The Wingham Advance, 1907-05-23, Page 5THE WINGHAM ADVANCE --- THURSDAY, MAY 23, I9Q Fiq Et! Distinctive Spring Suits. In the range of Men's Suits from $8.50 to $18.50, will be found the expression of our idea of what is meant by distinctive Clothes. We believe that every man of taste will be able to discover here, just that which he has been seeking, without find- ing. We offer you originali- ty rather than last season's ideas "warmed over." Slip- shod Clothing is barred from our Store. Men's flat pleased with Hard Hats in all the latest ranging from The man who is interested in S finding just the Hat to suit him in every particular, will be the exhaustive assortment presented here. Black in the newest blocks. Soft Hats in shapes, colors and qualities. Straw Hats 50o to $7.50 each. "NNW IN11•1110111•111111111•1 Fancy Shirt The man who has an hour Shirts to spare will enjoy spending ---� that time in looking through our splendid stock of Soft Shirts. We have just received many new lines of the famous "Star" Brand in handsome patterns. Cuffs separate or attached. Plain or pleated fronts. Coat Shirts or regulation style. Boys' Clothing Inducements. Special values this week in Boys' two piece Suits, all sizes, splendid wearing qualities, good colors; regular prices are $3.00, $3.60 and $4.00—HURRY–UP PRICE ....... . ...... $2.25 McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., LAS. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —office in Macdonald Block— Office closed Wednesday afternoons during June, July and August. W. J. PRICE B,S.A., L.D,S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. ORRICE IN BEAVER BLOOM — WINOnAM Office closed Wednesday afternoons during June, July, .August. H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy- ing all kinds of hides, wool and pick- ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if brought to house, five cents a hundred extra; 50c a 100, cash, for old iron. Protection and Safe Investment are combined in The Endowment Policies —OF— The Dominion Life. A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1906- 6.73 PER CENT. WALTER T. HALL Local Agent — Wingham, Ont. Teeswater. • The Electric Light Co, have finally got the Arc lights in operation and the improvement in the street light- ing is very marked. Miss Nellie Loutit, Culross, who has been under the doctor's care since Easter and who recently suffered a relapse, is now on a fair way to re- covery, Miss E. B. Smith, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Colvin, has gone to Wingham Where she will spend a week before returning to her home at (legetown, Mich. Perkins and Evans lost a $70 steer after it had been loaded on the car on Wednesday. The animal i was bloated when delivered and it died before the car reached Harriston. iston, The mail service along the C. P. It., Toronto to Teeswater, was improves' last week by the addition of night ser- vice. A closed mail now comes through from the city by the night train, There will not be an election to fill the vacancy in the Culross Council caused by the resignation of Mr. S. Purves. The nominating on Monday last resulted in the election to the board of Mr. E. G. Kuntz, ex -reeve. The want of a director is the chief obstacle iu the way of re -organizing the Teeswater Brass Band. At least a dozen competent players can be got together; there are sixteen instru- ments in good condition, and there is an ample fund in the•treasury. W. Davidson has struck a hard pro- position in sinking a drill well at R. Trench's, When down about 50 feet a bed of loose stones was struck and for over a week the drills have been pounding away at these and making practically no progress. Only 12 feet have been made in the past week, a distance that is ordinarily done in a few hours. Davidson, however, is a stayer and will get there just the same. Lucknow. Mr. Potter was elected School Trus- tee to fill the vacancy. The May meeting of Wingham Dis- trict of the Methodist Church suet on Wednesday and Thursday last. The Canada Tailoring Co. have en- gaged temporary premises in the Gra- ham Block, opposite the Sentinel of- fice. Last week, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bennett attended the funeral of Mr. Bennett's sister, Mrs. Oloakey of East Wawa - nosh. Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Lucknow, on May 26th, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prof. Kilpatrick, D. D., Knox College, Toronto, will conduct both services. The assessment roll shows the popu- lation of Lucknow is 1,078; last year it was 1,040. The property valuation this year is $310,201.90 as against $295,632.00 last year, being an increase of $14,629.00. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church assembled at the Methodist Parsonage, Friday evening, May 10th, and presented Mrs. (Rev.) R. W. Millyard with a china set and a complimentary address. Lucknow Lodge No. 112, I. 0. 0. F., held the first meeting in their new lodge rooms on Friday evening of last week. The lodge has been in opera- tion in Lucknow for over 33 years and is still doing good work here. The Presbytery of Maitland met in Lucknow, on Tuesday, 21st inst. The Presbyterial met in the Presbyterian Church at 2 o'clock and 7.30 p. in. on the same day. Miss Jamieson, return- ed missionary from India, addressed both meetings. System Requires Frequent Cleansing. Not only outside but inside as well, your body must be frequently cleaned. Otherwise it becomes loaded with wastes that clog up the wheels of health. Much better to act in time. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills ; they 0 and regulate the bowels, strengthen g , assist digestion, enrich the blood and thereby fortify the nerves and lay the foundation of lasting and good health. Dr. Hamilton's Pills bring vim and vitality so much sought for to -day; they infuse a feeling of freshness and spirit in those who have been ailing for years. Really no medicine so potent. Price 25c at all dealers. r.....elle fille®® IT`,ria r. .. . R,T !I Granite Stove Pots, Reg. 75c and 85c—Now.. 40c and 50c Granite Stew Kettles, Reg. 75c and 85c—Now.. . 40c and 50c Axle Grease, regular 10c box, at 6 for .25 I Triumph Washer, to clear, regular $7, at. 5.50 Daisy Churn No. 2, regular $6.50, at $5.25 Daisy Churn No. 3, regular $7.00, at .... 5.75 Screen Doors, from 50c to 2.25 Large assortment of Screen Windows. Carpet Felt and Carpet Whips for housecleaning. I Large assortment of Sherwin-Williams, Robertson's, and Beaver Ready -mixed Paints. Church's Alabastine—big assortment just arrived. I Young's Big Hardware I anything you want in our line. I*ea MINIMMIN1101111111110 41111111111111110 0111111111110 It will pay you to call and get Prices on i DOCTORS USING PATENT MEDICINES The Honest Physician Is Anxious to Cure and Uses the Best Available Remedies. The proposed legislation through the Dominion Parliament for the reg- ulation of the manufacture and sale of patent or proprietary medicines is of the utmost importance, and it is receiving a great deal of attention, not only by the proprietary medicine manufacturers, but also by the leading doctors and druggists. Every manu- facturer of reliable and high class remedies welcomes the bill as a step in the right direction. The discussion has brought out the fact that the best physicians in Canada and on the con- tinent approve of and prescribe Psy- chine in oases of tire most difficult character. In a recent instance of very serious throat and lung trouble the patient had been using Psychine. Two leading United States specialists were consulted, in addition to two eminent Canadian physicians. Upon learning what the patiopt was using, a sample of Psychine was taken and analyzed, with the result that the physicians advised its continuance. They proscribed no other medicine but Psychine, with the result that the pa- tient has fully recovered and is a splendid walking and talking adver- tisement for the wonderful curative power of a remedy that will "stand up" before the keenest professional criticism and analysis. As a builder up of the system and restorer of all wasted conditions, Psychine has no equal, and the best and most earnest physicians recognize this fact. "At the age of 25 my lungs were in a terrible state. I had la grippe the year before; it settled on my lungs and 1 kept steadily growing worse till I got down so low I was in bed for six week.. I had a consultation of doctors, and they said they could do nothing more for me. Then I started to use Psychine. I took the medicine for more than a year. It certainly did wonders for me. I am now as strong as I was before my sickness." MRS. H. HOPE, Morpoth, Ont. Psychine, pronounced Si -keen, is the greatest of tonics, building up the sys- tem, increasing the appetite, purify- ing the blood, aids digestion, and acts directly upon the throat and lungs, giving tone and vigor to the entire system. At all druggists, 50o, and $1, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 17s King Street West, Toronto. Your Wisest Course If you are caught in the wet, get sore throat, neuralgia or muscular pain, don't wait for worse troubles. Begin prompt treatment with Poison's Nerviline. It drives away all trace of cold, eases rheumatism, neuralgia and pain, saves you from a lay-up in bed. No 25c purchase can bring more com- fort than a bottle of Poison's Nervi - line ; it's the cleanest, strongest lini- ment made. Sold everywhere in large 25c bottles. Brussels. Robert Thompson disposed of his fancy driver to Jno. Swartz of Wing - ham, at a good figure. Brussels Football team will go to Clinton for Victoria Day and play an exhibition game with the sturdy kick- ers of that town at their celebration. Mrs. Oakley, Queen street, brought The Post last week samples of ripe strawberries grown in the house. She picked the first berries on April 29th. Brussels played their second game of Foot Ball in the Intermediate series in Listowel on Wednesday evening of last week. The result of the match was 2 to 1 in favor of Brussels. A few citizens are proposing to bore for oil, or gas, somewhere near the G. T. R. station as oil indications were found long ago in sinking the salt well and also at the deep well at the terrace. Mumps are taking their innings in town. No partiality is being shown as to age or sex. The attendance in some departments of the public school has been very materially reduced owing to the epidemic. N. B. Gerry, formerly of Brussels, has disposed of his hardware business at Blyth to G. E. Denstedt, who will get possession in a few weeks. Mr. Gerry may remove to Fort William if he disposes of his desirable residence and real estate. An Ottawa paper has this to say of the son of Thos. Farrow, postmaster of Brussels:—"R. R. Farrow, who has been appointed assistant commissioner of the customs department in succes- sion to John Bain, who resigned some time ago, has been connected with the civil service since January 15th, 1881, his first office being sessional clerk of the House of Commons, He filled that position during the session of 1881, at the close of which he went to the department of Agriculture, where he was employed for three years at statistical work. In June 1884, he was transferred to the customs depart- ment as junior clerk in the ac- countant's branch. His ability and energy marked him for preferment and on the 1st of July 1894, he was ap- pointed accountant, which position he filled most creditably until his recent appointment to a higher post. Mr. Farrow has been assiduous in the dis- charge of his responsible duties and his promotion comes solely as a re- ward of merit," *Dews litems —The plan for enlarging the Grand Trunk ear works in the east end of London will involve an outlay of $75,- 000 by the company, and a probable increase of 200 in number of em- ployes, --The Collingwood Shipbuilding Co, propose to build a second dry dock 650 feet in length, also, to provide building berths, for steamers of the 600 -foot class, something which does not at present exist in Canada, Goderich, May 16. --About 1 o'clock this morning the broke out in the Star Roller Mills, owned by N. Dietrich & Son. The fire was not discovered for some time and before the firemen could get there the whole building was one mass of flames. Listowel, Ont., May 15.—Alvin Lud- wood, the son of a well-to-do farmer in the township of Wallace, near here,. was instantly killed this morning while driving a team hitched to a roll- er. The horses became unmanage- able, throwing the young man in front of the rollers, which passed over him, killing him instantly. —The Bruce Telephone Company has been formed, which promises rural telephones for $12 a year, in the coun- ty, between farm houses ° and the towns and the villages. Already an agreement has been made with the village of Teeswater and the township of Culross. The agreement made with Teeswater provides that the franchise expires at the end of 20 years, and subscribers are not to be charged snore than $12 a year. The village gets $48 yearly for the use of the streets. The farmers are taking great interest in the matter. —Mr. Archibald Wilson and sons of near Durham, went West to settle, but came home last week from the West, where their experience was such as to deter them from becoming residents and they have determined that South Grey and Ontario is good enough for them. By all accounts the new provinces would do well to act and to act quickly in the effort to pre- vent the operation of land sharks, who are waiting to prey on unsuspect- ing immigrants. When he reached Stettler he found he had been grossly deceived as to the quality of his land purchased there, and his name had never even been entered in the land agency, He sold one of his cars of stuff, and at great expense got anoth- er to come home with. When he left there were about seven feet of snow, with poor prospects owing to mining and other troubles. Why Burn Your Toes ? Stop using Acid Corn Salves, use Putnam's Painless Extractor; it costs a little more, but it's far the best. Use only "Putnam's"-25c at all dealers. RECLAIMING WASTE LAND. That the "desert shall blossom as the rose" seems to be on the way to literal fulfilment in more than one place in this old world. In the Uncomphagre Valley, in Col- orado, there lies 150,000 acres of land, so rich that with a proper supply of water, a five -acre homestead would support an ordinary family, but utter- ly useless for want of that supply. Some few miles away runs a river, but heretofore it has been separated from this area by a wall of rock 2,000 feet high and six miles thick. The river, at the only available point, runs through a canyon, so deep and dan- gerous that even the Indians would not attempt its descent. No man, they said, had ever attempted the feat and come out alive. Nevertheless, two surveyors, M. A. Fellows and W. W. Torrence, volunteered- the inspec- tion. Carrying their necessary sur- veying instruments with them, they were lowered by ropes 2,000 feet down to the dizzy depths. For several days nothing was heard of them, and it was feared that they had perished. Then they emerged, bruised, hungry. Their raft had been wrecked, their provisions lost ; for two days they had nothing to eat --but they had dis- covered that the "Gunnison" tunnel was practicable. The next step, then, was to set about excavating this tunnel—this great aqueduct that was to carry the bloom of Eden to the arid wastes over the wall. Already the work has been cut more than half of the six miles through the rock. When dug, its capacity will be 13,000 cubic feet of water per second. It will be cement - lined throughout, and will be com- pleted in 1908, at a total cost of $2,- 000,000. At Salt River, in Arizona, a dam of solid masonry 270 feet high is being built. When completed, it will create a lake 25 miles long and 200 feet deep, from which 200,000 acres of now arid land will be irrigated. This project will cost $5,650,000. Again, in Wyom- ing, another famous damn, the Sho- shone, is being erected. It will be 310 feet in height, and will convert a nar- row, granite canyon into a lake cover- ing 5,000 acres. The total cost will be $9,250;000, but 310,000 acres of land will be reclaimed. Thus as population increases, the waste land is being re- claimed and made capable of support- ing them, and to the wilderness, water is being conducted that will make the deserts fruitful. STOMACH TROUBLES ARE TWE WORLD'S BIG WORRY GET ON TO THE TRAiL OF NINETY-NINE OF EVERY HUNDRED OF OUR EARTHLY ILLS AND YOU CAN TRACE THEM BACK TO THE STOIIIACH.—YOU CAN BANISH STOMACH TROUBLES FOREVER WITH Dr0 VonSfan'sPineAappieTablets Doesn't it stand to reason that nature her- self has in herself a cure for our ills—and doesn't it stand to reason that nature rebels at many of the nauseous so called remedies, that pass as cures for stomach ailments?— Dr. Von Stan's Pine -apple Tablets are na- ture's cure in very deed, because they're purely vegetable and are extracted from one of the most luscious fruits that grows --and what a boon they have proved themselves to be, is best expressed in the hundreds of un- solicited testimonials that could be printed here—and which will be produced if you're a bit credulous. How is your stomach affected?—Do you have sour stomach—distress after eating— weight on the stomach—wind on the stomach —Loss of appetite--dizziness—nausea---sick headache and other uncomfortable derange- ments?—the first tablet will give you relief and persistance will cure—and there's no case of stomach trouble so stubborn as to baffle Dr. 'iron Stan's Pine -apple Tablets. se cents a box at ail Druggist and medicine dealers. y USE OR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT for SKIN ERUPTIONS 05e USE DR. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS for CONSTIPATION leo For Sale 13 ' A. L. RA.lfI LTort. L Agents for New Idea Patterns .,, New Idea Patterns only too The Leading Store H. E. Isard & co. Quality and Prices Always Right at Isard's We're ready with the Largest and Best stock of Whitewear, Shirtwaists, cc., we've ever shown. Shrewd buyers will do well to see our stock before buying elsewhere. SPECIAL VALUE IN WHITE LAWN WAISTS. The " Gale Make," every size sure to fit, both Long and Short Sleeves, Prices— $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50. WHITE UNDERSKIRTS. Made full wide width, nicely trimmed with Lace and Em- broidery. All prices. See our Special Line at $1.25. CHILDREN'S WHITE LAWN DRESSES. A full range of sizes in pretty Dresses for Children. Prices very moderate—cheaper than you can have them made. See our Dollar Dress. LADIES' WHITE LINEN SKIRTS. Nicely made. See them. LADIES' DRAWERS. A good stock to choose from. Six dozen Extra Special. Good value at 50c ; while they last, 39c. H. E.ISARD i CO. PHONE 68 WINGHAM e ••••♦••••s♦•s• es••••••••• • i s O • • •2 ♦ • 0 • Z$ • ♦ ♦ Y Z• • ♦ ♦ COME TO THE 'e ♦ ♦ d 2 e ♦ Whitechuroh Hardware Store For Up-to-date Goods in all Lines of the Hardware Business Portland Cement .... Drayton Tiles ...Carey Metallic and s Galvanized Roofing .... Frost Fencing ...Peerless Fencing ....Paints, dry and ready mixed (Wortman .Sc Ward's goods)... .Churns ....Washers .... Hay Forks, slings, car - 2 riers and tracks .... A full line of General Hardware. • In making our first announcement to the public, we are not going to pretend that we are selling anything for less • than cost. But we will always sell at as close a margin of profit as is consistent with sound business principles. It will 40, always be our aim to keep nothing but the best the market affords, and thereby merit a continuance of your patronage. GIVE US A CALL. O J. T. HolmesHardware Store ♦ @00•••NO♦0*4 ••000.0••0•®0 .0••••••0••••••••••••••••0 .l sLt***ts ***** tAtail!-+. its Sp' AN 0 PIANOS1 4 44 SOMETHING NEW IN WINGHAM sa Have requested me to place their Pianos in my store, and have appointed me the 4@y Sole Agent for Wingham and vicinity. {4} . f A SPECIAL INVITATION The New Scale Williams Piano Co., Oshawa Is extended to one and all (whether prepared to buy or not) to call and see them. Don't be afraid to bring your 4. friends along. It costs you nothing to conic in and test 4t their tone and see the designs. You may use the Pianos freely to play on—the more they are played on the better. So don't be afraid to come in —we'll consider it a favor to have you come. They are some of the finest toned Pianos in Canada to -day. Don't buy until you've seen them. If you want the best, we feel satisfied we can show you something worth coming to see. Our invitation is to all lovers of music to come and see for yourselves. t S. GRAC + Y WINGHAM 11 ****“ 4r .114 4..4t4;44“4t#.4444 9444“44.4444#4.43.4 .44 FURNITURE DEALER