The Wingham Advance, 1907-03-21, Page 3LONO WAIT FOR A TIGER.
The Thrilling Experience of a Hunter in An
Indian Jungle.
f.he Of stifibsg evening M
in ay, writes a • moved. the body to Ulla epot without
correeportdeut of the Pall Mall Gazette, leaving a mark, for the tiger, powerful
wile comfortably crammed on along as he J n epringing, striking end drag
cane chair ou the veranda oe the Senate- ging, has rio power to lift a weight from •
pur Forest Buglow, in the Kheri Pivi- the ground.
edon of OutIle 1 bad returned late 'from Lege than 4 mile from the plocewnere
forfeit inspection., and., feeling a bit done, the man was killed we came aereile the
'wee enjoying a weed and a peg. The becly, almost hidden by the grass, which
ceaseless hum of myriads oi insecta filled the tiger always utilizoe to hide his kill
the air, and the thermometer regietered if le• Wen& returning, and if grass We
94 degrees. The sharp bark of the eheet.. the careme is always placed out of sight
J. or epotted deer, now and then aro under a busk or other thick cover, to
sailed my ears, the bell of the eambher, hide it from other beasts of prey. None .
the drtm. of the ltheltar, or barking deer, of the natives would touch the come. •
the howl of the jackal, ana the harsh and 1 had to handle it. I fixed my "ma
scream of the pertcook warned all ton- cline at twelve fret from the ground,
• carnal that either a panther or a tiger in front of a small open, spece, clear
eves on the warpath. This time it was of the jungle, and having mounted Sham
* a tiger. From two of the villages the IuJIi,got into my resting place, with
inhabitants had deserted en mama, and my gun and rifle. 1 then dismissed all
every device known to circumvent him hands, althought the laanbadar was
had been tried, but to no purpose. One most anxious to sit up with Me, but as
day he would kill a man or woman ie. I knew from experience that a sevre
the vicinity of a village eat a portion, cough, from funk, always attacka
and on on the next day or so kill again at lave when be sees a tiger, I declined the
a village fifteen or twenty miles away% pleasure of his company.
I had droped off into an easy doze, Beforemy elephant left 1 insteucted
when I was awakened by a loud call the mehout to return to the epot on the
from the punkah coolie, telling that my road where we turned into the juggle
Fateh Khan, had arrived with and not to come to me lean he hoard
news ef the man eater. At a village ten two blank 'cartridges fired M quick sue- 1
miles distaet from the bungalow a herd, cession. All was as still as the grave and
'when driving his cattle back from their as it was the heat of the day 1 kuew
graziug ground along the forest road, that Strias would be laying up M some
had been sprung upon by a tiger and cool lair, in deep shade, near water, of
dragged into thick jungle, at a spot a which there was neither within a mile
If You want hr.akN,t food
that Will male* your mouth water
anal** the earnertirrio prove motet
hileidelsful and intetrItione
Atilt yaw:newer for
DReellcreisr FOOD
Now, Vaint,v,Delicious
Jsnqjj Ay 4.4 yr__
Package iLe's ro"r.
There le 4 baking powder It will
pety you to try because it cost* lose
to you, glvoe bettor remelt% make*
food healthful and le sold on a
Cash Guarantee of Gatlefaatlon.
Atik your grocer or
It you want a set ot
Reliance Picture Post Carcis
Write ne at once naming your grocer
and tide mien and we will send you
set et four, lithographed in brilliant
colors, free; postage prepaid by us.
International Food Co.
11 A ea
Nations Preparing for Wale
The members' of the Ontario Avietil- Ri NO IN NEED
tura l and lenesu ere pleas -
Lei to etate that for lath they are KU'
pared to distribute into every townehip
of Ontario materiel for experatnente witli
fodder crops, mote, grains, grower eloY•
ere, and tertilizers. About g,000 early-
tlea of farm crops bave been tested in
the experiumutal aepartineut ef the Qa-
tari° Agricultural College,Guelph, for at
leaet five yeara In euecieseion. Thaw ecat- C -re niTir
sist of varietitie iron). nearly all parts '
of the world, :some of which. bave done
exceeding! well in the careful' eon -
When You HMOs a -Cough, Cold, Sore
Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, Asthma or Lung
Troubles You Naturally
Think of
ducted experiments at the College and
are now being distributed free ot
therge for co-operatrve experimente
throughout Ontario. The following ie.
the net Of co-operative experimeata in
agriculture for 1907:
No, Experiments. Plots,
1 -Three varieties of oats .. 3
2e -Three varieties of six rowed.
barley . . .. 3
21e-1:we varieties of two rowed
barley . , . ..... 2
3 -Two varieties of ifullese bar
ley OP OP OP44 4 4 • 44410
4 -Two varieties of see•ing, wheat
0 -Two varieties of buckwheat,. 2
0 -Two varieties of field peas.. 2
7-Emmer end Spelt . ,. 2
8-Tsvo varieties of nusking corn 3
10 -Three varieties of mangels ..... 3
11 -Two varieties of sugar beets
for feeding purposes . ., 2
12 -Three varieties of Sweaish torn -
nips . . a
13 -Nola Rabi and two varieties of
carrots „
15 -Three varieties of fodder °ren-
ege corn .
16 -Three varieties of znillet
17 -Three varieties of sorghum ..
mile and a half from the village. .An- at least, and that he would not. return There Was a time when men talked of beat- 18 -Grass peas and twe varieties
other youth was with the herd at the to his kill till suudown, I lit my pipe, les the swore into the piquant hook and
time. who lost no time in bringing the which, in other circumstances, would melting cannon into plowshares ()sr usitraminee
19-Fieldveeatheteasge' O. V.a.11.41-.
Mews, and all the villagers beside them- have been inadmiseible and for several of. the kind.. But they were mi g
selves with fright, were implorin.g him Lours I sat without a sound to vary the von) had note understanding or the true sit• tiee of rape
utation. War is to he prevented by 80 Mg- 20 -Three varieties of grasses ..
to get me to go at once and kill the monotony. gardly subserirptien to demands for disarm.- 21 -Sainfoin, Lucerne and Burnet..
bearit. .4 ordered my mahout up and The moon had barely shown, herself meilit.thle71:
told him, to his delight, to have the ele- clear of the treetops when the sharp II i' "P(bIfisilitld I: 2,40!taesne` latTaahnlYp 22 -Five varieties of field beans..
His eyes bark of a cheatul stag resounded M ray wpreeently and other later. The addition of 23 -Three vatieites of field beans
,4 phant ready et 3 a, en. Atari). 4 :a battleship four-fifths this slze made Eng- 24 -Three varieties of sweet corn
"-glistened with the double prospect a rear, an a moment later a herd of the land preeminent for the minute. Then Japan 0... - , ... ..,
a day's sharer and the customary Gov- spotted bea.uties dashed awe in front built one and began others, The Unitee -e-Feltnizers with potatoes ..
eminent reward for potting an eater of of me, shyleg at the dead body in their states adopted plans and specifications and '28-Feiii.itpilsiz, ore .wi:t.h..Sw.e.di.s.h ..tur:
before the trials a the oreatiaought had
(Men. I then dismissed him, with the headlong flight. The sound of their been menepleted England's preeminence was ae-ss...e.....,
when I heard at threat '27 -Sowing mangels on the level
order to give Sham Kulli, the elephant. rush had barely ceased med. Germany wants the record. It a 'ef
i too pounds extra of "goor" (sugar as it a distance, in the same direction, the un- 20.000 -ton battleship Inatie 511 others obsolete
'comes from the cane), and prepared for mistakable purring of a tiger. There a 25,000 twitter win do the same thing and and in. . de.d.11a.....:.:.......... :..
came a little later and once only, a ter- Ittereivealtrhite wea be progressive. We can not 28a -Two varieties of early peta-
l/ trip.
took a double barrelled .450 Henry rifie roar, and this in the solitude of a : 1. 28b -Two varieties a niediUm r 1.
Express and a twelve bore eartidge fir- dense jungle, where the silence of the pening potatoes ...
, ill gun by the amine maker, the cart- grave prevails, is of indescribable effect.
28e -Two varieties of late pots-
ri ges for the gun being loaded with Even the tree frogs ceased their mono- _ toes .. ,.,
three and it half ,drams of Curtis & Har- tenons humming. In a few minutes a 29 -Three amen mixtures for grain
vey's No. 0 powder and. leleadeei shells stealthy tread. greeted my ears, and the Weak, Tired and Depressed People Ilea production ., .. ., .. .. • ,
charged with sulphate of antimony and purring was incessent-he was coming up a Tonic to Put the Blood Right, 30 --Three mixtures a grasses and
chlorate of potash, a most deadly pro- right behind me.
jectile, with which I bad killed all previ- ! I got my gun in position, covering the
ous tigers and panthers. Next I looked kill, cocked both hemmers, and waited
up my "machan," made of bamboos and motionless until he showed himself 'near
string, f or fixing on the branches of a , his grewsome banquet. On and on he •
'tree in which to sit, and a rug and crone, so close that I could emelt his feitid
waterproof to keep, off the heavy deW) breath. He was now within twelve feet
(which falls like ram at night; a flask of me, and immediately under any "Ina -
of whiskey, a pipe and tobacco cona- ehan," Here he paused for several min-
pleted my impedimenta. At 3 a. m. I utes, evidently feeling that all was not
got on my elephant and. started for ae- right. At last hunger overcome stisple-
tion. "Ceows' dawn" was not far off, ion, and Ile walked in it leisurely way
the eaat bad a tinge of orange and red, up to the body, looked about Min for a
lend all along the forest road, on either bit, then lay down by the sib of the
side, the jungle awakened with animal kill and began to eat. The moon's rays
,life. I gathered what news 1 cola of fell brightly on his, Meek skin, so, picking
, the headman of the village, and it cost out the spot just behind the Shoulder I
a long palaver, which I will spare you. pressed the trigger, and then heard the
It was nearly 7 o'clock before it was welcome thud of the shell.
finished, and the sun, blood. red, was well Almost at the instant there folloeved
above the surrounding trees. I ordered the still more musical roar of the brute
Jet the lambadar to bring with him a few in his death throes, Then all wee etill,
men that he °cult' depend upon, also the but to make sure I gave hint theleft bar -
lad. who was with the cattle when the rel. I then fired two blank cartridges
other was carried off. Just as we were in quick ,suceession-the sigual to my
starting theonother of the victim, an old mabout to bring up the elephant. On
woman, came forward, tearing her hair, his arrival, with about fifty 'villagers,
beating her breast, and bowling like a One would here thought - them all mad,
fiend at the top of her voice. Her lungs, for directly they saw the deed man eater
1 may say, were in perfect order. I tried their yelling ana shouting was deafening.
all I knew to pacify her, but in vain, and the abuse they shower on the tiger's
female relatives was disgusting. I got
telling her that 1 had come to avenge
her son's death. On hearing this she down from my perch, stiff and tired, for
howled louder than ever. All direct
per. it was now marly 10 ,p. an., and I had
uasion was useless, so 1
pieced thee ou. been in the "median' for more than
.pes in her hand, telling her the body twelve hours.
ehould be brought back the next day The tiger was a beauty, full grown,
with a finely marked, and well furred
for burial. Her face brightened, and,
akin. He measured 9 feet 10 1-2 inches,
clutching the money, she disappeared
like a rabbit around. it haystnek. and wasvery heavy, his forearms being
peculiar/y massive. Both my shells had
After proceeding along the forest road
entered just behind the shoulder, an
for about a mile and a half the lad.
inch apart, had exploded and torn the
'pointed. out the spot •where the bruit
heart, liver and lungs to shreds, but had
sprang on his comrade. I tracked. for -
not injured the skin a bit. His death
ward a few yards, where the tiger had
crossed the ry, sandy bed of a small
must have been instantaneous. 1 had the
anti frem the 1 carcass put on the elephant behind the
"nullah," or water -course, Ihoudah, and started for my bungalow,
size of the footprints I saw that be was
which I reached at midnight, had supper,
boxy and full grown. It was jumpy
work, for the jungle consisted of very whiskey and soda, and a pipe, and
. turned in, feeling that I had done a
thick tiger grass, from in to fifteen
good day's work
feet high, over very bad. ground. I took)
r my gun, loaded it with shell, and. went- 4 r
carefully ahead, foot by foot, following • Valentine Day, ,
the track of the tiger and his kill, but
by this time the sun was getting very (Buffalo Commercial)
Charles Lamb, in one of Ms quaint essays,
bot, and there wes no air.
I kept my elephant taco in my roar, -f:icteiroesstn ebso FilioetskttlYwitn thwe 1.tieltilftitli: oiluset:
and there were about a dozen villagers Valentine; "Hail to thy returnitez festival,
with me who possessed everything in the old Bisbee Valenine, great ine..:,.tal go -be -
way of pluck, but I was pretty certain go-be-
lou r b:rtatt1.7)huntta rinl"leef Vyin till
that even the smell of it tiger would reetless erinelple, which impels poor humane
seater them in all directions, so that, to scek perfection In union? Or went thou
indeed a mortal prelate with thy tippet and
after all, X had but my shilca,n and 7ny- dereent lawn a ikoves, n. II. V., n
self to trust to. We had proceeded. e bout the New York Hvening Post erites:
half a rnile, and. my elephant all the • like many other holy days, or holidays,
St. Valentine's Day has it heathen ameetstor.
while was allowing signs of uneasiness,
The earrly Romans head each February tames
whell we came acroes the vietim's "pug- called Luperoalia, in honor of Pan and
garee," Whieh had caught on a knot of it eun.o, ett cense:metre° Juno was often called
fallen ,Sal tree, over evhich the tiger had Februata or Februalls or Mebrulia. It win
be remembered that JIM& In the old myth -
dragged the body. .' told
Here for a few moments my shilatri °logy wa.s the goddess of marriage
tern's. The name of •st. Velem:tine was sub -
and I were at fault, as the grass, which etiatted for theee of the beseb.aa gods, and
had up to thie epot been pressed. down the day of the caintra d 41.11. February 14
by the passage of the tiger and kill, Zr(listlideacapedereumplZin emu" ihnesidaatoluftelee nittlite
now showed no sign of it drag, so we ettet of February.
ahead to right and left, tend at last
truck the track again. To thia day, A 98-eent bargain la tither reduced
'though, I cannot tell hove the brute beel from a dollar or advanced from 95 marts,
Spring blood ha. bad blood. Indoor clover, for hay , . .. .. .. ..
The size of each plot M each of the
life during the winter months is re -
impure first twenty-seven experiments and in
sponsible for weak, watery,
blood. You need a tonic to build Nos. 29 and 30 is to be two rode long by
one rod evide, and in No. 28, one rod
the blood in spring just as mueh as
nesse re,
the trees need, new sap to, give them '
vitality for the ummer. in the
Each person in Ontario who wishes to
Join in the work may choose any one
spring bad blood shows itself in
many ways. in some it breeds pint-
of the experiments for 1907, and ap.ply
the same. The material will be frirmsh-
ples and eruptions. In others
it may, ,• ed in the order in which the applies -
be through occasional headaches,
none are received until the supply is ex -
variable appetite, perlume twinges of
hanged. It might be well for each ap-
neuralgia or rheutnatism, or a lazy
hcant to make a second. choice, for fear
feeling in the morning and a desire P
the first could not be granted. All ma -
to avoid exertion. For
these spring the
terial will be furnished entirely free of
ailments it is a tonic you need,
the greatestblootienuking, health -
charge to each applicant, and the produce
giving tonic ithe world. is Dr. •
will, of eouree, become the property of
Williams' Pink Pins. Every dose the person who eonducte the experiment.
C. A. Zavite, Dire,ctor.
helps to make new, rich, red health -
giving blood, which rettelies every Ontario easgeieultural College,
Theisafe and never -failing remedy for all
these ills, Perfectly harndees for the
weakest stomach or most delicate elei/d.
Children. love It. Adults enjoy it. it
always cures, It is Dr. Sloeurins won-
derful cough and throat remedy. It hoe
aever been equalled, for quick, positive
and satisfactory results. No household.
should be withou.t it.
"1 bave used your Coltstoote Expectorant
and fiat it setieractory io woes ot croup,
voids or eougas. I nave mod it ever eince
I got a trial battle, an* have reemrunended
It to everyone in need of it. You antler use
zny name and eddreas for testimonial if
you vtish. Hoping it will benefit others as
It line done ray ehildrea. I remain,
1069 Frances Street. London, Ont.
Every mother, every father who values
the health and well-being of their chil-
dren will always have Coltsfoote in the
home as an every -ready physicien and "
friend. All up-todate dealers, for 20e,
will supply you. with
right aligeng them; and if the boy peer
people watched. and rebuked the idle
poor people, 41 would he right r,mong
A. voice zero= the Penitentiary.
The liumi were found some yearn ago, Pens
Med ea a IlY leaf Of One of the booke
pelonlatie to the iilarttrY of the Previaelel
Pentitentiary at Iringstou, mat are guieneeed
to Write been, writtea ey *eoarlet:
I've watideereCI tar away, nionvor,
For from my happy home,
And left the laad that gave in birth*
in other climes to ream;
- And Time since thea ha* roiled hi* yens
And merited It ea my brow,
Yet etill I -think on Mtn, /rnetrier,
Vui tbinking oar thee now.
'iVbeti by thy gentle side, Mother,
Yen watehect My deeming yeuth,
b•tle:aweyrodr or144013,4thers'
Thee brightly was my soul lit up
With thoughts of tuture foie
While you bright fancy garleade wove,
To deck your starling boy.
I'm thinking on Oa day, mother
'Ween, with such anxieue care,
You lined up your heart to hoveu,
Your :hope, your trust, was there.
Fond memory brines the parting glance,
Whilst tears rolled down ner -Cheek.
That last long loving look told more
Than ever words could speak.
I'm lonely and fersaken, mother,
No ,friend Is near me now
To soothe rile with a tender word,
Or cool my burning brow. -
Tim dearest ties arrectiou wove
Are all now torn from me;
They lett rue when my trouble calne,
Tiber did not love like thee.
(By A. K, T.)
I left my home five years ago and
3 I haven's been blues since. I left on ac -
3 count of business. Unfortunately it was
s bustinese I'd already done, so it ietet'
much use hoping to go baek.
Last night 1 came home geeing in the
etore windows. It's an old habit and
2 one which has caused softie trouble gm
several occasions, I've seen humoroile
2 things in store windows, but to -night
it was pathos. For the first time the
2 store window brought a, tear to my eye.
It happened like this. As I passed
2 along my eye diteoted something unus-
ual, something home -like. I stopped the
3 better to ascertain just what the fami-
liar article was, and. then all at once
understood, In, the centre of the window,
artistically displayed, were six pairs of
pyjamtue. How lonely they looked inthat
window: You may have heard of tough
old miners weeping on .hearing the words
of "Home, Sweet Home." I guess those
+pyjamas affected me in the same way.
Ever since I left home they had been an
understurbed memory, and to have it
roused with such a jolt! To see what are,
to rne, venerable old memories displyee-
nerve and every organ in the body, e. . ...... ,
bringing health, strength and energy How Have You Decided, My Boy?
to weak, despondent, ailing men and se
a"you chosen the route you shall take
women. Here is proof. Mrs. Geo. througb the year?
Merritt, Sandy Cove, N. 6., says: it la time you deoided, my boy,
"I was weak, feeling miserable and You may march with the proud or go Aloe
terribly ren down. The doctor whom Ing in fear, 5
You taitY find the world cold or be warme
I consulted, said the trouble was by its cheer.
anaemia ,but he did not help me. A You may wisely create or destroy;
friend ' advised me to take Dr. Wil- You may dawdle along through the glor-
Hams' Pink Pills and it is simply You may stray with the lazy in profitlese
impossible for me to over-estimate ways,
the good they have done me. I shall 1 Or bravely set forth to be worthy of pralee;
How have you decided, my boy?
ielevays retiammend them t»airing
friends." AreIng
But if you want new health lyru must
face without fear what
' you
must get the genuine Dr, WilliamsHave YOU )10)Sted your banner, any boy?
Pink Pills for Pale People,monufee-1 Have` you made up your mind to be worthy
tured in Canada at Brockville, Ont. To sta'andtrufosrt, your rtghts and to dare to be
Other so-called pink pills are fraudu- Just
lent imitations&. The genuine Dr. Wil- In the ems and the strife Cind the Joy?
liams' Pink Pits are sold by all reput- Ibu 11'11irn ismay at the end of the
. 1
year. .
able medicine „dealers or sent by mail , You may feel thah the earth Is all barren '
by writing the Dr, William& 'Medicine Or theanwderdltdcamr'ay be fair and the skies mai .
at 50 eents a box or six boxes for $'2.50 .
Co. Brockville, Ont. How have you .deckled, my boyt
ed like that and being sold. htt, a bargain.'
Do you wonder at my feelings?
.As I pondered melaneholly on this an
Englishman joined in°. He said nothing,
but he gazed ea those pyjamas. A friend
of is came up and stared too, at last he
"Wot are they Bill?" jerking his thumb
in the direction of the goods.
; "Why, "spose as they are something
I1 fer wimen." "Not in this 'ere store."
"alebbe there a new kind of clothes
for these 'ere cooks, or inebbe they're
, some eostoom."
j "I dounno wot they are," said No, I,
• musingly, and up comes No, 3.
' "'Ere," said No. 1, "you're a scholar.
, Wot are them?"
'Them? Eh? Why them's perjamas,
can't d?"
"Wot are they for?"
"Them's wot they use in the tropics."
"Really. How do you call them?"
I guess No. 3 became suspicious for he
shut up like a clam.
"None of yer kiddin' now. I told you
once, didn't I?"
"All right, mate. All right. I only asked.
yer. Well I'm glad. seed them."
And then the three went off and no
doubt the pyjamas never troubled them
since. ,As for me, I left with a heavy
heart. Itis a, thing like that which goes
home to you when you remember you
wouldn't know what to do with them
now. I'll bet if I had pyjamas to -night
-B. E. Kiser. I aouldn t sleep in them.
How Englishmen Waste Coal.
That open grate Is a mere farce when the
real cold comes. If you sit very close to
It you may got each part of your body warm
In succession, though the only real way to
.comfort tvmdd be to hang yourself en a
roasting lack and twirl. Even then the halls
and passages, to say nothing of the other
end of the room, are arctic. Wo waste hun-
dreds of thomauds a year on coal which eops
not warm as just because, with that a .oild
English conservatism, we think the coal fire
M the open grata so good to look at. It Is.
For oerselves we would always like a coal
fire to look at, to poke, to talk to. But
not for the pumas° of warming a house.
If we ere hungry it le not enough M look
at a meal and If we are cold it is not enough
to gaze in admiratiOn on a Bre that is only
warming the chimney.
Information Held Back,
There had been a fatal railroad acci-
dent and the reporter sought inform -
"See here,' said the official, testily,
"you lellows must think we have mime
dents for your benefit."
"Perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me
' whose benefit yeti have them far?" re -
i joined. the reporter.
But even touching this point the offi-
cial was reticent.-Plalatlelphia, Ledger.
Your t Grandsons Will B e
Old Men Before
"Oshawa" Roof Wears Out
Roe your buildings with Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shingles
this year, and that will be a GOOD roof in 2007. We Will give
you a written guarantee,. backed by $250,000, that such a roof,'
properly put on, wiU need no repair° and no painting for at least'
twority-five years.
make roofs wateretight, wind -proof, weather-proef, rust -proof,
fire -proof for a eentury,-our plain guarantee keeps it so for,
BB years tvitholit a cent of cost to the Man who buys. it.'
Made in ONE QUALM ONLY,—of 23-guage:
end -hardened S T Z t L double-dalvanIzed
:,.• The Get the fade They lock on all FOUR sides—tho ONLY METAL
shingle that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put on—a hart.
mer and a snips (tinter& shears) are tools enough. Cost
Feaulat, igger LESS and last longer than any other roof. Tell us the
a thingsurface, area of any roof on your place and we will 3 ,
gto 1ta of Oshawa tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right.
014 ViTIMs%. eTsatt/ilti es. Atigitturtax Si 00 1g:4N la•Ytmilk ree
Baby's smile indieates that he is well
and happy. It is only the sick child. who
is cross and restless. And the mother elm
depend upon it that when her baby ales
be is not crying simply to be ugly -
that is not his nature -he is crying me -
cause he is in pain-mest probably his
little stomach is out of order. The rao-
er willY'
never failing cure for all the minor ail-
ments of little ones. In the homes whore
the Tablets are usea there ELT° no eross,
crying babies -nothing but bright, happy
and playful babies -the kind that are a
joy to the home. Mrs. Jos. Legree, Clara-
quet, N. B., says: "At the time r sent
for Baby's Own Tablets my MM., one
was weak and failing. He would ciy
night and doy, and I did not *um able
to ,get anything to help him. Meer giv-
ing lam the Tablets there was e. peat
ebange arid he has since thrived
The Tablets are sold by druggists or by
mail at 25 cants a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., BrockvIlle, et
Home Comforts of a Deaf and Dumb
W. E. Shaw, it deaf and dumb elec.
trical worker end inventor,. has a most
interesting home. His wife 3S also a deaf
mute, and they really .have every cons
venience that people enjoy who have all
their tienees.
Any one who calls at the Dorchester
hoine presses an electric button, but iii-
etead of ringing it bell, it simply drops
a weight, which attracts the attention
of the initiates by the vibration it
catisea Then Shaw has a bort Of alarm
clock that controls wires which move the
pillow under his head, and another Which
at an appointed time flashed a light in
his eyes.
The burglar alarm of the house pat -
titularly ingenious. By preesing a button
under his bed, Shaw could. give an in-
truder who approttebed him as he lay
in, bed an electric elioek which would, to
say the leitst, surprille hine.-Boston
Dream of Strawberry Dol.
orinnesoeus Journal.)
:speaking of spring, 'what kind of stritive
imrry shortcake do you prefer, that kind
tondo out et take 'built into two etories
with poweered sugar anted around? or---
114yer voted you like a ateee ot strawberry
shorteake mode bletnit cruet with Plea
et ripe, rich, Juicy berrlee to a helping.
some enrehed and tont& uncrushed, lavished
Oh It. end hunke et Melted butter tate-
Meetly leafing ableiti Waite*? aay a eiect
of this shortcake with blecult cruet about
the laze of a half loaf of breed. And 'St...aid-
ing by the tide ot tt, a Intlf pint ist JereeY
Cream, clotted Oaten, Just let Aunt Lee
+skimmed it oft, real trefoil, friend of the
tower reel rept etrewbettleis and the histult
tient. rather het and trackr tad ail Sallaina
Oat delioate striutberty pores* on tho
4•1104fat Sitel *Itelditgl /
The first of all English games is mak-
ing money.
A little group of wise hearts is better
than a wilderness of fools.
You do not learn that you may live --
you live that you may learn,
Of all wastes, the greatest waste that
you can commit is the waste of labor.
It is useless to put your heads toga
ther if you can't put your hearts toge-
All anarchy is the forerunner of pov- '
erty, and all prosperity begins with
1 would not have thee know, mother,
Bow brightest hives decay;
The tempter with his baneful cup
Has dashed theta all away,
And shame bas left velerm sting
To rack with anguisn wild,
Yet etill I would net have ebee know
The sorrows of, thy child.
I know you would rest chide, mother,
You would mat gem me blame,
But soome mb yeati a tender word.
And bid wee hope again.
, len lonely and forsaken now,
Un.pitieci and unbleet,
Yet 6011 I would nut have thee know,
Hoe, sorely j'm aistressed.
I've wandered tar away, mother,
Since I deeerted thee,
Aud iert thy trusting heart to break
Bex.°11d the dem) blue seer
Yet„ mother, stiu I love thee well,
long to hear thee opeak,
Aud feel again that healing breath
Upon my <tame era cheek.
But, eht there is a •thought, motirer,
Pervades by beating breast,
That thy freed eeirit my have flovrn
To its eternal reet;
AO as r wipe the tears away,
Taere vrhlepere 111 mny ear
A, yoke that speaks from Heaven, mother,
And bids ane seek thee there.
faet is
that the are idea poor
and idle rich; and there are busy poor
and busy rich.
Work faithfully, and you will put
yourselves in possession of a glorious
and enlarging happiness.
WilfUl error is limited by the will, but
what limit is there to that of vehieh
we are unconscious?
If our right hand is not to know what
our Ieft does, it must not be because
It would be ashomed if it did.
Nobody does anything well that, they
cannot help doing; work is only done
well when it is done with a will.
All healthily-rainded people like mak-
ing money -ought to like it, and to en -
toy the sensation of winning it.
What we like determines what we are,
and. is the sign of what ere are; and to
teaoh taste is inevitably to form char -
Borrowers are nearly ahva.ers
ers, and it is with lent money that all
evil is mainly done, end all unnuit war
No man who is truly ready to take
part he a noble quarrel will ever stand
Long in doubt by Whom, or in what
cause, his aid hi needed.
No teacher WI truly promote the
calls° of edtmation. Until he knows the
mode of life for which that odUcation
Is to prepare hit pupil,
Whet We think, or What we know, or
What we believe in is in the end of lit -
tie consequence. The only thing of cert.
sequence is what we do.
"Play" is an exertion. of body or min&
Mao to please ourselves, and with no
determined end; and Work is a thing
done because it ought to be done, and
who. a determined end.
There must be work done by the mine
or none of Us 00111d live. Them must be
work done by the brains, or the life eve
get -would not be worth having. And
the same men comet do both.
Warty a beggar is as leo ee if he had
ten thousand a. year and Man!, a Man
of large fortune is busier than his errand
boy, and never would think of stopping
In the street to play marbles,
/1 the buby rich Peteple watched and re-
buked the Idle this pc.0.1 tit 'would b•
U? Freese ea cream without sugar or eggs
_ d eat plentifully.
Zam-Buk Will Give Speedy Relief. , Apply mush poultice to the stomach.
, Use pineapple syrup or juice, ice
, cream, jelly or any kind of preserved
Vreasy's "Decisive Battles of the World,"
that fight in the pretient BilaeX 00U4ty,
N. Y., uearly three centuries ago, de-
serves a place on the roll. It wee It turd.
ing point in human history. Charnplain'e
defeat of the Mohawks started the 14004
feud between the Iropoie and the
French, and in the Wars a the next cen-
tury end s, belf thoee formidable war-
riors, the fiercest fighter* of the West-
ern Hemisphere, took the side of the suc-
cessive owners of Now York, the DMA
and the British in their eonflict* with the
Freech invaders from above tbe St. Law.
mime and the lakes. It WAS the Iroquois
who saved Britain'feeble colon* la
their early days from being cut 1» taro
and overwhelmed by the French from
Canada, preserved North America. for the
Anglo-Sexon race, and thus prepared the
Ivey for the younger and more progres-
sive branch of the race to raise up si
nation, the United States, in the fairest
and best part of the continent -From
Leslie's Weekly.
Sufferer Tries Some of the Sixteen Remo.
dies Recommended.
A Reading, Pre, despatch says: Tbe
condition of Peter Buchanan, of ..loanna,
this county, who is afflicted with hie -
coughs, is greatly improved. He thinks
the affliction was brought on by inhaliug
dust while thrashing on the farm.
The publicity given to his affliction
brought to him scores of remedies and
prescriptions or sure from all parts a
)the state. Nearly all the letters ex-
pressed sympathy and a daeire that no
pay was wanted should they prove effec-
Some of the remedies suggested were
as follows:
Drink as mueh water in proportion to
your weight as your neighbor's horse.
; fruit juice.
Has the trying March weather Stand erect on the floor with both
brought on your Rheumatism or Neural- arms extended above your head, with
gia, or put an ache into that weak the forefinger of both hands separated,
back of yours? If it has,. remember and let someone give you a glass of cold
that Za,m-I3uk rubbed well in over the Water, which drink slowly, and the par -
aching part will give you speedy re. oxsyms will stop.
lief. Zam-Buk contains valuable Sit on a chair, throw your head. back
herbal essencee so refined and con- and raise your right hand straight up
so searchingamidgso power- and hang your left straight down. Open
feteen.tratthaadts enables -‘ your mouth as wide as you can and sit
italitiesemlesto, pneenr:etsraatendditseoadasoetIns.oill. hinatlaanalds foti,ahtalfsaamnahwouarteartian taini;
'ass and drink
in limb or back means that the muscles • Slowly around the glass without breath -
and nerves are needing help. nay fug.
have "caught eold"
(let someone to press a finger and
--the nerves are
"starved" -irritated, inflamed. Your thumb, one on either side of the winds
aebodTayetiziasesa wOnneledleisfillanine
eiaitehmekeyraniedationit. hpaiplae atnhderienufnrtoirthoef tshpeasemollsacreabsoer, and
What proper lubriaation does for an Frequently drink hot water.
overheated) machine bearing, Zam-Buk Eat a cracker moistened with lime
will do for a joint or lever or mnisele water,
which is infkimed, or heated, or
or aching, because of cold, neuralgia, lick it slowly. If one does not stop it
sca.e' takeanother.
tablespoonful of table salt and
rimumatiem, etc.
Mrs. John Sidstone, of Swan. Val- Boil prunes and drink their juice.
ley, Man., sleet I aee provod
Zam-Buk to be it sure cure for thou -
maim« It gave nie Bitch relief that I
would not be without it in the house."
For Id ' the chest catarrh in the
head, etc., Zarn-Buk rubbed well in to
chest and. forehead gives quick relief.
'testate Ha uses as an embrocation,
Zurn-Belk heels ehapped hands and cold
sores, eczema, poisoned wounds,
gores, itch, barber's rash,
poison, pimples, boils, spring erup-
tions, etc. It also stops bleeding and,
cures piles, fistula, ete. All druggists
and stores' at 60e. a box, or from Zane-
lseetrakt fCoor.,$T2e.510,7tsao, for price. Six boxes
nd. le. stew for post-
age of free trial box.
1 -
Arrangements are being mads o gos
New York, Vermont and Canada. to un-
ite in celebrating on July 4th, 1009, the
300th anniveniary of Samuel de Chap-
lain's discovery of the lake which bears
Ids mune, and whieh abuts on the terri-
tory of each of these communities.
b i min to colonize Can -
f I d' • • f k
Champlain, and England was startme 10
establish its thirteen American colonies
along the Atlaatic •ceast. akettaplain.
Was Governor of Canada.
;The events of which. the discovery of
Lake Champlain was an incident had im-
portant coneequences for the Auierican
continent, Champlain was. persuaded by
the Hurons and Algoentuns to accom-
pany a war party of these tribes on a
raid into the northeeu part of the pre- •.
sent State of New York to help chastise
their enemies, the Iroquois, or Five Na-
tions -Mohawks, Onondagas, Senecas,
Cayugas, and Oneidas. A little over three
weeke after he got his firet gliamee of
the lake be and his Indian allies encoun-
tered a band of the Mohawks near the
present Ticonderoga and defeated thein.
That was on July 30th, 1009, six, weeks
before Henry Ilud.son in his Half Moon
sailed througr`the Narrows into New
big river. Althoui not enumerated in reonumeat."
ranee was eg g
ada, at the time o t iscosely o e
Drink water M any shape or German
beer instead of English or American beer.
A ease of thirteen days' duration was
cured by eating preserved plums. As
soon as swallowed close your ears with
your fingers and hold your breath ad
long as possible.
Smoke heavy brown paper, such as
butchers use, and inhale the smoke.
Take three grains of salt and. a
swallow of water while holding your
Mr. Buchanan tried several of the re-
medies suggested: and finds eating iee
cream made of milk and cream only the
most effective.
Why Farm.ers Grow Old Early.
(Harper's Magazine.)
Anyone who has lived on a farrn does get
need to he told the reason, for he knows
of the strain under which the America*
farmer lives during the live months of
, spring and summer. His workday is frees
' 4 or 5 in the morning until 8 or 9 et night.
including chores-rafteen to seventeen hours
of the hardest kind of physioal labor clad
: every minute of it at high tension., sepias -
!ally during harvest. When conies a period
ot relaxation in the fall, the one tine le. OA
year when he has just enough muscular ex-
ercise to keep in health. Later, the winter
eeason, aproaohing Attestation. in which hel
takes° on flesb, gets "logy," aad then a
furious debauch et hard labor through the
aortae and summer again. No wonder that
by 46 he has had sunstroke and "vent
stand the heat" or has "a weak bort or
his "heart givhs eta" or a chill "melees
m r masa . . -
York Bay and be an his ascent of the
Publicity Might Help Some.
In his suggestion that the atatnes of parties
responsible for railway accidents be made
Se pubic!, as possible Vice-Preeldeut Krutt--
chnitt of the Southern Paelfte hlts UpOn
scbeane 'which would acoomplish ectuell more
them It is Intended to. Withirt a fate years
halt our population would be famous, 'tattle
the other half would have become hypochon-
driacs as a result of being reminded in every
newspaper tuul every railway station et life's
:brevity, One could boareely travel five miles
by rail without encountering a granite ishaft
Inscribed after this fashim: "At thla apot,
on June II, 1916. Hank Smith forgot to tiag
the south-boutid ft,eIght, thereby derailing the
train and killing one brakesuan and seven
tramps, In eommemoretion of this OM".
sight a reminiscent, %dale hoe erected tele
Cripjeor Influenza, Whichever you like
to call it, is one of the most weakening
diseases known,
44cat's Erna/slots, Which is Cod
Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di.
gested form, is the greatest strength -builder.
known to medical science.
It is so easily digested that it Ants into
the system, making new blood and new fat,
and strengthening nerves and muscles.
the SCO tea ZrnaIJIcn after
Invadable tor Caught end Colds•