The Wingham Advance, 1907-12-26, Page 44
it 26, 1907.
New Year Gifts for
Men & Boys.
It is difficult at times to know just what to
get for the Men and the Boys, but something use-
ful is always appreciated. Our store is full of
useful as well as beautiful things suitable for
Gifts, Look over this list. It is sure to suggest
something you Want :—
Smoking Coats
Fancy Vests
Neck Scarfs
Cuff Buttons
Watch Fobs
House Coats
Fancy Shirts
Tie Pins
Cuff Holders
Come along and see
Lounging Robes
Fancy Suspenders
Neck Ties
Shirt Studs
Tie Holders
Fur Collars
Fancy Collar Boxes
our stock. .
x i
Tailors and Men's Furnishings
1d 7 '4' 4 0
Every ijiisewife Should Have A
")universal" Food Chopper.
••1111•1111111•M•11A11121,6 411M211
will chop all kinds of meat, raw or cooked, and all kinds
nit and vegetables, into clean-cut, uniform pieces, fine or coarse,
wanted, without mashing, and with great rapidity. It does away
th the chopping knife and bowl entirely, doing its work in one -
nth the time, and producing an absolutely uniform product. For
utting sausage meat it cannot be surpassed. Sold by
Timm▪ utiab'.
A place e of (safety and secur-
ity for th'ccumulations
of all y�,1.�, work and save.
Deposits of any amount accepted and
interest paid 4 times a year at highest
current rate.
C. P. SMITH - - .AGENT •
_.-.�' OF COMME I -yI- CE
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Rest, - - - 5,000,000
Total Assets, - 113,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
Every facility afforded Farmers for their banking
business. Sales Notes cashed or taken
for collection
BANDING BY MAIL.—Deposits may be made or withdrawn by
mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention
1 Coal
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
whioh has no equal.
Also the best grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mimeo Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on hand.
Residence Phone, No, 55
Offi*111 '" No. 44
We carry a full stock of
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, etc.
Highest Price Paid for all
kinda of Logs.
J. A.
CUI�� t' ll 1p fill l i i�xc
Theo, Hall - Proprietor.
I)r, Ilodgetts, secretary of the Pro-
vincial board of health, has issued a
statement regarding smallpox in the
province. He censures the municipali-
ties for failure to take proper precau-
tions, and says that not one per cent
of the cases in the last decade would
have occurred had the law been prop-
erly observed, He estimated the loss
to the province through smallpox in
that time at $2,000,000.
—Collingwood is being asked to
vote in January, on a by-law to make
the license fee $2,500. The By-law is
being attacked by the Hotel -keepers'
Association as illegal. In Colling-
wood a local option by-law was de-
feated last year because it received
only 13 less than two-thirds. The
temperance people aRe now trying to
achieve the same result by a high
license, and the question is how high
a license may be before it becomes
— It is reported that H. Either, M. P.
P., may resign his seat in the Legisla-
ture to contest South Huron for the
House of Commons in the bye -elec-
tion. South Huron is vacant through
the recent death of R. B. Gunn, M.P.
It has always been Liberal in Federal
politics, and Mr. Gunn, by great per-
sonal popularity, redeemed it in the
last election by only 110. The party
realize that it can be held only by a
strong man, and Mr. Eilber'is agreed
to be that man.
— There is a great army of unem-
ployed in New York. The skilled
mechanics have felt the unhappy con-
dition of the money market the hard-
est. The stringency has compelled
the speculative builders to wait until
a thne when money will flow more
readily, and as a consequence it is
estimated that more than 25,000 men
in the building trades alone are out of
employment, with a total of all trades
of 125,000. The members of the Build-
ing Trades Employers' association say
that building operations will be con-
siderably Less in 1908 than they have
been in many years.
— In the estimates this year, there
is an item of thirty millions for the
Grand Trunk Pacific, and the work is
only nicely begun. And now some
are wondering how it comes that
thirty millions are needed, when Pre-
mier Laurier and Finance Minister
Fielding told the House, that $13,000,-
000 was all it would cost the country.
Even on a Wingham platform we
were told that sixteen millions would
be the outside limit of the cost. When
it is finished, it will be found that the
Conservative leader, and Hon. Mr.
Blair were nearer the mark, when
they placed it at not less than $150,-
„ w
— Dr. Czerny, of Heiderberg, an
eminent authority on cancer, review-
ing the latest German researches into
the nature and treatment of the
disease, recommends a simple life as
among the best means of preventing
cancer. He advises that the skin be
kept most scrupulously clean, that
rich food be avoided, and that liquid
irritants be avoided. There are, he
.says, 40,000 deaths from cancer an-
nually in Germany. He admits that
"x" -rays and radium have frequently
checked cancerous growths and oc-
casionally cured them. He finds that
no certain conclusion as to their ef-
ficacy is to be drawn. Further re-
search is necessary.
* *
— It was not the editor of a Con-
servative paper, that wrote the fol-
lowing paragraph, but the editor of
the Bulletin, published at Port
Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, a Liberal
paper that has loyally supported the
Liberal party for sixteen years. It
ought to be known what he says; here
it is :—
"To -day the once greet Liberal
party for whose cause it was an
honor to fight, has become honey-
combed with traitors and grafters.
And this is the kind of material
Mr. Fielding and his solid eighteen
—(now seventeen) supporters from
Nova Scotia in Parliament would
fain ask us to cheer for. We will
continue pat'-ently to abide our
—Mr. Telford, M.P. for North Grey,
has intervieved the Dominion Govern-
ment regarding the railway situation
for Owen Sound. He was informed
that the Government purposes extend-
ing the Intercolonial Railway to Geor-
gian Bay, and he has been using his
mfluenee to have the advantages of
Owen Sound as a terminal point recog-
nized, and to have the Georgian Bay
line come here. The Minister of Rail-
ways appears to be favorably impres-
sed with the possibilities of Owen
Sound, and Mr. Telford confidently
expects that Owen Sound will before
long hear the whistles of Intereolonlal
locomotives, and of steamers running
in connection with the railways.
—A pension to benefit every em-
ployee, from Manager 0. M. Hays,
down to the humblest office boy, has
been arranged by the Grand Trunk
Railway. It will be maintained by
the company without any assist-
ance from the then. Provision
is also inado for men incapaolted
by accident and even for men dis-
eharged without cause. At the last
annual meeting of the shareholders
the sum of $200,000 was set aside as a
nucleus, but it is thought, that at least
$75,000 additional will have to be set
aside every year, The pension
scheme will take effect January 1,
1908, and reach 35,000 employees.
Under the terms of the pension every
employee roust retire at the age of
sixty-five years. Tho amount he re-
ceives will depend on the number of
years of service.
—The main parliamentary estimates
for this Dominion are $120,000,000, and
when the supplementary estimates
aro added, and the customary "rush
votes" at the end of the session, the
amount is likely to be $130,000.000.
This menus $21.50 per head of otic
population. Deducting the thirty
millions for the Grand Trunk Pacific,
the nine millions given to the provi-
nces, and eight•millions expected to be
met by the Intercolonial, it still leaves
83 millions, or .$14 per head, as com-
pared with $7 per head in the United
States, Why the expenditure should
thus double similar expenditure in the
States is alarming. The Weekly Sun
speaks strongly, and says :
"Looked at from any stand-
point, and in the face of any pos-
sible comparison, a budget of
$130,000,000 for a population of
6,000,000 in a time of profound
peace, and in the absence of any
great national crisis, is appalling
and wholly unjustifiable."
Dr. Chisholm, M.P. for East Huron,
is greatly interested in Cold Storage,
as his many speeches in the House on
this subject, prove. He has sent the
Advance the following figures, show-
ing further, what cold storage facili-
ties would mean to the, fanners of
Huron county :—
In the county of Huron there are
54,426 sheep. Thousands of carcasses
of dressed lamb are now being placed
in the Ottawa Cold Storage to be
taken out for the Easter and Spring
In the county of Huron there are
51.4,022 bushels of potatoes raised an-
nually. Potatoes are stored in the
Fall in the St. Catharines Cold Stor-
age, in the Cold Storages at Ottawa,
London, Ont., St. John, N. B., to be
taken out in the late Spring months,
May, June and July. Two years ago
potatoes put in the St. Catharines
Cold Storage when potatoes were sel-
ling for 45 cts. per bag, when taken
out in the Spring brought $L00 per
In the County of Huron there are
308,017 bearing apple trees. These
trees produce 2,642,362 bushels of ap-
ples, or 880,787 barrels.
That apples can be increased in
value a dollar a barrel by cold storage
is now widely known. Cold Storage
with co-operation has proved to be
of immense value to the growers of
small fruits in the district around St.
Catharines. Why would it not assist
the fruit growers of Huron county ?
880,787 bbls. of apples at $1, equals
$880,787, or, the increase in value in
apples alone by cold storage would be
nearly one million dollars annually in
this county.
In the county of Huron there are
31,506 turkeys, 17,079 ducks, 13,565
geese, 404,527 other fowls. With such
an amount of perishable products one
can see the importance to this county
of the Cold Storage Act.
First—Thou shall not wait for some-
thing to turn up, but thou shalt pull
off thy coat and go to work that thou
inayst prosper in thy affairs and make
the word "failure" spell "success."
Second—Thou shalt not be ;:ontent
to go about thy business looking like
a bum, for thou shouldst know that
thy personal appearance is better than
a letter of recommendation.
Third—Thou shalt not try to make
excuses, nor shalt thou say to those
who chide thee, "I did'nt think."
'Fourth --Thou shalt not wait to be
told what thou shalt do, nor in what
manner thou shalt do it, for thus may
thy days be the job which for-
tune hath given thee.
Fifth—Thou shalt not fail to main-
tain thine own integrity, nor shalt
thou be guilty of anything that will
lessen thy good respect for thyself.
Sixth --Thou shalt not covet the
other fellow's job, nor his salary, nor
the position that he bath gained by his
own hard labor.
Seventh—Thou shalt not fail to live
within thy income, nor shall thou con-
tract any debts when thou canst see
thy svay clear to pay them.
Eighth—Thou shalt not be afraid to
blow thine own horn, for ho who
faileth to blow his own horn at the
proper occasion flndeth nobody stand-
ing ready to blow it for him.
Ninth—Thou shalt not hesitate to
say "no"; nor shalt thou fail to re-
member that there are times when it
is not safe to bind thyself by a hasty
j udgment.
Tenth—Thou shalt give every man a
square deal. This is the last and great
commandment, and there is no other
like unto lt, Upon this command-
ment hang all the law and the profits
of the business world.
ITOII, . Mange, Prairie Seratahes,
Barber's Itch, and every form of con-
tagious Itch on human or animals
cured in 80 minutes by Wolford's Rant.
tary Lotion. It never fails, Solrl by
A. L. Itamilton,
Ilowick electors will vote on Local
Option at the approaching municipal
elect ions.
11Ir. Bennett, of Lakelet vicinity,
had a heifer weighed the other day
which sent the scales up to 1440 lbs.
Miss Dobson, daughter of Rev. Mr.
Dobson of Fordwich has been engaged
as teacher in Lakelet for the ensuing
Arrangements are being made to
hold a union meeting of last Huron
and North Wellington representatives
and candidates in Clifford in the near
The annual meeting of the Lakelet
Branch of the Bible Society, was held
in the Methodist church last Thurs-
day evening and was rather slimly
It is reported that John Winters is
again going. to be a candidate for the
municipal council, and that John
Gowdy will oppose Joseph Hainstock
for the deputy reeveship.
The annual meeting of McIntosh
Presbyterian congregation was well
attended. Financial things are on a
very firm basis in that congregation,
there being a balance of $288.03 on
hand after paying stipend and all run-
ning expenses. Their contributions to
the several schemes are also quite li-
is your Chest "Wheezy ?"
Tightness and wheezing means your
trouble is deep-seated. To delay is
dangerons. Inflammation must be
drawn out at once. Rub the throat
and chest with Nerviline Porous
Plaster. Relief comes ip an hour.
The effect of the plaster relieves the
tightness and strain, draws out the
soreness, eases the pain. The pene-
trating qualities of Nerviline enables
it to soak to the very core of the trou-
R dOtl experience a feeling of
y n
warmth and relief that proves that
the danger is past. For weak chest,
sore theoat and tendency to colds, the
Nerviline Treatment beats all others,
try it.
ip ,
—The season just closed has been a
record breaker for the amount of
grain received at Goderich port. The
Goderich Elevator & Transit Com-
pany received forty-two cargoes, con-
sisting of 2,288,260 bushels of wheat,
061,615 bushels of oats, 321,843 bushels
of flaxseed and 60,857 bushels of bar-
ley, making a total of 3,341,575 bushels.
This is all Canadian grain from Fort
William and Port Arthur. In addi-
tion to this, there were about a mill-
ion and a quarter bushels of wheat
received by the Western Canada Flour
Mills 0o., so that the estimated total
of grain receipts for the season at the
port of Goderich is 4,000,000 bushels.
Nearly half this amount, or 2,225,000
bnshels, were carried by the Scottish
Hero, which made seventeen calls at
this post duriiig the season.
Sciatic Pains Made Limbs Useless and
Life a Burden --South American •
Rheumatic Cure Snapped the Pain
Chords and Cast Away the Crutches.
James Smith, Dairyman, Grimsby,
Ont., writes: "I was a great sufferer
from sciatica. For a time I was com-
pletely laid up and for two weeks I
was compelled to go on crutches. My
limbs were almost useless. I tried
many remedies without benefit. South
American Rheumatic Cure was re-
commended. It took six bottles to ef-
fect a cure, but I am thoroughly
cured, and I heartily recommend it as
the greatest of remedies." (10)
For Salo by A. L. HAMILTON.
Then come to London and have a pair
made for you that will correct all your
eye defects, no matter how complicated.
We have patients in all parts of Canada
who can attest our skill and accuracy in
fitting each particular case, and the lenses
are ground in our own laboratory, under
personal supervision.
Appointment made by mail, or phone 1877.
237 Dundas St., London, Ont.
A1tT1 J. IitWIN
D.D.S., I,,D,8,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen-
nsylvania College and Licentiate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario,
—olllce in Macdonald Block—
B.S.A, L.D.S., D.D.S.
Honor Graduate of University of Toronto
and Licentiate of Royal 1.o11ege of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario.
Miss Elizabeth E. Grant
Teacher of Piano, Theory, Interpreta-
tion, Harmony, Pupils prepared
for Oouservatory exams.
Studio in Macdonald Block -2ncl Floor.
Terms on application.
General Hospital.
(Under Government Inspection,)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished.
Open to all regularly licensed physicians.
Rates for patients (which include board and
nursing)—$5,50 to 815.00 per week. according
to location of room. For further informa-
Box 223, Wingham, Ont.
Is a good time to start. New Term opens
on Jan. 2nd. Write for catalogue; our
moderate rates and other advantages will
interest you.
1 Y ongo & 14IcGi11' Sts., Toronto )
By giving a better course of training
than that given by any other similar in-
stitution in Ontario, we have become
one of the leading business training
schools In Canada. Our graduates are
in demand as office assistants and busi-
ness college teachers. Our courses being
the best, our graduates succeed. If in-
terested in your own welfare, write for
catalogue. Three departments—Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphic.
Winter term opens January Gth.
"Business ICnowledge" and "Everlasting
Push" are two essentials to success.
And prepare for first-class business posi-
tions such as are open to our students.
Hundreds of our students are going into
good positions every year. Let us train
you for ono. We will do it right. WIN-
TER TERM OPENS JAN'Y. Gin. Write for
catalogue and see wherein wo excol.or-
dinary business colleges.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
(Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste.)
Protection- and Safe
The Endowment Policies
The Dominion Life
A sound, well managed
Canadian Life Assurance Company.
Average rate of Interest
earned in 1906-
6.73 PER CENT.
Local Agent — Wingham.
Capital (paid up)
Reserve (aed profits) .
Total Assets, over
Clearing Sala
Fancy Goods
Going Out Of
These goods aro going at Cost:—
Beautiful Manicure and Toilet Sete,
Dollar and Cuff Boxes, Glove and
Handkerchief Boxes, Burnt Leather
goods, Pocket Books, Combs and
Brushes, Souvenir geode and Novel-
ties, Ohtldren's Sleighs, Games of
all kinds, Fanoy Chinaware, Toys
and Dolls, Books of all kinds, and
many other lines too numerous to
mention. Come and get your Xmas.
Presents at COST
At Knox's
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and
upwards, and added to principal quarterly.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager
R. Panstono, Solioitor
You Make
A Mistake
If you boy a Piano with-
out sexing our stock, comparing
prices and taking into account
the quality of the instrument.
Alt the best makes always in
stook — Ileintzman, 'Newcombe,
Dominion, and others.
Also Organs, and the very
best Sewing Machines.
Stand—Opp, ek
David Bell
dung Mink
`l&ere's Tiskq More
Wingham, Ont.
We Wish You A Very,
Happy New Year,
JUST A WORD :—Be sure that you come to this:
"Big Store" for your supplies with which
to fill the stockings, Also for
Table Delicacies.
Holiday Candies.
Bright Mixed Candy....3 lbs. for 25o
Dark " " ....3 lbs for 25u
Chocolate Cream Drops, per lb...20c
Choice Mixed Cream Candies 20o
Best Marsh Mallow, per lb 20o
Choice Maple Cream 25c
1 Ib. fancy box choice Chocolate
Cream Bon Bons, per box only. 25c
1 Ib. box Preserved Ginger, some-
thing very nice, try a box 25o
Fresh Cream Almonds, Cough Drops,
Gum Drops, Peppermints, Hum-
bugs, oto.
Pure Maple Sugar and Syrup.
Pure Maple Sugar, a oake..5, 10, 13c
Pare Oreani Maple, per tin... ...250
Pure Maple Syrup, per bottle....40o
Try Toasted Marsh Mallow.
Holiday Nuts.
All new,. fresh Nuts—Almonds,
Walnuts, Filberts, Brazils and Pea
Shelled Almonds and Walnuts.
Salted Pea Nuts in 50 packages.
250 Bottles Perfume For 19c
Holiday Fruit.
California Navel Oranges, bright,
heavy, sweet. juicy fruit, price
per doz 20e, 30o, 40o
Choice, new, layer Figs, per lb. ,
100 to 15c
Choice new Dates 41bs. for see
Best new Dates, 1 lb. pkgs..3 for 210 I
Best seeded Raisins, pkg ..130 to 15o
Seedless Raisins, new fruit, 2 lbs..25o
Table Raisins, 1 lb. pkg 15c
Big Sale Of Fancy Combs.
60 dozen Ladies' Fancy Back
Combs and Side Combs at 25 per
cent. off. There will bo quick
selling in this department. Never
has Wiugha►n had such a sale of
Combs. All new, right up-to-
date goods.
$1.00 Combs now on sale at...750
.75 " " " " ...55o
.50 " .< a " ...38o
.35 .I „ e " ...270
.25 ., " " .' ..20o
20e for 15o; 150 for 110; 10o for 8o
Big Sale Of Fancy
The largest stook of Fancy
China, rich cut Glass, etc., shown
Wingham, and we're offering
nearly the entire stock at CLEAR'
INti SALE PRICES. Never did the
people of Wingham have such a
money -saving chance at this sea-
son of the year.
$12.00 Dinner Sets for only. $9.00
9.00 " " " ., 6 75
5.00 Tea " " . , 3.75
10.00 worth rich cut Glass.. 6.67
5.00 " " " .. 3.34
Ccme and share in the bargains.
Big Sale Of Silk Ribbons.
Another lot of Ribbons, new-
est shades. They're on the Bar-
gain Counter at Out Prices.
50 Ribbon ..3o I loo Ribbon.. 7c
8o " .,5o 150 " ..100
Big Clearing Sale Of Furs.
Furs for Christmas presents at
big reductions in prices. Come
early. All Furs are offered at
reduced prices.
New Vear's Gift
W. G. Patterson
has done the worrying. He
has a fine stock of the latest
and best Jewellery that money
and skill can buy. Come and
see our stock, and you will be
• surprised that such goods can
be purchased in Wingham.
W. G. Patterson
The Watch Doctor. Wingham.
L -J