The Wingham Advance, 1907-03-28, Page 2day chool1 ther feta the eenaluet of his brethren. reeeat ef their behavior was 'hay he sewed tat his father. and to Lonny- name. an Welt the brethren ha reele "rtiel: awing the inhabitant' INTRCaANATIONAL LISSON of ne ((kit,. at, 304. Not *Ilene be came he was hie fatimes favorite boy hnt tart -owe he was his fatheeat faith tl bi.Y 15.0 WaS. ttari trusted. :U. deserts plc opinet. "Whoa thee: saw Mar . they censpired agains him to. slay bier.' tee IS. Tlaree times i tieis ebapter we read that deeeple'e breth felted him (vs. 4„ 5,8+. anti onee tha they envied bins tv. 1i.j The lead alway .5':'atai the ged and eescit to do them bart "Pet. ri3. ifaro ns+t eee ev ea Awe rot rebnis•e ne may avoid th essa.1 ;eaL t!,A. 01111re/I o eiszectr-i, •te, 1• :it if we at teii.eleas t eat' 111, tie ts otel -*sties-her evil • v. t-P.Yi .s.. azsal mete -ward hate' rz.• teetry omr:terfelt C1tians and. half APRIL at, igo7. $otti byHi* Dr4thers.--,Gee. AlUTii. ea -ad. t'onmattfate.rees-I. Jesepii•s deeaeret toe, Jacreph dreamed that, h.v atrd R▪ eamers were binding •sbeavcs e.lo field %ten his sheaf arc'se steeel vap right and bis 1s:eV:acre' ebeates eisemee to his sheaf. 'When deasepit tem bi* dream his brothers were avgly -met raid. "Shalt thou letaleed reign goer re.: .or shalt thou indeed have detesinien ever ust9 Joseph thee dreamed tkat the earl era Mon atel eleven stars taatele oted- sacee to Wm. When Jiteeph tihal :this 'beam to MS father, Jaceb rehuired him sharply, altireugh et the seem time he erns deply unpressent but los broseers pri•ss of reoglian ce.esp: per - envied him. IL Joseph tent to 146 teothers tics. ,4!';•„.. seee es,„„. 4 l.e.shinsty relertel ne• tt beearge batik. '.• .4oitze time cottcr leis resorts his h7ffty niks rt • of :11.1111,"St';':'. ay,-A.ehed t go to the erene elate\ His .trerh. fi's"Lhena v• „,,;e unto litlera,_13; e.:4festeir teled to a:list:enrage him and warn- deubt, had site anxiety :diva t his el 1 elf the spiritual datcrr that *onsa because he had pv7.11-„wea from Me -1.1 lymt• oleo nemuto they Latil tees eeilf eaenfideut an.1 would not committed them; th"refa're z,11. y:1,111). rsterrned the father iiyou "teit along?'Firet.. ta send Josepla to. /earn a Their is‘-.411.r.A.. • °"-!staz 11,3 could trust j•••,*i;ra mei be had no "i 1)51 01'7 Pilrlelento :roar *No - in thoegbe thaet be4thete ti.ey rest neletnest that I was a ?..-istien." jure him: Go, pray,• ticieepis eTio-y :slid rine t't • decenner eameth" ,e,„ pee: lee teese live neer t* him ti ere-tin:es vonelaeafes swet rvia- f frarre :sewer and glory. To those lunch for him the veil rite to this remote and dangerous accutitry A proof that jaeob did Eat treat hint with tett leech in&ratie,-enee ard that le did not keep him home frem any feelitiz, ▪ tenderne,4.-Eettn. "LiCas. beans. pan - there and wolves wen coalmen in Inted that in thesr e-ervace -estine in these days." • t cy 311.1;i. 1,,Taiiie.1 to becoa the suier- 17 was attest fifteen ex.: 7lTe:. Pet if in A:ale-die:Ice to God they twenty tulles r,orth Ste:ellen". lazs " 5i.-ialPs°3of ghlrY when tieeze•Raw hint-Thoreiiv. t,aezei :sre these who will cry. l'Enthusi• fogs rage up. +Their t•i„s-n „•" "Fanatic." "Mystic," "I/reamer." abundant time for gle:erny naelitoti.ea 17-i29 l'••':14F Li) l 2 1anti 51uPri';-'un and for conveneatien. "Theo denbtless ,'esepli in t:1.e pit and the prism the brooded over their T.:lotions to tleser'e. t -osa rr et his siteems nut have chcirished revenge, and enseveraecel twee t ' a Isi'llwirktion Nrhieh ;another in their frle:43ity:' fr deepair. T•4 entails sometimes even k)alluLTglY Plotted. To s.,:a:e dream a glirciase of our future tri - w ould have been a premeditated murder r as ells. will help ass te razake any sacrifice th?1.'" f1151.1" carried cut there, .rIn s.vrc,..1. 011F rthe truth. Even parses. eeeeeeseee adse opened heavens and ass- - 19. This dreatner--Zdaeter of slreages." 1 el'l 1115'15'1'1- '"- --R., V., margin. -Thii. nee a t,-3,11 ef i 1V., .-oolt entramid. 1. Tile time. spectili cenveying, r.r.zat v,..T1t:,;•3-ryci." -- i 'When •Tes.eph vs -a -s ciente," when at his tlaieste• V'. and we %ill say-FreiM envie ; Zether-s bid -ling, he had left -the comforts 'Iva t'lallee 1/elz.v Proceeded to ei).417;1•:Zia 7 ,.4 1.mne an1 gont:. ent it wandered to then co:strived a lie te. impese upon their : " sv. 161, then they hint and ast cr"e against. Abe life of their brather. 111:31 '''''''it.. 11'S- br'Abrea s-4 father.-Ilemsm. 21. And Resale:ea- t l'.'lei:71 illIttno 1:11111'isi:"11€1“:.t2k1:19"k."When, at his sall'---Rellben of all the heethere etee ' heavenly Fatiareee cerronand, Jesus left the greates.t reasi-•31 tO le elealens of ;the- ':' lie et-hmal how.e and crone "to seek end eph, for., as the illetboen. he was en:i-- h" ,:;i11 -e that 'ell"' vas 1°•st" ltukex117 lel to many ef the fasters whiell were 1.;•• :14e.i. tr. while he healed their sick and 'bee conferred upon Joseph; yet Ile,useen : et-err:fens:I the serrowful and fed the proves to be lais best friend, tree,le eee haretry and raised the demi. they took termined to reseue him if pieset".ilie.- .- ' 1:41 tIne1 747-'9urge'l hint and stripped hirn 24 -'116l.1 no itleed-elie die 'ere, eee, a:A eracifiei him (Matt. xxVii. 35. to shed Isis Irotlietee esse,,..„1. ni.i..1,..,t. i,.,.,a .-li,seph could not certainly lanow that hi8 he dare maufullee to tint:e hie.e." llet*I. Ilreithers would ciutra.ge him aml sell her.'s reai dtfig.z., wns. i, Eal „eine o„.s.,,, , r.:se. 1.-ut1,13nt.,, Into tat.", weriet and lau restore eloseplre e.--, ei, 1„ t:, ,I... ;,%. ! %Van:V.4 through it, perfeetly knowing this p -The cenntsy aa.eueelee ant etzil I shalt- Gethsemane and. Celvary awaited niesaandes. in pit.e. occ eisteres due. in ne 5 111111. granted or soft limestone to 7iaree.zit.re a 2. The 3=ner. "rimy .... east bins 'ulster threneh ttee eat i.e....„,en .ane .,,,,,3 a edt" tr. al II. The manner of tak• la :sat:eregrat,-e. .titz„,.• „,..„..„, 7.:,a,„,„nl,r.,,, - i lett 11 3' venereanee was true and heart - the bottom,with a7 small neee•Gt. eit'..-t41- 5 ''' They left him in a damp, dark tep, wheel; wee te,,,,,•,,j..,„1,a ,-f.aat -,,,...l!. : deelgcon. without wet. or food, or drink. O ,.,;(.•1 ,,,,,hkshsan4 or tarn 17.,„4: ::'!"--`' 7,, l',".. die of bnagsir. thirst and exposure. eierend erer „4,..,,,hinent. 1.1...„-1.:,n ,-.11 i and -eat :levee to eat bread" (vs. 24, there was gent:rally tease e: tee. s ,-.esa...7 *7-'si'-: oftIsold 'Ailey zerei en 2,:=..e.:1 415 •44:1,:4,-1::-7-"' a s • Jos -each s,oldT . "hey ytt,•,,,,,i,...„2,,, n„ez., jz.r. 3.,e,......,....,. z ..ee.er-a...t,„ f.-.-ir ;.irieseph to the lehroaelitess" ay. 28)They ,:.",,It":11`_,,...'---eilest,2.1. ; !elMeel:c 1 to slay Joseph te. 201, bit Sil'.,•:.:Se. • ' e-selea,--atts .t -,:e i se WAS delivered threugh the mediation ....1.........n_s . , !. of Peeahen ars. 21, 2SIS, and they after - ,,,7, -1;-;": talt.: 2is'f :eiTer f --se's •Pr'-'nzl" i ''''',,,r" 'am .... ,..,-,:,- , :ne ..7.4..tg•,*. . ".1. ..-e reehre. It was .Tu4ah who- pro- tinh„.4 ketce 2T r--1 althea:, 1 !heed ehA they sell their brother for ,..,11 ..s.:,..c.2-bz, :•.,1e I t:," pnitry, priye of :"twenty pieces of hh teele tlae 4 se...v..er." twa:a lets, armee -,t. itSj. How • sezziptv_11., ,,,,„, _,,,,..!....-er... 2.1. Pee 1 sle,se are tne Judah of the Old TeStO.- . , _ ,,„,13...2,„,.1 ,0.I.„..Jetzt atal .leas of the New' In u•nre rbs--;:Tt; Igtkt.:iish,.e.,.......,ezf aellat;:ation. Vs -111.7:: I ' 5 '1-'1'a:ter arl a:17'4; tt° s4rae: . , id -se n to a joyems :east, eating and drie2e- sseen. ne. :eat elzeien. to ent:11-2;retet:-;:lt; ' .„ :1,717E1 ngne.,..,4P1:1 17.- itt;cs.1.2.7S:%70,3-dbrcell,:e13.bsitpri'hja°7rsienehPt; ink the. -tele- deieties hs 2.,ad hreeeent e east; Int God was -with himl lActe thcm. while :ley left :hitta ,t, e ens,. I!: was -7,.. i) . Tiecmg11 terribly tempted: false - c il. tins zime -sten- fx:::asi. 21 . th1 2reezessel. cerel wrongly imprisoned, yet -sate tr.rsta ateenieh et rds a.e. -eh- When eso ree Lierd was seith Xaseph" Alen. leci.x. hestmelat thee; ...'!::_.' -;'..3.•-,y 1•71.-•:1:i' :he 'hear. o Therhen wee 7.. .: a :31;.1" 3''nZ0 131317 141 thcaugh.t evil In: wae off. setele.zre.y el,ieisinet cesee,„tse,, :„..."inst nee. Int OA Ineant it unto good" for thz. rets 71- ef in, irether."-Vacte:e-e• - 1. 20.. Threy purposed evil. but 1.1 is iF:npz.,:,,,i1,:...? "311.3: ;....":"Y't:4 en•"";Y" ,at ,•3 -..1 i:a.triteeci getel. They said. as they a:reams. his ..-...asely .,.. ez t7:? :2.1rtieth :hes-eerie! h..;-e-ainet him. -We shall see ils of their father. eenici heave e.ninesesi l et win b,,-,nrer,s.,. of Isis dreams" them in erecti awful entekeasese. else:: cf -.4,1:4111,,,,;',:Yir,7:77170.btpl!,Tjteatire hlfulif;ti'12 In .' 121red. to ateserh roast hate? icesza e•- allatteci hy a dislike to his pi,,,:„%-. t.z. 4....:- „..., eo tres,ent at Josephs auvancement. e his peepheeyelynt the very tiavans they (carat aee whie.h thee....nee ; ...1 eat-errs:lei ao hritse* about tile thilVt' never he at ease moth' they lee.i sertel tahveo ',- :- el- '3 -• azeimst- ives of his Latele: ereeeeee. heels es VT. al...es:he:1 hechirn's13- ▪ 5aelTb.',•- • ee.'," tree true s.oluthea et ty he rhysthe. ihst rnel fer his son =rarer uaYS -, v t" it was in the eeese el Lain _I. tRihn tit. rs a rlri f 'i cee waebtitiro element 311 12•. I.E.117...;a.::5Z4.,---t ...137-.,:l alse, li,Ili vanhaes l it bard t 1 . .--. ell's tetealze whieh ramie i.. ,!T73-4. 2:k. aip. I:teal:tar:Ay heceate.e sec 1.1,a C41.7.- •.!...,1r. tan teasieted ef !,,;',.a •.-4, tt?,.1 .,.:•. 11%1, -,...--- _________,...,*----- A. C. I. teal rneanhig 2"; -Ar:!:_-:::441 Yarr4,":" I rt. -On .W1'7..5.1 1-A E: •1,,F31:::,' --1."•!: '')-i ttle .1•1:-- I t.111-3. `..-71..-zy.ny..--1,..;i'.:en,it "a 1.12.n.:1,-2:•3 In ; tar.er times fait- la, ei,"-es cceal aretnatet ! ifllurs• Sez' tiler. tiii.3eleel. il. Polee- i WHY LORD LANSDOWNE FEARS RISK TOO GREAT. !his •eas, eery :he-eh:zee gee; ehtehool IRISH HOME RULE. .Polestine.--.1,:itard. Eseeiet-Ee7Te......r.,.„ Be-rem:al I.sle Within a Stones. :re er the letleens tne,. almeet peen:i.re10 i I w. ell be a ereat arktt f:r steee,,, • 21 12121 trzsir ieesne Itse I "f slecen-e Th2**317 33L:tal's • ciead." t -he t'emeee,. ozel seer em:sahrereg. tt.e Lord Char:Tenor Declares Home l'eule Matt Come. alnalaia-- The ace-e•ath :sea ,sf tattle zrczan.r. -; raise the Ler .2." IA bat What fT.74.rt f„in ae t 'a ,t of theta? ttieeerliret merzhaats te,ave saallen tann to the xiesis sef the een• aellateres for tatince re wis.:1 to el4n. Y grenter degree el effete than -aas 121 ,.r tee a er.enyeelehmeet. ene. tree.. reediet: meereeed t:Iti" #'..tels sae:gess-lien to tlese...,se tlec1r aavsions teethe -4 n ier",afeselvee,y eau ebeelnlilti se.itice, thee :sal stet.: zee:or teistim ready tir. t%.2 time the trzerelaants reached thecae • zkairoz,. ?:47Y3.:.` =41 si.ver is ciliceys re-en-ado:zed tai the retsords of that early age. befere f).7I ae::.atret of the 1 artily of the latter. In tse days ttst azel eoined. *imenty eiches eeheke-Ise of »Ever wee the price of a 5.22241 raeoler twenty years f age. Tete. 27. 51, 0E1 cheer:321g te tee:" Detted Eihle t3$ ,Firsivalleeet '7 1.214. When Ilenheta ra-.Istac:. 1 to the it he • g,rchtly dietteesea. atel rent his fro:thee t21S!2' hie grief. "Only Eleu- • 1 41 nt11 ,71'.1,21211 tiny three tef humeth ieee itt thie ciailt trans-h.:litre and teaay 8- era on 1zeit 3;...1 to their father te I 0, 1:s sze.1 fey t:e an ei s.t7.e.esei. la t.. l'estalese: eel Ottelaie o..he 1.1LE-) Olt? after- -a led eretneetto tale reeeeteilrfiity and 1 :ref- tr:o blhano. tiii.ahr they ali •tlend f se -respell ne ftelee."--Nehhal1. I. Jeeeele tseeteal. "Ierael 8.311 4•Pit sZt Go. whether tit tea etel: , the letetinen. arel t.e1ree rat 12-14e. Tee Fife of Jeseph. f ene chillteeel to old 'vs. EP c..ne f etteee reseeel has D3 of 13:sr:-.0., tr,lt,rt than at.l. ott:rftite the the:1- e ee„ eefferitee. an.1 ealery of our Teeth: he then any other pr,,etz*.?. the elet.el. 4 :meet of the ditint- rlfe ef the ehtie- VAL JOarph Ira! frapOnllit:e to his fa- • 1+1z,VA *2-3.-1:12 1.412,Til Chan - 13 th• Laird- see - '41.;.:,.•,. 74. V4',..,1-. t",YYnCY3 i'l .:,.'"Ii11* Y.:;.4. ."" i 4r...." f...3 11:'-.7.i.:t1 7.1:1-2, ceeice. lire .. t e. a...•,111-1 net i-,: 1222- Lailfili!. Til:I4' 1 4 . .3.1 i".4t-i,•:,-, •2:. 4, :22 l'.,:.i..,•_.•_•...1,... J. , .-,,,, ',...•-...ri:t••.,.: 1...i..t• 4.1 f.lIflil".4;:,•e !.7.1:1 the fil- -te-s,e....‘e ..,-.-... es: ficed :LI Clile., 52, -"Iii -4- -1'• :.:: gi] fl.1::"" "-,' ••".3'..i.z•:,:.1.1L.•..,,ii ...,.:1,,II, • 1..-...2.-_,. Lees .,e,:e•-•;Li.1, .,.; . , - . .. .1 a.2 isa•i a •terec seturolee teutoela .egseiseeeteeet sea_s gaecn. tlas srAsuED HIS TuRon. ---- i Fut:1de et John Preebsay in 4 Montreal . Boardinghouse. IMeatfeal deepatelt: John lahhehedr, I) t .5 ail Eheei-hit an, employed ia the t'. r.u. committed suicide early this morning. at 167 St. Antoine street bv mattieg has throat with a razor. Sieving' in the mine roam were four other men, Oeltrge Davy, Joseph Kdrage James McLean and Lawreuee Petty. Darcy, waken.; etteden1y fra.lm eleep, saw hree- . lately eelee his razor. 1 Saa quick. hewever, was the fatal meve- ment thet before Daney could jump from .es Vaal and prevent it, Feeehody hal elaelnel hie throat riervee in 0, fearful 2=212117'r. De die,1 le fere medical ael ceulai 1,•ach him Dattivetie ttenbiee ia • Eielled ate blamed for the man's rash di. e1 licit:lit ;hat 3, about :45 years of thee, •1••••,,,,,resi Toronto Variners' Market. area recciete graiu to -dee were very to. The etity cfferinv were 1,1 btaheat c. stcat, raitcla se;t1 at 71o, anti 19;3 of bark, at. 7.3e. 141a.ry eredeet ia fair titipply. 13uttar can. Cat' a I'm firm. with satv at 20 to ,ese tier Egt.7.7$ C--1:$9. 4-v11:mg et 22 to 2842 ler deeel, tee- av en4-1-4T. Tara ealcs et 55 Weals ot tst•J $14.ZI; a taa ter titnealy. ord ra. etl so 121. :or asixo. Sealw is comizal 122. 511 "0 $L;•-•3 a tan. 14:7-s_ect1 bass ore Dina, aitti atiorezit 1212 eeto 10 thee. t•ad haeNy at tt to uht.A. ... .../ 74 0.. senate lassen, ... 0 VA 71. fee, geete. bust. 0 0,3 -0 63 4148 208 nzat'.F. Zi 0 55 hash. 0 7S 4108 111F. timothy. toa .,„ 13 03 14 51 Dee raised. tea Mee 12 00 Sterv. pez tem 1;2 CO 12 52 S•z•mh1--,. re-eleaned- ro:-1 .t•tmrer, :40 ewt. 142141 Z'Ol 1V,!..;410, ro,r eirt. zo- to Tiesotty. eser ern. 5 00 708 Pea 7.177.Z1 hOgS .r.r. • •,* .4. .9. (4.) .4;9 E,44 4. new laid ... 0 22 021 FOUR OF A KIND. -- CHICAGO GAMBLER LO$T tz000 ON JACK_P_OT_PLAY.. Game on •Four Days and Nights, and • Still in Progre.-Over $ro,000 Said to Rave Exchanged Hands, Chicage, Mare -it 25.--A. sensational patker lemma. Meting through four con- e...eta:We 1111;i5 1,VOS itureetat, le- adjourned front Magnet /fowl, No. e218 North Clark street, early teeday. 3lore than VI00.000 lute been won and lest as is reparted. Publicity drove to oteer leanettee tea. partnepants of the greateee gene. ever known in Chicago. lite worn anal pallid gamblers nre declar- ed by their friends to have planned to rel::!olmere- plaeers had been tontintr- ofiely in their seats night and day since last Saturday, wagiug a battle of chips far loge rtaltes. Meet Tome, one of Chleagohe big- ot et gambfrrs, was reperted to have ;leen meer as high ate Silk -L.000. At day- break lee was $10,000 behiend the gatne. In three halms he had gained back SUDO tai tilde amount. One jackpat of f,11,000 was Zost 123- 2 2-1212 fent' of a kind in hie hand. He -beeked" against a etraight flub, it wee related. Two 731-1V players were talled into the eeente during the night to make it six - handed, The presence. of refreshed ploy- ers revived. the weakened participants. Four tiros in eaeh tweety-four hours eieve eaturday the game -was interrupt- ed for weals. One mat's eyes gave out and he was foreel to stop for :In hour. Liquors and (Agars weee served to tie exhare,ted players. The melt, all Chi. rag:lane, were in the front parlor of the hotel. liZ") neiee could be beard in the hetel het the rattle ei the chips and the enbahleal voices of the mem A limit of thlthe Ara,. ramie: but jackpots were oronsel be their size. The game began mildly with a $10 Ihmit anal soon rounded into table -stakes. From this it was worked up before mid- nielst into a trlild limit, the platv being end for all that eatih man had ia front ef hira up to nO0. Not. sinee the days when the old of David" and the hilomee of BLYZ4"44" erre VW"' viten hAs ChivAgo Reen such a game. It le the gansbling cleat 01 1112 epath. dairy ... ... ... ... 0 ....e; 02121 he . creamery' . . ..... fel 8211 Cb• %era', dremed...th...... .. 0 1.1 0121 l', • 97ting .. ... ... ... 0 14 011 hue... rah- es.' ... ... ...... 0 12 014 To 1.7s, ner lb. ... ... ... 0 11 A.:,11, -,s. 1.s -r bhl. ... ... ... 2. 00 Petaioes, per bag ... ... ... 0 93 ll 2 I 1 00 Czt•i•-ar.,. per eitmen ... ... 0 75 0 59 Oniols. per eat; ... ... ..... I 75 20) I P,t7... 1. hindquarters ... -ti rill 6 oo no.. cores's:carters ,.. 4 219 41 4141 r1, aciee. 4-zrzaso .. 6 75 7 OD 1 ,:... medium. carzase 5 ZS, d 00 3,121,:y2. rer vwt. ... ... .., 9 Eil 1002) c Li. per tart. ... ... 8 09 11 50 lro,. roe ewL ... ... 12 0) 12178 i FLOVII FRICBS. I patert. 4.185. track, To- rc.r74',; On,ario, ets cent. patents. V.'51 2:20. for exrert; Manitaa patent, special • branie. .$4.51; strong bakers., M. WIN-SIPE° V.-IfgAT MARKET. W.amiartr, wheat futures elese‘i to -day: March IlrAet hid. May 764.1c bid, July itirie bid. Cate futum.-?dareh 57,,me May, j July 37.1ee hid. L'..ndon.-Literpool and London eubic; a:el CATTLB MARKETS'. a,r3..y at to 1214e per dressed weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at .S,ac to Se ter lb Toronto Live Stotak Market. Receipts of live stook at the tity mar- ket einee Tuesday, reported by the 1-c'elwaye, irc.re lee" car loads, -eomposed cr2 tattle, 1.4123 Lege, 200 ebeep and aiendas and 122 az:Alyce 12e quality 02 fat cattle was the best siahe the Ciaietume market, many late ci • finished Eaeter eattre being on sale. Tee -re were many dealers from eutsiale eehoe, 31entreal, Quebee, Ilamilten, Ot- tawa, and other places being represented en rim market. Trade was so -d, espetially for the hest heught tcr Easter trade. Expertere-liat many exporters offer. • :;nd prices ranged fraen ehe to $5.35 per Pri Expesrt. evid at $3.75 to ti -1.30 per evet. ilatehers -Prime pitked lots of Eaeter earitle, ex-eavat weights, sold a:1 the way ••i2.1 e-.1.25 to Cs3.75 per cwt.; prime East- er aatlte Inzteherel weights, sold at $4.7 $.3.22es loads .-f geed at Sit -1.50 to it4.75; are-.7inns bute.lier,' and good stows a i13,721 tof.e.4.30; fair came, at ti3.2.1 t. sie1.1els common cows and eanners. *1,30 Feeders and &of:kers-H. 31:Irby re- -,. s a little demand for good feadcaes, eet tire eupply was very limited, with ere -legit e fill order -s. Merly bought atout two leads, weieldeg fx on See0 to 1100 lbs., at e4.5t1 per snet, tAsws-Treelc. was brisk. owing Montreal and Q.nehee buyers being ca the market. Prices ranged front $30 40 i4i2 each. 2 V511 Cnives-No peime quality Easter veel were ealt-. Few good calves are ceasing forward. Prises Inner- • 1 front 10 per test- /11111 it Wai re- eatrvel that one or two of the beet on the eerion !eft,' at if they them 4114. new milk -fed calves would bring . na than i.47.30. hut there a -ere none .of the latter offered. oep raid Landash-Not many cm sate. Priees nnehenged at ar:.:1.7:i to $3.59 for . xi +-et (-TrtiA '45).39 Shhe for bucker , iambs of prime quality at $0.50 to S7.50: --.,T31114-31.1 lanthe at *5.50 to .$0,50 per ewt. Hoge--Alerat 1.4110 hogs :sold at fiti.S5 . 41 Kiehl fer seleete, an.1 elialla to **0.05 ier eleloe and fats. NO MORE SEASICKNESS. The Gyroscope Can Steady the Largest Vessel. Landon, March 2.5. --Sir William II. White, tulo of the greatest British experts on ship- building, said to -day at a meeting of the Institution of 'Naval Architects that from Personal. observation he could certify to the remarkable steakiying effect an a vessel of Dr. Se•blick's gyroscopic apparatus. ln all cases its effect was to extinguish the rolling motion of the ship .almost immediate- ly. ;The vessel on which he observed the workings of the apparatus was practically de-vived of It of all rolling motion as she ay broadside to the sea. Sir William ex Prossed the opinion that the apparatus would hare great attached to Channel and ..tieg• passenger steamers.. Gyroscopes *rad also be designed 'which would have a teadying effect on the largest ocean steam - MOS. Applied to warships, they undoubted- vvotad give greater sieadins.%- to gun Platforms. • • OY SCORCHED, BUT LIVES. Bradstreet's Trade Review. Montreal: lines of trade. continue to =tat, more 1t't,Q and 2011.1U1,2 of gelierial husinees appears to Ley weji up to expectations. There ie. heteeeer,. sten a certain. amount cd +com- plaint regarding the Villy 23 which col- cavticarie are ettnung .lo112Var41.11,tail :rule is been a little quiet her some> time, and hie 144et has Leen. 44 this I.,:otmers in toilet -tame. Vac past eak or two bt, been some improttemem 11. the retell r,1"..iv22t:.nt. and wholeealere. generally esanfidently expea freer 213,12;* 4.1,y itIQ cud of this month. A heat- -piing millinery tratle has been deu 12 twitch-tam:Ong. high prices, at 112eiell have rol221. teattoa ea„,„elet: 12" 2. again tiithilrawn quetatiene, ehnulf,11-• 11 42221.241e11 frt.-ma Mg bed)* 127' threads are ;rioted e•eien. and a half iver earl' arm an one both of which. as well cent. hig,her, and alsnoet all other lanes 12.-12sfac-T. lwet'o -.trombei The stoo was :if dry goals F.I.hriv de:11,d diranneti4„. burned ell cue foot. At the hospital to -night 11241210 1524 brisk traele moving51 bare"01 woe etated met Reid would ite.ebably re- late, 3.14114415 111141 in usative dernaael. 42121. :teem% Vet !tat the r;ght heed tnd arM MnY rs for etractural stye! are large a-nd ha'rie 20 Tbe 2i42l421 133211 pr.',:i:es 111,2d firm. Graif:,,itit:'*22.4 naceetne elsent ttlealy has not been 22221, 13.-1112 i-43017 a12i1.1 tea liehlifie firm12 forte 2-e.17 2421241. 2..511481e1. it, Racaliton. Deliverieit of conatry prodnee are --till inclined to be light. FELT, SIX STOREYS; 'UNHURT. 111-111.tippg: itn•sint tate. part of the eenotry 4.steadies.- 3124124221.2312,22 •122 21213127'44', the nenther liee,itnee 'tarsi- er. Ilse railway tterak, are tr•-44. and goods are nueside‘et 1.7141 212121222 18 3244 00122112 124 astaarket 1L inepeitlen cat. Wienipeg ate:a:finer tree haraeltel 1,21..4 24 dee., ansl az as 1-2212122 112. srect goo.1 L'14.""1:1, -41t ;ire 1 44 1:4'2 eatu0 he let leellity 11128 therazteriz.si the fall ship- , ae: 72 easeete. ehf, ,ge,afo 2il012::2" T:19:',,:velut cifetet zeiven ge12:y.11 2.:I4221 tiseelas. and le:.",:eetteris are ettpeeit 4'24 -"cam 8' 422 derene..ersent. :4!2' r 'Sea tecanvezi and Genf rol • -• 11:" 2 '2 ":2 at:x+e. ranZe aleng the essost is =rt.* " -:•as u:-.2 n. 112-2i22;211221 thane I- a sT!••••••••••%, r..i•s•t'..-1. ere fre.reerslinalv avtitae .11.3 2:32•,4•-•.-.4",-,:;? 412.':t.2.4411 Iho ilatelvee eareile is en. ,-, Lee.' Jeers es -e „'yert. nesemethiof J. 141:-12-714 il - .2 •n:e L:3.•.- • !.L.11 cam i'tleg.,or timber aF, 2‘,-17 1,:10.4: 131213 o'• iseitse'hee; aye 0,1242;' 241 a.. tle- ee 1222 i'eteer.eceerets mad vshile a .i0.12r112P-- 11,-. 1 3 oes teithin stenels itsateeteaniant. and ',•"siaiZct 42 422 11c,12E744:22* setsee-- .1 to iare'se ee1-22:11 11 2172!111 ceinre(eed 94fatal? c 4e- -12ti:: 1--:"• 12.4.2 lislens. atItto. &121 21113 as. ,eisries 1-11) tt;."1,• 422-11417z 2222 tHtt see/ stliten e,:asesza •.„-erege is nett:reed in tlrae leather neatket. • tee; as ea th sn: c,w•ing teesiness is as; ts; 2.11222'. r•134:20'14;7443t laree teerint.ne. there is, 543=4 44- ▪ t -en 1.11-3,i7,•?-eir.eleel znise meet -meat fight And cellzetirtss ate nocaut (0211141. lite tr.,- to of the? • littte -s*.ove. Imaiavettment r:n 111 41 re• ge-isa is 0.,:i.;f:7!flIt3y /oohed :ger shortie'. eailliee,aeataitte;? cf the t!t...941tItt firna it tone. 2.ei:1 4 ....Z. neve Lrenslons 4veneral ttaale tolarls tti.relea Pe 1-...arlo, Dr. f_'..1.11..2e Zio- Yownefactralinat Niagera Electrician Survives a Shock of repels Volts. anagera Fors. Ont.. Despatch -With blz r1123212± band and ann but=ed black, biz faee and left i±44)2.seerebed and his actWe 12412129a2t.e.Z. a wreck,. WIN.lanz netd lies in the General Ilospital, a ;guile 20 3323721±41!31283323721±41!3128 and •tr:flatr. who 4141120-0± 1221541241221311bow he peraains ellid is am eirectician. =Id is employed by the Canadian Niagara P4111122'('33418217('33418217cs a switchboard 41382.031321. This almernocn while .cn -duly he got his hand in wfaet with the capper pae. of a. switch w.ad• ^rived a ehtelr of tivre'v.- thc-sand volte. ji The eurreri. barr.od his band 1112421411225 13 conerat and ,that armt right up to "..he n 'a:8'. arel teeetcy tat ain,1 tin : 1.1.r_tQl‘ty ea4 Dr, *1:!;e7e I., /03 lt!,11'. to the 4.1)!,, gceids A. W. iti'nfisay. ktrInea-e tredve FR WARS FOR JOSEPH PHILLIPS anager of 'Wrecked York County Loan Co. Goe to the Penitentiary. TP' MR. JOSE PH .PHILLIPS. Toronto, :March .-.Joseph Phillipe, tereet of the company; hut the evidence President of the deinnet York County showed that you were using the .funde Loan da. Saviugs Company, Wati senteneed the c'nllimar 1hr ..r"ur (awn PurPoscs- l'Zeee, if the 1,011114mi, of the nubile in on Saturday by Judge Wineheeter to five orr firiancial institutions is not to be years in Kingston Penitentiary on a :shaken mnet punish offenders, charge, to which he pleaded. guilty, of '*Sach hauds tenet be pttoi,hed if the making false returns to tile Governmept, emlfidence of the public in our puhlie iv-tin:ions is to oe maintained.. I.t is The indictments -of conspiracy anal theft were withdrawn. vital to we that 0110 natinnal iustitntions should be. tart had on with honor and Imre In delivering his charm tile Judge re- o-ty. Yon had smelt an 111Stittlii011 210 - marked at some length won the eerious- nchs of the offences emmnitted by Phil- 4. der yoni tint instead of disehare- mg your dutiee 11 Mall Of b011Or With lips iu using money belonging to the ),,,,,,„sty. .k)a had i.,,,,0,20<t„ 110,01 2,‘ 17,1 York County Loan Company to pay, or frand. I can only pass sentence on the help Pa"lh 8rsent'2' 211(0 rere eanvatssing indictment to which you have pleadiet for subsidiary colleen's; 0n: the 101•:80'' guilty. but even after takiug into eon - which over 122,000 pereons in Canada. most of whom were -comparatively poor, .,iti,4rOtion PH that has been advanced ly ppnr coun-el I am tompelled by the eeri- would have to bear through the manipu- ousatthe of yam- offence to impose the lations a Juan who was entrusted with their savings, and on -the fact that res- eyon will fo. imprisonee in the King- ntneoet penalty direeted by the law, titution was not made by Pbillips until he was 'obliged to make it. sofa Penitentiary for five years." eon- ' (+ailed, Judge IN'itichester. The former President of a company , which had shareholders in nearly every , phrt of the Doutinion showed no visible A Shock. wae then taken 'away. photo - signs of dePrsion when the sentence gaaphed aml meneured hy the-Bertillion was pronounced, exeept that- he dropped his dead slightly and. closed his eye.; for 2'( --,tern, and at 2.4.3 was driven to the a moment. He -was elad in a beaver over- jail' He will leave for Kingston to - coat. which matched well in color with night or early to•morrow. hie heavy black beard and hair. The i Inot eentence come as a sur- fed that he had not removed hie coat I" 'el'. ae was asked. would. seem to indicate that he did not' -It certaiety did. No ono could have eXpeet the proceedinge of the Court or been R1OTO ,,urprii.oti than 1 was. anal 1 Seeeions to he long. '1 few were io am sure my lawyer vets clumfounaled.h the seats when the sentence was pro- hoe Phillips straightened himself up. flounced besides counsel and newspaper . .".;flav tili”g 1 (.4 11 Will " The 11" ; pelt new and 1 leave nothing t 1st t-) Phillips entered the eOurt at 10.10,' "turn to the Govertutteut and I do Plea of Guilty,. I -I pleaded guilty to making a false dacttsnrbeisn.1)allAiedfenb-Yrehinibutee0e2111:teeir, 1.11Irr: JjOnEee. 71.9T 8 2 111 a sentellee. 0 11 1 no 11,a, now. did trot get a fair Leal nue .county crown Attorney i)„3.tou in this thing atil they Throw it. Any - Went it11.0 Judge Winchester's chambers one who know, 1110. or has had 1111,2'. 2122(1 there conferred with his Honor. de -flings with me., ittalas that I never IN"hen they reappeared it seemed to be geaerally understood that the eaee was 1 etele a dollar in my life. -rhi4 whole day :teems misty. Tile to he adjourned till 2 O'clock, however,: !sentence comes as a terrible surprise. be et...appeared before the court, and the was not prepared for it, feel as if eharge of making false returns to the ` 1 wore in a trance eince r entered this tiarevepra., en?tr est-arra:read At its conclusion .buildieg an hour or so ago. Everything seems misty. It is too notch - too guilty." eimnse1 .thert addreeeed tile jury, I 1.41570)1Caa' rned his head :Wily 415 if to hide stating that. the reeerson Mr, Phillips the feelings that were overcoming him. pleaded as Ile did was to save tine toun- 5 Phillips was permitted to live, re»1 trly tbe expense and trouble -of a Icon; at. in his Parkalabi home until last 00 - al. whieb, 31r. Jones elaimell, would be leber. It is claimed that he mire np neeeessary to prove the chores, lie -every copper" to the liquidators and painted out that as far as po:,:ible Ifr. was, haft in a poeition whereby he eoula Phillipe had made restitution, and -this not defend himeelf, was ground for leniency. Cannt Crown let Dr - el fer immediate sentence,. Ire read let- ters to 34r. -I. AV. tearry. K. C.. former Croup Attnraey, which were to the effeet InibustetbPahilLipstanicsvital irnentte:ealcoltIdlinea of the 4.7,4rag•dering. that a plea of guilty had been made a, to snaking falee re- turn,, assel in view of lir. carry's 212.22241' 2)10112. 31r. Ihrayton thought the en& of j$-tiee ciauld lea met lay gitiog sent:met; ean the tharge of fal,e retUrn4 anal 1(3 dropping the charges of theft end con- spiracy, ee erney aeten aak- The Judge's Statement, Fireman Drops Down Elevator Shaft ind Honer in r!pying said the 01,..age admitted mae eertous, but lee coulal feat is Only Dazed. understandhaving g.me over the eti- .:410n10e21. 2.1.--Toeeph Bernier. 42"1211'. Ilea' one' other plea than guilty fireman. while haullitg hose •and J e eell 14 rnado. Ila tenant-I:el that e1113 - .•:41.12a21 na-hwaed tan tiro top floor of a. 1 eliding at West Notre Dante and t. Henry etrerte, disappeared in the tatek eeedee down an elevator shaft in 22 fire toelay. When 124' nag piehed up at the bot- hm. fore belotr, he yin= found to la enly doehal eel eligletly stretched. The fire did -$1.004,000 da,..ar„e to tile e11:e11 lei David :SIOrrive & FOSIS, the Dieleon Lay Knitting company told the Casoda Tag & Labe! Co. THU CONftSSES. GANG OF INTERNATIONAL ROB- BERS EXPOSED BY PAL3 ihnESX ara.a_i Zi. -The man named thaticsh, arteeted be reocenly with 'hide €,99 in AtrericAn TAecznities ie :es pesee.. ceme. arid explained tn Casco that. eliatige €ion under [ho teuspiritin tleat he was ae ..ie ree law woubl prevent you 'from fulfill. firap:ioe of the thieves rilari stele a 1 ire: eetur oleigatione, eon 22 .21(121 have es. 19.231 bag eoetaining shont $100M00 141 7(' 31 neer' Oaateee. tsee Feenela line .steamed hia Pule -novel 'Instead of adopting gicit a coUrs:e . tfeption, implieottieg e, meg of interr- 2 2:402:0y to Quit your own purposeS i i uEah 2(4(2 New York, Fele ,'44, and .ite. ;hat ehrtieued to 1.121841 (hie Motley and emyr2, id ussre. ustch 6, us made a t.; (ratite sulisertptions, investing their -10314: tobbera es the .reseetle of witieh )i see 11 n nay as 7011 seemed to have es, arreste ate tspe,etert immetlintely. E eaotaglat would 1•11e•, it le:ayoad their it thevei- to-aav that the toskuit-_ • 1, i'':, •of no ttelen ettaritica are not neret. -They had a riglit to expeetfrom you t ohia. ettulthing that toehl be done in the in- a '15,..ers of the York L04111 Lad worked tor the subsidiary crenpanies at the efe petse of the York Loati sharenolders. -You have heeded over some SIS,000 in err eaid his Timer. "-The crown hni eiven. trealit to you ly withdrawing the ;titer two charges. for whielt tee epen- feteee tvere so high a fourteen years. Yen did unt, however, make -reetit.ntion till yen in feet lour tat. Volt cannot on, me. taunt veacepr to get eff free. You elemild net ask credit lichee; restitution roes :node at tonee anal freely, Virtun- s Were Many, evelchAarel there atv 2::2.01tt) per - elm etaue to lose a large portion •-f theie eavinee. atel Inane- of these are tri hot 4. s.errarit girls. and people t.lf stntoi 1:4.-at:F., whom the los* is a most seri. one. 11thl :you taken. tbent into .•014i.lenee when you were deprived ivy i.;3i4atirin 2apses as a source of teV. FOR BUTCHERING A SHOEMAKER. ••••••••... Two Men Arrested, One of Them With Most of the Loot. sitatookin. Pa., 3fareh Itlarearage, Ill -year-old mine laborer, 1188 formally tharged toelay with the murder of Charles Yeselumus, a shoe- maker, whose head was erushed in at his Atm bet Saturday by eome person wielding a liateliet. When Mareavage was arrested lie Inul en his person, awl the police have since recovered. $115 width he had given to a saloon keeper for safe -keeping. The police Sa'V the shoemaker had $300 in the ehep when assaulted. Joseph roelteskie was nrreeted this evening on toispieion of being an twee*. S01'3' or Mareavage the murder. While he was before a justice, Fetter radial° entered the °Mee and reeognized the 'prisoner all the highwayman who held him up early Saturday morning near the Voiliert winery, anal at the 1102111 fit gutt, robbed hint Of *112 Coeheskie was heavily firmed when vaptured. GREAT ran ICE FIELDS, They A.te Not so Zatensive as They Were a Year Ago.72 Detroit, Mit+, March - emit- I parison with the same period beit year, • there is lease ice reported in ell tite lakes. !the itedields tater the weetern portion 1.22he $11pelior 11.122e Warced out into the lake. There are extensiv e fields met' Paittfflt hill, ith more ; open Muir: itt NNItiteriela Vey, The ice U Maryht Rivet* solid 01721 twenty-one invitee thiek. At the ettaite the ice 1112•5 decreased from 4.1,2, to four invites in thielmees, onti the settee covering lute melted, The ieefields in Lake Huron are not s evtenshe. The $I. 'Clair Inver re., vulva illon ta Lake 14. CAA'. 'MP ire in Thise $t. Clair ie renting mit elowlv, It T 'a ie teefitaids ore MON lug ott he mouth shore, and are not ee eetenene e reported last week. The Yi gliam dvaitet Tkeo, go DR, AGNEW pitysiOtAN, 5111140101; ACCOUCHEM Oftteo ;--17pataira tu the Ntoesioemarl Moot. Night teas answ*rod. aA nakee• j1.), KENNEDY/ Ky. to.c.r.sm . ogentherr thoirittlalt )005.roa COLD MEDALLIST tiN°41)MEDION4X. 40441 Atte:akin eat& ta Diseiote et anniaw and ehlkiren, Omni Novo ;--1 to A pm, ; 't ***(,,s, --. .....,....----- DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND li, It 0. 8. 1.4. a. 0. r. 4443 Physician and Surgeon. folau. wn Dr. OitAshob* ....1.0WO.,•*100.0.1. 1,0.,...0.0.1.,.....1,M001•4.1.1.....",....1. ikETITUR il. 11M1 P.D.fs„ I.Aft, DootAn of Dental Surgery of the rota. naylvenia College and .Lieentlate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. 015o* over Pod CiZoo-WIN0311A* R VANSTONE A‘ ' DARRISTER AND SOLIG71-01e goney to loan at loweatratess. °Mee BEAVER BLOCK, 74%, WINOHAIL. DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, at orfic,„ z Meyor Block Wir•ghatet. PI XJ. InchIngoe *seller aSIMISO J. A. MORTON BARRISTER ANC/ SOLICMatte MONEY TO LOAX. OtIlee:-Mortion Diode, Wingliman WELLINGTON KtrIllitl I FIRE INS. CO. Postabiteheditete. Elea4 Ofnes atr4;14PEt. teNT, Rieke taker. cart at eiseees et tereteenU pro petty en the cosh er ererellare eche aerahste. Jaime Gement, ter 4.a. Days:at-ow. Procaroz. .4e-aereher. JOHN rilT0eilt7, aorRT. 4,41N4R.3-1I 0011 ----- - E0 YaARS' 4. . _ r Xlhirilltir.-NCE r 4 4 Z.% 1 t'• , 4 '5:1., ..1. ig lk: 4sit. ...,,,,, , ..,.., -- TRADE MARKS • . ... , •N DESIGNS v Cosvatc-Arts&c. Anronoseneine a elietelt and ilestn1r4nn ma? quickly ascertain our opttlion tree inether all Invention Is praa10731.,,zet.14,,,IO2. _contrannlea- none safet13,conlIdsittial. i,,,ibi3aittscal'atents sent free. Oldest Demo' ff:r tecatranee.eeeetese Patinas meets through Munn 4.- vo. receive medal notice, without charge. in the Stientific Merino. hhenchemerr illustrated weekly. Smmest cir- culation of any ectentleo ceureal. Torhts•U a rear; four months, fl. Soblity0 resogdpiers. MUNN &Co 3°1 81.621"27' No Turk Branch Office, EtS F St.. Washingtert. D. e. r_o ai 0 t. t-73 4 ..- , rA gti4 tek: N es. ..e., - -. • , tsA --'..i4.--,-.).:1%, P. iPTLY SECURED Write tr.r oar beet:sting becks " invent- er.3 tletp” ani "1-10W east ere schema:" Send us a rough steetch er model of ypitan. 1 Tre.nto:'„ `4,1111.!,°T.IToeVhTtte Wil Wig patenlable. 12iptcted appliertionshat,eofton tneen succesaullv. pro...ethed by nr% we ?couduct fully equipped offices la IX 1 and Washington ; this wallies us to prinulll- Sy dispatch work and quwkir s- cure Balents as brold as the invention. rarettestre ft fentes furnished. Patents procured through ?lariat: fk. Ma- rion receive special notice without cherge in over ;co newspapers distributed throughout the D.Ininion. Specialty :--Patent business uf Mannin18. turers anti lingiuce.s. MARION & MARION Patent Experts aati SOlioltor3. ; , .1 kftw le!.:fle pie l'iTrz. ilontreal , t A tatit4...Dtag,NIusatngtcr.p.its ,...-.7.-_........-. POPE ANNOY AT PUBLICATION OF DOCUMENTS BELONGING TO NUNCIATURE. -- Rome, Ararell 23. --The uetion of the remelt Chandler of Deputies ;yesterday its deriding to pnhlielt the etintents of the documents seized at. the Papal Nitnein- ture Parie at tee tin7aa of the expel- eion from rah -alive of Mgr. ltiontegnini. hate (quiet -it at paierm impreesion at the Vatienn, 1.-peehel. that the Thipta ' exclaimed when informed that the pre-: posal had been Agreed kJ: 'It is an - el her II., ol el atati tew a o hit+ t reerteenta iv es of Fransie wonld "ad have eommitted if the ma- jorite: lett 44F "partisan pas- eion. i TROOPS CALL D OUT. ROUNIAINAN 3F,WS, Titlfe/ZORPZED, FLEE TO DUCIIAREST, 11111barest, ilriteattia, Mardi 23. - miry re,,,,,r‘e., env,. now lean +called ("It 10 j.73,3 11,4* 't al; q't4. vaith the testa thet the t,,11222;372. 111 tele ne its all. PoRa 1 1'412 1,y of to t.,tialite it to t,l1pptem: the Agrarian trouhlee. Large nominee to .1:na n 100:11 otthti, Itoto,„thei anal other Moldavian - towns utile:: hate been terrorized by the etwesees of the passer:dry itxte allthed hete, seeking vellum mad assistanee. They t that Gee portiam thc eopuiation latiesey participated eitit the peasants in the nignsierine anal inesinallar- ijot. ism at Ae.korail:g 2,2 the !ANA a:MO:4 leoeiN ed hero from that town *Met has Iseort reeterasal there- PrOlitivsr IN: hi: 7. I Itt‘ 1 vest:s the : et lug net yet -deeded et the teen ..e to till. IA 22 (0 the tittalifiotimH or to n!o) ' ' • Themberi of seligion3 order,i.