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The Wingham Advance, 1908-01-09, Page 8
COVERED Walt I':QZPIlZA. The good.sisterst of St, Josepli'e Irl• fart lliionxe say of De, Agnew's Ointmenteee" \'VQ give it our highest z•eeorlexnextdatkon. We elseit freely and turd it a great cure,,, $t, J'aseph's Infant novae, South Troy, N.Y.: "IP you sell Dr. Agnew's Ointment in pound boxes we wish you would -send us your lowest price for it by buying le large quantities. Manu' children are brought to our home cov- ered with Eczerna, and of all the treatments and ointments we have used we find Dr. Agnow's Ointment the most satisfactory, ---it has made ono great cures for us. We give it our highest recommendation," . 35e Gents. (17) For Sale by A, L, H.,mILTOx, Farm For Sale. Lot 20, Con, 1, Kinioss, is offered for sale, comprising 100 acres ; about 0() acres cleareda d e well fenced. Ib has to good frame barn, brick house and orchard, and is well watered, It is situated one utile from Whitechurch, five from Lneknow and seven from Winghain, For particulars, apply to J. T. HOLMES, Whitechurch. Farms For Salle. Lot 33, Concession 1, Culross town- ship, containing 126 acres, of which 00 acres are cleared. The farm is well located, and has fair buildings. Easy terms of payment may be secured. Apply to DUDLEY IIOLMES, Winghain. FOR SALE. A. two storey frame house, on the corner of Alfred and Centre Sts., in town of Wingham ; in good condition. Terms of payment easy. Apply to DUDLEY HOLM ES. FLOWERS, FRUITd an SUNSHINE Delightful Winter Resorts of California, Mexico ex. Florida Tourist st Ticke is at LowRates tee For tiokots andfull fu l info rmation calln 0 W. HENRY, Town Agent, or write J. D. McDonald District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Th E .i-, .. 1 .1 1 d.. Tea and Coffee Store e Those lines—Tea and Coffee" ; I buy from the very best known - and reliable sources. Having had - smany years experience in TESTING and BLENDING, I am in a position = to offer yon exceptional value. r7 They're right in = QUALITY i 1 1 IA. big selection in Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, &c., also 74 at Right Prices See Them STRENGTH FLAVOR and PRICE Give them a trial and be con- vinced of their worth, Ji. Henry Christie;: GROCER AND CROCKERY MERCHANT WINGHAM 11 1 4tl,...Mr., .11111.•1 ..,.:.-.....ul Nj :, 1.. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM GriffinnVanstone Block A Special Offer. We offer at a right price, for 2 weeks only; a No. 1 grass farm, on the 1st line of Morris. Terms, $1000 Cash. talance at li per cent. If yea want a bargain clo not fail to see this. INSURANCE. We are still tit the old stand, repre- senting the beet Companies in Life, Fire, Aooldenb, Marine, Plate Glass and fSoiler Insurance, ready to attend to the wants of all out: old customers and as many new ones as nate came, Our lung experience gives us a know- ledge a the business that we place freely at the diepbsal of our °limits. We leave nothing to ohance, whether it is the ±erehant or manufacturer re- quiring thousands of dollars of Insur- mule, or the householder needing two or three hundred Ott hie furniture,. We give the matter our personal at- tention, • Whitechurch* Miss Ida Everett 1'etnrilet] from Kin- cardine onT'nesday, Mr. E. Miller of Toronto spent New Year's with his rnothee. Mrs. Ouyler has returned from To- ren to and 1•epoz•ts a very pleasant holiday, Mrs, Treleaven and children, Lnck- nnw, spent New Year's at the home of her mother, Mrs. Miller. lir, Lyons is back again at his post at the G. T, R. station, having r•e- senred his duties on Tuesday, On New Year's evening, the S. ,A, i3ancl of ',Vingheam visited the village ,r treatedthe red eat n' cativeso4 1 s neexcel- lent � lent music. On New Year's day, a very pleasant event happened at the horde of Mr, fIutohison, when his slaughter, Lizzie, was united in xnarriago to Me. Leggatt„ a Pto, crots yonng faiencehexnear the village. Rev, Air, Finlay' performed the ceremony, and the happy pair left on the afternoon train for Drayton on their wedding trip. Tho whole village turned oat to give theist a send-off, and they boarded the trail amidst showers of rice and old slippers, and the cheers and good wishes of every- body, The Advance wishes them long life with a large share of its joys and very few of its sorrows. They will vesicle at lot 2, con. 1, Kinloss. A very interesting event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Gregor, Oth con., Kinloss, when their eldest daughter, Mrs. Lexty Terriff, was united in marriage to Mr. Aial- colm Ross, 2nd con., ICinloss, Promptly at 5 o'clock, to the strains of the wedding march rendered by Miss M. Gordon, the groom took his place beneath the arch of evergreens, holly and bell. The bride entered the parlor leaning on the arra of her father, being beantifully dressed in a becoming gown of blue carde-de- clime and carried a baguet of carna- tions. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G:' P. Duncan of White- church. After the ceremony and congratulations to bride and groom, theguests to thenumber rU n e her of 35 •1 see down to a sumptuous 1p ons dinner. The tables were beautifully decorated with srnilaait, holly. and boquets of car- nations. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts. The happy couple are followed to their home with tho best wishes of their many friends, who wish thein a prosperous journey through life's future. Salem. \Ir. and Mrs. Win. Abraham visit- ed Brussels friends last week. Miss Olive Green left for Toronto last week accompanied by her mother. Mr. Joseph Hall of Winghain called at the home of Mr. J. Gallaher on Monday last. Miss Jennie Armstrong of Ford- wich is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Dane. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Short of Gor- viei v sated at the hbme of Wm. West- lake on Sunday last. Mrs. Robert Ashton of Gerrie pre- sented her husband with a New Year's gift, a bouncing young son. Mrs. R. Lindsay, who has been visit- ing at home of Win. Weir for a few days, returned to her house in North Dakota on Monday last. We are eorry to learn that Mrs. Arthur Fitch of Belmore, who fell and was seriously hurt a week ago, is not improving as rapidly as her many friends would wish. Rev. Mr. Russel finished his series of Temperance sermons last Sunday. Rev. bar. Russel and Mr. Perrin of Ws oxeter have been earnest Temper- ance workera„ and they left nothing undone that they could do in favor of Local Option. _all.' ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Barber's Itch, and every form of con- tagions Itch on human or animals cured in 80 minutes by Wolford's Sani- tary Lotion. It never fails, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. T, 1 Blyth. Miss- Carrie Slater returned to her school at Alma on Monday. Mrs. Frank Spading of Wingham is visiting Mrs. Myles Young this week. Mr. Ed. Wilford returned to Medical College, Toronto, on Monday, to re- sume his studies. Reeve and Councillors for 1008 are all elected by acclamation. Reeve, Milne; Councillors, Hill, Chellew, Jos. Carter, Allan, Bainton ; School trus- tees. Campbell, Wettlaufter, ° White ; Clerk, Alex. Elder. Mr. Collins, Y. M. 0. A. Secretary, gave two excellent addresses on Sun - ay. In the morning, he spoke in the Methodist Church and in the evening he addressed a union service in the Presbyterian Church. A male choir composed of 12 voices delighted the large audience with their singing. The A. F. A. M. have installed the following officers for 1003:—J. P. M., Wm, Watson ; W. M., Robt. Vint; S. W Dr. Hamilton ton • J. W., R. ; S.D., G. Johnston ; J. D., W. J. Parks ; J. G., W. Bacons ; Chaplain, S. .H. Gidley ; Steward, Dr, Long;; Tyler, W. Brown; Treas., Jno. Emigh: Secretary, J. M. Hamilton, Holyrood. Mr. Wm. Parker of Bethany spent Sunday in the village. Municipal elections were held here on Monday last in the Tp. Hall, Mr. John Ackert is getting quite a number of logs this season already. Chas, and Alorley Salmon of Paisley spent a few days visiting friends here. • Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Maines of Glamis spent New Year's with their parents here. Mr. Watson will eonduet a consecra- tion service next Sunday morning in the Methodist Church hero, Thin as a Rail, AN You ? Every day spending as much energy its you make -•-if the balance gees a ht - tie further, well, y you get thinner. Oti the clanger lineto-dive—tomorrow' —tomorroo V it builds up—a Ferrozone, Tisa he too Iatei hotter use little gain the first week, but the gain keeps growing. Next week, not quite so than. Keep right on, lots of fat won't hurt at all, Your blood is enriched, cheeks grow rosy, your heart and nerves grow strong and. you don't tire so quickly, Joyous robust health, a sturdy frame and e. cheerful tnind--•all these come with Perrbzone. You'll try it, only 50e, at all dealers, Tak II IN AM A•DVA 'OE, TRUESDAY, JA TYA.BY 9, 1.908. Morris. Miss Blanche Thornton spent Xmas, With friends at Canfield, Miss M. I,'l, 13ro0ks is spending her holidays under the parental roof. School in S. S. No. 4 re=opened last Monday, Miss AlcNab is the tc,ac,Irer, Mr. Charlie Dorcey of Naptnka, Manitoba, is visiting Ur, Jno. I3rooks, Me, John Mc0raeken, who is attond- ing college in Toronto, is home for his vacation. Mr, Andy, Small and Miss 13. Prom - lin of Orangeville visited Mr. Jno, Brooks last week. Allen Speirs of the 4th line, had a verysuccessful wood bee on Wednes- day afternoon, and a party at night. Airs. John Watson spent the holi- days with her son Reg., of Chatham, and Mr. and Airs. VV, H. Sholclice of . London. ri n. Recently Chas. Workman had the misfortune to infllet a cut on one of his feet while chopping on the farm of H. B. Alcock. Mrs. Joules Douglas, who has spent the past year in Toronto, is home on a visit. She is a daughter of Robt. Nichol, Oth line. Mrs. Smith' and Mrs. Dickson of St. Marys spent their Christmas holidays with Mrs. Frank Kearney, fourth line, Mrs. Smith is Mrs, Kearney's mother. Owing to the removal of H, D. Ain - lay from Sunshine where he was teaching, Thos. Pearce was appointed Superintendent of the Methodist Sab- bath School. Mrs. Keys, 5th line, has disposed of her fine 100' acre farm, which she bought a few years ago from Henry Mooney, now of Weyburn, to her 'son Wm., for the stun of $0000. Miss Mary Fear, altho' too young to be permitted to teach, captured honors at the recent examination at Clinton Model School and is receiving the con- gratulations of many friends. Jas. A. Moore has leased his farm to his neighbor. G. McCall, for one year. Mr,Moore, ingo- ing th spring ointends West to look abut im. Messs. McCall will ferns nearly 500 acres next season. .In is, S. No. 6, Win, Wilkinson, was re-elected to the School Board. Wm. Sellers supplies 10 cords of wood for the school at $2.18. School opened on Monday with Miss Carrie McCracken, of Brussels, as teacher. There was an interesting close to the exercises of, S. S. No. 8, Morris. A simple, but pleasing program of songs, dialogues, recitations, etc„ was given, also selections on the gramophone, kindly provided by Mr, I, Jewitt. Tho teacher, who has taught there for five years, was presented with a hand- some little clock, accompanied by a nicely -worded address. Duncan Forsyth, son of the late Alex. Forsyth, a former resident of the 4th line, Morris, who lives near Brandon, Man., is visiting here. He farms on a big scale, having 700 acres of land north of Brandon. It is 22 years since he left Morris: In 1907 Mr. Forsyth had 4,500 bushels of wheat, e t ,vhicir he sold at from $1.00 to $1.01 per bushel. He had 9000 bushels of grain altogether. For 1908 he will farm 400 acres. Wroxeter. Miss E. Henry is spending the vaca- tion at Whitechurch. Mr. Carter of Hauiburg is visiting friends here at present. Miss Donagh returned last week to her home in Mt. Forest. Miss Jeanette Inglis returned home from Toronto last week. Mr. Jas, Stevens of Milverton visit- ed friends in town last week. Mr. Hugh McLeod; of Laing, Sask., is visiting friends here at present, Miss Elliott of Wing,harn was the guest of Miss Gertrude Harris on Sun- day. Miss Cassie Harris of Toronto spent the Xmas. holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Seager of Walker- ton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Black. There was a lively contest here on polling day; see returns in another column. Mr. Sam. Pope of Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting his brother, Mr. D. Pope, this week Mr. Gavin Davidson of Galt is visit- ing his s parents, 1%Ir. and Mrs. John Davidson. Mr. J. Rae of Oorbetton was the guest of is parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Rae, Iast week. Ulurevale. Mr. Orland Baker of Toronto, spent his holidays with his parents at horse, ]hiss 1, Stancleavor of St, Marys spent; New Years visiting Miss Pearl Baker at .the parsonage, The .°Meet's elect of Bluevale L.O,L„ No, 700, are Master—Henry ]%lathers ; Dep, M, ---Arthur Wheeler ; Ohaplain--Rev. Geo. Baker; R•ece;Sec. Geo, 0. Thornton; Pin,•Sec,---Alex. Anderson ; Treas.---Edward Johnston ; Lecturer—Jos, Curtis; Committee— Anson Thornton, Gilbert Netheryy Thos, Ellis, Jas. Peacock, Geo. Mat i1- ere. Geo. Haney & Sons had a success- ful year's v st x 3 4 k in 1007, as may be seen by the following work completed :— Addition to A. Proctor's barn, Morris; driving -shed for Jus. Bowman, Mor- ris; straw -shed for Win. Fraser, Mor - vis ; straw•shed for Jas, Peacock, Mor- ris t renewal o av 1dwelling :f• of Jos. Cur- tis, tis, Morris ; new additin to dwelling for John Nethery, Morris ; barn split and enlarged for A. Gray, Turnberry ; new driving -shed for P, McEwen 'L'arnberry ; new straw -shed for John Musgrove, 'Turnber•ry ; new straw - shed for A. Wheeler, 'Turnberry ; barn split for John McGlynn, Turnberry; new driving -shed for T. K. Powell, Turnberry ; split barn for Wm. Cor- bett, Howick; new dwelling for Thos, Tremble, Howick, and the fine new Presbyterian Church, Blnevale, Be- sides all these contracts, there was a lot of other small jobs, too numerous to mention. LE,rrliu OF CONDOLENCE. To, 'homas, James, William and Rob- ert, sons ; and William and John, grandsons, of the late W. H. Stew- art, and members of the Orange Order. Dear Brethren :—We, the officers and members of 40. Ls, No. 700, Blue- va1e, desire to convey to you an ex- pression of our sincere sympathy in the sad bereavement you have recent- ly undergone in the death of your be- loved father arid grandfather, and our brother. We are bound together in a great Christian brotherhood, and your i sorrow soar sorrow,y our loss our loss. At such a time words seem in- effective to express the tete feeling, but we can assure you 'that every member of the Lodgesympathizes with you in your sorrow. We would also tender our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Masters and Mrs, .Proctor ; also to all the members of your families, in this time of mourning, and pray that the God of all consolation may com- fort your hearts. We 'desire also to bear testimony to the excellent worth and influence of our departed brother's Christian character and life, in the Lodge and community. He has now entered into his rest and reward. May each of you, and all of us, his brethren, meet hire in Heaven. Signed on behalf of L.O.L., No, 760 -- Henry Mothers, W. M.; Arthur Wheeler, D. M. ; Geo, Baker, Chaplain ; Geo. 0, Thornton, Secretary. Do Your Boots Pinch ? If so, look out for a tiny corn. One it before it grows big. Putnam Painless Corn Extractor is the hes Try Putnarn's, e 'S t. Ci rey. Rev. Wallace Johnstone and sister, Miss Tena, spent Monday of last week with relatives t yes on the 1st line. Miss Ethel Musgrove of Wingham spent New Year day with her aunt, Mrs; Robt. Pearson, 4th con. Satre. Burke,'Svho has been spendrbg a few weeks with brothers in New York state, returned home last Satur- day. Will McDonald of Jamestown has gone to Winghain, where he has se- cured a position as clerk in one of the stores. Rev. Robs. Pearson, who. has been spending bis holidays under the par- ental roof, took charge of the service in Roe's church last Sunday morning. He took for his text, Jaynes 1: 14, and gave many an interesting thought and suggestion for his hearers to take through the New Year. Our good wishes go with him to his field of labor at Calgary. Word has just reached here of the sudden death of Duncan Livingstone, 8th con. Mr. Livia stone's health has not been extra good of late, but noth- ing to cause any alarm. On Saturday night he was found dead in the barn- yard of Mr. Alex. Yule (son-in-law), where deceased had made his home for some time, heart -failure being the cause. Mr, was widely known and much respected, being one of the old settlers in this township, and his many friends regret to hear of h' s d� issudden'c denit,e. Funeral took place on Tuesday a y to Brussels ceme- r The fan y, lily have the sincere ympathy of the community. - r Chester Smith of Colpoy's Bay is to visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. s John Smith this week, Mr. S. Rasmusaaen of New York has returned to Wroxeter to spend the winter with his family, Mr. Stewart McKercher and Miss a Lulu Rutherford of Brussels spent la their holidays under he parental roofs. e Mr, John Sanderson, jr„ of Toronto, l d is spending a few days at the home of his father, Mr, John Sanderson, ex- th postmaster, Fordyce: Jas. Joynt was home for Xmas. Wm. Woods has moved into his 13 new house. tar. Mr. Belk is confined to his home an with illness, Mr. Farrier and wife spent New Year's with Ashfield friends, Miss E, J. 'Ford of Whitechurch spent Sunday at Mr. Chas. Taylot•'s. Jas. Ford spent a few days last week with Me. and Mrs, Sturdy of Lueknow, Jas. Ford left, on Monday for a months, visit to friends in Whitby and Oshawa. Jamestown. Mrs. D. McEwen of Turnberry spent few days under the parental roof st week. Gordon McDonald, .Elmvale, form- lyrof Jamestown, visited over San - ay with relatives an' friends here. A very enjoyable time was spent at e home of Mr. Richard Miller last Thursday evening by a large number of young people, also a sleigh -load front the vicinity 'of Wingham and Bluevale. Will. Mitchell, who formerly work - at the blacksmithing here with Mr. ander, but has spent last year in e West, was renewing old acquaint- ees in this vicinity lust week, .The West apparently has agreed with him. Another of those pleasant events took place at the home of Mrs. Mulli- gan on Christmas Day when her youngest slaughter. Miss Olive, was united, in marriage to Robt, Hamilton also of Jatnestoeve. Rev. L. Perrin Of Wro:teter performed the ceremony et 5 pan., only the immediate rela- tives of the contracting parties being present. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton will ttle down on the groom's farm at mestown and are followed by the ocl wishes of the community fox* eir prosperity. se We are pleased to hear that Miss Ja Mary Spencer, who has been ill for 3.° some time, is improving. th Mr. and Mrs. B. Taylor of Wests field spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs, John Taylor, the former's parents. Mr. John Edgar, who has been lu sending the holidays with friends in Teeswater and Fordyce, returned to his home in Thessalon this weak, sir W Doing Into Consumption.When your throat rattles, your ngs and chest are sore, roar throat stuffed with cold—dont fear con- mption,—use Catarrhoa:one and get ell, It clears the throat, cares hack - relieves tight chest and soreness the bronchial tubes, To cleat• away tarrh in the nose nothing could be ttei,atareh zo Cf 0 ne is Nature's Own reedy ---it heals and sotiths—•cures ry forth of throat, lung or brow al trouble. Prescribed gby ninny eetatists and used by thousands ery day. ', e and $1,00 at all ing ENGLISH BRA:YIN LTV/MENT removes in all hard, soft or calloused Ivinps and Ca blernisht�s front horses, bloodpav sin, he curbs, splints, ritigbone, sweeney, ver stifles, sprains, sore 05' sWollefi throat, etre coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one eht bottle, Warranmost ivonted the ” ful Blemish (:1nvro e.et, ,'ap ' lcnbwan. Sold:ev lere, by A. L. Hamilton. dea • East Wawanosh, Benny Rodger of Westfield Is very ill at present. N'rs, Dave Cook, Oth line, was' slightly indisposed last week, Will Taylor, Oth line, preached In Westfield .church on. Sunday. A number around Isere aro coin• plaining of slight attacks of La Grippe, Miss Ada, Morrish of Goderich visit. ed at Jno, Solltr's. for it few days this Week, Chris, Nethery, Otb line, spent Xmas at the home of his brother .Alex, in Sarnia. We a Ramsey pleased of tfelda is that able Ito be honed again, Will Scott, Oth line, had the misfor- tune to fall out of a sleigh last week, injuring ng his head,d , bliss Tilile Nethery,ravel road, visited Dungannon friends on Friday and Saturday last, Mr's, Jas. Campbell of West Wawa - nosh was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas, Nethery, gravel, road, for a few days last week. Jno, Moss, the Englishman who has been engaged with i3. Densmore for the past 'year, left for Stratford on New 'Year's Day. Maitland Henry, who leas been visiting friends in Redlands for the past two weeks, returned home on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morrish return- ed to their home in Goderich on Thursday last, after spending a couple of weeks with friends in these parts. Jno, McDowell,' jr„ of Westfield, and Albert McKellar• left for Michi- gan, where they each purchased a bash farm a year ago. They intend chopping and clearing, through the winter months. Thos. Tummy of Hamilton visited friends around Westfield last week. Ile was accompanied by his cousin, Jno. Yonng of Kansas, who is on an extended visit to friends in East Lst Wa- wanosh and Morris. Belmore. Mr. Stanley' Ballantyne is visitingat his uncle's, Mr, Win. McKee's, Mr. Bryans took his place as teacher of Belmore Public School last Mon- day. We wish him every success in his work. The teameeting held in Belmore Presbyterian Church last Friday even- ing bey great provedto g t susses. An' excellent supper was served in the Hall from six to eight o'clock, after which the crowd gathered to the church, where a very interesting pro- gram was given, consisting of selec- tions by the choir, solos, recitations, readings, and addresses from Revs. West of Bluevale, Tait of Teeswater, Russell of Wroxeter, and Perrin of Wroxeter. Thehl 'cl c u x was a sfu ll and the proceeds amounted to over fifty dollars. PRINTED BY REQUEST. Mix the following by shaking' well in a bottle, and take in teaspoonful doses after meals and at bedtime: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce ; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. A local druggist is the authority that these simple, harmless ingredients can be obtained at noinin- al cost from our home druggists. The mixture is said to cleanse and strengthen the clogged and inactive Kidneys, overcoming Blackheads, Bladder weakness and Urinary trou- ble of all kinds, if taken before the stage of Bright's disease, Those who have tried this say it positively overcomes pain in the batik, clears the urine of sediment and regu- lates urination, especially at night, curing even the worst forms of blad- der weakness. Every man or woman here who feels that the kidneys are not strong or acting in a healthy manner should mix. this prescription at home and give it a trial, as it is said to do rwon- ders for many persons. The Scranton (Pa.) Times was first to print this remarkable prescription, in October, 1006, since then all leading newspapers of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and- other cities have made many announcements of it to their readers. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Turn- beriy Agricultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber, Wing - ham, on r, llnusday, Jan. 16th, 1903, at 1 o'clock p. in. All members of the Society are requested to be pre- sent. W. J. H cxnr;nsos II. B. ELLIOTT President Secretary 9.ENTER ANY DAY • Our management trains more nook. keepers, "Stenographers and Telegra- phersthan any other in Western Ontario. No extra charge for two courses, Most eminently qualified instructora. Graduates assisted to good positions. Other colleges engage our graduates as teachers. Individual instruction. MAIL COURSES in Matriculation, Civil Service, Penmanship, Shorthand, Bookkeeping. etc. Send a postal for information about Canada's Greatest Chain of High- . grade Business Colleges. • WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A. A, Xitnatxg, M.A., Ph,D., viae-Prinotpat r3>Lo, SroTTON, Principal. e LEARN DRESSMVMAKING IN A WEEK, 'Po enable all to learn we are plating teachers in every six towns in Ontario. These lessons teach how to Out, fit, and put together, any gar. merit from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the moat elaborate dress, you don't pay u ntil you are throughandPerfeettY satisfied. This is the 'only enurso in Canada that the whole family can learn, by one member taking it up. We have been in business for ten years and have taught over 7,000, and guarantee to give $500 to anyone between the ages of 14 and 40, who cannot learn, X3eware of imitations as more than one has been known to copy our advs, and even claimed, where they were not known, to be the inventor of this course. No adv. ii genuine without our $500.00 guarantee. Head Ofilee-- Saadcra' break attla School. Stratford, Onthria, Can, sits."Wm. Sanders Inventor and Prep, Our teacher, Miss geith, will be at the Exohatrge Hotel, Winghain, on Saturday, Jan, 18th, from. 10 a, In. un- til 0 p, tis., showing how this coarse is taught and enrolling pupils. Anyone wishing to learn, be sure t0 see her at above date. Class oomnmeneing tis Wingham, following Monday, he Little Eaton" op00000000e0Ooofloc`iOpeeee ec0000000eob00000ecot t 00000000000 . oOOQ0 '3f?Ci PO January Premium Sale Is A Hummer Have you seen the Premiums. They are all O. K. and up to every deserip- tion. Come in and see the enormous range of Premiums. Many more than what we have space to mention below. If a customer wishes the larger Pre- miums they can keep their paid bills for the month, and when they amount to $ to, $15, or 2o, can getthe Premiums Don't un s offered under these purchases. IIon t fail to come in. It costs nothing to look, Perfect satisfaction or your money back. Trade of all kinds wanted, any quantity. Wood and Hay taken at any time for trade. Every article given away is useful to Man, Wonsan or Child. When You Buy $2.00 Worth, t you get any of these $Iseoo PURCHASE $10.60 PURCHASE $5.00 PURCHASE $3.00 PURCHASE INVICTA RUG.—Beautiful two-tone effect, heavy Wilton Rug, size 28 x 55, in cardinal, green and blue shades. SMYRNA RUGS.—heavy, double-faced, reversible Smyrna Rugs, rich oriental designs and colors, size 30 x 55. ALASKA S SCARF.—A � SABLE SCAR], . A ttvo•piece, genuine Alaska Sable Scarf, six tails, nicely shaped, and very fine quality of fur. DINNER SET. --A handsome, 9.3 -piece Dinner Set, richly decorated in a dainty blue, the patterns consisting of eprigs of flowers and leaves, and is highly lazed g y g on top, so that pattern cannot possiblywear off, the set com- prising -12 dinner plates, 12 soup plates, 12 tea plats, 12 cups and saucers, 12 fruit dishes, 12 butter pads, one 10 -inch platter, one 14 -inch platter, one gravy boat, 2 covered vegetable dishes, 1 baker, 1 pickle, 1 cream jug, 1 slop bowl. CARPET SWEEPER.—Bissel's Champion Carpet Sweeper, made of rich varnished, antique oak; self ernptier. NEAR SEAL COLLARS.—Men's largo size, detachable Near Seal Col- lar, closes quilted, q ed, satin Iined, fitted to your overcoat while you wait. HANGING LAMP,—Beautiful Hanging Lamp, richly decorated, 1,1" -inch shade, large glass oil container with outside filler, No. 2 chimney and burn- _ er with a weight balance. GLASS TABLE SET. -21 -piece heavy Glass Table Set, rich deep -cut pattern, bright, clear, fine polished crystal, giving the brilliancy and sparkle IDS cut glass, set consisting of—one 3 -inch deep set berry bowl, six 4 -inch nappies, 1 large size hot water jug, 6 tumblers, one sugar bowl, covered but- ter dish, spoon holder, creani pitcher, salt and pepper shakers, and 9 -inch cake plate, making an invaluable addition to your table glassware. TOILET T SET,—A handsome and endurable 10 -piece Toilet Set, of strong glazed porcelain, cream and white grounds, decorated with flowers and foliage in an assortment of colors. The set consists of one extra large ewer and basin, hot water pitcher, faesh water mag, covered soap dish and drain- er, tooth brush holder and covered chamber, TEA. SET.—Magnificent 52 -piece Tea Set, beautifully decorated in a swell green pattern .of wildflower clusters, embossed foliage and scalloped edges, set comprising -12 tea plates, 12 cups and saucers, 2 cake plates, 12 fruit dishes, 1 slop bowl, 1 cream pitcher. BOYS' WATCH.—Boys' strong, bright 1 t polished Nickel -case 'S% g ® as Watch, stem winder and set, Swiss movement, and reliable time piece, something !o ,1 to make your boy's heart thump with happy pride. o �CTEA- PO .—A handsome, bigh-classTea Pot,beautifullyengraved wood 4, material of copper, nickel plated. STABLE OUTFIT.—A useful stable outfit, consisting of—one yellow bristle body brush with leather back, one extra high-grade Palmetto brush and one extra strong and well -riveted steel curry comb with mane courb on back, MEAT CHOPPER.—A high-grade Meat Chopper, a very useful thing®®'© around the kitchen, will chop all kinds of meats and foods, and vegetables 90 for salads. It will save you many an hour's labor. There are four knives 'AO go with it, all different sizes from finest to coarsest. OO 42 40 FORK AND KNIFE.—Electro silver-plated Pickle Fork and Butter Knife, pearl bandies firmly attached, reliable English quality. TEA SPOONS.—One doz. Navada Silver Tea. Spoons, which being made ® of the same brightthroughoute metal give endless wear and never discolor ®O or tarnish. KNIVES.—Six each of finely polished imitation ebony handled Knives 2t and Forks, double riveted, standard Sheffield steel wade and stand all kinds g9 of rough wear. 0® .HANDKERCHIEFS.—$1.00 boxes Initialed Iidkfs., fine Irish linen, hem- stitched, put t up in a neat box of six, any initial desired. Ui11BRD LLA.—$1.50 Umbrella free, fine moire and linen mixture, box- wood and natural crook handles, sterling silver mounted, ehdless variety of nobby handles to choose from. CARVING SET.—A very. useful Carving Set, good quality of steel, imi- tation stag handles, fall size. POTATOES,—One bag of first-class Potatoes, containing 90 lbs„ will be delivered to any house .in town for every purchase of $3.00. LEAl , .�. ON D A L GL ASS>JS, A lovely set of Six Lemonade G lases in 2.00 Purchase aye Hungarian an pressed Glass, with Lily of the Valley pattern engraved. 11 .50 PurchaseTOBA000.—Three plugs of Macdonald Tobacco, smoking or chewing, will be given with every purchase of $1.50, $1,00 Purchase 50c Purchase 25c Purchase SOISS01tS.--•Heavy Nickel -plated Diamond Steel Scissors, 01 Inches long. Something of value every Iady needs. SODA BISCUITS,—one box Soda Biscuits, of the very best manu- facture, either McCormick's, Christie's or Perrins, will be given to every person purchasing $1.00 worth of goods. HOOT -ON TILS.—Hool.-on Ties, four-in-hand shape, in light, dark and medium shades ; endless variety of patterns ; generous length ; reg. War value 25c to 35c. Given with every 50e purchase. COLLAR SETS,—Set of four Gold-plated Collar Buttons, celluloid backs and levet' tops, for front, back and sleeves. Given with every purchase of 25 cents. ••sNN•N••`ssoe••MA•ss4s+ss••l••••••sslslil's!►es ss4seos slss+..•Nis.ss..., Geo. C. Hanna - Windham �+O ctA 1 1