure. Doctors
prescribed the strongest liniments with
no more effect than water, but this
great remedy had me up and about
my work, and as well as ever, after
taking only a couple of bottles." (27)
For Sale by A. L. HAMILTON.
---The expense, to the temperance
people, of conducting the recent Local
Option campaign in Hullett, was
about $40, which was met by volun-
tary contributions. They certainly
were fortunate in keeping the expen-
diture within so small an amount.
The Local Option Committee has
bought the hotel property in Londes-
horo from Mr. Bruce, paying him $2,-
300 therefor. It cost him originally
about $5,000. It is proposed to either
form a joint stock company with
shares at $5 each, or run by a syndi-
cate, and the management of the hotel
will beplaced in the hands of some
competent man. If possible a reading
room and library may be run in con-
nection with it.
Canadian Tetterine
is an absolute, certain -cure for Eczema, Acne
Rosea, Tetter, Pimples, Blackheads, Ringworm,
Barbers' Itch Scald Read, Itching Piles, Ulcers,
Sores, and cutaneous cutaneous and facialblemishes.
Ilas been thoroughly and successfully tested
in hundreds of so called incurable cases.
it is entirely.unlike any other preparation,
mi :ture or ointment that has been So1d or pre-
A few appplicatidus will convince that is has
wonderfulmedical virtue and intrinsic merit.
It is made in Canada. A good honest Cana-
dian preparation.
Price one box 1 ifty Cents, or five boxes Two
Mailed to any address on receipt of price.
Sold and recommended by all leading Drug-
gists in Canada.
Pamphlet free to any address.
Manufactured and sold by the so.e proprie-
The Tcttortno Chamictsi Co.
Windsor, Ontario.
Sold in Wingham `by -3. Walton Molabbon,
A. L. Hamilton, P. H. Walley, Druggists.
Miss Elizabeth E. Grant
Teacher of Piano, Theory, Inteepreta
tion, Harmony. Pupils prepared
for Conservatory exams.
Studio in Macdonald lllook -2nd 1'1oor.
Terms en application.
B.S.A, L.D,S,
Itonor Graduate of university of 'Toronto
and Licentiate of Royaal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario.
OBFIoa I:t flrAvER 131.00rt Wit/GUAM
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen.
nnylvabla College and Licentiate of
Dental Surgery of enteric.
.•-Oflioe itt M'aotlont4d Block-.
23, 1908,
Slaughter Sale
Men's 8 Women's Fur Coats
Women's Cloth Coats, all new ; Men's, Youths' and
Boys' Overcoats and Ready-to-wear Clothing of every size
and description, will be cleared out from and after to-
day at 25 per cent. off every article. Think of it,
dollar for 75c, $2,00. for $1,50, and so on to $100 for
$75, etc. Come to Gordon's Great Sale and save money
this hard season, See our Windows and Bargain Counters
for other very tempting lines at very small prices.
Goods charged will be at regular prices.
Baniwins At The :,
Bee Hive Store
i 1.
4 Laundry Ilei S BeepHive, per!
� Soap, cake. 3�e �!�
i Good To' Soap, 3 cakes for 50
Wonderful Soap, 7 cakes for 25c a
Quick Naptha Soap, G cakes for 25c
4 Corn Starch, 3 packages for 25c
a, Japan Tea, green and Black, per pound 23c 1'
4' Oatmeal, per pound 4c
j' Good House Brooms, each 23c 1
'b Best XXX Vinegar, White Wine, per gallon 350 •
4, Bee Hive Table Syrup, per lb
a Canned Pcas, 3 cans for 25c p
Good Salmon, 2 cans for 25c 11~
Extracts, all flavors, 2 bottles for 25e s
Smoked Rolled Meats, per lb 12,E %
• Tooth Picks, per box 3 c• ,
Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 packages for 25o
Pearline, 6 packages for 25c a
Cleaned Currants, 3 lbs. for 25c -a
Princess Parlor Matches, 6 boxes for 25c 0.
Red Rose Tea, regular 30c lb., for 25c .4.
a ,
Butter and Eggs
wanted and taken
same as Cash.
W. J.
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Shoe l Sale
6re For The Month Of
Extraordinary Values
Be Up and Doing.
No Bluff. No Sham„ No Catch. The Real 'Thing.
Look Wise at the Mighty Good Values.
50 pair of Men's extra Gum
Bush Webers, sizes 0-10,
regular value $2.50, Shoe
Fly at $1,95
20 pr. Men's long Felt Boots,
odd sizes, value from $2,50
to $8.75, Shoe Fly at, ... $2.25
40 pair Men's Felt Lined
Shoes, first•class value,
regular $2.40, Shoe Fly at $1.75
25 pair Men's Hair Lined
Shoes, extra value, regu-
lar $2,75, Shoe Fly at....$1,75
25 pair Al en's long Leather
Boots, whole stock, sizes
0 8, regular $3.25, Shoe
Fly at $2.00
15 pr, Boys' Leather Shoes,
felt lined, regular $1.75,
Shoe Fly at
100 pair Ladies' Felt Slip-
pers, all styles and colors,
regular $1.50, Shoe Fly at OOe
Everything in Ladies' Shoe,
patent, gutn metal, kid, felt,
felt lined, all to be sold at cost.
Everything to go at Cost.
Strictly Cash Shoe Ply Sale.
. i>sittriieertrpti�, i..
L 'Pews Items
W. S. Gould, formerly county clerk
of Bruce county, is now station agent
of the Canadian Northern at Sas-
Spackman, Exeter, took In
a curiosity last week in the shape of
a white mink skin. The skin of the
mink is almost invariably black.
-For the first time in its history
the Liberals are in a majority in To-
ronto City Council, the political stand-
ing being Liberals 12, Conserve-
lives 11,
-Jno. J. Cassidy, jr„ of Riversdale,.
entered a claim against Thos: Walker
for the erection of a barn. He claim-
ed 572.55 from the defendant under
the Mechanic's Lien .Act. The case
was heard before , Judge Barrett in
Walkerton on Tuesday last, and
judgment was given the plaintiff for
the above amount.
-Mr. Horton, the Conservative can-
didate for the Commons in South
Huron, had been teaching in the
White school, 'J uckersmith, for a few
weeks, relieving Miss McEwen, who is
taking treatment. On receiving the
nomination, his wife, who was also a
teacher. holding a certificate, took
charge of the school.
-The Berlin suga,r refinery, by vote
of shareholders, will refine sugar from
imported raw beet sugar. Under the
law at present beet sugar manu-
facturers are permitted to import two
pounds of the raw product for every
pound they make from home grown
beets, at a rate of duty 33s per cent.
less than the regular tariff, and other
factories hive found this part profit-
Beware Of Substitutes
Greedy dealers endeavor to pan off
a substitute for Putnam's Corn Ex-
tractor. Insist on "Putnam's" only
-it cures corns and warts thoroughly.
The imitation may fail.
-The steel on the new C. P. R. line
has been laid to Hanover, and the
first engine to pass over the new route
steamed into Hanover last week. A
big spite bridge 05 feet high has yet to
be erected before the rails can ad-
vance further in this direction. Itis
estimated that a month and a half
will elapse before this bridge is com-
pleted and the spring will probably be
well advanced before the sound of the
whistle is heard in Walkerton.
-A company is being formed to
build and operate a modern dry dock
in Owen Sound. For some years ves-
sel -owners have been complaining of
the poor facilities at this port, and re-
cently Mr. W. P. Telford, M. P., has
taken the matter up, and obtained a
guarantee of three per cent. on the in-
vestment from the Government. Mr,
Telford expects to obtain considerable
of the capital for the project in Eng-
land, where he will go next spring.
-At a meeting of the directors of
the Huron County Spring Show, held
in Clinton a'iew days since, all the old
officers and several new ones were.
elected. It was decided to hold the
Spring Show in Clinton, on the first
Thursday in April. The prize list will
be larger, and bigger prizes for each
class was decided upon. Judges who
aro experts in their classes were cho-
sen. The stockmen of .the county will
see the grandest display pf horses ever
got together at a Spring Show, if the
Directors present plans mature,
Thousands, of Pilgrims Almost Mirac-
ulously Healed • by South Am-
erican Nervine.
"For years I was distressed with
dyspepsia and indigestion, physicians
and remedies could give me but tem-
porary relief until South American
Nervine was recommended to me. I
procured a bottle and got great relief
from the first few doses, The swell-
ing and soreness in my stomach rapid-
Iy disappeared,' and in a very short
time I was absolutely cured. It has
brought . robust health." Thomas
Sullivan, Arnprior, Ont. (28)
South American Rheumatic (lure re-
lieves in six hours.
For Salo by A. L. HAMILTON,
Meeting Of The Huron
County Council.
The Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in the
Council Chamber, in the Town of
Goderich, on Tuesday the 28th day of
January, at 3 o'clock p. m.
All parties, having accounts against
the county, are required to place the
same with the Clerk on or before the
W. LANE, Clerk.'
Dated ,Tan. 13th, 1008.
In all the years that we ve been
selling shoes we never remember
anything to equal the value we're
giving new 'ln "Imperial" Shoes
for ladies and gentlemen..
We want you tie see for your..
self how good they really are.
every pair sold under an absolute
guarantee, which shows the
maker's confidence in leather and
'Imperial" Shoes are in a class by themselves.
eut,n nx
1-44C1r B. Green
Read ! Realize 1 Profit !
Selling Out!
H. E. Isard & Co. have decided to sell out all
Goods on the Second Floor, at
Stupendous Money.raisii•ng and Stock
!reduction Sale. Fight Thousand Dollars'
worth of Merchandise on 2nd Floor to be sold
out Quick at Cost and Below. We don't want
the goods - we want the money: This Great
Sacrifice Sale is certainly a Bargain Feast of
Men's & Boys' Overcoats, Men's & Boys)* Suits,
Pants, Reefers, Overalls ; all kinds of Furs--Fur-
lined Coats, Fur Coats, Gauntlets, Fur Caps, Ruffs,
Muffs, Caperjnes, Etc.; Girls' Coats, Ladies' Coats,
Children's Coats, Underskirts, Waterproof Coats.
Carpets and Curtains.
Tapestry Carpet, Brussels Carpet, Wool Carpet, Union
Carpet, Hemp Carpet, Stair Carpet, Matting, Oilcloth, Lin-
oleum, Stair Oilcloth, .Art .Squares, Rugs, Mats, Lace Cur-
tains, Roller Blinds, Tapestry Curtains and Table Covers.
Positively everything on 2Nn FLocat going at WHOLE-
SALE PRICE, All must be sold out by end of Jan'y.
Ground Floor Bargains.
BIG BARGAINS in all Departments on FIRST FLOOR
during STOCK -TARING, now going on, Stook MUST be
greatly redaoed before inventory at end of the month.
In justice to yourself, your family and your pocket -book,
you. can't afford to overlook this great money -saving op-
Don't fail to secure your share of the BARGAINS.
TERMS: -Spot Cash or Trade,
AC. S. 6safro, E) Co.
W INGHAM, . ..I.Lids. ..I
.> 1
That snow• is not the only thing that falls this time
of year. Our prices have come down on some of
our very best values ; we dont want any left over.
Before stock -taking, we offer the following goods
at remarkably low 'prices, in- order to reduce our
stock. Be sure to see them before purchasing.
Ladies' and Men's Far Coats, Caps and Gauntlets to go at Less
than cost. A number of Fur Muffs, regular from $5.00 to $12.00,
your choice for $3 00; just the thing for girls.
30 Ladies' Cloth Jackets, beautiful material, your choice for $2.00.
32 pieces Dress Goods, ranging froni 20 cts. to $1.00 per yard,
tea be cleared out at 60 ets. on the $1.00. A splendid chance to
secure good warm clothing for school girls.
A large assortment of Flannelette from 5 els. per yd. to 17 els.,
less than wholesale prices to -day. Also a nice lino of Farley Wrap -
perdu) and Kimona Cloth,
Heavy Canadian, all pure Table Linens, 66 inch, regular 60o for
60c; 70 inches wide, regular 90o for 75c,
All•wool and Union Sheeting, double and single fold yarns, sin-
gle, two and three ply, best home made.
Morl's and Boys' Cloth Overcoats at half price.
Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits or made to order.
Underwear of all kinds, also 13oots, Shoes and Rubbers at 25 to
60 per cent. less than regular price.
Men's heavy- top Shirts, Cardigan Jaokots, Boys' Sweaters,
Oar Groceries aro fresh and reliable. 3 lbs. choice Raisins for
25o. Extra, ohoioo, recleaned Currants, 10o per pound. Jelly Powder
So per package or 6 for 25o. Tomatoes, 10o a oat. Other things
equally the same.
Flour, Bran, Oil Cake and Beet Ureal constantly in stook.
All kinds of ptoduce taken in exchange for goods. Wheat and
Oats taken in exchange for flow.,
T. A. Mills