The Wingham Advance, 1907-11-28, Page 5THE W INGB AM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1007. 5 The Blue Front Store, Quality, Style, Fit. In selecting an Overcoat what more would you want than this—"A good reliable quality of goods, made up in one of the newest styles, and made to it." The price is a secondary consideration, but our prices are popular and Within reach of all. Every garment is fully guaranteed, whether made to order or ready-to-wear. Twelve different styles and fifty patterns to choose from. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers Clinton. A good sized two-story addition is being built at the rear of the Clinton Knitting Factory, to be used as a dye - room. Fifteen students now in attendance at the Clinton Model have secured schools for next year at salaries rang- ing from $350 to $40. Mr, Trussler of Teeswater was in town on Monday looking over a bnei- ness proposition' here, f"Ie was favor- ably impressed and the probabilities are that be will ere long become a resident, The wind on Wednesday night blew down the large chimney, at the House of Refuge, which crashed through the roof ; fortunately none of the inmates were hurt but some of them hacl nate row escapes. On Friday afternoon a strange man entered the house of Mrs. Warren, and went through all the rooms, but what he wanted is a mystery as noth- ing was raissed ; he was met by one of the boarders, as he ]eft the house, and gave an evasive answer to her enquiry as to what he was doing. Mr. D. Cantelon is experiencing the effects of the stringency in the Ameri- can money market. Some time ago he contracted with a New Yorker, to deliver 10,000 barrels of apples. After receiving about 0,000 barrels, the American telegraphed on Saturday, cancelling the balance of the order, as he was unable to procure funds for the balance of the order. Two lads of about fourteen years of age, Jack Lawson and Harold, son of Mr. Peter Cantelon, were out shooting and when on the railway track near Dir. D. A. Forrester's, Harold was accidentally shot in the thigh by his companion who was about fifty yards distant from him. Jack says he aimed at a bird and that the bullet struck a stone and glanced. The wounded boy has since been under the doctor's care and is doing as well as can be expected. It has been decided that a new St. Joseph's church will be built next summer to replace the one in which the congregation has been worship- erect - ed upon the preinfor mansent sit . Fears. It wior this ob- ject there is already on hand $3,500 in cash and as well in the neighbor- hood of $0,000 subscribed. The sub- scription list and building operations are in the .capable hands of Rev. Father Hanlon, under whose superin- tendence the fine place of worship at St. Augustine was built some three years ago, '�• ' 11110 €111119 ,(II ORD $11111=11250 Watch This Space Next Y ee UNG'S Big Hardware WINGTIAM ONTARIO Lk. 0101101110 IMO IMOD 411111103111010 A Suggestion Of Rare Value. A diseased condition of the surfaces of the air passages causes bad breath, but more commonly emanates from digestion or impure condition of the blood. Thousands of cases proved that Dr. Hamilton's Pills through their specific action on the secretory and eliminative organs, not only cure bad breath, but so thoroughly purify the system that anything suggestive of blood or digestive troubles is im- possible. Through Dr. Hamilton's Pills the skin grows rosy and clear, activity of the body and. mind in- creases, and bounding health is estab- lished, sold everywhere in 25c boxes, Brussels. Horse Fair, December 5th. Mr. Lye has not accepted the Brus- sels agency of the G, T. R. and in- stead, Mr. O'Neil, who is now reliev- ing at Durham, will be the agent. Mrs, Thompson (nurse) is regaining ber accustomed vigor, her many friends will be glad to know. She is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Smith, con. 8, Grey. Fowler Johnston, youngest son of J. Johnston, Turnberry street, met with an unfortunate accident a few weeks ago. A trap door descended on his foot, breaking one of the toes. St, John's Church Anglican Associa- tion will give a Measuring Tea and Musicale in the Town Hall, Brussels, Dec. 10th, commencing at eight o'clock. A good time is guaranteed. Last week the Silver Cup, represent- ing the Ontario Foot Ball champion- ship for 1007, arrived in Brussels and is on exhibition, along with the W. F. silver tankard in the window at Fox's drug store. A short time ago Mrs. N. McCaulay, Thomas street, hung several fur articles of clothing on the clothesline at her hotne for an airing, Sotnebody mode it their business to take a per - shin lamb cap which had not been re- turned up to this date. As she has a fairly good idea where it has gone she bopes the missing article will be re- turned, Overtaken By Nausea. Yon don't know whether it's going to stay down or come up. You feel like thirty cents and look even worse. If one thing is quicker than another, it's "Nerviline." Ten drops in sweet- ened water gives relief instantly. Al- most like magic is the change you ex- perience. The cause of the nausea is removed, every symptom of vomiting and indigestion is cured within ten minutes. When Poison's Nerviline is so trusty and economical, a bottle at home wouldn't be amiss. Large ones 25c at all dealers. 1 r•••••_riesi Don't Worry ABOUT WHAT TO BUY FOR A Xmas. Gift. Ws G. Patterson has done the worrying. He has a fine stock of the latest and best Jewellery that money and skill can buy. Come and see our stock, and you will be surprised that such goods can be purchased in Wingham. W. G. Patterson The Watch Doctor, Wingham. L Teeswater, 4 powprfull sermon on 'The Seeona Cp [qg of O1}ris{;' Wes given in the 11aptist ehurcillast Sunday. The text fpr ,next Sup ay will' be ''Thy will be 011e or: card? as In heaven,' 4 ii it ber pf person's sr, Teeswater cal Culross are unfortunate enough tq be owners of small blocks of the stook in the Stark Light and Power Co., Toronto Junction, which is said to he in financial difficulties, A knowledge of Business Paper is of inestimable value to every young man. An accountant must be familiar with the uses of notes, drafts and checks to hold a responsible position, The young man in business for himself should possess the knowledge necessary to draw up correctly all manner of business forms, such as notes, drafts, vouchers, leases, part- nership agreements, etc, IIr, who intends to remain upon the farm, must know the meaning of "negotiability," "indorsing," "dis- counting," "protesting," etc„ or he will find himself "out of pocket" now and again. We thoroughly teach all these and many more valuable things in con- nection with "Bills of Exchange." Write for our large, illustrated, free catalogue. It explains our Business and Shorthand Courses in detail, and shows the value of the Business Educators' Association Diploina to our graduates. Our graduates - are in constant demand. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' Association. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, London. i Isard's Departmental Store Prices. Bead every line and see what a Saving you can make on New Goods— Just what you are needing at the present time. 100 5 Pieces fine Bleached Cotton, 124c value for 10c 80 New Pattern Wrapperette, fast colors—Our Price , .. , , , , , . , .. Se 50c Boys' heavy Navy Blue Sweat- ers, 05c value for 50c 350 Boys' Fleece Underwear—Our Clearing Price 350 250 5 Doz. white, knit, Corset Cov- ers, sizes 32, 34, 30, regular 35c quality --Only 25c 25c Ladies' Tourist Caps to clear, regular price 50c, for...,,...,25c 70 5 Pieces heavy Flannelette, fast colors—Our Cut Price 7e 500 Men's heavy Fleece Underwear, special at 50c $2.00 Boys' 2 -piece Suits, good value at $2.50—Our Special Price..$2.00 $1.65 Men's heavy Brown Corduroy Pants, $2.00 value—Our Spe- cial Price $1.05 25o 5 Pieces wide Plaid Dress (foods, worth 35c --Our Cut Price....25c 20c 10 Pieces Spun Glass Skirting or Lining, 25c value_fo>',.,.....20e 500 A special line of Plaid Taffeta Silks—Our Cut Price 50c 15c One piece Moire Skirting, regu- lar 20c value 150 $3.75 Ladies' Top Skirts, black Vicu- na cloth, $5.00 value—Our Cut Price $3.75 4110, BOOTS AND SHOES.—.A. shipment just received—FACTORIE We bought them CHEAP to sell cheap. MEN'S, WOMEN'S and B our counters for QUICK SELLING. Come in and save 15 to 25 per CLEAN-UP LINES. ' Shoes NOW on 25c 5 Pieces Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, were 40c, they go at..25c 15c A lot of wide Ribbons 20c value, all colors, while they last.. , .15c $6.50 Men's heavy Tweed Suits just in, see them Only $6.50 $7.95 Men's heavy Tweed Overcoats, well made, $10 value—Our Cut Price $7.95 500 8 Pieces plain colored Venetian Dress Goods, all wool—Cut Price 50c $2.00 Ladies' Jackets, not this sea- son's style, good warm lined Coats, must go at.... .....$2,00 $1.25 Ladies' Wrappers, made of heavy Wrapperette, lined in waist, $1,50 quality for $1.25 $1.00 2 Doz. heavy Black Sateen Un- derskirts, $1.25 value—Our Special Price $1.00 5c 5 Pieces Cotton Shirting, while they last only 5c $3.99 Ladies' Ready-to-wear Coats, to clear out $8.09 $1.00 French Flannel Waist lengths worth $1.50, for $1.00 8c Mill Ends Factory Cotton, 100 and 12ic values to clear out at only 8c $1.19 Men's heavy, strong, Tweed Pants, worth $1.50, to clear out quick $1.19 10c 0 Pieces heavy, reversible Flan- nelette, 121c quality, quick selling price 10c 25c 3 Pieces new pattern Carpet, to clear at 25c All other lines reduced. 20 Per Cent. Lace Curtains must go. 20 per cent. off our close cut prices. Oc Ladies' ready-to-wear Waists, regular $1,00 and $1.25 --Only 50c 50 5 Pieces Plaid Dress Goods, fast colors, while they last 5c 2c 200 packages mixed Needles, to clear 2c 59c 6 Pieces fancy dark Tweed Dress Goods, just in, 75c value flc for, 25c 25 Doz. Ladies' fine -finish Vests and Drawers, good value at 35c—Sale 256' 100 20 Pieces extra wide Flannel- ette, worth more money—Our Price 1.0c 25c 10 Dos, heavy Wool Hose, rib- bed, good value at 35c—Spe- cial Price 25c Grocery Bargain. 22 lbs. Granulated„, ear.::e , lbs. of .No,-.k--Jfipan or Ceylon Tea, for. $2.25 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE. JH. E. Isar & COM j Lucknow. Died—In Kinloss, on Monday, No vember 18th, 1007, Flora McPherson, beloved wife of Angus McKinnon of con. 2; Kinloss, aged 81 years. The building which has for over twenty-five years been occupied by the Lucknow Sentinel, bas been purchas- ed from'. J. Macgregor by Mr. Win. Allen, and the Sentinel printing plant is this week to be moved to the brick store formerly occupied by Mr. R. Moody. The Methodist Church in Lucknow has been undergoing some repairs. A system of gasoline lighting has been installed, which brilliantly lights the church. The church is also being de- corated by Messrs. Walthew .s %Vet - ler of St. Thomas, The work is verg- ing tpwards completion, and Sunday and. nionday, December 1st and 2nd, is fixetl for re -opening services, Something seems to have happened to relieve the ear shortage in Ontario. Teeswater shippers have been getting four and five cars daily this week. This has cleared away the piles of apple barrels and the grain dealers have been able to make long-delayed shipments. Tho Convention that selects a can- didate to contest South Uruee in the Liberals interests at the next Domin- ion elections is likel' to be the scene of a hot contest. 9.ho name of Mr. It. D. Cameron of Lucknow has been frequently mentioned in connection with the nomination, and it is said, that he is disposed to think favorably of permitting his name to go before the convention. Mr. Cameron 'would make &strong candidate. For Quality and Quantity ask your denier for the near big nplug,s of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency' Chewing 'ro- bnroost AN ALTAR FOR THE SOUL. Build thou an altar for the soul, 0 build it strong of faith and prayer. And when life's tempests o'er thee roll, And seesneth far away the goal, Remember, comfort lieth there. Burn there the incense pure of life, A fragrant incense to the skies. Forgetting earthly mare and strife, And all the grief of whloh'Lis rife, Uplifting heavenward thine eyes. Low lay thy burdens there adown, So shall the shadows part in twain, And carking care forget to frown, While angels weave thee fairer crown, For grace that thou dost thus at- tain, T DISEA RELIEVED IN 30 MINUTES AND THAT Is NO IDLE STATEMENT TO CATCH THE UNWARY, HUT A THOUSANDS OF TIMES OVER PROVEN AND VOUCHED rOla FACT—AND MYSTERIOUS POWER OVER. THIS DREADED 1) SEASE LIES N Tint F O1tDSIJLA OF Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart A cure that has stepped to the bedside of a sufferer in the cliltch p# death. A cure that has unloosed the grip and stopped the pain in So minutes and gently led the heart -wracked soul out from the larhne s and despair to the brightness and happiness that comes to one whos heart beats true, whose blood tingles with life and vigor, Pr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart is not heralded as a miracle ivorkert 1pitt it bus many miraculous cures to its credit. Weak beast—wesk blgod—weak nerves travel hand-in-hand, end you nd.. he s 1nipto s n such.sensation as palpitation, fluttering, shortness 04 Ole c alt ancIrregular pulse, smothering spells, Chilly sensations, fainting spells, 'swelling of feet and ankles, weariness, tired feeling all presage heart disorder and you cannot afford to neglect them, 1hPr.' Agnew's Cure for the heart is a tried remedy—Ow sure remedy'-' e'quiclt acting remedy ---°-a real fife saVer. t Al I. t}ilu! ci1STS 4N14 N.Ins�1011 n Lliu}s SOLI. 1'f• AQ� W! 1W MENT relieve ltchinq and Prdtru ing Pilss with anti application. 11, 411 • -18 PAAA-M.444 'OWDaR fluxes Catarrh, Hay rover, Cold in the Head. SOLI) BY A, L. HAMILTON A NATIONAL LIVE STOCK CONVENTION. A meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the National Live Stock As- sociation was held on Thursday, Nov. 7th, at the olllce of the Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa, to consider the calling of the next convention of that body. The meeting was attended by the President, Hon. John D'fyden, To - route), Ont., the Vice -President, Me. Robert Ness, Howick, Que., Messrs. G. A. Giganit, Quebec, Que., Arthur Johnston, Greenwood, Ont., and J. G. Rutherford, Live Stock Commissioner, Owing to illness the secretary, Mr. Westervelt, was unable to be present, The Hon. Sydney Fisher attended the meeting during the early part of the day. Arrangements wero madefor the holding of the next convention at Ot- tawa, on February 5th, Oth, and 7th, next. These dates were selected so as to permit the breeders from Western Canada and also from the Maritime provinces to attend the meetings of the cattle, sheep and swine associa- tions, most of which will be held at the end of January and during the first few days of February, as also the Horse Show and meetings of the horse Breeders' Associations which are arranged for the week fol- lowing. A programme for the convention was informally discussed but not de- finitely~ arranged. A number of sub- jects will probably be dealt with, but it is likely that the principal disons- sion will be on the advisability of amending the stocii;, It is also pro- posed to take tip and discuss the est means qi' retaining for onr Canadian lireetiers the Canadian market for pure bred stock and it is probable that a number of specially prepared papers on this subject will be submitted. The future of onr export trade in pure bred stock will also be discussed, while It is expected that considerable light will be thrown on our export trade in cattle and sheep for slaughter as also onr export trade in meats and meat food products. -..+-4_.,..,..141r. 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000=0000000000000000000n Fall nnouncementl We're now ready for the fall and § winter trade, and below will be found a few of the many bargains we have § in stock. Call in 1 ENCti',iflfi SPAVIN LINi.i.tIiN7' removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains,. sore or swollen throat, coughs, etc, Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder- ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by A, L. Hamilton. fl 0 LINOLEUM AND OILCLOTH. --Several pieces 12 feet wide to select from. A big assortment of Floor Oilcloths, also a big line of Carpets, BLANKETS.—01 all kinds, Flannelette, grey and white, at low prices ; All -wool, white or grey, Kingsville make, the best on the market, at last year's prices, YARN,—Pare Wool Yarn in single, two or three ply, made in Wroxeter especially for our trade. tJNDE1ZWEAt .—A Iarge stook of Ladies' and Ohildren's Underµ wear, alt sizes at bargain prices, positively new goods. FLANNELETTE. ---150 pieces to select from, all colors and do- signs, from 5 cts. to 20 ots. per yard. This stook was bought before the advance in price and we will give our customers the benefit at old prices. See our stook of Wrapperette and ICimona Cloth before buying elsewhere. MEN'S WEAitA}Ll1S,—Men's and Boys' All•wool Underwear. Men's and Boys' now Overcoats just arrived. Mon's and Boys' Over. alis. Men's and Boys' Caps. Fur Codas for Men; we have Canadian Coon, Wombat, Bulgarian Lamb, Calf and Dog. New Clothing for Men and 13oys, also heavy Tweed Suitings, We handle the tele- brtrted Stanfield's Uushrmnkable Underwear, LAMES' COATS. -50 Lndios' ()loth Coats and Jackets, also A full lice of Astrachan Coats. Give as a call before buying else- , where. Wo deem it a pleasure to show our goods, whether yort buy or not. Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods. T. A. Mills 000W000600 I