The Wingham Advance, 1907-04-18, Page 6AVM Wv'rb
t 4tS t
0:0 fwd
Celluloid starch needs
cold water and tis
ready. 'Twon'tstick,
yet gives a better
� gloss, with less iron-
000,0?0,, rubbing, than any'� Tl.y it this week. 201
Stare you know.
Its price is little.
Your dealer sells it.
Free from, Artificial Coloring, oust, Dirt, and AU Foreign Substances
Lead Packets Only. 40e, 50e, and 00e Per Pound
The evening of the came day upon
which these events took place, the mys-
terious individual whom we have heard
having notlliug more to hope front
Laura's influence over .Rose in• favor of
Mr. Lester „treated the goverpeas, not
with disrcapect- fol' no one duz'st do
that• -but with eoolneso.
Sir V ineeet'a manner, on the contrary,
had grown so attentive as to be troubl
some and erubarrussing. I,v<tn lh p 1
Ravenscroft had disappeared from vie
Miss Elmer had neither seen nor hes
From her since trio day upon which they
had last driven out together, when Tics.
llaveneroft had thrown the letter from
the carriage window to the stranger wh
had followed them,
Ferdinand Cassinove kept on the 'even
tenor" of his laborious life -teaching
all day and roadiug law all the evening,
/lie patron had grown cold til hint; his
oeeasional meetings with Laura Elmer
were abridged. By a new regulation of
Sir Vincent the tutor and. his solitary
pupil took their meals alone together
in their study, Well did Mr. Cassinove
understand the reasons both of Sir Vin-
cent's coolness to himself and of his new
• regulation in regard to the sehoolroom
meals, and his heart burned with honest
indignation, The chief solace of his life,
was now the daily "good morning" and
"good night," when his hand met Laura's
hand in a thrilling clasp -when his eyes
met Laura's eyes in a passionate glance,
And Laura Elmer understood his mo-
tives perfectly. No word of love had been
uttered between them; their nudtuel es
teem and affection had spoken only
point. Though our enterprise has signal- through their eloquent eyes Yet Laura
ly failed, yet I presume the -hem Elmer knew that Ferdinand Cassinove
nobleman, your patron, has liberally, or retained his position, and endured a
One of Net:way's Peculiar Sights During
Harvest Season.
One of the most peculiar harvest
scenes in the world is to are witnessed
;a ( some parts of Norway. Those are dia-
dv triets in Which the rainfall is excessive,
rd a common boast of the country folk
there being: "We are sure to have one
dry day in a year."
Viten the,bay is cut, to leave it upon
0 the ground to dry would, instead, mean
that it ,woull rot and be rendered value-
less, says Cttssell's Saturday Journal.
Therefore, long fences are built iu
rows reaching right across wide fields,
and to these the grass is 'brought in
Carts. In the daytime the hay is tossed
about on the ground, :but toward even-
ing it is all carefully hong upon the
fences to dry.. In very damp weather
It remains all clay on the fences. The
peasants say, "Our women and men do
the same work, only while the women
hang out clothes, the meii hang out hay
to dry."
called by the name of Roberts, walked will liberally reward your zeal." thousand humiliations, only for her sake,
restlessly up and down the floor of his "Bush, for heaven's sake. No. Had She was writing for several magazines
gloomy apartment in the old, ruined pal- we succeeded in securing the beauty, and -of high character and drawing a small,
ace of EIy. His restlessness was without had she been persuaded to listen to his but sufficient income from her- literary
suit, I will not venture to say what we works. She determined, at the close of
might not have expected from the grat- her present engagement, to abandon for.
itude and munificence of my noble pat- ever the life of a governess,for hich
ron, for with -help! --nobles, success is she felt that nature had never intendd
the teat of merit. But we failed, and her, and to find some quiet, respectable
failure is, with the same judges, the lodgings, where elm might live indepen-
proof of demerit. And were we to ac- dently by the productions of her pen.
knowledge our deed, and claim reward. In thinking of searching for lodgings
the least ill -humor; nay, he smiled to,
himself, as he murmured:
Gentlemen who can walk -
abro d at
large at all hours of the day can, of
course, have little appreciation of the
tediousness of waiting twelve or four-
teen hour's in a place like this, or they
would exhibit more charity."
Ills good humor was at last rewarded for our zeal, we should be transported in the w.Iderness of London, her
by the sound of stags approaching the for our crime." thoughts naturally recurred to Mrs. Rus -
it beteladmitted theo visitor, and secured ' r4Hum h! it is a nice business this se. sel, the struggling young mother, in
it behind tion before speaking. P
"Well, deaz,Mac, here you are at last, eget service of- nobles," said Roberts, whose excellent character and unmerited
old fellow. I have been hoping and ex- with a good-natured smile. inteefortunes Cassenleve had ii terestred.
pectins to see you ever since the night
of our adventure. I could not find any
safe wary of communicating with you
until this afternoon, when I contrived
to send you a note. But you knew
"It was a failure. Roberts -a failure, her sympathies. She remembered that
and, as such, must be borne with philoso• Ruth Russel was engaged in the difficult
phieal coolness." llasl ofit 'ing to smsuall tleTthateivcuit-
And is the ease quite hopeless with by keeping shop
the young lady?" not succeed, and neat lodgings that
where to find me, and it was cruel in `So hopeless that she will be married
ylou not to Come," said Roberts, in his on the fourteenth of next month to his
usual gay, sweet tone, grace the Duke of Beresleigh" Mrs. Musset front Mr. l;aesrnove, wittt
"It was wise and prudent of me. Was No!" exclaimed Roberts, betrayed into the view of inspecting her lodgings and
I, perchance, to show the police the way more enrgy of expression than was usual Possibly becoming her tenant.
to your lair. Roberts, you are the most with him. t In the meantime, bliss EImer addressed
imprudent man I ever knew for a cow- 'Yes, certainly, it is publicly announc- a note to Lady Lester, advising her lady-
ard." ed bu vv�hat is there eo strange aho'It ship of her intention to leave at the
"Epicure, epicure, dear Mac; not cow- that as to make you start up arid ex- end of her term. And Laura's resignation
ard, but epicure; it is not danger or claim in that way?"was at once accepted, with a few conven-
death that I dislike, but pain, dear Mac, "Rose Elmer -Lady Etheridge -Duch- h tional expressions of regret that the
pain;, therefore, call me epicure, or vol- ess of Beresleigh,"outag ladies should lose the advantage
uptuary, if you like, but not coward," musing deeply, omurmured Roberts,Robertsof the instructions of so accomplished a
said Roberts, mildly. "Welt well, ef course! All natural en- .teacher. And the news got abroad in
"Very well, then; for an epicure you ough; the pair were understood to be en- the household that Miss Elver was go -
run more tasks of hurting yourself than gaged long before their betrothal was an- .ing away,
any one I ever knew."I It was about this time, in the interval
"Nay, I am very cautious; I have pounced; but why it should affect you between the morning and the afternoon
so strangely 1 cannot imagine, exclaim- .
not shown myself abroad by daylight ed Mar, fn imgatieut surprise. session, that Miss Elmer was sitting
since our adventure. But now tell me. ...why, my dear .Miac ? Because such , alone in the vacant schoolroom, when
what does the world outside say of ft" a marriage will disappauit your -noble .there came ��a rap at the door,
"Thenorth and ive south. 01nt as th s, however, a1 -pardon," replied Roberts, smoothily, {to sea "Come in,"
do said Miss Earner, expecting
would not let, and she resolved, at the
filet opportunity to get the address of
, a message a from
having quite recovered his serenity. l Sir Vincent or Lady Lester. g
"Pooh; that is not the reason. What
Cassinove entered the schoolroom. I
do you take me for to impose such a His face was pale and his voice vibrat-
story as that upon me ?"
"Really, my dear Mae, this is one rea- ed witl. incense suppressed emotion; tis I WANT
can assure you, suspicion is far off the
right. track. Neither you nor I am sus,
peeted ao far as I have been able to dis•
cover. The particulars given by the
young lacy to the magistrates are of the
I was cared of Acute Bronchitis by
Bay of Islands, J. M. CAMPBELL.
I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by
Springhill, N, S. Wit DANIELS.
I was cured of Chronic Rheumatasniby
Albert 00., N. B. GEO. TINGLEY,
Kissed the Book.
A curious incident at Raleigh, N. C.,
the other day illustrates the absurdity
of nonsense. In the Supreme Court in
that city there are kept two Bibles -one
on which to swear white witnesses and
the other to swear negroos. A scholarly
gentleman, a professor 'of law in Shaw
University, was on the witness stand,
and the Sheriff gave him the Jim Crow
Bible to kiss, whereupon the judge sharp-
ly reprimanded the officer for giving it
to a white man; so the other Bible was
given him and he kissed it. Now, is that
Bible profaned, for it turns out that
the professor is really a negro, though to
ali visible appearauces as white as any
other man? -Independent.
Steel Trust Saving on Fuel.
(Philadelphia Press.)
Someone has produced an engine which
may do a great deal toward cheapening the
price o4 steel. The United States .Steel ,Cor-
poration is Inetalliug twelve monster en-
' eines at various plants, the unique. feature
about them being that they do not require
oil, coke, coal, wood or ordinary gas for
. fuel, They are to bo operated solely with
trio gas which Is eeneetted in Abe company's
blast furaiatces during the process of steel
manufacture. This gas has ,heretofore gone
to waste, but hereafter It will be. made to
• turn ell the wheels, For a steel ,plant to
be able to save the cost of its fuel Ls taking
a very big shade toward economy. To be
able to abolish smoke at 'aha same time will
add to its popularity in communities where •
the smoke -belching stacks have smothered
the air with. blackness.
general and unsatfsfaetory character, eon, though not the only one. The j ,.Iliope you will pardon this intrusion
Her carriage attacked in the night on other is that I once knew this Rose andgive me a few moments' interview,
Hounslow Heath thieves, not one of Elmer as the daughter of a v'il,.age lath- , „
by Miss Elmer.
whom could she identify; herself res. dress. .And you will acknowledge that "Certainly, hire, Cassinove; pray take
cued by two gentlemen, who called them- I have a right to be rather startled i.•1 ' a seat," she said, handing a chair and
ales Colonl McCarthy and Captain Rob. heti!: that she is about to become a duce-1resuming her own place at her desk.
1 With a boW, he declined to sit down:
"Rums I doubt muck whether that but standing before her, and resting one
is the whole reaeee, ether; buy I vele, and upon tie back of the e'-iiir. he said:
not press upon se very fer'cearin an at-; P g � -ice -You are about to leave us, I hear,
tagonist. I wi: ta`,: =_r draw esur con- jMiss Eimer?"
versation to a c; see Yon sent f'sr nos',= '-In. a few weeks -yes."
merely to know wh t? r rey nebrat:at "Forgive the question -for another sit-
ron would repay ;ever. "..._..;._e_n.,i: ef- nation?''
forts to serve him." '10; when one has discovered that she
"I did dear Mac." - is y00
"And I toldyou 'nee for if the i.°- S .; not fitted for a particularne work,hhas
, s.i+uld aliaadoa it; and when she has
fated enterprise should come to Lis i found that for which she is best adapt -
knowledge, our patron, instead of re- iee, rha should pursue it. I have clearly
warding our zeal, would punt oar lases rained that I am not fitted either
crimes and illustrate his own high een5e by ability or inclination for the life of
of justice." •a governess, since I can make myself
"Exactly, dear Mae; but 'what is the neither very' useful nor very happy in
use of repeating painful truths ?" said its duties; while I have some gift for
Roberts, sweetly, „Its
bywhich I can
sat -
"In order to come to a. pleasant one , - a' give more l s,
, . a�iaction, if not do more good, At. leas L,
and to tell you that, althugh nothing . it is my principal talent, and 1 pur
is to be expected or hoped for from our pose to give up teaching, take some quiet
patron, yet I will not permit you to pleasant Iodgings and maintain myself
suffer loss from an enterprise into by my goose quill, which already brio
erts, but whose faces she never distinct.
Iy saw, and taken tbrough the darkness
to a country house in the woods, some-
where off the road between Windsor and
London, and finally carried off again
thence by a man who wore a mask and
spoke in whispers. Very interesting but
very embarrassing all that. There may
be two hundred unidentified footpads in
England. There are, perhaps, two thou-
sand gents who might answer to the des-
cription of Colonel MeCarthy and Cap-
tain Roberts, of the llth infantry, al-
though there happen to be no such of-
ficers in that gallant regiment. And last-
ly, as the preachers say, there are at
least two score of old country houses in
the woods off the road between Lon-
don and Windsor, though there may be
no such place as Ilowlet's Close found
among the number. But there is on
thing I cannot understand, Roberts."
"What is that?"
"Who the deuce could it have 'been
that carried the young lady from the
house in the woods, and so ruined my
"What?" inquired Roberts, abstract-
"I say, I cannot imagine who that man
in the mask, who concealed himself in
the young lady's room, and seized and
earned her off by force, could have i to turn kings evade:Ice upon apinch,"
been, or what his motive could have added Mac, mentally.
been. I have been thinking of it ever! "I thank' you, dear Mae. You are
since, and can make nothing of the mat- I very kind and thoughtful. I accept your
ter -can you?" bounty as a loan, to be repaid with in.
"No, indeed, dear Mac; I never was , terest same of these days."
intended by nature as a detective." i "01 course, as a loan," replied Mac,
"In fact, I am more puzzled than the i very dryly, adding -"and now I must
police; for the police are not puzzled at ' really wish you good -evening, or rather
all. They who have not been able to I bid. you good•by. I hope to hear from
identify either the first assailants, the • you from Quebec or Constantinople."
rescuers or the country house to which said Mac, shaking hands with Roberts,
the young lady was taken, have quite ural leaving the room.
hit upon the individual who carried her Left alone, Roberts took two or three
off thence," said Mac ,looking wietfulry ; turns up and doe the room. mutter -
at his companion, whose only comment
was a smooth, serene-- I '•Rose Elmer---B'aronees Etheridge-
'•Indeed."T) r nc, et li s Beresleigh. high fortunes for the
"Yes; they have quite perste out the roteage girl! I eeul•l'l,rii that pretty
identity of the individual who earriod ebert if f e o.e to .ha so, rr d:trei to
Lady Etheridge off filen tee .',t e .r, ehow re- .e.f' Were I,,, rens span end
which I was the means of drawing you.
o mo an income sufficient for my few
I came here with the express purpose wants."
of telling you all this, putting this fifty- "You will be more independent, more
twoen yourself and England as you col.- retired and Happier. I sincerely con- 1
pound note into your hand, and advising gratulate you on the change, Mita I11.
you to place as many Hiles of sea he- mer. The most humble life of liberty
; veniently can, for your own good, and and seclusion is preferable to any life
my safety, for you are just the fellow of dependance algid uncongenial associ-
ates. And since you speak of going into
lodgings, will you permit me to recom-
mend to you my late landlady, Hors. Rus -
"Thank you; I was thinking of her."
"She is a gentle and refined woman,
unfit to struggle through the world
and hence she does not succeed very
well, She has now a pretty little house
at Chelsea, the ground floor of which is
occupied with her own little shop and
family rooms. The upper floor compr]see
a suite of three or four neat rooms,
that she would he glad to lot. I think -
you would like both the landlady and
her lodgings."
"I am quite sure that I sbouid, Please
give me her exact a'Idrees," said Laura,
taking up a pencil.
'J'assziteve complied, and while Laura
was taking down the woods! New, wile ,'e " ,pee one v:r,rren tint of arty way, what a pre.s- neon her beautiful,] the
ode faceeasas e
then; have
eEhfm out to bs! " r e e were oeeer it a tr, reel 1 must Lent over her desk, until his own face
p .e'leer -.eerie! I remit e i k. Here is a i'ag- • flushed and paled and his ,breath
Mae," answered Roberts, withe..,(r.fel ttiC•':ett frrterr, ate 'y Wipe a heron's; 'gine rh',rt and Titer,r,
fritnkne!" r.orottet withal r' :try grasp, hut t, :,t • She Beard -her ear caught that quick,
You: -feet s ae a ',';r 3 r,f rev rr.r o,JvuIl itee breathing -end she impul-
":1Ie?" in•l•1ired Rol eras, with gay 111- F. ( r a i , , ; tee hvrr,[ o sea eively kol:e+l up just es lie stepped and
credulity. t, p, „n
'You!' et enc r' serif'(+ The
er r,neer Sr. f ey . ek Ler hand, and, booing over it, ut-
v 1 net ; • ? t" a o e Y . • '1 t'. ,4` •I' e rr, f ,r0 tr`f.ti s' a tone eearee!y above his
"What 00 1 (0 a deer ',1a-.. Tat•. - F, 0,.'11 t :lee', and vibrating
should have elft that into their rr t ear: - ;'"..7....e -s,, t + ,., fir, o ereoe; c , y"' ' h with his
ably stupid 1,'at1``•." i1 31111{:,1 I' .•_c, °, r• t I reee r t- "r, ,'-ir ,t ..I1 �''1"'•i t'.i Elmereej,
with an untimed eapeo-1•, t of eeeets'1;- 1 t sled , r4t'y' . " r .. Rangy who r' heart, you, I love you
apse. r,r.,, . ., . , ^.s Cir ?' t ' 1.; heart, moil acini. fvupon
-elite evidence ,,f the n�_I 1, d 1 ,v* l see the tir'f, hour' 1 looked upon
nt a n 1,' 1 i t,';. ,�
hired by the nett to 0,,.ry elf the lily, '" , ;, err e . b -e.'e . ger ,,r ere ( face. 1 have laver you with
fold Who d:•-,'.ril,e-i 1ti* et,al,l.ayer r..: .. ,"•ss;° ;r =! x �•'i. -,,, . `''' .r'a.e'u' hour call tinea, ad
tall. siolll'tsit. 1 l ra ,,!1 -mlle'l ,t, L'' '+ c ''• r r r „r * .1 ere thrr,I' h all per and
", ,:1 (-terrify, I eve, su mended.
with 11,-111. Jif aril 1:'i ..(I ,:it bio',n.a-a. 1 ..1, -1 ',. _ �v., f
.S r
of rr. r • r
•iDove n
•` t �Y
_be .t iii 1 t•: he
ver 1,C f t ast.l: • tt r• • t
7 telt 13.•. ,
$ e a t r".y(1sap,e,,;et to have su, 1•ess-
,•lla. 1 d l i! .'i de -opt c.n drat '
t, ,1 s "' ':`1": / rX?'!, its "4 . for yearci hot 1 could not be silent
suit half t pillion of ti:1..1; h1 genr.'ethess..' 'j le: x e l " - •d U+%y. `r - 1 era :f"1 net etift(9 m feelings
laughed R>b•rt e v1c. ,4 y "
• (ens .ie pri t . , Yee, elm r, -1- L. , r3 t , ,..•4.., >` 'u a "'=Ei e I havetisoughtsyou to• 4
y f res Eimer, rat in seifiahnesrf
could thrid; ef rel fele 1,,1t yeero ,f. It ' ,y r' t . fs ' 1.•....-- ,•,
,y ricst Int prr'3tIreptinrt; not to
simw • that thee Lee:: eel to be in l see t ,i ^ o ^ _ - , 4 • a r . w..fre .:ir I eart or bind our hung to
land, and that t lel 11Na in search 1 f you. t ' , L' -,✓ R 1. l etor mere who intlat yet struggle
So. teet1 iii el' eine., i l,'v .uc ltel , ,a, • e: Ile •.. e, ��r 'u .r'ver st ree:Jy y ars of labor, .privation
l'liii11,n 1', 4'.'lp.. 'ti; 1,.1 til 1i,iie 1; nit r•A• to, c. r• r:.'!' ;1 1 , 4;,'
• t,✓ c ; ", z,..,,, .are, ,: p 1>r:f.,re he can command a
the ntna!,t 1 man la,'t.. e-.1,•ri».l .. i tee 9:`:.e L:• -til , of •I r. 2„• ?r,,',,',♦•, t ✓ s�'.a.i Gran W'I.":leh he would itak Cott it
beauty Item t.;:. 11 ,o...' in the '11 ,ode, et 4 r 1,.1Il P.^ ,;' „ p-,' .d nit :.aro. No, Laura 1:Inler, no; 1 sought
ffe y "Mies Elmer, t r, lar r C.,,
11•eir ett,';:fi et ie teenel a.,tt 1r.1 ;pee tie. (ce-feeenv "ler ter:cal eeete rr seeee. 1 y, sl ?/., ?ay that my heart my braid,
you had Leiter leave i n,;lantl as ween to 11• t } 1t •.,i, 1T(,: - `, a, l;rr. r• 0 .,c -t , shy 8sere see, n1V 'whole life aro ell your
:11 111 .•t "A t ;n '
1 ,; tt `z :I"a, 1 a:l]iltta'ai party \ r,e r•/aot jltait:(1 ?t Mee! ,C.e3; t`r '';iy that 1 cOna':�.epa,te nlysnll,.
he:f l l', t'.t:i1 11..11t:C,, 1 it len4 that 11,10,1' + 11iely fit, Pi 15.4 al.farl, eee. neer- ' ..,itlt ale that 1 am or may become, With
i s „lit :set 1 ., 1-:fttu: i•-11 heir etarfr d f(Ir the r(;nt:l:• -.11 hist 1 lava or may acquire, to your"Else reels, :,,,...s vele1,1•iterel in one , e1.'•, Forevieo for life end death and eternity,
Weil -Belem" , :'itttr She marriage lied aleparttire rt Arai eoutzt myself Heller than a motlarch
"Yvu, t.,I' asn,tlia•r II+•'en, avrsl7 Iwo the it ,ime; ttnk(� and(Inehese, 'Mise 11- n1(ars 1140:4801i than at arreltan al, ort Irate -
allOtht:t' 1 , ' ' liter's h.'tue with the teeters waste es will but aeeept the Offerinngg
1,,o N.:,;u id tit,.`,. t& oorue to tb:s agreeable its it had been, Lady heifer ('.I'o he eontinuett:)
Teaches Dress Cut-
ting and Malting lu
an its branches ey
mail 18 lessons), !rho
best system over In-
troduced in Canada.
Coit of full course is
now may 413, in0104-
ing one of the most
perfect fltttng systema
in neo glvcn tree.
Adopt this method
and increase your in. m o, Sats: factory
beak references given
as to your eafoty in
remitting money to us.
Por full particulars
write to -day,
Miss Ynlona, Ini:truoto0
Fe, 0. BOX 91
1:10 4.101?v E:9#.. ae- s a T.
Utopia a Long Way Off,
(Washington Post.)
Beanna° all Mien are created equal and
endowed by their Creator with equal capa-
dlty for tyceunvu)aljlag property; beceluse
some glen aro constitutionally industrious,
economical and ambitious; because many
/men naturally prefer enlminai methods of
getting a living while other men abhor that
course -tor these reasons, poverty and riches,
Penury and comfortable eubsietonue have
abode stile by odds ever since the record of
the human family began. Numberless have
been the attempts of well-meaning persons
to abolish 'poverty and equalize social con-
ditions, but all Save failed signally In each
efforts to amend the work of nature. Pos-
sibly the time may come when a universal
commune will be instituted end all the in -
...habitants of the earth, being free men and
fellow citizens, will dwell together in fra-
ternal unity and social equality, But there
is at this writing no taddcatlon, hint or in-
timation that such a consummation is im-
mediately impending.
Before deciding where to locate
in the West, lot us tell you about
these lands. The beat wheat fields
-the richest grazing land -are in
this Province.
Write us for full information
about crops, climate and special
tailroad rates, etc.
Local representative wanted in
each county.
Eastern wellnd Agents
200 OORIsiTbili I UILD1NQ
eL1Oi' -f•1v's?AiL
The Best Speaker in Germany.
(Washington Herald.)
"The moat finished and effective speaker
In Germany," says Professor Ernest Schna-
bel, of Berlin., " is Ilerr Bebal, the leader
of the Socialist party. This man had no ad-
, vantages of early training, no university ed-
• ucattoe, and indeed brained his knowledge
of literature through his own unaided ef-
forts. He worked at the trade of a wheel-
wrigltt in his younger days, but even while
'struggling for a living he was a close stu-
LARGE OR SHALL LOTS t dent, .particularly of governmental affairs,
and ,political economy. Ills views are. ob-
Write for price list, noxious to a great majority of ,lis fellow
I mPmbara of the Reichstag, and yet when -
W. C.
1 ever ho rises to epealt he commands the
��a',� i33` fl�i' !per 'IAEA` closest attention of the legislators. Among
E V 6, i3 Si i k t1 91 theob
him his followers
asimplicitly iassl if the woredoiz, an: their king.
, He is a man of austere lite and is said to
be without even the smatter vices o1 man-
Neighborly Ameniti
(Cleveland Plain Dealer,)
The steamer W. E. Corey made a wonderful
record last season. The bag freighter, which
was In eommisston 210 days, covered 44,520
miles and carried 302,1.44 tons of iroh ore.
She delivered thirty cargoes, which means
that the average cargo was a little over
10.000 thous. Most of the Corey's trips were
from the bead of Lake Superior to Lake
Erie porta. The Corey carried more freight
last 86 son than was ever Moved by one
vessel in the same time in the world.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
etc, Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold. <fydruggists. f
Needs of a Society Man.
(Wewokt, Ok., Democrat.)
A Roldeaville society youth of about 23
years of age came up to Wedoka last Satur-
day and, entering ono of the clothing stores,
asked to look at some shirts. The obliging
clerk asked him whether ho desired a shirt
with collar attached or not, Tho youth said
he guessed he'd take one with the collar
not attached, as they were easier t0 sleep In.
I8 you are fond of fishing, canoeing, camp-
ing or the study of wild animate look ftp the
Algonquin National Park of Ontario for your
summer outibe. A fish and game preserve
of 2.000.000 acres interspersed with 1,200 lakes
and rivers in awaiting you, offering all the
attraotions that Nature can bestow. Mag-
nificent Canoe trips. Altitude 2,000 feet above
sea level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere.
Just tbo piece for a young man to put it his
summer holidays. An interesting and pro-
• 8usely illustrated descriptive 'publication teli-
ing you all about it sent tree on agiplioation
to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto,
, Ont,
44 , 414
Interested fnthe Wedding.
(Louisville Courier -Journal,)
"line you related to tbo bride or groom
elect?" inquired the busy usher.
"Then what littera-et have you in the cere-
"I'm the defeated oandldate."
For Strains
-of Back
--of Stifle
---of Whirlebone
-of Fetlock
"--of Pastern
and all
nem itt
-af Shoulder
-of Hough
--of knee
--of Coffin Joint
Essence Ctssettl'',,ce
Two or three tea5pootl-
fuls in a little 12.uut or Brandy,
cures >Sprains, Bruise* And
Tameness its 24 botra*takce
out ill the fsoeenesa--=and puts
horses "on their feet again."
Soc. a bottle. If your drug.
gist does not have it, send to
liethissa *aft k Chaska
Lisiltedt ,ntre . *j
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Stylish Though a Freak.
(Detroit Prot) Press,) 1
He• -That Baster hat of yours is at regular
I She -I know it is, dear, but think how sty-
lish it 1st
1 4'►
;Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Stubborn to a Degree.
"Haven't you and sour friend got
through that argument yet?" asked a
parent of his youngest son,
"It isn't any argument," answered the
boy. "I am merely telling Jimmie the
tact% in the case, and he is so beastly
stubborn that he won't understand." -
$10.00 round trip from Suspension
bridge, via Lehigh Valley 1t. R., Wed-
nesday, April 24th. Tickets good 10 days.
Visit the Jamestown Exposition from,
, Washington. For tickets and further
t particulars call on or write Robert S.
Lewis; Passenger Agent, L.V.N., 54 King
street east, Toronto.
Why the Stokes Pian Failed.
(Savannah, Oa,, News.)
Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Phelps Stokes, have
abandoned settlement work for the reasqn
that they can not achieve the results they
expected. The truth Is probably that the
poor don't epprociate the efforts of the
Stokeses 1n their behalf. They don't want to
be preached to and prayed for. They want
money and viten Mr..Stokee failed to divide
his wealth with them they had no further
ase for ham. It is a mistake for Mr. Stokes
of anybody elle to think he can abolish pov-
erty, It it could the done it would have been
abolished Iong ago,
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
In Paris a subject which is agitating
all fashionable women at the present
moment is that. of the, coiffure. The
prices asked for some of the most costly
gowns which have almost reduced their
owners to bankruptcy appear moderate
.beside the sums paid for the brilliant '
locks which crown the heads of Parisian
elegantes. A well known opera singer ,
/who recently altered the style of her !
:coiffure to meet the exigent demands of
'fashion has hem heard to deplore the
fact that her head had cost her quite a
;fortune, and her ease can hardly be term -
'ed a unique one, No Paine are spared in
matching 1
t the exact shade of the
vvearei s
own hair and both the real and the sup-
plementary locks are subjected side by
Side to the most careful treatment atthe
hands of an expert, so as to give them
exactly a corresponding brightness and
One great change which has almost re-
'rolutiotiized the stereotyped style of hair-
dressing is the introduction of tate thick
plait whish is arranged in a coronal
round the crown of the had, few fash-
ionable French women being seen with-
out It.
XXeots the Straight Goods at Bente.
(rihliedelphla lids.)
"T nodes, maior," said alto lneutsltlae man,
"that you n!tways take your whisky etraight,
don't you Kentueklabs ewes' pant water In your
"some Xensu krona do, sub,' 'matted Mayor
D "o d
'Tea, butt; tut' OW tint et."
And Still Alive at the Red of Sixty-
eight Ycaza.
Itt this city, eestertety, Saye the New Ol
leans }'ieeyutlo, ;:arch i,iL tea of her oldest
anti stoat re eectee cltizeua„ brothers, et
the sumo age, and yet net twirls*, but el a
set 01 tnlpleteu, celebrated their t;yth birth-
day. They are J. .'v. and 11, 1', Price, who.
have rotate 'their house bore for several
yowls, read w•teee triplet slseer, Airs, 1\aney
teatime, still lives, and is a respected resi-
dent et Calhutut county. The Intone/tine
trio came front North Carolina welt their
nareute whoa 5? or 18 years el age, and
lived in Iteukin county, where they were
living whon the war botwcan the States
broke out, and the two brothers, with the
other. young men of Renitla, rattled .to the
cause of the South, '1'310 brothers, and their
sister, who atter the war bocaulo Mac. Phil -
ilei, reetded In Rankle until after the mar-
riM.e of the latter, when they :removed to
Jackson, WhCro they hevo s]nee resided. It
le believed that this is the oldest set of
triplets In tbls! State or seotien, if not in
the United elates, and the {brothers Price
exeneteiify in their life and couvereatiou alt
that le best and noblest is the qualities that
adorn good and hoot citlzonshtp,-Piit]a-
doLphia Record.
rr r
remedies cure all Ode and blood diseases -Eczema
Salt Rheuin, Sores, Piles, Constipation, indigettio
and other results of imptee blood. They con
the cause and destroy the evil condition.
Mira Ointmeni iodates and heals all diseased skin
Mira Blood Tonic and Mira Tablets cleanse the blood
and;nvigeraA1 stomach, liver, kidseys and bowels.
Ointment and Tablets, each 50e. Blood
Tonics, $1. At drug -stores - or from The
Chemins Co, of Canada, Limited, hiamilton--
ISSUE NUe 16, 1907,
1Ir family of live, on the aneent hs tee.
lt' all ma4sun oonvouienbea; house-
maid and gardener kept; good wages,
:nese Airs. It. 111. BreOIctssi )ge, Ilaattt1ton,
_ l
R. L.l IOr$
A safe, euro and renal:, teoet4 y
tor. nose rills. have beanaged i
for over gay years, and found tavaluabla
valuate 1valuate deliguad, and aau
ss euar.
teed by tis wakens. YuahtW e ➢ fo
sealed circular. Y,ioa 81.00 pot bur as
gra; yr y „mil, iwurely sealed, on nimbi or pna s
I'tnx 18, mammon. Orissa.
Nuggets of. Sumas.A laugh is worth a hundred groans in
any market,
].'ray for a short memory as to all un.
Anxiety never yet successfully bridged
over any chasm,
Genius has a twin brother whose nasi
is patience.
"If you have but a word of cheer
• Speak it while I ane alive to hear.'
a Someone asked 'Thomas A. Edison,
tet "Don't you believe that genius is inspire
ration?" "No," he replied, "genius is per,
By sparing ourselves the daily task
we dig the grave of our higher possibili+
"Tire world raises its loftiest shaft to
the man who "delivers the goods,"
True merit is like a river. The deeper
it is the less noise it makes.
You will not find poetry anywhere un.
less you bring some with you. •-Success
1 z
Settled a Serious Question.
A poor working girl noted for her pru-
dence and practicality has lately been
pondering the problem of whether to buy
an umbrella, which she needs very much,
now the rainy season is coming on, but
'doesn't at al} want, or an Angora kit -
/ten which elle doesen't exactly need, but
so much that it keeps her awakenights, The other day she settled' ib to
her own satisfaction by deciding on the
kitten, which she thinks is ever so much
more practical than an umbrella,• because
you can only use an umbrella wheat it
is raining, but a kitten you have with
you always. Besides, you cps borrow an
umbrella, but nobody would lend an An-
gora, -Topeka State Journal.
Power From Long Distances.
Among the applications of power at
long distance from its source is the
lighting of the interior passages and
chambers of the Great Pyramids by elec-
tric currents generated at the cataract
of Assouan, several hundred miles away.
The same power is intended to operate
pumping stations and cotton mills along
tike Nile. In San Francisco it is proposed
to obtain 10,000 horse -power, for use in
that city, from the water now running
to waste on the slopes of the Sierra Ne-
vada Mountains, 110 miles distant.
Spanking does not cure children of bed-
wetting. Thera is a constitutional cause for
this trouble. Mrs. M, Summers, Box W. 8,
Windsor, Ont„ will send free to any mother
her successful home treatment, with full
Destructions. Send no money but write her
to -dap If your obildren trouble you in this
way. Don't blame the child, the chances
are it can't help it. This treatment also cures
adults and aged people troubled with urine
difticulties by day or night,
-e . r.
Time Wasted Between Trains.
(Maggendorter Blaetter.)
Husband (arriving with his wife et the
station just as the train steams out) --There!
If you hadn't taken such a fearful time
dreeeing we shouldn't have lost theft train.
Wife -And if you hadn't hurried me so all
the way hero we shouldn't have ouch a
tong time to wait for the next one.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
In the Sere and Yellow.
Ethel -Is Dolly's fiance very old
Edith -Awfully! Why, folks are be-
ginning to tell him that he doesn't look
old. -Judge.
Superstitious as to Earthquak=es.
Scientists still study the eanse and
meaning of earthquakes, but, according
to an exchange, uncivilized peoples long
ago settled the questions involved to
their own complete satisfaction. ; In
pingsolio itis the breathings t e and ski
Mongolia g P
pings of e. huge frog that cause the mis-
chief; in China, a gigantic dragon; in
India, a world bearing elephant; in Cele-
bes, a hog, and in other countries the
idea is varied by the introduction of a
bull and a tortoise. Earthquakes in Si-
beria are believed to be due to the fro-
lics of mammoths which. live in the con- .
tre of the earth, while in Vancouver is-
land it is the spirit of evil, with his mar •
shaled hosts of all the wicked people
who have ever lived.
Mange, Prairie Serrtches and every form al
contagious Itch on human or animals cured
In 00 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion.
It never Calls. Sold by druggists.
Advice toa Young` Doctor.
"Now, James," says the old ,pbyaiotan to
his son, who has returned from medical
college and is about to sot up for himself,
"there le just one piece of advice I will
give you, and if you follow it you oannot
fall to be popular and successful,"
"What is it, father "
"Tell every woman she needs a change of
scone and toll every man be is working too
The Horseman's Friend
--Sale and Safe.
If you have a lame horse, get Irendall's Spavin Cure. If you
have a horse that you can't work on account of a Sprain, Strata or
Bruise., get Kendall's Spavin Cure. If you have a horse, that even the
veterinary can't care of Spavin -or any Soft Bunches or Swellings• -get
Kendall's spavin Cure.
Be sure you get KCNDALL'S. Two generations -throughout Canada and the
United States -nave used it and proved it.
TaAstnr..nxs' REST, P.B.L, Dec.15, '05.
"I have been using 1 endall's Spavin Cure for the last 20 years,
and altyaye find It site gad sure." Ht7BFRT P. McIelia ,Z.
✓61, a bottle -8 for $5. Cisrite for a copy
of our great book Treatise On The
Horse." /],'s a rime of information for
faniters and tioreemen, who want to keep
trietisatock in prime condition.
Mailed free. 25
Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies:
Rock Rib and Hercules School -loss
Strong as Gibraltar Unlit of Strength.
PtineesS gyptlan leis For Children's Fine Dress
Little Darling and Little Pet For Infatnts
Lambe 'Wool add Silk Tips All Wool
Nine Hosiery Manufabtursd for the Whelosalo Trade by the
Ds three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for all buildingand lining pur-
poset, inside walls of mummer houses, refrigerator plants, etc.
(MT 0t11 PR/CES.,
The E. Be EDDY CO. .Limited
igtnefos in all prlizeipal clues