The Wingham Advance, 1907-05-02, Page 5THE WINGHAM ADVANCE --- TIIURSDAY, MAY 2, I9O'
May Days Are Here.
The gladdest season of the year. Nature is
no spendthrift, but she dons a new garb every
season. What about YOUR New Suit ?
20 Century Brand
Is the kind you would appreciate. We can give
any man a perfect fit, either from stock or by
special measure. And besides Fit, we give correct
Style, the best of Tailoring, and " Fads " if you
want them.
2 Clothing Leaders.
Men's Tweed Suits in splendid .range of patterns, well
made and trimmed, all sizes—Very Special, at $8.00
Men's Stylish Fancy Worsted and Tweed Suits, the
latest cut, newest shades and patterns, single and
double breasted, all sizes—Special, at $10.00
Specials in Men's Shirts and
Boys' Knickers.
3 Doz. Men's Working Shirts, Black and White, and
Navy and White, made of Rock -fast drill, good
wearing quality, sizes 14 to 17, regular 50 cents
—Special Price 371e
1 Dozen only Boys' Corduroy Knickers, lined, sizes
22 to 29—while they last 37ic
We sell "Star" Shirts, Austrian Collars, Men's Fine
Wool and Balbriggan Underwear. The newest styles in
Hard and Soft Hats. A. fine range of Spring Caps.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
Short. stiff, hard. steel wire etaysmake a "hinge -like'
Joint at every lateral wire on the Billion fence.
These "Hinge -stays" give our fence a greater degree of
elasticity—enable it to withstand greater strain. They act
like and really are, hinges—make our fence awing or spring
back into shape after receiving a heavy blow, or the unusual
pressure caused by a furious bull or other animal endeavoring to
push his way through to freedom. Catalogue tells more about
this twice as strong" femme.
The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co.. Limited,
Owen Sound, Ont.
-•-John S. McDonald, ex -M, P. P. of
niton township, has decided to leave
the farm. He has bought a residence
in Ripley, where he will spend the re-
mainder of his days.
--Elullett township has 53,403 acres
of land, of which 43,002 acres are
cleared ; value of land, $1,489,010;
value of buildings, $190,900 ; total as-
sessment $1,995,850 ; population, 2,-
—Navigation is practically opened
in the Owen Sound harbor. On Mon-
day, April 13th, the steamers Tele -
grain and Mathews were the first to
move out and they were closely fol-
lowed by others.
—The town council of Chesley has,
decided to submit a by-law for the
purchase of the electric lighting plant,
the value to be determined by arbitra-
tion. It is also submitting a by-law
to authorize the expenditure of $40,-
000 on the waterworks,
—Thirteen additional boats are to
be added to the service on the Upper
Lakes this season, making an estimat-
ed increase of 1,200,000 bushels in the
carrying capacity. In 1900 the carry-
ing capacity was 4,500,000 bushels.
—The Ontario Government will
spend $5,000 to obtain a thorough
estimate of the pine timber in the
Temagami forest reserve. This is
thought necessary so that there will
be no danger of allowing mining de-
velopment to proceed where quanti-
ties of good pine timber might be de-
stroyed by fire starting by miners.
—The population of Elderslie town-
ship has gone down 47 in the past
year. It is now 1971 as against 2018
last year. Wm. Clements of Dobbin -
ton, works 450 acres of land, and Wm.
Dudgeon, con. 12, 400 acres. There
are two residents over 100 years of
age, John McCurdy, of Vesta, and
Mrs. Patcliell, Dobbinton.
— Mr. Thos. Harris, of Usborne, was
painfully burned about the forehead
and the left eye, last week, when
spraying his cattle. Having never
used the sprayer before he accidental-
ly turned the liquid, which contained
a crude carbolic acid, on himself with
the result that his left eye was badly
burned. Serious injury is not anti-
— Spring is very backward and the
night frosts have seriously damaged
the clover and wheat, writes R. B.
McLean, Kippen, in South Huron.
Much of the clover will be plowed up
which will be a serious loss to many.
The wheat, where sown on sod, once
plowed and brought on top, looks fair-
ly well, but considerable of that sown
on other land will be plowed up.
—There is considerable talk about
the prospects of oil in Bruce county,
and it may he that drilling will com-
mence. In any case, the promoters of
the project are very confident and
have already taken prospector's eases
on some 1,200 acres of land around
Lochalsh. The owners of the land are
to get ten per cent. of the flow of oil
in return for the leases. Some of the
leading people of the section, farmers
and others, are concerned in the pro-
ject, the plan being, to form a joint
stock company and carry on drilling
llewe 'Item
Shake Hands With Asthma.
Awfully distressing is asthma. But
worse if possible when combined with
bronchitis. Relieved quicker by Ca-
tarrhozone than anything else—cured
so thoroughly by "Catarrhozone" that
it doesn't return. Catarrhozone's
healing vapor is breathed • right into
the lungs, destroying the cause of As-
thma and succeeds in the most
chronic cases. Try it. Two sizes, 25c
and $1 at dealers.
r... 69 =MEM 611111B 4111611111011110
Axle Grease, regular l0c box, at .... 6 for .25
Vulmar Washer, to clear, regular $7, at 5.50
Triumph Washer, to clear, regular $7, at. 5.50
Daisy Churn No. 2, regular $6.50, at $5.25
Daisy Churn No. 3, regular $7.00, at .... 5.75
Large assortment of Screen Doors and Windows.
Woodyatt Lawn Mowers—all sizes.
Large assortment of Sherwin-Williams, Robertson's, and
Beaver Ready -mixed Paints. ,
Church's Alabastine, White Lead and Linseed Oils.
Felt and Carpet Whips for housecleaning.
If you intend building, it will pay you to
call and get prices at
0ON 00011111111110 61.00101110100110100 a •�
The Osculatory Process Denounced
by Scientists as Extremely
Dangerous—How the Dan-
ger Can be Removed.
A keen discussion is being carried
on by some of the best soientiats as tc
the danger and "crime" of kissing, led
by Dr, Somers, Health Officer of At•
lantio City, and Dr. Nalpasse; of the
Medical Faculty of Paris. They charge
the kiss with spreading grippe, scarlet
Fever, measles, mumps, whooping
cough, typhoid fever, diphtheria, ery-
sipelas, meningitis, tuberculosis, and
many infectious skin diseases. They
suggest legislation on the subject, and
the posting of notices in railway sta•
;ions, street cars and other public
places, but they say it would be use.
less to post them on verandahs, in
cosy corners, porches, shady nooks,
or moonlit lawns. They also propose
compulsory legislation for methods of
disinfection of the mouth and purify.
ing the breath, especially with a view
to the protection of the innocent babies
who are particularly subject to infect.
tion. The greatest and most effective
purifier and germ destroyer known tc
medical science for the mouth, throat
and breath, as well as for the blood,
stomach and lungs, is Psychine, that
triumph of the medical world that is
attracting almost universal attention
because of the wonderful results at-
tending its use. One of its recent tri•
umphs is told as a matter of osperi•
once in the following brief statement :
Dr• Slocum Co.
I am sending you photo and testimonial here
with for your great remedy PSYCHINif. You]
remedies did wonders for me, I was about 28 0]
80 years of age when I took PSYCHINE. Ths
doctors had given me up as an incurable consump
Live. My lungs and every organ of the body wan
terribly diseased and wasted. Friends and neigh•
bore Chemist tI'd never get better, But PSYCHINI
saved me. My lungs have never bothered ml
since, and Psychine is a permanent cure.
619 Bathurst St., London, Out
Psychine, pronounced Si -keen, is ad•
milted to be the most wonderful of al
disease and germ -destroying agencies
For building up the run-down systeir
and curing all forms of stomacl
troubles and diseases of the chest
throat and lungs or head, it is simply
unapproachable. It is a reliable horns
treatment. For sale at all druggists,
50c and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum,
Limited, 179 King Street West, To-
Mrs. W. H. Kerr has been under the
doctor's care this week owing to an
attack of pneumonia.
A Brussels lady came nearly having
a lively fire in her bedroom caused by
a piece of burning match falling upon
a comb. The latter burned like a
Wednesday of last week Mrs. Carrie
Phillips, daughter of Mrs. Jno. Nott,
of Clay Centre, Kansas, formerly of
Brussels, was united in marriage to
Frederick Lovejoy.
A Census of Brussels, Grey and
Morris townships is being made with
regard to a new survey. Many pro-
minent citizens are interested and the
matter is being presented by Mr. Mc-
Connell, of Hamilton.
Dr. McNaughton, Fordwich, has
rented H. Johnston's residence for a
year and Mr. Johnston will move to
the Henneberg property. The Dr. is
improving nicely in Clinton hospital,
his friends will be glad to learn.
At the Howick Township Spring
Show, held at Gerrie on Tuesday
afternoon, P. Scott, Brussels, took
1st prize in the roadster stallion class
with the well known Kaplan, 104,
making the fourth red ticket this sea-
Mrs. M. A. Coulter, some years ago
teacher in the Public School here, un-
derwent an operation in the hospital
in Buffalo on Friday, 12th inst., for
the removal of a cancerous growth,
and her many friends hope for her
speedy recovery.
At the Salt Works, Foreman
Mooney and staff are hustling things
along. The brine being pumped test-
ed a full 100% coming from over 1,000
feet in the ground and the quality of
the salt is, as it always is, A 1. Brus-
sels should be proud of the excellency
and quantity of its saline product.
Rosy Cheeks For Fale Girls.
Don't be debarred from strength
and spirit, don't give into illness and
despair. Ferrozone supplies tone and
vigor through which all functions of
womanly life are maintained and
fortified. From New Richmond, Que.,
comes the following statement from
Isidore Boissoneault :—"I take deep
pleasure in testifying to the powerful
influence of Ferrozone. For years my
daughter has been pale and sickly—
showed signs of advanced anaemia.
Her lips got so white and her cheeks
so devoid of color I feared consump-
tion. I can certify Ferrozone made
an excellent cure, and to -day my
daughter's health is the best." 50c
per box at all dealers.
.4- .
—The township of Colborne reports
through its assessor, 37,0758 acres ;
cleared, 30,959 acres ; value of lands,
$1,020,250 ; business assessment, $9,-
675; population, 1,514.
Lehigh Valley
Come with the crowd
and leave your order for
Lehigh Valley Coal, that is
free from dirt and clinkers.
It has no equal.
J. D. Burns
F. G. Weston, C. 0. F. Organizer, is
in the town working in the interest of
Court Sherwood, No. 50.
Mr. John Joynt intends placing part
of the Reid Hotel on the vacant lot
purchased from Mrs. Proctor. We
understand part of the building will
be used as an implement shop by Mr.
T. Webster.
The members of the Bible Class of
Lucknow Presbyterian Sunday School
enjoyed a very pleasant social even-
ing on Tuesday of this week, when
they were the guests of Rev. and Mrs.
McKerroll at the Manse.
Lucknow Lode, No. 258, Indepen-
dent Order of Oddfellows, will cele-
brate the 88th anniversary of Oddfel-
lowship in America, by attending
divine worship at Lueknow Methodist
Church on Sunday, April 28th,
11 a.m.
The Lucknow Public School has re-
ceived from the Geological Survey of
Canada, through the influence of P.
H. McKenzie, M.P., a cabinet of 145
minerals, together with a catalogue
containing the names and places
where said minerals were found.
The Lucknow Agricultural Society
has revised and completed its prize
list. There will be no horse races or
such, but an attractive program of
juvenile athletic sports and events
will take place instead. A committee
was appointed to take steps towards
erecting a much needed exhibition
When You Eat Too Fast
you have indigestion, perhaps cramps,
or in any case the system is overload
ed with matter that should be elimin-
ated. Breath gets bad, eyes look dull,
headaches are trequent.
Why not cleanse and purify the
whole system, why not strengthen the
stomach, enrich the blood and assist
your overtaxed digestive organs P
Easily done with Dr. Hamilton's Pills;
their action is most gratifying. • In
every case they give the exact assist-
! ance the ailing organs require. You
will feel fit and fine, eat with a relish,
sleep like a top, have a clear color, and
restful sleep if you regulate your sys-
tem with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price
25c per box, at all dealers.
Very satisfactory prices were realiz-
ed at Gillies estate sale of shorthorn
!cattle last Saturday. Prices ranged
from $50 to $100 per head.
' Jos. Moir, ex -reeve of Culross, has
been confined to the house for a
couple of months with bronchitis and
pleurisy, but is now improving.
The funeral at the R. C. cemetery
on Sunday was that of Michael Roach,
I who for many years was a resident on
' the 6th line of Culross. He died in
Buffalo, N. Y., at the home of his
Mfr. Jos. Brick, who built the Ven-
dome House here, is moving to Walk-
erton, having bought out Mr. H. Y.
Hoauck of the Walker House. The
price is $7,000, and the new proprietor
will take possession on May 1st.
Mr. Davidson is at work with his
steam well drilling outfit sinking a
well at the Vendome House. rhe
well located close to the sidewalk and
to the south of the house will fill the
want long felt by the public of a
place to get a drink of good water
without leaving the street.
The wedding at the R. C. Church
here on Wednesday morning was in
connection with the marriage of Ed.
King and Miss Kate Kelly, both of
Culross. The groom's home is on the
2nd line west, and the bride is a
daughter of Mr. Wm. Kelly of the
same line east. Father Corcoran per-
formed the ceremony.
for NOW
The Leading Store
H. E. Isard & Co.
only 100
Carpets, Linoleums,
Floor Oilcloth.
Carpet and House Furnishing Department on second floor
is ready for the House Furnisher's busy time.
GREAT ASSORTMENT.—Floor Oilcloths in new pat-
terns and colorings, all widths, 25c square yard.
BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY.—Forty-seven rolls of
Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, fine variety of patterns,
prices are from 25c to $1.00 per yd.
Twenty-nine rolls of Wool and Union Carpets, bought
right at the mill ; our prices are the lowest.
ART SQUARES.—We have a complete range of Rugs
and Art Squares in the different sizes, prices begin at
ROLLER BLINDS.—Isard's Extra Special Blind, com-
plete, in green or cream, only 35c ; new patterns in Lace -
finished Blinds, mounted on rollers, two colors, size 3 x 6,
price only 50c.
LACE CURTAINS.—If when house cleaning you find
you need new Lace Curtains to brighten up the home,
visit our Curtain Department. Here you will find a
wealth of choice. Remember we import our Lace Cur-
tains, thereby doing away with the middleman's profit,
so you can depend on saving money buying curtains
here. Prices begin at 25c. See our leader, 3 yards
long, $1.00.
H. E ISARD i Co.
The New Scale 'I amens Piano Co.,. Oshawa
Have requested me to place their Pianos
in my store, and have appointed me the
Sole Agent for Wingham and vicinity.
' Is extended to one and all (whether prepared to buy or
not) to call and see them. Don't be afraid to bring your
friends along. It costs you nothing to come in and test
• their tone and see the designs. You may use the Pianos
freely to play on—the more they are played on the better,
So don't be afraid to come in—we'll consider it a favor to
have you come. They are some of the finest toned Pianos
in Canada to -day. Don't buy until you've seen them.
If you want the best, we feel satisfied we can show you
something worth coming to see. Our invitation is to all
lovers of music to come and see for yourselves.
S. C RAC n•.Y
"I feel so thankful at the restored health of my daughter that if any use can be made
of this I shall be pleased." This is what Mr. George Weals, of Elora, Ont., says in
giving his testimony to the wonderful curative qualities of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the
Heart. Mr. Weal:;' slaughter was a great sufferer from heart disease and nervousness.
She was unable to lie on her left side. She ran down in health and her recovery was
a source of anxiety. Induced by friends, who had proved its worth, she obtained Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Heart and before one bottle bad been taken was able to lie in
any position she desired, and when two bottles bad been taken, an absolute cure was
pronounced. Yes, this great remedy is a cure for all ailments of the heart, stomach
and nerves, and the instantaneous relief given by it has Snatched thousands from death's
jaws. Don't trifle a minute if you have the slightest evidence of heart disorders, such
as palpitation, fluttering or uneasiness. This remedy will relieve such troubles
immediately and will cure the stomach and nerves.
"When I know a timing is worthy of a recommendation I cor_sideli it my ditty to tell of
it." The Rev. James Murdock, of Harrisburg, I's., says this after having been cured
of a very malignant form of Catarrh by Dr. Agnew's Catarthal Powders. What he can
say of its healing powers thousands of others have said and can say of it. Don't neglect
". "
only � little cold in the head. It maylead to chronic catarrh. Agnew's
i Dr. A tv
Y g
Catarrhal Powder relieves in so minutes and is easily applied. ieeep it near you if you
are a "cold in the head" subject.
DR. AGNE'W'S 0INTMZN't ,cures all skin troubles.
'S PIL8 -'40 doses 10 cents.
"ter Sale By A. L. IlAmnaolt.
And 4th and last week in
Wingham of
Prof. O'Brien
Canada's Greatest Phrenologist
Everybody is delighted at his graphic, instructive, interesting, scien-
tific and truthful delineations—which they claim to be a revelation from the
nonsensical clap trap practised here in the past by uneducated mountebanks.
Speculators and those contemplating a change in business should not miss
consulting hire. ('all and see the autographs of prominent people who have
become r'►ch and others holding prominent positions through his practical and
sound advice. Prof. O'Brien's work is all done on a scientific basis, hence the
truib. Parents should bring their children and find out what they are best
adapted for to be a success in life, Fowler's New York latest phrenological
chart used.
Yoar PAST, PRESENT and indications of FUTURE
EVENTS as marked on your hand by nature, correctly
delineated. o cU`�pli
Marriage adaptations explained,
Charaeter read from photos. Isssj
Terms within reach of all.
OFFICE HOURS, 10 a, in. to 10 p.
As this is your only chance to consult such an eminent man in his pro-
fession in your own town, you should not miss the opportunity given you.
Everybody knows Prof. O'Brien and his ability. An examination from him
now will be worth thousands of dollars to any one in after years.
As Prof. O'Brien is a very bust* man, intending patrons should try mid call early and
duringthe day if possible, as so many can only consult him during Mt ening, or make appoint.
meat It poatible.